Grizzly Empire- August Edition

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Hello Grizzlies! Are you guys excited for a whole new year? It is just around the corner and lots of things are coming soon, so stay tuned! In our August newsletter, we will be presenting your new club presidents! They will be the light of our way and show us how dedicated we grizzlies are. Along with this, we will have a recap on a few of the last service events. Enjoy your summer!



Presidents Mcnair: Yvonne Ho, Chavez: Stephanie Ang, Middle College: Layla Yu, Bear Creek: Chris Wardrip, SECA Isabelle Tham, Lincoln: Janis Ho



Words From Lieutenant Governor Justine Chang Remarks from Division Tech Editor Carmen Chen

what’s inside ...





From a diet of insects to moose, GRIZZLIES eat about 20,000 moths a day!


What is PTP? Defining ELIMINATE.


Angel Cruz Clean Up: Stephanie Ang Charterhouse Center for Families 40th Annual Pancake Breakfast: Peter Thach


Skylar Edwards, MCHS





Hold up, wait a minute! Let me put some Grizzly in it! Welcome to another month of service and memories. The time has come for us to think about our plans for our Key Club year together. As the back-toschool season rapidly approaches, ask yourself these questions: Why am I in Key Club? How can I make a difference in the community? What ideas do I have that can benefit our division? As a member of the largest and oldest service organization, it is important to understand your role in the Grizzly family and how you can impact those around you. Key Clubbers have long been deemed the role model students on any given school campus — why? Because we care, we serve, we lead. Founded and dubbed “key” because the first members were the KEY students in their educational community, Key Club has always been about reaching new heights and selflessly giving a hand to those in need. So as the homework starts piling up and schedules are filled with bustling activities, let us remember that Key Club goes far beyond the limitations of a school campus — we touch the farthest corners of the world. Let’s take our influence and use it to show everyone how much the Grizzlies care for our community! Paws up in spirit and service,

LTG Justine Chang

DID YOU KNOW? Baby grizzlies enter this world only weighing a mere one and a half pounds!

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Hello all! As you all may know, school is inching towards us, and I’m definitely so so excited to see all of you again! As realignment took place, we have finally established our color and mascot, the blue grizzlies! Isn’t that great? In our sec ond issue, I would like to present to you all our new presidents. Though the school year has ended, their hard work never fails to impress all of us! They continually seek and have members volunteer at service events, and this certainly gives off the amazing grizzly spirit we have. Through the hard work and effort, we already see the numerous accomplishments of our division as a whole, and that is definitely something to applaud to. As we are headed to work, our wonderful LTG has provided training workshops for everyone, especially officers as well as those who would like to run for positions. I hope many of you had the opportunity of attending OTC! Not only did these workshops provide a full understanding of officer expectations, I also hope our service projects this year has been thoroughly covered. Along with the Officer Training Conference, RTC is also coming up soon! Our Regional Training Conference will consist of many ice breakers, members of other divisions, as well as informative workshops. Leaving with ample information about key club, you will also have tons of fun! As well as this, your Division Leadership Team has tirelessly coordinated our next DCM in August. Keep reading our newsletter for further information! Unlike previous years, we see numerous changes made and adjustments needed under necessary circumstances. So, be ready for a year lavished with new things to learn and have fun with. As events sneak upon us, I encourage all of you to pump that grizzly spirit up and serve with pride! After all, it is YOU who can make a change. With the unison of each and every one of us, I BEE-lieve we will succeed and break the barriers of anything in front of us! Serving with grizzly spirit,

DTE Carmen Chen





Hi everyone! I’m Janis, president of Lincoln High School’s Key Club. Since summer has begun, Lincoln has not had too many service events and fundraisers, but most recently, on Saturday, June 23, volunteers from our club participated in an event called Astronomy in the Park at Oak Grove Nature Center, hosted by the Stockton Astronomical Society. Members completed three hours of community service showing kids how asteroids form craters on the moon. Our club plans on volunteering at Oak Grove Nature Center in the event called Astronomy in the Park once again later this month on July 28th! Since Lincoln has not attended District Convention for the past couple years, my officers and I have been brainstorming possible fundraiser events to attain the amount of money needed to attend DCON in the spring. With school beginning next month in August, we have been planning out the school year, thinking of ways to get members to be more involved in the club, suggesting different kinds of fun volunteer events, and how to recruit new members. We hope to have more members attend DCMs and Fall Rally this coming school year to interact with key clubbers from other clubs, as well as feel the spirit of Key Club!

