Chinese New Year of the Monkey Pages 4-5
Discipline tips for kids 3-5 Page 10
Page 11
Good luck and food Pages 12-14
March 2016
Happy Kids 新玩乐空间: Happy Kids in Bedford 室内游乐场 New indoor playground brings benefits Page 2
Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Christine Qin Yang Cover photo: Contribution
Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Vice President, Business Development: Jeff Nearing Sales: For rates and information call 902-471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca.
March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Cover Story
新玩乐空间: Happy Kids 室内亲子乐园 翻译:杨沁 又有一个好地方可以专门溜小孩啦! Happy Kids室内亲子游乐园近期在 Bedford区开幕。 圣玛丽大学毕业生史超与妻子定居哈 利法克斯后,想到了开办室内儿童乐 园这个创业点子。于是,在2015年 尾,就有了Happy Kids Indoor Playground。 “自从有了女儿后,我们开始了对未来 生活的规划。我们发现这个城市没有 太多给孩子提供玩乐的空间。” 史超接 着说:“这里冬天这么漫长, 我们想为孩子们提供一个新鲜有趣且安 全的活 动场所。” 哈法市内也有几所室内儿童乐园,譬 如位于Bayers Lake的Hop! Skip! Jump!,但史超觉得这里还需要多几个 这样供孩子们玩耍的地方,尤其是在 他生活的Bedford区。 “国内有很多亲子乐园,但这里并不多 见。”他说。“我们把生意开到 Bedford,是因为这里是家庭居住的聚 集地。” 史超对乐园的创建和运行模式也颇有 想法。 “Happy Kids既是亲子乐园,又是个 主题公园。”他介绍道。“我们有宽敞 舒适的空间,有‘海洋乐园’水滑梯、 海洋球池、海盗船,还有一间装饰着海 洋 鱼的派对屋。” “除此之外,我们还有旋转盘、攀岩 墙、隧道、镜子迷宫和‘三角障碍’等 设施,非常适合活动力十足的小朋友来 消耗体力。” 史超坦言,他一开始也不确定到底要 不要运营Happy Kids。作为一名市场 营销专业的毕业留学生,他没什么生 意经验,也不太了解这里的创业流 程。 “我们开始时很担心,不知道是否能把 生意做成功。做生意有很多棘手的问 题要处理,譬如如何管理等等。”他 说。“幸运的是,我的生意伙伴给了我 许多帮助。” 这个生意点子在后来看的确是可行 的。 “营业后仅两个月,我们Facebook主 页的点击率就高达3500次。”他说。
Happy Kids has many different things for kids to do, including a ball pit. Pictured are Chao Shi and Happy Kids employee Daisy Jin. Katie Ingram Happy Kids给孩子们提供了丰富多样的玩乐设施,例如海洋球池。图为史超和 Happy Kids工作人员Daisy Jin。
“这是我没想到的,因为我在开始的时 候非常担心。” Happy Kids不仅仅受到了社区家长们 的欢迎,孩子们也特别喜欢这个新的玩 乐空间。 “有时我们到了关门的时候,经常有孩 子因为舍不得走而大哭起来。”史超笑 着说。
乐园的生日派对套餐特别受欢迎。今 年一月份的时候,第一季度的生日派 对套餐就已经全部定满。 史超表示,Happy Kids目前的成绩离 不开生意伙伴们的支持,更离不开客 户的宝贵意见和体验反馈。 他还说,哈利法克斯已经成为他和家 人的第二故乡。对他而言,Happy Kids不仅仅是生意,也是他回馈社区
的一个平台。 “哈法不是多伦多或蒙特利尔这类的大 城市,但我非常喜欢这座城市的安 逸。它的慢节奏让人觉得舒适。生活 在这里的人们都非常友好和热情。” Happy Kids亲子乐园为13及13岁以下 的孩子一周七天开放。想了解更多关 于乐园的情况,请访问: www.happykidshalifax.ca
March 2016
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Cover Story •
Bringing the outside in BY KATIE INGRAM A new playground in Bedford is bringing the benefits of outside play to kids on days when they can’t go outside. Happy Kids Indoor Playground was developed from an idea Chao Shi had after he and his wife settled in Halifax. The business opened in late 2015. “Once we had our daughter, we started thinking about our future in Canada and we found there weren’t many places like this,” says Shi. ““The winter is long and boring, so we wanted to create a fun place for kids.” There are other indoor playgrounds in Halifax, like Hop! Skip! Jump! in Bayers Lake, but Shi wanted to bring a bit more of home to Halifax, specifically the Bedford area. “In China there are a lot of [indoor] playgrounds, but here there isn’t much,” he says. “We picked this location because there are a lot of families that live here and it is a large community.”
