Division 6 South June 2015 Newsletter

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Division 6 South | Region 4 | CNH District | Key Club


JUNE 2015 // VOLUME 3 // ISSUE 2


01 02 03 04 05 15 17 21 22 23 29

Message from the Division News Editor Letter from the Lieutenant Governor Challenge of the Month for June Key Club Fun Facts Club News Editorial: Key to College Circle K Wisdom + Testimonials Upcoming Events Outstanding Polar Bears Meet The 2015-2016 DLT and Task Coordinators Freezing Points


Hello D6S Fam! Aren’t you glad that AP testing and finals are over? There’s so many amazing things that we can do this summer, whether it’s a field day with friends, Korean BBQ dates, or learning those High School Musical 2 dances. Every summer is one of immense possibilities, so let’s make the most of it!


See you all at Officer Training Conference!


Aloha Polar Bears! Wow, can you believe we are already diving into the third month of the term? Time passes by so fast and I am beyond thrilled to be able to serve such an amazing division! With school coming to an end, please remember that Key Club is a YEAR-long organization and does not stop even if the school year ends. There are always community service opportunities available at anytime of the year and please feel free to speak to your respective Presidents for more information on upcoming service events in the summer to plan ahead for your busy schedules! With approximately three months into the term, the Division Leadership Team, Task Coordinators, and I are preparing for the annual event, Officer Training Conference! Without proper training and guidance, the division would not be where we are today. The event will be hosted at Murrieta Mesa High School this year from approximately 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM on June 19th! Please note that this is a MANDATORY event for officers and members are always welcome to come to retain more knowledge about Key Club! With several workshops to all things Key Club and the ultimate advice and tips to lead your home club to new heights, this is certainly an event you do not want to miss out! I wish all of you luck on your finals and other standardized testing and I hope you enjoy this month’s Division 06S newsletter! If any one of you have any questions, comments, or concerns on anything Key Club related or simply need a friend to talk to, feel free to contact me anytime! 
 Email: d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 496-1794




Key club fun facts: Blast to the past Originally, Key Club International adopted the Kiwanis International motto: 
 “We build” as its own. However, the motto was changed in 1978 to:
 “Caring - Our Way of Life”
 because it was thought that this motto better reflected the passion the Key Clubbers have for serving the world.


PATTERSON HOUSE CLEAN-UP by: Chris Lam, Heritage



On April 3rd, Heritage Key Club went to the Patterson House Museum in Winchester to help Mr. Cowdery make the area more attractive. Various tasks included raking and shoveling leaves and cleaning the interior of the house. The weather was nice and working outside was not the preferred activity of everyone, so it was a fun experience working together. For example, a few held a rake or drove a tractor their first time. Although, there were bees and our sophomore class representative, Emily, and our IP historian, Citlali, were stung multiple times! After hard work of cleaning in and out of the house, Mr. Cowdery provided a quick tour of the history of Winchester, a BBQ, and a ghost tour. Following the eating, the students set up a bonfire, unfolded their chairs, and told frightening ghost stories. Bonding on a cool Friday of spring break was the perfect end to a service project.

.NEWS This past month has proved to be another successful month of service for Rancho Verde’s Key Club. We successfully rose close to ninety-nine dollars for March of Dimes, on April 25th. Members then attended the DCM at Perris High School. Although we had a fun experience at the event, we are still combating lack of member participation at events and meetings. At this point we have deduced it to stress over finals, which are just around the corner, and the excitement of the year winding down with the closing of this school year. Thankfully as a club we have gone over different strategies to make sure that we can quickly stop any signs of decrease in member morale. On on a brighter note, we have two fundraisers on campus planned. Alongside being Eliminate Week, where we also challenged our members to participate in maternal and neonatal tetanus, we had the first week of our Krispy Kreme pre-sale. We will continue to promote up until next week and hand out these treats after school on that Friday. Also, we will be hosting Kiss A Senior GoodBye, which is fundraiser where you can give a treat of Hershey Kisses alongside a personalized note to any senior of your choice before they graduate as a farewell gift. We expect to make a substantial profit from these two events in order to replenish our club funds for upcoming expenses, specifically paying for busses for Fall Rally. What awaits RVHS Key Club for the remainder of the month of May is sadly our last club meeting for the 2014-2015 school year, but our banquet will be the day after that on Wednesday the 13th. I appreciate our theme for this year’s banquet, which is expressing culture and how that incorporates into our day to day life. We would like to see members being able to share cultural foods, which is vital in letting the members share parts of their personal lives at home in order for the club to maintain a level of openness. There is unity in diversity and we hope to accomplish with this banquet by exploring how vastly unique our members are, yet together form a total harmonious environment.