ISABELLE THAM Our Key Club at SECA so far has had half of a busy summer planning for the upcoming school year! This past month we’ve volunteered at Bike or Hike and Charterhouse Center for Families. The Bike or Hike benefitted the Emergency Food Bank and most of us course markers for walk/runners on a 5K around UOP. Other volunteers helped in registration and food service, and afterwards was given thanks with all sorts of balloon animals as well as their gratitude – to hear that the amount we contribute makes such a difference and to know that they appreciate what we love to do – serve – is such an amazing feeling. We’re starting an ongoing volunteer routine with Charterhouse Center, which aims to help parents help their children. Volunteers do work with their literacy program and anything else we are able to help with. We’re in the middle of planning our Board of Directors for the upcoming year, as well as planning for promotion of our club in school. We’re going to be holding a club meeting/ social later this month where we’re going to be reconnecting as a club again and officiating our actual Board of Directors and the other plans we have been planning this summer. This month we’ll also be volunteering with Tigers Aquatics again – we work with them every year on numerous occasions usually to help with food service, timing, and marshaling. We are also volunteering at Delta Blood Bank’s Run for Blood 5K in early August. Our club is so looking forward to OTC – hope to see you all there!







Hey Key Clubbers! This here is Yvonne from Ronald E. McNair and I’m here to inform you about Saturday of June 9th of 2012 when we volunteered to help the Relay For Life at Bear Creek High School. I distinctively remembered this event because around 6:00 a.m., my hair was pretty much flaring in every direction like Medusa’s hair and I was practi cally being pushed flat on my head by the early cold winds. I was given the job to be a traffic patrol;I was to assist and answer questions of the attendees about which direction to enter the event. There was two entrances for parking (General Parking and Survivor Parking) and I was in charge of the General as another Key Club group was supervising the Survivor. The survivor Parking was pretty much like the VIP, since it’s the closest to the entrance for those who were luckily to “survive” the wrath of cancer. When the traffic started to die down and when the relay was about to start, I head towards the event to check out the booths if there was some difference from last year’s Relay For Life. One of the shows I found interesting was how the K-9 police officers came to demonstrates what they as a division do with their dogs. It was impressive how the dog easily and swiftly the dog followed only the officer’s call. Afterwards, I spent some time with Bear Creek students and I helped the Information Table by passing out the packets and schedule of the day and night. For the rest of the day till 7 p.m., I spent helping out the Gift Store with the Bear Creek students. I would like to say that the items at the store was very cool and neat, but sadly I did not bring enough money. The Bear Creek students and I started to grow on each other and was having fun along having small chats with the “customers.” One of the committee needed our help to make water balloons for the kids. There was also a passerby who asked us to throw the waterballoons on him because it was so hot. We were all cracking up when all the Bear Creek students missed him, but eventually hit him. Even though the day started cold and windy and became hot and sunny, I would categorize that day as the funnest day I had in summer because I was able to give a helping hand to the Relay For Life, make some new friends, and to motivate them to join Key Club the next year. So I would totally recommend people to go and volunteer for Relay For Life!

Middle College High School Key Clubbers have been enjoying their summer vacation and are really looking forward to the Officer Training Conference on July 28th! Last month, we hosted the June DCM at Nubi Yogurt, and the fundraiser was a big success. I am currently waiting for the check of profit to arrive. All of us really enjoyed the Nubi Fundraiser and are definitely keeping it in mind for future fundraisers during the school year. We could even try other frozen yogurt shops, or eateries as well. This month the board is focusing on the upcoming school year. We definitely want to start it off with a huge grizzly ROAR!! Our main obstacle we’d like to overcome is getting all of our members registered on time, efficiently, and all at one time. Key Club is the biggest club at Middle College High School, an outstanding organization that we want to share with all of our classmates, and to make it most memorable. We can’t wait to get to know our new members!





