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December 2015 Connect With Us


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Subcontractors USA Spotlight on Industrial Welding Academy By Dawn Paul Subcontractors USA prides itself on inspiring, informing and educating. PAGES 6-7



2nd Edition


Houston Minority Supplier Development Council




The Five Biggest Mistakes Small and Minority Firms Make in Government Contracting By Helen Callier The Unites States federal government is the world’s largest single buyer of products and services, spending billions of dollars annually.


Dick Huebner and the HMSDC Team


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Helps to Provide a Safe Workplace By News Provider The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was passed to prevent workers from being killed or seriously harmed at work. PAGE 12

By News Provider

PAGE 20 PAGES 14-18

In the Subcontractor Community…

Do You Want Success as a Subcontractor?

2  December 2015


Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  3


Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.


Subcontractors USA is a minority-owned business journal, inspiring, informing and educating. Construction is booming in our great city, and there are countless opportunities for subcontractors to take advantage of to be successful. This city is all about diversity and creating opportunities. Because we understand that diversity helps to strengthen Houston’s workforce, we highlight those who are contributing to Houston’s economic growth and prosperity.



SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black


This month’s cover story is on the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC). The HMSDC, under the leadership of Dick Huebner, actively involves its members in efforts that will increase and expand business opportunities and business growth for minority business enterprises (MBEs). Thank you for supporting Subcontractors USA. When you support this journal, you are supporting more than just this publication, you are supporting the growth of Houston in the areas of engineering, architecture, construction, transportation and IT. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.

Dawn Paul




L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines




Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Helen Callier News Provider

Houston Minority Supplier Development Council..................................................................................................................................4-5 Subcontractors USA Spotlight on Industrial Welding Academy........................................................................................................6-7 The Five Biggest Mistakes.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Do You Understand Surety Bonds?............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Claiming the Crown of World’s Tallest Building......................................................................................................................................10 Houston Airport System.................................................................................................................................................................................10 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ............................................................................................................................ 12 In the Subcontractor Community........................................................................................................................................................... 14-18 Do You Want Success as a Subcontractor?.............................................................................................................................................20 Subcontractor Education...............................................................................................................................................................................20 Truck Maintenance Is a Growing Career Opportunity.......................................................................................................................... 22 See the Country While Getting Paid as a Truck Driver.........................................................................................................................26




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MBE - HMSDC - Port of Houston - City of Houston - METRO - HISD - HUB WWW.SUBCUSA.COM | Email: | CALL US 713.272.9511 7322 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 805 | Houston, TX 77074 EXPERIENCE OUR WORLD Advertising | Marketing | Media | Communications Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

4  December 2015


“Since 1973, the HMSDC has been dedicated to contributing to the success of minority businesses, creating a long-lasting and beneficial relationship between major corporations and minority businesses. HMSDC understands the concerns of MBEs, and we offer resources for them to meet and exceed their goals. We are committed to seeing MBEs succeed.” — Richard A. Huebner, HMSDC President

Certify – Develop – Connect – Advocate


By News Provider

minority business enterprise (MBE) is a certified firm that has demonstrated that they are a minority group member who is an American citizen classified as an Asian Indian, Asian Pacific, Black, Hispanic or Native American. Ownership by minority individuals means the business is at least 51 percent owned by such individuals or, in the case of a publiclyowned business, at least 51 percent of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals. The management and daily operations are controlled by those minority group members. The number of minority-owned businesses continues to grow, and this growth helps to stimulate our economy on a local and national level. There are some challenges that MBEs face, but there is an organization that is well-respected and results-driven when it comes to MBEs. The Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC) is dedicated to certifying, developing, connecting and advocating when it comes to MBEs in our city.

opment of MBEs, and HMSDC’s work is a contributing factor to Houston’s recognition.

HMSDCMission Mission HMSDC

HMSDC Richard A. Huebner HMSDCPresident President Richard A. Huebner Richard A. Huebner is President of the HMSDC, and he has proudly served the organization well over the past 30 years. As HMSDC’s leader, he has created one of the most respected and active councils in the country. Huebner has always had a spirit of community. After graduating with a degree in Business Admin-

istration from the University of Wisconsin, he became involved with and gained management experience serving underserved communities. His role in HMSDC helps to promote deep-rooted growth among the minority business community. Under his leadership and progressive mindset, the HMSDC has been recognized locally and nationally. Houston continues to be recognized as the model city for the successful devel-

The mission of the HMSDC is to actively involve its members in efforts that will increase and expand business opportunities and business growth for the MBE community. In carrying out its mission, the HMSDC will: •  Be accountable to HMSDC certified MBEs and corporate members for verifiable results in minority business development. •  Be a recognized standard of quality, leadership, cooperation and prestige, reflective of member pride and commitment. •  Be fair and ethical in all matters. •  Promote business opportunities and capabilities of minority entrepreneurs and work to eliminate barriers for equal economic opportunity for MBEs in the marketplace. •  Be proactive in helping MBEs

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

CONTINUED on page 5

December 2015  5


CONTINUED from page 4

and call HMSDC to source for MBEs who can support your business. Join an Industry Group – Join an Industry Group to connect to insight, decision makers, opportunities and alliance partners in your industry. Keep Up With Weekly Alerts and Procurement Reports – Published weekly, these publications will keep you informed of upcoming events and developments in supplier diversity and HMSDC and current procurement and contracting opportunities. Keep Your Data Fresh - Maintain current information in HMSDC’s searchable, on-line directory with emphasis on complete, accurate information for easy access by Corporate Members. Frequent the HMSDC Website – Catch up with current marketplace trends, networking and matchmaking events, and chart your progress along your Pathway to Success at www.hms Use HMSDC Social Media – Use different media functions to develop and connect with experts in certain topical forums on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter.