 by: Nohely Hernandez, Rancho Verde 6

 by: Andrew Hong, Great Oak Some of the members of Great Oak High School teamed up with other Key Club members during Kiwanis One Day, where Kiwanis and Key Club members around the world helped their homes, schools and communities. We helped renovate a local Boys and Girls Club by painting some of the walls, cleaning out some of the cupboards, and all while enjoying time with our fellow Key Club and Kiwanis members.


Temecula Valley’s 2015 - 2016 Board of Officers

From left to right: Marion Panis - Treasurer Theresa Escolano - Vice President Tayler Smith - President Michaella Launzo - Vice President Analyne Eguilos - Secretary

 by: Theresa Escolano, Temecula Valley As the 2014-2015 school year comes to a close, our senior club officers handed off their positions to the newly installed officers on April 8th. Evaline Aguigam passed on her presidential duties to Tayler Smith, Vice Presidents Elizabeth Lanuzo and Meghan Pantaleon handed their duties to Michaella Lanuzo and Theresa Escolano, and lastly, Secretary Charmaine Olaes passed on her role to Analyne Eguilos. The treasurer will still be Marion Panis for the next term. We wish for great success from our newest officers.


 by: Gabriel Victor Fabian, Paloma Valley Paloma Valley polar bears put together a charity bracelet making day. At this event, they created multi-colored bracelets with a unique pattern using a circular piece of cardboard and a special technique to intertwine the yarn. These bracelets were made for the intention to bring them to the Loma Linda Medical Center in Murrieta. The craft was to be dispersed as the center needed. During the event our members participated in fun icebreakers that brought everyone closer together with many laughs and smiles. While braiding the bracelets everyone enjoyed various delicious flavors of ice cream with multiple toppings. Throughout the rest of the day our members chatted the day away, listened to so sweet tunes, and grew closer together all while doing some good old fashion community service for the people employed in the medical field. 
 “The bracelet making was really enjoyable and addicting, my hands continued the bracelet making even when I attempted to stop. The ice breaker we had was as enjoyable as the ice cream we had. Overall it was a fun experience that will give happiness to the children's hospital.” -Reyna Galbreath “I loved making the bracelets and I would do again. Really fun with all the laughs and people. The ice cream made it even more enjoyable.” -Joselle Anne Angeles



Murrieta Mesa’s
 2015-2016 Board of Officers

by: Valerie Haines, Murrieta Mesa

Last month, Murrieta Mesa’s Key Club achieved many goals. We officially decided all of our officers for our club, which was the biggest goal we achieved. There were a few people who wanted to be officers who would come and go before, but now our club has dedicated officers who will do their duties very well. In April, Valerie, Katie and Emily all went together to their very first DCM! It was an amazing experience for them to meet many amazing Key Clubbers in Division 6 North and Division 6 South. During the DCM, they helped make blankets and cards for the children’s hospital, so it was a great way to do some service as well as getting to know new people. All of the officers are working together very well to hold meetings. The meetings have been great so far! We have an agenda every meeting on what needs to get done, and topics to talk about. In general, during the meetings we talk about upcoming events and ideas on what to do for our club next year. We have started to plan an end-of-the-year fundraiser for our club around the end of May. Since we have just started it up again for only two months, we are in need of money, especially for next year. After this fundraiser and everything else that is getting done, our club should be up and running smoothly!

