Local stamp artist Carloe Liu Page 4
Support for Chinese moms Page 8
Summer celebrations Page 12
Garden tips for insects Page 14
June 2015
Honouring Colin Dodds
Page 3
SMU’s greatest ambassador to China 加中教育合作交流的领头人
Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Christine Qin Yang Cover photo: Bill Bu
Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Vice President, Business Development: Jeff Nearing Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca.
June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
June 2015
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Cover Story •
Colin Dodds ref lects on his years-long relationship with China
科林道兹教授谈与中方院校的合作交流 译/Christine Qin Yang
BY CHRIS MUISE Dr. J. Colin Dodds has experienced a lot of firsts up to and including his tenure as president of Saint Mary’s University. He was first made a member of the faculty in September of 1982. His first day on the job as the departmental chair of Finance and Management Sciences and the M.B.A. Director in 1984. His first day as Dean of the Sobey School of Business in 1987, first day as V.P. Academic and Research in 1991, and finally, his first day as the President of SMU in 2000. Now, in 2015, as his tenure as president comes to a close, he’s starting to experience the flip-side of all those many firsts. “It’s bittersweet. There’s a lot of ‘lasts,’” says Dr. Dodds, who was preparing for his final convocation ceremony as president at the time of this interview. “Every week, there’s a ‘last’ of some sort.” Dr. Dodds has accomplished many great things during his 33-year run at Saint Mary’s, and during his 15-year run as president, to the point that it almost does him a disservice to devote an article to just one facet of his distinguished career. But when Dakai Maritimes recently sat down with Dr. Dodds, just a few days shy of the end of the academic year, and a month prior to his last day in office, one of the aspects of that career
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科林道兹教授在任加拿大圣玛丽大学校 长之前以及期间,经历许多难忘的 第一次。1982年9月,他初任圣玛丽 大学执教;1984年,他首任金融管理 学院系主任以及MBA项目主管;1987 年,他就任商学院院长;1991年,他担 任圣玛丽大学教育、研究副校长。直 至2000年,道兹教授成为圣玛丽大学 校长。 今年也就是2015年,道兹教授将完成 其校长任期。经历了这些难忘的“首 次”,他也开始经历许多不舍的“最 后一次”。 we discussed with him was something that began with another one of his many firsts – his first trip to China. “My first trip was into a place called Xiamen, which is in Fujian province,” says Dr. Dodds. “We have a linkage there through our Confucius Institute.” Saint Mary’s today is known for its large Chinese student population, and while Saint Mary’s interest in the East dates back to the late 1970s with their Asian Studies program, that is thanks in part to the partnerships and linkages Dr. Dodds has helped to foster overseas, with the guidance and support of Bill Bu, SMU alum and Hong KongCanada Business Association Atlantic Section president. One of the strongest linkages is SMU’s relationship with their sister school, Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai.
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要面对的是很多‘最后一次’,” 道 兹教授接受我们采访的时候,正在准 备出席圣玛丽大学的毕业典礼。这也 将是他最后一次以校长的身份出席毕 业典礼。“每一周,我都要经历一些 ‘最后一次’。” 道兹教授在圣玛丽大学任职33年;其中, 任校长职务 15年。这一篇文章的长度 和份量,远不足以描述他卓越的职业生 涯。 我们在访问道兹教授的时候恰好邻近一 个学年度的结束,离他结束任期也 只有短短的一个月。借着这个机会,我 们和他一起回顾了他的首次中国行。 “我在中国的第一站是福建省厦门市。
June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Profile
Local artist stamps out her niche in Halifax crafts scene BY CHRIS MUISE A local Chinese-Nova Scotian artist is stamping out her place in the community by bringing what she’s learned travelling the world to her medium, all while letting the style of the region make its stamp on her as well. While Carloe Liu was born in the Shandong province of China, and lived
