Narwhal News | D42E July 2013

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Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal | Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks |Westlake

Narwhal News

Division 42 East’s Official Newsletter

Region 10 | CNH District

July 2013

Volume V |Issue 2

Table of Contents Message from your LTG ………………………………………… Meet the Editor …………………………………………………... Save the Dates! ………………………………………………….. 2013-2014 Club President Biographies ………………………. Officer Training Conference 2013 ……………………………. International Convention 2013 ……………………………….. Past Events Newbury Park ………………………………………………... Royal …………………………………………………………... Santa Susana ………………………………………………… Simi Valley …………………………………………………….. Eliminate Project …………………………………………………. Division Recognition …………………………………………….. Current Division Points …………………………………………... Contact Information …………………………………………….

3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20-21

Message from your LTG Hello, Division 42 East! The summer has just started and you know what that means‌ SUMMER SERVICE! I hope each and every one of you utilize the summer to your advantage. Use this summer to create a stronger bond with your Kiwanis clubs and to serve the community. PLAN service projects with your club officers and explore new, ongoing service opportunities that your home club can participate in. The Cali-NevHa Key Club District Executives have set a district goal for the clubs to come together to service more than 1,000,000 hours of service. I challenge all of you to serve as many service hours as you can this summer! Contact your club officers for available service opportunities in your area. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who attended the D42 East & West Officer Training Conference! It was a complete success and seeing the level of interest that YOU exerted couldn’t make me happier! Please remember that I am here to serve YOU! If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enjoy your summer, have fun, BEE safe and stay GOLDEN! I look forward to seeing all of you soon! Swimming in service,

Paolo Recto Division 42 East 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor


Meet the editor

Greetings Division 42 East Narwhals! My name is Mindy Nguyen and I will be serving you as your Divisional News Editor for this 2013-2014 Key Club year. I am so excited for this year and I hope that I get to meet each and every one of you! I currently attend Santa Susana as an upcoming senior and I have been a member of Key Club since my freshman year. A few goals of mine that I hope to accomplish during my term are encouraging members to submit more articles and visuals along with providing newsletters for our division every month. I hope that the newsletters will be resourceful in informing you of upcoming or current Key Club events but also let you know about past events our division has participated in. Our narwhal nation is already strong, and I want to keep us even more connected and spirited through these newsletters. If you ever see me taking pictures at events or around school, feel free to say hi to me! Let’s make this year a great year and don’t forget to always show your BEEautiful smile! Swimming in service,

Mindy Nguyen Division 42 East 2013-2014 News Editor


Save these Dates! July 3-7 International Convention 2013 July 13 July Division Council Meeting October (TBA) Region 10 Training Conference


Division 42 East’s Lauren Heller

Hi, I’m Lauren Heller, President of Newbury Park High School Key Club! In the 2013-2014 school year I want to recruit at least 20 new members, including more boys. As president, my goal is to have one fundraiser per month and one service project per week, as well as trying to find a more routine service project that our club could help with all year.. This year our club was unable to hold Stud Pageant, so for the next year I want to make Stud Pageant successfully happen. When I’m not volunteering with Key Club, I raise a Guide Dog Puppy for the Blind named Kevin and play on my school’s Varsity Tennis Team, besides participating in other clubs.

Catherine Shi Hi! My name is Catherine and I sometimes feel awkward talking about myself. This is my fourth year of Key Club and I'm excited to begin my term as President. I hope to excite my club about Key Club and help members become more active in both service and the club. I sneeze very funny, I love sushi, and I would one day like to see the world become more fair to more people.

Keila Kim


Hello everyone! My name is Keila Kim and I am Royal High’s Key Club President. I have been serving around my community since I was ten years old. In just this past school year I have served over 300 hours of community service. Some things that I am involved in is Leadership, Drama, Daily Diplomats, and last but definitely not least is Key Club. Even though I have only been in Key Club for one year, I have a growing love for this organization. A little bit about me is that I have a very bubbly personality, I put others before myself, and I am very forgiving. In previous years I have been apart of an elite dance competition team, cheerleading, gymnastics, karate, and vocal lesions. This year I hope to inspire others to serve in their communities and “shoot for the stars.”

