Narwhal News | D42E February 2014

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Division 42 East’s Official Newsletter

Narwhal News

February 2014

Region 10 | CNH District Volume V |Issue 9

Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal | Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks |Westlake

Editor’s Note Hey there Narwhals! Can you believe there’s only 2 months left until DCON?! Time flies when you’re dedicated and committed to service. As the year is almost coming to an end, reflect back at how you have served your community. You should be proud of all your accomplishments and goals you’ve reached. Make these last two months the best two months filled with volunteering opportunities and attending Key Club events! Again, thank you for all the articles and visuals that are being sent in every month! This newsletter would be nothing without YOU! Swimming in service,

Mindy Nguyen Division 42 East 2013-2014 News Editor

Table of Contents A Message from your LTG 3 Club Recaps - Newbury Park 4 - Oak Park 5 - Royal 6 - Santa Susana 7 - Simi Valley 8 Division Recognition 9 Current Division Points 10 Eliminate Project 11 DLT Has Their Golden Ticket 12 DCON 2014 13-14 Rustic Pathways 15 Contact Information 16

A Message from Your LTG

Hello, Division 42 East! Can you believe it?! We only have two more months left until the end of the 2013-2014 Key Club administrative year. This entire year has been such a great journey for me and I want to end it with a BANG. As the year comes to a close, I encourage all clubs to go out with service and FUN-raising. Think about all of the accomplishments we have made together as a division, so let’s go above and beyond and put our Narwhal pride into everything we do in Key Club. As you may or may not, the Key Club year ends with District Convention. I encourage ALL MEMBERS to consider attending DCON 2014 in Sacramento, CA. GO GET YOUR GOLDEN TICKET TO SERVICE! It will be weekend filled with fun workshops, spirit, Governor’s Ball, and more Key Club memories to fulfill your Key Club experience. Please talk to your club President for more information. Lastly, I want to congratulate the 2014-2015 Division 42 East Lt. Governor-elect, Joseph Ko. I have complete confidence that Joseph will fulfill all duties as a Lt. Governor and take this division to new heights. Congratulations, Joseph Ko! I want to wish everyone a happy February and as always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. LET’S END THIS YEAR HARD, NARWHALS!

With Love,

Paolo Recto

Division 42 East 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor


Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley

Club Recaps

Check out what these clubs have been up to!

Rose Floats Decorating JUSTIN KAWAGUCHI My experience at the Rose Float Decorating in Pasadena was an amazing service opportunity. I witnessed first-hand how much work it takes to create such magnificent floats that are presented in the Rose Parade and I was given the privilege to help out in the process. During my time volunteering, I worked on gluing poppy seed, violet petals, and lettuce seed onto the front right tire of the City of Alhambra "Monster Truck" float. Not only was volunteering fun, but spending time with friends both old and new created ever-lasting memories. To conclude, volunteering at the Rose Float decorating was a truly incredible time that I wish to take part in for years to come! LAUREN HELLER This was my first year volunteering to decorate Rose Floats for the Pasadena Rose Float Parade. It was incredible to see the amount of work that was truly put into the floats – I spent four hours cutting flowers that would be sprinkled on the base of the float and 2 hours gluing on corn husks to make house tiles for the float. The sheer size of the floats and number of people working on each float was mind-boggling. Although it was exhausting, the experience was definitely rewarding knowing that I helped make a work of art that many could enjoy on January 1st.

Newbury Park JULIANNA HELLER Decorating the rose floats in Pasadena was a very unique experience that is unlike any other. After meticulously cutting tiny petals off of flowers and covering the float is seeds, you really gain an appreciation for the work that goes into these works of art. Also, it was a great opportunity to bond with people form our own local club as well as other Kiwanis. Although it was very fun, be prepared to work! DANI MOORS Decorating a Rose Float was an incredible experience that I will never forget. When I heard that Key Club had given us the opportunity to participate in such an exciting event, I could not say no. I had watched the Rose Parade on TV every New Years, and had always been amazed by the amount of detail that it took to decorate such a large float. I always thought that the floats were decorated by professional florists and hired adults. However, I quickly realized that kids do the majority of the detail work. There were hundreds of volunteers working to make this parade possible. I never realized how much work it took to cover an entire float in plants. After working for eight hours, I was absolutely exhausted. However, I would do it again in a heartbeat. On New Years Day, I watched the Rose Parade on TV and was so proud to see all my hard work completed. Seeing what happens behind the scenes made me appreciate the Rose Parade so much more, and I’m so excited for next year.