there for 23 years, she considers Japan to be her first home. “I was in Japan for about nine years. I was living in Kyoto, I went to university there,” says Liu, who studied Media Arts and became a graphic designer. “I have been away from home for over 10 years. I really have to rethink about
小小印章,雕刻精彩人生 译/Christine Qin Yang 这是一位来自新斯科舍的华人视觉艺术 家,她带着游历世间的领悟,雕刻 起她的艺术人生。 刘珊来自于山东省,在家乡生活了23 年后,选择去日本留学。“我在日本待 了9年。我当时生活在京都,也就是
我大学的所在地 。”刘珊在日本主修 新媒体艺术专业,此后她成为了一名 职业平面设计师。 “我离开家乡十多年了,所以我可能要 给‘家’重新定义。”刘珊说: “我在哪里有工作,并有一个属于自 己的归宿,哪里就是家。这是我对家
Local artist Carloe Liu showcases an array of stamps she’s created since learning the art of stamp-making while living in Kyoto. She says a lot of local tastes and requests have inspired her to create some stamps with a Canadian bent. 哈法艺术家刘珊展示她的印章雕刻成果。这些是她从在日本京都初学印章雕刻直至 近期的创作作品。她表示当地客户的需求激发了她在印章中添加加拿大特色的灵 感。
June 2015
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Profile •
Carloe Liu CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 what is the definition of ‘home,’” says Liu. “Wherever you can find a job, you purchase a home, that is your home. This is my home.” “I’m currently pretty much spending all of my time in front of computers, so I think doing those handy, craft things, it’s like taking a good balance of the creative,” says Liu, who chose to take up the art of stamp-making. “I think, in Japan, there are a lot of stampmakers. There are a lot of workshops. It was quite popular...during that time, it was very popular in Japan, for those hand-crafted things.” It’s not uncommon in Japan to get a stamp with your signature or seal on it made when you open up a bank ac-
count, according to Liu, so stampmakers are in high demand there. “A signature stamp is very formal for everybody, in terms of opening a bank account,” says Liu, who makes a variety of stamps based on what inspires her at the time – anything from simple floral patterns and cartoony faces, all the way to more complex pieces like photo-realistic cats, scenes from manga comics, and even herself. Liu moved to Canada in 2008 with her husband, first to Toronto, then Fredericton, and then finally here in Halifax in 2013. When she arrived, she found the stamp craft a bit more niche here, or at least the style she favours. “Stamp-making here in Canada, I think it’s more like part of print-making - it could be larger,” says Liu. “It just doesn’t have so many tiny, tiny details.”
Alongside her full-time work as a graphic designer, Liu has gone into the community to make her line of stamps available to her Nova Scotian neighbours, setting up shop at the Seaport Farmer’s Market, as well as making her product available through Inkwell Boutique. “When I was in the farmer’s market, I really enjoyed the conversation, faceto-face, with all kinds of people,” says Liu. “They would come up to me, asking me, ‘do you have the Canadian maple leaf,’ or anything like a local stamp. I get new inspirations from the local requests.” Liu hasn’t been able to visit the markets lately, or update her product line at Inkwell for a while, since becoming a mother for her 10-month-old son Lufei has kept her pretty preoccupied. But she hopes to return once her ma-
ternity leave ends. In the meantime she is working to expand both her skill sets with more local art and craft styles by studying book binding at NSCAD University (“Because whoever loves paper, loves stamps,” says Liu), as well as pass her skills along to a new generation. “Every Saturday morning, I’m currently teaching three 12-year-old girls. They come here, and we carve stamps together,” says Liu, who has also taught stamp-making classes at NSCAD in the past. Liu’s Saturday class is currently booked, but she hopes to have more spaces available soon. To keep up with her availability, or to commission a personalized stamp for yourself, you can contact her through her website, carloeliu.com, or you can email her directly at carloeliu@gmail.com.
