Narwhal News | D42E December 2013

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Narwhal News

December 2013

Region 10 | CNH District Volume V |Issue 7

Division 42 East’s Official Newsletter Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal | Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks |Westlake

Editor’s Note Happy December Narwhals! It’s the season of giving! What are YOU giving back to your school, community, or family/friends? Whether it’s a thank you note or a friendly smile, it counts! I hope that each of you had a great Thanksgiving filled with turkey and laughter with your family. I also want to thank those of you who attended Fall Rally and participated in the spirit rally! I am so proud of our division for placing second and I know that our division will win the spirit stick next year. Continue to do service over the holiday break but don’t forget to spend time with your loved ones as well! Swimming in service,

Mindy Nguyen Division 42 East 2013-2014 News Editor

Table of Contents A Message from your LTG 3 Fall Rally 4-5 Past Events - Newbury Park 6 - Oak Park 7 - Royal 8 - Santa Susana 9 - Simi Valley 10 Division Recognition 11 Current Division Points 12 Roles of an LTG 13 Club Positions 14-15 Holiday Service Ideas 16 District Convention 2013 17 Upcoming Events 18 Contact Information 19

A Message from Your LTG Hello, Division 42 East! I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with food, laughter, and SERVICE. Nothing beats the time you spend with your family. Since Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, it is important that you thank your families for being so supportive of you! Think about it, who else would allow you to attend Key Club events or would take time out of their day to drive you to a service project? So thank them for allowing you to make a big difference in your community! One of the things that I am truly grateful for is having the opportunity to serve you all. The past eight months of serving as your Lt. Governor has been such a blessing and I thank each and every one of you for your support and words of encouragement throughout this term. I love ALL OF YOU and I hope you continue to stay GOLDEN. In these last 5 months of the 2013-2014 term, let's do it big and serve our communities to the fullest! We are now in the middle of the holiday season and you know what that means: HOLIDAY SERVICE! Be sure to take advantage of the holiday season to find service opportunities and to make another family's or individual's holiday season the greatest! Keep attending club meetings to learn more on how you can make a difference this holiday season. Also, be sure to keep checking in with the division updates to be informed about all division events happening this month. If you would like to be added to the Narwhal Reflector, do not hesitate to send me an email at Have a happy holidays!

Swimming in service,

Paolo Recto Division 42 East 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor


Fall Rally Congratulations to our division for


South 2013 winning second place in the spirit rally!!


Fall Rally South DANI MOORS Key Club Fall Rally was a great experience and I can’t wait to go next year. This is my first year in Key Club, and attending Fall Rally helped me to understand the social aspect of being involved in the club. There is great camaraderie among our fellow Narwhals and among other divisions. Everyone there worked toward a common goal: serving our community. During the rally, it was clear that everyone was extremely proud of the money that we had raised for PTP. All of the hard work finally paid off. Throughout our day at Six Flags, we encountered many other divisions. It was very interesting to talk to other Key Clubbers and find out where they were from. I had never truly realized how widespread Key Club was. Fall Rally was so much fun and I can honestly say that I am proud to be a Key Clubber. JULIANNA HELLER Fall Rally was an overall a great experience. It was a wonderful opportunity to bond with members from my own district as well as others. Also, it was inspiring to see people from other divisions become friends so easily; it really reminded me of what the purpose of Key Club really is. It was further uplifting to see how many people had attended Fall Rally and take pride in their community as I do. Lastly, the greatest experience was coming so close to winning the spirit stick. Next year, the Narwhal Nation will definitely claim the first place title.