While Happy Kids might be called a playground, it is designed to be much more than that. “Our playground is just like a theme park,” he says. “We have an ‘ocean playground’ with our water slide, the ball pit [which] has a pirate ship and our party room has fish around it.” There are also, among other things, spinning plates, a climbing wall, tunnels, mirror mazes and “triangle obstacles.” Shi admits he was nervous when deciding whether or not to open Happy Kids. A graduate of Saint Mary’s University with a degree in marketing, he had no prior business experience and wasn’t sure how to approach the idea. “We worried about how the business would go and how to manage it,” he says. “Fortunately I have four partners who help me a lot.” The decision has proven to be worthwhile. “In just two months we’ve gotten 3,500 clicks [on our Facebook page],”
he says.“I wouldn’t have imagined that because I was worried about how we would do.” Happy Kids is not just popular among parents and caregivers, but kids as well. “Some of the kids start to cry when we say we are closing,” says Shi. The company has also seen a lot of interest in their birthday party packages. As of January they were already booking parties for March. Shi says he not only owes Happy Kids success to his partners’ business insight, but also his customers. Customers will provide him with feedback and are sure to tell him if they like or
dislike some part of the Happy Kids experience. After all, Halifax has become his and his family’s home. Happy Kids has become a way to give back to a community that has not only supported his business endeavours, but his family as well. “Halifax isn’t like a bigger city like Toronto or Montreal, but I like the pace of the city; it’s nice and slow,” says Shi. “The local people are really friendly and supportive.” Happy Kids is designed for kids aged 13 and under and is open seven days a week. For more information visit: happykidshalifax.ca/
March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Community
Photos contributed by Atlantic Superstore
The Year of the Monkey is finally upon us BEN COUSINS Feb. 8 marked the Chinese New Year and the start of a 15-day celebration of Chinese culture and wishes of a prosperous year. The Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday of the year for the Chinese community in Canada, which represents roughly 4.3 per cent of the population, according to Statistics Canada. Part of the international popularity of the Chinese New Year comes from the sheer size of the Chinese population and the food, according to George Kwan, senior advisor for the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia. “It’s gradually getting more popular in other parts of the world.” Chinese New Year is a time for hardworking families to come together and take a bit of a break. It also gives people the chance to reconnect with family members, part of the reason
why the Chinese New Year has more appeal than to just the Chinese population. Halifax Mayor Mike Savage spoke about the importance of the Chinese population to Halifax during a media availability celebrating the New Year. “We’re not a Montreal or a Toronto or a Calgary, but we’re becoming more and more diverse as a community,” said Savage. “That’s a good thing for all of us, we get to experience more cultures.” Chef Renyang Zhu from the New Asia Restaurant in South-End Halifax was on hand to cook three traditional Chinese meals using ingredients that anyone can find at a local grocery store. He made braised mushrooms and Shanghai bok choy, steamed whole fish and Yang Zhou fried rice for the 50 people in attendance.
哈法社区喜庆猴年 翻译:杨沁 2016年2月8日是丙申猴年正月初 一。从正月初一到十五,人们庆祝新 春佳节,展望新的一年。 在加拿大,农历新年对于华人社区来 说是最为盛大的节日。据加拿大统计 局资料,华人约占加拿大总人口的 4.31%。 新斯科舍省华人协会资深顾问关汉华 老先生表示,农历新年之所以能享誉 全球,是因为华人群体和中华美食遍 布世界各个角落。 “全世界都开始庆祝中国春节。”关先 生 自豪地说。 每到春节,人们放下手头忙碌的工 作,与家人团聚,体验亲情,感受美 好。这可能也正是春节流行于世界各 地的原因之一。 与往年一样,在猴年到来之际,哈利 法克斯的各个华人社团都在积极忙碌 地准备着欢庆春节的活动。而在诸多 活动中,由加拿大最大连锁超市之一 大西洋超市(Atlantic Superstore) 主办的 庆中国新年活动备受瞩目。 活动期间,哈利法克斯市长迈克萨维
奇向参与活动的市民们表达了他自己 对中国新年的重视。 “我们没有像蒙特利尔、多伦多或者卡 尔加里那样大的华人群体,但我们的 城市越来越多元。”萨维奇市长说。“ 这是件好事,让我们有机会体验丰富的 多元文化。” 朱师傅是哈法市中心新城餐馆 (New Asia Fine Chinese Cuisine) 的大厨。他的参与给本次活动增色不少 。朱师傅用大西洋超市所提供的新鲜食 材,为现场的客人烹制了三道传统年夜 菜:香菇扒菜胆、清蒸海上鲜和扬州炒 饭。 在此佳节之际,戴尔豪西大学也组织 起学生们包起饺子,并在大学礼堂观 赏文艺汇演,以庆祝新年的到来。 戴尔豪西大学中国学生学者联谊会组 织本场汇演的目的,就是让中国留学 生和对中国文化感兴趣的学生和校职 工们齐聚一堂,共享传统美食,观赏 传统中华歌舞表演。 刘教授在戴尔豪西教授当代中国文 化,她表示,非华裔加拿大人庆祝农 历新年其实也成为了独特的加拿大特 色。
March 2016
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Community •
Year of the Monkey CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Dalhousie University also took the time to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a dumpling party and a cultural performance at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium. The Dalhousie Chinese Students and Scholars Association put on the performance, which brought together both native speakers and those learning Mandarin for traditional food, song and dance. Ivy Liu, professor at Dalhousie who teaches a class in contemporary Chinese culture, said non-Chinese Canadians celebrating the new year is part of one of the fundamental principles of being Canadian.
