Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter | April 2021

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What's Poppin’ D13S! Welcome back to the Ninja News, the final issue of the term! That’s right, we’re finally entering our last few weeks of the term! I know this term was not what we were hoping for and that we were very disappointed, but nonetheless, I am so proud of all of you and this entire division! Even during a global pandemic, I am so incredibly proud of you for mustering up the energy and time to participate in at home service projects and attend our virtual dcms and events. It has been a huge honor to serve as your Division News Editor this term, working alongside such an amazing Leadership Team that I’ve grown so close to, an amazing Publicity Committee, and such wonderful Presidents and Historians. Although I had to spend my final year in Key Club online, the friends and bonds I’ve made this term is reason to say that this was my favorite term during these past four years. It’s so sad to see our amazing division divide, with half of our schools joining Division 13 North, but I know both Divisions 13 South and 13 North will do amazing next term under such great leadership. I am very excited for my DNE child to do such great things as well as both divisions. Finally, thank you so much for reading this term’s volume of the Ninja News! I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride! :,) Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South News Editor ‘20-’21


message from the news editor

lieutenant governor’s letter

division update

event recap

club recaps

[news + recognition]

[articles + visuals]

[president updates]

farewell messages

senior quotes

contact information

[to the class of 2021]

[from the class of 2021]

[dlt + presidents]

HIYA Ninjas! It’s finally that time of the term! With this final issue for the 2020-2021 term, I truly want to appreciate each and every person in this division from our newest members, returners, officers and our wonderful advisors for making this term the best it could be. I would have never imagined for us to serve a full term virtual and face global pandemic at the same time, but we did it! No matter how small or how big we contributed throughout this term, I am so proud of what this division has done thus far. You all have shown me that with hope, passion, dedication and perseverance to serve, we can definitely do anything. As we close our 2020-2021 term this doesn’t mean we end here, but we’ll start anew. To my fellow seniors, as we leave this amazing chapter of our lives either it be college, work, gap year, serving our country, the list goes on, I wish you all the best and I hope to see you guys sometime in the future, I know you guys will do great. To my underclassmen, you all have so much to learn and have so many opportunities to help make a difference to our community and world. Continue to keep serving and continue being the best servant leaders in our world. I will definitely miss you all. Lastly, to Division 13 South, thank you for all that you have done for me from accepting my shy and awkward freshmen self to helping me learn my flaws as a leader. Your caring heart has truly helped me so much during my achievements and downfalls. Throughout these four years you helped me learn to care for my community, care for this amazing second family and care about the present. As I leave this amazing community, my second family, I hope with this upcoming term these two girlies will serve you well although they may be goofy and maybe annoying at times I have no doubt that they will lead this division to reach new heights and make history once again. Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor ‘20-’21








For the past month, Division 13 South participated in service projects such as Trivia Weekend, Wilderness Week, and Epilepsy Awareness. We also had our Joint To All the Ninjas I’ve Loved Before February DCM with the Division 44 North Purple Ninjas so thank you to everyone that attended! Congrats to everyone that has received any level of recognition through CNH’s Member Recognition Program! Thank you everyone for coming to March DCM, our final DCM of the term and our end of the term banquet! Congrats to everyone that received an award!


there are 13 ninja stars scattered throughout this newsletter! try to find them all!






















Trivia Weekend 14










Wilderness Week 21




March DCM + Banquet








service hours | 7774.35/6,000

funds raised | $2,600/$3,000



Any member, officer, club, and/or advisor you think has been especially outstanding? Was there a service project that turned out really well? Tell us about it and maybe the person or service project will get recognition!


want to be featured in the next newsletter? submit your article and visual to D13S.CNHKC.DNE@GMAIL.COM!

Coral Pongsuwan Historian | Bellflower In the month of February, Division 13 South held a service week titled Spread the Love. Each day had a specific service event correlated to the week: Green Monday, Teacher Tuesday, Warm-hearted Wednesday, SOSP Thursday, and Friendship Friday! Since the month of February is known for sending love wherever needed, this was a great string of service events to participate in! We hope every member was able to make someone else’s day!


Coral Pongsuwan Historian | Bellflower What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by making cards? From February 12th to the 14th, Bellflower Key hosted a Valentine’s Day Card Making Service event! Members had the ability to create fun and cheesy valentine grams to send to friends, family, or significant others! This service event was another exciting way to show your love and appreciation for the people in your life. We hope every member enjoyed it!

