Grizzly Nation: July 2013 edition

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Grizzly Nation Volume 2 | Issue 2 | July Edition

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club International Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

Inside This Issue LTG Remarks ............................3 Leadership Team Intro............4 Club updates...........................6 Service articles.........................9 OTC Reflection........................10 Pediatric Trauma Program....12 Announcements.....................13 Contact Info............................14

LTG Remarks Ah, summer. I can see it all around - the smell of afternoon barbecues, the sound of children free from schoolwork running about a playground, the feeling oh-so-good about serving the community ;) Paws up if you feel me on that last one! As I said in last month’s edition of the Grizzly Nation, I highly encourage everyone to do some service before school starts up again. It’s okay to get a little lazy (you’ve worked hard for the past 9 months - definitely deserving of a little break) but when you talk to your friends about what you did during vacation, wouldn’t it be great to say you fed the hungry? Helped the homeless? Changed a life? Remember that what you do matters. -As I announced at the June DCM, Governor Victoria’s focus is the Eliminate Project. Our goal as a District is to raise $110 million and eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus in 30 countries by 2015. So, individual members should pledge to raise AT LEAST $5.40 - enough to save 3 lives. As a Division, 27 North’s goal is to collect $4,110 to go towards the Eliminate Project by August 1. This amount should be no problem for us, right Grizzlies? I’m sure we all know that hard work reaps great reward, and there’s no better reward than saving a life. I’ve made the Grizzly commitment to saving at least 79 lives (raising $142.20) by August 1. Even the smallest effort can contribute to making the vision of an MNT-free world a reality. -If you attended Officer Training Conference you probably already know what I’m talking about. I truly hope you enjoyed the event and learned lots! And be sure to look forward to the next Grizzly get-together, July DCM. Also, I cannot stress this enough: although it’s summer, DON’T DROP THAT GRIZZLY PRIDE, AYEEEE!

Demaree Ramos





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Hello Grizzlies of Division 27 North! My name is Jessica Lee, and I am one of your 2013-2014 Executive Assistants! Growing up, I didn’t exactly have an altogether happy childhood. Fairly early on, I learned what it meant to need someone. As a result, it has become my life’s principle to be the outstretched hand others may need. Joining Key Club and applying to be one of D27N’s EAs had a direct correlation with my passion to help others. Having said so, if any of you ever need help, feel free to contact me! Besides a passion to serve, I have a passion for words. At a young age, I developed a love for literature: at one sit-down, I would immerse myself into an unknown world and follow the journey of a stranger’s life. To this day, that still holds truth. In addition, I have a vast curiosity and a love for adventure. Discovering little trinkets always makes me happy. Hopefully this gives you some idea of who I am. I look forward to working with all of you this coming schoolyear and getting to know one another on a more personal level!

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HEY GRIZZLIES! My name is Teresa Meuangkhoth and I am your Division News Editor! I am a senior at Stockton Early College Academy and have been an active key club member since my freshman year. As DNE, I will make sure to effectively communicate with officers and members so feel free to contact me whenever! I am ecstatic to be able to help serve Division 27 North and I look forward to working with each and every one of you!

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Crystel Cr i

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Hello fellow grizzlies! My name is Crystel Crisol and I am the newly appointed 2013-2014 Executive Assistant of our lovely Lieutenant Governor Demaree Ramos. I am currently attending Ronald E Mcnair High School as a junior. I have been a been a member of key club since my freshman year and loving it since. Since then, Key Club has become one of a very important aspect of my life. Without this wonderful club and organization I wouldn’t have met amazing people and leaders of our generation. During the past years I have adopted “Caring is our way of life” motto into my life, and I hope by the end of this year you all will too. The passion for serving and caring for others is something that Key Club has shown me through the smiles, tears of joy and simple thank you’s in every service event that I have attended. I hope to keep everyone educated about who we impact and serve other than our home, school and community. I believe if we all work together we can reach new heights. I’m suuper excited to meet you all and create memories that we will all treasure :) I hope you guys are having a great summer!

hip team

a n B an h i r B

HEY THERE KEY CLUBBERS!My name is Brian Banh and if you don’t already know, I am the Children’s Miracle Network Task Coordinator for this year’s Division Leadership Team. I’ve only had my first taste of Key Club as a Freshman this year, and I have to say that this organization has made a huge impact on me. I never really had any leadership experiences before, if you would count being a part of a break dancing group in middle school. Still, I will try my absolute best in my term to meet and exceed all expectations. I am honored to have a position like this and am willing to dedicate my time and effort for this club. That is basically all I have to say. In all, I am looking forward to serving our community and making great memories for the 2013-2014 year!