“Canada, as we know, is a multicultural community and I think people want to blend in the community a bit more or make people feel more welcome.” Liu says the Chinese community in Halifax is pretty small so how the Chinese people here celebrate the new year differs from the holiday in China. “I don’t see a lot of people decorating the same way as they would in China,” she said. “I think they’re doing the best they can to have that reunion atmosphere with their family.” The events at Dalhousie help to open the eyes of the non-Chinese community to some of the traditions. It also helps the Chinese students experience a little slice of home. “Our diversity is what makes Dal such
a great place,” says Dalhousie President Dr. Richard Florizone in a news release. “Events like this allow us to recognize and preserve cultural diversity on campus, and share the experience with our entire community.” Dalhousie had just one Chinese class in 2005 but now boasts a Chinese Studies minor program. The New Year is also celebrated nationally. In the past, both Canada Post and the Royal Canadian Mint have issued commemorative stamps and coins to celebrate the year.
猴年到 上接第4页
“众所周知,加拿大是一个多元文化 国家。大家愿意主动融入新文化、友 好地接受不同文化。” 刘教授说,哈法的华人群体较小,所 以庆祝春节的方式与在中国也有所不 同。 “这里较少见到中国年的装饰品。”她 说:“但是大家都尽可能的与自己在加 拿大的家人团聚,感受年味。” 戴尔豪西大学的庆新年活动让非华人 群体有机会感受到中华传统节庆氛
围,同时也给中国留学生们带来些许 家的感觉。 “多元化成就了戴尔豪西的美好校园 氛围。”戴尔豪西大学校长理查德弗 洛利松在一次新闻发言中提到。“这样 的活动让我们更加重视维持校园的多 元化,并与社会各界分享我们的多元 文化体验。” 2005年,戴尔豪西大学首次开设中文 课。如今,其发展规模已经达到设有 中国研究辅修专业。 庆祝农历新年现在已经成为加拿大各 地的传统。每一年春节期间,加拿大 邮政与加拿大皇家铸币厂都推出生肖 纪念邮票和纪念币以表庆祝。
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March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
Recipes by Chef Renyang Zhu, New Asia Restaurant. All ingredients are available at your local Atlantic Superstore®. Photos contributed by Atlantic Superstore.