respond to issues and developments that impact their business opportunities and growth. •  Help corporations and government agencies develop, maintain and expand minority business development programs and recognize those that conduct outstanding programs. •  Maintain a financially sound organization. •  Promote educational research activities and services directed at the establishment, development, expansion and encouragement of minorityowned businesses. Though there were projections this year about the challenges in Houston with the slump in oil prices causing major cutbacks in production, exploration, capital expenditures and jobs, experience has shown that minority businesses can often gain more ground during a bad economy than a robust economy. MBEs have been able to bring cost savings, innovation, performance enhancements and even new business to the table to bolster the economy in good times and in bad. MBEs have a choice – to capitalize on these economic times or to fall victim to them. HMSDC is committed, regardless of the state of the economy, to the success of their MBEs and to their Corporate Members. The HMSDC Board of Directors has done an outstanding job of setting a challenging goal of positioning MBEs in such a way that they attract business. The HMSDC continues to roll out programs, create strategies, host events, and they have countless other initiatives that help to meet the challenges of the MBE community. HMSDC knows that success comes from deliberate effort and an unrelenting zeal to be the best, and they have developed a pathway for MBEs to succeed. HMSDC is all about MBEs and their Corporate Members succeeding. They are not about growing membership or being prestigious, but their hard and selfless work has allowed them to achieve both. The metrics by which the HMSDC judges their success are (1) growing their MBEs in sales and employment, and (2) their Corporate Members spending more money with their MBEs.

The HMSDC’s The HMSDC’s Pathway Pathway to Success to Success The HMSDC’s “Pathway to Success” emphasizes four core capabilities which are the four pillars of HMSDC’s Plan of Work. The four pillars are: •  Certify •  Develop •  Connect •  Advocate Below are some of the ways that the HMSDC helps MBEs and their membership achieve success through the four pillars:


CERTIFY CERTIFY Attend a Certification Outreach Workshop – Attend a monthly certification outreach workshop to learn about the benefits of being certified as an MBE. Attend a Pre-Certification Workshop – Attend a pre-certification workshop to understand how to get through the certification process within 30 days. Certify – Join 200+ MBEs in the freshman class of newly certified MBEs. Recertify – If already a certified MBE, join 700+ MBEs who will renew their MBE certification on time. Leverage Your Certification – HMSDC certification automatically certifies you as a HUB with the State of Texas and is accepted across the nation by all regional councils and Corporate Members of National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). Also, the HMSDC staff is available to assist MBEs with expedited certification with the City of Houston. ENTERchange – Attend a monthly ENTERchange to better understand how you can best benefit from your HMSDC certification and position yourself for success. Start Your Continued Education – Begin attending education programs to help you better understand how to refine and market your value proposition to potential customers.

DEVELOP DEVELOP MBE Assessment – Utilize the HMSDC consultants and various automated tools to assess your capability, capacity

and qualifications to do business with Corporate America. Coaching – Utilize the Total Business Development Program to surround your company with consultants and coaches who can provide hands-on developmental support. Sign Up for Supplier Idol – Participate in a Supplier Idol session to receive candid advice, mentoring and feedback on your sales presentations, marketing material and phone etiquette. Participate in a CEO Academy – Sign up for sessions with corporate and MBE CEOs to develop well-rounded C-level understanding, connections and strategies. Attend Lunch with the President – Attend quarterly roundtable discussions with the HMSDC President and 10-20 MBEs focused on capitalizing on marketplace changes and proven strategies to grow your business. Explore the International Market – Let HMSDC help connect you to resources, opportunities and potential business partners abroad.

CONNECT CONNECT Attend Doing Business With Forums – Connect to business opportunities and learn about procurement processes at corporate or targeted industry forums. Follow Major Projects – HMSDC has aligned itself with major projects as a resource for MBE participation. Projects include NCAA Final Four, Super Bowl, NCAA All Star and capital improvements. MBE to MBE – Attend MBE Mixers

Create a Success Image – Share your success monthly on Facebook, LinkedIn and the HMSDC blog, Twitter, Weekly Alerts, Monthly Newsletter, HMSDC website and at the HMSDC ReViews. Become Recognized – Nominate yourself and others for HMSDC awards throughout the year. Speak Out – Share your views, advice, encouragement and example with others as follows: •  Attend the Town Hall •  Attend MAC/STAC Meetings •  Tell Your Story •  Support Your Community •  Connect With Your Legislators •  Broaden Your Exposure Understand Your Impact – Leverage off the economic impact analysis of HMSDC to help others better appreciate the significance of minority business development. The HMSDC has several opportunities and initiatives to help provide MBEs with beneficial connections and to help them prosper in the business world. One of the new HMSDC initiatives is their new online Capacity Building Model (CBM) certificate program. This online CBM program is a partnership between Rutgers University and HMSDC. With easy-to-use learning tools, corporations will develop a customized CBM program with the power to increase the strength and impact of a supplier development program. The HMSDC continues to partner and develop programs that actively involve its members in efforts that will increase and expand business opportunities and business growth for the MBE community. Are you an MBE? Have you been trying to expand your business and increase profits? The HMSDC is a great source for MBEs. For more information, please visit

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

6  December 2015

Subcontractors USA


Spotlight on Industrial Welding Academy By Dawn Paul

Associate Editor


ubcontractors USA prides itself on inspiring, informing and educating. Houston is an amazing city filled with countless opportunities. Because we understand that diversity helps to strengthen Houston’s workforce, we highlight those who are contributing to Houston’s economic prosperity and growth. This city is all about diversity and partnerships to create opportunities. This month, Subcontractors USA shines a spotlight on Industrial Welding Academy (IWA) and Furr High School. IWA is one of the most respected trade schools in our city, providing skills to the younger generation that will open doors for them to have a successful career and life. Their outreach efforts as a trade school to schools like Furr High School, is one of many that will help contribute to the economic growth in Houston.