Emily Uy Historian | Wilson The service event for the 18th of February was Words of Affirmation. For this service event members had another opportunity to show their creative side by making affirmations on pieces of construction paper, index cards, post-it notes, or etc. They then placed the affirmations by the window to spread positivity in our communities.


Kai Noah Jugo Historian | Gahr In the month of February, a few of Gahr Key Club's members attended the To All the Ninjas I've Loved Before DCM. What was special about this DCM was that it was a joint one with D44N, the Purple Ninjas. If it weren't for quarantine, we wouldn't have the opportunity to meet these ninjas from the other side of the CNH District. Although filled with many games and icebreakers, the one icebreaker which stood out to me the most was when we had to go into breakout rooms and create shapes as a team with our hands and arms and take a picture of it. This game was such a great way to casually talk with key clubbers we never met because we had to work together. At the end of the DCM we watched To All the Boys: Always and Forever. It was a banger movie and chatting with other ninjas throughout it is what made it even better.


BELLFLOWER | daniel le HIYA Division 13 South! For the past month, Bellflower Key Club has participated in service projects such as our Valentine’s Day Grams. We’ve also been participating in division events such as the Spread the Love Week and the CSULB CKI Joint Service Event. We will begin training our new board soon and preparing them for a smooth transition into the new term. Our historian has published the February issue of our newsletter so make sure to go read it! For one final time, thank you to all our members that have participated in events this past month and term, it was an honor to serve as your president this term!

BROWNING | vallary roeum In the month of February, Browning key club and I had the opportunity to have a meeting and talk about the service events we would like to do as a club for the month of March.

CABRILLO | justine alcayde WHATS KICKIN NINJAS, Jae Here! For the month of February, Cabrillo Key Club has supported our division at our Ding Tea fundraiser on Feb. 13th and as well as our Tastea fundraiser on the 27th! We have been planning for the next term and what we want to see, and how we want to grow! We’re in the works of a fundraiser so keep an eye out for that, although the term is coming to the end we’re beyond excited for the next term to start so you guys can see what we can accomplish!

GAHR | julia saguin HI GUYS!!! For the past month, Gahr key club has mainly focused on our election process! I am very excited to say that we have successfully elected our new board for the 2020-2021 term wooo!!!! We’ve participated in division service events and also had a club service event for Black History Month where members filled out a template and created informational graphics from it! Going into the next month and end of the term, we have an interclub planned with Poly, have our final service events planned, and have our training for officer elects for the new term. I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day thank you!

JORDAN | casey huynh For the month of February we have been improving on attending service events and creating fundraisers. We have done 3 service activities out of the week and have done a Creamistry fundraiser. We are now going to elect the new board members for the new term and gain new members and create new bonds.

MAYFAIR | sharyn miralles Hiya Sharyn here! Basically our february recap consisted of 2-3 board meetings discussing elections and social/service events since we are reaching the end of this term. So far, we had 2 service events like our dog toy making event and kibble for bits service opportunity. We also had our last social event, family feud! it was just a fun way of ending the term with our members. Besides that, we just had our elections informational meeting on Wednesday for members who want to be apart of our key club board for the upcoming term. We will be having elections in the next few weeks. we are hoping to have a great outcome to our last few weeks of this term. Thank you!

MCBRIDE | angelina liu For the month of February we were able to hold club meetings and establish the google forms for the new board for the next term. We are excited to see who the new board will be! :)


MILLIKAN | liana ngauv This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

POLYTECHNIC | maryland heng AAYOOOOOO KEY CLUBBERS! For the past month, Poly key club has been back on its grind for SERVICE with new events such as our Black History month graphic making, Appreciation for Kiwanis Advisors, and our upcoming Kiwanis Foundation videos! We have been on the roll with installing our new elected board by focusing on training and having our members get to know our new board by introducing them at our meeting last week. Congratulations to Pia Hao, Ryann Chalmers, Sierianna Chea, Natalie Canalis, Nisha Patel, Kaera Mishenkov Mitchen, Clairose Matias, and Alyssa Auera :>>! We were also able to celebrate SPRING with GAHR KEY CLUb by hosting our Blossom BUDdies Social! It was honestly amazing to meet new people and bond with all of the amazing key clubbers :) The end of the term is slowly coming and I can't wait to pass off this club to our new successors :)

RANCHO DOMINGUEZ | marvin madamba Hey Ninjas, for the month of February, Rancho Dominguez Key Club has had great attendance in our meetings, we also had a service event commemorating Black History Month and we also started our election process. We hope everyone is doing well!!