冬菇扒菜胆 食谱由新城饭店朱师傅提供。 材料:上海青500克,干冬菇100克,姜 一块,葱一捆 调味料:盐、糖、鸡粉、 蚝油、生抽、老抽、麻油、植物油、 湿淀粉等 制作过程: 1.青菜除老、黄叶,每根菜留长约1020厘米,用刀顺切成2或4等份,清洗 干净,沥干水备用。 2.用温水将干冬菇泡透,清洗干净,备 用。
3.用刀将姜切成6小块,3颗长葱切成6 段备用。 4.烧热铁锅,放入50克植物油,爆香 葱、姜,再加入1公斤水或清汤烧沸。 放入温冬菇,加入适量盐、鸡粉、蚝 油、生抽等调味。待汤烧沸后,转用小 火,煲约1小时,捞起,沥 水,清除姜、葱,待用。 5.热锅,加入适当清水烧沸。加入适量 盐、糖、油、,放入上海青,灼熟, 捞起。按顺序摆放在盘子上,然后在菜 的上面放煨好的冬菇。 6.热锅,注入适量水(或鸡汤)、盐、 鸡粉、糖、生抽、蚝油、老抽等,待烧 沸后加入适量湿淀粉调芡。
Steamed Whole Fish Steamed Whole Fish is a must-have on the Chinese New Year Eve’s table. The Chinese word for ‘fish’ sounds like the word ‘abundance’ or ‘surplus,’ and therefore, having a whole fish not only symbolizes ‘having a surplus throughout the new year’, but also means that people will have a whole and fulfilled year. Serves 2 to 4 INGREDIENTS •1 whole white fish (such as sea bass, haddock or flounder), approx. 1 ½ lb., cleaned with head and tail intact •¼ teaspoon salt •½ teaspoon sugar •5 cm fresh ginger, peeled and finely julienned •3 stalks green onions, finely julienned •1 teaspoon sesame oil •2 tablespoons soy sauce •¼ cup light soy sauce •1 tablespoon dark soy sauce •1 teaspoon chicken powder •4 tablespoons cooking oil DIRECTIONS 1.Rinse the fish in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. 清蒸海上鲜 食谱由新城饭店朱师傅提供。 材料:鲜鱼一条(约500-750克) ,姜一块,葱一捆 调味料:盐、鸡粉、糖、生抽、老抽、 酱油、麻油、食用油等 制作过程: 1.鱼去鳞、去内脏,洗干净,备用。 2.葱切丝(约50克),姜切丝 (约20克),备用。 3.用适量的鸡粉、糖、酱油、生抽、 油、清水(约150克)、麻油等烧开, 调制成蒸鱼酱油。 4.把蒸炉水烧开,鱼放盘子里,进蒸笼 蒸约10-12分钟。 5.把蒸熟的鱼取出,鱼身上铺上葱丝、 姜丝。烧热油,淋在葱姜丝上,再把 调好的蒸鱼酱油淋在鱼上即可。
2.In a small sauté pan, heat 2 tablespoons of water over high heat, stir in the prepared chicken powder, sugar, light and dark soy sauce, regular soy sauce, a little bit of oil and sesame oil until boiling. Set aside this steamed fish sauce. 3.Pour water into a wok or stockpot and set a steamer in the wok or on the rim of the stockpot. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Place the plate holding the fish in the steamer, cover, and steam for about 10-12 minutes, until the fish flakes easily when tested with the tip of a knife. 4.When the fish is ready, carefully remove the plate from the steamer and pour off any accumulated liquid. Lay the ginger and green onions along the top of the fish. 5.In a small sauté pan, heat the rest of the oil over high heat until it is hot but not smoking. Remove the oil from the heat and pour it directly over the ginger and green onions to “cook” them. 6.Drizzle the steamed fish sauce over the fish and serve immediately.
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Braised Mushrooms and Shanghai Bok Choy On the Chinese New Year Eve’s reunion table, vegetables — especially long leafy greens such as bok choy — are considered lucky foods to serve. No matter if it is the Mandarin ‘cai’ or the Cantonese ‘choy,’ the words sound similar to ‘wealth.’ That’s why eating these vegetables becomes a symbol of a very prosperous year ahead. Serves 2 to 4 INGREDIENTS •1 lb bok choy •Approx. 12-14 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked in warm water until softened •1 teaspoon oyster sauce •1 tablespoon light soy sauce •1 tablespoon dark soy sauce •6 slices fresh ginger •3 stalks green onions, diced •2 tablespoons vegetable oil •1 teaspoon salt or as needed •1 teaspoon sugar or as needed •1 teaspoon chicken powder
•2 teaspoons Cornstarch, add just enough water to mix •½ cup Chicken Broth DIRECTIONS 1.Trim bok choy to remove any bad leaves. Wash carefully, then cut into two or four halves. 2.Rinse the softened dried shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems and squeeze dry. 3.Heat about 1 tablespoon of oil in pan and then stir fry ginger slices and diced green onions until fragrant. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and then add mushrooms, together with a little bit of the prepared salt, chicken powder, oyster sauce and light soy sauce. Turn the heat to low and braise mushrooms for about an hour or until soft. Drain off the excess water. 4.In a large pot, bring enough water to a boiling and then cook bok choy until soft. Add a little bit of salt, sugar and several drops of oil to help keep the green colour and crisp texture of bok choy. Transfer to serving plate. Add the cooked shiitake mushrooms on top of the bok choy. 5.In a small bowl, mix all the rest of the ingredients (salt, chicken powder, sugar, light and dark soy sauce and oyster sauce) for stir fry sauce and set aside. 6.Heat chicken broth in pan, add stir fry sauce and bring to a boil (about 30 seconds). Add the cornstarchwater mix and stir until thickened. Pour sauce over vegetables and serve.
