division 27 north april edition
the grizzlies Post volume 9 issue 10
contact info.
stay connected
articles & visuals
spotlight on service
division/district goals
monthly recognition
honey point standings
april calendar
message from dne
message from ltg
TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 11 12
message from the ltg Hello Division 27 North,
sebastian kyle flores
It has been an honor working with all of you! As you may know, DCON 2021 is this weekend! After this event, I will be officially retired, however, that does not mean I am done with key club just yet! If you have any questions or concerns after the term ends feel free to contact me! I love and thank you all for the wonderful term we had together through quarantine! I genuinely had a fun time and it couldn’t have happened without each one of you! With that, I hope to see you all in the future! Good luck to everyone <3
- Sebastian Kyle Flores
message from the DNE Hello Division 27 North,
harleen sandhu
Before this term ends, I wanted to say thank you for all the love and support you all have given me over the past term. Although this year was different from previous years, I hope you all still had fun and enjoyed all the events that were planned. If you’re attending DCON this year, I hope you have an amazing time. Lastly, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Signing off,
- Harleen Sandhu
april 2021 Sunday
5 6
3 10 17
important dates
3 i mrf (early-bird) 6 i articles & visuals 5 i mrf (on-time)
10 i OOTM
5 i sosp
17 i DCM
ben holt st. mary’s
bear creek
honey point standings
middle college
250 195 105
seca 0
faculty of the month
monthly recognition
Pamela Hughes kiwanis advisor of the month
Dale Reasor officer of the month
Abby Tran member of the month
Melissa Marquez
club of the month
Lodi High School
division goals
pediatric trauma program
$700/$700 Maternal Neonatal Tetanus
$0/$325 service hours
dues paid members
38,000 service hours
district goals
pediatric trauma program
spotlight on service program
fundraisers / drives
service events
community outreach
- get in contact with a variety of organization and design a service project according to their needs - example: contact schools and ask them if they need recording of members reading books, if they need alphabet cards. etc - example: contact organizations focusing on mental health and ask them if they need posters informing and educating others about the importance of mental health and coping mechanisms - organize various drives (blanket, clothes, toiletry, toy, etc.) and donate them to local homeless shelters, hospitals, etc. - collect clothes, blankets, and other items that members don’t need and organize a yard sale - donate the money collected to homeless shelters, mental health organizations, etc. - organize a schoolwide or clubwide recycling fundraiser. - donate the funds collected to organizations of your choice
dr. suess day/ read across america
For Dr. Seuss’s birthday and Read Across America day, our club as well as several other clubs in our school collaborated on recording videos to put on a website that elementary kids could use. People participating in the project recorded themselves reading any children’s book and posted that video onto Flipgrid. Then, these videos were taken and put onto a website that would be shared on our school website. Elementary kids would then be able to use the website to watch videos, read along, and encourage them to read more. It turned out very well, with both teachers and students participating and putting their videos onto the website, giving the elementary kids a lot of choices in books to read.
- P hoebe Kaye Dupa
february dcm On February 20th, members of the St. Mary’s Key Club attended the D27N monthly DCM on Zoom. This dcm started off with each club taking attendance and giving their updates on what has been happening in their club. After this protocol, we started the rounds of “speed dating”. Before the DCM began, each attendee filled out a Google form to help the hosts of the speed dating game figure out who to match who within the break out rooms. In these breakout rooms, each pair was given a few minutes to get to know each other and potentially make a new friend or reconnect with an old one. These breakout rooms switched three times, giving everyone the opportunity to make a handful of people. “It was really exciting getting to meet new people” club member Daniel Hohe says, “I was able to make new friends I hope to see again at future Key Club events.”
- Marianne Romero
Valentines grams
For Valentines’ Day, our club made Valentines Grams, which were little bags filled with candy and a message wishing a happy Valentines’ Day. People could order the Valentines’ Grams for free and donate money if they wanted to, and we ended up having over 70 orders and 170 dollars raised. On Valentines’ Day, we had several volunteers drive around and drop the orders off to people’s addresses. Later, in a general meeting, members and officers reflected on this event and talked about what the donated money would be used for. Our club had a vote on where the money would go and it was decided that the money would be donated to a Key Club preferred charity that helps fight maternal and neonatal tetanus. Overall, the event was very successful as there were a lot of orders and a lot of people who were happy to receive Valentines’ Grams.
- P hoebe Kaye Dupa
stay connected! You can find the April Issue on Issuu.com. You can also access it on the CNH Cyberkey at cnhkckeyclub.org>news>newsletters. BEE sure to check out the Cyberkey at cnhkeyclub.org! It has plenty of resources for you and your board to access including: Certificate Templates Graphic Standards Contests Visuals
Division 27 North Grizzlies
@d27ngrizzlies @d27ngrizzlies
Grizzly Channel www.cnhkeyclub.org www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters
Contact Information division leadership team
lt. govenor
executive assistant
executive assistant
executive assistant
division news editor
fundraising task coordinator
member recognition task coordinator
social media task coordinator
fall rally north spirit coordinator
fall rally north spirit coordinator
Sebastian Flores d27n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (209)684-6449
Hailey Phan d27n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com (209)276-4243
Harleen Sandhu d27n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (209)905-3118
Sarah Ung d27n.cnhkc.mr@gmail.com (209)395-8707
Caitlin Asio d27n.cnhkc.frnspirit@gmail.com (209)313-8857
Peter Nguyen d27n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com (209)598-5653
Trish Vo d27n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com (209)618-5743
Loan Tran d27n.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com (209)616-9505
Helena Teung-Ouk d27n.cnhkc.dtech@gmail.com (209)400-0155
Jaime Wong d27n.cnhkc.frnspirit@gmail.com (209)565-7909
thank you for reading!