Oak Park Key Club/Teen Center Collaboration IRENA YANG This past school year, Oak Park unveiled a new Teen Center at the local middle school for kids whose parents could not pick them up right after school. During my first visit, I volunteered with other Key Clubbers and got to meet kids who love to hang out and have fun! Though at first I thought we were there just to supervise the kids or assist the club counselors, I soon found out I would get to have as much fun as the middle schoolers. On my first day I got to play an insane game of dodge ball and then play Wii Sports soon afterwards. Since then I’ve gotten to play lots of board games, handball, Uno, and Just Dance on Kinect! It’s been so much fun being a part of such a wonderful program, and now I go every week!

Sunrise: In Retrospect CARLO CRUZ-ALBRECHT Last Saturday, I volunteered at Sunrise Senior Living during the afternoon, a service I like to perform weekly. It is remarkably rewarding to spend time with older citizens — sharing in their experiences and mine, but most importantly bringing a bit of happiness and appreciation into their lives. The residents enjoy a volunteer’s presence so much and I was able to talk and play games with them like old friends. Being a regular volunteer is especially rewarding because the residents look forward to my coming and it and I am able to do activities from Scrabble to baking with them like old friends. Many of the residents have to spend the rest of their lives in the Sunrise facility and thus, it lightens up their day to do something new with a young friend and know that they are not forgotten. Not to mention, spending an afternoon talking, playing games, baking, running activities is exceedingly fun!


Christmas Caroling KEILA KIM The Christmas caroling at Sunrise Senior Living was amazing! Everything was well organized and everyone was prepared and ready to go when we arrived. Even though I came unprepared that night, just in a couple of minutes, I turned from a completely boring boy into a spirited kid in the elf costume. Before I knew it, there was Santa Clause as he walked out with a giant guitar in hand and went all out with his friends on the piano and his elves jingled bells as everyone all sang along. We all had a pretty good time afterward and I enjoyed talking to some of the senior citizens there. And the best part is, THERE WERE SO MANY KEY CLUB MEMBERS!!!

Alex’s Lemonade Stand ADAM VENNEMAN We are setting up a lemonade stand just as Alex would do, we display it at Royal High events with athletic competitions and concerts. We sell lemonade, 4 different kinds of cookies, and occasionally hot chocolate as well. All the proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in hopes to cure cancer. We are trying to raise $10,000 for childhood cancer. Alex from "Alex's Lemonade Stand" is our inspiration for this whole project and we hope that we can make Alex proud.

Letters to Santa ZURRIAT HAIDER Handing cards out and getting everyone to write to Santa was amazing. Many of our Key Clubbers wrote their wishes and wants for Christmas this year and seeing some of them wish for not only themselves but for the well being of others was an awesome thing to hear. Everybody wrote with their heart out and not only was it fun, it was also a pleasant group of people to be with. I myself wrote a letter to Santa as well and hopefully it is fulfilled in the near future along with everyone else's. Our president Keila then collected the cards and anyone who missed the meeting got to write one as well because our president contacted them and asked if they would want to write one and they were more than happy to do so. After getting a letter written to Santa from everyone, our president then mailed it off.

Royal 6

National Believe Day KAILA MATTERA I never actually wrote a letter to Santa until now. For National Believe Day, I wrote my first letter to Santa. There is nothing that has brought me more joy as a kid than Christmas. The holiday season is so joyous and I wanted to spread the cheer for those who need a little extra Christmas magic. My letter along with the 39 other letters I brought to Macy’s each meant a $2 donation to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Being able to bring all those letters brought me so much warmth and holiday joy. I hope everyone who participated felt just as warm, knowing that their letter contributed to the $80 donation Macy’s made because of our letters.

Christmas Caroling BREANNA SCRANTON At the Simi Valley Charitable Fund, some Key Club members sang Christmas carols to the elderly. We walked around the building several times so they could enjoy the music in their rooms. We also sang to them all at once in a room. They all were singing along and we even got to talk to a few of them. The holiday season is truly about making other people happy, so this service event was perfect. It was so pleasing to see the smile on all of their faces and knowing that we made their holiday a little bit brighter. They all were so sweet and thankful for our caroling. I am so glad that I got to participate in this amazing service event.

Santa Susana Winter Social and Induction

KAILA MATTERA I had a blast welcoming all of our members, new and returning to our club at our Induction and Winter Social. The bond over food and the end of finals was real. Thank you to everyone who could join us! Getting all the donations for care and share was awesome too. I hope that this becomes a tradition because playing icebreakers with you all isn’t something we get to do often because of the time restraint on our meetings and it is one of my favorite things to do with Key Club. I enjoyed every minute and I hope you all did too.

