Narwhal News | D42E August 2014

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August 2014 | Volume VI | Issue 4

Narwhal News Division





Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 10 | D42E Moorpark | Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks | Westlake

Table of Contents A Message from your LTG 3 Past Events Moorpark 4 Thousand Oaks 4 Royal 5

Santa Susana 5 Simi Valley 6 Oak Park 6 Newbury Park 7 Westlake 7 Officer Training Conference 8 Club Points 10 Upcoming Events 10 Contact Information 11

Hello Narwhals! Summer’s been crazy busy for me! I barely even had enough time to create this newsletter! I know plenty of you are caught up in the hubbub of summer activities and maybe even some summer classes or internships, but please don’t forget about Key Club! Just because clubs are not extremely active during the summer doesn’t mean Key Club just stops! Take a break from all that hard work; bond with your fellow members to ensure a successful school year! Now that summer is winding down to an end, though, it’s time to start seriously thinking about the upcoming school year. Be ready to recruit and encourage your friends and get them to join the incredible organization that you have chosen to become a part of! Have a great end of the summer, narwhals! Swimming in Service,

Sally Deng

Editor’s Note

A Message from your LTG Hello, Narwhals! I apologize for the slowness of the month. We’ve been working on a new way of organizing the division. It turned out to be a success! We’ll be having two new positions opened in the division. We’ll be appointing a Membership Recognition Coordinator and a Division Service Expo Coordinator. We have a new website up, designs, fundraisers, calendar, and much more! I hope that you can utilize these new materials that the division leadership team has been creating. We’ll also be working on incorporating more membership involvement! Anybody can be a leader! As you can see, on the outside it may seem slow, but on the inside, it’s been busy. I hope that you can feel assured that the leaders who serve you are hard at work and passionately serve you because they love this division just as much as you do! You can look forward to an amazing school year with tons and tons of activity! Hopefully I’ll get to see all of you soon! I hope you’re having a great summer. Want to know what will make it better? Key Club!

Swimming in service,

Joseph Ko


Moorpark WINE AND MOONLIGHT by Madison Hinz My experience at Wine and Moonlight was ecstatic! In this event, we were split up into groups as we helped with setting up, serving the guests, and cleaning up. Some of the great learning experiences at this event included how to behave towards others in our community, care for others, and act as a mature adult. We met tons of nice people willing to come out and support this event, which benefited the Kiwanians. In the end, even though this was hard work, it was still an absolute amazing job and event to get to be at. It was one of the more fun and intellectual learning events I have ever been to.

SUMMER SOCIAL/FUNDRAISER by Brandon Le After a long school year, we held a social/party on June 12th to celebrate our accomplishments during the school year. It gave us a night to reminisce how far this club has come since it was created, and how we are all one big family. The night was jampacked full of food, friends, raffles, and swimming. I was one of the raffle winners, and played a part in helping the club raise $43 that night. The burgers were great, and we had fun playing games like twister and water balloon fights. Later at night, we filled the pool with endless amounts of glow sticks and basically had our own mini rave. I can say that this was a night to remember, and I can’t wait to see what we, as a family, will accomplish this upcoming year.

PIZZA FESTIVAL by Dionisio “DJ” Bautista The 1st annual Pizza Festival hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Conejo Valley was held on Thursday, June 19th. It had a several pizza vendors as well as a healthy crowd of people come to enjoy the good vibes and great food! The event’s proceeds were put towards their Kiwanis Club and Newbury Park Key Club. The night was successful and had a good turnout. Kevin and I helped by setting up the event and serving out pizza. We also worked and interacted with members from the Newbury Park Key Club. Volunteering with friendly Kiwanians and Key Clubbers make these events fun, so I’ll be sure to help out again with events like these!


OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE by Nicole Pommerening On June 28th the D42E Narwhals and D42W Orcas met together for the annual Officer Training Conference. As a first timer I was a bit nervous, but was quickly welcomed by my fellow Key Clubbers! The experience was interesting to say the least. Narwhals/Orcas learned the history of Key Club, how to manage their new officer position, and what it means to be a true Key Club leader! Shoutout to the Kiwanis sponsors for the free pizza. After this year’s OTC I can honestly say our narwhals are prepped and ready for the upcoming term!


Royal OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE by Kelley Lam Royal attended OTC in June! It was a lot of fun to meet new people not only from our division, but division 42 west! We learned a lot of new things about the division’s goals, events, etc. It was also a great learning experience because we really learned the duties that each position must take on, and there were great tips and advice! I learned things I didn’t even know about. For example, I learned about member recognition requirements at DCON, the fact that Fall Rally is all about fundraising for PTP ( and having fun of course), etc. It was also really fun, especially when we played ice breakers! Party at the Public speaking session with Justin and Chris lol. Lastly, it was a great way for us to talk to other presidents and think about events/fundraisers that we can have during the school year! It was an awesome experience!

SIMI VALLEY FIREWORKS by Kelley Lam Royal and Moorpark both participated in volunteering at the Rancho Santa Susana Park on July 4! We helped the Rotary Club set up flags, make trash cans and recycle bins, etc. We also went around and helped out other people set up their booths for the fireworks at night! We worked and met up with other volunteers from Bank of America, Kiwanis, and even some football players from Simi High! We also got free t-shirts. lol

Santa Susana ICEOPLEX by Breanna Scantron To raise money for the Santa Susana and Moorpark Key Clubs, we had an Ice-skating fundraiser at the Iceoplex in Simi Valley! Although only about 15 people were there, we still had a lot of fun. I got to bond with people from Moorpark along with seeing my friends from Santa Su! I hope we can do another fundraiser soon because ice-skating was a memorable experience.

Oaks OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE by Tia Liu OTC at the Boys and Girls Club of Los Ceritos was a formal yet friendly division wide conference. For anyone who was new to Key Club, we laerned about Key Club and teh numbers and facts about our division, region, and also about national and international Key Club. Everyone was able to learn more about their position, and other board positions. We also learned about membership and the meaning of service, among many other activities. And on top of it all we got an incredible smorgasbord of pizza and food for lunch, provided by Kiwanis.


Simi Valley OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE by Juliana Nghiem This was my second time attending OTC and I got a lot more out of this event than I thought. I recieved a new experience as I was asked to present a presentation during one of the workshop sessions, and it gave me a new perspective to OTC. I learned how much responsibility and planning that is necessary for OTC to run smoothly. OTC helped me get to be familiar with people within my division as well as from Division 42W. This was a fun experience and it was nice to see so many people that have the same amount of Key Club passion as many of us.

Oak Park OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE by Carlo Cruz-Albrecht This past weekend, I attended the OTC — a unique merge of Divison 42 East and 42West! It was great to meet the lieutenant governors and interact with fellow key clubbers. Throughout the conference, members could pitch in and share experiences or tips. Each club representative shared what past events they had completed, which definitely sparked ideas. A lot could be learned just through meeting new people. For example, I met up again with a friend Lorraine who was part of our Key Leader “neighborhood.” She told me about Google Groups which allows open discussion between officers of the division and presents great ideas for service. Next, the workshops taught important skills, such as organizing effective Board Meetings or completing the MRF. Furthermore, the information came with helpful tips from the presenters who had been through those experiences. This was possibly the most useful part of the workshops for me. And last but not least, the learning experience was made fun with both feisty spirit and food!



The Officer Training Conference, this past June, gave me the opportunity to get to know a multitude of different Key Club members. At this conference, I was able to meet members from Division 42 East as well as Division 42 West. It was extremely interesting to get to know each individual and I was amazed by each person’s passion for Key Club. One of the aspects I enjoyed most of all was the workshops. It provided a way for us Key Club members to learn from each other by presenting, listening, or interacting with a group through exciting activities. At the end of the day, I felt like I had gained most if not all the skills I would need to become a successful Key Club Ambassador. If it were not for this conference, I would not get to see what each and every club is doing, whether it is successful or not. All of these tips are experiences that I will definitely share to help my chapter succeed in the coming year. Every Key Club member has something unique about him or her, and it was such a rewarding experience to get to know what these characteristics were in every person that I met.

