June Newsletter 2017

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Official Division 46 North Newsletters

The Red Panda Press Volume V Issue II

June Edition Beyer | Central Catholic | Enochs | Grace Davis | Gregori | Modesto | Peter Johansen | Riverbank | Sonora | Vanguard Prep Academy

Division 46 North | Region 12 | CNH District



4 Message from the LTG 5 Message from the DNE 6 Old Business 10 New Business


Member Recognition


Meet the DLT 16

Contact Us


LETTER FROM THE LTG Hello Division 46 North Red Pandas! It has been a little over a month since the term has started, and I'd like to say we are off to a great start. In the month of April, we were able to accumulate over 600 hours and $200 for PTP, which is more than we did during last term's month of April. However, to reach our goal of 9,000 hours and $5,000 raised for charity, we all need to work even harder in fulfilling our duties effectively and in a timely manner. I know we are capable of reaching this goal because we have some of the most hardworking, determined, and passionate individuals as part of our division. Also, I would like to say thank you to all of the new officers for what they have done in the month of April. Although they have just begun to take charge, many clubs are already improving from last year, and I have seen so many of them express a great love and excitement for Key Club and the upcoming term. I truly do believe that if every member, officer, and advisor works cooperatively together this year, we can make the 2017-2018 term the best one our division has ever seen. Overall, thank you everyone for your participation so far and I look forward to what the rest of this term has to offer!

Philip Gergis Division 46 North LTG

LETTER FROM THE DNE Hello hello hello Red Pandas! My name is Kale Valdez, and I am honored to serve as your 2017-2018 Division News Editor.! I love Key Club, and I am so incredibly excited for everything the new term will bring. I hope that this term we can make Division 46 North, bigger, brighter, and better than ever before. I’m so excited to get to make new friends and get to know everyone, and interact with all of you throughout the term! I know it is going to be a great one. I became Division News Editor because I wanted to be able to collect and display all our memories in a format that we can look back on. I want everyone to see all the wonderful work we do, and how much fun we have doing it. I am incredibly excited, and I can’t wait to make new memories with you.

Kale Valdez Division 46 North DNE

MS Walk

At the MS Walk, we volunteered at a walk dedicated to raising money and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis, and our jobs ranged from set up, to snack preparation, to selling raffle tickets, handing out medals, and helping with breakdown. This event was not only fun, but the energy radiating from all the volunteers and participants alike was incredibly enjoyable. Not to mention there were a lot of cute dogs. My favorite part was handing out medals to the walkers completing the race, I loved rewarding them for their work and cheering them on as the crossed the finish line. MS walk is definitely one of my favorite Key Club events so far, and I'm excited to volunteer at next year's walk as well!

Kale Valdez, Enochs High School

At Ride for Mom, volunteers often manned the rest stops, providing refreshments and snacks to the bikers that would stop by during their ride. Other volunteers were enthusiastic bellringers, encouraging every biker that crossed their path to keep on pedaling!


Looking Ahead



hat are we doing next?

American Graffiti Festival The American Graffiti Festival is an annual car show event that North Modesto Kiwanis holds every year. This year, the event is taking place on June 9th through June 11th, and many volunteers are needed. The event takes place at the Municipal Golf Course and 4 volunteers are needed on June 9th from 7am to 9am. On June 10th, 4 volunteers are needed for parking at each of these shifts: 8am to 10am, 10am to 12pm, and 12pm to 2pm, Also, 4 volunteers are needed for ecology from 11am to 1pm, 1pm to 3pm, and 3pm to 5pm. On June 11th, the same amount of volunteers are needed for the same shifts as those on Saturday.

Johansen Relay for Life

The Johansen Relay for Life is an event that promotes cancer research and helps to fundraise for charities that do their best to fight it off. This year, the relay for life is taking place at Johansen High School on June 17th from 9am to 9am the next day. Members are encouraged to go join the D46N Team and stay at the event as long as they can. If any clubs would like to sell anything as a fundraiser for the charity, than please contact the Lt. Governor

This member has become much more involved with Key Club during the month of April. Not only has he gotten over 25 hours of service already, but he has been to nearly every single event the club has had in the past month. He is doing everything he can to become more involved with his club and the division, and is aiming to get the MRP Gold Level award by the end of the term. He has already done so much at the beginning of this year, and we hope he continues to do so throughout his time in Key Club.