From left to right: Joseph Lee - Editor Justin Grant - Secretary Emily Lin - Treasurer Katie Lin - Vice President, Valerie Haines - President


Chaparral recently had a contest between our members on who can bring in the most recyclable bottles and cans to raise money for club funds. The winner would be rewarded with a $25 gift card to any place of their choice and this definitely got the club competition going. Many members were determined to bring the most trash bags of recyclable material, with some of the most being 6 bags and 8 bags. By the end of the month, we got more than 20 bags of recyclable materials. We would like to congratulate and sincerely thank Julianne Nussbaum, who has been loyally donating her recyclables to our club for many years. She did not hold back in this competition and she came out victorious. Also a big thank you to all the members who participated in the recycling contest!

 by: Chholyda Seang, Chaparral


SERVICE STEPPING STONES by: Jasmine Evaristo, Perris

For the past month, Perris High’s Key Club has managed to succeed with many volunteering opportunities. Whether it is the usual work of cleaning our campus or having others volunteer in city events, we had a great month. One of the very first things we did this month was set up the officers for next year’s team. Having great candidates, we were able to determine each position to one of our members. We elected Kimberly Tran as our Key Club President and Carol Avila as our Vice President. Next, we added our Secretary Jennifer Recinos and Treasurer Jewel Rios. Lastly, our Editor/Historian Jasmine Evaristo and Monserrat Ojeda joined the board. Finalizing our elections, we had received over many wellrounded candidates, but sadly we had to elect only one member for each position. After our elections, we volunteered at the Health Fair in the Foss Field Park, where some members set up the different booths. They also helped nurses hand out flyers and explain information to attendees, informing them of the health issues of today’s world. We also participated in Relay for Life and raised money for cancer awareness. At the end of the month, we held the DCM in our gym. Participating members arrived promptly at 9 A.M. to cook pancakes for all of the guests. Other set up the tables and guided the guests to where the gym, where the DCM was being held. During the DCM, many of our members were able to meet other Key Clubbers from both North and South divisions. Congratulations to all those who had received certificates for their appointment for the Division Leadership Team! Lastly, the DCM ended with everyone working on knot tying blankets and making cards for the children at Loma Linda Hospital.


 by: Hana Kang, Linfield Hello 6 South! We are very happy to be one of your newest clubs and officially be a part of Polar Bear nation! As of right now, we have elected a confident and capable board of officers to lead the club’s activities. For the 2015-2016 year, we have Chance Kang leading as President, Michael Kruel as Vice President, Abbey Carrasco acting as Secretary, Timothy Hart tasked with Treasurer, as well as Hana Kang and Anh Ngo sharing the duties of Editor. Since we are a relatively new club, we’re trying to increase our member count and participation. We are definitely determined to promote a bigger Key Club presence on our campus. Our club is also going to install recycling bins around the school during that time. We would also like to sincerely thank the division for supporting us through the baseball tee sales. It means a lot that you were able to help us jumpstart our club. We’ll keep moving forward!


ARTICLES AND VISUALS To: Club Editors or Club Vice Presidents Just wanted to give a big thank you to all 9 clubs for 100% submissions this month! I really appreciate all of your Editors and Vice Presidents, documenting the activities of your respective home club. Your articles make the division newsletters amazing, so keep up the great work! Articles and visuals are not limited to just Editors! If there are any members who would like to submit their experiences in an article or any visuals, feel free to send it to d06s.keyclub.dne@gmail.com by the 10th of every month before 6:00 PM.
 But for everyone, the submission process is as follows: Subject Line: Articles: Article Submission | Month | School - Ex. Article Submission | June | CHS Visuals: Visuals Submission | Month | School - Ex. Visuals Submission | June | CHS Body Message: Articles: Identify articles by: [Event Initials] - [Event Name]; Submitted by: [Author], [Club] - [K2C] - [Key 2 College]; Submitted by: [Alyssa Alegre], [Chaparral] Visuals: Identify visuals by: Photo # - [1-2 sentence description] File Naming: Articles: D##_[SubmissionMonthDigits]_EventInitials Visuals: D##_[SubmissionMonthDigits]_EventInitials And just a reminder that articles and visuals are due over the summer! So please keep documenting club/division activities!

