The Grizzly Gallery | September | Volume 8 Issue 3

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August 2019 - Volume 8 Issue 3


the grizzly gallery d27n newsletter

message from the ltg Hello Division 27 North Grizzlies! I'm Antonio Quesada, who proudly serves as Division 27 North's Lieutenant Governor! If you are a new member, then feel free to always come up to me at events or text me questions! I am the liason between California-Nevada-Hawaii District and Division 27 North. I help monitor and grow clubs to their full potential as well as planning all Division Council Meetings, Division Events, and fundraisers. We are already in Club Rush Season! How exciting?! Remember, our focus this year is definitely Member Recruitment! Many clubs may have had their club rushes or are coming up soon! Make sure to prepare for them extensively through posters, dressing up, cut outs, food, and spirit! So, if you are an officer or recurring member, then definitely go out there and encourage your friends to join this amazing organization. If you are a new member, then feel free to stay in our lovely family and you won't regret giving us a chance to make your year great! Summer is over sadly, but this means work is going to pile up so make sure to organize and manage your time. We have plenty of fun events coming up like Grizzlies on Ice, DCMs, Spirit Training Conference, Region Training Conference, and much more! We also did amazing over summer with 4.820.5 hours! Keep it up grizzlies, and I hope to see you out there at August DCM!

antonio quesada message from the dne Hey Grizzlies! Summer break is over and school has begun but that doesn't mean Key Club is coming to an end. It's just getting started! It's time to start preparing for club if you have not already and most importantly join if you are a member. The weather lately has been very hot so I suggest keeping hydrated! Hydration is super

important when serving. I hope to see everyone at the upcoming DCM and RTC! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's newsletter and I appreciate all you do!

kristina huang

Table of Contents

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 August Calendar

Monthly Recognition

Youth Opportunity Fund

Spotlight On Service

Division & District Contests

Member Recognition

Fall Rally North

Region Training Conference

Structure Of Key Club

Color Splash

Slip Into Service

Cambodian Experience

Stay Connected

July DCM Recap

Contact Information

September Calendar (upcoming events to take note of!)






































Service Events





Walk 4 Life Grape Festival Club/Division Website

Due Dates






Lodi Grape Festival Grizzlies On Ice RTC September DCM

Monthly Recognition Faculty Advisor of the Month: michele dueltgen

Honey Points 01

Lincoln - 485


Middle College - 325

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: dan lane


Benjamin Holt - 190


Health Careers Academy - 190

Officer of the Month: abby tran


McNair - 145


Tokay - 145


Lodi - 140


SECA - 140


Cesar Chavez - 105


Bear Creek - 50


St. Mary’s - 45

middle college



Member of the Month: Mikayla Cao mcnair

Club of the Month: Lincoln high


Division goals

4820.5 / 8500 Service hour goal


Membership dues paid members

$391.57 / $5500 PTP Fundraising goal

$77 / $1000 MNT Fundraising goal


district goals

214,601.26 / 1.1 million Service hour goal

36,079 / 41,500 Membership dues paid members


PTP Fundraising goal


Youth Opportunity Fund Helping to fund your service projects! The Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF) is a fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. The fund uses earned interest to support Key Club and Key Club Members to serve the world by providing grants for service.

Application Submission Process:

You can access the application on Make sure that you collect ALL signatures or it will be rejected and that it is submitted on time. The application must be submitted via the online application system on the Key Club International website. Include a detailed description of the service project.

Due Date:

There is only ONE funding cycle per year and the application must be recieved BY October 15 at 11:59 PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME.

Tips and tricks:

Do NOT procrastinate. Make sure to start as soon as possible if you are interested. Make sure you are VERY detailed and you elaborate on the service project. Have someone else look over it for you to catch mistakes. Take the application seriously and try your best!!

Spotlight on Service Project August’s Theme:

“CHILDREN'S EDUCATION” educate, fundraise, get involved

I encourage you and your club to promote the importance of children's education and providing for children in need as the school year begins all around! During the month of August, we should remember to focus on increasing all children's access to education and improving its quality. By working together as a district, there is no limit to what we can accomplish! Here are some ideas: -Tutoring/TA -Helping with after school programs -Library visit/reading -Presenting to youths

As always, the application is due on the 5th of each month following your service project. Send any additional pictures to September’s Theme: Pediatric Trauma Program

Division & District Contests what are these contests?

additional deadlines

These contests are opportunities for members, advisors, officers, and clubs to get recognized for their hard work! This is great for college applications, memories, and to give yourself the true recognition you deserve. There a multitude of different contests you can apply to!

- Talent Audition - January 20th, 2020 - Register for Club/Division Website September 15th, 2019 - Year in Review Traditional/ Non-Traditional - at District Convention, March 13th 2020

Division contests

district contests

These are submitted to the division's Lt. Governor, which is then judged by the Division Judging Committee. Awards will be given out at DCON and end of the year banquet.