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March 2016
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March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
Recipe by Chef Renyang Zhu, New Asia Restaurant. All ingredients are available at your local Atlantic Superstore®. Photo contributed by Atlantic Superstore.
Yang Zhou Fried Rice You may have heard its more popular term, ‘Yang Chow,’ but ‘Yangzhou’ is the Mandarin for this popular Chinesestyle fried rice. Yangzhou is a city in
Jiangsu province in southern China, where this popular dish was invented. It’s now served in many restaurants throughout the world. Serves 2 to 4
INGREDIENTS •3 Tbsp. cooking oil •2 eggs, beaten •1 cup BBQ pork, 1/4" diced •½ cup shrimp, peeled and deveined •2 Tbsp. corn kernels •2 Tbsp. carrots, 1/4" diced •½ tsp. salt •2 Tbsp. green onion, 1/4" diced •4 cups cooked white rice, cold •1 tsp. light soy sauce DIRECTIONS 1. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in wok on high heat. 2. Add egg and scramble. Transfer the scrambled egg into a bowl and set aside. 3. Heat wok on high heat and add remaining oil. 4. Add BBQ pork, shrimp, corn and carrots, season with salt and stir and cook for 2 minutes. 5. Add rice and cook for another 2 minutes. Loosen the rice with a spat-
• Food
ula, if needed. 6. Add green onion and soy sauce. Mix well. 7. Transfer the finished fried rice to a dish and serve immediately. 扬州炒饭Yang Chow Fried Rice 食谱由新城饭店朱师傅提供。 材料: 米饭500克,叉烧(或火腿肠)60克, 鸡蛋2个,豌豆40克,胡萝卜40克,虾 仁50克,玉米粒40克 调味料:色拉油3勺,味精适量,葱花 适量,盐1勺 制作过程: 1.豌豆、玉米洗净。叉烧(或火腿 肠)、胡萝卜、虾仁都切成小丁。 2.鸡蛋打散,放入油锅中炒熟,切碎。 3.锅中放适量油,开大火烧热,加入葱 花、叉烧(或火腿肠)、胡萝卜、豌 豆、虾仁、玉米粒,翻炒至熟。 4.加入米饭和炒好的鸡蛋,撒上味精、 盐,迅速翻炒均匀,即可盛盘。
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March 2016
March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
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Discipline tips for improving misbehavior of three to five year olds BY SHEBA Q According to psychologists, children at the age of three to five years old are at the first turning of rebellion stage. You might notice that your adorable babies are turning into mischievous little buggers. Inappropriate language, aggressive behavior or untamed temperament might be found sprouting. These problems are really a headache to many parents. Parents who suffer high pressures at the same time from work might even feel severe frustration or fatigue without professional advice on how to stop these unwanted behaviours. As a matter of fact, it’s a sign of gaining maturity and social awareness every time children enter a new rebellion stage. Psychologists suggest all parents should understand these stages and help re-direct and shape their emotions and behaviors.
1. Learn to better control our own emotions. Parents should never be angry when they try to help their children to correct their behaviors. 2. Be aware of tones and ways when you speak to your children. Instead of saying “you have to” or “you need to,” try to use expressions such as “When would you like… ?” or “Which would you like…?” Let them know that your routines are important and that they are not allowed to break, but at the same time, they will still have their right to choose. 3. Try to be patient Try to be patient and understand that although all children grow and develop in similar patterns, each child develops at her or his own pace. Parenting is a long learning journey. Children often change at each age stage and parenting methods will have to be adjusted accordingly. Most of the time, you can get help or advice from
psychologists’ published articles when you encounter parenting challenges. Read these suggestions in detail and
123RF pick three to five principles that suit you and your family the best way to apply to your situation.