Alyssa Alegre………..

Division News Editor 2015-2016


EDITORIAL: KEY TO COLLEGE DISHES OUT THE KNOWLEDGE On May 16, UC Riverside hosted Key to College, which provided informational workshops on everything prospective college students need to learn about getting admitted into college and even college life. The theme was Monsters Inc. and you could feel the scare in the air! There were various workshops from College Survival to College 101 and even Circle K 101! Each presenter gave their experiences and Uncle Iroh-esque wisdom on topics like stress, money management, applications, and even giving Key Clubbers tips on college selection. Overall, it was very beneficial, definitely inspiring the members of Region 4 to push through and try their best to pursue their college and career aspirations. But the highlight of the day were the members and officers of UCR’s and UNLV’s Circle Ks. There’s a special thing about UCR and UNLV. Their close intradivision relationship is one of the closest, if not the closest in the CNH District and it doesn’t take long to really see that. Their clubs are the perfect definition of a family; they are so unified, and even if they’re 200 miles apart, they’re the best of friends. When they were dancing to High School Musical and pouring their heart out into their cheers (you think Fall Rally is crazy, you haven’t seen Circle K), there was something about them that they had, that Key Club may not have. Maybe it has something to do with growing up. Circle K and all that it encompasses are definitely something to look forward to. It’s an adventure waiting for us.



William Ngo - UCR - Biology

Tips for future college students: It doesn’t matter what school you go to, all colleges are the same, especially like UCs. The prestigiousness of schools are usually based off their graduate school programs, not really the undergrad, so you get the same education for all undergrad. If you don’t get into your ideal colleges, it doesn’t matter too much, you can still get into that college. You can go to a different UC and transfer, but all UCs have the same education. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get into your ideal colleges, you still have opportunities to get into it. Any clubs/activities besides Circle K?: I work in a hospital, I’m a PreMed student, so I work at Kaiser.

words of wisdom

James Luong - UCR - Mechanical Engineering

Tips for future college students: It’s definitely be organized and on top of all your homework. Make sure you do what [your professors] tell you to do: homework, readings, assignments. They’re more for your understanding of the material. Attend every lecture, I know in college there’s no requirements to attend, but the professor really is there to help you learn the material. Try not to schedule 8 AM classes, I know you’ll probably be like “Oh, 8 AM classes, it’s just like high school.” It’s not. You don’t have your parents there to wake you up, it’s all on you. 8 AMs are kinda tough. Notebooks versus filler paper. Having notebooks allows you to keep all your course material in one place. Instead of filler paper where you might lose a page. Do not cram. Cramming does not work in college. Especially in the quarter system, we have to learn so much material. If you try to cram, you’re only hurting yourself because it’s not really going to stick so start studying effectively. Any clubs/activities besides Circle K?: I’m currently in Not So Sharp, which is an acapella group on campus. There’s a lot of things in college to join and be a part of. It’s not like high school where everyone’s really clique-y. People are there because they want to, not because they have to. Also [I’m in] an engineering club called SAE which stands for Society of Automotive Engineers and we’re basically a club on campus that builds the Formula One racecar and competes with other schools in other states.


Adam Madamba - UNLV - Interdisciplinary Major

Tips for future college students: After you enter college, your life isn't just going to be purely about academics anymore and people often forget that. You're growing up, you're given more freedom, and you're going to be more independent. Put yourself out there. There's clubs to join for you to network with people. Get a job or apply for internships! Meet new people and experience new things! It's important to find out what you truly love to do. Remember that your GPA does not define your success (but of course continue to work hard!) You and your high school friends may go separate ways and that's okay! Things are going to change. You're going to change. Your friends are going to change. Let change happen. Any clubs/activities besides Circle K?: On campus, I occasionally go to a few meetings for engineering clubs like Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) or Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE). Other than that, I dedicate most of my time for extra-curricular activities to Circle K. In my free time, I like to go rock-climbing, usually indoor. What is your favorite aspect of Circle K?: And I guess my favorite thing in Circle K is meeting the great people!

from circle k members James Shoung - UNLV - Communications 
 Tips for future college students: Be open-minded when you first go to college, it's a new experience! Don't be afraid to try new things because you never know who you'll meet or what experiences you'll face. Any clubs/activities besides Circle K?: I love to hike! It's my passion, I've been hiking for a few years now and I try to go anywhere I can. What is your favorite aspect of Circle K?: The fact that college students around the world are trying to make the world a better place.