SATO | nicole capcha Hey ninjas! So for the past month, Sato key club has been participating in many service events such as Spread the Love Week which included many events such as Warm Hearted Wednesday and Friendship Friday! We also had a Chipotle fundraiser so if you came thank you for supporting Sato key club!! Another very important event we have is officer elections which we will be March 8th! Thank you!!

SOMERSET | zerlin garcia This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

ST. ANTHONY | mariana martinez This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

ST. JOHN BOSCO | hector andrade & ian salazar HI-YA Division 13 South. We have been taking things a little slow the past couple of months due to some schedule changes as well as organizing some meetings and events. We hope to start being more active in the last couple of months in the term and be prepared for the upcoming one as well. We will also be having our new officer elections coming up and are preparing for this new transition. We want to finish the term strong and will be doing our best to be in good shape for the next couple months.

ST. JOSEPH | edalyn bray Hi-Ya Ninjas! For the month of February, Saint Joseph has prepared ourselves for the next term by hosting elections. Although we thought no one was interested in running, plenty of students submitted their speech and campaign flier. We are so happy with the outcome of this term and can't wait to see how much the club grows next year. :)

WILSON | koldanita nhean Hi everyone! For the month of February, Wilson key club has participated in Spread the Love week and held our own 3 day service event with events such as Tappy Tree and writing words of affirmation on our windows. We also had a Valentines playlist exchange where members were paired together and exchanged playlists. We’re happy to say we are done with elections and have announced the ‘21-22 board for next term!



Maryland Heng President + Executive Assistant | Polytechnic To Megan Deseo, John Seng, and Kimsan Phy! I would like to give a big thanks to our amazing POLY KEY CLUB seniors for always being able to look after every single one of our underclassmen :) Even though we don’t have many seniors, you guys make the best of what we have and inspired many of our young members. There has never been a time where we felt alone and lost without someone to help guide us, since you all were there to embrace us in your big sibling circle and show us the bright path. With Megan’s amazing art skills and fun cute personality, John’s intellectual wise advice (as well as his weird sounds), and Kimsan’s bright humor that would make any environment shine. We will miss you A WHOLE LOT :> I love you a whole lot and so do our current members! Your legacy will stay and bring our members to the greatest heights! (pls make sure to visit xd) To the lovely DLT Seniors! I just want to thank every single one of you guys for making such a big impact on me :) I never expected myself to befriend the amazing Bellflower kids, a wild Mcbride boy, and our amazing mighty Lieutenant Governor! Even online, many of the juniors (as well as myself) were able to receive the same love and support as if we physically met with each other. I remember nights where we would all stay up and talk about our feelings while laughing at dumb games. You guys really made this year not as bad as it seemed. Whenever I needed support you guys would always be there to help without any hesitation :) I sometimes would forget you guys were seniors which is lowkey sad :(( cause you guys are really leaving. I will miss the game pigeon games with Daniel, the dumb non-safekey but funny jokes with Jazz and Audrey, the wild story telling from Tyler, and the wise “date to marry” Vyanh. I wish you guys the best of luck in college and hope to see you guys visit us in the upcoming term XD PLS IM BEGGING but anyways I love you guys so much so mwah!

Nisha Patel Member | Polytechnic Hi Megan! You're a really genuine and cool person! You have a welcoming personality and your graphics are amazing ">&*^&^$%$?! Your layouts and themes are very creative. Unfortunately, it is the end of the term D,,: . Although it's sad you're leaving, I hope you have an amazing time at college. You are moving onto bigger and better things. I just want to let you know you're a great person :]. Farewell Megan!


