Narwhal News | D42E March 2014

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Narwhal News

Region 10 | CNH District Volume V |Issue 10 March 2014 Division 42 East’s Official Newsletter

Oak Park members wrap gifts at Barnes & Noble to help Project Eliminate. Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal | Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks |Westlake

Editor’s Note Greetings Narwhals! Happy March! It’s the month of green, leprechauns, but also one month before DCON! Can you feel the excitement?! Make sure to make this month a good one by signing up at volunteering events and BEE-ing positive! We are so close to retirement and installation that I just wanted to thank you for all the articles and visuals sent in to make these newsletters happen! It’s been such a great experience working as your news editor and I am constantly inspired by all of you everyday. Continue to be YOU and continue to amazing Key Clubbers! Swimming in service,

Mindy Nguyen Division 42 East 2013-2014 News Editor

Table of Contents A Message from your LTG 3 Club Recaps - Newbury Park 4 - Oak Park 5 - Royal 6 - Santa Susana 7 - Simi Valley 8

Division Recognition 9 Current Division Points 10 DCON 2014 11-12 Are YOU Ready for DCON?! 13 Contact Information 14

A Message from Your LTG Dear Narwhals, Wow, just one month left. I can’t believe how fast time has passed since District Convention 2013 and now here we are, just ONE MONTH away until we transition officer positions. I would first like to congratulate all officers for their accomplishments and dedication to Key Club. Without you, we would not have such successful clubs. Second, I would like to thank each and every one of you for going out there to serve your communities to make it a better place. Because of you, we are truly making a GOLDEN difference. With transition season here, it is important that all current officers begin training the newly elected officers of their duties for the next term. My goal for each officer is to provide their successor with a smooth transition of leadership. To the elects, do not be afraid to ask ANY questions to your current officer. They are there to help YOU with whatever YOU need for your term to be successful. It is bittersweet that the 2013-2014 Key Club year is coming to an end. I hope all of you had a wonderful year just like I did. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

With Love,

Paolo Recto Division 42 East 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor


Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley

Club Recap


Check out what these clubs have been up to!

Newbury Park Valentine’s Day Letters NIKITA RAO I really enjoyed writing to letters to the elderly because it allowed me to take time out of my busy schedule to reflect on how the little things in life, such as getting a Valentine’s Day card, can make a huge impact in someone's life. I think the best part of this activity was working together and seeing my peers write with such enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. I really feel that this activity will benefit not only me but also the elderly person who receives my letter. ANDREA LIU Writing Valentine's Day letters to the elderly was both a fun and rewarding experience! It was a change to express our creativity while knowing that you were make an effort to brighten someone's day at the same time. Everyone was very involved in the activity, and the entire atmosphere was fun and inspirational. It shows how even the smallest of efforts can make a big difference. LAUREN HELLER I thought that this lunchtime activity was a great way to spice up our club meetings and involve all members. To think that my letter could actually brighten an elderly person’s day is heartwarming. It was also fun to see the members who are typically not as active get really creative and excited – I loved looking at the pictures they drew on their cards. I hope that our recipients at the local nursing home had a great Valentine’s Day! DIANA TAI Writing Valentine’s letter was an awesome experience. It was so fun because it reminded me of my elementary school days when I used to write Valentine’ Day cards for all my friends. And in general it just feels great to express appreciation and love for others. We simply don’t do it enough anymore these days. That day our club meeting was so much fun. I loved seeing the inner child coming out from everyone through expressions of creativity. It was an awesome way to relieve stress while also doing something for the others. I truly believe that little things can make a difference. I know the seniors will love these cards!

Emilie Biondi draws a giraffe in her Valentine’s Day letter.

Mary Ternovskaya thinks about what to write in her letter.

Elizabeth Zhang writes a message to an elderly person for Valentine’s Day.

Jennifer Pellnitz writes a Valentine’s Day letter during the lunchtime meeting.