MESSAGE FROM CIRCLE K To: All Those Who Participated in Key to College I would like to thank everyone that helped me plan and carry out Key To College. I would especially like to thank all the LTG’s from Region 4 for being so helpful in advertising and guiding me through the ropes of Key Club! It was really nice having Kiwanis, Circle K, and Key Club be able to meet up for such a great event. I really hope all the attendees got a better insight on what to expect in college along with some tips on how to improve their chances on getting to their dream schools! It was really fun getting to meet a lot of you and seeing how spirited and ambitious you all are! Just remember, live to serve and love to serve!

Roberto Rea……..

UCR CKI Kiwanis Family Chair 2015-2016

Want to share your Key to College experiences or share feedback? Submit your testimonials and suggestions to ucr.cki.kfamily@gmail.com!


how was your key to college experience?   As a graduating senior and future Highlander myself I can say that my time at Key to College was so much greater than I had expected. With a theme of Monsters Inc. they made it really engaging and entertaining as we got to mingle with fellow Region 4 Vipers in group activities and make new friends with all the creative ice breakers they had. And all the speakers were really entertaining and you could tell that they were really there to help you with any questions and doubts about college and were really caring in helping you in your journey to college. They didn't blow off any of my questions and were all too much fun to watch as well!! Thanks to Key 2 College I now have tips and advice on how to approach time management, financial aid, and the whole College experience in general. I am so happy that I came to this event and am now more excited than ever to begin my college experience at UCR. THANK YOU UCR CIRCLE K!!! GO HIGHLANDERS!!!!

My favorite moment during the Key to College event was when everyone gathered around to sit down and enjoy the lunch that was being provided. The Circle K members were playing a variety of upbeat songs and soon enough, everyone began to dance. It was amazing to see everyone enjoying themselves while dancing and singing. No one was left out and every single Key Club member got along with each other like family, even if they just met each other that day. I am extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to attend this event and be apart of this big Ohana. Alisa Howpun, Temecula Valley

Henry Casarez, Great Oak

Key to College was a really great experience for me, also it being my first time going to it and also first time seeing so many other Key Clubbers from different divisions come together and have fun as we learned. It also gave me a lot of knowledge to what I'm gonna expect in college, which was very helpful since I am at the point of preparing for college. This experience was really enjoyable and I hope to also become more involved in key club in this new term! Rizelle Bernal, Temecula Valley




OTC MURRIETA MESA | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM






Alisa Howpun has shown the true dedication of a Key Club member from the first time I met her. Every single time I am around Alisa, I am always filled with happiness and smiles due to her contagious outgoing personality and her constant spirit for service! Her ability to be able to work outside her comfort zone is admirable and certainly astounding. I am lucky to call her the Service Coordinator of the 2015-2016 Division 06 South term and am looking forward to the many accomplishments she will achieve! Keep up the good work, Alisa!

Officer of the Month: CHRIS LAM, HERITAGE To many of his peers, Chris Lam may seem a bit timid and shy, however 
 his work ethics and dedication has soared to new heights with every task he takes on as the 2015-2016 Division Head Task Coordinator and Heritage Club News Editor. After meeting Chris at the the first 2014-2015 Division Leadership Team Meeting, I would have never imagined him to be one of the best people to work with. After becoming comfortable with Chris, I have noticed his capability as a leader. By always asking for more opportunities to create and improve on publications, suggesting ideas to implement to the division, or simply chatting with me and making me laugh every time, Chris has sincerely reached out further than ever. As every month passes during the term, I have observed Chris' growth and how much more confident he has become in his leadership skills. Thank you Chris for being such an outstanding officer this month!