控制3-5岁逆反期孩子的情绪,三大原则帮你收服淘气包 作者: SHEBA Q 3-5岁的孩子,从心理学角度来看,是 人生第一个逆反期的出现,很多年轻 的父母会发现一向以来的“乖宝宝” 变成“淘气大王”了,孩子们说脏 话,打人、不听指挥等等坏毛病都在 这个时期开始出现。有些没有经验的 父母给孩子定性为负面:多动症、或 天生淘气、被谁教坏了。工作压力繁 忙的年轻父母自己的情绪难免在此阶 段也会变得非常沮丧、疲惫或竭斯底 里,有些年轻夫妻甚至开始互相推卸 责任:认为是对方管教方式不对,因 此造成夫妻感情恶化的例子也不在少 数。 如何正确积极的看待这一阶段的“淘 气”孩子呢?
心理学角度来看:每一个逆反期都是好 事,孩子学会了新的自我发现和自我探 索。如果在这个关键时间,父母能够很 好的引导孩子,孩子能乖乖的顺利的过 度到下一个逆反期:6-8 岁。
一个故事。第三次孩子再哭,我已经变 得习惯而且冷静了,不会再发怒了。 所以,年轻的家长记住:头两次能够 控制自己不发火很重要,第三次控制 就不难做到。
建议一:理解孩子的逆反期是好事,父 母先学会控制自己的情绪。记得我的孩 子在3岁的时候,他平时都很乖,但每 次到了早上7:30该上幼儿园的时候,他 就开始哭,暴躁发怒,各种原因不愿意 去幼儿园。记得头两次因为要赶着上 班,孩子又哭又闹,心里特别火,甚至 想拍打他几下。可是一想:这么小的孩 子也很无辜,打他也起不到任何作用。 所以,我控制自己焦急和怒火,蹲下 来,耐心跟儿子说:妈妈要上班,下班 后3:00就第一个来幼儿园接你,妈妈也 会很想你的,但是妈妈也必须去上班。 所以,宝宝必须去幼儿园等妈妈。你表 现好好的,晚上睡觉前妈妈会给你多讲
建议二:跟这个年龄段的逆反期孩子 沟通不要用:好不好?要不要的句 型?年轻的父母有些习惯跟孩子商量 (其实还是父母自己决定的事),如 果你用了“好不好?要不要......?”逆 反期的孩子通常给你的答案是:不 好,不要......那时候父母就很尴尬了。 建议年轻的父母用这种句型:今天上 午妈妈爸爸都要上班,你也要去幼儿 园上学。你希望放学的时候妈妈给你 买故事书还是买冰淇淋?这样,孩子 就会知道重要的决定没有他选择的机 会,但是其它方面他有选择的权利和 自由。 建议三:父母要学会耐心等待,每个
孩子都有个体差异。不要过早给孩子 定性。我的孩子是一个非常敏感的类 型,他2个月就怕生,而且三岁去幼儿 园的第一年整整哭了半年,但是他在 家非常乖,我做饭的时候叮嘱他在沙 发上看书呆着,一个小时回去,他果 然原地不动,可怜巴巴的等我,4岁多 我带他出去吃饭,2个小时,他也不闹 很安静的等我结束,3-4岁的时候我很 担心他太乖是不是智商有问题,因为 相比之下别的孩子比他活跃多了。现 在他已经13岁了,在Halifax Grammar 的8年级学习,钢琴、学习成绩都非常 优秀,而且特别擅长演讲、辩论和戏 剧表演。 教育孩子是一个长期的过程,每个阶 段孩子都有变化,教育方式也需要转 变。当遇到教育问题,可以阅读一些 心理学家的文章,然后挑选最适合你 自己的3-5条教育方法执行即可。
March 2016
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Culture •
简单的餐桌礼仪 Chinese Table Manners: Basic Dining Etiquette 要准时到场,并听从主人安排入座。 基本全入座了就开始点菜,如预定了 才就省去点菜这个程序了。
作者:Helen Kwan关柳红 吃食并非吃在嘴里,送下肚子那么简 单。中国人的文明、文化传统处处可 表现出来。在餐桌上也不例外。 中国传统过年(旧历年)又称春节, 是从头一年的腊月初八(旧历或称阴 历的十二月初八)直到来年的正月十 五(阴历一月十五)元宵节才算过完 年。腊月初八开始准备年货,做年 菜、年点等等。从大年三十阖家吃年 夜饭开始,每日都比平日吃的丰盛, 直到过完元宵节才结束,所以有人称 “过大年”。 在过大年的日子里不止是自家人,日 日都会有亲朋友好友共聚餐,那餐桌 礼仪就不可少。首先是座位,主位是 主人分主客之位,也就是主人左右分 主客,之后两边顺序为陪客,越近着主 人就越为尊贵,而左右相同距离,左侧 尊于右侧。 作为主人要提前到场,在靠门口处迎 接客人。如果你是被邀请者,你一定
