The Grizzly Gallery | January | Volume 8 Issue 7

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January 2020 - Volume 8 Issue 7


the grizzly gallery d27n newsletter

lieutenant governor .

division news editor .

What's up Grizzlies?!

Hey Grizzlies!

I can't believe it's already in the new year! This year so far has been a blast, and it would have been extremely different without you.

I hope everyone has been having a BEARy great winter break! It is crazy to think that 2020 is here! I hope that everyone’s New Years has been excellent as well! Here’s to another amazing year of Key Club.

Time is going to be filled up with elections, finalizing DCON, and serving! Start thinking about what you want to run for. There is plenty of opportunities to get involved like Lt. Governor, Club Board, DLT, and District Leadership Team! Start to formulate what you want to fix in your club and educating yourself about the position. Don't forget about DCON either! DCON is in less than 3 months! Make sure to pay for registration and hotels if you haven't yet. There is still plenty to do, so make sure you are looking at our social media and asking your board about upcoming service and events.

There are many things coming up such as DCON and officer elections. There is still so much left to do! In the newsletter, these subjects are further explained and clarified. For those who are contemplating on whether or not they should run for an officer position, I highly suggest for you to do it! It is an eye-opening experience. Considering on running is the first step, all that is left is to run! Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletters! I hope to see you on my next issue!

Keep up the amazing work grizzlies. Remember to contact me if you have any questions about any positions or need any help.

- Antonio Quesada Antonio Quesada

- Kristina Huang Kristina Huang

Table Of Contents CALENDAR ---------------------------------------------------- 1 MONTHLY RECOGNITION --------------------------------- 2 SPOTLIGHT ON SERVICE ----------------------------------- 3 GRIZZLIES WORKSHOP ------------------------------------- 4 RUNNING FOR OFFICE ------------------------------------- 5 CONCLAVE ----------------------------------------------------- 6 DCON REMINDERS ------------------------------------------ 7 EL DORADO ELEMENTARY GARDENING -------------- 8 GIFTS OF GIVING -------------------------------------------- 9 STAY CONNECTED ----------------------------------------- 10 CONTACT INFORMATION -------------------------------- 11

January Sun

















18 Skate For MNT

Division Contest Due

12 Conclave

















31 MRP Due



District Contest Due

Monthly Recognition Faculty Advisor of the Month: Michele dueltgen

Honey Points 01

Middle College - 335


Lincoln - 275

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: Elaine thompson


Health Careers Academy - 225


Cesar Chavez - 205

Officer of the Month: Jacqueline gonzalez


Benjamin Holt - 145


SECA - 120

Middle college

Middle college


Member of the Month: Jaylah ya


McNair - 115


Lodi - 45

Club of the Month: Middle college


St. Mary's - 25


Bear Creek - 0


Tokay - 0



Division goals

10,400 / 8500 Service hour goal


Membership dues paid members

$5,991.57 / $5500 PTP Fundraising goal

$127 / $1000 MNT Fundraising goal


district goals

420,653.74 / 1.1 million 36,939 / 41,500 Service hour goal

Membership dues paid members

$259,200.72 / $260,000 PTP Fundraising goal


On Service Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals raise funds and awareness for 170 hospitals that provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the U.S. and Canada. Donations stay local to fund critical treatments and healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment, and charitable care. CMN’s various fundraising partners and programs support the non-profit’s mission to save andimprove the lives of as many children as possible. All CMN contributions directly benefits hospitals

Create Chemo Care Kits More than 40,000 children undergo treatment for cancer each year, with chemotherapy being one of the most common treatments. These kits are meant to comfort kids and their families during this physically and mentally painful process.

Materials & Supplies - Gift bags - Hard candy & gum - Hand sanitizer - Lip balm

- Disposable toothbrushes - Notepads & pens - Fleece blanket

1. Collect items and monetary donations from your community for the kits. 2. Create an assembly line to put each item into the kits. 3. Write letters and cards to make each kit more personal for the recipient. 4. Deliver the kits to a CMN Hospital.


Hieu Ho - Middle College Hellooo Grizzlies! In this past month, we held an event called Grizzly's Workshop at Health Careers Academy on December 7th from 12:00 to 2:30 PM. This was one of the events that made me love Division 27 North even more! So many grizzlies came and brought donations such as toys and blankets to be wrapped and given to the less fortunate. We packaged a total of 88 presents, 173 goodie bags, 13 baskets, and 15 gift bags! It was very heartwarming to see members from our division gather and work together to provide a wonderful Christmas season for other children.

There were three different working stations! One station gift-wrapped toys and other miscellaneous things. Another station made gift baskets and filled them with cute necessities such as blankets or socks! The biggest station was making goodie bags filled with notes and candy. This event couldn't have been possible without the help and donations of all the members and advisors that had attended! I hope this event becomes a tradition in Division 27 North! It really brings out the Christmas spirit in everyone!

RUNNING FOR OFFICE? Having doubts about running for office? Remember that club elections are coming up very soon! BEElieve in yourself! Here are some of the executive positions on the board that YOU can run for!