CLUB of the Month: RANCHO VERDE This past month, Rancho Verde Key Club has truly exceeded the expectations of an average club. By being proactive and succeeding in each planned event, Rancho Verde seems to never disappoint. This month, they planned and promoted the popular service project, Relay for Life, and resulted in a phenomenal turnout with more than 100 members and has been planning the logistics to their upcoming event of volunteering at another RunDisney run. Also, a special thank you goes out to their Editor and Secretary for submitting their articles and MRF on-time! Thank you Rancho Verde for a wonderful month filled with service and achievements! Think someone should be recognized? Submit their names to http://tinyurl.com/d06smr!


Member of the Month: ALISA HOWPUN, TVHS


MEET THE 2015-2016 


ALYSSA ALEGRE - DIVISION NEWS EDITOR Hello Polar Baes! My name is Alyssa and I’m glad to be serving as both Chaparral’s Vice President and your DNE! I hope you’ve been enjoying the newsletters and the publications I’ve created so far! Some of my favorite things include Avatar: The Last Airbender, Wong Fu Productions, and boba! I’m glad to have joined the Kiwanis family when I did because there’s no better feeling than being able to give back. Email: d06s.keyclub.dne@gmail.com@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 318-2839

DANA TRUONG - DIVISION SECRETARY Hi Polar Bears! My name is Dana Truong. I’m a junior at Chaparral High School and I’ve been in Key Club for 3 years. I’m Chap’s Key Club’s secretary for the 15-16 term. Also, I was their secretary for the last term so I know how the MRF works. If any of you need help on the MRF, I’m your go-to gal! For this new term, I plan on helping secretaries with their duties and improving the attendance of members and clubs at division service/fundraiser events. Service is not only an important component in Key Club but it is also very FUN! You meet so many new people and just knowing that you’re making a difference in the world is the best feeling ever! Besides for Key Club, I LOVE to bake, paint, and play tennis on my free time. In addition, I fan-girl A LOT about Disney, Marvel, Minions, and basically anything cute! I hope to bond over not only Key Club stuff but also Disney stuff with you guys as we progress further into the term.

Email: d06s.keyclub.dsec@gmail.com@gmail.com | Phone Number: (862) 250-7546


MITCHELL KAAKE - DIVISION TREASUERER Hi my name is Mitchell Kaake, and I am serving as your Division 6S Treasurer this term! I am looking forward to a great year full of fundraisers and achievement! I hold an officer position at Heritage High School as club treasurer, and I plan to use this to guide the division to strive financially. Key Club drives me to wake up, stay up, and make a difference, and I love it! I plan for this year to be very resourceful, successful, and mindful when it comes to raising money towards PTP or The Eliminate Project as well as membership and membership retention throughout our division. Can't wait to work with my fellow Polar Bears, love you guys!

Email: d06s.keyclub.treasurer@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 500-5912

NESSA VU - EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hello! I'm Nessa Vu and I'll be serving as one of your executive assistants for the 2015 - 2016 term. I currently attend Heritage High School as a soon-to-be senior. Most of my time is spent stressing about homework, watching K-dramas, eating, and doing various Key Club related stuff. I am excited to be able to work alongside LTG Sally Tsai. Hopefully, I can help our division continue to grow and spread the joy Key Club brings. 
 See you around Polar Bears! Email: d06s.keyclub.ea1@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 723-0126

ANDREW HONG - EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hello Polar Bears! My name is Andrew Hong and I am one of the executive assistants for your 2015-2016 term. I am from Great Oak and have held the vice president position for 2 years now. I hope for this term that I can bring together more polar bears from across our division and keep more polar bears around for all the cool fun that we have as a division. When I'm not studying our trying to make our division better I can be seen playing video games, dancing, or chilling with friends. My name is Andrew Hong and I hope to serve you, my fellow polar bears, with a roar. Email: d06s.keyclub.ea2@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 294-4095