These are sent to the district to judge, and awards will be given out at DCON and at the end of the year banquet.

We will also be sending the best of each category to the district. -Club Attire -Advisor of the Year -Member of the Year -Club of the Year -Most Improved Club -Member Recognition Program

-Distinguished Officer positions -Club Video -Club Poster -Year in Review Digital -Marvin J. Christianson -Sandy Nininger -Club Newsletter -Division Newsletter -Single Service -Major Emphasis

Member Recognition Program (MRP) what IS MRP? The Member Recognition Program is designed to recognize a large number of dues-paid Key Club members with a minimum of fifty service hours. rubric

There are four levels of recognition, as explained in the rubric: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. This will reward you recognition at DCON and an award at end of the year banquet.

Fall Rally North October 19th, 2019 at Six Flag’s Discovery Kingdom


Everyone knows about the event in October that shakes up all of CNH! Fall Rally! Here we celebrate all the money we raised for PTP, all the hours we served, and appreciate the members!

Hours: 10AM-11PM (Special Key Club) Regular Park Hours: Noon-11PM Parking Lot Open: 8:30AM Ticket windows Open: 8:30AM Spirit Session 1 Starts: 11AM Be sure to arrive early to avoid those long lines at the front. A good time to arrive would be 9:30AM!

What should a board officer be doing to prepare?


Book buses now! If you haven't looked into buses yet, then I recommend doing this as soon as possible!


Collect money to pay for the tickets online. More information is on under events. Talk to your advisor about it.

rally cheers Our new Rally Cheers have been released out to Division 27 North! They are used at events like RTC, FRN, and many more to show our spirit. The cheers consist of rounds 1, 2, and 3. For spirit rallies, we have different rounds that divisions have to move through to win the spirit stick. Round 1 has the shortest cheers. Round 2 has medium length cheers. Lastly, round 3 has long cheers!

Make sure to check out our cheers at our Youtube Channel “Grizzly Channel” or visit

Cheers Spotlight Round 1 Cheers / Hype Cheers GRIZZLY TERRITORY HEY! (clap rhythmically at 30 sec. intervals) We tell a story! We tell the whole wide word this is GRIZZLY TERRITORY!! X2 Round 2 Cheers / Medium Cheers PURE WATER Yeah!!!, 27N Grizzlies serving and we never end,, Others look at us and they wanna know,, How our passion grows and never slows ,Donate, what we cann, Charity, funds to help ban, You got the div, but not the spirit, We the Grizzlies and we here to show it Round 3 Cheers / Long Cheers GRIZZLY GOT PRIDE (Baby Got Back By Sir Mix-A-Lot)


Practice cheers a lot! Go to spirit sessions, have spirit sessions in your meetings, and encourage practice to the members.


Make spirit gear! Make sure to be all geared out for the event. Also, it is your board's responsibility to make sure your club is spirited as well with spirit attire! You can exchange spirit gear for donations, give them out, have an event where you work on spirit sticks, and promote it!

I like us grizzlies and I cannot lie You other divs can’t deny When you see us walk in with our mighty feisty rhymes And our big smiles on our face You have fun Know we the best ones Cause we always have those good puns Deep in our spirit there’s gold With blue in our minds, great goals Hey grizz-lies I wanna serve wit’cha And take your picture My members always cheer me Lift me up and be a grizzly

Region Training Conference (RT C)

Now that we are approaching the beginning of the school year, there is one event that we should all be looking forward to: RTC!

what is rtc?

Region Training Conference is training event that helps you learn the basics of Key Club, our mission, how YOU can be involved, and meet people from all over the region. We also have a spirit rally, which we compete for the RTC Spirit Stick.


RTC will be held on September 21st from 9am-4pm @ Pleasant Grove High School in Elk Grove! Our theme this year will be “Service on Paradise Falls!”

why should you attend rtc?

1. 2. 3.

This event allows you to meet people all around our local area and create unique, unforgettable relationships with others. This will allow you to network, enhance your high school experience, and much more. RTC is all about education! There is so much to learn and sometimes its hard to understand it at first. So, this is your chance to learn about this amazing club. If you are curious how to run for positions, do better in your position, fix issues, new service ideas, and much more, then this is the event that will change your life! It is an indescribable experience! The spirit rally is filled with competitive games, awards, and the competition. Yelling with your fellow Key Clubbers to show passionate you are for this organization and getting recognition for it is one of the best rushes you will get.

Structure of Key Club How is key club structured? The structure of Key Club is an inverted triangle. The top being the members because of their importance and size. Next is Division, this includes the DLT, Spirit team, and etc. Next is the District board, this is the Lt. Governors, Leadership Team, District Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer. Then on the bottom is International. This includes International President, Vice President, and the 11 trustees.