Advantages to Trade Schools Salaries for trade school graduates

aren’t that much of a drop-off compared to a four-year degree. According to recent National Center for Educational Statistics, technical and trade school jobs have a median annual salary of $35,720, though this figure varies heavily based on the particular industry and the experience level of the worker. The Bureau of Labor Statistics ( predicted

earnings for bachelor’s degree holders to be roughly $46,900, amounting to an annual difference of $11,180. This stat, of course, doesn’t factor in long term earnings growth. However, because trade school only takes an average of two years to complete versus four, that amounts to an additional two years of income for the trade school graduate, or $71,440. Factor

in another $70,000 in costs for the many students who take an extra year to graduate from college, and trade school grads can be over $140,000 ahead at the get-go, making up for over 12 years of difference in income ( Welding shapes lives and communities every day. Most people are surprised to learn that half of our nation’s total gross national product includes welding work, products and services of some kind. A career in welding is very different than you think and welding is dynamic and challenging, but also a rewarding career. Welding technology has changed over the years. Believe it or not, there are too many welding jobs and not enough welders. From manufacturing to construction, the demand for welders is strong. Salaries are also good, given that many jobs don’t require extensive education. Average wages are $17-25 an hour, with more complex roles like underwater welding; specialized certifications; or supervisory roles offering even higher earnings (American Welding Society).

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December 2015  7


Furr High School Dr. Simmons has a tough love approach to leadership, and she has been more than just a principal, but some would say the school’s rescuer. Furr High School has had its share of rough days. It was a school where fewer than half graduated, and it also had a high suspension rate. Where many had given up on the school and the students, Dr. Simmons took the challenge. Though she had only planned to stay a few months, she has been there for well over a decade, with successful results. Furr High School is a different place today, with a decreased suspension and dropout rate and an increased graduation rate. Dr. Simmons’ goal is to continue to provide students with concerned teachers who will prepare them for academic excellence in a safe, trusting and caring community. Each student at Furr High School is valued as a unique and contributing member of the community. To find out more about Furr High School, please visit rhigh.

Industrial Welding Academy Andre Horn is the founder and CEO of the IWA, with over 20 years training experience in the welding industry. Horn is a Certified Welding Educator (CWE), and he has been a senior welding contractor with several major industrial companies, including Zachary Construction, Austin Industrial, Harmony Corporation, and S&B Engineers. Andre could not have taken IWA to its current level without the help of his wife and director of IWA, Miranda Horn. Miranda is a highly experienced, dedicated professional with more than 10 years of experience in the Workforce Development industry. Her experience also includes several years of managerial skills. She has worked for Neighborhood Centers and Workforce Solutions

before she dedicated herself to helping Andre fulfill their vision of helping others. Serving as director of IWA, she is dedicated to teaching students the trade of welding through a uniquely designed curriculum. Miranda credits one reason for IWA’s success as being the continual training of its staff members. Miranda says, “So

often individuals are given expectations, but are not given the tools needed to meet those expectations. At IWA, we give the students expectations and tools to succeed in the welding industry.” The motto at IWA is “Integrity with Attitude.” Since 2007, IWA has opened doors for young welders to become their very best in a quality welding training

environment. “We can teach them a trade by taking advantage of the energy capital of the world right here in Houston, Texas,” Andre says. IWA is located in East Houston. IWA’s impressive facility consists of offices, classrooms, and a welding lab. The welding school at IWA is state-of-theart, and it comfortably accommodates fifteen students per instructor. Because IWA wants to prepare their students to be in the best possible position when entering the welding profession, their facility is designed to resemble and inspire on the job settings. IWA is built to accommodate realistic welding positions and environment which includes; out of position welding, jack stand welding, on the scaffold welding, simulation of pipe rack welding layout and fit up, oxy-fuel, and thermal cutting scenarios. In addition, each student is assigned a welding machine and welding booth for utilization during the course. Providing individual booths for students allows them to utilize their skills individually and collectively. IWA is committed to providing quality training and education based on welding industry needs. For more about IWA, please visit Subcontractors USA shines a spotlight on IWA, because of their unique and effective methods of providing students the fundamentals and techniques of welding. Many young people have had a rough start in life, and IWA and the Horns are providing young men and women an opportunity to gain higher education in the welding industry. IWA equips students to perform their best, because they have the credentials, discipline, experience, and welding training to produce results. IWA is providing a great option for young people at Furr High School and other schools in the Houston area. Young people having a successful and rewarding career contribute to Houston’s economic growth, which in turn makes for a more prosperous Houston.

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

8  December 2015


Part One of a Two Part Series

The Five Biggest Mistakes Small and Minority Firms Make in Government Contracting Mistake #1: Not conducting research and learning about how to do business with a targeted government agency


By Helen Callier Contributing Writer

he Unites States federal government is the world’s largest single buyer of products and services, spending billions of dollars annually. When the federal market procurement dollars are combined with state and local government agencies, procurements, then the overall government market is an ideal market for minority businesses to generate revenue and grow. This is especially the case when our tax dollars are involved and given the goals that government agencies have in making contract awards to minority businesses. Many minority firms have enjoyed eating at the government procurement trough, but based on government agency data from all levels, a substantial number of minority firms are unsuccessful in government procurement and miss in winning contract awards. There are many cited causes for this contract award gap, but from my many years of being successful in winning government contracts and from my observations, below are the five biggest mistakes that minority firms make in government contracting.

A government agency will not give you a contract because your firm is special. Government agencies follow strict procurement processes and adhere to guidelines and regulations stipulated through formal policies. And gaining an understanding of your targeted agency’s procurement process i.e. how to propose on contracts and do business with the agency is a key first step in government contracting. In addition, doing your homework can save time and lots of dollars by determining if your targeted agency procures your type of products or services. If they do not then continue with your research to identify that ideal client – government agency – that does use your products or services.

Mistake #2: Failing to attend pre-bid and pre-proposal meetings to build relationships Those minority and small business firms that are successful in winning government contracts consistently attend pre-bid or pre-proposal meetings to learn specific information about the advertised solicitation and equally important, to introduce their company to potential teaming partners, large primes, and to the agency decision makers. Participating in pre-proposal meetings also provide

Do You Understandsurety Surety Bonds? guarantees to the obligee that the By News Provider


o you understand surety bonds? If you’re looking to become a contractor, this is a term you will hear and should be familiar with. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is a great tool for small businesses looking for credible information to help them grow and thrive. Surety bonds may seem complicated to understand, but it’s pretty simple once you break it down.

