The Paw Print | August 2016

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PAW Print

Vol V | Issue III | Division 27 north


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GREETINGS GRIZZLIES! Whoa! Its already August, which means school is right around the corner! Gahhhh I'm freaking out! Who else is freaking out!? Summer can't be over yet! I didn't even get a chance to get my tan on! *cries* Well, hopefully you all had a GRRReat summer with family and friends! Everyone should have a little fun in the sun during vacation a break before all the madness starts again! With school starting so soon, things are going to get super busy! But that's okay BEEcause so many more new and exciting things are brewing up for the coming months. I can't wait for all of the fun to unfold as the school year progresses! Whether you're a returning member or brand new, get ready for a year of unforgettable memories, friends, and a whole lot of community service! I hope you are all as psyched as I am! Woo Woo! Roarin’ with might,


Justin Tyler Flores D27N News Editor

Table of Contents Editor's Message 2 Table of Contents 3 Sarah's Roar 4 DLT Messages 6 President's Welcome 8 Spotlight 11 My Key Club Story 12 July DCM Olympics 16 Service Recaps San Joaquin County Fair 19 Lodi Obon Bazaar 20 Pancake Breakfast 21 Lodi Fireworks Celebration 22 #GrizzlyGram 24 Monthly Recognition 26 Grizzly Contacts 32 3

s ' h a r a S r a o R Hey hey hey, Grizzlies! It’s sad to say, but summer vacation is over. Did you do everything you wanted? Did you make Drake proud with your Summer ‘16? I hope you enjoyed every moment! Now that school’s begun, it’s much easier to get into the full swing of Key Club. I look forward to seeing everyone - especially new members from the class of 2020 - at the August DCM! As everyone embarks on their journey into the 2016-2017 school year, I hope you find support and love within our Grizzly Ohana and know that you can always turn to it when you need anything. Remember that with the end of summer comes the return of academic, social, and personal responsibilities. You might feel overwhelmed, especially if things pile up too quickly after this much-needed break. Keep in mind


Grizzly GOALS

LTG Sarah challenges you to... BE THE VERY BEST!

that, no matter what, you can get through the day! Take advantage of calendars, schedules, and to-do lists; plan ahead, work proactively, and take a break when you need to! Don’t be afraid to reach out to others, because if something’s stressing you out, you’re likely not the only one worried about it. Above all, make sure you take care of yourself. This means sleeping enough no, caffeine is not a substitute for sleep! - and making sure you get enough vitamins and minerals by maintaining a healthy diet. Get some exercise (while playing Pokemon Go?) and stay hydrated in these scorching temperatures! I’m BEEyond confident in your abilities to conquer all that you face as we enter this academic year. Work hard, play (serve!) hard, and make Mama Bear proud! See you soon! Grizzly hugs and lots of love,

1. attend one division event a month 2. complete 4 hours of service a month

Sarah Ahmed

D27N Lt. Governer (Mama Bear)




Hello Division 27 North!

Cathlyn, Pediatric Trauma Program Coordinator, here. Our goal for the 2016 -2017 term is $3500, and to help achieve this goal, I have some fundraiser ideas for you all to try out! Talk to your club president about some of these fundraisers and how to put them in action. 1. Pie-an-Officer 2. Ice Cream Social 3. Yogurtland Fundraiser I can't wait for you all to start raising money for PTP!! ROARing in service,

Cathlyn Pham Pediatric Trauma Program Task Coordinator


Hey Hey D27N!

This is the Eliminate Project Task Coordinator, Dareka Pol, and the MNT goal is $3000 for this term! School has begun and I've got some cool fundraiser ideas to start the year off right. 1. Change Can Change 2. Cookies for Coins 3. Rita's Fundraiser Ask your club president for more information and details on how to start planning one of these fundraisers for MNT! BEARing with every spirit,

Dareka Pol Eliminate Project Task Coordinator


President's Welcome Janmarie Bongcaron Chavez Hello fellow Grizzlies, my name is Janmarie Bongcaron and I am honored to be serving as Cesar Chavez’s Key Club President for the 2016-2017 term. I am excited for this term because I’ve set certain goals for my home club and I hope that we can achieve them . My main goals for this term are to encourage and show current / future key clubbers that key club isn’t just a club for “volunteering” or “a boost for college applications," however, a club where you make new friends and memories throughout high school. I remember having the same mentality when I first joined the club, however, the passionate officers and members have shown me that key club isn’t just a club because it’s more than that. I am excited for what is in store for our club this term.

