Grizzly Nation: September 2013 Edition

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Grizzly Nation Volume 2 | Issue 4| September Edition

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club International Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International


LTG REMARKS...................3 CLUB UPDATES..................4 SERVICE ARTICLES............8 August DCM....................10 Capture the Flag............11 Grizzlies on Ice.................12 RTC information...............13 September Calendar.....14

LTG REMARKS GRRRRRRR-EETINGS, GRIZZLIES! Oh man, wait ‘til you see everything in store just for this month! Isn’t it crazy how time flies by so quickly? Already, we’re nearing the halfway mark of the Key Club term. But you know what that means? Region Training Conference is coming up! And you know what that means? Division T-shirt Orders are approaching? But do you know what THAT means? FALL RALLY NORTH – which means Six Flags, cheering, and lots of fundraising. Prepare yourselves for a month jampacked with spirit and service. If you have a suggestion for an event or would like to give some feedback as to how future events should be held, feel free to contact any Leadership Team member! Roaring with spirit in service, 2013-2014 D27N LTG Demaree Ramos


club updates Hello Grizzlies! I hope you are all adjusting well into your school life after being on summer break for two months. During July, the SECA Key Club only had one service event at a Tiger swim meet. For 3 consecutive days, we provided hospitality for coaches and officials. In the beginning of August before school started, we had a summer meeting at Matt Equinoa Park to plan events and enjoy delicious food brought by members themselves. A week later, 14 dedicated members volunteered at the St. Mary’s Dining Room. We had a lovely time Carrie Huang preparing and serving food for the homeless, and we even cleaned trays and pans afterward. CurrentSECA ly, my board and I are preparing for Club Rush and searching for volunteering opportunities. We plan to make this year an amazing one! See you Grizzly bears at the next DCM!


Hi everyone J I hope those of you who have started school are quickly adjusting back to the routine and having a fun time at school! During this past month, Bear Creek has volunteered at two different events. The first event that we attended was at St. Mary’s Interfaith. Here we assisted cooking and preparing food and also helped to serve the food to people who went into the dining hall. Afterwards, we helped clean up the kitchen and prepare for the next day. The other event that we volunteered at was the Salvation Army’s summer camp. At the summer camp our members went to differ- Justine Do-Huynh Bear Creek ent rooms to help teach certain subjects. It was a fun time getting to know the kids too!

Hello my fellow Grizzlies! In August, we attended our Kiwanis’ officer training conference. It was very beneficial for the Lincoln officers that attended because we learned about how we can improve our club and how to keep our members involved. We volunteered at Gospel Center Rescue Mission’s Acoustic Worship Night at Whirlow’s. We helped sell raffle tickets and even got a chance to MC the event! Our officer board had a meeting to plan out future Lincoln High Key Club events for the school year. We are also transitioning our Key Club into the digital Celine Deleon age by making a website, Instagram, and TwitLincoln ter for our club! This will help us reach out to more members and spread the word about Key Club!

This past month the Lodi High Key Club has been very busy getting organized and preparing ourselves for the beginning of the school year. Luckily, in all the fuss, we were able to attend a service event with our local Kiwanis club. On July 3rd and 4th we helped to set up and serve at the annual pancake breakfast at Lodi Lake hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Lodi. On the third I, Giovanni Fernandez, was injured and received stitches, but I came back the next day and still had a ton of fun! We have already organized ourselves for an upcoming Club Rush Giovanni Fernandez at Lodi High and will be having an informational Lodi meeting on August 12th for potentially new members. We are excited for this new year and plan on doing great things!


Hey Grizzlies! So for this past month our club hasn’t been able to do much as we transition from summer to school. One event that we held over our summer break was a Kiwanis Takeover meeting. That was definitely really fun as we got to know some Kiwanis members. We were also able to raise some money at the event that will be used to help out the club in the future. One major event that just happened was that we got a new school Angelina Molie adviser. We look forward to working with her. To finish things off, we have started preparing for club rush, Tokay where we hope we will be able to get many new grizzlies. During our final month of Summer vacation, our club has been exceptionally busy with back-toback community service opportunities. We had a total of three service events including: a two-day affair for St. Mary’s 11th annual Christmas in July, six and a half hours at The Stockton Emergency Food Bank, and a weeklong summer camp at the Salvation Army! Our club has been racking in service hours like it’s nobody’s business and its the board’s goal to do exactly just that for the 2013-2014 school year. Speaking of which, we plan on having our first board meeting on our second day of school where we’ll hopefully have the month of August all set with activities specifically designed to attract new members. Our first meeting of the year is in just a few weeks and we’re extremely excited to finally get the ball rolling on serving and fundraising with a whole new set of eager and spirited Grizzlies (along with our awesome returning members of course)!