ANDREA LIU Last Saturday we went to the Key Club Fall Rally at Six Flags to represent Newbury Park and Division 42-East, and it was an absolute blast! It was very uplifting and inspirational to see so many Key Clubbers gather together, knowing that we have all worked hard to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. The atmosphere was so spirited, and the energy was infectious. It was very cool to see the variety of cheers during the rally itself, and I am so proud of how our division placed well against other giant clubs. It was an amazing experience, and I'm sure it will continue to be in future years. LAUREN HELLER This was my third Fall Rally South, and it was incredible! The fact that we placed 2nd to a much bigger division simply shows the strength of the Narwhal Nation. It has been amazing to see the progression of Division 42 East’s size and spirit over the past few years, and I know that we will bring home that spirit stick next year! However, Fall Rally always makes me step back and see the full picture - thousands of Key Clubbers serving our community. I think that that is truly something to celebrate.

Newbury Park 6

The Fall Rally Experience IRENA YANG Although I had heard all the amazing stories and experiences of other Key Clubbers, this year would be my first time attending a Key Club Fall Rally. The anticipation filled me as I began the early morning carpooling with my friends to Six Flags. Once there, I couldn’t believe the sight I saw—thousands of Key Clubbers in full-fledged spirit wear and outrageous outfits all coming together in support of service. My friends and I met up with other members of our division and off we went, adventuring into the craziest amusement park there is. Tatsu, Goliath, Green Lantern, and more all fell to the hands of our group as we enjoyed our exciting day. In addition to the usual enjoyments of Six Flags, the apprehension of waiting for someone to yell, “Hey, Narwhals how do you feel?!” overwhelmed us as we walked throughout the theme park. But the best part of it all was of course the rally! The excitement and adrenaline I felt from all the chanting and cheering completely masked the feeling of aching legs and a sore throat. It was only afterwards when the pain really kicked in, but by then I felt satisfied and complete. Now, it’s my turn to tell people the amazing time I had at Fall Rally!

Oak Park Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

TYLER SMITH This month I helped set up the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF fundraiser to collect money for the Eliminate Project for my club. We distributed the boxes to our club members to collect money during Halloween. I also took a box and participated. I thought it would be an awkward situation with the one person waiting to collect money at houses while my friends left me to go to other houses. The night ended up being a team effort. Each person from my group of four friends all tried their luck at convincing people to donate. One of my friends Sierra was especially skilled in raising the money. By the end of the night, we all had a great time, lots of candy, and over 70 dollars in money for UNICEF. I never would have thought we could raise 70 dollars by trick or treating, but we did. Now that money will go to a good cause. Already it seems that others also participated in raising money. So far we have had three more boxes come in with funds in the first week after Halloween. We have two more weeks for people to turn in their boxes, so I am crossing my fingers for more. Although we were not able to distribute boxes to all the teachers before Halloween, our original goal this year, we still were able to raise a lot of money, and more money is still coming in. Overall, I think our club had a successful fundraiser, and now we have extra boxes to make this fundraiser even better next year.


Senior Center Dinner KEILA KIM The Senior Center held a dinner and I would have to say that the event ran very smoothly. Seeing everyone's smiling faces was priceless. Members from all the local high schools were there which made the event that much more enjoyable. Even though we were serving others it made me feel at home. Everyone that attended were so thankful and I just enjoyed every single minute of the event. I would love to help out at the senior center any time now.

Fall Rally 2013 KEILA KIM Fall Rally was the best! I can't believe that our division made it to second place! Thanks for everyone's dedication and love for Key Club because we wouldn't be able to make it to both rounds without you guys. Fall Rally was the best way to get to know the members that attended. I loved catching up with some old friends and riding rides with my twin Kaila and many others. I am definitely so lucky to have spent the day with all of D42E. I am so proud of all all of you guys! :)

Royal Pet Adoption ZURRIAT HAIDER Going to the pet adoptions on Saturday at Pet smart and seeing all the cute dogs is a wonderful sight. Setting things up at the pet adoption station is really easy. I help in putting out chairs, table, flyers, and anything else that is available to help with. The help is simple as you set things up and throughout the day help advertise and interest people into adopting a dog. At the end, I help clean things up, put away the things that we used, and leave the station clean. Best part about volunteering here is you not only help but you get to learn about dogs, see cute dogs, know how they are rescued, and learn how you can help.


