Narwhal News | D42E July 2014

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July 2014 | Volume VI | Issue 3

Narwhal News Division





Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 10 | D42E Moorpark | Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks | Westlake

Table of Contents A Message from your LTG 3 Past Events Ice Skating Fundraiser 4 Moorpark 5 Thousand Oaks 6 Newbury Park 6 Royal 7 Simi Valley 7 Westlake 7 Oak Park 8 Santa Susana 9

Meet the Club Presidents 10 T-Shirt Contest 14 ICON 15 Club Points 16 Upcoming Events 16 Contact Information 17

Hello Narwhals! School’s out! Not only am I excited that my life will no longer comprise of intense AP cramming, but I’m SUPER excited that I will have so much more time for SERVICE! The one thing I am MOST excited for is ICON! This will be my very first convention I get to go to and I absolutely can’t wait! I’ll be sure to take plenty of pictures :) I’ve actually had time to start working on a website! I’m not sure if it’ll be up by the time that this is published, but I’m working hard on it! Of course, it could never replace the newsletter, but it will definitely be a great resource! Don’t forget to have plenty of fun this summer! Relax and have fun serving! Also, I did get a haircut :) Swimming in Service,

Sally Deng

Editor’s Note

A Message from your LTG Hello, Division 42 East Narwhals! SCHOOL’S OUT! As time goes by during summer, it begins to be more and more challenging to find service, and before you know it, you’ll find it to be a habit. Service never stops, but I hope you find comfort in knowing that your division is ahrd at work in providing you opportunities of service, fun, and overall wonderful memories for all of you during summer. Be on the look out for even more amazing events! Be sure to also attend Officer Training Conference this month if you wish to learn more about the amazing organization we serve in and the amazing opportunities that it provides you in order to excel as future leaders! I’m always looking forward to more exciting times to come! I hope you all are too.

Swimming in service,

Joseph Ko


Moorpark and Santa Susana Ice Skating Fundraiser


Moorpark KEY CLUB BOWLING NIGHT by Nic Escudero The Key Club bowling night on Friday, May 16th that was co-hosted with Santa Susana Key Club had been jam-packed full of laughs, surprises, and overall excitement and happiness. It offered a night to hang out with some of your best friends, as well as meet with some of the other Key Club members from the division, all topped off with a few games of extremely competitive bowling. For all of this, who wouldn’t want to pay a few bucks to get in? I also should mention that the money is used as donations towards the Key Club ELIMINATE Project because tetanus sucks… a lot. So enjoying a night of bowling to the betterment of other people’s health definitely seemed like a fine deal to me.

MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE by Kevin Nguyen On Memorial Day, I worked with Moorpark Kiwanians to serve food and drinks to guests that were arriving at our town’s Memorial Day Service. It was an honor to be serving these families and to be hearing the service also. Meeting multiple soldiers personally and sharing stories with families that are affected by war, made the job much more interesting and pleasing to work at. I met a lot of people and gotten to know about the American Legion organization and what they’re about. Learning about multiple people’s experiences made me happy to be volunteering at such a great event.

FOOD PANTRY by William Hartono The food pantry was an amazing experience in which I was able to support my community and also have a memorable time doing so. As a team, we were able to sort hundreds of canned foods, produce a multitude of bags full of assorted goods, and destroy a massive sofa within the span of 2 hours. It allowed us to connect in ways we couldn’t before while helping to improve lives around the city. Afterwards, we also went out and had a delicious bacon-filled brunch at The Cactus Patch. We all had tons of fun and I would definitely go again!


Thousand Oaks STEVEN’S EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT by Sally Deng This was a great way to release stress after taking three SAT subject tests in a row. Three? I know; I’m crazy. This project was to improve Camp Alonim, a Jewish camp that hosts kids from all over the nation during summer break. We painted a bunch of pieces of wood, which stronger guys later assembled into benches, which gave their meeting area a new, fresh look. We also moved rocks around the fireplace to give it a more decorated look. Overall, it was actually extremely fun, and I’m so glad that Joseph, Gina, and Ryan decided to come help out even though they didn’t know Steven!