Annie Yu Middle College

Greetings and salutations, Grizzlies! My name is Annie Yu and I am currently the president of Middle College High School’s Key Club. As of now, there’s absolutely no words that can express my excitement for the 2016-2017 term. As president, I hope to encourage members to exceed their own limit and do more than what they’re usually comfortable doing. This will not only give them an opportunity to explore the unknown, but can also guide them in a different and positive direction they never expected. With that being said, I simply cannot wait to see what we can do together as a Division, too!

Rossana Oung SECA Greetings Grizzlies! My name is Rosanna Oung, president of Stockton Early College Academy’s Key Club. I’ve acquired many skills and assets from my immediate past president’s position to truly understand the hard work and dedication necessary for the job. I was beyond ecstatic when I heard that I was elected as president, because I knew that I gained the opportunity to share out new ideas and spread my passion to other key clubbers through this position. Although I’m a newbie when it come to taking initiative, especially for a large group, I hope as president, I am able to teach more non key clubbers what Key Club is truly all about!


J'Den Khounvichith McNair Greeeeeetings fellow Grizzlies! My name is J’Den Khounvichith and I will be serving as Ronald E. McNair’s Key Club President for the 2016­2017 term! I am incredibly honored to be serving my last chapter in Key Club International under one of the strongest clubs in the division. The club that has talk me how to break out of my shell, how to be a leader, and has made me the person I am today. These past three years under McNair’s Key Club has shown me that there is so much more to life. That there is hope and good in this world. And that teenagers have the ability to make an everlasting impact in this community. With that being said, the McNair Board and I are looking forward to leaving an unforgettable legacy for countless members to follow!

Brianna Be Bear Creek Helllooooo Grizzlies!! My name is Brianna Be and I'm proud to say that I am serving as the president of Bear Creek's Key Club for the 2016-2017 term. When I got elected president there wasn't enough words in the world to describe how excited I was for the year. As president, I plan to make the new members feel like home and motivate them to go above and beyond. Some goals I had in mind is to recruit as many new members we could for the year, fundraise as much as we can for the eliMiNaTe project and for the Pediatric Trauma Program, and have at least each member volunteer at 3 events throughout the year! With a great board by my side I know we can make this- the best year yet! :)

Randy Yan Ben Holt Hello my name is Randy Yan and I serve as the President of the Benjamin Holt Key Club. I am very excited to serve my club entering my last year of Key Club. I hope that I, along with my fellow officers, can work together as a team to help improve my club! I am looking forward to all the endeavors this Key Club term will take us! Some goals I have in mind are: 1) Increase membership by at least 10 members 2) Fundraise at least $600 total for both PTP and the Eliminate Project 3) Perform more service events that will benefit the community as a whole


Rodolfo Mejia Tokay Hey Hey Grizzlies! My name is Rodolfo Mejia, but I also go by Rudy. I am your 2016 - 2017 Tokay Key Club President and super excited to lead such a great club this year. Becoming president of Key Club was one of my goals since freshman year! I have so many ideas, cool events, and fundraisers in store for you guys this coming semester. I can't wait to get in the groove of things and get this party (year) started! I'll see all of you new and returning key clubbers at our meetings throughout the school year. I can't wait to meet all of you and get together as a Grizzly family. It's gonna be a great year guys!

Sharan Kalkat Lodi Hello there grizzlies! I am Sharan Kalkat and I have the greatest honor and privilege of being the president of Lodi High School’s Key Club! Before Key Club, I was a lost little freshman who desired nothing more than to find her greatest passion. I can easily say that joining Key Club was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Key Club means so much to me. From helping out the community to learning about amazing global fundraisers such as the Eliminate Project and the Thirst Project, this club has truly given me an opportunity to help change the world and gain perspective. This is why I am overjoyed to be president! I have so many goals for our club and the people inside of it. One of my main goals is to get more involved with fundraising for great projects like the Thirst Project. I want to raise at least $1000 from our club by fundraising around the school, getting the kids involved, and maybe selling something. I hope that in my presidency I will inspire some more people to join our Key Club and show our grizzly spirit!!

Alec Jamosmos Lincoln Hello fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Alec Jamosmos and I am v serving as Lincoln High's Key Club President this year. My election has been a complete suprise and thrill for me, but I assure you, this club is in good hands. I've been a member since freshman year and enjoy serving my community to the best of my abilities. Hopefully I can turn these skills and my experiences to leading a whole new wave of interested individuals and setting a good example for them. I just plan to stay on top of things once the year starts to roll around. This year is going to be a great year Grizzlies!


