THE PHOENIX PRESS Key Club International | CNH District | Region 5 | Division 28 North Newsletter 2011-2012 | Issue 4 | September 2011
LTG INTRODUCTION Guten Tag, Phoenixes! Ever since the first day of school, doesn’t it feel great to be back with your familiar environment filled with friends and teachers? The constant rhythm of lockers slamming shut and the sound of sneakers, impacting the floor to hear that loud screeching sound makes it a really busy place to be. Not to mention, but now we will have piles of work to put onto our list of tasks, which even adds more work to the previous pile of work that was already on the previous pile of work … in other words, A LOT OF WORK! But fret not! Keep in mind that your loved ones are always out there to help you whether it is your favorite aunty or your club’s Treasurer or Sergeant At Arms. We are a Division 28 North Ohana, a family. We are together to work as hard as we can and to support each other when we need to because nobody will get left behind or forgotten! As the business portion for this section please start collecting your dues for both Key Club membership and RTC! Your officers will be setting official amounts as to how much your specific membership dues are combined with the $25 payment for the Regional Training Conference being held at Cimarron-Memorial High School! As soon as September 30th rolls along by, make sure your RTC dues for the club have been RECEIVED by Mrs. Palmer of Cimarron-Memorial High School so that you are eligible to attend one of the greatest events of the year, RTC! As soon as October 1st hits, make sure to start sending in your money in-time so it can be marked down as an Early-Bird submission. These are both extremely important as this is the main portion of where your money will be going to within the first month of the school year. Please recall that if you do need absolutely any help or assistance from me, let me know because I am here to serve you guys and I am simply one e-mail, phone call, or text away. Until next time, Phoenixes! (: With tender love and care, Jarren Santos Lieutenant Governor 2011-12
Table of Contents LTG Introduction Recent Events Upcoming Event : RTC Monthly Awards, Articles and Visuals Children’s Miracle Network
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Club Snapshots
Calendar & Contact Information
L-R: District Secretary Andrew Liu, Division 28 North Lieutenant Governor Jarren Santos, District Project Chair Alex Liu Fun Fact The DSEC and DP Chair don’t just look alike; they are twins! Can you tell who is who?
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Recent Events: August Joint DCM! Hey guys! Ron Pai from A-Tech here! This month of August, I went to DCM to both hang out with friends and get the chance to throw pies at my LTG's face. Sadly, I did not get a chance because I was preoccupied with meeting other people through a game of cards. Anyway, we started our DCM with the regular announcements as well as the shirt design contest, where I can't wait to see the D28N shirts. As I said, I did not get to pie anyone although looking from all the pies the LTG's got from the different divisions, they don't really need anymore whip cream on their faces! -Ron Pai, Sergeant at Arms A-TECH On August 19th, Divisions 28 North, South, and West gathered together in the Desert Breeze Park for the Augustjoint DCM! Along with discussing about the upcoming Regional Training Conference (RTC) and Fall Rally South, members also had the opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from various high schools, and make many new friends! After all the serious Key Club business was a charity pieing event in which members could pie either the KFF Chair, or Division 28 North/ South/West LTGs. All money raised in this fundraiser were donated to the organization Autism Speaks; helping people couldn’t of been any more fun than this! The Au-
The LTGs and KFF Chair getting pied! Photo Credit: Brian D. Vu, Bulletin Editor, A-TECH
I hope all of you guys attended the August joint DCM because it was very awesome! I got to reunite with people from all over division 28. I met some new key clubbers that I have never met before and I hope I will get to see them again. Getting to know what is going on in our division is important so we can know how we can make a difference in our community. We talked about how we are getting ready for the school year to start and how to get people to join key club. Having these ideas discussion really helped all of us in how to recruit more members into key club. The best part was the fundraiser. LTG’s and KFF chair were getting slapped in the face with a bunch of pies. Hearing their emotions and seeing their pied faces made everyone’s dcm a good ending. - Brian D. Vu, Bulletin Editor, A-TECH
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Start! After indulging into relaxation all summer, I had a chance to finally meet up with all the finest Key Clubbers of Divisions 28 North, South, and last but not least, West! I was among the group of earlier than punctual Key Clubbers to arrive at the park. Everybody was reminiscing about summer memories, joking around, if not, then just plain socializing! What a wonderful environment it was, to be surrounded by such vibrant characters, kind advisors, and last but not least, the sizzling Vegas heat! Settling in, we finally got together the presidents of our division and had a short meeting with a side of socializing. “We” refers to my fellow division assistants whom are the most wonderful human beings you’ll ever shake your hands with! Speaking in literary terminology, it’s the… Climax! Finally, our momentary presidents’ meeting had concluded and now it was time to gather around. The three divisions split up like a banana and had our own divisional council meetings in three different areas of the park. Our LTG Jarren Santos fired off the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Key Club Pledge. We began with the usual announcements, droning on and on… with FALL RALLY! RTC! And much, much, more to blast off this year with a BANG. Adding to the top of this fantastic banana split, designs, designs, and did I mention, DESIGNS? Many kinds of designs were sent in to our LTG, and MANY were BEAUTIFUL. And finally, the Conclusion :[ You may think it was the part of the day that ya’ll say your goodbyes, farewells, and so-longs, but NO! It was time to….PIE. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it was a time to pie the LTGs from D28 North (Jarren Santos), South (Aldrin Santamaria), and West (Steven Kim), along with the Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chair, Mark Ubongen! EVERYONE who carried a grudge, wanted to fundraise for the organization Autism Speaks, and just wanted to participate, did owe up to the fee of $1 and pied one of the contestants! After the chaotic pie fest, we all cleaned up the mess and separated onto our ways. BUT, last but not least, we thanked our AWESOME ADVISIORS and ALL THE WONDERFUL CHAPERONES!