READ MORE . . . For the June DCM we had around ten people from our club attend. Sarah Chi and Amy Wong said they had a blast and wished that everyone could have attended. They were able to meet lots of new members from other schools. I wished I could’ve gone but sadly I was out of town that day. The past few weeks of summer went by quickly and the officers and I decided that we should do some community service. We tried calling Goodwill but they said that you must be eighteen in order to be a volunteer. So Jenny Tran suggested that we choose a park to clean up and we all agreed that was a fantastic idea. We were stuck between Victory and Angel Cruz Park but in the end we decided on Angel Cruz. I called some members but they said they couldn’t make it because they already had plans. We thought of cancelling the event but luckily some members called back saying they could go. Currently the officers and I are meeting up to find more volunteering opportunities. We are also speaking to the past president and vice president to get a better understanding of our positions. Francisco Perez and Gurvinder Sign were of great help. They were able to make things much clearer for all of us. As of now we are trying our very best to promote OTC. We have posted on our club’s Facebook page and personally reaching out to members about this up coming event. Sarah Chi has even made a Youtube video explaining what exactly to expect at OTC. I found it to be a very informational video. So far we’ve already gathered six or seven people. We will definitely have fifteen people by the time OTC arrives. We are all excited for OTC and we all hope to meet many members from the other clubs. Hopefully everyone is enjoying their summer break good bye!





CHRIS WARDRIP As everyone is aware, summer is here and many activities outside and within the club are present. Bear Creek’s Key Club has successfully delegated its new officers into the terms that they will be upholding throughout the school year; and thanks to all of our members and officers, Bear Creek was able to host the first Division Council Meeting of Division 27 North in May at the park. The relaxing atmosphere and the amazing weather all contributed to the successful event in which the division had to determine the new mascot and color. Before summer break started the club was able to hold one event -- School Clean-Up. Since the break started, Bear Creek’s Key Club hasn’t had the opportunities to host many community service events; however, we do have a summer long event in which a handful of our dedicated members have volunteered at the local library. As of right now, Bear Creek has a total of 57 hours and counting of community service hours for just the summer! We still are looking for events or jointprojects to volunteer in the summer! Once the school year starts again, our officers will plan more events to help the members of Key Club become more involved with the community. On a last note, Officers Training Conference in nearing and by the request of our current LTG, we are to encourage at least 15 members to attend. So far, myself and the vice-president have been advertising on the facebook page of Key Club, and hopefully many more members will have a chance to experience the conference than 15!









July 4th, 2012, in festive spirit of Independence Day, The Kiwanis Club of Greater Lodi hosts the 40th annual pancake breakfast. Serving plenty of morning goods: hot-fresh pancakes, outstanding sausage, ice-cold milk, orange juice and plenty of freshly brewed coffee; All for the donation of $6 for adults, $4 for children ages 5-12, and free for children under the age of 5. The money from the event would go on to fund for scholarships, books and playground equipment for local schools, zoo exhibits, international projects, and sponsorship of Key Clubs. We witnessed the sights and sounds of the very day, but the efforts of many were placed in the day prior. Kiwani members and our very own Ronald E. McNair Key Club offered a hand in setting up tables and chairs. Tables were decorated in three SUBMITTED very special colors, our nation’s red, white and blue. And quite the duo they were with simple, white folding lawn chairs. BY: There was something unique to it all. The simplicity, the natural beauty of the lake and shade and grass. July 4th at it’s finest. A community coming together, helping together, and growing together; It was the Kiwanis vision of a greater Lodi in full detail. The real fun kicked off at 7 a.m. with families slowly coming in. Hot coffee flew to and from the front lines! In the middle, a unit armed with wet rags, held down the center, prepared to take down any syrupy table. A single person at the very front of our operation passed out plates, napkins and utensils. These were semi-trained professionals. The actions would repeat for the next given hours until all were satisfied. Although, we were small in numbers and stacked in the odds, our tiny unit of dedicated McNair Key Clubbers were able to successfully contribute to the day. All were satisfied.

I recently volunteered at Charterhouse Center for Families over my summer break. Charterhouse Center for Families is an organization that reaches out to families in need. Majority of the families that go there speak a language other than English, so Charterhouse offers services to meet their needs. I helped out the organization by organizing books into Raising a Reader(RAR) book bags. I first would sanitize all the books so that they were clean for the next reader. After every book was clean, I put the books into groups of 4 and counted how many groups there was in total. There was usually 20 groups of books to put into individual bags. Before I put the books in the RAR bags, I made tags that had the books the bag contained. After I put together the tags, I tied it on the bags and put in the books. When I was finished with that set, I moved on to the next set of books. That’s basically how I helped out at Charterhouse Center for Families.