Fall Rally 2013 CARLY BALSTER Wow, where to begin! Fall Rally was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in regards to my Key Club life. This was my first Fall Rally, And it will most definitely not my last. I danced to so many cheers and then remixed it up. I was surprised at how much Key Club has done for our various charities and causes. Hearing the results for all our hard work and contributions was absolutely phenomenal. This was most definitely a great day. On top of that, D42E did great in the Spirit Rally, especially since we were one of the smaller divisions. We Narwhals are the best!

Relay for Life BREANNA SCRANTON At Relay For Life, many people came together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that has already taken too much. Teams camped out overnight and took turns walking or running around a track or path at a park. We also all raised funds to donate toward cancer research. I have participated in the relay for 4 years now and I hope to continue because it is for an amazing cause. This event is also enjoyable too as there are many activities to participate in!

Santa Susana Hollow Hills Halloween Carnival

KATIE DIZON On October 11, 2013, I volunteered at my elementary school, Hollow Hills Fundamental School. The Fun Fair consisted of several game booths, a bake sale, its very own photo booth, raffles, and a few food trucks. I helped out at the Can Smash. My job was to help set up the tin cans in a pyramid, find the beanbags used to knock down the cans after they were thrown, and sometimes even collect the tickets used to play the game! It was a lot of work moving around, but it was so much fun! The children that came to play Can Smash were so cute. Everyone in our game booth was having fun, so it made the job even more enjoyable. I’m glad I got to help out my old school. I got to see my old teachers and classmates, and it was worth seeing the smiles on the children’s faces when they played the Can Smash.

Shoe Crew Halloween Bash DANA BROUGH On Saturday, October 26, 2013, I attended the Shoe Crew’s Halloween Bash Benefit Concert at 118 West Studios in Simi Valley. The concert was set up by Ruby Visser for her Senior Project, and the money the organization collected went to buying shoes for kids who cannot afford new shoes. There were 11 bands that played at the concert, and everyone dressed up in their Halloween costumes. The bands played mostly rock/pop music, and everyone had a great time! People were dancing, eating Halloween treats, and being introduced to the bands on the red carpet. There was even a guest performance by Disney Channel star Kenton Duty from Shake It Up! I helped by donating two trays full of cookies to the treat table and donating three pairs of shoes to the Shoe Crew. It was an extremely wellorganized event, and I had a great time with other Key Clubbers and Santa Su students!


Spaghetti Dinner at the Senior Center JULIANA NGHIEM A couple weeks ago, several of Simi High Key Clubbers went to volunteer at the Senior Center to serve them their Spaghetti Dinner. The occasion was for the completion of the Senior Olympics that they had at Lemon Park. We helped set up tables and serve salad, spaghetti, and Halloween cookies along with the Kiwanis adults. It was really busy because there was so many seniors eating dinner, but its was really fun to interact with the seniors and hear their stories of what event they did at the event and what place they won. It was a cheerful atmosphere and I am really glad that I went to help. This is an event that I will definitely would want to go to volunteer again.

Shoe Crew Halloween Bash NATHALIE VAZQUEZ On the 26th of October a few of us volunteers went to the Shoe Crew Halloween Bash. We helped them by decorating the stage with Halloween decorations where the bands would perform. We also helped selling snacks once the show started. At the end of the night plenty of shoes were collected that would be donated.

Simi Valley Simi Valley Health Fair JACOB CARBON At the Simi Valley Health Fair, there were many booths that had interesting information about their respective organizations. The Kiwanis booth held a raffle for a free children's helmet that symbolized there main cause: to prevent children's pediatric trauma. I strolled around the mall and handed out items and information about Kiwanis. At our booth, we handed people free Shock Locks and Children Safety Guide coloring book that encouraged them to wear helmets. Aiding families with hazardous-preventing items at the fair was a great experience.


Officer of the Month

Member of the Month

Tyler Smith

Katie Dizon Santa Susana

Oak Park

Club of the Month

Santa Susana

Congratulations! YOU might just be recognized next month!


