Narwhal News | D42E May 2014

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May 2014 | Volume VI | Issue 1

Narwhal News Division





Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 10 | D42E

Moorpark | Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks | Westlake

Table of Contents A Message from your LTG 3 2014-2015 Division Leadership Team 4-7 Past Events Simi Valley 8 Moorpark 8 Thousand Oaks 9 Oak Park 9 Newly Chartered Club 10-11 Key Leader 12 EliMiNaTe Week 13 EliMiNaTe Project 14-15 Upcoming Events 16 Contact Information 17

A Message from your LTG Has it already been a month since my term began? Time really flies. During this hectic month, we've not only accomplished so much for the Eliminate Project, but we've also brought the division together. You've all shown how much you're willing to put into this division. I'm putting my heart and my passion into this amazing organization because I love the things that I do. It's all thanks to you that we've come this far. I still have a lot to learn. I realize that I've been taking tasks alone and was afraid of the stress. I don’t want to let all of you down, and I remember that I promised you I won’t. I’ll continue to improve. I’m learning each and every day, and I’ll make sure that I will bring this narwhal nation up, but it can only be done with your help. I’m blessed to serve this amazing division. Sometimes, when you are doing something you love, you tend to get lost in it. It’s sometimes sad to remember that I am also a student who is sad to say that I face the problems of AP testing. I’ve been struggling with balancing Key Club and work for weeks, while studying for many AP tests. It’s a hectic and stressful lifestyle. However, I learned something new. When I was struggling, I realized that I am not alone, and none of you should feel alone either. In whatever you do, remember that we’re a service organization built off of our four core values: Caring, inclusiveness, character building, and leadership. Not only do you have an amazing Key Club board on your side, but you also have the members! Talk with them, volunteer with them, and realize that we’re one big family who cares about service and why we do it. We have a whole year together! We’ll make it amazing. Swimming in service,

Joseph Ko


Meet the EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hello there, lovely Narwhals! My name is Katie Dizon, and I’m in the 9th grade. My favorite color is pink and I like Kit Kats. Our motto in Key Club is “Caring - Our way of life”. My goal this year is to promote friendship and to bond our ohana better. Ohana: That’s the goal!

Katie Dizon

Don’t be afraid to stop by and talk to me, I love getting to know people! :)

SECRETARY Justin Kawaguchi

Hi! My name is Justin Kawaguchi and I am proud to serve the D42E Narwhals as Division Secretary! I am currently a freshman at Newbury Park High School and work to serve my high school club as Treasurer. I promise to work hard to successfully fulfill my position and look forward to a great year filled with amazing opportunities. Thanks! -Justin Kawaguchi


Division NEWS EDITOR Sally Deng Hello Narwhals! I cannot even put into words how incredibly honored I am to serve as your News Editor. I am extremely excited for the upcoming 2014-2015 term, and I know that with a Division such as ours, it’s going to be great. Oh by the way, I’m Sally. :) I look forward to creating the newsletter and I am determined to do my best! I also really like meeting people! I’m a little quiet, but I open up really quickly, so don’t be afraid to come up to me! (I’m the one on the right)

DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Jessica Ji Hey Narwhals! I’m Jessica and I am thrilled to be serving you again this year. I, along with your lovely fundraising coordinators, have a lot of fundraisers planned and I am excited to see what this upcoming year brings. Some fun facts about me: My favorite things in the whole wide world are chocolate-covered strawberries, I despise exercise, and I am so proud to be a D42E Narwhal! Cheers to a great year :)


Leadership FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR Reshmika Ramesh

Hi! My name is Reshmika and I am one of the fundraising coordinators. I can’t wait to work with all of you and make Division 42 East one of the best! I play the violin and piano and I love to travel. This past summer I went to Alaska and Hawaii. Key club is obviously my favorite club, and I am really grateful to have the chance to meet so many amazing people. I really want to get to know every single of you, so if you see me around say “hi.” Please feel free to email me with any suggestions or questions that you may have.

FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR Juliana Nghiem Hi fellow Narwhals! My name is Juliana Nghiem and I am one of your Fundraising Coordinators for the 2014-15 year. I am from Simi High School and play Girls Tennis and used to play Girls Soccer. There isn’t much to know about me except that I like chocolate and eating in general. I look forward to serving all of you and let’s all strive for an amazing Key Club year full of service and memories! :)



Dear Division 42 East, I'm excited to serve as fundraising coordinator for the 20142015 term. I hope that this season will be filled with great service opportunities, amazing charitable fundraisers, and of course entertaining social opportunities to ensure that this division represents the hard work that we all put into making the Division 42 East Narwhals stand out! We are truly an extraordinary division and I can't wait to meet more and more people during the upcoming year. Best, Chris

SPIRIT COORDINATOR Brenda Zhao Hey guys! I’m Brenda, your new spirit coordinator for the 2014-2015 term. My job is to get people pumped up about key club, and establish unification and communication within the district. I hope to serve all of you well, and keep up the spirit woo!