Julia Saguin President + Fundraising Coordinator | Gahr To Division 13 South DLT! Hello my fellow DLT members, da bank here :( I’m so sad to see you guys go! Throughout this term, we have had SO MANY highs and lows together and I have so much respect for you guys! Even though it was your last year, you guys put in SO much work for our division, even through the hardest times of college apps, semester tests, and the busy recruitment season!! To JAZZ, our Service Projects Coordinator! You put in SO much effort into all of your service events! Everything you planned was well thought out and you even provided some in-person opportunities! You organized events so well, if they were during a Zoom event, individual events, and IRL events, you always had sign up sheets and instructions so well! Our division and all of our clubs owe SO MUCH of our hours to you! Having so many consistent events monthly has seriously helped us out and grow so much and I am so proud of you! You have seriously set the bar high for future Service Projects Coordinators :D Other than actual Key Club stuff (LOL), you are so sweet and always linger around encouraging DLT with everything you do. I am so excited to see what you do in the future, you are seriously so hardworking and such an inspiration to myself and so many others! I’m going to miss talking to you and hearing all of your rants in our chat, I SUPER DUPER wish that we were able to hang out in person! ILY and never forget how amazing you are! To AUDREY, our Media Coordinator! You were SO FUN to bond with and hang out with in DLT! you are so so funny and such a wholesome person (I RLY WISH I BOUGHT YOU THAT OCTOPUS HAHA) you have done SO MUCH for all of our division and did AMAZING with all of your graphics and videos you made… especially that DLT intro video. Being the division’s first DMC, you did SO SO well, I know how hard making videos is and how it can take hours yet you always did them with so much ease! You always put full effort regardless of how last minute it was and I hope you know everything you did never went unnoticed! Thank you for everything you’ve done for our division, i am so excited to see what you will do in the future ILY! :DDD To TYLER, our Tech Editor! I am SOO thankful for you! In the beginning of the term, I found such a strong trust with you even when we barely talked! You’re seriously one of the sweetest people I know, you always have something so nice to say to everyone and it is seriously such a comfort with you there! You are seriously such an icon and you deserve ALL the hype in DLT and in McBride :> I appreciate you so much and never forget you can come to me whenever! I’m gonna miss you SO much ILY :D To DANIEL, our News Editor!!! Man </33 I am going to miss you SOO much :( You have already heard my rants and seen me bawling my eyes out at the thought of you leaving (I hate you by the way). You were SUCH a consistent anchor throughout this entire past term, from the president’s group chat to now, I seriously do NOT know what my term would have been like without you. I have asked you SO many DUMB questions from being my dictionary, to my source of fonts and graphics, to random vocabulary I didn’t understand in Key Club. Seeing you work hard consistently in Key Club and school has seriously inspired me so much ever since I met you and I would literally yell at you about how motivated and hardworking you are LOL!!!! You have seriously been there at my highest and lowest times and I wouldn’t have it any other way, I absolutely have NO idea how you dealt with me for almost a year now. With early quarantine and roblox, to AP season (Yikes), to summer, member recruitment, our interclubs, elections, distinguished apps, invading each others meetings with Ruth and Rogelio, and even to helping me every night preparing for conclave, you have done SOO much for me and I am so glad you were there! I am SO SO SO SAD to see you go and I’m going to miss you so much DD: I’m still going to bother you for the next year though so you’ll never get rid of me anyways. You’ve become one of my best friends and I am grateful for everything ILYY <333


To VYANH, our LTGGGGG!!!!! HI VYANH!!! I am SOO proud of you and everything you’ve done for our division. Throughout the entire term, you have seriously went through BATTLES putting on events for us. You never failed to make unique events and be such a distinguished (xD) Lieutenant Governor and I am so grateful that YOU were the one who guided us throughout the term! Every time I’ve been with you at events and small hang outs, you always take care of us like a little mom (LOL!) We never fail to have long conversations about anything and everything— from kpop to Key Club to friendships… I’m so glad to been close to you! You have supported me so much throughout this term as president, your dlt member, and now as an LT.G elect! I’m so grateful for everything you’ve down for me, you have brought me so much comfort in.. trying times.. and I couldn’t be happier! I am so proud of all of your accomplishments and you have advanced our division SO MUCH! I’m SOO excited to see what you do in the future, ILY VYANH!!! ! :D To Gahr Key Club senior officers! HELLOOO MY LOVELY OFFICERS! You guys seriously mean the WORLD TO ME! We have gone through BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS, throughout this entire term and I wouldn’t have wanted it with anyone but you guys! To my lovely vice presidents, service coordinator, and webmaster, you have all shown so much resilience this entire term it’s crazy to me </333 Even though I was SO annoying and would ask you guys to save me at 12am, you never failed to pull through and help me out. It was seriously so helpful I don’t know where I would be without you! Gahr Key Club’s accomplishments and advancements have come from YOUR hard work, your goals, and your support! You always hyped everything up (ESPECIALLY YOU ABBY LOOL) and made everything so fun in addition to all of your behind the scenes work. Everything you’ve contributed will NOT go unnoticed in the future and the upcoming officers will definitely get so much to learn from you guys! Thank you for everything you have done, you were all my ROCK, I love you guys with my whole heart! :D