Spotlight: Key Club 101


My Key Club Story Charolette Suiza | Lodi Entering my freshman year, I was My name is Charlotte Suiza, and I am currently a junior at Lodi High School. already set in becoming a Key Club When I first heard about Key Club, I was member. I got to learn more about the in the latter half of my 8 th grade year. club and I recruited a lot of my friends I remember my first ever service event to join during Club Rush week. Past presiin January of 2014: the Kiwanis Pan- dent Giovanni Fernandez appointed me cake Breakfast. As a 14 year old, my as historian that year, and so whenever sister, who was a junior at that time, in- I went to service events I took as many vited me to volunteer. It wasn’t the first pictures as I can, though I wouldn’t say time I volunteered in I was really involved in my life, but it was the my work as I was still first associated with trying to readjust mythis club I didn’t know self in the high school much about. This panenvironment. Active cake breakfast would membership and paralways be one of my ticipation was pretfavorite service events ty low that year, and I’ve done. We had to I was also pretty shy walk back and forth, back then, so I never carry sometimes two got to interact that trays at once – which by much with the other the way, I’ve also never members besides a done before – and serve “hello” and knowing multiple people at once their names. My faat one table. It was a lot vorite service event -Charolette Suiza of work, but at the end that year would be of the day, the whole experience was Presentation Church’s Annual Crab thrilling! I would volunteer several more Feed in February 2015. Like my other times during my 8 th grade year with Lodi favorite service events, it provided volHigh Key Club even though I wasn’t offi- unteers many things to do; our job as cially a member yet. I also happened to servers always kept us on edge. The go to the February DCM in 2014 hosted by other reason why it’s one of my favormy club, and that was a new and exciting ite events was because it was the first experience where I got to see how big time I ever talked to Muhammad, anKey Club was in our area and how many other fresh key clubber who would later clubs were a part of our division. become my best friend. The great thing

"The great thing about Key Club is that it allows us to meet new people and establish friendships that... are going to last a lifetime."


about Key Club is that it allows us to meet new people and establish friendships that you know are going to last a lifetime. If he hadn’t bugged Giovanni so much about Key Club in the beginning, and I didn’t hear about the club through my sister, we probably wouldn’t have volunteered during that night.

As my love for key club’s works grew, so did my passion to become a better leader. Though reluctant at first, my sister and Giovanni persuaded me to run for president. My term as president was a difficult, but rewarding one. I was only a sophomore, a lot of other key club members outside my home club were surprised and I’m sure some questioned my capabilities in the beginning. It was a learning process, but I managed to improve Lodi High Key Club, with the help of my officers. Getting to real-

ly know each and every single officer was a beautiful experience. I made sure to volunteer at every single service event in the beginning so the new members wouldn’t feel left out. I always said hi before meetings started and soon enough, they started to communicate with their fellow members who weren’t in the same grade as them, and participation grew. Key Club was where we got to give back to the community together, and where we get to share many laughs and memories. It always made me happy to see my members smile and enjoy themselves at service events, Fall Rally North, DCMs, etc. I’m sure in the past and even now, Lodi High Key Club has had an “introverted” reputation in the division, but I was really proud of my members and my officers by the end of my term. We got along well with one another and we became a family, despite how diverse and different we were. I saw myself looking at future leaders in that room. Now I am 16 going on 17 and the current vice president of Lodi High Key Club. I hope this term will be an even greater experience for all the members. Key Club has and will continue to have a lasting effect on me; I hope that


when I graduate, I will be able to make an impact on the members and hope that they continue the Key Club legacy. People are often confused when I mention Key Club. Is that a club where you make keys? What do you do in that club? I’m sure many key clubbers in our division would agree that it is not just a community service club. At the end of it all, making memories, establishing friendships, giving back to our local communities, putting ourselves out there - they are all the things that make Key Club worthwhile. This is my Key Club story so far, and one of my main goals by the end of my high school years is only for other members to look back on their stories and smile as well.


A & Q Favorite Author? Jane Austen

What animal would you want to be for a whole month? a koala bear Two things that are always on your mind? sleep & frozen yogurt Favorite Time of Day? Noon Favorite Ice Cream Topping? gummy bears Favorite Key Club Moment? when I volunteered for a dog walka-thon because I got to walk dogs around a park and played with them! 15

July DCM

This month's DCM was the Grizzly Olympics! Members were able to compete in different activities, like hula hoop passing, relay racing, and tug-of-war. In the end, we even had fun pouring ice over the LTG and EAs, followed by a water balloon fight. Fadi Alzammar | Middle College



In spite of dog days, the month of July has Bear Creek Key Club up and running through July DCM: Grizzly Olympics. Not only the event featured fun games, water balloons, and Popsicle, but the meeting also recognized club participation through the Honey Points system. Gian Carlo Baldonado| Bear Creek


Service RECAPS


San Joaquin County Fair

San Joaquin County Fair June 15, 2016 Fadi Alzammar | Middle College At this year’s county fair, Key Clubbers were sectioned off into different areas to perform different tasks. While I cannot comment on behalf the others, I personally was given the task of greeting people after they walk through security and giving them a program/map. While this was boring at times, it was interesting to an extent seeing people of different ages and backgrounds enter, and it was pretty fun talking to security guards when things were slow. Fortunately enough, lunch was provided with chicken wings, hotdogs, chips and drinks, which gave for a great break in the long volunteering sessions.


