Grizzly Nation: December 2013 Edition

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Grizzly Nation Volume 2 | Issue 6 | DECEMBER Edition

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club Internatinal Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

in this issue ltg remarks.....................3 club updates...................4 service articles................8 December calendar...........10


Happy December, Grizzlies!


Can you believe we’re already NINE out of THIRTEEN months into our term together? I have to say that I’ve cherished every moment being able to witness each of you grow in service and spirit, and I could not be a more proud Mama Bear. We’ve come so far as a division, increasing levels of service hours and membership since the founding of Division 27 North. It saddens me to realize how close we are to the end, but at this time I’d like to recall one of my statements as a Candidate: “I have walked side-by-side you all as a member, and if elected I will continue this close relationship by extending a friendly, welcoming hand to any club in need of help and any new member in need of motivation. I will keep an open mind to any expressions of opinion or suggestion, and will take any criticism constructively in order to enhance the wellness of the division I serve.” From the time when I was an Elect to today, I have tried my best to keep this promise. I had believed that I had done a good job so far, but would like to hear from you. In this newsletter is a link to an anonymous forum for comments and concerns which nobody but me will be able to see. If you have something in mind that you feel may contribute to the division and membership experience, I ask that you participate in the forum. Remember that what is said may benefit the new LTG and members next year! Now, we’re in the prime of the holiday season! There should be many opportunities around your school and city to give back to the community that raised you to be the BEEautiful leaders you are today, so take advantage of this time, Grizzlies! I hope you enjoyed our GRIZZLY Thanksmas DCM last month and are looking forward to our 3 upcoming joint service event with Division 27 South. Happy holidays, everybody <3

SECA Hi Grizzlies! October was a service- and spirit-filled month for the SECA Key Club. This month, we volunteered at Dell’ Osso Farms for three consecutive days, helping at the Pumpkin Blasters, and at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, distributing water and cheering on the walkers. We had fun learning cheers and making posters at the October DCM, and we had a blast at one of our most anticipated events of the year: Fall Rally North! We fundraised for our club by having a Krispy Kreme partnership cards fundraiser, and during the week of Halloween, we collected spare change with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF boxes. We have many events planned for November and October, so we will be staying super active in the coming months. I look forward to seeing you all at the next DCM!


20, 27 north we are 27 north! Hi everyone :) I hope you have all had a fun and restful month and a spooky Halloween. This past month Bear Creek has had quite a few service events. We helped cheer at the Alzheimer’s Walk and later that same day we helped at Micke Grove Zoo for their Astronomy in the Park. At the Astronomy in the Park event we were able to interact with little kids and teach them about planets, the phases of the moon, how to build a rocket and how to make a galaxy. We had about 70 people attend FRN and we all had a great time. Even though we didn’t win, I still think we had the most spirit! Bear Creek also helped at the Podesta Harvest Festival where we helped run different booths for kids to play Halloween games. We had an ongoing fundraiser for UNICEF’s trick-or-treat, we also helped the Salvation Army give out food and drinks to those who needed it.


TOKAY Hey Grizzlies!!! So first off, I’ve got to say that Fall Rally North was really fun. Spirit Stick or no Spirit Stick, we all had a great time with other key clubbers. An another note, we recently started helping out with a canned food drive. Along with Lifeline Christian Club and National Honor Society, we are collecting certain canned food to arrange into baskets that will be donated to needy families. Now these families are are going to be able to eat a dinner for Thanksgiving. Also, we are going to be participating in our school’s winterfest. This is when clubs are allowed to bring off-campus food and bring them on campus to sell and make a profit. We are going to be selling chow mien. We are looking toward to when we

LINCOLN What’s up, Grizzlies? We had an awesome October because of Fall Rally. The members who went had a fun time! On October 12th, we helped out at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event. Our members helped out in different areas including the refreshments booth, volunteers table, and the registration table. On November 2nd & 3rd, we helped out at the Sandhill Crane Festival and taught people how to fold origami paper cranes. On November 14th, we are planning to help Claudia Landeen elementary school with their Texas Roadhouse fundraiser. On November 15th, we are also planning on helping Claudia Landeen again with their movie night. Thanksgiving is coming up and I would like to say that I am thankful for the all you wonderful Key Clubbers who serve and make an impact on our community! We are educating future generations to give back and we are doing a great job at leading by example! Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!


CHAVEZ Hello Grizzlies! This month has been pretty hectic with college and what not, but we’re still doing our part to serve! This past month, we volunteered at the Manlio Silva Elementary Harvest Festival, the Caregiver Symposium, and at Hmong New year at the San Joaquin Fairgrounds! It was a fun and new experience because these were our first-time events. Hope you guys have a roarin’ day and happy holidays! <3

BEN HOLT We, Ben Holt Key Club, are excited to say we were officially chartered on October 2, 2013! So far this year our Key Club was able to fundraise money for our club by selling Jamba Juice. We are also in the middle of planning an installment meeting. We had an amazing time at Fall Rally! I know all of our members plan on doing it again and really appreciate how nice and welcoming other clubs were.

