D42e november newsletter

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CNH |Key Club

Volume 7, issue 11

Hello fellow narwhals. This is your new News Editor for this term. My name is Austyn Frisk. I am a Freshmen at Santa Su High school in Simi Valley. I enjoy doing community service and helping people in need. I found out about Key Club from our club fair at my school. I fell in love with the organization immediately. I also enjoy comics, math, Law, and FBLA. I look forward to getting to know all of the narwhals better and hope that we can win fall rally next year.

Amy Tran Ravindu Ranawaka Newbury Park Cristy Warner Tina Lanquist

Division News Editor 2015-2016

Table of Contents Message From The Editor Letter From The LTG Fall Rally

Past Events: AGOURA







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Letter from the LTG Hello Division 42 East Narwhals, With the longing of another publication, I hope that you all have met and been introduced to our new Division 42 East News Editor, Austyn Frisk. A lot has happen since our last issue in the beginning of summer. From Summer DCMs to Region Training Conference to Fall Rally. I hope you all take this newsletter as a moment to reflect on all of our works so far this year as the term is more than half over. In a little over a month from now, conclave and club elections will take place, and the new board will take over. Until the moment we part, I wish you all further developments and opportunities to connect and engage with our organization, especially during the upcoming winter holidays. Of everything we went through together as a division, the one thing I hope you all took out from the year is that we are a family and we will push ourselves to complete our tasks and to also strive for higher goals. Take a moment to read the articles and visuals in this newsletter. Take a moment to reflect on yourself and how much you have grown and change in the past year. Take a moment to think of the future—the future of the division and also your own future. A lot can happen over several months. What difference will you set out to make? -Lt. Governor Kevin Nguyen


Fall Rally 2015 !!!!!

Fall rally was great! Seeing all of D42E coming together and being unified was amazing. Together, we accomplished the task of getting 2nd place in our rally! Other then that, a huge amount of money money from PTP was donated! I'm sure we'll be able to come out on top next year! -Shahrukh Shaikh Fall Rally South 2015 was truly an enlightening experience. As a senior, it was my last fall rally and I did not know what to expect. Preparing months in advance for this one event left me extremely excited and exhilarated. Once we arrived at Six Flags, I was surrounded by so many spirited people, my people. It was hectic trying to get everyone together to try to practice cheers, but in the end it was all worth it. Us narwhals won second place and I have never been so proud of our division in my life. I have never seen so many narwhals pumped up and ready to slay!!!! I love division 42 east and I loved Fall Rally, it is an experience that I will never forget in my life. Ravindu Ranawaka


Past events: Agoura Freshmen Registration

At the end of summer, Agoura Key Club volunteered at the Agoura High School freshman registration day on August 12th. The event started at 8 AM and ended at 2 PM. We worked with Link Crew, an organization that helps running school events along with the student council. During the registration, we helped the incoming freshmen and their parents with picking up schedules, taking school ID pictures, assigning lockers, and guiding directions. Volunteering with Link Crew was such an honor and I personally had a lot of fun. I was able to meet new people and get more involved with school events. -Belisa Yu

Chick-Fil-A Challenge Week

From November 2nd to November 6th, five Key Clubs in division 42 E participated in the Chick-Fil-A challenge to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. The five schools met on Sunday, November 1st and Monday, November 2nd, to decorate the windows of Chick-Fil-A on Moorpark Rd and Thousand Oaks Blvd. We all did a wonderful job on their decoration. On Tuesday, November 3rd, Agoura Key Club invited the cow to advertise the fundraiser on campus. Unfortunately, our club did not win the competition, but the entire week of Chick-Fil-A Challenge was a fun experience for everyone. We were able to spread the awareness of pediatric trauma and unintentional injuries to people outside of Key Club and grow stronger bonds between the officers and club members. Overall, the fundraiser was a great success for five schools that participated. And congratulations to Westlake Key Club for winning this competition! -Carolyn Yu


Moorpark Habit Fundraiser

The division held a fundraiser at The Habit Burger Grill in Thousand Oaks. The restaurant would donate 20% of your purchase to the D42E. I attended with our D42E LTG, the one and only Kevin Nguyen. While we ate our delicious burgers, we talked about upcoming division events and such. Overall, the event was a success and I have a feeling we are going to do this fundraiser again in the future. -Brandon Le

The beach DCM was an awesome chance to meet our fellow artic foxes from division 42e. I got to met up with a few friends and make new ones! It was by far the best Dcm we have had this year, with an amazing turn out, awesome food, and super fun games! -Kaitlin Chau



Club Rush!

Oak Park

The months of August and September were major months for member recruitment. Club Rush was from Aug 31 to Sept 4 and we went all out! Our editor made an awesome tri-fold board with a towering narwhal om top. I made a large sign that read "KEY CLUB COMMUNITY SERVICE" over four feet wide and propped it on wooden stand 6 ft high. All the school clubs were set up in an auditorium for the week to advertise. Our sign towered above all the rest. We had flyers and booklets printed from Key Club International that we passed out and two laptops for students to sign up. We placed school announcements on the loudspeaker system, our spirit coordinator made a huge poster and signs set up on campus. Over 200 members signed up and 135 came to our first meeting! -Carlo Cruz-Albrecht

Flower Tissues!