OPHS Presidents at Kiwanis Meeting LAURA CRUZ-ALBRECHT This month, on Wednesday, February 12, I attended the Kiwanis meeting of Thousand Oaks together with three other members of the Oak Park High School Key Club board: fellow President Catherine Shi, current Secretary and President-elect Irena Yang, and current Historian and President-elect Tyler Smith. We primarily sought to thank our sponsoring Kiwanis club for being so kind in supporting our club’s Gift Wrapping Fundraiser, and in covering the cost of the gift wrapping supplies. And, of course, we wanted to speak to the club in person about how our gift wrapping fundraiser went. Upon being introduced by the Kiwanis Club’s president, we each took a few moments to address the club as a whole to express our gratitude for their support and to bring them the good news about how much money we had raised and the number of lives we had been able to save through contribGift Wrapping for Project ELIMINATE uting to Project ELIMINATE. I really enjoyed attending LAURA CRUZ-ALBRECHT Aspiring to help contribute to this Kiwanis meeting, for it was a unique and exciting experience, and it was rewarding to be able to thank them and Project ELIMINATE to eradicate maternal-neonatal tetanus from third world countries, our Key Club decided to have a bring them the positive results in person. Gift Wrapping fundraiser that would both wrap gifts from faculty members at school and gifts from customers at Barnes & Noble. Throughout December, our Key Club took gift wrapping orders from teachers throughout the school, wrapped them carefully according to the individual wants of the teacher, and subsequently delivered them with festive holiday cheer. Additionally, our club organized having slots on four different days to wrap gifts at Barnes & Noble, where customers who had just bought something from the store could have their purchase wrapped by our Key Clubbers, and could also consider making a donation. Through the active involvement of many very enthusiastic members, this Fundraiser proved to be a huge success, with a total of $674.57 being raised. The Oak Park Key Club decided to contribute 80% of the donations to Project ELIMINATE, which is $539.67, and 20% of the donations to the club funds, which is $134.90. Through our contributions to Project ELIMINATE our club was able to immunize 299 mothers, which translates into approximately 900 lives saved. This has been an extremely rewarding experience for our club, and it is my hope that this Fundraiser turns into an annual Key Club project at Oak Park High School in years to come.


Oak Park

Royal For the Troops TRI NGUYEN Ever since January First, Royal High School Key Club has been holding a friendly competition with National Honor Society to see who can donated the most supply to help out our soldiers over sea. After a long month of gathering, Royal High School Key Club alone was able to bring in: 4 packs of 24 oz Colgates, 39 letters, 4 batteries packs, 7 baby wipes and tissues, 2 floss pick packs, 2 cotton swabs pack, 3 toothbrush packs, 1 hand sanitizer, 1 razor pack, 3 big candies bags, 30 gum packs, 1 pack of 180 oz of sweet corns.e.t.c... Both NHS and Key Club are proud to have supported For The Troops Organizations and is looking forward to celebrate together in an ice cream party this coming weeks.

Conclave GIULIANA PETROCELLI Last month, I has the opportunity to attend the January DCM and Conclave for our division, and I found the day to be entertaining and informative. As usual, all the clubs reported on their progress, and personally I find it interesting to learn about the service projects that other clubs are participating in in order to get inspired or interested in events that I may want to attend or start. Because this was Conclave and I was a representative from Royal, I got to vote for who should be the next LTG! Hearing Gina, Joseph, and Ryan’s speeches was interesting and inspiring because of the unique characteristics they each wanted to bring to the division. As audience members we also got to ask them specific questions about how their leadership strengths and beliefs would work in this position. Seeing them striving for such high goals also makes me motivated, and also helps me to recognize the opportunities available in this club for any member with a passion to participate. It was a nice day to learn more about Key Club, participate in the democratic process of the club itself, and have a change to form stronger bonds with Key Clubbers both from my own school and others.

Club Elections GIULIANA PETROCELLI At the end of January, my club, Royal High School’s Key Club, held our annual board member elections. The candidates had been preparing speeches for the event, and there was friendly competition filling most of our position spots. This was good to know, especially as a board member, because I have the increased confidence in the excitement level and want for interactions in the club. Personally, I ran for president, and speaking in front of my club was a positive experience. I was able to share what community service and Key Club means to me, and hopefully drew some support. Having elections, a democratic process that fellow peers can look forward to and take the civil responsibility of voting upon themselves with, was also a great way to draw in a few more paid members. I know that a few people wanted to vote enough to go pay their club dues, which helps out club overall. I look forward to next year and seeing each club member in their new positions!


The Play Project KATIE DIZON On January 15, 2014, I volunteered at Santa Susana Elementary School. The service project is an arts -and-crafts club that takes place after school from 3-5 PM. The club also incorporated lessons such as teamwork and imagination. We had all the children separate in teams and had the volunteers (including myself) act as team leaders. Then, we chose team names and team mascots. My team was the Blue Skies and our mascot was the golden mustang. We also created a team poster. Finally, we had to make an obstacle course using old boxes, string, paper, jump ropes, and even traffic cones! The kids made their own obstacle course using ideas they had thought of and had so much fun!