CHRIS LAM - HEAD TASK COORDINATOR Good afternoon, or whenever you are reading this! I am Chris Lam from Heritage High School, ending my sophomore year. I had the privilege of serving as the division Historian last year, and this year I have been appointed as the Head Task Coordinator. I am also my home club's Newsletter Editor! I am a busy Polar Bear (or bee), as I am in Band and Robotics and NHS and am academically involved. Whatever the case, I am ready to 
 give back to the division and my community!
 Email: d06s.keyclub.headcoord@gmail.com | Phone Number: (619)-908-9595

BRIAN PLAIN - FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR Hello fellow Polar Bears! My name is Brian Plain and it is my pleasure to announce that I will be your division's new Fundraising Coordinator. I am approaching senior year at Chaparral High School and have been involved in Key Club for about a year now. During my High School career I have been involved in our schools track and field team and took an active role in producing videos for our school news. One of my most beloved hobbies is my interest in film and videography in which I intend on pursuing in the future. Currently I am a member of my school's Key Club and, with the new responsibility of Fundraising Coordinator, I intend on pursuing new ideas in the next few months. I would like to unify the division on a greater level by organizing more division wide fundraisers and service projects as well as to see monthly planning of fundraising events by our various clubs in an effort to increase funding. I see great potential in this upcoming term and know that we, as a division, can achieve so much in the coming months. Thank you, and let’s have a fun and successful year!

Email: d06s.keyclub.fundcoordinator2@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 795-8470

CAITLIN AUSTRIA - SERVICE COORDINATOR Hey Key Clubbers! my name is Caitlin Austria and I am one of your service task coordinators! I currently attend Rancho Verde High School as a junior and serve as cotreasurer of the 2015-2016 term. I joined Key Club my freshman year and built my way up to Co-Editor my sophomore year. Outside of Key Club, I attend ASU known as Asian Student Union. During my free time, I enjoy taking selfies of myself and going to the happiest place on earth AKA Disneyland! I also enjoy meeting new people! I look forward to 
 serving you guys this term and finding great service events we can all attend and have fun at! Email: d06s.keyclub.servicecoord@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 312-6237


ALISA HOWPUN - SERVICE COORDINATOR Hello friends! My name is Alisa Howpun and I am a junior at Temecula Valley High School. I have been appointed as your Service Coordinator for the 2015-2016 term. For this term, I plan to provide the best and only the best service opportunities for the polar bears of Division 06 South. I am looking forward to meeting and working with every one of you at different service events.
 Email: d06s.keyclub.servicecoord2@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 764-9057

VALERIE HAINES - SERVICE EXPO COORDINATOR Hello everyone! My name is Valerie and I go to Murrieta Mesa High School. I currently serve as the president of Murrieta Mesa’s Key Club! I love to read, play piano, listen to music, and spend time with friends and family! Recently, I have developed a great love for Key Club and I am so excited to work with and get to know everyone!
 Email: valeriehaines20@gmail.com | Phone Number: (805) 290-2678

KIMBERLY TRAN - MEMBER RECOGNITION Hello! My name is Kimberly Tran and I am from Perris High School Key Club serving as President for the year of 2015-2016! I'm very cheerful and may be shy but once I get to know you, I talk and laugh a lot! I like to make a stranger my friend and make unforgettable memories together! I would like to meet many great individuals inside and outside of our division and share our uniqueness to one another. As for my goals for our division, I hope that we'll be able to spend much time together with smiles and laughter from each individuals. I also hope that one day we'll be able to come together to celebrate for what we've done successfully and joyfully throughout the year! Email: kimmiekxtran@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 666-9916


VICTORIA VU - INTERCLUB COORDINATOR Hi Polar Bears! My name is Victoria, and I'm here to serve YOU as your Interclub Coordinator. I'm currently a junior, drowning in homework assignments, at Heritage High School. This is my second year in Key Club, and I'm loving every, well ALMOST every, moment of it! Even service events in the early morning won't make me a morning person. When I'm not having a blast at a Key Club event, I'm most likely procrastinatingwatching entire TV series while eating any junk food in sight. I look forward to this opportunity to strengthen bonds within our division & to meet you all! Email: d06s.keyclub.coordinator1@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 723-7242

