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Contents The Methodology My Statement My Methodology

Image Making The Importance of Images

Branding Images used in branding. Branding studios. My branding brief.

Packaging Images used in packaging. Packaging studios. My packaging brief.

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Animation Images used in animation. Animation studios. My animation brief.

Information Graphics Images used in info graphics. Info graphics studios. My info graphics brief.

Editorial Images used in editorial. Editorial studios. My editorial brief.

The Methodology My Methodology

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I am a designer that is driven by passion and the idea of a challenge. Image making is a very important part of my design, which I apply to a range of disciplines across both digital and printed medias. From animation and info graphics to branding and packaging, my designs are produced using strong concepts with the audience in mind. 2


Image Making

Images can speak to any person and any language Everyone knows the toilet signs, and what they stand for, seeing a man and women to let you know where to go. This doesn’t need any explanation, the simple image explains it all.


Similar to the toilet signs, all signs are universal and multi lingual. Signs like this are really important, and need to be multi lingual as it is the warning/danger sign. Anyone passing this will know that they need to be aware ahead. This is the power of image making in design.



Biko is a friendly monster created with children in mind, to be kind and approachable but whilst also having the monster image. Light blue ears Goofy teeth

Monster horns

Figure 1 The Outline

Basic drawing

Striped ears Blue eyes

Eye highlights Teeth highlights

Teeth shading

Figure 2 Colour Choice

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Cream teeth Light blue body


Striped blue limbs

Figure 4 The Details Body shading


Rodri is a comedian monster. The monsters were produced to be light hearted and not too scary, this will mean that they will connect with more audiences. Crazy eyes

Purple horns

Figure 1 The Outline Basic drawing

Purple stripes Eyebrows contour

Purple eyes

Figure 2 Colour Choice Blue body Purple lips

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Black inner mouth


Teeth shading

Head highlights Eye detail

Figure 4 The Details Body highlights

Lip detail


Dregoo is the vampire monster, showing the blood dripping from his teeth to show that he is a monster to be wary of. Although having him curvy and squishy means that it has a light hearted affect to the scariness. Bergandy mouth Dagger teeth

Highlighting ears

Green head

Figure 1 The Outline

Figure 2 Colour Choice

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Darker body Basic drawing

Monster eyes

Highlighting eyes

Bergandy ears

Teeth highlights

Figure 4 The Details Dripping blood

Mouth detail Cream teeth


Body detail

Body detail


Tufi will be more scared of you than you are of her. After all how can anyone be scared of a tiny pink fluffy monster. This is the monster that you find under your bed and become best friends with, which will relate the children. 6 Pink opacity body Cream horns Monster horns

Horn contours

Pink 40% opacity body

Figure 1 The Outline

Figure 2 Colour Choice

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Basic drawing Feet contours

Cream feet


Horn highlights

Figure 4 The Details Feet highlights


Grogsby’s is gungey and smelly, don’t get on the wrong side of Grogsby or he will breathe on you. The realistic characteristics of Grogsby is his bad breathe, which will trigger children’s imaginations when they have to go give their smelly breathed uncle a hug.

Elbow joints

Eyebrow highlights

Black inner mouth Monster teeth

Figure 1 The Outline Basic drawing

Red eyes

Teeth shading

White teeth

Uvula added

Figure 2 Colour Choice Green body

Eye details

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Red lips

Figure 4 The Details

Mouth ripples Hand contours

Dark green hands


Body highlights Tongue details


Gildo is always watching. You can never get away with anything when Gildo is near as he sees all. Realting to children not being able to get away anything.

Teal goggle eyes

Monster eyes

Monsterous eyelashes

Leg highlights

Teal body

Figure 1 The Outline Basic drawing

Teeth highlights

Figure 2 Colour Choice Cream teeth

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Darker claws

Nose shading Fur chin

Cream claws

Fur head


Figure 4 The Details


Image making used in Branding Some of the most distinctive and successful brands are made up of images.






Standing on their own without their type they work really well and are clear about what brand they are. Even in black and white the logos work so well.






Branding Studios FDB Design Weatherby


FDB Design focus on re-branding and packaging design. Creating a brand and a logo with the audience in mind is key. Greedy Little Pig is made to be lighthearted and fun, to attract their audience.


Wide Eyed Records Branding A new record company called Wide-Eyed Records coming to the underground house music scene. The record label is aimed towards people who love music, house music in particular.