客随主便,也就是听从主人点菜。如 果客人难推主人盛情,你可点个不太 贵的菜。主人在点菜时应征询客人喜 欢吃什么、问有什么忌口(例如有人 不吃猪肉,佛教人多不吃牛肉)。点菜 量多为人均一菜较为合适,应有荤有 素、有冷有热,尽量全面。如席上有关 键人物(如:领导、好友、长辈等), 应点口味够份量的菜,如:龙虾、鲍、 翅之类。点菜时千万不要问服务员价 钱,这样会表现得小家子气,也会令客 人很不自在。 上菜一般是冷盘、热炒、主菜、汤、 甜品、水果。但各地习俗不同也会有 变化,如广东那边就先上汤(他们说 吃饭先喝汤,老来不受伤)。 请外宾(外国人)吃饭时,应介绍有 鲜明中国特色菜式,如:饺子、烤 鸭、上海狮子头等等。虽不算什么佳肴 美食,相信会受到他们的推崇。 点些当地特色菜和餐馆内的特色菜会
表现主人对客人的细心及尊重,这样 可能会更受客人欢迎。还要照顾大多 数人习惯,不要过辣、或大葱大蒜味 气过浓之类。 中国人热情也习惯劝菜或夹菜给客 人,可外国人习惯不同,你只要做到 礼貌性的招呼就可以了,不要反复劝 菜。 再来谈谈吃相。俗称站有站相、坐有 坐相,吃也有吃相。这可见人的教 养,也是中国人的文明礼貌,不可忽 略。 一:如席不可即动手取是,要等主人示 意再开始,而且要等到菜转到你面前 时再动筷子。注意不要抢在邻座前 面。一次不宜夹菜过多,不要大口往 嘴里塞,狼吞虎咽,这都会给人留下 贪婪的感觉。更不要盯住自己喜欢的 菜吃或堆在自己餐盘中。动作要文 雅,不要碰到自己邻座人,更要小心 别打翻汤、酒之类。 二:吃时不要发出“叭叭”之响。喝 汤时不可“吸噜吸噜”作响。不能用
筷子指向人讲话,嘴中有食物时不要 讲话。需吐出口中物时不能往餐桌上 吐,要用纸巾掩嘴,吐在纸巾内。饭 后用牙签时也要掩口。更不要有不加 控制的打饱嗝等不礼貌的表现。 如中途要离席,只向你左右的人打个 招呼告别,便可离去。但一定要向请 你的主人致歉道别,且要即离,不可 拉住主人说上不完,这样会造成主人 在其他客人面前失礼。 三:对于饮酒,各地各有风俗,不过 一般是右手端杯、左手托底,主客敬 主宾,主宾回敬;陪客敬主人主宾, 他们回敬;再陪客互敬。如没有特别 客人,就可以在桌前顺时针转,这样 避免厚此薄彼。重要的是要给客人添 酒。注意陪客不可喧宾夺主,乱去敬 酒,这是一种不礼貌和不尊重主人的 不雅行为。 最后谈谈喝茶。中国餐桌少不了茶, 这对不饮酒的人更为重要,俗称“以 茶代酒”。倒茶是要小心别烫着他人 或自己。倒茶不要过满,七、八成为 好。端茶要双手将茶端给客人。
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March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
Foods of good luck and prosperity Photos contributed by Atlantic Superstore
+ 家居园艺展
Chinese people prefer sounds such as ‘ping (peace or safe)’, yu’(surplus or abundance) and ‘ji’ (auspiciousness). In the good category, fish pronounces ‘yu’, and chicken pronounces ‘ji’. In the Chinese culture, there are many delicious foods that are associated with good luck and prosperity because of their sounds. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the foods of good fortune, including fruits, vegetables, meat and snacks.