BUIDER’S CLUB by Sara Wilson Daniel, Hannah, Sally, and I visited the Builder’s Club at Los Ceritos on May 27th to share about Key Club. It was encouraging to see how enthusiastic the younger kids were about service and Kiwanis. The meeting was very organized and professional, and we heard all about the amazing things these members had accomplished over the year. I spoke about why Key Club is a great asset to the high school experience, hoping to recruit some new members next year!

Newbury Park SPECIAL OLYMPICS by Allen Jing It was a great experience to help in the Special Olympics because I helped a community that could not necessarily help themselves. We had fun playing basketball and watching/scorekeeping. I made a lot of new friends. It moved my heard to see the kids so happy.


Royal CROP HUNGER WALK by Kelley Lam In the past month or so, Royal’s Key Club attended the 7th Annual Crop Hunger Walk. There were a lot of people in the community that attended and it was a really fun thing to do. We saw people from Kiwanis, old teachers, Bank of America attendees, etc. Online they raised over $1,500! Also, everyone there definitely helped raise awareness on hunger with different signs we held up on our walk. It was an amazing experience and a great feeling knowing that you helped raise awareness and helped raise money for hunger.

Simi Valley CAJUN AND BLUES MUSIC FESTIVAL by Donna Rahgoshay Being part of the Cajun and Blues Music Festival during the Memorial Day Weekend of 2014 was a great experience. My job as a volunteer was to sell water and soda in the kids’ area. During my volunteering, I got to meet new people, who turn out to be seniors in my high school. They were nice and friendly, and so our volunteer was not dull for a moment. It was nice to hear music playing. Two different types of music (blues and zydeco) were playing from two stages. It was also nice to see people enjoying their time in the festival. Families can go near a stage and listen and dance to the music, eat different kinds of mouth-watering foods, like jambalaya, alligator on a stick, and BBQ, or shop at the many vendors. Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I am glad to take part of volunteering for the Cajun and Blues Music Festival.

Westlake ELIMINATE BRACELETS by Daniel Lee As a growing club, Westlake was able to accomplish a big milestone in many years. As a club we are proud to announce that we have raised over 60 dollars for the Eliminate project! As part of our project, many of our members went around school telling their peers of the awesome cause and selling bracelets with tags on them that explained the disease and our way of fighting back. We had a big success and were able to save 30+ babies.


Oak Park

GRADUATION FLOWER FUNDRAISER by Asumi Tsai On Wednesday, June 11th some of us participated in the selling of graduation flowers at Oak Park High School. We set up the stand, and offered flowers for the parents of the graduates. It was a fun experience to bond with club members, and even watch part of graduation. We sold a bunch of flowers and some bracelets as well. We raised a lot of money for Unicef, and it feels really good!

GRADUATION FLOWER FUNDRAISER by Irena Yang At the senior class graduation ceremony, Oak Park Key Club sold bouquets of flowers to help raise funds for Project Eliminate and UNICEF. It was fun setting up the stand and putting up the posters, and when parents started flocking to our table it felt so rewarding. When the ceremony began, I got emotional seeing all my senior friends graduating, so I too bought some flowers for them. In the end, we made almost $650.00! After such a great night, I cannot wait for the school year to begin!

GRADUATION FLOWER FUNDRAISER by James Whitely The flower fundraiser was a major success for our club! We were able to give parents beautiful purple and red bouquets that made their child’s graduation ceremony more meaningful. We ordered a few too many flowers, but because it was the first time doing this specific fundraiser, that is understandable, and we can make better estimates for next time for how many flowers need to be ordered. We generated $219.81 in revenues for Project Eliminate, and I had a lot of fun participating. I’m glad I had the chance to make someone’s high school graduation even more special!