Santa Susana Knoll’s Father-Daughter Dance CARLY BALSTER Setting up Knoll's Elementary School FatherDaughter Dance was a neat experience. I used to go to Knoll's when I was younger and the whole effort in putting the dance together has evolved into something great! While blowing up four hundred balloons can be tedious work, especially tying two of them together, putting an arch together was pretty nifty. My inner climber came out too, and I got to hang off of ladders when hanging decorations up. The PTA moms were really sweet, Simi High's MPR looked great with the "Superstar" decorations, we hung out with some of our Simi High Key Clubbers, and I can't wait to do it all again for White Oak's Father-Daughter Dance!

Valentines for Veterans BREANNA SCRANTON On Monday, February 10th, I and a few other Key Club members made Valentine cards for the veterans after school. This event was very successful as we made many cute cards that will make our troops’ day a little brighter. We drew pictures and used stickers on the cards to decorate and even wrote some poems in them! I am positive that the veterans will be so appreciative that we thought of them and made an effort to show our thanks to them. Valentine’s Day is all about sharing your love with others, so us Key Clubbers were able to do that through this creative activity!


Knolls Father-Daughter Dance GINA APINYAVAT I remember my experience at my elementary school's father daughter dance and how it was so much fun. On February 7th I was able to help make that experience possible for another child. I volunteered to help set up for Knoll's father daughter dance right after school. We were limited on time since it started at 6 PM leaving us with only 3 hours to make our school's MPR look like Hollywood. I got to decorate the stage and soon after blow up some balloons. Around5 PM everyone was rushing to get all the decorations up and everything ready to go. Finally the room looked amazing and just like Hollywood. This event was so much fun and brought back many memories when I was in elementary school. JAMIE IVERSON My experience volunteering at Knolls Father Daughter Dance was fun. It was right after school in our MPR. The theme of the dance was Hollywood, so we were told to help doctorate the stage and the tables. We taped little movie films together and put the black and white table clothes on. Soon after that we helped tied balloons together making sure none will pop. Since the theme of the father daughter dance was Hollywood they had cardboard cut outs of each member in One Direction, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black and lastly Johnny Depp. It was a lot of fun organizing them on stage and in fact me and a few friends even took pictures with them. Volunteering to help make this dance possible for the students in Knolls elementary school was something I won't forget.

Simi Valley HOSA Convention GINA APINYAVAT On February 1st I volunteered at the Hosa Convention where I got to help set up for the closing ceremony and usher people to there seats. After we finished setting up I was told to collect the name tags from each participant. It was cool seeing all my friends dress up and hearing there experience about there competition. Finally the closing ceremony began and we were able to usher the last few people in. They had a guest doctor speak however before he arrived they showed a funny video of him singing about his career. The award ceremony began and I was so proud when some of my friends won medals. Over all it was a fun experience that I would be more than happy to do again.


Officer of the Month

Member of the Month

Irena Yang

Ryan Luong Simi Valley

Oak Park

Club of the Month

Simi Valley

Congratulations! YOU might just be recognized next month!


Current Division Points Curious to see which club racked up the most points? You’ll just have to attend the March DCM to find out! ;) (And see what the awesome prize is)


District Convention April 11-13, 2014 @ the Sacramento Convention Center

Designed by Sharyn Lee of D16


To Service!

Credits to the District DCON committee for this flyer!


Confused about something? Be sure to visit events/dcon for all the details!


3 GOLDEN reasons why YOU should attend DCON: BEE inspired and motivated  Get down at the Governor’s Ball Cheer with your club and division in spirit attire 

Here’s a helpful video that will guide you step by step through the registration process! watch?v=Z7mi91SMXiQ

This year’s Key Note speaker, Keith Hawkins, aims to share his vision of transforming student leaders into Real Leadership along with his workshops! Applied for a contest or award? Attend DCON to see if you’ve earned one of these!  

Leadership. Character building. Caring. Inclusiveness.

Member of the Year Outstanding Officer Positions  And many more!

Visit contests for more information.



Are YOU ready for DCON?!


Paolo Recto Lieutenant Governor

Daniel Lee Executive Assistant

Donna Rahgoshay Spirit Coordinator

Joseph Ko Executive Assistant

Mindy Nguyen News Editor

Nathan Valencerina Spirit Coordinator

Lorraine Dionisio Spirit Coordinator

Ryan Luong

Serena Lee Fundraising Chair

Jessica Ji

Fundraising Chair

Member Outreach

Sevitha Konda Banquet Coordinator

Katie Dizon Member Recognition Coordinator

Contact Information @d42enarwhals

Find us on the Division 42 East Narwhals Facebook Group!


Thanks for reading!

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