Selena Mae MCHS

Elaine Ho Chavez

What’s up, Grizzlies?! This past month our club volunteered at the Salvation Army Summer Camp and St. Mary’s Dining Hall; however, we’re not slacking off now! Our Key Club officers held a meeting to discuss ideas to attract and maintain members. We’re planning a Key Club 101 lesson to introduce and inform new members of how Key Club can benefit people all over the world. I hope you all have been enjoying the start of a new school year!

In this past month we had at least 1 community service event, separated into two days. We helped the Kiwanis of a Greater Lodi with their 4th of July Pancake Breakfast. The 3rd we helped set-up and the 4th we did the actual breakfast and clean up. We have had at least one meeting for returning members regarding new positions and Committees that have opened up. The Positions being Historian and Spirit-Coordinator. The Committees being Fundraising/Advertising Committee and Kiwanis Chair. We hope that these positions will strengthen the commitment of our members.

Alexander Moran McNair


service articles Nayely Flores | SECA | Tiger Aquatics For three consecutive days on August 26, 27, and 28 the SECA Key Club volunteered at Tiger Aquatics. Volunteering at Tiger swim meets has been a tradition for our club for years now. At this particular swim meet, we provided hospitality for timers and officials around the pool. Every half an hour or so, we passed out beverages and snacks to them. We also picked up trash around the pool. We usually help out at the snack bar, but since it wasn’t opened at this meet, there wasn’t as much for us to help out with. Nonetheless, volunteering at this swim meet was really fun and everyone was so friendly!

Kevin Mercado | MCHS | Shoe Drive


I volunteered for the annual St. Mary’s Shoe Drive where we helped out the homeless pick out shoes from Stockton’s donors. However, my key club and I volunteered the day before as well to help prepare and organize the event. At first, we simply matched the shoes with their missing pairs and laid them out in their corresponding sizes. But later on, we actually transferred these shoes to dining room where we organized the area for the shoe drive the following day. It felt like I was a little kid again, matching various shoes with their missing partners. After a few hours of work, we finally finalized the Shoe Drive area and went home. The following day, we arrived early to monitor and assist the homeless picking out new shoes. It was very slow with a few people coming and going at first, so there wasn’t much our members could do, but time progressed and there many more people lining up to choose out new shoes. While helping out various people pick out shoes, I was able to converse and befriend which definitely brought smiles to everyone. Throughout the shoe drive, I felt a warm feeling growing in my heart growing as I saw more and more people leave with happy faces and new shoes. The day resulted with many memories being made as I had lots of fun making new friends while helping out people pick out new shoes.

James Tath | Chavez| St. Mary’s Dining Hall On July 29th, few members and I volunteered at St. Mary’s Dining Hall. We arrived around 8am and started bringing in stocks and stocks of food. Everyone went to a station and started washing, cutting, skinning, or chopping up materials. For lunch, everyone started making sandwiches for lunch and we produced over 300 sandwiches! Overall, I had a blast and made new friends!

Kathy Nguyen | McNair | Pancake Breakfast The Kiwanis July 4th pancake event is something to always look for over the summer. It’s an event that no one should miss! Serving and eating amazing pancakes with everyone is a great way to spend time together. Key clubbers were serving coffee, sausages, and handing out drinks with smiles on their faces and just so eager to help out. I can’t wait to volunteer again next year!

Anthony Tran |Bear Creek | St. Mary Interfaith On Monday July 15th, our BCHS Key Club volunteered at the St Mary Interfaith. We assisted in serving and preparing food for the homeless. We all had a great time volunteering and it was extremely fun for the volunteers. It was fun being able to serve the people because they all had sweet smiles and said thank you. It’s heartwarming to know that just doing a simple act can make help make someone else’s day better. Everyone at the event was nice and friendly and we all had a blast volunteering at the Dining Hall.


Instagram Scavenger Hunt

August DCM:


Search: #27NDCMTeamYogi #27NDCMTeamFozzie #27NDCMTeamPooh #27NDCMTeamUrsaring #27NDCMTeamCorduroy #27NDCMTeamTed #27NDCMTeamLittleBear #27NDCMTeamLotsO #27NDCMTeamGoldilocks

Capture The Flag Tournament





R16TC 2013

Cosumnes Oaks High School: 8350 Lotz Parkway Elk Grove, CA September 28 | 10AM-5PM | $5 pre-sale, $7 at the door CONTACT YOUR LTG FOR MORE INFO!





































Grizzlies on ice


thanks for reading! questions? comments? concerns? Contact your 2013-2014 lieutenant governor at: Demaree Ramos 2013-2014 Executive Assistants at: Crystel Crisol & Jessica Lee 2013-2014 Division News Editor at: Teresa Meuangkhoth

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club International Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

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