February Newsletter 2018

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The Official Division 46 North Newsletter


Red Panda Press

Volume V Issue IX

February Edition Beyer | Central Catholic | Enochs | Grace Davis | Gregori | Modesto | Peter Johansen | Riverbank | Sonora | Vanguard Prep Academy

Division 46 North | Region 12 | CNH District

4 & 5 Message from the LTG & DNE 6 Red Panda Reviewing 12 Looking Ahead 16 Spotlight on Service 18 Member Recognition 20 - 25 Contact Us 26 Parting Words



LETTER FROM THE LTG Hello Red Pandas! With only two months left in the term, I want to ask you all to keep working as hard as you can so we can end the term with a BANG. I know we have not been very active in the past month, and I truly do apologize for this. However, it's time that we all get back on track and get ready for all the new opportunities coming up! Remember, district contests, scholarships, club elections, and so much more are coming up very soon. It is up to YOU to do everything you can to support both the club you serve, and the division. With your help we will be able to end the term in a way no one will forget. Also, don't forget to congratulate our new D46N LTG Elect Mia Hargrave if you haven't already! With her in charge, I can guarantee that next year will be just as good, if not better, than this one, so look forward to all the amazing things she'll do! With that, I want to say thank you again red pandas for being truly the best and most supporting division I can ask for, and I hope you will all continue to climb the bamboo stick of service!

Philip Gergis Division 46 North LTG 4

LETTER FROM THE DNE Hello hello hello Red Pandas! It’s finally February, which means the approach of my favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day! When people think Valentine’s Day, they tend to think of chocolate, roases, stuffed animals, and big romantic gestures. When other people think of Valentine’s Day, they think of being lonely and single. But I think both sides fail to remember the very root of Valentine’s Day: Love. Not just for significant other, but for your family, your friends, and the people around you. Celebrate your loved ones, keep them close. Show how much you love them, with a gift, or a hug, or even just a thank you. The power of love is stronger than you might believe. Practice love, kindness and compassion in your everyday life, and spread the love to your community. Remember volunteer work is so much more than service, it’s love and compassion in action. How will you spread love in your community this month? Don’t forget our motto, Caring— our way of life. Embrace and work love in your life, your work, and your service, it’s so worthwhile, and it enriches your life in ways you can hardly imagine. I love my friends, my family, my community, and I love my division. Let love in this month. I’ll see you next month, Division 46 North.

Kale Valdez Division 46 North DNE


What have we been up to? 6

Red Panda Reviewing


Conclave Division 46 North’s Conclave had everyone on the edge of their seat, eager to find out who our next Lieutenant Governor for the new term would be. After much deliberation, as well as wonderful speeches and caucuses given by our candidates, the division’s delegates made the fateful decision on who would lead our division in the following term. We can proudly announce that Mia Hargrave, our current fundraising coordinator, and Enochs High School secretary as the next Lieutenant Governor for the 18-19 term. Congratulations! A special thanks to our other candidtes, Asia Ros and Jorge Gomez Ortega, for their immense passion and dedication to Key Club. Also, congratulations to our current Lieutenant Governor, Philip Gergis, who has just announced he is running for CNH district secretary and received unanimous endorsement from D46N!


Mia, we are so very proud of you, and we are certain you will make an amazing Lieutenant Governor. We hope the next year is good to you, and we look forward to serving alongside you. We expect great things, and we are sure you’re capable of achieving them. Thank you so much for you dedication and passion for Key Club, may the next year be the best one yet. 9

Congratulations Mia Hargrave! LTG Elect for the 18-19 term!


Thank you for electing me to serve you in the 2018-2019 term! I hope to make you all very happy with my service in our upcoming term. From the relationships we build, we’ll form a great team, bring in new members, welcome them with open arms, and introduce them to everything amazing we do together. Let's work hard to go above and beyond anything we've done before and make this upcoming term the greatest our division has seen. I can't wait to get to know you all better and to work with such great people.

Beyond excited, Mia Hargrave


Looking Ahead

Wh 12


hat are we doing next? 13

Crash Course: Conclave WHAT IS CONCLAVE? Conclave is the annual DCM in which the next Lieutenant Governor is elected for the next term. At Conclave, the first hour or so, a normal DCM is run. However, afterwards begin the conclave process. Those running for LTG will present speeches, and hold a caucus session. After all the speeches and caucuses have been held, two delegates from every club conduct a vote. If there are multiple candidates, this vote will narrow down the candidates. However, if only two are running, the candidate with the most votes becomes the new Lieutenant Governor elect for the next term.

WHAT’S A CAUCUS SESSION? A caucus session occurs after a candidate has said their speech and presented their literature, and it’s a time where delegates and other can ask a candidate questions. These may be questions regarding their vision, their personal qualifications, their knowledge of Key Club, etc. However, only relevant questions may be asked, and the current LTG has the right to deny any inappropriate or targeted questions.

WHAT ARE DELEGATES AND HOW CAN I BECOME ONE? Delegates are those in charge of voting/electing a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Each club gets 2 delegates in order to establish a fair playing field. Delegates must be dues paid members, not officers. IF you are interested in being a delegate in the next conclave, consult your president as soon as possible in order to register. 14


WHEN: December 11th, 2017 WHERE: Riverbank High School Be there to watch the election of our next Lieutenant Governor!


Spotlight on Service:


Kiwanis Foundation! The Kiwanis Children’s Fund is the extension of the Kiwanis impact. The Kiwanis Children’s Fund partners with clubs and distrcts in all Kiwanis nations to help children of the world through Kiwanis-led service projects that promote: healthy children, educated children, leadership development, and prioritize children’s issues. The mission statement is to develop resources that transform the goodwill and vision of Kiwanians into programs that serve the children of the world. To learn more, go to the CNH Cyberkey for an infoguide on what you can do to participate!


Get Connected!

Key Club International Website:

www.keyclub.org Cali-Nev-Ha District Website:

www.cnhkeyclub.org Cali-Nev-Ha District Newsletter:

www.issuu.com/cnhkc 18


Lt. Gov.

Spirit Coordinator

Philip Gergis

Caleb Hernandez





Region Advisor

Spirit Coordinator

Carole Farriss

Augustine Borba




(209) 872-2030

Executive Assistant

Spirit Coordinator

Marcos Alberto

Simon Carmona





Executive Assistant

Service Project Coordinator

Christine To

Asia Ros





Division News Editor

Fundraising Coordinator

Kale Valdez

Morgan McKay





Division Tech Editor

Fundraising Coordinator

Derry Chen

Mia Hargrave



(209) 284-8719

(415)722-9562 20

Member Recognition Coordinator Sayna Pouv D46n.cnhkc.mr@gmail.com (209)996-2191

Kiwanis Relations Coordinator Sarah Lee D46n.cnhkc.kr@gmail.com (209) 484-6569

Division Leadership

Contact Information 21

Beyer President

Peter Johansen President

Jorge Gomez Ortega

Liliana Montes





Central Catholic President

Riverbank President

Helena Coloma

Jorge Yepez





Enochs President

Sonora President

Junnelle Maala

Maddie Birtwhistle




(209) 352-7363

Grace Davis President

Thomas Downey President

Jovanna Vega

Evelyn Williams




(209) 872-7263

Gregori President

Vanguard President

Kathy Thach

Iliana Borges




(209) 988-1345

Modesto President Yasmin Caballero jasmin209d@gmail.com (209)486-3750


President Contact Information 23

“It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.”



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