Santa Susana ARROYO ELM. SPRING CARNIVAL by Breanna Scantron This is the second year in a row that I volunteered at the Arroyo Elementary Spring Carnival, and it was just as fun as the last time! I worked at the bouncy slide where 6 kids at a time got to go down the slide for a few minutes. It was so enjoyable seeing their smiling faces as they came down the slide. Working with kids is such a great experience that Key Club offers, and I hope that I will have more opportunities like this one!

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE by Justine Balster When I went to the Ronald McDonald house the other week, I had so much fun. We gave them the pop tabs we saved for all year and filled an entire trash can! I learned on the tour of the house that the pop tabs are used to pay for the electricity bill for the house. The house is used by parents who can’t go back and forth from house to hospital all the time, so they stay with their family there to help and support their family member. While there we brought a meal of love to give to the current families living there. We had lunch with two families, and although we had to speak with them through a translator, it was very interesting to see how long some of them had been there and what their child or family member was in the hospital for. One lady we spoke to had been using the house for over a year because her daughter was in the hospital with bone cancer, luckily she will be released in a few months. My experience at the Ronald McDonald house was a very nice and fun one, especially since a bunch of key clubbers joined us. I will definitely be coming back next time.

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE by Breanna Scantron On May 31st, I along with other members went to the Ronald McDonald House in Pasadena. We dropped off all of the Pop Tabs that we have been collecting that donate money to the foundation. We filled an entire trashcan! After we prepared a meal for all of the families living there. These families stay at the Ronald McDonald House while their children are receiving treatment for various illnesses. All of the families were very thankful for us bringing them a meal of love. Seeing the children there made me realize that we are really making a difference by collecting the pop tabs. I can’t wait to visit again next year!


Meet MOORPARK: Kevin Nguyen Hello Narwhals! My name is Kevin Nguyen, and I am the president from Moorpark… and the only male president in this division… Daniel Lee makes me cry at night. Lots of what I’m gonna say here are inside jokes, so please get to know me, and we’ll share some awkward memories together. I’m probably the most awkward person you’ll ever meet, but I love getting to know people! I like coffee and bacon with a passion that is comparable to the one I have for Key Club. Cross Country and Track (I’m a sprinter in Track, go figure) used to be my favorite sports until I discovered that I’m uncoordinated on ice and sprained my ankle. From that day on, I swore my allegiance to focus on clubs and academics for my upcoming year as a junior. Some other things you don’t really need to know about me are: -I think I have ADHD; my doctors have never really confirmed it. -I listen to lots of Indie music and wear fake glasses with polo’s to be hipster sometimes. -I have a cat named Teddy. He is black. -I’m always on Facebook, so add me, and also on Instagram and Snapchat (xkevster). In all seriousness, I’m proud to be representing my club for this upcoming year and to serve with the division also. Our club just joined the division, for those aware, and we’re constantly working on adjusting and improvements. Excellence is the key to success, and I always stride for perfection whenever I can. Sometimes to achieve who are unsuch a magnificent feat, you need to work with others and learn from each other, which is my goal for this upcoming year: to learn and cooperate. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with everyone, and may this year be one of our best.

NEWBURY PARK: Diana Tai Hello! My name is Diana Tai and I am going to be a senior at Newbury Park High School this coming fall. I’m excited to be serving our club once again. Last year, I was the club secretary, and before that I had been a member since freshman year. I really enjoyed my Key Club experience, so I want to be able to give back to this club which has helped me grow and learn so much, and I want to expose future members to the same amazing opportunities I was lucky enough to have. This term, I look forward to retaining membership, encouraging more member participation in service, and inspiring club involvement in division and district level events. This year, the rest of my board consists of all sophomores, so I am especially hopeful that their youth will help attract the younger crowd and that their expertise in all things narwhal will help bring about prosperity and success to the Newbury Park Key Club for years to come. I can’t wait to see what lies in store for us this year!


