Narwhal News | D42E November 2013

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Narwhal News

November 2013

Region 10 | CNH District Volume V |Issue 6

Division 42 East’s Official Newsletter

Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal | Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks |Westlake

Editor’s Note Greetings Narwhals! I hope everyone had a great Halloween and is looking forward to FALL RALLY! It’s quickly approaching and I hope that everyone will bring their best division attire and spirit! For our new Key Clubbers, I hope that you’ve been enjoying Key Club so far and signing up for many events to see what Key Club is all about! For our returning members, I encourage you to keep continuing to serve our community and sending in articles and visuals. All of this cannot happen without YOU! Take advantage of all the GOLDEN opportunities presented and have fun while you’re at it! Swimming in service,

Mindy Nguyen Division 42 East 2013-2014 News Editor

Table of Contents

A Message from your LTG 3 Upcoming Events 4 Region 10 Training Conference 5 Past Events - Newbury Park 6 - Oak Park 7 - Royal 8 - Santa Susana 9 - Simi Valley 10 Division Recognition 11 Current Division Points 12 2013-2014 Division Shirt Design 13 Eliminate Project 14 Fall Rally 2k13 15 District Convention 2013 16 Contact Information 17

A Message from Your LTG Hello, Narwhals! The month of November is going to be FILLED with exciting events such as our Narwhal Spirit Night, FALL RALLY and lots of Thanksgiving service projects. Be sure to thank everyone who was made big contributions to your life. Most importantly, thank the people who have enabled you to serve your community. Who else would drive you to serve projects, DCMs or fundraisers? Because of them, you are making a HUGE impact on this world, one service hour at a time. I hope all of you are excited for Fall Rally! November 9th will be a day filled with Key Club spirit, socializing and of course, to fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Program. For the 2013-2014 Key Club year, I set a goal for the division to raise $2,300 and WE ARE ALMOST THERE. I encourage all of you to continue fundraising (even after Fall Rally). Have a great November and an amazing Thanksgiving!

Swimming in service,

Paolo Recto Division 42 East 20132014 Lieutenant Governor


November 2 Division Council Meeting/Spirit Night 4:30PM-6:30PM Ranch Madera Community Park Simi Valley, CA

November 9 FALL RALLY! Six Flags Magic Mountain Valencia, CA

Upcoming Events

December 14 Lt. Governor Candidate Training Conference Time TBA CNH Kiwanis District Office


Region 10 Training Conference Held at the Alpha Resource Center in Santa Barbara, the Region 10 Training Conference was a day full of informative workshops and spirit. Divisions 24, 29, 42 East, and 42 West joined together in bringing their members to one place where everyone had one thing in common: service. From Meaning of Service to How to be Less Awkward workshops and CNH District Governor Victoria Lai in attendance, RTC was a success.


Region 10 Training Conference LAUREN HELLER At Region 10 Training Conference I learned a lot about how I could better serve my club. By attending workshops, such as “Finding Service Projects,” I became aware of new ideas and websites that promote community service. I hope to share the presentations about PTP and the Eliminate Project in my club meetings. Of course, meeting District Governor Victoria Lai was awesome as well! Overall, Region 10 Training Conference was a very educational experience, and I would recommend that all members attend next year. DIANA TAI RTC was such an amazing experience. I learned so much about key club and service. I’m so glad I got to meet a bunch of key clubbers just like me, who have a passion for serving the community. My favorite part of RTC was the icebreaker game we played called ride that pony. I also loved the different workshops which enriched my knowledge on how to properly fulfill my duties as club secretary. When we all sat around and shared our experiences in community service, I learned many new ideas for service projects such as Alex’s lemonade stand. Even though we were all strangers to one another, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of closeness and connection to them. I felt as if we were one big family that shared the enthusiasm for serving the community. I can’t wait for fall rally.

Celestine, Diana, and Nikita listen to a workshop.

JULIANNA HELLER Region Training Conference was a great experience, especially for someone new to Key Club. It was very informative of the goals and purpose of Key Club. The workshops enlightened me to the many paths and skills you will need as an active member. All the while, you bonded with other members from your on club as well as other clubs. In short, RTC was a great, fun way to learn about Key Club.

Newbury Park Bake Sale

VICTORIA JUAN On September 27th, I headed to our high school quad after school ended to help in my very first Key Club bake sale. I’d never done this before, so I didn’t quite know what to expect. It turned out to be a fun, relaxing experience with no trouble at all, and best of all, every dollar we raised will help fund the Pediatric Trauma Program. The location of the bake sale was a small plastic table set up with various delicious desserts, ranging from homemade cookie-cake concoctions to store bought frosted cookies all for a dollar each (except for small cupcakes that sold for 50¢). At first, not many students showed up at all. But in ten minutes, the table was crowded with people trying to buy some sweets. Although it got a tad bit hectic, with the constant exchange of money and the frantic grabbing of cookies, everything was under control and there was never any major confusion. Numerous students and teachers streamed by the table for twenty minutes purchasing food, and we even ran out of plates. By the time the big rush of people ended, we had sold out of more than three types of items and raised over 50 dollars. That day, I had an insightful experience with working the bake sale and had met many people. And even though it was hot, tiring, and busy, I went home with a good feeling, knowing that I had contributed to the education of our community in safety and the prevention of injuries. Overall, volunteering at the bake sale was a great use of my time, and I recommend it to anyone who has a spare hour to help raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program and our community!