Jae Alcayde President | Cabrillo To Koldanita I’m soooo glad that we met my first term of key club, I wasn’t really too social but you made the last couple months of in person events feel pretty fun and I felt so comfortable, I love you Nitaaaa <33

Njiad Makoon Member | Gahr Hi Daniel~~!! I hope you are feeling gahr-reat today!! I just wanted to let you know that you're a really cool guy and super chill. I really wished we got to know each other more throughout the year and maybe got closer. I see the amount of work you do and the amount of effort you put into your work, which I find really good about you and it really inspires and motivates people like me to be more involved and active with the work we do. You're graphics and news letters are such a ~vibe~... like its highkey really good. But now im sad :( that you're leaving this year (low key thought you were a junior) and really wished we talked more. But anyways I hope to one day meet you in person and hang out. Anyways stay cool and be yourself I will miss you very much!! I LUV YOU!!! <33

Ruth Rapuri Secretary | Gahr Hi Division 13 South seniors!!! I don’t know of all you but you have a special place in Division 13 South’s heart. Each and every single one of you has been the life of the division every time you guys show up. the memories that have been created with you guys will always be remembered the dedication that Each of you guys have put into this Key Club and will never be forgotten. All of you have a huge future ahead of you and I hope that you guys have an amazing time creating more memories along the way! LOVE YOU GUYS <3


Kyleena Przybylski Member | Wilson Seniors, you guys are so strong and amazing!! It sucks that you did not get to experience your senior year normally, but I hope you all were still able to make unforgettable memories these past 10 months. I wish you the best of luck as you start this new chapter in your life and I hope all goes well for you all :)))

Kaera Mishenkov Mitchen Member | Polytechnic To Megan Deseo: The graphics you did during the ‘20-‘21 term as Poly’s Graphic Editor were always so amazing, not to forget the BEAUTIFUL merch designs you did!! I love your cute art style and I know you’re gonna do more amazing things in the future, whether it’s through your passion for digital art or anything else you set your mind to!!

Sierianna Chea Publicity Committee | Polytechnic WASSUP SENIORS XD XD <3 I have a lot of messages for a few seniors that have made my Key Club year pretty darn great! First of all, let me address Kimsan Phy from Poly Key Club. I have known Kim since freshman year and ever since then he has only brought smiles to my face because of his humour, energy, and overall personality that seems to always brighten up any call or interaction I have with him. If you do not know him as your fellow spirit time wooha member, or the tennis god with the speed of a thousand cheetahs, then he is that one guy that is pretty loud and outgoing at events (especially in person). If you still have never met him, I recommend you do because he's pretty darn great at being one of the big brother figures in my life I can be comfortable around no matter what. I truly do love and appreciate him a lot. Next up is JOOOOOHN Seng from Poly Key Club as well. At first, I was scared and didn't know how to talk to John, but he's always been a very nice and fun person to be around despite my awkward personality around him. However, over quarantine I think I had become better friends with him since I now see him as another big brother figure to me. He really is one-of-a-kind, talented, and just such an amazing, intelligent, and loving person that I really really REALLY appreciate too much than I can bare. I love him a lot and truly wish nothing but the best for that man. Daniel Le BOW WOW is another senior that I truly do appreciate talking to and being around. Although all we do is bully each other, I can still always go to him for advice or if I need help with anything and he's always been willing to help me and I truly do appreciate him and adore him despite any insult I say to him. Like him being a dictator and abusing his power in the publicity committee group chat by kicking me out because he feels like it because he's a hater who won't admit he is a furry :) Anywaysss I never do, but I will admit that he is my DNE and I really do appreciate everything and anything he does for me and for others because he truly is someone I look up to. Lastly, allow me to shoutout MEGAN DESEO! First of all, WHAT A TALENTED PERSON I MEAN HER GRAPHICS AND ART IN GENERAL IS SO CUTE AND ANYONE WHO READS THIS SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT HER SHOP AND ART (i think that's what it is) BECAUSE ITS TRULY TOO GOOD! on instagram !! Anyways I haven't really interacted with her a lot but nonetheless, she's still an amazing person that I cannot believe I haven't met before. I truly love being around her and talking to her whenever I do! She is too sweet and too kind and a really good gamer by the way! Alas, it is farewell to you all and I feel like crying writing this because you all truly make me happy genuinely and I am going to miss you too much. God I'm gonna miss you guys a lot I hope you all know how much I support, cherish, and love you guys beyond words. I hope you all have good lives and graduate satisfied! I love you all!