the OAK PARK: Irena Yang and Tyler Smith (right) Hi I’m Irena Yang and I’m super excited to be the next co-president for Oak Park Key Club. Besides Key Club, I am actively involved in my school’s Future Business Leaders of America, Solar Cup, and Journalism Club. I am also extremely passionate about all things art and tennis related. I am so grateful to have an amazing team of officers and advisers this year to help Tyler and me achieve all our goals. I hope that this year we can involve more students on campus in our activities and help the community along the way! (left) I am one of the co-presidents for the Oak Park Key Club. Although the new board only recently took over the old one, as a co-president it was my job to step up to the leadership roles. Irena, our other co-president, and I finished the year with the Graduation Fundraiser we had been planning for a couple months. Our plan was to sell flowers at graduation and donate the profits to UNICEF. We also took over the day to day club duties such as coordinating the meetings, leading the meetings, and setting up the fundraisers. Because it is only the beginning of our term and the end of the school year was coming fast, Irena and I adopted a lot of the techniques used by the old presidents. They made the club more successful during their term than the club had ever been. They also taught us all the skills we would need to run the club. Although we will be introducing new ideas and fundraisers after a summer of planning, we are really fortunate to have had such amazing mentors that have led us thus far. We are looking for a very successful Key Club year.

ROYAL: Kelley Lam I’m 16 and I will be a junior next year. I used to be in Royal Cheer for 2 years and along with Key Club, I am in NHS, National Math Honor Society, and CSF. I am naturally a very competitive person (not sure if that’s good or not lol). I have the BIGGEST fear of spiders (if you were at Key Leader you would know this) and an unhealthy fear of scary movies. Do not ever expect me to watch things like the Conjuring because it WILL NOT happen. I once watched a scary movie and had nightmares for the whole week. I’ve always loved going on rollercoasters and doing things that will pump up your adrenaline. For example, I really want to go skydiving because it seems awesome!! Also, I love meeting new people and making new friends, which was one of the reasons I joined Key Club! Going back to school related things, I want to either go to UCLA, Columbia University, or Harvard. My interests are kind of scattered because I want to do something in the Medical Field, Government, or Criminal Justice/Law. Lastly, a random fact: food is my life.


Club SANTA SUSANA: Lorraine Ador Hello My Lovely Narwhals! My name is Lorraine Ador and I am honored to be Santa Susana High School’s Key Club President! Many of you may not know me but don’t be afraid to say hello at any of the DCMS or other division events. I am a really friendly person and I love to laugh and smile A LOT. I love going to different places and eating FOOD LOL. I also like to sleep and watch Netflix all day. But, aside from being a lazy teenager, I am PASSIONATE about helping others and community service. That is why I joined Key Club :D Although it’s cliche for me to say that Key Club has changed my life, it LITERALLY has changed my life LOL. I started Key Club as a little freshman and now I am merging into my senior year as one of the eight presidents in our division. With that being said, I know that ALL of YOU have the potential to become a leader within our Division or even our District. Key Club to me has not only created a circle of friends from different cities but it also has opened doors for new opportunities. I have learned how to become a better leader and I’ve gained so many experiences in which I will cherish forever. Whether it be from the people that I’ve met through my service or the smiles that I’ve seen from the people I’ve helped, Key Club is the high school experience that I have hoped for. So, don’t ever be afraid to ask me anything about Key Club or just to talk and become friends! WE ARE ALL ONE OHANA and GIRL, THAT MEANS FAMILY<3

SIMI VALLEY: Donna Rahgoshay As Simi Valley High School’s Key Club President, I hope to better our community by letting SVHS Key Club members know about events that they can help out at! I want this world to be a better place and to do that we have to start somewhere. I’m so glad to have joined Key Club and ran for president because I know it will help make me and people around me better leaders! Knowing that someone like me can make such a difference and have such an impact on this world is an incredible thing to know. This upcoming year, we are going to make an amazing impact with the Eliminate Project and eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus throughout the world. I also like to play sports, play music, and go shopping in my free time. Donating money is a wonderful thing, I know, however I need to go shopping every once in a while or else I just don’t feel right. Clothes are equivalent to food in my eyes. Food is pretty great too. Food is like fuel to get our engines running every day. So, we’re pretty much cars. No wonder the world is so polluted. I guess if you’re reading this, there’s one thing to get out from it: clothes=cars? Don’t forget to fuel up!


