D42e january newsletter

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CNH |Key Club

Volume 8, issue 1

Hello Narwhals! My name is Justin Kawaguchi and I am so honored and proud to be serving as your 2016-2017 Lieutenant Governor! I am currently a Junior at Newbury Park High School and have been involved with Key Club for the past 3 years. With leadership experience on both the club and division level, I aim to make this upcoming term the best that it can be. I look forward to a year of service, smiles, and lots of fun times. Thank you all so much for being a part of something as special as Key Club is, and I can't wait to meet everyone! Keep an eye out for future emails from me, as I aim to start my term off with lots of open communication! -Justin Kawaguchi 2016-2017 LTG

-Grace Payne - Justin Kawaguchi - Royal - Betty Stapleford - Brian Dennert

Table of Contents Message From The New LTG Rose Float Decorating



WEST LAKE DCON 2015-2016 Contacts

02 04-05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12-13

Rose Float Decor On December 28th, about 35 members of the Santa Susana Key Club went to Pasadena to decorate the Rose Floats. We all spent the entire day doing tasks such as cutting flowers, gluing flowers, cutting pine trees, and attaching other materials on the float. This was my 5th year volunteering at the Rose Floats so I definitely enjoyed doing it again. I was so proud of our club because they accomplished so much and made the float look absolutely beautiful. Even though we were all tired at the end of the day, we still screamed the 'How Do You Feel?' cheer before we headed home.

Breezy Scranton, 12th grade


rating With Kiwanis On December 26th I had the pleasure of participating in the decoration of rose floats through Kiwanis. I had a great time preparing the bark and flowers, as well as being able to look at all of the creative floats. It was also awesome being able to meet so many people from other parts of California/ other divisions. It was also especially satisfying being able to see all our hard work featured in the Rose Parade for everyone to enjoy. Even though it was very cold and kind of messy, it was still an incredible experience that I'm so glad I could partake in and I'm looking forward to doing it again! Bianca Becerra 11th Grade


Moorpark Christmas Volunteering

I was able to volunteer at the annual Toy Wrap at the Boys and Girls Club for my third year in a row. I look forward to this event every year because it allows the community of Moorpark to come together during the Christmas season. To see the joy in the children's eyes as they get to roam through the craft zone and see Santa is reason enough to love the event. However, what is most special is that it allows the families of Moorpark that are not as fortunate to pick out three toys for each of their children that they can receive for Christmas. I feel that this is one of the best interactive service projects that MHS Key Club is able to help out with and I was so glad we could participate this year! Julia Serritella 12


Oak Park Make a Wish Letters

During our regular club meeting on December 8th, Oak Park key Club wrote letters to Santa. However, these were not ordinary wish letters asking for material things like toys or clothes. Our members made wishes for friends, the community, or even our world as a whole. Even better, Macy's donated $1 towards the Make a Wish Foundation for every letter we wrote. In total, our club wrote 160 letters, donating $160 towards this incredible organization that helps children in need. Dropping off the letters, we were joined by several other schools from the Conejo area. Together, we brought in thousands of letters. This project was extremely successful and shows how little efforts combined make a huge impact.

Sophia Gigliotti 12th Grade


Royal End of the Year Pizza!

The annual Royal picnic occurs on the last meeting of the year. This year we decided to have a massive pizza party to celebrate a year of service. A road block that we faced was trying to found the ideal amount of pizza to purchase to accommodate the massive increase of members compared to prior years. After days of calculation, we purchased 14 boxes of pizza from a local pizza shop (support small businesses!). They even spelt "KEY" for us in pepperoni! Cheers to 2015, a great year of service! By Anthony Dang


Santa Susana Samaritan Center On the first Thursday of every month, I feed the homeless along with the Kiwanis at the Samaritan Center. This month we fed them chili dogs, salad, and cake. It is such an amazing feeling knowing that they are getting a comforting meal and to see how thankful they are. I cannot wait to go back each month and see their smiling faces! Breezy Scranton, 12th grade

SSHS Winter Social On Friday, December 18th, I had the opportunity to attend the Santa Susana Key Club annual winter social. I had so much fun doing icebreakers and writing letters to the troops! We shared food and bonded and laughed. I can't wait to do it again next year! Breanna Aragon, 11th grade


West lake Make-A-Wish Letters to Santa During both of our Monday club meetings in December, our club wrote letters to Santa to support the Make-A-Wish foundation. This charity grants the wish of every child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. In the United States a wish is granted every 37 minutes on average. During the holiday season, Make-AWish partners with Macy’s and for every letter written, Macy’s donates $1 to the charity. Westlake Key Club wrote 522 letters which is $522 donated! The Cali-Nev-Ha district wrote 10,941 letters in all. It was fun to write these letters and help a child with an illness at the same time. -Kelly Jiang, sophomore

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District Convention 2015 –2016 Why YOU Should Attend DCON 2016!

Last year’s DCON took place in Anaheim, CA from March 13-15, 2015. The theme was Celebrate!: Service, Leadership, and Family to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International. Key Clubbers from ALL three states (California, Nevada, and Hawaii) attended the event. We got to attend training workshops, listen to a keynote speaker, vote on our next District Executives, and celebrate ANOTHER wonderful year of service! Not to mention that we got to party it up at the Governor’s Ball! I got to meet TONS of people from different divisions, learn about Key Club on a deeper level, and fall in love with this organization all over again! If you want to have the full Key Club experience, be sure to attend DCON 2016! See you there! By Katie Dizon

DCON was an AMAZING experience! Spending a weekend with some amazing people is definitely something not everybody gets to experience. If you go to DCON this year, you won't regret it! I hope to see YOU in Sacramento this year! -Shahrukh Shaikh





LIEUTENANT G D24e.cnh.ltg

EXECUITIVE ASSISTANT D24e.cnh.ea@gmail.com


NEWS EDITOR D24e.cnh.tech@gmail.com



SERVICE PROJECTS Lamtracy18@gmail.com


PTP FUNDRASING Asiandumbledoreme@gmail.com




GOVERNOR g@gmail.com


DIVISION SECRETARY D24e.cnh.dsec@gmail.com


TECH AND GRAPHICS andrewchonykang@gmail.com


MEMBER RECOGNITION emmytaketa@gmail.com


SERVICE PROJECTS jessicay2010@yahoo.com


FALL RALLYFUNDRASING lamkelley26@gmail.com


Thanks For Reading.

See You At The Next DCM.

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