Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter | March 2021

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What's Poppin’ D13S! Welcome back to the Ninja News! Congrats to all clubs and officers that have applied to any district contest! Good luck to all of you! Results will be announced at District Convention 2021! Of course, a HUGE congrats to our Division 13 North and South Lieutenant Governor Elects, Julia Saguin and Maryland Heng respectively! After working alongside them for so long, I can confidently say that they are both so qualified and that both divisions are in such great hands! :,) It is currently elections season which means clubs will be holding elections to elect your next officers for the 2021-2020 term! From experience, I highly recommend you run for a position, as you may never know what you will gain from it. Personally, after serving in various positions, I have learned so much varying from leadership skills to graphic design skills! After all, there is nothing to lose by running for an officer position! Make sure to contact your club for more information regarding club elections, good luck to all running, and congrats to everyone that has won! Finally, thank you so much for reading this month’s issue of the Ninja News! I hope you enjoy! Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South News Editor ‘20-’21

message from the news editor


lieutenant governor’s letter

messages from your ltg elects!

division update

event recap

club recaps

contact information

[articles + visuals]

[president updates]

[dlt + presidents]

[news + recognition]

HIYA Ninjas! WOO I HAVE A CHILD! I’m so pleased to announce that the next Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor for the 2021-2022 term will be Maryland Heng. Although this division will be a bit smaller this time around I have no doubt that she will lead this division to new and bigger heights this upcoming term. I am so thankful for what this division has done this term especially with having a pandemic in our hands, but we made it! Although this means our term is coming to a close I will forever be so grateful for what this organization and division has provided for me, a second family that I have held so close to my heart for the past four years. I’ll save the rest for banquet, but on the note...Maryland you got a lot on your hands good luck! Huge congrats to those that entered a district or international contest! I wish you all the best of luck and I hope with all of the achievements you have made this term it will truly be recognized on the district level and be showcased at DCON 2021! Thank you everyone for working so hard and serving so much this term without the help of our members and officers here with us we wouldn’t have served over 7,400 hours and raised over $2,000 for PTP. Although our term is ending in the next two months please continue to serve and fundraise as we don't stop here! Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor ‘20-’21


WHAT’S SLICIN’ NINJAS! My name is Maryland Heng and I’m more than exhilarated to announce that I’ll BEE serving as your next lieutenant governor for the ‘21-22 term! It’s been 3 years since I’ve grown up in this very club and blossomed into the true leader I am today :) very cheesy to say but it’s true! I’ve grown READY to serve this outstandingly phenomenal division and in no doubt I will ever forget serving this amazing DIV from the start of my freshmen year. I’ve grown from being such a shy intimidated freshmen to now proudly serving our division of such exceptionally passionate members. From the many positions I’ve once served, I can’t wait to implement many new ideas to further establish this community in order to make your experience a unforgettable one! Key club has gave me everything I never knew I was able to receive from the greatest of friends I could ever meet, amazing ways to develop into a better leader, and serving our community to create a change in our future. As a person who doesn’t have any siblings, I view all of you guys as my own family and our organization as my home. I promise to give you my 200% into the ‘21-22 term NINJAS! It’s been a wild ride guys but I know we can SLICE through the term and it’ll be remarkable once again. Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor Elect ‘21-’22


WHAT’S SWINGING MONKEYS! My name is Julia Saguin and I am so excited to elected as Division 13 North’s next lieutenant governor! Although our division is realigning and there is so much to look forward to in the future, YOU, the ninjas, are what made me fall in LOVE with serving on the division level! There is such an amazing and comfortable environment of building a connection and serving together as a division that I have experienced in my past three years of key club. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to meet and bond with different members and officers, it is the love that has come from our amazing and spirited division that has kept me motivated for so long! From my time as multiple different positions in Key Club, I know I will take all my experience with me to make the next term as best as it can be. I have learned so much from our division, the passion and positivity has always kept our spirit SO STRONG! The memories I have made with all of you means SO much to me and I will always reflect and think back to them as we move into the new term. With that, I hope you look forward to what I have in store for Division 13 North (expect LOTS of joint events :D) and SWING into service with me! Swinging for Service,

Division 13 North Lieutenant Governor Elect ‘21-’22




For the past month, Division 13 South participated in service projects such as Spread the Love Week and Food Packing and Delivering to Shut Ins.






We also had our New Year, New Us January DCM so thank you to everyone that attended! Good luck to all candidates running for a club officer position and congrats to those that have won their club elections already! Congrats to our new Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor Elect, Maryland Heng, and our new Division 13 North Lieutenant Governor Elect, Julia Saguin!


there are 13 clovers scattered throughout this newsletter! try to find them all!





