Dennis Lam Member | Sato Hey seniors thanks for teaching me that keyclub truly is what you make of it

Mr. Adam Smith Faculty Advisor | Bellflower Dear Ninja Seniors, I am going to miss you guys; you have been a great cohort and all have truly lived up to Key Club's motto: caring -- our way of life. This year has presented many challenges but everyone stayed positive and continued to participate in service and social events and made the most of this term. Best wishes and good luck in your future ventures and stay in touch!

John Seng Spirit Team | Polytechnic Hey everybody, for all who don't know me I'm John, a senior, and I just want my last message to be a thank you. A thank you to those who've let me make a positive impact on their lives and letting me be one of your many memories you'll carry on in your guys' high school career and afterwards. I remember the first day I went here, I was shy and very to myself, I remember being told by someone's older brother that there were people you can make friends with and possibly a girlfriend. He had me at "there were people". And as time went on, he graduated, as he had laid the biggest impact on me, introducing me to Key club. And now it's my time to graduate and move on as well. You've all changed me as I have for you. You guys are what made me, the me you guys are seeing here. You all are my idols, and I hope I was yours too. And for letting me into their lives and letting them into mine, as the days I can actually spend bonding with everyone was short, yet sweet while we had them. Even if some of you guys don't know me, thank you for listening, as you all have bright futures ahead of you, and a family to support you. My time in division 13 south was probably the best and warmest place to spend my time, and I'm going to miss it. The warm faces, the screams of joy, the people, the advisors, and the time together. I'm happy to say that Key club has a special place in my heart and I'll never in my life forget it. It's my home. My family. Thank you, and I love you all. (ong this is from the heart but like I want to freestyle mine in person xD)


Tyler Soeur Vice President + Division Tech Editor | McBride Hiyah NInjas! I really will miss all of you as time goes on. I really do hope for next year and the continue years after that. I hope that everything goes well while the seniors are gone! Wish you luck keyuties!

Jazz Nario Vice President + Service Projects Coordinator | Bellflower Hi-ya ninjas! I am forever indebted to this division and club as I have made the best memories during my time here. Also, a huge thank you for pushing through this term and continuing to serve! As Service Projects Coordinator, it means a lot to me to see that sort of dedication, especially in times like these where burnout is more inevitable than ever. Go ninjas lolz

Ian Salazar President | St. John Bosco Key Club was one of the clubs I was really excited to join once I entered high school and from there I have so many friendships and learned many more things especially through service. At first I was a really shy kid and I didn’t really have any friends from the other schools in the division just participated at as many service events as I could. As time passes by, I started to gain more friendships be more active and finally figured out that this was the correct choice of joining Key Club. I will never forget my first service event bonding event region and district events that I’ve been a part of and now that my time with Key Club is coming to an end, I’m glad I made the most out of the experience, and will always be a proud member of this amazing club. I wanted to be more active so I decided to run for board positions for my home club and really may be more outgoing and brought me peace of mind. To my home club, Thanks for molding me and shipping me into the Key Club member that I am today and I can’t wait to see what you guys have in the future. To my beloved D13S Ninjas, thank you to everyone that has come my way I’m so glad that I’ve made more friendships and I’ve been a part of this ride with a majority of you these past few years and I’m really going to miss y’all and I hope we cross paths soon.I’ve learned so much from this experience and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this awesome division. I’m going to miss my time in Key Club. For the last time, HIIIII-YAAAAA!!!!