Service to the Earth LAURA CRUZ-ALBRECHT To better serve not only other individuals but the environment as well, the Oak Park Key Club works together with the Green Club to help recycle throughout the school. On alternating weeks, paper and bottles and cans throughout the school are recycled, over the course of the year saving a plethora of materials that would otherwise have ended up in landfills. In the beginning of this month I helped out to help begin this recycling system again this year. I helped recycle much scrap and thrown away paper from the classrooms, so that it can be sent to a facility for re-use, while simultaneously earning money for the school. I also went to various classrooms to inform the teachers that their paper recycling collecting boxes would be coming soon for this year. I enjoy being able to help the world I live in while simultaneously helping out a part of my world that is important to me: my school. I hope that throughout the course of this year many more Key Clubbers will become active servers of the environment through this recycling activity.

RTC - A New Perspective CARLO CRUZ-ALBRECHT Last Saturday I attended the Region Training Conference in Santa Barbara, a coalition of Key Clubbers from Region 10. The experience completely changed my view of the Key Club Organization and trained me on how to be a better Key Clubber and leader. First, the skills and knowledge I received from the RTC taught me how to be a better public speaker, how to get more involved in service, and also gave me information on upcoming events and how to run for office. I can take this and bring it back to the school-club level and use it to be more active in Key Club. Furthermore, the RTC made me realize that I am part of a huge, interconnected family. It was amazing to meet the lieutenant governors of the other divisions and friend the key clubbers of my region. It changed my perspective in that I learned I was a piece of something bigger than just a school organization, but something connected to the rest of the world. When I talked to those from Morro Bay, I was directly connected to fellow key clubbers from all around and I realized the true meaning of Key Club International. Also, the spirit of the RTC was elevating and made the entire experience more fun because it removed the barriers individuals have in a group. The RTC was truly inspirational — to discover that together your service and theirs all together trigger effects across the globe to make a better world.

Oak Park 7

Royal Relay for Life TRI NGUYEN Relay for Life was so exciting when you walked pass the gate and into the life of anti-cancer society; the sight of everyone enjoying the food, music, arts and game every time they willingly paid knowing that their money will go to a good cause was heartwarming. On October 12, taking part in group picture and forming a big '100' sign for Anti-Cancer Society's 100th anniversary gave me the feeling of pride for being there and be part of it. It was nice of them to let me be in charge of helping with the luminaries and making sure that it passed the FireCode to prevent any unwanted accident. Helping passed out flyers, interacting with people and being a part of every little thing was awesome. I'm glad I was there because I couldn't spent a better time this weekend.

Wag ‘n Walk ZURRIAT HAIDER Wag ‘n Walk was amazing. Waking up early in the morning was a drag but as the day progressed on the event itself became really enjoyable. Though some people were late to the event, that did not matter because there were more then enough key clubbers volunteering already. From setting things up to the cheering session. It was really fun to see people walking there dogs and seeing people cross the finish line. Cleaning up was probably the most Enjoyable part about the event. We had to put away tables, go across the park picking up trash, and help the advertiser's. The event was super awesome and everyone had a great time that was there.

Region 10 Training Conference KEILA KIM RTC was a great learning experience; not only for the members but also the board members. There was workshops from fundraisers all the way to how not to be awkward. Key Clubs Governor, Victoria, was there and I got to say it was a great touch! I personally met plenty of new members ate RTC. It was a great sight to see that the members were so excited and intrigued to learn as much information about Key Club as they can. I am sad to say that that this is my last RTC that I'll be attending but I am glad to say that I had a blast. RTC couldn't of run any better! I totally have a better perspective about Key Club and I hope that everyone goes to RTC next year!


Kiwanis Car Show BREANNA SCRANTON On September 22, 2013, I along with two other Key Club members volunteered to help set up for the Kiwanis annual car show. We helped to direct the cars to their parking space and also set up some signs promoting the event. The cars that were entered into the show were amazing! These cars were judged for a prize later on during the day. Next year I hope that I can stay to see the actual car show as the cars there were so cool. Setting up for this event was enjoyable because the Kiwanis members were so nice and appreciative of our volunteer efforts! Volunteering for the Kiwanis Car Show was a terrific experience!

