Narwhal News
June 2020
Table of Contents 2 Letter from LTG 3 Letter from DNE 4 June DCM Announcements 5 April DCM Reflection 6-8 DLT Announcement 9 May Member Recognition 10 Division Goal Update
LTG Letter
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and strong at home! First of all, I would like to thank all of those who attended out May Movie Night DCM! It was great to see all of your faces again! I hope you all enjoyed having some time to relax after all you AP testing. A special note of appreciation for all of the chaperones and advisors who came to the event! We could not have done it without you all! Furthermore, I hope you will all be attending our June DCM on Saturday, June 27th, theme to be announced. Furthermore, we are also in the planning stage of OTC, date to be announced. As a parting remark, I want to make sure that I stress the importance of maintaining a passion for service and leadership. Over the past couple of months, I have been amazed by the commitment of our clubs to serving their members and communities. All of you amaze me and keep me motivated to serve our division! Keep up that passion for service and keep leading! Stay safe and stay strong, narwhals!
Carter Kawaguchi Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021 D42E | R10 | CNH District
DNE Letter Hello! My name is Heather Nguyen and I will be serving you as the new District News Editor for the 2020-2021 term. I hope you all are staying safe through this pandemic and are able to adapt to this new online system. Even though this quarantine has limited activities and cancelled trips, try to stay connected virtually as you can look forward to upcoming events Key Club will provide to do so. You can also use this time to start activities/hobbies you have been wanting to do but never had the time for. As your DNE, I will do my best to keep in touch and keep you updated with all of the previous and future events. Stay Safe and Stay Connected!
Swimming in Service
Heather Nguyen
April DCM
Thank You for Joining On April 30th, we narwhals held our first virtual meeting since quarantine, announcing the DLT along with writing letters to our advisors. In order to get to know the DLT and Key Club better, we played some Kahoots with stickers given out to the winners. Afterwards, we used the remaining time to write letters to our advisors to show our appreciation. In all, this DCM served as a nice way to stay connected and updated through this pandemic.
Meet Your New DLT! Executive Assistant (Secretary)
Neharika Logeshwaran
Executive Assistant (Communication)
Mihir Chowdarapu
Division News Editor
Heather Nguyen
Division Tech Editor
Claire Schatz
Division Historian
Raquel Kanalz
Member Recognition Coordinator
Timothy Hoang
Division Service Coordinator
Alexander Edgar
Division Spirit Coordinator
Sophia de Stefano
Division Spirit Coordinator
Emily Ea
Kiwanis Family and Relations Coordinator
Mattheus Brocchi Kiwanis Family and Relations Coordinator
Kristina Bathan
May Member Rec. Club - Oak Park Oak Park has been extremely active in contributing to serve their communities through a variety of service projects even while social-distancing in addition to hosting club and board meetings. Keep up the good work!
Officer - Andrew Tran Andrew, Co-President of Santa Susana High School, has continued to serve his club to the best of his abilities in planning club meeting and promoting Key Club as a whole! Thank you!
Faculty Advisor - John Downey Thank you to the Royal High School Faculty Advisor, Mr. Downey who has stayed committed to helping all Key Club members and even assisting the division by chaperoning the April DCM!
Kiwanis Advisor - Sherril Hyink Thank you Mrs. Hyink, for your constant assistance and commitment to serving the members of Thousand Oaks High School Key Club and chaperoning for the April DCM!
Division Goals 2020-2021
Service Hours 209.5/7000
Funds Raised TBD/$4750
Membership TBD/500