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HOW DO YOU FEEL?! My name is Huy Banh and as you’ve may have heard, I am your Division 27N Fall Rally Spirit Coordinator. I’ve been in Key Club since my freshman year and throughout my long Key Club journey, I am now here, serving you Grizzlies as your Fall Rally Spirit Coordinator. Before this I was Middle College High School’s Key Club Vice President and previously sophomore and freshman representative for my club. I am very familiar with the structure and core aspects of Key Club that can help me with this position and also help serve you. I am honored to be serving such a wonderful division with high hopes of winning this year’s spirit stick. I hope to get in contact with every single one of the members that I serve and hope that everyone will have a great of a year as I will with this year’s Key Club. Feel free to contact me for anything Key Club related if needed or ask your mamabear, Lieutenant Demaree Ramos. Thanks my wonderful Grizzlies!

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Alexa n de


Hello Key Clubbers!! My name is Blake Alexander and I am the 2012-2013 Division 27 North Key Club Pediatric Trauma Program Task Coordinator!! I am a senior at Middle College High School in Stockton, California. I applied for this position because I was moved after having seen so many people around me, in Key Club, donate their time and effort to the causes of Key Club. I want to give back to my community through PTP and help save kids’ lives. Let’s make this year amazing working side by side with all the amazing Key Clubbers out there!! Thank you for your support through the 2012-2013 year!


club updates

Giovanni Fernandez | Lodi High

This month we have not had many opportunities to serve and had many of our members leave for vacation or have graduated. We spent the month organizing many volunteer opportunities and June looks to be very promising with many more events. In this month we also had were in attendance at the water balloon fight DCM and those that did attend seemed to enjoy it very much. Although we have not had any club projects to volunteer with, we continue to have members doing independent volunteering and we are very proud of them.

Elaine Ho | Chavez

Hey Key Clubbers! This month we volunteered at our CCHS graduation at Stockton Arena. It was a grand event so many guests! We couldn’t find any other service opportunities so we started planning for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. After LTG Demaree’s visitation, we are thinking of methods to improve our club and the spirit of our members. We have also decided on the details of our banquet and are hoping it’ll turn out to be a success. I hope you all are having a roarin’ summer! (:

Alexander Moran | McNair


This month we haven’t had any events that we volunteered for. This month has been more of our officers getting situated into their positions. We did have an end of year potluck for all of our members and possible future members which was quite fun. Currently our Club is in debt and I have planned a fundraising event at Nubi’s for Tuesday June 18th 12pm-9pm. Also, I will soon start to try and find summer events for our KeyClubers to do this summer. Most likely running events would be the most easiest to get.

Justine Do-Huynh | Bear Creek

Hey Grizzlies! I hope everyone has started off their summer with a blast! This past month Bear Creek Key Club has not had many opportunities to volunteer. However, our council plans on having a council bonding where we will get to know each other more and start brainstorming ideas for our club rush. We will also plan more service events to have over the summer. During the month of May we spread awareness of the Eliminate Project and intend on making more fundraisers to go towards the cause. Bear Creek also had members attend the May DCM where we all had fun getting to know new people while throwing water balloons at them! Our club is looking forward to OTC and we hope to see you all there!

Selena Mae | MCHS

Before we eagerly brought the 2012-2103 school year to a close, we had one last fundraising/service event for the month of May. Middle College key clubbers participated in our adviser’s banquet called, “An Evening in Purple,” which was held at the Lodi Moose Lodge. We served as waiters and were in charge of keeping our guests satisfied while they enjoyed a night filled with music and dancing. Although we had difficulty distributing the steak and shrimp dinners, our members persevered and used team work to satisfy our patrons as best as they could. These hard working individuals ended up with a total of $454 in tips that’ll go directly to our club funds! The board is hard at work arranging service events so our members can definitely look forward to more volunteer opportunities throughout the Summer season. What time is it!? SUMMERTIME! Have a GREAT summer, Grizzlies!


Angelica Molina | Tokay

Hey Grizzles!!! So for this past month, the club got together for the last time before the school year ended. We discussed the fundraiser that is now in full swing. For the summer, our club is selling lollipops. The funds are going towards the club so we can start the next scholar year with the right foot. Also, part of the board finally got to meet our awesome LTG, Demaree. She gave some amazing advice that will be used throughout the year to improve our club. As of now, the board is looking forward to attending the officer training conference later this month so we can gain some helpful insight and meet other fellow Grizzles.

Celine Deleon | Lincoln

I hope you all are enjoying your summer! Our members had a lot of fun during the water balloon fight at the May DCM! Those water balloons were gone fast! Lincoln ended our Key Club year on a high note with our End of the Year Party. We went to Zaps Zone and had lots of fun! A few of our seniors have received Key Club scholarships from our local Kiwanis club. Congratulations to them! Just because it’s summer, the service never stops! Some of our members have been volunteering at local homeless shelters like Gospel Center Rescue Mission.