2013-2014 Presidents Hello Division 42 East! My name is Kaila Mattera and I am proud to be serving Santa Susana Key Club as the President for this 2013-2014 term. I am an upcoming senior and I am really excited to be serving my club this year because I know that we will accomplish so much and have fun doing it. My main goal is to maintain membership retention at our club meetings through out the year. Some of my other goals include providing more service for my members, creating unity within my club, and increased involvement in division events. Key Club and community service has really developed into a huge passion of mine ever since I joined as a freshman. When I am not volunteering or doing Key Club things however, I like to relax by the pool reading or go out for a run or go out on an adventure taking photos. My favorite food is homemade pizza, which I love to make with my dad. I also like boba and Dels Lemonade (it’s a Rhode Island thing). I am really enjoying being able to serve my club and I hope that I can get to know more of you throughout the year.

Kaila Mattera

Gina Apinyavat Hello narwhals! My name is Gina Apinyavat and I am an incoming junior at Simi Valley High School. My goal as president is to increase membership and service hours. Key Club has been my passion ever since freshmen year and continues to grow and inspire me. Being our school publicist and division spirit coordinator before I decided to take the challenge to expand my knowledge of being a leader and run for President. Besides doing Key club work I am on the girl’s tennis team at our school and I enjoy dancing anywhere and everywhere I go! I’m really loud and always smiling! I love meeting new people so if we haven’t met yet, feel free to come and say hi to me!





Conference The Officer Training Conference was held at the Boys and Girls Club in Thousand Oaks with counter divisions Division 42 East Narwhals meeting with Division 42 West Orcas for the second time. This joint conference gave both divisions the opportunity to meet with one another but also to receive beneficial training that will help them in becoming better leaders. Beginning with a Division Council Meeting to ending with an emotional talk with the Region 10 advisor and past Lieutenant Governor along with the CNH District Secretary, this conference proved to be successful and meaningful. Activities such as the members writing anonymous notes to put into the love box and the many icebreakers gave way for a stronger bond between the two divisions as well as adding laughter in between. The workshops discussing about fundraising, duties of an editor, and how to BEE a leader to informative presentations on the Eliminate Project and Pediatric Trauma Prevention (PTP) left the members with papers full of notes and a better insight of what Key Club is all about. Lastly, a group picture was taken that showed the strong bond both divisions share.



70th Annual Key Club

July 3Washing


International Convention

7, 2013

ton Hilton


Bake Sale 6/5 A few members selling the baked goods to some students after school.

On June 5, NPHS Key Club held a bake sale after school and raised $94.41 for Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), whose goal is to develop local projects, which will reduce the number of children in our district who are killed or injured by trauma. We sold mostly homemade baked goods, and the funds raised will help the PTP purchase pediatric medical equipment for hospitals and fund the training of pediatric doctors, nurses and first responders. Overall, the bake sale was a success, and will benefit a great program that strives to bring awareness to an issue that is often overlooked. — Celestine Sun

Our club held a bake sale after school in order to raise money for PTP to send before Fall Rally. With the total funds of $94.41 that we raised, we are hoping to promote and benefit this worthy cause to save children’s lives! Although this is not directly working with the children who will benefit from this money, it was still great to know that our work would have a great impact on another person’s life. It is definitely our goal to hold more fundraisers in the future in order to help more people. — Lauren Heller

Newbury park Nikita Rao and Diana Tai sell a cupcake to an NPHS student after

Key Club’s bake sale for the pediatric trauma program was a fun and rewarding experience. Knowing that it was the bit of effort that every member put into this project that had helped raise $94.41 for the cause, I realized the strength of teamwork. I didn’t know it was this easy, but I realized that if every person contributed just a little bit, all the little bits could add together to create something big. Our accomplishment this time made me really happy and I look forward to the next project we take on. — Diana Tai


Lauren Heller sells some cupcakes to a few students after school in order to raise funds for PTP.

As one of our activities for Key Club, we hosted a bake sale to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). We sold a variety of goods, such as several types of brownies, frosted cookies, and cupcakes and by the end we had made $94.41. Overall, it was a success as well as a fulfilling experience. There is a certain feeling of gratification that comes with servitude for a greater cause, and I believe that the bake sale was a prime example of this. — Andrea Liu

Key Club members sell baked goods to some students after school.