ANGEL CRUZ PARK CLEAN UP A couple weeks ago a few members and I decided that we should do some community service since we have been inactive lately. We wanted to volunteer at Goodwill but we weren’t allowed to since we’re not 18. So one member suggested that we should clean up a park and we all thought it was a fantastic idea. For the next few hours we thought of which park to go to and ended up with Angel Cruz, right down El Dorado Street. Since none of us were busy on the following weekend we decided to meet around 9:30 A.M. We all arrived at the same time and the park was empty besides a few joggers. Luckily I didn’t forget to bring gloves and tons of trash bags because the place was absolutely disgusting! There was so much garbage lying around that I thought we would never finish. Trash was in the playground, on the streets, and on the sidewalk. Papers and plates were flying all over the place. What was once an empty bag was now overflowed. We took three whole hours cleaning the place and I have to say we did a pretty good job although there had been a few more pieces to pick up. We would have continued to clean but people were arriving. They were old ladies getting ready to sell some chicken and papaya salad along with a few other stuff. Some people left but a few stayed behind. I didn’t leave just yet because I wanted to treat myself to delicious food. That day was extremely hot but our members didn’t let that get to them. Our mission was to keep the park clean for a day and we did. We all felt great after cleaning up and maybe in the near future we’ll do so again. Our next mission was to tackle down Victory Park. I hope to get more members to volunteer for a great cause. Stockton is a dump and we need to change that around. Hooray for Key Clubbers!





SKYLAR EDWARDS WHAT’S IT LIKE? Being in key club is such a great opportunity for being involved in your community and getting to know people. Key Club is like one big family; from the international level to your very own home club, Key Club will forever enlighten you with it’s joyous community service events and awesome social events that gets many Key Clubbers together. As a Key Club member, there are many responsibilities such as attending community service events and helping in fundraisers for Pediatric Trauma Prevention and other organizations, as well as for your home club. There are many ways to contribute to Division 27 North. One way is by being extremely spirited, which is helpful to our club during Fall Rally. Another way that members contribute to Key Club is by being willing. A member must be willing to commit, serve, and have tons of fun. Commitment shows dedication, hard work, and passion, all of which are important skills to acquire. Also, a member must be willing to serve. Not just to serve the community, but to serve our Key Club division, district, region, nation and world. By being willing, a Key Clubber can enjoy much more because in order to attend a community service event one must be willing to go. Also, a Key Clubber must be willing to have fun. Members must be willing to share a few laughs and smiles with anyone and everyone, and also must be willing to show his or her Key Club spirit while having a great time. As a member it is important to get involved because in volvement will lead to bigger and better opportunities in the future. Being a member of such a fun-filled, awe some, and helpful club is beneficial to not only you, but to everyone that you decide to help. It’s people like Key Clubbers that go out and make a difference in our world be cause of the valuable les sons we are provided with in Key Club. Go Grizzlies!


REGIONAL TRAINING CONFERENCE Date: September 29, 2012 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Place: Pleasant Grove High

School of Elk Grove, CA

Purpose: Meet Key Clubbers from our five sister divisions, socialize, play ice breakers, attend valuable workshops, and build lasting friendships!




PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM •Each year, fall rally is comprised of countless spirit battles, meeting new people, crazy rollercoasters and much more, but did you know that the sole purpose of such a great opportunity is to raise money for PTP?

•What exactly is PTP?

FUN FACT: In addition to roaring, grizzlies communicate by clicking their teeth.

•PTP, also known as the Pediatric Trauma Program, is our major focus. •The Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation established PTP in 1994 to develop local projects in hopes to reduce the number of children in our district who are killed or injured by trauma. •The Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation works closely with partner hospitals to professionally trained pediatric doctors and nurses as well as purchase medical necessities. •Including this, The Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation have provided matching funds to Kiwanis and Service Leadership Program clubs to start new PTP service projects





ELIMINATE  The Kiwanis eliminating maternal/neonatal tetanus  In many countries in the East, it is uncommon for mothers to have the medical necessities when giving birth, and with improperly cleansed utensils, diseases spread rapidly, especially through the umbilical cord.  Because of these tragedies, neonatal tetanus has quickly infected many newborns, along with their mothers.  Each year, 100,000 infants and mothers are killed.  The Kiwanis, through numerous service projects as well as UNICEF, have successfully provided vaccines for over 18 countries.






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