What is a surety bond? Think of a surety bond as a contract between three sides – the obligee (project owner), the contractor (principal) and the surety (a bonding company that underwrites the bond). To break it down, the

contractor will make good on the promises made in his contracts with clients. A surety bond ensures contract completion in the event of contractor default. The contractor obtains a surety bond from a surety company. If the contractor defaults, the surety company is obligated to find another contractor to complete the contract or compensate the project owner for the financial loss incurred.

There are four types of surety bonds: Bid Bond: Ensures the bidder on a contract will enter into the contract and furnish the required payment and performance bonds if awarded the contract. Payment Bond: Ensures suppliers and subcontractors are paid for work performed under the contract. Performance Bond: Ensures the con-

your firm with market intelligence, such as other firms vying for the project and which firms already have established relationships at the target agency. In addition, many agencies sometimes will provide small and minority businesses an opportunity to introduce their firms to large primes and agency project managers plus participate in matchmaking sessions. Taking advantage of this free marketing and relationship building opportunity only happens if you show up and attend pre-bid/pre-proposal meetings.

Mistake #3: Not consistently marketing and staying top of mind with agency procurement staff Key sales and marketing data show that people buy from people (firms) that they know, like, trust and that are at the top of mind. This top of mind awareness known as TOMA is important to gain a foothold in target agency accounts. When your minority business is out of sight then it is not top of mind to a government agency’s Procurement Officer or Project Manager tract will be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. Ancillary Bond: Ensures requirements integral to the contract, but not directly performance related, are performed.

When do I need a surety bond? Any Federal construction contract valued at $150,000 or more requires a surety bond when bidding or as a condition of contract award. Most state and municipal governments, as well as private entities have similar requirements. Many service contracts and occasionally supply contracts also require surety bonds.

What is SBA’s role? The mission of the SBA’s Office of Surety Guarantees is to provide and manage surety bond guarantees for qualified small and emerging businesses in direct partnership with surety companies.

when a certain project opportunity comes up that is a match to your products or services. This results in a missed opportunity and potential hit to generating revenue. In summary, being in the government market – local, state, federal - requires a proactive plan to win; and successful small and minority businesses take specific actions that the unsuccessful small businesses have selected not to do. This article provides insights on the first three dangerous mistakes that minority businesses are making in government contracting. For more on the remaining two dangerous mistakes minority and small businesses are making in landing government contracts, make sure to read Part Two of this series in the next issue of Subcontractors USA. Also, in Part Two of this series, helpful resources will be provided to assist your minority business toward success in the government market that represent hundreds of billions of dollars. To find out more about Helen Callier and how she can help your small business succeed, please visit www.your SBA helps small contractors by guaranteeing bid, performance and payment bonds issued by participating surety companies for contracts up to $6.5 million. SBA can guarantee a bond for a contract up to $10 million if a federal contracting officer certifies that SBA's guarantee is necessary for the small business to obtain bonding.

Are there fees for SBA bond guarantees? SBA charges the small business 0.729% of the contract price for a payment or performance bond. There is no charge for a bid bond. SBA charges the surety company 26% of the fee the surety company charges the small business. Hopefully now you understand surety bonds. It’s not a hard concept to understand, but as a contractor, you need to do your due diligence to research so that you understand and are successful as a contractor.

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December 2015  9


Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

10  December 2015


Claiming the Crown of World’s Tallest Building By News Provider


Bride of the Gulf MBS Architects recently announced plans for a 3,780 ft. vertical city called ‘The Bride of the Gulf ’ in Basra, Iraq, which is also a local nickname for the city. The 230-story building would be publicly funded and is planned to be a net-zero building. The complex would use solar power to produce as much energy as it consumes each year. The Bride would consist of four linked towers in all with the lower towers reaching heights of 2,375 ft., 1,588 ft. and 200 ft. The 16,693,835 sq.ft. complex would house hotels, offices, schools, medical clinics and neighborhoods. The Bride would have its own ‘veil’; a glazed canopy that would run down the southern area of the tower and would provide shade to to the complex’s low-rise buildings and public areas. If completed as planned, the Bride Tower would beat out the current ‘World’s Tallest’ Burj Khalifa and it’s eventual successor, the Kingdom Tower which is currently under construction. Currently there is no site selected for the Bride or a start date for construction, so we’ll have to wait and see if this project ever comes to fruition or if like so many other megatalls, it gets abandoned at the altar.

Here’s a look at the current

‘World’s Tallest Building’ and what’s coming next: The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE has held the coveted title of ‘World’s Tallest Building’ since it was completed back in 2010. It overtook the Taipei 101 which previously held the title at 1,671 ft. when it was completed at 2,717 ft. If you take the Chrysler Building which stand at 1,046 ft. and put it on top of Taipei 101 and you’ve got the height of Burj Khalifa. Since construction started back in 2004, a number of megatall skyscrapers intended to beat Burj have been envisioned, proposed and designed. A couple even broke ground and started construction before eventually being cancelled or put on hold. Other projects that have been proposed since Burj was announced and started construction included the One Dubai complex which would have had three towers connected by skybridges at various levels and reaching heights of 2,247 ft., 2,867 ft. and 3,307 ft. Burj Mubarak al-Kabir was proposed in 2007 in Kuwait and planned for a height of 3,284 ft., the Murjan Tower proposed in 2009 in Bahrain would have been 3,353 ft., the Azerbaijan Tower proposed in 2011 would have been 3,445 ft. and the Dubai City Tower proposed in 2008 would have soared to an staggering height of 7,874 ft. None of these projects ever started construction and many were cancelled or placed on hold after the global financial crises hit. It now appears that the heir apparent is the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia that is currently under construction. When completed, it will be the first skyscraper to reach a height of at least 1 kilometer (3,280 ft.). The final height is a closely guarded secret that not even the construction workers on the project will know until right before completion. Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture designed the multi-use megatall being constructed by the Saudi Bin Laden Group scheduled for completion around the end of 2018. Two projects, the Nakheel Tower in Dubai and the Sky City in Changsha, China, both would have beaten Burj Khalifa had they not been derailed after construction started. The Nakheel Tower broke ground back in 2008 and foundation work had been started before it was placed on hold for a year. The building would have been at least 3,280 ft. with construction completed in 2018 if the 10-year plan had been met. Sky City not only would have taken the title away from Burj, but would have been built in a fraction of the time by utilizing modular construction. The company behind Sky City, Broad Sustainable Building, has become famous for erecting skyscrapers in a matter of days. Earlier this year they put up a 57-story ‘Mini Sky City’ in Changsha in just 19 days. Sky City would have been just a skosh taller than Burj at 2,749 ft. with construction only expected to take between 7–9 months including just 90 days to assemble. The project broke ground in 2013 and foundation work had begun. Shortly after, construc-