Simi Valley SIMI VALLEY ROUND UP by Carly Balster Round up was so fun and I was happy to be able to do it as second year in a row. I, along with other Key Clubbers, ran a section of the "Kidz Korall" and helped out with the Kiwanis food truck. I, myself, got to do both! I helped out in the Kid's Zone for a good six hours, and then moved on to the food truck for another three with my friend, Kyle Graziano. The day itself was absolutely beautiful, and the music wasn't too bad either. I had so much fun playing games and meeting new kids. I can't wait for next year!



There were 4 awesome volunteers who showed up and worked with the librarian and Moorpark Kiwanians with cleaning the library and organizing books. -by Oliver Goch: At the Moorpark City Library, which is a great place for renting books, I volunteered for a couple hours. During my time there, I organized books and DVDs. I enjoyed giving back to the people who have given me so much. It was a very rewarding experience that I would love to do again. I would go again if I were given the opportunity. The whole event taught me a lot about giving back to the community.

BLUES FESTIVAL by Kevin Nguyen The Blues Festival was a huge event for our club to be a part of. We had 9 volunteers, who graciously helped out with Moorpark Kiwanians with parking and other tasks that were assigned to them. -by Anisha Patel: The blues festival was a fun, new experience that I would definitely participate in again. Being with friends, listening to great music all day, and being able to help others at the same time all amounted up to a great memory. Representing key club and my school on top of that made it even better.


Thousand Oaks GIVE BACK GAME by Sara Wilson The Give Back Game was a charity basketball game we held on March 29. Many local organizatioins were involved, including our very own Oak Park HS Key Club. (Sorry we beat you guys! All in good fun.) 100 percent of ticket sales, raffle sales, and other donations went directly to Manna, which helps thousands of families around our community have sufficient meals. This event has grown over the last few years, and this year we raised $5100! I was so proud of not only the members I serve as president, but of the different members of the community who came out to support us. It was definitely a highlight of the year.

Oak Park CAROLING AT SUNRISE SENIOR CENTER by Irena Yang This month a group of Oak Park Key Clubbers and I participated in a springtime caroling event at the Sunrise Senior Center in Thousand Oaks. It was incredibly fun to sing—sometimes off key—with my friends and enjoy a day spent by giving back. What I didn’t expect, however, was how amazing I felt as I watched some people sing along to songs they loved. It was also great to showcase many hidden talents in our club, from stand out vocalists to musicians. After the singing was over, we mingled with the audience and talked to some of the elderly about our wonderful trip. Many of them recalled fond memories that were evoked by certain songs and it felt satisfying knowing we could make such an impact on their day. I won’t forget how amazing the feeling was and I hope to experience it again during the holiday season!

KEY LEADER by Tyler Smith This past weekend I attended Key Leader in Santa Barbara. This trip was one of the best experiences I have ever had, and I am so thankful that 3 people from our Key Club were sponsored. When I arrived to the camp, I found that it was in a beautiful area, ripe with green grasses and wild flowers. Although I had come with two friends from my school’s key club, I was very nervous about meeting new people. My fear soon disappeared; the other campers were some of the nicest people I have ever met. I quickly bonded with my neighborhood group and countless others. By the end of the short weekend, I can confidently say I found some great new friends. At the camp, we learned what makes a good leader and did a lot of activities that involved trust, teamwork, and communication in a group. The weekend was also one of introspection as we set individual goals for the future. Overall, the camp had an amazing sense of community that I never thought was possible. It truly was a great place to learn and meet new people from Southern California.


Get to know Moorpark Key Club IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Danielle Ip

Kevin Nguyen - Danielle Ip was an amazing President. Even though we weren’t part of the Division yet, she was such an energetic person. I never understood how she could be so awesome, yet be involved with all the activities that she was in! A moment I could never forget was when she got pied in the face in an effort to fundraise for Eliminating Tetanus. She is a very spirited, positive person and always had a smile on her face. You will always be a part of the K-Family, and thank you for bringing the club to where it is today. Danielle Ip - HOW DO I FEEL? Nostalgic. Honestly, I thought that all of the hectic organizing and random, temporary bouts of fury and distress would leave me absolutely resolved from being president, but the last meeting confirmed that I was horribly mistaken. Key Club/KIWIN’S was a wonderful experience, and my experiences at DCON, service events, and fundraisers— both the good and the ugly— only reinforce my belief that this club bundles all of the qualities one could ever want or look for. So, as I relayed the torch to another person, my term as the essentially-what-felt-like-forever-Queen-B-presidency came to a close; I ultimately felt relieved that such a great club was in the hands of a super young man by the glorious name of Kev.


