Grizzly Nation: April 2014 Edition

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Grizzly Nation Volume 2 | Issue 11 | APRIL Edition

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club Internatinal Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

in this issue LTG REMARKS.....................3

CLUB UPDATES....................4

SERVICE ARTICLES....................6

APRIL CALENDAR....................8


“A letter to Division 27 North:

Dear Division 27 North, I feel undoubtedly blessed to have had the opportunity to serve you. After working so closely with your officers and watching your many members grow to be such inspiring leaders, I can confidently say that no division could rival your spirit. No other group of people could show the same potential you have to impact the world. If I had to pick a favorite memory with you, I’d be at a loss. Out of all the good times we’ve shared, there is no ONE moment that stands above the rest. I will remember you like an elderly man remembers his favorite girlfriend; I will remember you like a middle-aged, absolutely ordinary, married, mother of 3 remembers her youthful and adventurous days--your radiant smiles, your genuine laughs will never escape my memory. You’ll always live in my heart as the song whose tune I couldn’t get out of my head, that I’ll catch myself singing in a dream fifty years from now. You have given me an abundance of experience I wouldn’t trade for the world; I am so sorry if it seems I haven’t provided you with what you deserved. There is much remorse to be felt in a leader’s time, and I’m afraid that mine is an inexorable, unfathomable amount. But, as there is no one answer to perfect parenthood, there is no one way to perfect leadership. I thank you for looking past my flaws and tolerating my ugly voice at every division event, haha! I love you, Division 27 North, I really do. Anyways, here’s Wonderwall. Just kidding! HAHA, once a Lame-TG always a Lame-TG. But guess what? I finally finished that poem from the very first edition of the Grizzly Nation! Grizzlies are Blue, Unwavering character is too Completing hours of service year round Cheers bringing lots of sound Can’t mess with the best 27 North beats all the rest Though it’s been a true honor to serve, Could it have been a better term? I fell in love with your smiles and laughs, You each became my other halves Forgive me if you find That I have wasted all your time In my heart you’ll always be The generation I loved, that may not have loved me And that’s okay. But if I had one wish, it would be To have been a better LTG.”

Demaree Ramos

club updates Carrie Huang | Stockton Early College Academy Happy Spring, Grizzlies! In the month of February, the SECA Key Club was roaring with service. We volunteered at the Academic Decathlon competition, Bread of Life, the Stockton Kiwanis Crab Feed, and St. Anne’s Church’s Pub Night event. As always, we had fun serving others while bonding as an ohana. We even got to keep the tips we received at the Crab Feed and Pub Night, adding over $250 to our club funds! Thank you to Lodi High for hosting the February DCM/movie night; I was the only SECA Key Clubber present, but I had a good time. As the end of the Key Club year approaches, so does District Convention. My advisor and I have completed registering and booking hotel rooms for four excited DCON attendees from SECA. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you lovely grizzly bears at the next DCM and DCON!

Angelica Molina | Tokay Hey Grizzlies!!! To start things off, we are getting ready for DCON. We have registered for DCON and reserved our hotel rooms. We are getting our final preparations ready. We all look forward to it. Another big event that happened this month was that we had our elections. Congratulations to all those who ran and to those who were elected. Everyone did an awesome job. On February 22, we volunteered at a spaghetti dinner with the Japanese Club. We had to serve food and drinks to the guests and help out with any other needs. The event was great. We are now planning training days for those who were elected.


Alexander Moran | MCNAIR

celine deleon | lincoln Hey Grizzlies! On February 21st, we volunteered at the Defying Muscular Dystrophy Crab Feed. We volunteered as servers and a few of us helped sell items at the merchandise table. On February 22nd, we helped out with set up for the Junior League Rummage Sale. We unloaded boxes from trucks and organized the items for sale in different departments. On February 28th, we helped out at the YMCA crab feed as servers. On March 1st, we had two events going on that day. One event was the Junior League Rummage Sale, where we managed the check out process to ensure that the items purchased were priced correctly before inputted by the cashier. The other event was the Chinese New Year Festival Set Up. We helped set up decorations, tables, and chairs. On March 2nd, we volunteered for the Chinese New Year Festival again. We managed the hot dog and beverage booth. We were also face painters in the kids craft area. Happy Spring, everyone!

We finally have our new officer elects this month! President is Alexander Moran, Vice President is J’Den Khounvichith, Secretary is Rona Buen, Treasure is Kathy Truong, and Historian is Adolf Medrano. Along with club elections, we volunteered at division wide service event Kiwanis Family Craft Day where we made dolls, origami, and valentines cards for children at the hospital. Also we again volunteered at Bread of Life where we passed out bags of food for low income families. Not to forget, we have 6 great members going to Dcon this year!Happy Spring, everyone!


Elaine Ho | Chavez Hello, my fellow Grizzlies! As the end of the year is fast approaching, there are a few things we have to finish up. It has been my absolute pleasure serving Key Club, my community, and all it’s members. Albeit the end of the year is always the most hectic, we’ve been trying our best to find service events. This past month, we volunteered at the PTP Craft Day, the Kiwanis Annual Crab Feed, Science Olympiad, and at the Chinese New Year Parade. The Chinese New Year Parade received the most participants due to our annual participation. We bussed tables, carried props around stage, and helped out at booths. Can’t wait to see everyone at the March DCM at Unity Park! Have a roarin’ Grizzly day. (:

service articles Crystal Guan | Chavez | Chinese New Year Parade Gong Hay Fay Choy! This past month I volunteered at the Chinese New Year Parade, and needless to say it was way more lively than last year. Being born in China, there wasn’t a more crowded area than this in Stockton. I worked backstage with other people moving around props and being a liaison between performers and the stage director. I would definitely recommend people who speak a dialect of Chinese to help out here because it’s antidote of how things are in China. The coordinator was friendly and helped us put when we didn’t have anything to do.




Harry Ulep| Dining Hall Bea Ungab | Bread of Life On February 22nd, Middle College’s Key On the 15th of February, SECA’s Key Club Club members volunteered at St. Mary’s members volunteered at the Bread of Life Dining Hall. Our club attempts to volunat Life Song Church. Our members helped teer at St. Mary’s once a month. We were packed a variety of groceries into bags and supposed to work in the kitchen; however, then distributed these bags into each family’s other groups and organizations were alcarts. It was my first time volunteering at a ready there and had enough workers. So Bread of Life event and overall it was an exinstead, our task at hand was to separate traordinary experience. I helped packed grospoons and forks and roll them in napkins. ceries and there I met inspiring people, who Most of the members there continued to at the same time, needed these groceries and do that for the whole shift, 7:45 to 10 A.M. were dedicated in volunteering at the event. At Some of us took on the task of collecting the end of the event, they let us grab as many the trays and cleaning the tables when the potatoes as we can carry (since there were a people were done eating. After cleaning GAZILLION left!) and I was very thankful for the tables, we were told to put the chairs up that. All in all, on behalf of my fellow memon the table. Finally, we sprayed down the bers, we had a great time and were truly blesswindows and door handles to clean it up ed on helping people in need of groceries. I for the next shift. Overall, it was a great ex- will definitely volunteer on the next Bread of perience for all the volunteer members and Life event! myself. And I can’t wait till the next service event that we have set!








































D27 Banquet

UPCOMING:MAY DCM / May 17 ICON / July 2-6


thanks for reading! QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? CONCERNS? Contact your 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor at: Demaree Ramos 2013-2014 Executive Assistants at: Crystel Crisol & Jessica Lee 2013-2014 Division News Editor at: Teresa Meuangkhoth

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club Internatinal Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

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