McNair This month has been busy for our club. With the end to fall rally, we had plentiful service events such as the St. Joseph’s 5k. We’ve fundraised using the UNICEF boxes this Halloween and made a good profit for PTP. Though we have been continuing to serve after fall rally, it still seems as though the officers still have lots of things to do.


LODI This month has been very fun for Lodi High’s Key Club! We started our month off with a great service project that included many other club’s from our division and we had a really good time. This event was the Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Victory Park in Stockton where we assisted with registration, guiding walkers, and even cheering at the finish line. The next week we had a great time at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom at Fall Rally North! We brought 47 members and although we did not win the spirit stick our members had an amazing time. In this past month we also started our Trick or Treat for UNICEF fundraiser and filled a lot of boxes. We are still in the process of counting all the donations, but we are expecting a very large number! Finally we ended our month by volunteering at the Lodi High Halloween carnival and setting up our own booth to entertain the children of our community, as our school collected canned foods to donate for a food drive as admission. This has been a really fun month for our club and we hope we can keep up this good work.

Middle College Was it just me or did it feel like October was the busiest month we’ve had since school started? Well, it’s probably not just me but I know for a fact that Middle College’s Key Clubbers we’re definitely busy bees throughout the whole month! Our first service event of the year was on October 3rd where our members helped make goodie bags for distribution at Special Day on the Farm - an annual Del Osso Farms event for special needs children and young adults. It was followed by none other than, wait for it.... Special Day on the Farm! On October 4th some of our members got the chance to face paint, distribute food, give out goodie bags, and serve as general helpers to ensure that all of the farm’s visitors had a fun and enjoyable time. On the following weekend, we served as cheerleaders at Stockton’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s to boost morale and encourage the runners and walkers who supported the cause. Then on October 19 nearly seventy of our members, more than any club in our division, attended Fall Rally North and showcased our Grizzly spirit! We ended our month on a sweet note by trick-or-treating for UNICEF and collecting money for the ELIMINATE project. Overall, our October was spectacular but we can’t wait to delve into November and really start focusing on more fundraisers and community service!



articles Aaron Tran| Bear Creek| Astronomy in the Park

At Astronomy in the Park I got to serve at a booth playing games with kids and parents by asking questions about the planets in are solar system. It was fun and a great experience! Adding to that I also learned some new facts about the planets. I would definitely volunteer to do this again!

Jden Khounvichith | McNair| SJ 5k The 5k was a very good opportunity to take part in the city’s events and help the community for a good cause. Seeing the people run their hearts out for a serious and reason was a very warmful sight and an incredible experience. Even though I stoof in one spot for 3-4 hours with the cold wind blowing in my face, I loved it and would like to be apart of more events like these.


CARMEN HUANG | SECA |DELL’ OSSO FARM On October 11th, 12th, and 13th, SECA’s Key Clubbers volunteered at the Dell’ Osso Farm. We worked at the Pumpkin Blasters, where people at the Farm purchased mini-pumpkins that were to be placed into cannons and blasted at various objects. We, volunteers, were stationed in the back and were in charge of separating the good pumpkins from the “bad” ones that were cracked and bruised. Then, we filled small buckets with twelve pumpkins each. These filled buckets were taken to the front, and after people blasted the pumpkins, we collected the empty buckets and refilled them. It was fun, and we received many compliments for being so diligent and helpful. I really enjoyed this service event!

JONATHAN CEJA | MCHS | ST.JOSEPH’S FK MARATHON When I was dropped off at the water station about a mile away from the starting point, the first thing that went through my head was “how can anyone move in this freezing weather!?!” At first it was hard to keep up with the demand for water and the funny looking Gatorade, but with the help of Chris, Selena, and her mother, we were able to refresh everyone who needed to be. It didn’t take long for me to get the hang of passing drinks to the runners without spilling it, (trust me, it’s harder than it looks) so I kept at it for the rest of the run and let the others pour out the drinks. The best part of this whole event was not when we got to splash water on the faces of the hardcore runners, but it was when some people yelled over their shoulder, “thanks for being out here!” That little saying made me feel that being out there meant a lot to them.























CTC 15














Christmas Eve






thanks for reading! QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? CONCERNS? Contact your 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor at: Demaree Ramos 2013-2014 Executive Assistants at: Crystel Crisol & Jessica Lee 2013-2014 Division News Editor at: Teresa Meuangkhoth

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club Internatinal Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

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