Santa Susana

Region 10 Training Conference KAILA MATTERA On October 12th, I had the privilege of attending Region 10 Training conference with my fellow SSHS Key Club members. It was a pleasure to meet our CNH District Governor as well as the other Region 10 Lt. Governors and the members they serve. Together we did icebreakers, cheered, and attended workshops. Of the 3 workshops I attended, my favorite was the Meaning Of Service workshop. I was able to hear what kind of service was meaningful to the other members in the region as well as members from my own club. This will aid me in putting together service events for my own club that members will be excited to partake in because it will involve what service means to them. It also got me thinking about my own personal meaning of service, which by the end of the day, I had found. I realized that serving my members so that they can help the community is my meaning of service. To me, helping kids in any form is the golden treasure of service. I am so glad I got to be there to see members from my club from each grade level learning and enjoying RTC. It made me feel good to know that I was a part in getting them to this event and their step towards becoming future leaders.

Fun Mud Run DANA BROUGH On September 28, 2013, I volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club’s first annual Fun Mud Run at North Madera Rd. just north of the 118 Freeway. Before the event began, I helped lay out tablecloths, food, and water for the people participating in the 5K run. At the kids’ course, I helped blow up beach balls. After each race, there would be a tug of war between the boys and girls over the water pit. Once the kid races began, I helped blow bubbles around the course, pass out medals to the children after they completed the race, play with beach balls with the kids, and take pictures of the event. During the entire process, everyone got muddy and had a great time! It was great to serve with four other Narwhals from our club and to encourage kids to be active. The project was successful because the children got a chance to be active as their parents ran in the 5K race. The people in charge of Platinum Gymnastics were very helpful and fun to be around. Everyone was energetic, and I hope we can have more members volunteer at the Fun Mud Run next year!


Samaritan Center DONNA RAHGOSHAY The Samaritan Center is a great place to volunteer at because we had a chance to feed the homeless while having a blast! We worked with the Kiwanians, who made healthy meals for the homeless. The homeless are such fantastic people who appreciate everything we do for them. We served them food, drinks, and cookies, and they always said, "thank you," to show their appreciation. This opportunity to feed the homeless gave me a sense of pride and I felt lucky to be able to do this. I learned to never take anything for granted ever again. If you ever get a chance to feed the homeless, take that opportunity because you will learn so much from it! AMANDA REDUBLO When we think of the homeless, the first thing to come to mind are unhappy and hungry people. In some cases, that maybe true, In our case, however, we had the chance to feed the homeless people and were rewarded with a smile of gratitude. In the month of September, Donna and I had the chance to make people smile with a full stomach. Along side some Simi Valley Kiwanis, we all came together at the Samaritan Center and passed out some home made food. I don't think there was a dull moment in that room. The Kiwanis' friendly attitude mixed with smiles from the people we were helping and a dash of Key Club spirit, it was a remarkable experience. When Donna and I left that day, we knew we made a difference in someone's life. Whether we handed out cookies, passed out drinks- the smallest amount of service will make your heart grow bigger.

Region 10 Training Conference GINA APINYAVAT On October 12th I had the pleasure of attending Region 10 Training Conference. The general sessions and workshops were very informative and interesting. This was my second time going to RTC and it was amazing seeing how many more people came. It was an honor to have our District Governor Victoria Lai at our conference and to finally meet her. From this experience I've made so many new friends that I can't wait to see again at Fall Rally. One of my favorite part from Region 10 Training Conference was the love notes we did. On the ride back home it was nice reading all the notes from people that I met from this one special day. Region 10 Training Conference is a day I would never forget!

Simi Valley 10

Officer of the Month

Member of the Month

Tri Nguyen

Dylan Nguyen


Oak Park

Club of the Month

Newbury Park

Congratulations! YOU might just be recognized next month!


Current Division Points Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Westlake 12

303 197 260 390 297 50 51

Your 2013-2014 Division Shirt Design Contact our Lt. Governor Paolo for more information!


Goal To eliMiNaTe Maternal/ Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) by the year 2015.

Eliminate Project What is MNT? Tetanus spores that come into contact with open cuts during childbirth resulting in newborns that are extremely sensitive to light and touch. 1 baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus. 160 babies die each day from tetanus.

What can you do? Educate. Share your story or visit for more information. Give. Ask for donations or plan fundraising activities. Serve. Reach out to local hospitals or schools and SPREAD THE WORD!


$1.80 saves a mother and her future children.

Fall Rally 2k13 November 9. Six Flags Magic Mountain. 9AM-6PM. Be there.


District Convention April 11-13, 2014 @ the Sacramento Convention Center


To Service!

Designed by Sharyn Lee of D16


Lieutenant Governor

Joseph Ko Executive Assistant

Daniel Lee Executive Assistant

Mindy Nguyen News Editor

Donna Rahgoshay Spirit Coordinator

Nathan Valencerina


Paolo Recto

Spirit Coordinator

Lorraine Dionisio Spirit Coordinator

Serena Lee Fundraising Chair

Ryan Luong Fundraising Chair

Jessica Ji

Member Outreach


“We say ‘Hoo!’ (clap clap) We say ‘Ha!’ (clap clap) We say ‘Hoo, Ha!’ You wish you were a Narwhal! Hoo! HA! You wish you were a Narwhal! UGH (pelvic thrust), do it big! UGH UGH (pelvic thrust 2x), do it right! You better be amazed cuz we just blew your mind! WHAT!”

Thanks for reading!

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