For our third key club meeting on October 6 th, we were able to make paper flowers for residents at local elderly homes. Every Key Clubber that attended and made tissue Paper flowers was able to receive 30 minutes of volunteer service. We were able to create many flowers that we think the receivers will enjoy greatly. Not only were we able to give back to the community in a fun way, but we were also given the opportunity to hang out and get to know other members in the club.

-Elly Lee


Kiwanis Installment Dinner


Each year Kiwanis Clubs elect new leaders to service the community as well as honor the current leaders for all they have done. I had the pleasure to attend Kiwanis Club of Simi Valley's installment dinner, along with Simi High's President, Stephanie Lee, and our very own D42E LTG, Kevin Nguyen. The night will filled with entertaining performances and heartfelt speeches, symbolic awards, and lighthearted laughter. I was able to converse with members of my sponsoring Kiwanis Club and tell them of my goals and ambitions for the year as well as establish a better relation with the people who allow Key Club to function as well as it does. It was a wonderful experience meeting the Kiwanians who dedicate their time to serving the community and also establish further connections for service projects in the future. -Anthony Dang

Rushin' to the Club, On a Wednesday

After weeks of dedication and hours of preparation, Royal High's Key Club was ready to make a grand impression on the Class of '20. Prior to the event my board and a handful volunteers gathered to discuss tactics and methods to attract new members to this great organization. We decided to show them a small taste of Fall Rally and as satisfy their sweet tooth. Sitting behind a cabinet in the CCC was a lonely, neglected narwhal; although it has seen better days, it still had potential. For club rush I refurbished the narwhal, adding a new glow to it's old dusty self in order to show the new members our division mascot, the symbol of D42E. My members also urged me to take a step further, they wanted me to show my spirit. As president I knew what I had to do, it was my true calling-I wore bright purple short-shorts. After a lunchlong hour of answering questions, telling of my Key Club experiences, and explaining what this wonderful organization has to offer, Royal's Key Club was proud to hold over 180 signatures for the new year. -Anthony Dang


Santa Susana Kiwanis Car Show

With this being my third year volunteering at the Kiwanis Car Show, I was so excited to be able to help out again. Every year our Kiwanis has a contest where people can enter their beautiful cars in different categories. Three other Key Clubbers from Santa Susana and myself helped out all morning selling raffle tickets, setting up the contest, and advertising. Even though it started raining during the event, there was still a great turn out to this annual event. I always love helping out our Kiwanis at their events as they are constantly there to support us at ours. Breanna Scranton

Little Dresses for Africa:

On September 19th, Santa Susana Key Club made dresses for African girls out of pillowcases. We all went to the park for a few hours and created about fifteen dresses. Each dress only required a pillowcase and some bias tape. We all had an amazing time bonding while helping children who do not have adequate clothing. The dresses were sent off to the organization, so the girls should be receiving them soon! Breanna Scranton


Simi Valley

D42E Kiwanis 50th Anniversary

On Friday November 6th, Simi Valley Kiwanians all gathered around at Lost Canyons Golf Course to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Division 42 East Kiwanis! Lieutenant governors, presidents, and board members all gathered together for this special event with cheers and joy. From key club, we had Lieutenant Governor Kevin Nguyen from Moorpark, Royal President Anthony Dang with his vice president Jonathan Chang, Simi Valley President Stephanie Lee with her vice president and Secretary, Savannah Rasmussen and Katrina Delos Reyes, attend this

wonderful event. There was delicious food and great company as the

Kiwanis LTG cut the ribbon to mark the celebration. Towards the end of the event, there was “K-Too� hour meeting to discuss the Future events and progress of Key club! BY Stephanie Lee


Westlake Potential

Forty seven people. Isn't that great? I think that that's more than triple what we had last year. There was barely space left for the ones who walked in the door late. It's finally nice to have enough people so that students walking down the hallway shuffle in to whisper, "What's this club?" And you can't come in inconspicuously anymore; too many eyes. Not that it's ever a bad thing. By Andrew


After going to this rescue mission, I realized how fortunate I am living here in Thousand Oaks and having a family that provides me with a roof over my head and with food on the table. Knowing that such good people are faced with such hard lifestyles really makes you want to contribute more to your society and to help these people that are struggling. This is a really eye opening experience for anyone who would like to participate. By Sofia



LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR d42e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com





EXECUITIVE ASSISTANT d42e.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com

DIVISION SECRETARY d42e.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com

NEWS EDITOR d42e.cnhkc.tech@gmail.com chonykang@gmail.com


SPIRIT COORDINATIOR ranawakaravindu@gmail.com

MEMBER RECOGNITION emmytaketa@gmail.com

SERVICE PROJECTS Lamtracy18@gmail.com

SERVICE PROJECTS jessicay2010@yahoo.com

PTP FUNDRAISING Asiandumbledore.me@gmail.com

FALL RALLY FUNDRAISING lamkelley26@gmail.com





Thanks For Reading.

See You At The December DCM.

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