Vallary Roeum President | Browning My time being in Key Club taught me how to manage more responsibilities as a leader and gave me the extra courage to step out of my comfort zone when meeting others :) I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet you all and do activities together even if it was through zoom and discord <3

Audrey Austria Vice President + Media Coordinator | Bellflower Regardless of what has happened this term, I made lots of memories with people I didn't think I'd ever get close with. To the underclassmen, thank you for continuing to show your love for the division, and keeping up with our chaos. We hope you can continue to grow, even if we are parting as separate divisions. To the DLT, thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow and work alongside you. I'll always support and love D13S and D13N, you guys hold a special place in my heart. Thank you once again. You'll probably catch me at a boba fundraiser you guys hold :')


Daniel Le President + News Editor | Bellflower HIYA Division 13 South! It is surreal that Key Club has been a part of my life for the past 4 years! lol Throughout these past 4 years I have learned so much and been granted so many new opportunities that I will always be grateful for. This year, although we were in a pandemic, may have been my most favorite year in Key Club and I’m so glad to have made so many new friends this year. To the DLT, I am so glad to have worked alongside you all and so proud to have grown closer with all of you. To Maryland, Julia, Pia, Jazz, Audrey, Vyanh and the DLT Babes, Joseph, Dom, and Tyler, I’m so grateful for the late night bonding sessions and the dumb jokes. I’m gonna miss you guys so much and I hope we can still hang out even after we leave. To the Publicity Committee, thank you for working incredibly hard this year to serve the division, I can’t wait to see you guys take up even higher leadership positions within Key Club in the future. Thanks for always staying active within the group chat lol. To my board, thanks for putting up with my annoying random late night messages lol I am incredibly grateful to have been blessed with such an amazing board such as you guys. You guys did an amazing job in your duties and in my eyes are all well deserving of recognition for all your hard work. To Bellflower Key Club, thank you for giving me the honor of serving as your president this term. I started the term with so many ideas and goals in mind and while we were unable to achieve some of them due to the pandemic, I am so incredibly proud of all we have accomplished as a club. I know that 100% you guys will continue to rise to new heights in the future under such an amazing elected board. Peace out d13s, go green monkeys lol

Abigail Trinh Vice President | Gahr This club has and will forever be one of my most defining points in my whole highschool journey. Through all the graphic making, remind sending, and tree planting, I got the chance to meet so many lovely people. I got to experience what not many can say they went through because of Key Club. Even to this day I still look back on Key Club events with my friends and reminisce. I remember attending my first tree planting and being so tired from waking up so early. I literally still had eye boogers in my eyes. When I got there I was definitely expecting a bunch of low energy teenagers looking like they were forced to be there. But instead I was somewhat amazed to find a group of loud and eager Key Clubbers especially at 7 am. That day was also memorable because we ended up being the one to plant the last tree in our section. We were at our last tree and it ended up being in a spot where the dirt was very dry and hard. I remember just hacking at the ground and barely making a dent in it. We took so long that people started to form a crowd and everyone was taking turns to make a hole big enough for the tree. After like an hour we finally planted the tree and everyone ACTUALLY STARTED CLAPPING. I’ve never felt so satisfied after that day. And I actually did a check up on that tree and as you would expect the tree was a dried dead little stump bc of the dirt but I think it still stands as a testament. Key club is a an amazing tool not only for community service or college apps but also helps you create unforgettable relationships and memories. Because I took advantage of all this club has to offer, I was able to grow so much as a person and be such a loud, rambunctious person. I will always hold Key Club and all its lessons very near and dear to my heart. D13s Ninja ABOOGA ABOOGA and proud! Thank u.


bellflower president

Daniel Le

browning president

Vallary Roeum

cabrillo president

Justine Alcayde

executive assistant

Maryland Heng

gahr president

Julia Saguin

division tech editor

Tyler Soeur

jordan president

Casey Huynh

service projects coordinator

Jazz Nario mayfair president

Sharyn Miralles

dcm coordinator mcbride president

Angelina Liu

Dominique Cornejo

millikan president

Liana Ngauv


spirit coordinator

Ny Danh




t governor

h Tran

polytechnic president

Maryland Heng

rancho dominguez president

Marvin Madamba

division news editor

Daniel Le

sato president

Nicole Capcha

somerset president division media coordinator

Audrey Austria

Zerlin Garcia

st. anthony president

Mariana Martinez fundraising coordinator

Julia Saguin

st. john bosco presidents Hector Andrade & Ian Salazar

member recognition chair

Pia Hao

st. joseph president

Edalyn Bray

spirit coordinator

Joseph De Castro

wilson president

Koldanita Nhean


instagram | @d13sninjas twitter | @d13sninjas

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