Primary Logo

Secondary Logo

Primary Logo

Secondary Logo


Wide Eyed is not supposed to be a commercial record company, it is aimed towards people who already know about it, people who are actually looking for this company, not to be found by accident.

Bringing out the mysterious side of the brand, and the natural aspect in it as Wide Eyed is about seeing through fresh new eyes, seeing nature and the idea of being reborn.

Wide Eyed

ide eye Idea 2

Idea 1

Idea 3

Idea 4


Firefly images are really important in this brand. The letters are made up of fireflies, as they slowly break out of the ‘e’ showing rebirth. Also the fireflies will work on their own as the secondary logo, to show mystery in the brand when they appear on their own. Different sizes Arial Black outline

Block colour

Tracking so letters just touch

Figure 2 Basic Outline

Figure 1 Image Making ‘e’ less fireflies

Adding exterior fireflies

Masking each letter Mask all letters

Figure 3 Masking Logo

Figure 4 Final Logo



Image making used in Packaging Keeping similar illustrations throughout whilst having different colour shceme makes a set work really well.


Image making can range from being very simple to very detailed. The very detailed image works really well for the beer packaging, especially as they work as a set with the same illustrative style but completely different images.


Packaging Studios Carrot Juice. Otley, Leeds.


Carrot Juice creates branding for mostly food and drink companies. They re-brand and package their products, bringing them to life using their image making. Taking the old and making it new through image making.


Quentin Tarantino Box Set The Quentin Taranino Box Set consisted of branding, packaging, editorial and information graphics. But was all brought together through image making.

Figure 1 Image Making

Figure 2 Applying Colour

Figure 3 Creating Logo

Figure 4 The Cover


Starting with the basic outline of the drawing leading to different colour choice. The colour choice is one of the most important stages of the image making process.

Hair detail

Basic outline Off-white shirts

Important guns

Blood on shirt Shirt detail

Grey guns

Figure 1 The Outline

Blood on arm

Figure 2 Colour Choice

Figure 3 Adding Contours Face highlights

Emphasise skin Black suits


Suit detail

Figure 4 The Details

Every part of the brief included image making. With this it was important to show the gory and violent side of the box set without using colour, so that it will still appeal to the audience that Tarantino has. Dark greys Range of images

Basic outline

Light greys

Grey opacities

Figure 2 Applying Colour

Figure 1 Image Making Repeat pattern

Blood splatter

Black Background

Hand detail

Suit detail

Black 20% opacity filter

Figure 3 Adding Contours/Final Details

Figure 4 Pattern/Background



Image making used in Animation Something More’s animation, made by The Hungry Sandwich Club. Using almost purely image in the animation.


Using simple images and sticking to one colour during each scene with different opacities, whilst creating a very effective animation. Colour choice is such an important part of image making also how it is applied.


Animation Studios Black Box Creative Leeds


Black Box Creative were the inspiration to start creating animations. Being able to bring an image to life through moving image is amazing. It opens possibilities and is a way of showing a message that people can connect with on a greater level.


Syfy Advertisement The Syfy brand appeals to a particular audience who have a very open mind and have a passion for science fiction. Therefore connecting with this audience in a visual way is very important.


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Figure 1 Submarine Travelling

Figure 2 Passing Sea Creatures


Figure 3 Zoom into the window of the submarine to get to the screen

Figure 4 The Screen to transport you to the next world... the furture.

The Syfy audience will connect with an advert in the form of an animation. Talking the audience on a journey through the advert like Syfy takes the audience on a journey through their programmes.

Figure 1 Coming from the future into the next world... outer space

Figure 2 Crossing a rocket

Figure 3 Mother ship enters


Figure 4 Mother ship takes spaceship to the next world...

Travelling through three different worlds, then ending with the question ‘which world do you live in’ and the Syfy logo shows that Syfy can take you to different world, all you have to do is choose. This appeals to science fiction fans. Image making is key to this animation, and wouldn’t have taken the audience on a journey without it.

Which world do you live in?

Figure 1 The mothership taking the spaceship

Figure 2 Zooming into the motherships window to go to the next world


Figure 3 The mothership releasing the Syfy logo

Figure 4 Asking the question, Which world do you live in?

Which world do you live in?

#SyfyWorld #Number1Fan 35

Image making used in Info Graphics The process and method of creating an info graphic starts with the extracting of information and making of the image.


Colour choice is key in information graphics, having it relate to the subject, also having the colours go with each other.