Key Club International Partners

A club is a part of a division, which is then a part of a region. Then, that Region is a part of a district. For example, Cesar Chavez is a part of Division 27 North, which is Region 16. Region 16 consists of D27S Koi Fish, D7S Monsters, D7N Bees, D44S Dinosaurs, and D44N Ninjas. Region 16 is a part of the Cali-Nev-Ha District.

Partners Thirst Project, Landscape Structures, U.S. ARMY, Squads Abroad, Up with People, Kiwanis Gives Online, and Nickelodeon Preferred Charities Children's Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and UNICEF Collaborative Partners K Corps

Color Splash

Carolina Marquez



I enjoyed my experience at Color Splash very much. It was not only a fun experience for myself but my club as well. We met so many new people and made closer bonds with people from the same division. There was a little confusion with the activities but nothing that changed my perspective on the event. It is an amazing event to show new members and potential new members how fun and exciting Key Club can be. We hope this event inspires more students from our school to join Key Club. It was an experience that I will truly never forget.

Abby Tran


Color Splash…What a day to remember! From the time I stepped out of the car, I could already tell it’d be a day I will never forget. To begin, everyone split off into different groups, corresponding to their color, to start icebreakers which encouraged people to communicate and meet others from other divisions and even have a few laughs with them. The day continued as we switched to activities such as a water balloon toss and a relay which, of course, sparked groups to cheer on (pretty loudly) for their group! Then, the most anticipated part of the day arrived… the color throw. As the countdown began, everyone got ready and, all of sudden, the sky filled with color as well as our clothes. The look on everyone’s faces was definitely something I’ll never forget because everyone was smiling and having the time of their lives. Some rushed to take pictures with their friends to commemorate the event and others just began throwing the color at each other. On top of all the fun activities that happened, the LTGs and District Board were also pied! Colorsplash reunited friends from different divisions and schools and even created new friendships. Region 16 finally came back together after a long while and became a family once again. Thank you, Region 16!

Slip into Service

Jaime wong



Many key clubbers from Division 27 North gathered at Michael Faklis Park for the slip into service event. This event provided four rounds of different kinds of service like weaving plastic bags, making bracelets, writings cards, and making lollipop flowers that will be donated to a local church. After all the hard work was done volunteers relaxed with pizza donated by the advisors of the event. Water activities such as balloon tosses and sponge games followed. Many were relieved of this opportunity to cool down from the scorching sun. After all that fun in the sun, members had the chance to pie DLT members in the face for only one dollar, and our LTG for three dollars.

July DCM recap

hieu ho


Middle College

The July DCM was held on July 20, 2019 from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. The DCM portion of the event was held at San Joaquin Delta College. There was a fun competitive ice breaker lead by Sebastian Flores and Hailey Phan. There was a total of over 60 attendees! It was very exciting to see familiar faces from OTC since there was a great amount of people who attended. Moving on the the bowling portion of the DCM, many members walked from Delta College to the bowling alley. It was very hot but the walk was quick. Bowling with

different people from the division allowed for everyone to meet new people and bond with them. It was amazing to walk around and be able to see everyone socialize with other people from different schools. The bowling part of the DCM was a fundraiser to help raise money for PTP and $164 was raised! Thank you to everyone who attended! I hope that you all had an amazing time and I wish to see everyone again at more division events in the future.

Cambodian Experience

celina padilla


middle college

From July 1st to July 5th, Middle College Key Club members volunteered their time at the Cambodian Experience event. There were multiple shifts ranging across the five days, with multiple tasks that had to be done. At the start of the event members set up the different exhibits that reflected the Cambodian’s cultural history. After all was set up, tasks varied. Some gave tours of the exhibits, and others gave presentations. Those who gave presentations had to study information on much of Cambodia’s history, including its traditional music, charcoal paintings of a princess and her significance, wedding ceremonies and clothing, their painting style, and traditional dance clothing. On the last day of the event, our members cleaned up, putting everything neatly away.

Stay Connected! You can find the August issue on You can also access it on the CNH Cyberkey at>news>newsletters. The August issue of the District Newsletter touches upon topics such as: Meeting the District Leadership Team Governor's Project: Kiwanis Family House Fundraiser Ideas SOSP: BEE Clean, CNH and more! BEE sure to check out the Cyberkey at! It has plenty of resources for you and your board to access including: Certificate Templates Graphic Standards Contests Visuals Division 27 North Grizzlies

Grizzly Channel



Division 27 North’s


dlt Division

Leadership Team

antonio quesada

abby tran

hailey phan

sebastian flores

kristina huang

hieu ho

teya wasel

harleen sandhu

kienlac mai

taylor luong

executive assistant

division news editor

fundraiser task coordinator

executive assistant

member recognition task coordinator

fall rally north task coordinator

lieutenant governor

executive assistant

social media task coordinator

fall rally north task coordinator

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