EMILY LA - INTERCLUB COORDINATOR My name is Emily from Chaparral High School. I do cross country and track in my free time as well as searching for the best Mexican food in town. I am also a part of Interact, and have been a part of Key Club since freshman year. Until recently, I didn't understand that being a part of Key Club is just as important as doing community service. I want to be more involved this year and have others be a part of Key Club too. So far I have come up with some bonding events and icebreakers to try out. I hope everyone puts themselves out there and enjoy it! Email: d06s.keyclub.coordinator2@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 532-6448

LUKE XU - HISTORIAN Hi guys! I am Luke from Linfield; I serve as Key Club D6S Historian 15-16. Playing music, playing tennis, taking photos, and reading books are all my favorites. It's an honor for me to serve as the historian of the 15-16 term, and I will utilize my abilities to fulfill my commission. I wish that by the end of this term, I will become a better, and more responsible leader.
 Email: d06s.keyclub.historian@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 525-9621


ALAN BAEZ - SPIRIT COORDINATOR Shalom, Division 6 South! My name is Alan Danger Baez and I'm proud to be serving as your new co-spirit coordinator for the 2015-2016 term. I am a junior from Heritage High School and also their Key Club senior class representative. Fun facts about me: I hail from the Eastern Air Temple, I am captain of the Piragua Pirates, and I have a quite an interest in theatre and art. What I want to do for this term is bring a force of positive energy that will make more members be comfortable with getting pumped and hyped with each other, and to help get the polar bears farther in Fall Rally and maybe even take home the win. I hope to make more friendships and have fun experiences with more of you this term. Party on polar bears! Email: d06s.keyclub.fallrallyspirit1@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 375-9965

MARIELLE FORMOSO - SPIRIT COORDINATOR Hello! My name is Marielle Formoso, I am our division's spirit coordinator and also Paloma Valley's Key Club's secretary! I am very open-minded, funny, cheerful, and a dancer hella. I am also President of Polynesian Ohana Club (2014-2016) and President of Asian Club (2015-2016). I love to perform contemporary and Polynesian dance. This year, I plan on ice blasting our polar bear spirit to the fullest! Holla at ya girl and follow me on IG! @msteezy_ Email: d06s.keyclub.fallrallyspirit2@gmail.com | Phone Number: (619) 600-8144


ALL HAIL GODDESS QUALM! Email: r04.advisor@gmail.com | Phone Number: (951) 587-1773 ..


freezing points Monthly Report Forms: Early MRF Submission (by the 3rd of every month)

20 Points

On-Time Submission (by the 5th of every month)

10 Points

Articles and Visuals: Early Articles/Visuals Submission (by the 8th of every month)

20 Points

On-Time Submission (by the 10th of every month)

10 Points

DCM Attendance Key Club Member Chaperone/Advisor

5 Points each 15 Points each

Service: Division Events

10 Points for Club Attendance

Club Events

25 Points each

Fundraising: Division Events

10 Points for Club Attendance

Eliminate Project or Pediatric Trauma Problem: $100 Raised

25 Points

$200 Raised

50 Points

$350+ Raised

100 Points

Club Funds/Other Charities:


$50 Raised

25 Points

$100 Raised

50 Points

$200 Raised

100 Points

points Congratulations to Heritage for making the most progress for the month of june! Check back in next month’s issue to see your club’s progress
 from june to july!

division 6 south 2015 - 2016 t-shirt contest

show us how creative you can bee by designing a new shirt for d6s! This new design will be worn by hundreds of MEMBERS IN POLAR BEAR NATION and showcase WHO we are at events like fall rally! REQUIREMENTS: (Front and Back): - Polar Bear or Polar Bears - “Division 6 South” - “Region 4” (Viper - optional) - CNH District logo - Key Club International Logo - Colors: Dark blue, black, and white - Must be hand drawn (scanned) or digital drawing sent as a .png

- All 9 club names (on back) - Chaparral - Great Oak - Heritage - Linfield - Murrieta Mesa - Paloma Valley - Perris - Rancho Verde - Temecula Valley

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
 d06s.keyclub.dne@gmail.com or d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Deadline: June 19th before 6:00 PM 30

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