Spread the Love Week 15




D13S x D44N February DCM

Shut In Food Packing




Shut In Food Packing









Shut In Food Packing

28 Shut In Food Packing




service hours | 7414.94/9,000

funds raised | $2,00/$3,000



Any member, officer, club, and/or advisor you think has been especially outstanding? Was there a service project that turned out really well? Tell us about it and maybe the person or service project will get recognition!


want to be featured in the next newsletter? submit your article and visual to D13S.CNHKC.DNE@GMAIL.COM!

Coral Pongsuwan Historian | Bellflower In the month of January, Bellflower Key Club presented National Thesaurus day, where members were able to learn new words using Freerice. Each time you learn a new word, 5 grains of rice gets donated to different people and communities in need. Not only do you get to enhance your knowledge, you’re also helping out someone else. We hope all of our members enjoyed this service project!


Coral Pongsuwan Historian | Bellflower Human trafficking is an important topic to speak about because countless people are affected by it. To spread awareness, Bellflower Key Club members were able to create graphics speaking about who Human Trafficking affects and why it should have more awareness. We hope our members learned something new during the service project.

Gustavo Sanchez Member | Gahr The Flying Facts service project is where Key Club members can make graphics, posters, cards about informational facts that can help students in a local school in the Philippines. The Flying Facts service project started on January 15th and ended January 31st. Many of the members wrote informational facts about space, food, and earth facts! Everyone was so creative, some drew by hand or used digital art. This project was a great way to share love and knowledge!


Emily Uy Historian | Wilson On January 13 Wilson Key Club had an event for Sticker day. This event members are able to create their own stickers as long as the sticker is safekey. The stickers can be made on a piece of paper or digitally. The event was a great way for the members to show their creative side and have the opportunity to throw in ideas of merchandise if they are planning to own their own business in the future.

Emily Uy Historian | Wilson In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day Wilson Key Club creates a service event to inform people the significance of the day. For the service event members create a poster that is filled with information about Martin Luther King Jr., this information can be present in many ways. Some members wrote down, drew the information, and others did a mix of both to illustrate the significance of January 18.


Michelle Lork Historian | Mayfair New year, new ninjas! For the January DCM, we quickly brushed up on the amazing accomplishments from 2020. Followed up with that, we have set new goals for the following new term, to find out that there is a NEW LTG coming into town. Besides our accomplishments and our goals, many ninjas are still striving towards service to start the year off strong!

Michelle Lork Historian | Mayfair Ninjas, Monkeys, and Hedgehogs assemble! For the 2021 D13 Conclave, many key clubbers gathered together to see the LTG elects from each division. We were able to hear from each elect, and motivate yet encourage each of them to do their best. We were also able to bond amongst other divisions as well!


BELLFLOWER | daniel le For the past month, Bellflower Key Club has participated in service projects such as our New Years Manifestations, Human Trafficking Awareness Day, and National Thesaurus Day. We also participated in division events. We recently had our club elections and I am very proud of all of our candidates for putting themselves out there. Congrats to Rogelio Acosta, Anaiah Grant, Khomsan Liamkrajang, Elize Dizon, Allyana Macedo, ShooShoo Elghazzawy, Amy Gonzalez, Mary Ordinario, and Julissa Grano for being elected onto Bellflower Key Club’s 2021-2022 board! I am super excited for our newly elected board and can't wait to see what they have in store for our club. Our historian has released the January issue of our newsletter. Once again, thank you to all our members that have participated this past month and be on the lookout for future events! We have a very special event planned soon in March so make sure to stay connected with us!

BROWNING | vallary roeum This January, we formed a meeting on how to gain new members. We created flyers and worked with ASB to send it to teachers and students. We are currently thinking of more ideas to promote of our Key Club.

CABRILLO | justine alcayde This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

GAHR | julia saguin Hi-yah Division 13 South! I hope all of you are doing well. Since last DCM, Gahr Key Club mainly focused on ELECTIONS woo!!! We had a super fun general meeting with icebreakers and explaining the positions. Our elections will be held in the next two weeks so we are excited to see the future of Gahr Key Club. We also have an ongoing service event called flying facts where members can participate in making educational cards and graphics to be sent to the Philippines and also participated in division service events! I’m super thankful for all of my members; they’ve been so active and it really warms my heart. I hope everyone has an amazing and safe rest of their day, thank you!!!!!!