Carrie Huang | SECA

Hi Grizzlies! Summer is finally here, and we have two months to relax and rest up before another school year starts. The SECA Key Club volunteered at two events in May: Pentathlon for 6th graders at Manteca High School and a Tiger Aquatics swim meet during the Memorial Weekend. At Pentathlon, our Key Clubbers delivered tests to testing/ scoring rooms, provided directions for visitors, and passed out programs to spectators during the Super Quiz. We helped run a snack bar and provided coaches and officials with hospitality at Tiger Aquatics. A few of us even got to make breakfast burritos! These two service events allowed us to bond and lend a helping hand to others at the same time. Aside from service events, the SECA Key Club also had a dessert banquet on May 13th to celebrate a year of service while indulging in sweets. Only two people from SECA attended the May DCM, but we thought that a water balloon fight was a great way for the division to bond. We had a potluck at our last meeting of the school year, which was on May 20th. We plan to remain active over the summer, and I have a meeting planned in July at a park. We are looking forward to OTC, and I hope to see many of you lovely grizzly bears there!


club updates

service articles Pentathlon| Java Villano | SECA

On May 11th, members of SECA’s Key Club volunteered at the annual Pentathlon competition for 6th graders at Manteca High School. Everyone helped deliver tests and scantrons to each testing room and provided directions for people who looked for places like the bathroom, the building for essay readers, and the scoring room. At the end of the portion for written exams, volunteers also helped pass out programs to families of competitors entering the gym for the Super Quiz Event. We had the time to talk to each other and bond while we waited for tests to be over. There were also two dogs wandering around that day, and we had the chance to play with them. It was a pretty fun day for everyone.

Graduation | Alicia Eam | Chavez

At graduation, the volunteers and I entered through the back as did the choir, band, and graduating class of 2013. It was a crazy experience! Everyone was rehearsing which way they were entering, leaving, or where they were supposed to be at. At first, we were directed to answer any questions the graduates had to ask, such as: where the bathroom was, where the water fountain was, or when or where they were supposed to go according to their Small Learning Community (SLC). Eventually, our next task was to pass out programs to the families and friends entering to support the Class of 2013. For two hours, we stood there handing out programs. Our arms nearly died out! I even got some paper cuts on my forearms from holding too many at one continuously. Once we were done, we went to enjoy the commencement ceremony. Overall, it was a spectacular experience and a fun-filled night.

Tiger Aquatics | Sucharita Yellapragada| SECA

Volunteering at Tiger Aquatics for the past four years has been so much fun and such an honor. In our most recent opportunity during the Memorial Weekend, we prepared breakfast and lunches for the coaches, timers, and officials at the University of the Pacific Swim Meet. We went on coffee and water runs making sure they were hydrated and fed. Then at the snack bar, we sold various items like breakfast burritos, hot dogs, baked potatoes, nachos, drinks and more. Working together in an assembly line, we were very efficient especially during rush hours and we managed to have a good laugh in between. This has been a wonderful experience to the point where now I’m known as “Coffee Girl” whenever I go back to volunteer there. It was the first volunteering event I participated in with Key Club, but it won’t be my last as I look forward to the many more opportunities Circle K has to offer in college!


“I had a wonderful time at OTC! The workshops taught me how to serve my Grizzly bears in the best possible way, and the icebreakers allowed the division to bond together as an ohana.”

Officer Training C

“Overall, OTC was very informative and enjoyable. Thank you to Division 27 North for making OTC a great success!”


“This year’s OTC was amazing, with all of the presenters help we managed to pull it all off! It was very heart warming to see everyone bonding and having a good time.”

Conference 2013

“OTC was really fun! I had a blast and met many new key clubbers while learning many new things about key club. The workshops and coordination of the event was amazing and the officer training was very educational. It was a day well spent!”


>>>> Pediatric Trauma Program Did you know?

-Unintentional injury is the #1 killer of children age 14 and under in the U.S. -Unintentional injury kills more children every year than any other cause - including disease, homicide and suicide! -90% of these unintentional injuries can be prevented!

Mission: to develop local projects, which will reduce the number of children in our district who are killed or injured by trauma. The Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation established the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) in 1994. Does Fall Rally North benefit PTP? Yes it does! Part of the admission goes to PTP and same with the funds raised at the rallies. Donations earmarked for PTP are spent in three major areas: grants to our partner hospitals; grants to Kiwanis and Service Leadership Program clubs; and PTP safety items.


for more information visit:

s t n e m e c n u o n an Eliminate project goal

$4110 The Grizzly BBQ Bonanza

Applications for District Task Coordinators are now open

Deadline: July 10 at 6pm

_________________ Location: Garrigan ParkStockton, CA

Date: July 20th Time: 4-6 pm

Eliminate Project Coordinator ______________ ISABELLE THAM


thanks for reading! questions? comments? concerns? Contact your 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor at :

Demaree Ramos

2013-2014 Executive Assistants Crystel Crisol & Jessica Lee

2013-2014 Division News Editor Teresa Meuangkhoth

A Division 27 North Publication Member of Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha, Key Club International Proudly Sponsored by Key Club International

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