Info Graphics used in Studios Grogsby’s characteristics are shown through the details Creative Spark Leeds - London - Manchester


Creative spark, display their information in such an interesting way. They bring what they are saying to life through image making. This enables the audience to interact more with the information.


Endangered Animals Information graphics is a great way to demonstrate information in an interesting and interactive way.

Basic outlines

Destruction of the forests isolates the pandas and their access to bamboo and Find important prevents mating.

Objects relating to the fact


Figure 2 The Outline

Figure 1 Extracting the Fact Red shape to fit into whole info graphic

Red opacities

White type

Destruction of the forests isolates the pandas and their access to bamboo and prevents mating.

Red colour scheme

Figure 3 Colour Choice

Figure 4 Application


Evenly spaced

Helping save endangered animals is a very serious topic, therefore breaking it down into small pieces of information graphics and using image making helps people digest the information. Basic outlines

Poachers kill tigers to sell their meat, pelts and body parts. Sometimes to be used for medicine.

Objects relating to the fact

Find important information

Figure 2 The Outline

Figure 1 Extracting the Fact Orange shape to fit into whole info graphic

Orange opacities

White type Evenly spaced

Poachers kill tigers to sell their meat, pelts and body parts. Sometimes to be used for medicine.

Orange colour scheme

Figure 3 Colour Choice

Figure 4 Application


Using information graphics can make more serious issues approachable and relatable. The image making process for info graphics consists of taking the fact or statistic and making it visual in a relevant way. Basic outlines

Populations have decreased by 80% due to climate changes.

Objects relating to the fact

Find important information

Figure 1 Extracting the Fact

White type

Pink opacities

Figure 2 The Outline Evenly spaced

Pink shape to fit into whole info graphic 20% left Poachers kill tigers to sell their meat, pelts and body parts. Sometimes Populations to be have used for medicine. decreased by 80% due to climate changes.

Pink colour scheme

Figure 3 Colour Choice

Figure 4 Application


Destruction of the forests isolates the pandas and their access to bamboo and prevents mating.

Gorilla始s are easy targets for hunters to catch as bushmeat, and sell.

Some countries kill whales for their oil, and to sell their meat for profit.

50% are caught by fishermen are killed or injured.

Leatherback turtles will be extinct in 10 - 30 years if this carries on.

Poachers kill Rhinos for their horns to sell them on the black market.

Elephants are hunted for their meat and ivory. If this continues African elephants will be extinct in 50 years.

20% left Poachers kill tigers to sell their meat, pelts and body parts. Sometimes to be used for medicine.

Populations have decreased by 80% due to climate changes.


Image making used in Editorial Image making is often a key part of editorial and layout.


Creating images for print and digital are very different. When creating images to print in a publication, thinking about how the images will look on different stocks and where it would be is crucial.


Editorial Studios Vast Leeds


Having subtle images to a publication adds detail to the piece and illustrates the message, idea or aesthetic more.


Happily Never After Brown horns

Basic outline Red cape Big teeth

Figure 1 The Outline

Fur highlights Belle’s Leg Cape highlights

Brown fur

Figure 2 Colour Choice

Figure 3 Adding Contours

Colour match to make it realistic Brown Trousers


Claw contours Trouser shading


Figure 4 The Details

Following the methodology of taking the message and coming up with an image, then creating it from digital drawing, then colour choice, moving onto defining the contours, and finally adding the details. This is how the characters are made. Keep consitency with originals

Keep colours the same as the original characters

Basic outline

Figure 1 The Outline Clock detail

Wooden floor

Same colours part of a set

Figure 2 Colour Choice

Candle eyebrows

highlights Arched to show dimensions

Figure 3 Adding Contours


Figure 4 The Detail

Taking the beast and making him the bad guy and having the other characters as the good guys on the other side of the page enhances the idea of the story. Then inserting the type to tell the story, and explaining why Belle didn’t get a happily never after.

Figure 2 The Goodies

Figure 1 The Baddies


nce upon a time a beauty named Belle was a servant in a castle owned by the beast. As she was repaying her fathers debts. Belle was to dine with the beast and accept lavish clothes and jewellery. Every night he asked her to marry him and she said ‘no’. The Prince informs her that long ago a fairy turned him into a hideous beast after he refused to let her love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. Knowing this Belle changed her mind and wanted to marry the beast, but by this point the beast found her shallow. He ate her whole and Belle lived inside him happily never after.

Figure 3 Both Together

Figure 4 The Story




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