Our club held a campus clean-up after school the day everyone was forced to clean their lockers out. By picking up the trash around school, we were able to make it a prettier place so that everyone can share pride in our school’s appearance, not just its other qualities. The work also showed me how much effort our school’s janitorial staff have to put in to maintain our school’s cleanliness, despite the fact that they do not receive the attention and recognition that other school faculty receive. By participating in this event, I learned that teachers are not the only ones who keep the school running smoothly, and as a result, I would like to participate in more campus clean-ups so that other members may help beautify our school and come to this realization as well.

Lauren Heller picks up a piece of trash in the school quad.

Campus Clean-Up 6/12

— Lauren Heller

Key Club arranged a campus clean-up after school. There was a great turnout as many students showed up to help keep our school campus as pristine as possible. We grabbed some plastic bags, put on our gloves, and walked all over the school in search of pieces of trash. I feel like by the end we had done a very thorough job—there was practically no trash left. Sometimes getting down and dirty to help serve the school is necessary and is always rewarding in the end.

Andrea Liu spots a stray wrapper by the lunch tables and prepares to place it in a trash bag.

High school

— Andrea Liu

Special Olympics 5/18

Mikaela Coughlin and I participated in the Special Olympics on May 18, 2013. There were a lot of volunteers that were very enthusiastic about helping out. It was great to see the number of people who were willing to wake up early on a Saturday morning to help those with special needs. It was an amazing event and I hope it will be just as successful next year! — Brianna Lindberg Some of the students with special needs at Newbury Park that Brianna Lindberg helped participate in the Special Olympics.


royal Royal showed their support to raise awareness to those who didn’t know that hunger still exist. Altogether Royal raised a grand total of $316.00 dollars for this organization. Together they walked around Simi Valley and supported this walk with pride. Royal represented Key Club while doing so, decked out in Key Club attire. People honked as they showed their support for what the contestants walked with signs, balloons, and shirts. Even with such short notice Royal stuck together and the event had a good turn out. This shows that Royal is a big “ohana.”

Crop Hunger Walk 5/19

— Keila Kim Keila Kim with fellow member Kaila Mattera.

Chelsea Corbin, Giuliana Petrocelli, and Keila Kim participating in one of the many icebreakers.

Officer Training Conference 6/15 Orcas and Narwhals both attended this meeting that was led by Hailey Tuesday and Paolo Recto. The Officer Training Conference was a great place where everyone came together and expanded their knowledge for Key Club and their duties. At OTC their was many workshops that provided information about board duties, how to expand your club, and even how to show your spirit. This conference was a big confidence booster for many. This evening ended with touching stories to keep serving our community and a big group picture.

High school 14

— Keila Kim

Santa Susana 7th,

On June the Santa Susana Key Club volunteered at Arroyo Elementary School for a carnival. We all were signed up for a booth. I worked at the craft table. Some of the other booths included fishing, a bake sale, a sac toss, a candy booth, a milk bottle throw, and many other fun games. At the craft booth that I worked at we had four different activities for the kids to do. They chose which one they wanted to make and my job was to help them make it. I loved seeing how excited they were when they finished their craft. It was truly rewarding to see their bright smiles from ear to ear. I also love crafts so I enjoyed helping them. This event was a blast and I am so glad that I was able to participate. I am looking forward to help out again next year with my fellow Key Clubbers! — Breanna Scranton

Tristan Hartwell, Siena Mattera, and Carly Balster working at a candy booth.

Arroyo Spring Fling 6/7

Breanna Scranton helps children at a craft table.

I had the opportunity to volunteer at Arroyo Elementary School’s Spring/Summer Carnival on June 7th. I always love helping out at the elementary carnivals because the kids have so much fun and being able to help them and watch them play the games gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside. I ran the Fishing Booth. For one ticket the kids could use a little fishing pole with a magnet to catch a plastic fish to win a prize. It was really enjoyable to be able to watch the joy spread across each child’s face as they caught that fish; priceless. All the kids were really cute as they would continue to come back again and again to catch another fish and get another prize. I am really happy that I was able to be there to lend a hand and it was really a great way to kick off the summer.