Newbury Park PIZZA FEST by Justin Kawaguchi On Thursday, June 19, our club had two members attend and volunteer at the Kiwanis Annual Pizza Fest held by the Conejo Valley Kiwanis group. The event was a large success, raising money for Kiwanis and providing attendees with delicious local pizza. Key Club members worked to assist pizza vendors and sell raffle tickets. The Kiwanis Annual Pizza Fest was a great time and we look forward to volunteering again!

BLANKET MAKING FOR CHILDHELP by Alexa Hairabedian On June 26th we spent the a few hours in the afternoon cutting and tying fringes on fleece blankets for ChildHelp. These blankets will be given to kids in foster care in this area. Small things, like blankets, can bring more comfort than people would ever expect. This rewarding experience made me appreciate the belongings I have and made me think that for some kids these blankets will be something they will personally possess.

HOMELESS SHELTER DINNER by Alexa Hairabedian This Sunday, June 29, we helped at our first homeless shelter dinner for the summer at St. Patrick’s church. We set up, served food, and cleaned up, all the while interacting with people who have been less fortunate. It was amazing to see how something as simple as good chicken could make people happy. I look forward to participating in future homeless shelter meals.

HOMELESS SHELTER DINNER by Rachel Kim My experience from volunteering at the homeless shelter dinner was very rewarding. I had never volunteered at a homeless shelter dinner, so I was eager and excited to help out. I enjoyed serving the homeless people food and seeing the smiles on their faces. I look forward to volunteering with the Key Club throughout the year.

Westlake OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE by Neida Franco As you all know the D42 OTC was a few weeks ago (okay maybe last month, but still)! I don’t know about you guys, but I thought it was a great experience! There were different workshops on many different things such as public speaking, how to be a be a leader, and many more focusing on different aspects of Key Club. The OTC was not only a huge help to me, but for everyone that attended I hope! It was such a great couple of hours learning and meeting my fellow Narwhal officers! Hope to see all of you at future events!



Officer Training Conference 2014 By Katie Dizon Division 42 East Executive Assistant On Saturday, June 28th, 2014, Division 42 East and West took over the annual Officer Training Conference/June DCM. With around 46 attendees from both divisions, OTC was crazy packed with orcas and narwhals! The training event started with attendees registering and being handed free snacks and water. The conference itself was absolutely fun and inspiring for both officers and members. Attendees chose from a variety of workshops that they wanted to go to. These workshops covered several topics from the typical officer position info workshops (President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) to even workshops that were more for members like Public Speaking and Service Projects. As an Executive Assistant, attending OTC was totally a new experience for me as I got the chance to present two workshops! Overall, I truly enjoyed OTC because I met with orcas and narwhals who were interested in fulfilling their duties as officers. I can't wait to see what these Key Clubbers will accomplish in the new term!


Club Points Moorpark Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Westlake

77 23 68 35 36 24 31 10

Numbers look a little funny? A lot of it is based on communication because lives saved from MNT were counted into the total and many Presidents did not reply to my email with the number of bracelets sold and the amount total raised for MNT. To ensure that your score accurately reflects your club, please make sure to reply to my emails in their entirety. If at any time the email is unclear, don’t be afraid to ask!


Upcoming Events August Division Council Meeting TBD

More info to come!

Contact Information Lieutenant Governer Joseph Ko

Executive Assistant

Katie Dizon


Justin Kawaguchi

News Editor

Sally Deng

Director of Finance Jessica Ji

Fundraising Coordinator Reshmika Ramesh

Fundraising Coordinator Juliana Nghiem

Fundraising Coordinator Chris Lee

Spirit Coordinator

Brenda Zhao


Thanks for reading!


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