Kevin Nguyen - As president so far, I have gained so much knowledge from individuals around me. Much of my valuable training, so far, have come from my old president, meeting with the LTGs, and Key Leader--- Also support from my members, officers, and Narwhals! Although it is a difficult task, I believe I can handle this role and fulfill my duties. Thanks to the people around me with all of their warm welcomes, wishes, and support! I will proceed with my journey and continue to get to know the division and enjoy the experience. Key Leader Insight: To those who struggle with public speaking, go for it because people aren’t as judgmental as you think. Also, don’t drink too much coffee. #Diversity Jamie Gavino - Attending the Key Leader Conference was so beneficial to me. Not only did I become acquainted with fellow members and officers within our division, I learned the qualities and values a true leader must have. I know each and every one of us has the capability to be a leader and my goal is to create one out of everyone this year. If you don't mind staying up late, meeting new friends, and the wilderness, I definitely recommend others to experience this trip to gain more knowledge on how to be a key leader. #coldshowerscouldntholdmeback Samantha Nesheiwat - My overall experience as an Historian has truly been a blast so far!!! When I had first started, I did not know what to expect and didn't really know too many people, but everyone in Key Club is so welcoming and bubbly; I do not felt like a stranger. The officer team have been helping me in and outside of school, guiding me to succeed in my position. I look forward to going to every club meetings because everyone is so happy and cheerful; my spirit is always lifted. In this club, not only did I get to know many people from my school, but I hope to get to know people in the division as well. Key Club is a wonderful club that has made me realize that school is not only about stressing out about tests, but also to interact with your community and friends.


“I'm SUPER excited that Moorpark is joining the division! We'll have more people to add to our ohana!!!” - Katie Dizon, Santa Susana "The more the merrier! We're excited to welcome Moorpark to our ohana" - Jessica Ji, Oak Park “I am very excited to know that Moorpark has joined our division 42 east ohana! I've always waited for Moorpark to become part of our division and I'm very excited to know that they have joined the family. As a key clubber, I am excited to volunteer together as a family and help the community together! I can't wait to volunteer and bond with the Moorpark key club! I can't wait to see Moorpark's amazing works and the projects they'll accomplish! Let's go D42E mighty narwhals! And welcome Moorpark key club! :)” -Jiwoo Kim, Simi Valley "Moorpark is a fantastic addition to our division! More people is always better when it comes to service; I can’t wait to meet all the new people that will be adding to this division’s success.” - Chris Lee, Oak Park “We have been trying to get Moorpark chartered since the many years I have heard about key club from my sisters. Finally it has come to that time! I'm so excited to have Moorpark as part of our ohana because this has been a goal of ours and it's nice to see it finally come true. Since Moorpark is so close to us we can have joint service projects with them and they will help us better our surrounding communities. Although this club is new I can not wait to see how much they will grow through out the year. I am excited to meet the members of Moorpark Key Club at the next division council meeting.” - Gina Apinyavat, Simi Valley “Reason to why I'm excited for Moorpark Keyclub: To go to Fall Rally with my boyfriend haha” - Jessical Cornel, Santa Susana


Key Leader 2014 Reflection by Carlo Cruz-Albrecht - Oak Park Key Club

This weekend I attended Key Leader at Circle V Camp in Santa Barbara, a weekend packed with fun, leadership, and little sleep. The two-night trip covered topics on Service Leadership, integrity, respect, growth and being part of a community. The messages had a great impact through open discussion and speaking to new people. My favorite part of the weekend was meeting new people from all over the region — those from Key Club, Builders Club, and Kiwin’s. Though I am not a social person, going outside of my comfort zone and meeting new people was incredibly rewarding. Being open and friendly and taking risks is part of being a Key Leader. I also learned that leadership should be a fun collaboration! The outdoor courses were incredibly exciting challenges which required teamwork and communication; in the process a fun experience! Key Leader was inspirational and I hope to use what I learned in Key Club next year.