JORDAN | casey huynh This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

MAYFAIR | sharyn miralles HIYA this is Sharyn! Nice to meet you but as I transition from vice president to president, for the month of January we have done one event which was the Card Making and Pause for event where we gave Mayfair KC a chance to get off their phones to earn service hours! It was a very fun event and a good amount of members came and enjoyed their day with us. Besides that, we had a board meeting discussing forms for the new officers for new term. In addition, we were hoping to do a social and service event for February and a possible club meeting as well before the term ends pretty soon! January was a busy month for everyone and we hope to prove ourselves next month :) Thank you!

MCBRIDE | angelina liu This month was slow due to finals, however, we are working on club elections and can't wait to see our members run!


MILLIKAN | liana ngauv This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

POLYTECHNIC | maryland heng AYE NINJAS AHAHA! New year, new us means NEW POLY KEY CLUB! For the past month we have been preparing our elections for the new upcoming term and we have finally finalize the new UPCOMING BOARD :>> We had a long process of interest forms, application, the election itself, and interviews to ensure that the new board is amazing! We can't wait to pass on our amazing club to those who we know will continue our strong legacy once again. Congrats to Pia hao, Ryann Chalmers, Sierianna Chea, Natalie Canalis, Catherine Long, Clairose Matias, Kaera Mitchen Mishenkov, and Alyssa Auera for being elected to serve for the '21-22 term! Other than that, We planned a PANDA EXPRESS fundraiser to raise money for PTP! Another thing that we are planning is holding another service month for the new semester and reopening our NINJACKRABBIT PACK SO PLS BUY MWAH MWAH I WILL SMOOCH YOU! We have also participated in the division service events such as the cards for hospitalized kids and new years joy! We’re planning new events for next month such a GAHR X POLY socials and more fundraisers so please be on da look out hehe!! MWAHAHAHA HAPPY NEW YEARS XDD FROM UR NINJACKRABBITS

RANCHO DOMINGUEZ | marvin madamba For the Month of January, Rancho has had a few meetings going over the layout of the end of the term and also determining the election day which would be held the 3rd week of February. We hope to end the term strong!!!

SATO | nicole capcha Hey everyone! So for the last month Sato Key Club has held a free rice service events as well as participated in D13S cards for hospitalized kids and new years affirmations. We have introduced board positions and will be holding our elections in February! We are also working on an upcoming. fundraiser which will also be in February!

SOMERSET | zerlin garcia This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

ST. ANTHONY | mariana martinez This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

ST. JOHN BOSCO | hector andrade & ian salazar HI-YA Division 13 South and Happy New Year! Our club has been starting to get more active again as a new semester begins. We recently just hosted a couple service events that a good number of attendees. More events are starting to be planned as well as many more exciting announcements to be revealed. We are also starting open board positions for the upcoming term. We hope to finish the new term strong and have a smooth transition into the new one.

ST. JOSEPH | edalyn bray What’s up Ninjas! For the month of January, Saint Joseph has really stepped up our game and had an excellent FreeRice event with St. John Bosco. We also really loved DCM and Conclave. This month was a big game changer and I cannot wait for February.

WILSON | koldanita nhean For the month of December, Wilson has hosted two service events where members were able to make graphics for causes they care about and play save the trees to donate to charities. We are also having members bake for the homeless shelter this upcoming monday and hosting a dog toy making next week. Towards the end of the month, we had a Ding Tea fundraiser at the new Long Beach location.


bellflower president

Daniel Le

browning president

Vallary Roeum

cabrillo president

Justine Alcayde

executive assistant

Maryland Heng

gahr president

Julia Saguin

division tech editor

Tyler Soeur

jordan president

Casey Huynh

service projects coordinator

Jazz Nario mayfair president

Sharyn Miralles

dcm coordinator mcbride president

Angelina Liu

Dominique Cornejo

millikan president

Liana Ngauv


spirit coordinator

Ny Danh




t governor

h Tran

polytechnic president

Maryland Heng

rancho dominguez president

Marvin Madamba

division news editor

Daniel Le

sato president

Nicole Capcha

somerset president division media coordinator

Audrey Austria

Zerlin Garcia

st. anthony president

Mariana Martinez fundraising coordinator

Julia Saguin

st. john bosco presidents Hector Andrade & Ian Salazar

member recognition chair

Pia Hao

st. joseph president

Edalyn Bray

spirit coordinator

Joseph De Castro

wilson president

Koldanita Nhean


instagram | @d13sninjas twitter | @d13sninjas

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