PRESIDENT This position is the head of the board. You will be responsible for keeping up the club in all good shape all around. You should definitely try getting tips from your current president. Public speaking is something you definitely need to practice for this too!

- Filling out Event Request Forms - Planning meetings

TREASURER The treasurer handles all the paperwork for fundraising and food. They need to be sure to be precise and get ready to be overwhelmed. The position will be a lot about budgeting and raising money for the club or a preferred charity. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: - Fundraisers - School Paperwork - Receipts

This position is the jack of all traits! The Vice President should be working with all positions to make sure they get their work done or help them with their work. This also goes for them helping their President. They need to be able to public speak and have the initiative to reach out to their board. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:

RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: - Leading meetings - Delegating - Creating events


- Collecting Money - Helping with the Member Update Center

- Event Request Forms - Leading meetings - Connecting with Kiwanis - Finding service or fundraisers - Filling out Monthly Recognition - Delegating

SECRETARY The secretary is the backbone of the board! Being a secretary requires precision and timeliness. There is a lot to do as a secretary with finding service to the MRF. However, they should be able to approachable and reach out to members to do service. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: - Make google forms for - Promote/Find service - Fill Monthly Report Forms service - Take minutes for general - Keep track of all attendances at events and board meetings

Tips - Make sure to practice your speech and try not to completely memorize it as it can slow you down if you are trying to remember exact words. - Use the nerves to show your passion!

- Practice caucus questions a lot! - Get feedback! - Find out the strengths and weaknesses of your club.

Good Luck! I know you can do it!

CONCLAVE January 12th, 2020 // 2-5 pm San Joaquin Delta College (West Forum)

Welcome Koibears! Conclave is where you can see candidates running to be the next D27N/S Lt. Governor! I extremely encourage you to come as conclave is a unique experience, where you can see where the division can go next! Come support the courageous candidate willing to lead the division. You will have time to ask the candidate questions as well. This will also be our January PREREGISTER AT


BEE sure to register your delegates! 2 per each club! They can be officers or general members. Make sure to be respectful to candidates giving their speeches. Only appropriate questions will be answered.


PRICING On-time Registration (Jan. 28th) // Late Registration: Feb 11th $190 $230 This does not include transportation or hotel rooms.

Checklist Complete and turn in all school paperwork needed Complete ALL Key Club paperwork Code of Conduct Medical Release Forms Hotel & DCON Registration Chaperones with a Gender Specific 1 to 10 Ratio Register 2 Sergeant-At-Arms per club Register 2 Delegates per club. Finalize DCON transportation

Please make sure to go to for more information!

El Dorado Elementary Gardening Claire Rasamee - SECA Even when others think the rainy weather dampens the day, it brings joy to the growing garden! With the addition of new plants, the soil at El Dorado Elementary School finds the rain necessary. At the elementary school, SECA Key Clubbers are able to provide assistance with other volunteers to tend to the school’s garden. Volunteers work with elementary chil dren, ranging from different grade levels, and mentor them in correctly planting new seeds. “We just finished planting new cabbage, onions, and carrot seeds,” remarks Caitlynn Rasamee, an active member in attending the after school event. The event happens every Thursday from 3:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m., or when the children go home. It is an ongoing event, which requires the dedication SECA Key Clubbers are willing to exhibit. Volunteers assist in picking out weeds, watering the plants, harvesting, and digging up the soil in order to initiate more planting. During the month, volunteers were able to harvest green beans, tomatoes, and potatoes. Additionally, SECA Key Clubbers pulled out dried up plants or raking up leaves. Certainly, the best part is working with the kids that attend each meeting, which makes the experience more enjoyable.

GIFTS OF GIVING Jaime Wong - Lincoln

On November 17th, people from all over Northern California gathered at Sacramento State to join Circle K for an amazing day together. Regions 9 and 16 were invited to attend and the event was a success! Through random assortment, people were encouraged to meet new people and make long lasting memories and friendships with them! The day started off with members going to their assigned group and meeting their leader as well as others in their group. Then, the rest of the day consisted of stations such as making reindeers, no-sew blankets, socks, and lots of icebreakers and service in general. There were also opportunities for Key Club members to learn more about Circle K members and their experience in and advice for college. People from all over were able to reconnect with friends they may not have seen since Fall Rally or create new bonds. After a long yet eventful day, everyone left home with a little more thankfulness in them as they gave back to the community, just in time for the holidays!

Stay Connected! You can find the January Issue on You can also access it on the CNH Cyberkey at The January issue of the District Newsletter touches upon topics such as: Conclave Club Recognition Spotlight On Service DCON and more! BEE sure to check out the It has plenty of resources for you and your board to access including: Certificate Templates Graphic Standards Contests Visuals Division 27 North Grizzlies

Grizzly Channel



Division 27 North’s


dlt Division

Leadership Team

antonio quesada

abby tran

hailey phan

sebastian flores

kristina huang

hieu ho

teya wasel

harleen sandhu

kienlac mai

taylor luong

executive assistant

division news editor

fundraiser task coordinator

executive assistant

member recognition task coordinator

fall rally north task coordinator

lieutenant governor

executive assistant

social media task coordinator

fall rally north task coordinator

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