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During Chinese New Year, it’s popular to bring a basket of fruits consisting of apples and oranges or tangerines. Apple or ‘ping-guo’ has a ‘ping’ sound in its name. Oranges or tangerines are called ‘golden oranges’ or ‘golden tangerines’ in Chinese. Therefore, these fruits symbolize a wish for a safe and wealthy coming year. We’re not finished with the oranges yet. Orange is called ‘ju’ which sounds similar to ‘ji’ or ‘good omen’. It is a popular fruit to give as a gift if you wish to make amends to people. For example, if two children got in a fight and then one family sent out a pair of large oranges to try to make amends. If the other family accepted these oranges, it means that amends had been made between the two families. People also combine large mandarin oranges with large pears in a gift. Pear (li) sounds the same with ‘li’ (great benefits).The pairing of large oranges and pears is called ‘da-ji-dali’, or literally ‘the bigger the mandarin and the pears, the better fortune you get’, or simply ‘great luck or great benefits.’ However, be careful with the pears! According to the culture, it’s a taboo to cut pears and give only parts to other people. ‘Pear’ sounds like ‘li’ or ‘apart’, and cutting pears is ‘fen-li’ which literally means ‘being separated.’ Many nuts and seeds symbolize fertility so they’re popular to have dur-
Neville Mackay
ing weddings. Red dates are ‘zao’, peanuts are ‘sheng’, dried longans are ‘gui-yuan’, and melon seeds are ‘zi.’ These four foods together is ‘zaosheng-gui-zi’, a wish for the newly wedded to have a lovely baby soon. Now, let’s look at the vegetables. Long leafy greens are called ‘cai’ which could be 财(rising fortune) or才(great talent). During the Chinese New Year, it’s considered lucky to eat long leafy greens such as cabbage, bok choy or lettuce to wish for a year of rising fortune. Rice cakes, a popular Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour, are also among the foods of good fortune, especially Chinese
New Year. Rice cakes are called ‘niangao’. ‘Nian’ is year, and ‘gao’ is ‘high’ or ‘tall’. The two sounds together have the symbolism of increasing prosperity every year. It’s not hard to see that Chinese people express their love for food through associating them with lucky and auspicious meanings. We’ve only just named a few in the lucky foods category. Next time, when you go to a Chinese restaurant, you can probably identify many poetic and good luck phrases in the name of the dishes from their menu. Good words call for good things. People appreciate food not only because eating keeps us alive, but also as an important part of our spiritual life.
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March 2016
March 2016
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Culture
舌尖上的好运气——吉祥语III 中国东华大学,加拿大圣玛丽大学孔 子学院高倩艺 我们已经知道,中国人喜欢 “平ping”,“裕u”和“吉ji” 及其同音字。Yu的同音字“鱼”,Ji的 同音字“鸡”都是美味佳肴。其实,还 有别的吃的很讨吉利。在这里我们就聊 一些让人们 觉得能带来好运的食物。 有一种水果,它的中文名是“pingguo”。如果你在节日期间拜访中国朋 友,装一篮子“ping-guo”和橘子作为 礼物试试……你的朋友一定会非常高 兴,因为你希望他们平安和好运!加 拿大生产很多这种美味的水果——苹 果。 刚才我们提到橘子。是的,它被称为 “ju”,发音类似于“吉”(好兆头)。 橘子也是好礼物。据说在中国某地,如 果甲家的孩子在春节(中国新年)期间欺 负了乙家的孩子,那么甲家就要送一
对大橘子道歉。如果乙家接受这些橘 子,表示他们可以原谅甲家孩子在节 日期间的不当行为。 橘子和梨子组合成的礼物也是不错的。 梨(li)与“利”同音,所以它很受欢 迎。大橘子和大梨子的组合意为“大吉 大利”。但要小心,不要把梨子切开给 亲友吃哦!因为“梨”也是“离”的同 音 字,“分梨”听上去像“分离”。 一些坚果、干果和种子可以用来庆祝新 婚。如果我们从红枣,花生,桂圆和瓜 子这四个名称中选一个音节,就组合成 “枣生桂子”,与“早生贵子”同音。 因此,去祝贺或看望中国的新婚夫妇, 可以带上这几样东西。 我们再来看看菜类。许多食物被称为 “cai”,与“财”和“才”发音相 近。所以不难想象,中国农历新年期 间,白菜和发菜将身价倍增。“白菜” 的“bai”可 以联想到“百bai”, “bai-cai”就意味着“百财”或
“百才”。而发菜,“发” 除了指头发,还可以是 “发展”的意思,所以这个词让人联想 到“发财”。 最后看一下点心。“Gao”可以指 “高”或“糕”。“年糕”是一种年节 食品,南方人过年要吃年糕,以求“年 年高”。人们还把糕和粽(=中)放在一
起作为礼物送给临考的学生,祝他们 “高中”、考 进一个高水平的学校。 如上所述,中国人通过赋予食物吉祥的 寓意来表达他们对食物的珍爱和对生活 的希冀。上面介绍的只是一小部分。在 中国,一些餐厅用充满诗情画意或好运 的短语代替菜品的名称。吉言呼唤好 运,人们拿食物来发明吉言,是一种精 神需求。
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