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Dayton Wranglers Serpentine

Dayton Pro Serpentine Riders are an equestrian drill team based out of Dayton, lowa. These young ladies are avid horsewomen not only participating in mounted drill team performances, but a wide range of rodeo events, such as barrel racing, pole bending and so much more. Their ages range from 14 to 24 years old and every one of these cowgirls pride themselves on precision and breathtaking performances. They add flash, color and pageantry to equestrian and rodeo productions specifically for the Dayton Labor Day Rodeo. The "Thrill of Drill" is alive and well with this team! The girls would like to thank their sponsors, their families and their community for the continued support through the years. See the Dayton Wranglers in the Pavilion on Friday at 5:30 and Saturday at 1:00.

Escaramuza Charra Quetzalli

Escaramuza Charra Quetzalli is a diverse group of Iowa ladies who share a love of horses and desire to promote our Mexican heritage through female-driven team horsemanship, or escaramuza. Females who participate in escaramuza execute daring feats and precise maneuvers while riding sidesaddle. This event symbolizes the role of women during the Mexican Revolution and their skilled horsemanship on the battlefield. A team is made of eight females who practice long hours to make difficult maneuvers look synchronized, simple and elegant, like a ballet dance. Our team, Escaramuza Charra Quetzalli, consists of young ladies from all over Iowa who banded in 2022 to compete in midwest equestrian events and succeed at nationals while meeting our mission: To advance youth development through equestrian activities of athletic and cultural significance. See the Escaramuza Charra Quetzalli Drill Team in the Drill competition on Sunday at 3:30 in the Pavilion. see the Escaramuza Flor de Alcatraz at 12:15 on Saturday in the Jacobson Arena.

Escaramuza Flor De Alcatraz

Iowa Horse Fair Iowa Horse Fair



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