tion was halted due to permitting issues for construction. Buildings over 350m have to be approved on a national level. The site is currently being used as a fish farm and a watermelon patch. The Nakheel Tower project looks to be dead, but Zhang Yue, president of BSB, still has plans to complete Sky City. The permitting process has started back up and construction could start later this year or early 2016. If Sky City were to start back up by the end of first quarter 2016 and finish up in 7 to 9 months at its intended height, it would steal the crown from Burj. Of course with Kingdom Tower well underway, it would only hold the title for two short years. Currently there isn’t anything under construction that will challenge Kingdom Tower for the title once it’s completed. That could easily change between now and then, and inevitably ground will be broken on a megatall project that will take the crown from Kingdom Tower. As long as developers are willing to invest the amount of money needed to go higher, engineers and architects will continue devising technology to get us there and the race will continue. According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat the total number of megatall skyscrapers (over 1,968 ft. or 600 m.) increased to 3 this year and the number of supertalls (over 984 ft. or 300 m.) completed stands at 95. Those numbers are expected to more than double over the next few years. There are 137 supertalls, 4 of which are megatalls, currently under construction.

Houston Airport System: Fly2Houston Contracting Opportunties (RFPs, RFQs) Operations/Maintenance/Capital Job Order Contract - HAM OMCJOC 2015 030

Project Description To seek one or more Job Order Contract (JOC) Contractors for Operations & Maintenance (O&M) and Capital tasks to provide repairs, maintenance tasks, renovations, rehabilitations, alterations, and small construction projects services in a cost effective and time efficient manner.

Important Dates Pre-Proposal Conference: 12/17/2015 10:00 AM Questions Due: 12/30/2015 2:00 PM Bid/Proposal Due: 1/29/2016 3:00 PM Award Date (estimated): 4/13/2016 The Houston Airport System’s (HAS) Office of Business Opportunity exists to promote the utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) in Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Aviation Admin-



Project Number:



Professional Services

Contact Name:

Al Oracion



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Contact Email:

istration (FAA) financially-assisted contracts, the utilization of Minority and Women, Small (SBE) and Persons with Disabilities Business Enterprises (MW/S/PDBEs) in City of Houston funded contracts, to improve access to HAS contract and procurement opportunities for MW/PDBE and nonMW/PDBE and SBE companies and to ensure compliance with local and federal mandates. The HAS Office of Business Opportunity is committed to creating a level playing field on which DBEs and MW/S/PDBEs can participate in an environment that removes barriers, ensures non-discrimination, and provides the tools necessary to compete successfully within the Houston Airport System and the marketplace

outside the DBE and MW/S/PDBE Program.

US Department of Transportation aviation, highway and transit contracts.

The programs and services of the HAS Office of Business Opportunities are directed to:

Persons with Disabilities Business Enterprises (PDBEs) PDBE firms are eligible to participate on City funded contracts with MWBE goals.

Minority/Women Business Enterprises (MWBEs) MWBE firms are eligible to participate on City funded contracts with MWBE goals. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) Certified DBE firms are eligible to participate on federally funded airports contracts with DBE goals. DBE certification is also recognized statewide on

Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) SBEs have a shorter formal certification process through the Office of Business Opportunity. The Houston Airport System supports SBE participation in City funded airport contracts with SBE goals. For more information, please visit w w w.f gopportunities.

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December 2015  11


Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

12  December 2015


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Helps to Provide a Safe Workplace By News Provider

lands are covered by Federal OSHA.


he Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was passed to prevent workers from being killed or seriously harmed at work. The law requires employers to provide their employees with working conditions that are free of known dangers. The Act created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards. OSHA also provides information, assistance and training to employers and workers. Workers may file a complaint to have OSHA inspect their workplace if they believe that their employer is not following OSHA standards or that there are serious hazards. OSHA helps to assure that workers have a safe workplace. Below, please see facts about OSHA. For more information, please visit

•  Receive information and training about hazards, methods to prevent harm, and the OSHA standards that apply to their workplace. The training must be in a language you can understand; •  Get copies of test results done to find hazards in the workplace; •  Review records of work-related injuries and illnesses; and •  Get copies of their medical records.

Workers' Rights Under the OSH Act

Who OSHA Covers

To help assure a safe and healthful workplace, OSHA also provides workers with the right to: •  Ask OSHA to inspect their workplace; •  Use their rights under the law without retaliation and discrimination;

Private Sector Workers Most employees in the nation come under OSHA's jurisdiction. OSHA covers private sector employers and employees in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and other U.S. jurisdic-

Federal Government Workers Federal agencies must have a safety and health program that meets the same standards as private employers. Although OSHA does not fine federal agencies, it does monitor federal agencies and respond to workers' complaints. The United States Postal Service (USPS) is covered by OSHA. tions either directly through Federal OSHA or through an OSHA-approved state program. State-run health and safety programs must be at least as effective as the Federal OSHA program.