This club has continued to work constantly in order to improve themselves. For the month of April, they were able to get over 150 hours, submitted everything on time, had several members attend each event, and always kept in touch with the Lt. Governor. This club has always been hardworking and spirited, and I am grateful to see that they have continued to do so in this past month!

This officer has always been active within their club and has contributed so much to it. She is always going to several club events, is constantly communicating with the Lt. Governor, makes sure tasks and submissions are done on time, and she is basically the glue that holds the club together. She has always been an exceptional officer and we all appreciate what she has done for Key Club in the past month.

This faculty advisor has proven to always be extremely involved with the cub they serve. From organizing events, to giving rides for members, to communicating with the officers and t. Governor, and doing everything they can to help the club, he has shown how exceptional of an advisor he is. The club would definitely have a lot more work without his assistance, and we appreciate all he's done in the past month for the members!

MEET THE DLT Hello Division 46 North! My name is Marcos Alberto and I am proud to announce that I will be apart of Division 46 North Leadership team for the 2017-2018 term. I am also Vanguard College Preparatory Academy's Secretary for this term as well. This is going to be my fourth term with key club. I am an outgoing and unique person too, in case you couldn't tell! If you see me around, say Hi! I won't bite. Lets make this year a year to remember.

MARCOS ALBERTO Executive Assistants Hi Red Pandas! Who am I you ask? WELL… My name is Christine To and i’ll be serving as your 2017-2018 Executive Assistant for D46N! I'm currently a Junior , and an incoming Senior at Joseph A. Gregori High School. This will be my FOURTH and FINAL YEAR being in Key Club. Some other curriculars that I participate in are Global Club, Broadcasting/Journalism, and Project Change! As for sports, I’m in Cross Country, as well as Track & Field! During my free time I LOVE to take NAPS, or I try to catch up with my family members. I look forward to seeing each and everyone of YA’LLS BEE-utiful SOULS pour out with passion for service throughout my term. LETS CLIMB OUR WAY TO THE TOP OF THE BAMBOO STICK OF SERVICE RED PANDAS!



Hello, my name is Alyssa Mariz Carmen Cubillian De Jesus Cash from James C. Enochs High School. I am currently a sophomore but I will be serving as your Spirit Coordinator for the year 2017-2018! Alongside with my other Spirit Coordinator partners, I plan to make improvements in division events as well as create new chants for district events to provide more recognition toward our small yet lively division!

I’m Caleb Hernandez, spirit coordinator of Division 46 North. I go to Gregori High School in Salida, California. I’m an A-B student, who knows a lot of people but chooses to hang out with only three people. I plan to accomplish many things while I’m serving as spirit coordinator. First I plan to make amazing cheers for our division. I plan to make Key Club a fun and welcoming club!





Hey Red Pandas! I’m Simon Carmona and I’m one of your three spirit coordinators. I’m currently a sophomore and I attend Enochs High School! I like to eat, sleep, and most of all procrastinate on all of my homework. As your spirit coordinatorI can get to know members individually. Not only that,but I also hope to inspire others in volunteering events with me, and help lead the Red Pandas in winning that spirit stick for the upcoming FRN!

MEET THE DLT Hello! My name is Mia Hargrave, I’m a sophomore at James C. Enochs High School, and I’m one of Division 46 North’s Fundraiser Coordinators! In my term as Fundraiser coordinator, It’s my goal to achieve my Lieutenant Governor's goal of raising $5,000 for charity. In order to do this, I will create or find events that will get members more involved and persuade more activity in our ever-growing club. I plan to create community fundraiser events that will encourage members along with non-members to come out and help raise money for charity. In my experience in key club, I’ve created memories with friends while helping my community, and I feel that this is something more students should have the opportunity to take part in. Let’s continue to improve our community and grow Division 46 North!

MIA HARGRAVE Fundraising Coordinators Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Morgan McKay, and as your newly appointed Fundraising Coordinator, I would like to say that I am very excited to serve on the Division Leadership Team. I am an incoming junior at Gregori High School, and this is my second year of being a member of Key Club. This year I hope to develop interesting and effective fundraisers that will provide our division with a means of serving and connecting with our community. One of Key Club’s core values is inclusiveness, so I plan to cooperate with every club, as well as addressing the interests of the community, in order to fulfill our goals. Let's go and make a difference, Red Pandas!