Rose Floats Decorating BREANNA SCRANTON Rose Float decorating is the largest volunteering event that Kiwanis participates in. The volunteers help put together the floats for the parade, in which I helped decorate the City of Hope float. I got to climb up in the trees on the float and put parsley on them. I also helped put seeds on the trees and then leaves on top. Other members that came helped to cut flowers and worked on other floats. Everyone enjoyed helping out at this event because the work was exciting and we were busy the entire time. It was a very rewarding experience because the floats that we worked on will be televised. Although it was a long day, I cannot wait until next year to help out again!


Rose Floats Decorating TRICIA MANGLALLAN It was the second time I volunteered for the Rose Floats decoration on December 26, 2013. I had a wonderful time. The Kiwanis gave their volunteers free shirt, which I was glad for. Working on the decorations can get a little messy. Cutting the flower petals of the stem was the first job I did. These flowers were purple and small; it reminded me of lavender flowers. While I was cutting, I got to talk with my friends and laugh. After an hour or so, I was asked to decorate on the float itself. I had to climb onto the float, and then glue onion seeds and hay on an area of a float. This job was a messier than cutting the petals; a bit glue got on my hand and clothing. The volunteers had a delicious Italian dinner. We ate pasta, pizza, salad, and garlic bread. After dinner, we went back to work. I glue more seeds and hay on a different area of the float. I also got to meet new people from different places. Overall, it was a great experience, and I am glad to take part of decorating the floats for the Rose Parade.

RYAN LUONG My friends and I got the chance to help decorate the floats that were featured in the Rose Parade that I watch every year on television and it was incredible. For the past two years that I’ve been in Key Club, I’ve always wanted to go but Imanaged to miss the days that I was supposed to go due to bad timing. This year I was intent on going and it completely exceeded my expectations. Once I got there with my friends, the whole environment was a lot to take in because there were so many people and there was just so much excitement. First, we started cutting flowers, which was kind of boring but also kind of fun because we got to sit and talk with other people and make friends, so that was cool. After doing that for a while, I got to go and ply apart wood for the floats, which was a lot more fun than in sounds and then continued to do that after dinner until we left. Pretty much, the whole experience was one that I’ll never forget not just because I got to be a part of the floats that I got to watch, but also because of the bonds and friendships that I made. If you did get the chance to go to Rose Floats, I hope you had as much fun or even more fun than I did and if you didn't get to go, I really recommend going because it really was a phenomenal experience!

Simi Valley Hot Dog Wagon GINA APINYAVAT During my winter break I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Rose Float Decorating twice. The first time I went was with my home club on December 26th and each year it surprises me how much more fun I have. The second time I attended this event was on December 29th with our region adviser and a couple of Division 42 East graduates. We volunteered at the Hot Dog Wagon where we assisted the Kiwanians. Our main job was wrapping the burgers and hot dogs and separating them into the right box. Finally when dinner came we were all very busy gathering there orders and preparing there food. However once the dinner rush had pass, we were able to get free food from the Hot Dog Wagon. It was nice reuniting with our past Lt. Governor and members and hearing about there experiences in Circle K. Although that night was freezing cold, I always look forward to volunteering at the Rose Floats and the Hot Dog Wagon.


Officer of the Month

Member of the Month

Bertini Nguyen

Jiwoo Kim

Santa Susana

Simi Valley

Club of the Month

Oak Park

Congratulations! YOU might just be recognized next month!


Current Division Points Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Westlake

410 283 349 560 433 73 87 10

Conclave 2014

A big thank you to those who attended Conclave and witnessed the election of our 2014-2015 LTG, Joseph Ko! Major props to our other candidates Gina Apinyavat and Ryan Luong for their BEEautiful speeches and speaking in front of everyone! We hope that you get inspired by their speeches and consider running in the upcoming years!


Meet your LTG elect, Joseph Ko! Hello, Fellow Narwhals! My name is Joseph Ko, and I the Division 42 East Lt. Governor-Elect! I’m so excited for all the great times and memories we will have for the next term. For those of you who may not know me, I am a junior at Santa Susana High School and am also an Executive Assistant working under our current Lt. Governor, Paolo Recto. I can be a quiet person, but this division brings out your love and spirit for this division. I’m sure all of you would understand at Fall Rally! It gave me the courage and inspiration to stand on stage in front of all the members at Conclave on January 25th, 2014. It was something I never would’ve dreamed of doing three years ago. Now, I’d do it again any day for this division. I have so many plans in store for our division, and I can’t wait to experience another Key Club journey with all of you. I believe that with a passion, hard work will follow. With such a love, I can’t help but want to do the best I can for all of you. I won’t allow for our division to go down. With such great clubs, spirit, and members, I know that another successful year will come. I can’t wait to experience such a growth with all of you. I will not let this Narwhal Nation down, and I only ask for all of your support from here on out. From here on out, if you have any questions, concerns, or even great ideas, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Goal To eliMiNaTe Maternal/ Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) by the year 2015.