Lodi Obon Bazaar June 25, 2016 Carmen Huang | SECA On Saturday, June 25th, SECA Key Club volunteered at the Lodi Obon Bazaar festival. We helped prepare the food: placing sushi in boxes, fanning rice, etc. After, some of the volunteers helped sell the food, and others helped with preparing the chicken. All in all, it was a great experience for me! It was my first time volunteering at this event so I had a great time and enjoyed working with the other volunteers. I would love to volunteer at this event again!


Lodi Fireworks Celebration July 1, 2016 Shee Vang | SECA I volunteered at Lathrop Firework Celebration on July 1st. Volunteers were split into teams of two and were randomly placed at a game booth. I got placed at the Bean Toss. It was nice to see police officers as well as adults having fun playing the games. Then at 10:00pm, we get to watch the fireworks! It was a beautiful sight! I would definitely volunteer there again, with one difference: I hope more of our SECA Key Clubbers also attend to enjoy the spectacular view of the fireworks!


Pancake Breakfast July 4, 2016 Sydney Utley | Lodi The Lodi Key Club did one service event in the first half of July. The event was the Pancake Breakfast at Lodi Lake. This event took place over two days, July 3rd to July 4th. It occurs annually and hundreds of people all over our community come together for it! President Sharan Kalkat says, “This Pancake Breakfast was the first that I went to. There was a setup a day before where we unstacked and arranged the tables and chairs. It was a lot of hauling and heavy-duty lifting but the sense of community around us made it all worth it. The next day was the actual Pancake Breakfast where the volunteers had many different jobs such as, squeezing syrup onto pancakes, pouring coffee, and giving people orange juice and milk. At first it was very overwhelming, being that this annual event attracts many locals and families, but as we saw the thankful looks on the people we served, we were overjoyed with the fact that we were making a difference. I can't wait for next year's Pancake Breakfast.�



justinntylerr i love me some Maryann!!

tranxkevin best off guard pic from the DCM


d27ngrizzlies the division silly picture


sarah.berries DO IT FOR THE KIDS DO IT FOR THE KIDS #ptpicebucketchallenge??

teresavtrvn gang gang w ltg sarah & my counterpart derek

d27ngrizzlies A little free for all water balloon action

add #grizzlygram to any key club related photo and see it in the next newsletter! we love to see all the ways you share paw -sitivity and fun moments on social media!


secakeyclub SECA Key Clubbers attended the July DCM today


n o i t i n g o c e R y l h Mont August 2016

r of th e b m e e M Zhi Ye Mont h Junior | Tokay

"Zhi is very hard-working and caring towards her community. She is just a great human being overall and loves to volunteer in service. Keep it going Zhi!"

o r e f the c i f f Mon O Gian Carlo Baldonado th Senior | Bear Creek

"Gian Carlo is very skillful and goes above and beyond in his work. He's gotten Officer of the Month twice in a row and definitely deserves this title!"


of th s i n a e Mon w i K th Patrick Anthony

r of t o s i he M v d A onth y t l u Fac Michele Dueltgen


Middle College

Club of the Month McNair

McNair205 : McNair: 205 points points


Middle Middle College College:: 205 points

**check division website for point system


145 points


70 points

Ben Holt: 60 points



60 points

Bear Creek:

10 points

145 points


135 points



it's got everything from photos and monthly recognition to upcoming events and fundraiser ideas! Just another way to stay updates with division 27 north news!


Also Check Out the district newsletter!


Au gu st


August DCM: Scavenger Hunt Nelson Park | 12:30 - 2:30 PM $4 BBQ & DLT Pie Off





Lieutenant Governor

Sarah Ahmed

Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant

Derek Liu

Teresa Tran

Technology Task Coordinator


Marciano Lua

Social Media Task Coordinator

Social Media Task Coordinator

Kevin Tran

Dalton Dequit

Membership Recognition Task Coordinator

Kim Huong


PTP Task Coordinator

Cathlyn Pham

News Editor

Eliminate Task Coordinator

Justin Tyler Flores


Dareka Pol

Service Project Task Coordinator

Kyra Chhiu-Lim

Spirit Task Coordinator

Spirit Task Coordinator

Chanel Thach

Daniela Medina






Division 27 North Grizzlies

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