State and Local Government Workers Employees who work for state and local governments are not covered by Federal OSHA, but have OSH Act protections if they work in a state that has an OSHA-approved state program. Five additional states and one U.S. territory have OSHA approved plans that cover public sector employees only. This includes: Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, New York, and the Virgin Islands. Private sector workers in these four states and the Virgin Is-

Not covered by the OSH Act: •  Self-employed; •  Immediate family members of farm employers that do not employ outside employees; and •  Workplace Hazards regulated by another Federal agency (for example, the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard). Workers are entitled to working conditions that do not pose a risk of serious harm. OSHA not only sets, but enforces protective workplace safety and health standards. Contact OSHA at www., if you have questions or want to file a complaint. They will keep your information confidential. OSHA is here to help you. You have the right to a safe workplace.

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MEP Engineering


Program Management

When you need experience, we have it covered. Rice & Gardner Consultants, Inc. is a multi-disciplinary professional engineering firm that focuses on MEP Engineering, Commissioning, and Program Management. We act as an extension to our clients, providing total engineering services from project inception to completion. With our deep bench of high skilled and experienced staff and innovative technology Rice & Gardner can plan, lead, and complete projects on time and within budget.

6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 1212 Houston, TX 77036 | 713-482-2300 | Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

14  December 2015


In the Subcontractor Community…

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Houston Area Construction Education Collaborative Ground Breaking

The Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum

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December 2015  15


In the Subcontractor Community…

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Houston Minority Supplier Development Council Expo

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16  December 2015


In the Subcontractor Community…

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Meet the Buyer

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In the Subcontractor Community…

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City of Houston Champions of Diversity Awards Ceremony

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In the Subcontractor Community…

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Attorney Goodwille Pierre Celebrates the MWDBE Community

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20  December 2015


Do You Want Success as a Subcontractor?


By News Provider

hen you are a subcontractor, you are not completely independent, but you are not really an employee either. If you as an independent contractor decide to subcontract, you probably won’t have as much freedom to do your work how and when you want. Not only that, but it’s also likely that you’ll need to make some extra time to work through another band of approval. Not to be discouraged though, www. has some great tips to navigate through issues that could help you be successful and be a part of a great project.

Tip #1: Adjust your attitude It’s easy to jump at the chance to subcontract. After all, you’re getting a project handed to you: You don’t have to find the client, negotiate the project, or establish the scope. The flip side is that you won’t have the kind of control over the project that you’re used to. The prime contractor is likely to conduct business differently than you do, and you may disagree with how to implement a solution or deal with a difficult client. Deal with the situation by anticipating this loss of freedom. Before you take on the project, ask the prime contractor if you are free to express differences of opinion about the work or the client. The answer should be “yes,” but remember that ultimately, the prime contractor will have the final say. You must also be prepared to present a unified front to the client. Running around the prime contractor to let the

Subcontractor Education


By News Provider

onstruction is booming in our city. Are you interested in becoming a subcontractor and taking advantage of what the lucrative construction industry has to offer, but don’t know the steps to take? Subcontractors are frequently self-employed, allowing them freedom to control their own workday and availability. If you do the proper research in regards to career requirements, licensure information, and experience required, you can be successful as a subcontractor. As a subcontractor, you will be responsible to perform a job by a prime contractor. Internet technology, manufacturing, and aerospace, as well as government agencies are just some of the fields that utilize subcontractors. Of course, the construction industry is one of the most common areas for subcontractors. is a great source providing information on being a subcontractor. Check out their top tips below to help get you started.

lems or any history of nonpayment. You don’t want to put yourself in a difficult situation.

Tip #4: Ask if there’s anything else you need to know

client know of your disagreement is a strict no-no. (This does not apply to unethical or illegal behavior.) The bottom line is that if independent is your favorite part of being an independent contractor, think twice before you become a subcontractor.

Tip #2: Budget for the extra time Have the prime contractor explain how much input he or she will have into your work and how much time you should budget for review. For example, you may think you have plenty of time to meet a deadline if you forget to factor in a week of review before your work goes to the client. Also address time for revisions: Should you build in revision time, or will the contractor extend your deadline to allow you to make any requested revisions? If the contractor wants a lot of input into your work, have the contractor commit to scheduled reviews before

your deadline. Making these reviews part of your deliverable timeline helps avoid major revisions at your deadline. If the contractor is already familiar with your work, this may be unnecessary. But if the contractor seems nonchalant about reviewing your work even though he or she knows little about you, be on guard (and read the next tip carefully).

Tip #3: Find out why you’re there At the risk of sounding paranoid, I suggest you do a lot of digging to find out why the prime contractor really needs you. Ask for references from other subcontractors, if possible, or from former clients. Ask the contractor for all information on the client and do your own research as well. While you probably won’t be able to ask the client directly for references from other contractors, you can still do Internet research and ask around your professional community to look for current financial prob-

Step 1: Gain Skills in Construction

Step 3: Learn State and Federal Subcontractors are skill-based agents who Tax Regulations

are contracted to complete a specific portion of a construction project, such as plumbing, roofing, carpentry or electrical installation, and they need to be proficient in their area of expertise. Often, a subcontractor can become skilled by working as an apprentice in a construction field. Many labor unions offer apprentice programs for those interested in training in a specific trade. There are also trade colleges and technical schools that offer educational programs in construction specialties. Some programs also offer internship opportunities where students can get hands-on training.

Step 2: Become Licensed Many states and municipalities require licenses for those working in the construction field. Subcontractors who specialize in areas such as plumbing or electrical often need specific licenses to practice their trade, and a few states also require general licensure for those working as subcontractors. Licensure requirements vary, but most require the submission of information that can include training background, work experience and personal references.

Subcontractors are typically classified as self-employed businesses and must pay their own municipal, state and federal taxes. They will also need to withhold and submit workers' taxes and file the proper paperwork. Local and state tax requirements vary greatly and subcontractors may need a professional accountant to help navigate changing tax codes. The Internal Revenue Service has specific tax forms for subcontractors and offers information on a variety of topics including payments, deductions and purchase receipts (

Step 4: Obtain Insurance Since subcontractors are considered selfemployed, they are rarely covered under the prime contractor's insurance policy and will need to obtain a number of insurance policies on their own. Most prime contractors require subcontractors to show proof of insurance before they are hired to perform a job. Insurance requirements vary, but typically subcontractors need to have worker's compensation, employer and property and general liability coverage.