Presidents THOUSAND OAKS: Sara Wilson I’ve always had a heart for service; ever since I was in third grade, I’d tag along with my dad whenever he went to volunteer at the food bank or work at a hospital event. The feeling I get when someone’s day--or even week--is made because of the work I’M doing is incomparable to anything else. Key Club is amazing because it’s allowed me to meet and volunteer alongside people just like me. People who are driven by their compassion and amazing attitudes. People who realize there is a world outside of their iPhones and social spheres. It’s sort of like while our peers are trying to figure out just who they are, us Key Clubbers already know the type of people we are and will continue to be. We already understand that our joy comes from the joy of others. Other things that make up me, besides volunteering, is a love for cats (I have three: Janice, Ethel, and Dale) a desire to become a professional editor (Time Magazine is the dream, but will settle for anything of that caliber), and a ridiculous amount of shoes (It’s my guilty pleasure, and I wish I could resist the urge every time Jeffrey Campbell sweetly whispers my name across the Nordstrom shoe department.) I’m a pretty awkward person, but I don’t bite. Just meow. Say hey to me! I hope I can pass on my enthusiasm for service to the members I serve and be an encouraging example. Let’s make the rest of this term great!

WESTLAKE: Daniel Lee » Neida Franco

(top) Being in Key Club for the past two years has definitely left an indelible mark on my high school career and life. I learned a lot from the experience of serving as a member and a division leadership team member. Having the opportunity to serve others from a unique position as a Key Club member is definitely rewarding and I can say from my experience that I grew a lot as a human through this organization. Although I unfortunately be leaving this division and my home club I will never forget the great memories I made in this club. I am extremely grateful for this awesome organization and I hope to further my Key Club experience at my new school. (bottom) My name is Neida Franco and I am an incoming senior. This will be my second year at Westlake High School and I have had the great opportunity to be elected president of Key Club. This year will be my 3rd year as a member of the club. At my previous school, Sierra Pacific, in Hanford, California (D18W), I was Vice President of our club so I have experience being an officer. Key Club brings me so much happiness and is one of the few clubs I am truly passionate about. My plans for this year is to get the club very active in the community and to have more people join, especially in time for Fall Rally! I hope to make this year a great one and if you ever see me at an event, don’t be afraid to come up and say hello! I look forward to this year with you all!



ICON IS COMING UP! All ICON attendees should have received a confirmation packet that outlines the schedule, dress code, and required paperwork. All of this ICON information was released on June 20th. Any changes made after that are not reflected in this newsletter.


DON’T FORGET THE INCLUDED PAPERWORK: - Medical Form - Code of Conduct - Certificate of Election As you are packing, check the DRESS CODE found on page 4 of the confirmation packet!



Club Points Articles Visuals Moorpark 3 3 Newbury Park 1 Oak Park 3 3 Royal 1 Santa Susana 3 3 Simi Valley 1 1 Thousand Oaks 2 2 Westlake 1 Club Points won’t only be based on Article and Visual submission, but I just haven’t gotten all the information regarding DCM attendance, money raised for Eliminate, etc.

Division Council Meeting July 12th

More info to come!

International Convention July 2-6


Contact Information Lieutenant Governer Joseph Ko

Executive Assistant

Katie Dizon


Justin Kawaguchi

News Editor

Sally Deng

Director of Finance Jessica Ji

Fundraising Coordinator Reshmika Ramesh

Fundraising Coordinator Juliana Nghiem

Fundraising Coordinator Chris Lee

Spirit Coordinator

Brenda Zhao


Thanks for reading!

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