Eliminate Week is the week leading up to Mother’s Day! Division Executive Assitant Katie Dizon came up with this great list of ways to promote the Eliminate Project! - Change your Facebook profile picture or cover photo with a “The Eliminate Week” picture! - Post pictures or videos ( watch?v=0FY_sBrN3pk&feature=share is a great video to use) about the project via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. (for Twitter, the official hashtag is #Elimin8) - Talk about why The Eliminate Project is important to YOU - Post fliers around school - Promote fundraisers and events (ie. bracelets, paper flowers, stuffed animals, NPHS student pageant, SSHS bowling)

And for any additional information or any resources, check out !

Eliminate Week is May 5-9




What is the ELIMINATE Project? With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60, 000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating— tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch.

Eliminate Facts & Statistics  1 baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus  160 babies die each day from tetanus  3 doses of tetanus vaccine = immunity from tetanus  Woman + vaccine = protected baby  US$1.80 protects 1 mother and her future children  The Eliminate Project saves & protects millions of moms & babies  Using this average, Kiwanis will help save or protect more than 61 million mothers and their future babies.  There are 34 countries left with maternal and neonatal tetanus.  There are 25 countries that have eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus.  As of June 15, 2012, The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis's global campaign for children, in partnership with UNICEF, has raised $14,090,137.04 in cash and pledges.  Elimination = <1 case of MNT per 1,000 live births  Kills nearly 60,000 newborn children and a significant number of mothers every year  The Eliminate Project is the Kiwanis family’s biggest campaign for children yet.


To eliminate MNT from the Earth, more than 60 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million- and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family.

What is Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus? In 34 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. Tetanus not only kills newborns, but also their mothers too. MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care. Maternal and neonatal tetanus represents a very high proportion of the total tetanus disease burden due mainly to inadequate immunization services, limited or absent clean delivery services and improper post-partum cord care. The majority of mothers and newborns dying of tetanus live in Africa and Southern and East Asia, generally in areas where women are poor, have little access to health care, and have little information about safe delivery practices.

What does the money fundraised help provide? The money raised for this project will help provide an estimated 387 million doses of the vaccine. The Eliminate Project will deliver life saving vaccines to the most vulnerable women and children in the world: those in remote and difficult to reach areas; conflict zones; and with little access to healthcare.

Our Current Progress: Since 1999, UNICEF and partners have eliminated MNT in 25 countries. In 2010 UNICEF welcomed the announcement of a new partnership with Kiwanis International to fight MNT. As of April 1, 2012, MNT remains a public health threat in 35 countries. Today, MNT remains in 34 countries across the globe. So far, Kiwanis has raised 14 million out of our 110 million dollar goal by the year 2015. 34 Countries with Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus: Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote D’Ivoire, DRC (Congo), Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mali, Gabon, The Gambia, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Afghanistan, India (18 of 33 states), Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Haiti, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Philippines

25 Countries that have ELIMINATED Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus:

Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Comoros, Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, GuineaBissau, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam

Get Your Club Involved! Educate.  Reach out using social media with news, stories, and inspiration to moti-

vate members and non-members.  Tell members about the Eliminate Project at meetings. Share photos, vid-

eos, and presentations.  Invite health professionals, Eliminate Project officials, or Kiwanis members

to club meetings to talk about the dangers of MNT and the Eliminate Project.  Explain the positive impact the Kiwanis family is making and the plan to Eliminate!

Resources Website: Twitter: #Elimin8 Facebook: TheEliminateProject YouTube: TheEliminateProject The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA (317) 217-6213; (317) 471-8323 (fax)



One of the best ways is to give gifts!  Gifts from local fundraisers, local businesses and companies  Pledges from your club treasury, individual club members  Pledges from within your Kiwanis family


 Host events for mothers in the community  Host a community baby shower for an organization that supports new

mothers.  Host a concert or breakfast for local mothers.  Search for local outreach programs at local hospitals, schools, and daycares.

CNH Goal: $500,000 by 2015!

Updated by: Kiwanis Family & Foundation Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District August 2012



Upcoming Events Division Council Meeting May 19

Rancho Madera Community Park 556 Lake Park Dr. More info to come!

Stud Pageant May 3

Newbury Park High School PAC Event begins at 7pm Tickets will be sold for $7 at the door

Bowling Fundraiser May 16

Brunswick Zone 5255 Cochran St. Event runs from 7pm to 9pm

Contact Information Lieutenant Governer Joseph Ko

Executive Assistant

Katie Dizon


Justin Kawaguchi

News Editor

Sally Deng

Director of Finance Jessica Ji

Fundraising Coordinator Reshmika Ramesh

Fundraising Coordinator Juliana Nghiem

Fundraising Coordinator Chris Lee

Spirit Coordinator

Brenda Zhao


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