To further protect yourself, ask the prime contractor if there’s anything else about the client, the project, or additional expectations you need to know. Payment can be another sticky issue: Will you be paid within a certain number of days after submitting your invoices or when the client pays the prime contractor? Make it clear to the prime contractor that you expect the terms of the contract to be honored. If you face a long gap between invoicing and payment, consider stipulating in your contract that your work stops on the first day a payment is late. If the contractor wants to tie your payment to the client’s payment, try to do it this way: If the prime’s contract with the client specifies payment within x days after invoicing, make your payment due from the prime in x plus five or 10 days. This allows the prime to pay you out of timely payments from the client, but doesn’t leave you holding the bag if the client is late paying the prime contractor. But because such an arrangement may leave you waiting 40, 70, or 100 days for payment, it’s effective only for long projects. For short projects, consider negotiating an upfront payment that will be deducted from your first invoices until paid. Yes, it’s true that there will be definite things that need to be addressed before subcontracting, it’s nothing to be discouraged about. If you do your due diligence, there’s no reason you shouldn’t succeed as a subcontractor.

Step 5: Devise a Contract Agreement Subcontractors typically must engage in a written agreement that consists of a description of the job, the cost of materials and the time needed to complete the job. Some contracts are even more specific, detailing the materials to be used, how the job is to be performed and the penalties if the job is deemed unsatisfactory or finished past the deadline. Contracts are designed to protect both the prime contractor and subcontractor if disputes arise. Some subcontractors use template contracts offered by many construction associations, create their own contracts or hire a lawyer to help devise a contract.

Step 6: Pursue a Bachelor's Degree Subcontractors who want to advance in the industry may want to pursue a bachelor's degree in construction science or construction management. A competitive job market means employers and prime contractors are looking for candidates with specialized education. As you can see, there’s some work to be done before becoming a subcontractor, but the good news is that it can be done. If you put in the work, you can have a very successful career as a subcontractor and the opportunities will be endless.

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22  December 2015


Truck Maintenance Is a Growing Career Opportunity By News Provider


ne career field that requires great handson training, provides on-the-job instruction and is growing steadily is that of a diesel truck mechanic. It's a specialty job, and it’s a career that a person can easily advance with for many years. With the transportation industry seeing increased business opportunities, more trucks are needed to deliver products from manufacturers to warehouses and from warehouses to stores across the country. These trucks will need ongoing maintenance to ensure they stay up and running. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that diesel truck mechanics can earn a competitive wage, and that the industry will have an additional 21,600 job openings. Truck mechanics can service trucks for everything from a regular oil change to a complete overhaul of the engine. They need to know how to use diagnostic equipment and be familiar with both the mechanical and technical aspects of main-

taining a diesel engine. “Our diesel employers tell us they can’t find enough skilled technicians to meet their current needs, much less expand their operations,” says Jerry Rutter, vice president of employment and solutions at Universal Technical Institute. “Training to be a diesel technician is a smart career

choice. Employers are competing with impressive compensation and recruitment packages to hire diesel technicians with the skills they need.” Penske Truck Leasing is currently growing its maintenance team, and applicants are needed to fill roles as fleet maintenance supervisors, technicians, service coordina-

tors and fuelers/washers. The company has over 221,000 vehicles in its North American fleet. According to Jennifer Sockel, Penske Truck Leasing senior vice president of human resources, “Penske is experiencing strong growth in 2015 and we are actively hiring diesel engine technicians and maintenance managers across North America.” To apply, visit Penske is a National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified provider and offers at least 40 hours of stateof-the-art training each year on a variety of equipment, so you can further your career while on the job. For a career that is going to continue to grow and remain very secure, consider pursuing a job as a diesel truck mechanic. At Penske, you'll have the opportunity to learn about every kind of diesel truck on the road, enhance your technical knowledge and choose where in the country you want to work. If you're in high school or considering a career change, look into what a career in diesel truck maintenance could do for you. – BPT


HOUSTON It’s official! Harris County and the City of Houston have broken ground on the

Joint Processing Center Experienced builders with deep local roots, Clark/Horizon is proud to partner with city and county agencies, and architect PGAL, to deliver this model social infrastructure project. Hats off to Harris County and the City of Houston for bringing this facility to life!

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Setting Us Apart

performing beyond expectations

projects on 1 Delivers time and on budget

Horizon International Group, LLC is a certified SBE/MBE/WBE/HUB construction manager with a proven history of providing clients impeccable contracting services since 1994.

to 2 Committed delivering quality &

Certified MWBE/SBE/HUB Contractor

meaningful service

We are a certified Minority Business Enterprise through the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council, Hire Houston First, South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA), the North Central Texas Regional Agency (NCTRCA), the DFW/MSDC, and the Texas Minority Historically Underutilized Business (HUB). We are a mentor to other minority and small business companies in several mentor-Protégé programs.

Horizon is a certified MBE, WBE, SBE and State of Texas certified Historically Underutilized Business (HUB). As such, Horizon is always striving to expand business opportunities, provide added value to our clients, and is actively engaged in procuring goods and services from other talented SBE/MBE/WBE/HUB subcontracting firms. We believe that diversity strengthens the community and the overall small business environment.

3 Financial stability bonding 4 Strong capacity



safety 5 Excellent record


Azteca Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1989 and provides services ranging from general contracting, construction management, program management, design-build services, and self-perform across a broad spectrum of projects for both public and private sector clients. Industries served include, aviation, transportation, local, state and federal government agencies, hospitality, multi-family housing, entertainment and real estate developers.