Eliminate Project What is MNT? Tetanus spores that come into contact with open cuts during childbirth resulting in newborns that are extremely sensitive to light and touch. 1 baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus. 160 babies die each day from tetanus.

What can you do? Educate. Share your story or visit for more information. Give. Ask for donations or plan fundraising activities. Serve. Reach out to local hospitals or schools and SPREAD THE WORD!


$1.80 saves a mother and her future children.

“I am attending DCON to share my love for service and to make new friends with Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii. The things I am looking forward to most at DCON are the late night ramen snacks shared with friends, the workshop sessions, and the Governor's Ball!” “I am excited to go to DCON! I have never been before but many Key Clubbers have told me how amazing the conference is and how glad they were that they attended. I am very excited to listen to the keynote speakers, meet thousands of other key clubbers, and celebrate with my CNH ohana. I hope to see you all in Sacramento!” “I'm going to DCON to see the effect of having so many passionate club members from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii. What I'm looking forward to is learning more about Key Club and meeting new people. It'll be another great experience!” “I'm going to DCON to celebrate the past year of service! There are new experiences to be made and more service to be done. I am so excited to end this year and start the new year in such an exciting way!”

r i e h t s a h Your DLT ? U O Y o d , t e k c i t N OLDE


“I am so excited for DCON because it is an opportunity to meet other Key Clubbers from all over the district. It will be great to represent the Narwhals and show my spirit. I also look forward to learning more about Key Club, getting more involved, and making new friends.” “I'm looking forward to meeting other GOLDEN CNH Key Clubbers at DCON. It's cool getting to know someone who lives in a different region or state and has the same passion as you: SERVICE!” "I’m going to DCON 2014 to connect with the rest of California, Nevada, and Hawaii and to gain the renewed Key Club spirit to bring into the 2014-2015 term! I look forward to creating new memories and bonds with everyone that I meet, taking everything that I learn and taking it into the new year, and most of all, seeing the fresh new faces that are the future of Key Club! I have the golden ticket and I hope you do too!" “I am going to DCON to celebrate a GOLDEN year of service and to finish it off with thousands of other Key Clubbers! I can’t wait for the tears and laughter while we say farewell and welcome the next CNH leaders!”


District Convention April 11-13, 2014 @ the Sacramento Convention Center

Designed by Sharyn Lee of D16


To Service!

Credits to the District DCON committee for this flyer!


Confused about something? Be sure to visit events/dcon for all the details!


3 GOLDEN reasons why YOU should attend DCON: BEE inspired and motivated  Get down at the Governor’s Ball Cheer with your club and division in spirit attire 

Here’s a helpful video that will guide you step by step through the registration process! watch?v=Z7mi91SMXiQ

This year’s Key Note speaker, Keith Hawkins, aims to share his vision of transforming student leaders into Real Leadership along with his workshops! BEE recognized. Apply for a service contest today!  

Leadership. Character building. Caring. Inclusiveness.

Member of the Year Outstanding Officer Positions Most Improved Club  And many more!

Visit contests for more information.



Rustic Pathways What is Rustic Pathways?

What is a service trip like?

As Key Club’s newest partner, members will get the chance to expand their dedication to service globally with programs that will not only enrich their lives but build cultural knowledge. With 30 years of experience, Rustic Pathways believes that cultural and international immersion are two critical components to global education.

Members will fly out with a Rustic Pathways flight leader to their host country and can spend 10-20 days or a week learning about the culture and earn 25-70 hours of service. The small groups also provide a chance to form close friendships throughout the trip.

What are some of the programs? From teaching English to children in Fiji to exploring Cambodia’s history, Rustic Pathways provides many programs that will make your summer a GOLDEN one. Besides summer programs, travel during spring break to Dominican Republic to help improve the access to running water or join local community members on school improvement projects in Costa Rica.

How do I get involved? Explore the diverse programs on their website and contact them through their given number or email. Rustic Pathways will volunteer alongside with you and even be a guest speaker at one of your club meetings!

Dying to go to Costa Rica? Enter their Commitment to Service sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip to Costa Rica and be in their Summer Camp Leadership Program NOW!


Paolo Recto Lieutenant Governor

Daniel Lee Executive Assistant

Donna Rahgoshay Spirit Coordinator

Joseph Ko Executive Assistant

Mindy Nguyen News Editor

Nathan Valencerina Spirit Coordinator

Lorraine Dionisio Spirit Coordinator

Ryan Luong

Serena Lee Fundraising Chair

Jessica Ji

Fundraising Chair

Member Outreach

Sevitha Konda Banquet Coordinator

Katie Dizon Member Recognition Coordinator

Contact Information @d42enarwhals

Find us on the Division 42 East Narwhals Facebook Group!


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