Kyle Graziano volunteers at a fishing game.

— Kaila Mattera

March for Babies 5/11

High school

On May 11th I had the amazing opportunity to participate in our local March for Babies walk to support March of Dimes. Even though our team consisted of myself and one other member, I really enjoyed being able to represent our club and raise funds to protect babies from dying due to premature birth. Together the two of us were able to raise $100 for this cause, which is fantastic! Being able to go out and see all the different teams coming together to walk for this cause was really neat. It was truly inspiring to hear some of the families come up and share their stories about their struggles and triumphs with overcoming difficulties caused by premature birth and how March of Dimes research impacted their lives by saving their children. Being able to walk and support families like those in our own community was a good work out and it was tons of fun! I definitely recommend this event for the future!

— Kaila Mattera


Simi Valley members show their cheer during the spirit stick competition.

Kiwanis Family Picnic 5/5

May DCM 5/18 On May 18th at Rancho Community Park, Division 42 East's Division Council Meeting took place. The meeting started off with tons of food, after eating our Lieutenant Governor, Paolo Recto, went over all of the future events taking place, along with all of the presidents. The monthly awards like member of the month and the school with the most service hours were passed out. After that we played ice breakers and had a water balloon fight. Then each school divided into groups and competed in a competition to see which school would win the spirit stick. After all of this the DCM ended. It turned out to be a successful DCM! — Nathalie Vazquez

On May 5, 2013, I volunteered at the Kiwanis Family Picnic, as well as many others. This was one of the greatest experiences I have had in a while with the Kiwanis Club, Builder's Club, K-Kids, Aktion Club, and Key Club. Not only did we help organize and play endless games, but we also ate a fantastic feast of delicious food! It was a creative way to gather canned foods for the troops and I am so glad that I could attend. — Donna Rahgoshay

Members and their families get ready for the potato sack run.

Simi valley Project Eliminate High school Week

Imagine a bingo container full of bingo balls. Every nine minutes, one ball is chosen and let out of the container, resulting in 160 bingo balls let out. Each bingo ball represents an unfortunate newborn diagnosed by maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), which is caused by unsanitary birthing areas and improper instruments used. MNT is when tetanus spores from the soil enter the bloodstream of newborns, causing a lot of pain and can kill within days. Once diagnosed, there is a 100% chance of mortality rate in areas like Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. It's a terrible disease, but is easily preventable with the assistance of the Eliminate Project created by Kiwanis International. Their goal is to prevent MNT from happening with the use of three vaccinations to help mothers and newborns, only for the value of $1.80. The 600,000 members in Kiwanis International plans to raise $110 million dollars by 2015 for the Eliminate Project, saving about 60 million mothers and newborns from tetanus. The Eliminate Project plans to raise awareness of the increasing problem by having one week to focus all their action to get the maternal and neonatal tetanus word out; this year was May 6-10th. Gradually, the tetanus is becoming more well known all around the world and more and more people are contributing to prevent this disease from occurring. — Juliana Nghiem


Goal To eliMiNaTe Maternal/ Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) by the year 2015.

Eliminate Project What is MNT? Tetanus spores that come into contact with open cuts during childbirth resulting in newborns that are extremely sensitive to light and touch. 1 baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus. 160 babies die each day from tetanus.

What can you do? Educate. Share your story or visit for more information. Give. Ask for donations or plan fundraising activities. Serve. Reach out to local hospitals or schools and SPREAD THE WORD!

$1.80 saves a mother and her future children.


Officer of the Month

Newbury Park


Member of the Month

Santa Susana


Club of the Month


Current Division Points Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Westlake

84 57 73 156 115 24 21 19

Contact Information 20

Paolo Recto

Lieutenant Governor

Joseph Ko

Executive Assistant

Daniel Lee

Executive Assistant

Mindy Nguyen

News Editor

Donna Rahgoshay

Spirit Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Lorraine Dionisio

Spirit Coordinator

Serena Lee

Fundraising Chair

Ryan Luong

Fundraising Chair

Jessica Ji

Member Outreach

Contact Information

Nathan Valencerina



KC Thanks for reading!

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