Current Division Points Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Westlake 12

370 257 319 505 397 57 77


LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR What is the role of Lt. Governor? The role of a Lt. Governor is to serve as a liaison between the clubs in a division and the CNH District. The Lt. Governor leads the clubs in a division and provides support and encourages club, membership and person growth throughout the year. A Lt. Governor also serves as a role model to the members in the division.

Required Attendance

Duties of a Lt. Governor • Hold at least TEN Division Council Meetings. • Organize club officer training conferences • Organize member training within the region • Serve on a district committee • Attend Kiwanis DCMs as Key Club liaison • Provide clubs with updates from International and District • Put together a Division Leadership Team.

• • • • •

CNH District Convention 2014 May Board Training Conference Summer Board Training Conference Winter Board Training Conference CNH District Convention 2015

Recommended Attendance: • International Convention 2014 • Fall Rally South 2014 If you have any questions, please contact Lt. Governor Paolo at



CLUB PRESIDENT The role of a Club President is to serve as a liaison between the members in the club and the Division Lt. Governor.. The club president is responsible for setting and monitoring the goals of the club, running club meetings, appointing committee chairs and delegating tasks as necessary, recruiting, training and retaining members and maintaining regular communication with the lieutenant governor of his or her division. The president must serve as a role model to the members and must continuously represent the club at all Division Council Meetings.

CLUB VICE PRESIDENT The role of the club vice president can be summarized in one word: service. The vice president serves the president, other club officers, committees and the general membership. He or she is also expected to learn the duties of the president in order to fill in or take over as necessary. The vice president must also serve as a role model to the members and attend all division council meetings.

CLUB SECRETARY The office of secretary is one of the most demanding in the organization and a good secretary is essential to the proper functioning of any Key Club. The secretary is responsible for taking minutes, keeping records and maintaining all important files for the club. The club secretary must also fill out and submit the club monthly report form to the Lieutenant Governor on every 5th of the month. The secretary must also serve as a role model to the members and attend all division council meetings.



CLUB TREASURER The club treasurer controls the club’s money, both its collection and disbursement. He or she collects member dues, prepares and monitors the budget and maintains accurate financial records.

CLUB EDITOR The club editor is responsible for keeping the membership informed about important activities, opportunities and deadlines at the club, district and international level. The editor may also create a club website and a club newsletter to showcase service events to the members and also give easy access to club information.

REQUIRED/RECOMMENDED ATTENDANCE REQUIRED: • D42E Officer Training Conference 2014 • More than 6 Division Council Meetings (DCM).


Officer Candidate Training Conference – December 7th, District Convention 2014 – Sacramento, CA | April 11-13 Fall Rally South 2014 Region 10 Training Conference District Convention 2015


HOLIDAY SERVICE The holiday season is here! What can YOU do in your community? • • • • • • • •

Make scarves for the homeless Adopt-a-family Make Christmas cards for the troops Volunteer at a soup kitchen Hold a clothes drive Decorate the halls of a hospital Make easy-tie blankets and donate them to a homeless shelter Go caroling!

& MORE!! 16

District Convention April 11-13, 2014 @ the Sacramento Convention Center

Designed by Sharyn Lee of D16

To Service!




December 7 DCM/Officer Candidate Training Conference/ Potluck 2:30-5PM Rancho Madera Community Park

December 14 Lt. Governor Candidate Training Conference Time TBA Burbank, CA

January 25 January DCM/ CONCLAVE!



Lieutenant Governor

Joseph Ko Executive Assistant

Daniel Lee Executive Assistant

Mindy Nguyen News Editor

Donna Rahgoshay Spirit Coordinator

Nathan Valencerina


Paolo Recto

Spirit Coordinator

Lorraine Dionisio Spirit Coordinator

Serena Lee Fundraising Chair

Ryan Luong Fundraising Chair

Jessica Ji

Member Outreach


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