Photo Credit: Brian D. Vu, Bulletin Editor, A-TECH
I, for one, am ABSOLUTELY fired up for this Key Club fiscal year of 2011-2012! -Esmond Fung, Executive Assistant, A-TECH
The August Joint DCM that occurred on August 19th was a blast for all. It was kicked off at it’s normal time of around 5pm, and ended with a great big splat! We had a charity Pie smash to help raise money for Autism speaks. It was simple, yet elegantly fun in it’s own way! Just give a dollar and you were able to smash a pie into either D28N LTG Jarren Santos, D28S LTG Aldrin Santamaria, D28W LTG Steven Kim, or KFF Chair Mark Ubongen. All schools were more than willing to help raise money for such a cause, being able to put a whip cream pie into the face of some of their favorite people was just a bonus for everyone! In the end, everyone had an amazing time being able to get together with new and old friends and sharing the experience known as Key Club! -Michael Polis, Vice President, Legacy High School
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Recent Events: Helping History and Planning The cause was one of great disaster. Being as though Red Rock is part of the Las Vegas community, we had to attend this event. Closing down national parks is a big no-no. We took a stand in the fight to save Red Rock Canyon. - Brandon Gayton, President, Las Vegas High School
Upcoming Event Regional Training Conference (RTC) When: October 22nd, 2011 (Saturday) 8AM-8PM Where: Cimarron Memorial HS Price: $25 Theme: Harry Potter (BEElieve —The Magic of Service) Dress Code : You must wear club shirts with no alterations. As for bottoms, you must wear either jeans or pants, with nothing hanging out. Special Guest: Cali-Nev-Ha District Governor Erinn Wong
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ABOUT MONTHLY AWARDS, VISUALS, AND ARTICLES Monthly awards/Member nominations This is something new that will be implemented this year. Throughout the months, we will be having awards for Club of the Month and Member of the Month. Every month, a single member in your high school’s Key club will be nominated. Through this process, you guys have the chance to get recognized all over CNH as a designated individual as well as within our division! Now, this process is decided by the Division Leadership, so show us reason why we should choose you! Impress us with something new like a cheer or a new ice breaker! Stand out and BEE a great leader in your community! Just simply impress us and be unique! For the Club of the Month, Jarren will be giving decor (spirit stick, Phoenix plush) for you to take home and decorate to whatever pleases your club! Just please be sure to keep it in great condition as well as to keep in clean!
Visuals Name the photo [MONTH]__[SCHOOL NAME]__[EVENT NAME INITIALS] ie.) 04_ELDORADO_KOD (This would read September, Eldorado, Kiwanis One Day) • Label the subject [SCHOOL NAME] - [EVENT NAME] | ie. Subject: Rancho - Relay for Life • ONLY PICTURES OF SERVICE • Submit it to the LTG’s e-mail address!
Articles (Division/District Newsletter) • •
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Download the template found on the CNH Cyberkey -> http://cnhkeyclub.org/district-news/cnh-districtnewsletter (template is found towards the bottom of the page) Write an article about ANY KEY CLUB-RELATED EVENT. From socials to service events to meetings to how you feel about Key Club, find some inspiration and start writing! There's no limit to how much you can write and submit! NAME YOUR FILE: D28N_[Event Title Initials]_[Article #] | ie. D28N_KOD_04 (This would read Division 28 North, Kiwanis One Day, Article #4 Label the subject: D28N_[SCHOOL NAME]_[TOPIC] | ie. D28N_Cheyenne_Key Club Park Social Submit to cnharticle@gmail.com
DEADLINES!!! MRFS ... 3rd of every month Visuals ... 18th of every month Member nominations ... 18th of every month
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Club Snapshots East Career & Technical Academy For the month of July, our club has been discussing a lot about our current and future projects for the year. Our president has layed out a whole entire calendar of events up to March of 2012 and we plan on adding more on the way. At first, we wanted to plan do something at our school's freshman orientation this August, but instead we've decided to just guide students around on orientation day and recruit students once their comfortable around school. I'd say our president has been doing well with organizing our board so far. A majority of us have created a binder just for our club. We've all agreed that being organized can keep our club running smoothly when the time comes. We are also helping LVYP to advertise a bowling project located at Orleans to raise money for Colors of Lupus Nevada. This event was rescheduled for the month of August. Our club also showed up at the DCM at UNLV. We were very happy to see our fellow members and other key clubbers. For the rest of the summer we just plan on getting more done before the year starts to kick off a good school year!
Advanced Technologies Academy Another month of summer passed, everyone continues to be out of town and currently two to three members of our board is not in town. Regardless, some of our members continue to be active in the community and more began to join in. This month, we have two members that completed 58 hrs of library volunteering. Also, our Key Club president, James Gan volunteered as a home tutor before he went out of the country. An amazing member took time and started volunteer teaching! She teaches two hours per week and taught many things to the students. This month's DCM was held at UNLV and seven members took time to go and participate! The board plans to hold a board meeting during the month of August to see if we can organize events to get started on the work before school starts!
3 MRF due
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September DCM
18 Visuals
and Member Nominations Due
Division Leadership Lieutenant Governor:
Executive Assistant:
Jarren Santos d28n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (702)-427-9957
Esmond Fung d28n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com (702)-715-7171
Division Secretary:
Divison Technology Editor:
Quin Redublado d28n.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com (702)-885-8827
Kanae Ito d28n.cnhkc.dteched@gmail.com
“Caring —Our Way of Life”
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