Division 13 South News Editor Manual 2021-2022

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Congrats on being appointed as Division 13 South’s News Editor for the 2021-2020 term! I am very excited to see what you will fulfill this year! In this manual, you will find all your duties as Division News Editor as well as all login information for all Division 13 South and Region 8 accounts. Make sure to keep in close contact with your fellow Division Tech Editor and Division Media Editor as you will work together to lead the Publicity Committee. The CNH District Cyberkey (cnhkeyclub.org > members > editors) has plenty of more resources for you such as graphics, graphic standards, news and tech editor manuals, as well as reflector groups. As the IP DNE, I am very excited to see what you, as DNE bring to Division 13 South this term! Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South News Editor 2020-2021

first steps as dne

cnh submissions

[articles, visuals, news]

graphics + distribution + inspiration

tips as a news editor

newsletter requirements

resources + contact info


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)


log into google and change my name to yours! change the end signature in gmail to your information and special ending create an issue account (d13s [your name]) create a group chat with all division historians/editors communicate with all editors a brief summary of their duties, deadlines, and how to submit in the d13s gallery google folder for visual submissions, create a new folder for the 2021-2022 term create a google form for publicity committee applications (make a copy of the old form) then create a group chat with your finalized committee and delegate duties start working on your first newsletter!




send to: cnharticle@gmail.com

send to: cnhvisuals@gmail.com

carbon copy: lieutenant governor and region advisor

carbon copy: lieutenant governor and region advisor

subject line: D## Articles [# Attachments] ex: D13S Articles [3 Attachments]

subject line: D## Visuals [# Attachments] ex: D13S Visuals [3 Attachments]

body message: [event initials] - [event name] Submitted by: [author], [club] ex: [DCM] - [Division Council Meeting] Submitted by: [Daniel Le], [Bellflower]

body message: photo # [event initials] - [event name] Submitted by: [author], [club] ex: #1 [DCM] - [Division Council Meeting] Members attending our DCM.

file name: D##_[month digits]_[event initials] ex: D13S_03_DCM

file name: D##_[month digits]_[event initials] ex: D13S_03_DCM

reminders: articles must be submitted in Word Document (template can be found in the drive) due by 6 pm, 15th of every month

reminders: due by 6 pm, 15th of every month

NEWSLETTER send to: cnh.newsarchive@gmail.com carbon copy: lieutenant governor and region advisor subject line: D## News ex: D13S News

file name: D##_DNEWS_[month digits]_[term].pdf ex: D13S_DNEWS_03_2021.pdf reminders: articles must be submitted in pdf format due by 6 pm, 20th of every month


CONTENT ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

message from the news editor message from the lieutenant governor table of contents + page numbers calendar member recognition division/district updates articles and visuals contact information


FRONT COVER ● ● ● ● ● ●

Division 13 South Region 8 CNH District Month + Year Issue number CNH Logo

BACK COVER ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

instagram twitter remind division website region website CNH cyberkey key club international website

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recap division and district events promote new division and district updates promote district newsletter, cyberkey, and youtube education features about key club

file should not exceed 10mb compress using pdfcompressor.com



follows graphic standards and maintains creativity copyrighted materials may not be used without proper permission uses key club branding: graphic standards and key club CNH logo have been followed and included banner/masthead: name and mascot of the division; frequency of publication; issue number and month of publication; name of newsletter editor and division contact information are included newsletter is identical to newsletters distributed to members uses accent fonts/graphics

make sure to enter the newsletter into the distinguished division newsletter contest to receive recognition! the guidelines should be released in the fall along with the deadline to submit the website the guidelines are usually similar so you can look on the cyberkey for the 2020-2021 guidelines to help you get started


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post on social media share with presidents, historians, and dlt members to promote on social media publish and issuu.com and export newsletter video

INCLUDE ● ● ● ●

what is the event? when is the event? where is the event? why is the event happening?

refer to any other graphics or newsletter for inspiration if you’re ever having trouble, but do not steal ideas

PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS marawin chheang [2015-2017] issuu.com/d13smars erina lara [2017-2018] issuu.com/d13srin alexis phan [2018-2019] issuu.com/d13slexi sarah kernel [2019-2020] issuu.com/d13ssarah daniel le [2020-2021] issuu.com/d13sdaniel cnh district issuu.com/cnhkc



make sure to effectively communicate with them in order to disseminate important graphics with all the clubs may have to remind them to complete the Club Update Form in order to receive their messages for the newsletter as I was President and Division News Editor, it was easier for me to communicate with fellow presidents in the division presidents group chat so ask your LTG to be added to the presidents group chat to communicate with them easily


frequently remind your historians to submit articles and visuals monthly encourage them to submit ahead of the deadline rather than procrastinating recognize them by shouting out the individuals that submitted each month in the group chat!


select individuals you feel will be very utilized (try not to select anyone that will be useless to the team) select a variety of individuals with differing skills bond with your publicity committee!


make sure to work on your CNH submissions throughout the month rather than waiting to the last minute create a Word document ASAP for each article received! try to submit your articles, visuals, and newsletter early! (I often submit my articles and visuals on the 10th of every month)


D13S WEBSITE tinyurl.com/d13sninjas

REGION 8 WEBSITE region8ohana.weebly.com

CNH CYBERKEY cnhkeyclub.org


CNH DISTRICT EDITORS district news editor cnhkc.dne@gmail.com district tech editor cnhkc.dte@gmail.com district visual media editor cnhkc.dvme@gmail.com

DANIEL LE ledanielbao@gmail.com @ledanielbao


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