Hello my name is Sayna Summer Pouv and I am your Member Recognition Coordinator for the upcoming year 20172018 for Division 46 North. I am a currently a freshman and about to become sophomore at Modesto High School. I plan on to accomplish on improve on my service hours and achieving more than what is expected. I hope I get more involved with Key Club this year as your Member Recognition Coordinator. Hello Red Pandas, I am head on ready to serve you as your Division Service Project Coordinator! A little about myself is that this will be my second year as apart of key club and my first year serving key club as your Division Service Project Coordinator. I really love to dance and to listen to music, those two help me be my true self. BTS the Korean pop music boy group is a big part of my life they help me pursue many things I do now in my daily life. Something I want to accomplish serving our division during this term is to be able to find awesome events for the members to attend and to recognize our accomplishments! If you ever have any ideas on what type of events you would like us to serve please always feel free to contact me.

Hi! I am really excited to be the new Kiwanis Relations Coordinator of Division 46 North for the 2017-2018 term. For the incoming school year, I will be attending Davis High School as a senior. I have been an active member in Key Club for around two years now, so being able to be a part of the Division Leadership Team is one thing I'll be absolutely looking forward to! In my free time, aside from Key Club related activities, I enjoy listening to lofi-hiphop music, watching slice-of-life or horror movies, and graphic designing. My goals to accomplish for this year's division is for Kiwanis and Key Club to continue attaining a strong bond and for our events to be flourished with the never-ending passion Kiwanis grants Key Club. I hope our division will have a truly joyful year this upcoming term! I cannot wait to serve you all and to see what will be in store for everyone.



Hey red pandas! I’m Megann Tran and I’ll be your division tech editor for this year! I’m a ninth grader at Gregori High School. I plan to run our division website and manage the social media accounts, with the main goal of making sure that all key club members have access to information, such as events, whenever they need it. Some things about me is that I’m a cat enthusiasts and spend my time taking pictures of my cat but don’t worry, I love dogs just as much too. I also have a passion for music and love listening to it, especially Kpop, whenever I can. I’m really excited for all the fun things we’ll be doing this year and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Tech and News Editors Hello hello hello D46N Red Pandas! My name is Kale Valdez and I’m excited to say I am your 2017-18 term Division News Editor. I’m currently a sophomore and soon-to-be junior at Enochs High School. I’ve been in Key Club for about 9 months now, but I wish I had joined earlier because I love Key Club so much. This term I hope to accurately document and show all the service and good times we enjoy as a division in its best possible light via our newsletters and other publications throughout the year. My favorite drinks are lemonade and coffee, my favorite colors are red, green, and pink, and my favorite season is spring. My music taste is a little bit of everything, and I’m currently watching Mr. Robot on Netflix. I have a cat need Tux that may or may not just like me because I feed him. This term is going to be great, and I’m so excited to serve alongside all of you wonderful Red Pandas!




Division Leadership Team

Contact Information Lt. Governor

Spirit Coordinator 2

Philip Gergis

Alyssa De Jesus





Region Advisor

Spirit Coordinator 3

Carole Farriss

Simon Carmona





Executive Assistant

Service Project Coordinator

Marcos Alberto

Asia Ros





Executive Assistant

Fundraising Coordinator

Christine To

Morgan McKay





Division News Editor

Fundraising Coordinator

Kale Valdez

Mia Hargrave





Division Tech Editor

Member Recognition Coordinator

Megann Tran

Sayna Pouv





Spirit Coordinator Caeb Hernandez D46n.cnhkc.sc1@gmail.com (951)665-2360

President Contact Information Beyer President

Peter Johansen President

Jorge Gomez Ortega

Liliana Montes





Central Catholic President

Riverbank President

Helena Coloma

Jorge Yepez





Enochs President

Sonora President

Junnelle Maala

Maddie Birtwhistle





Grace Davis President

Thomas Downey President

Jovanna Vega

Evelyn Williams





Gregori President

Vanguard President

Kathy Thach

Iliana Borges





Modesto President Yasmin Caballero jasmin209d@gmail.com (209)486-3750

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