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Donovan Casanave ............................................ Shell
from Top P&E 2013
by d-mars.com
Donovan Casanave is currently the Support Service Manager for Shell’s Supplier Diversity and Diversity Outreach Organization. In this capacity, Donovan serves as the liaison between the minority and women business community and the internal procurement/leadership pipeline with a focus on Shell’s inclusion efforts. Donovan also manages the relationships between Shell, key Non Government Organizations (NGO) and community based non-profit organizations such as The National Urban League, Rainbow Push Coalition, and the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW). Donovan has a BS in Marketing and Organizational Behavior from William Carey University in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and an MBA from LeTourneau University in Longview, TX. He has held various roles in the Shell organization and recently served in a global capacity as the Diversity and Inclusion Manager of Shell’s IT organization in the US. Donovan is a formal professional athlete with a very creative side that has fostered quite a bit of recognition as he is starting to become more and more recognized as a quite accomplished artist. Donovan sits on several committees and local boards and is an active member of The 100 Black Men of America’s Houston Metropolitan Chapter.
Donovan Casanave Manager Support Services Supplier Diversity & Diversity Outreach Shell P O Box 2463 Houston, Texas 77252-2463 (Office) 713.241.8383 (Fax) 713.241.8949 Donovan.Casanave@shell.com
2013 Supplier Diversity Champion