About Us

• • • •

Horizon provides a range of services including:

Experienced project teams

• Construction Management

• Estimating

• General Contracting • Design/Build

• Owner Representation & Feasibility Studies

• Project Management

• Development Services

• Job Order Contracting

• Program Management

Building Division Heavy Civil Construction Steel Fabrication and Erection Multi-Family Housing

years of industry 7 30+ experience size to deliver 8 Right flexibility of services

and effective responses

Houston First 9 Hire Houston based

Dallas, Texas

company hiring Houston based subcontractors



2518 Chalk Hill Road Dallas, Texas 75212 T: (214) 905-0612 F: (214) 905-0828 4204 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, TX 77025 p: 713.660.8282 f: 713.660.0102

215 W. San Antonio St. San Marcos, TX 78666 p: 713.660.8282 f: 713.660.0102

Houston, Texas

11777 Katy Freeway, Suite 190 Houston, Texas 77093 T: (281) 391-7473 F: (281) 665-2115

1999 Gulfmart Ste. 522 San Antonio, TX 78217 p: 713.660.8282 f: 713.660.0102

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24  December 2015



SHARON SCHULTZ HUB Director 936-437-7026 (P) 936-437-7088 (F) Two Financial Plaza, Suite 525 Huntsville, Texas 77340 RUBY COWAN HUB Coordinator 936-437-3128 (P) 936-437-7088 (F) Two Financial Plaza, Suite 525 Huntsville, Texas 77340

CINDY GUAJARDO HUB Coordinator 936-437-7061 (P) 936-437-7088 (F) Two Financial Plaza, Suite 525 Huntsville, Texas 77340

Contact the TDCJ HUB Program for a current list of commodity/ service codes and phone numbers for Purchasers For more information on doing business with the TDCJ, you may visit the TDCJ web-site at

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December 2015  25


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26  December 2015


See the Country While Getting Paid as a Truck Driver By News Provider


ne of the best ways to explore the country is by driving America's highways. You get to meet new people, learn fun and interesting stories, see the sights and wonder at how unique and beautiful the country is. Want to see America's quirky sights like the largest ball of twine or some of its more touristy destinations like the Statue of Liberty? A road trip is the best way to catch everything. Of course, very few people can afford to just drive the country. This is why a career as a professional truck driver is such a great job opportunity for anyone at any age. Truck driving is a growing occupation, with an 11 percent growth rate in the industry anticipated between 2012 and 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to the American Trucking Associations, there is a truck driver shortage of roughly 25,000 in the United States. With a number of drivers retiring within the next five to 10 years, there will be no shortage of job opportunities for safe and professional drivers. Drivers can find jobs making local deliveries where they get to spend time at home every day of the week, or they can go out and explore the country, making longer cross-country trips with deliveries. Plus, the varieties of industries that

need truck drivers to transport equipment and products around the country are vast. Depending on what kind of driving career you embark on, you could be delivering home-construction materials one day and cars another. Neil Kirk a Penske Logistics truck driver and an ATA America’s Road Team Captain, enjoys his career: "There is nothing that comes close to the feeling I get every day when I'm driving my truck down the highway. When I'm behind the wheel I feel right with the world. Being a truck driver is not just

what I do, it's who I am." If you want to start a truck-driving career, or if you know someone who would enjoy an exciting career as a truck driver, connect with Penske Logistics at www. or call 855-CDLPENSKE. “We offer excellent pay and benefits and we have jobs openings across the country,” says Jeff Stoicheff, senior vice president of human resources for Penske Logistics. “Many of our 3,600 drivers pilot new equipment, enjoy the customers they service on their routes, and return

home to their families each night.” Truck driving isn't for everyone, but those who embark on this career love the variety it provides. Drivers often need to be independent thinkers and have excellent time-management skills. Additionally, working in an office that's on the road means you’ll have the opportunity to meet people and see the sights of America – all while getting paid. To learn more about truck-driving opportunities in your neighborhood, visit Penske Logistics' career page at www. – BPT

We’ll wait on YOU, before YOU wait on US Traffic Control in Cypress, Texas American Traffic Control, based in Cypress, Texas, specializes in traffic control and planning services for detours, lane closings, road and freeway closures, and traffic calculation. We provide professional service to the entire United States, while maintaining the highest safety standards for workers and the public.

Quality Service since 2001 American Traffic Control is a small, minority-owned company specializing in a large capacity of traffic control operations, and has been in business since 2001. We are a member of The Associated General Contractors of Texas. Our staff consists of Certified Traffic Control Specialists and Flaggers, some with over 30 years of experience. We aim to always provide costeffective assistance and effective communication with our clients to cement a long-lasting client relationship. We are able to travel any distance to provide outstanding service to our clients. We have provided traffic control services for the following government agencies: Texas Department of Transportation and Georgia Department of Transportation. We also provide outstanding services to some of the most prestigious companies, as follows: Kansas City Southern Railroad, Traffic Control Devices, The Levy Company, and numerous others. Our focus on safety awareness is most important to us. Our goal is to provide a safe work zone for the traveling public and the construction workers. Thank you for allowing us to introduce ourselves; we look forward to building a long-lasting work relationship with your company.

American Traffic Control 17240 Huffmeister Road Suite 104 Cypress, TX 77429

Phone: .......281.213.9063 Fax: ...........281.256.9458 Toll Free: ....855.931.9063

24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week | Insured, Bonded, & Licensed | Emergency Services Available Based in Cypress, Texas & Proudly Serving All 50 United States & Municipalities

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As one of the nation’s largest commercial builders, Turner is dedicated to providing avenues of opportunity for Minority- and Woman-Owned Businesses in Houston to achieve entrepreneurial success. Our commitment to social responsibility and fair play is not just on paper; it is ingrained in our corporate culture. We are devoted to making sure the contributions that strengthen the local economy reflect the demographics of the community at large.

w w w. t u r n e rc o n s t r u c t i o n . c o m

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28  December 2015


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30  December 2015



Building a Better Houston

The City of Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) provides the leadership and financing to make affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization happen in Houston. The Department administers over $100 million annually in various federal, state and local programs. From investing in neighborhood parks, multifamily communities and economic development, to providing first-time homebuyer assistance and funds to serve the homeless, elderly and disabled — HCDD works to improve the quality of life for Houston’s neighborhoods and families.

© COH-HCDD 07.24.15

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