橡皮章 上接第4页 的定义。” 对刘珊来说,平面设计意味着大量上机 操作。在日本求学和生活的那段时 间,她发掘了一种通过动手来发挥创 造力的一种艺术形式。 “我大部分时间都需要在电脑上工作, 而手工制作能让我的设计在手工 和机械化两者间找到平衡。”刘珊选 择的是钻研手作橡皮印章制作。她 说:“橡皮印章雕刻在日本非常热 门。日本有许多橡皮印章雕刻家和相 关课程。”她接着说:“去银行开户 的时候, 有些人就会使用非常正式的 姓名印章。” 刘珊会根据平日不同的灵感来制作不 同的印章。其中的设计有最简单的花 卉图案,到卡通图像,再到复杂逼真的 猫咪, 甚至是自画像。 “我觉得我的雕刻很注重细节。”刘 珊说。 2008年,刘珊随丈夫移居加国。他们 先到多伦多,再去了弗雷德里克顿。 2013年,他们选择在哈法定居。来到哈 法后, 她发现作为一种艺术形式,这里的 橡皮印章制作还比较小众化。 “橡皮印章制作在加拿大还可以有更 大的市场。”刘珊表示:“其实,橡皮 印章制作不需要太拘泥于细节。” 不管是街坊邻里、海港集市还是手工 精品店,在职业工作之余,刘珊都会在本 地社区倾力推广她的橡皮章和橡皮章
“我非常喜欢在集市和顾客那种面对 面的交流。”刘珊笑着说:“大家会 提出各种各样的问题和需求,比如‘你 有没有加拿大枫叶印章?’等等。这 些提问总是带给我许多新灵感。” 刘珊还说,兴趣、周遭的事物还有旅 途中的所见所闻,都能激发她创作的源 泉。 “因为我来自中国,所以我特别喜欢 国宝熊猫。”她介绍道:“我有很多 关于熊猫的作品,同时也有代表当地 的动物作品——浣熊。” 刘珊已经很久没有去海港集市, Inkwell精品店也很久没有她的新作品 了。这是因为新为人母的她,目前正 在悉心照料10月大的儿子Lufei。她希 望产假结束后能继续自己的创作。 刘珊最近在新斯科舍艺术大学学习书 籍装帧,也在将雕刻艺术和创作分享给 更多的年轻艺术爱好者。 “每周六上午都会有三个12岁的小女 孩来我这学橡皮印章雕刻,我会手把 手的教她们。”刘珊也曾在新省艺术 大学担任过橡皮印章雕刻教师。她感 慨道:“我非常愿意和大家分享印章 雕刻这门手艺,通过这种分享,我也实 现了自我提升。通过观察别人的创作 过程,我能从中学习,为自己的创作 积淀灵感与经验。这是种意想不到的 收获。” 刘珊的手作橡皮章课堂现已被预定。 如果你对手作橡皮章感兴趣,想要学 习制作或想要定制一枚私人印章,可 以访问她的网站carloeliu.com或发邮件 至 carloeliu@gmail.com。
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June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
科林道兹教授 上接第3页 ”道兹教授回顾道:“圣玛丽大 学和孔夫子学院有着紧密的合作关 系。” 众所周知,如今的圣玛丽大学拥有大批 中国学生。早在上个世纪70年代,圣 玛丽大学便开始与亚洲国家合作开创 教育项目,即亚洲研究项目。该项目的 实现,离不开道兹教授以及圣玛丽校 友、港加商会大西洋分会会长卜志雨 先生的努力。 众多教育合作项目中,与圣玛丽大学合 作关系最密切的要数它的姐妹学校 ──北京师范大学珠海分校。 道兹教授说:“90年代中期,卜志雨带
Colin Dodds CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 “Bill took me to Zhuhai back in the middle ’90s. There wasn’t a single university in Zhuhai at that point,” says Dr. Dodds. Over the last 12 years, under Dr. Dodds’ presidency, Saint Mary’s has been fostering the growth of the Zhuhai campus, both by bringing their faculty here, and in creating a 2-and-2 program that lets their students of commerce study their last two years here. “Bill invited groups over from Zhuhai, groups of business people, for orientations here. Bit by bit, we built the linkage.” And that linkage is only growing. Next year, Saint Mary’s will start offering their 2-and-2 program full-time at Zhuhai as well – they’re sending some of their teachers there to teach fulltime. One of the reasons Dr. Dodds has been so proactive in fostering a strong link between Saint Mary’s and China is because he truly believes in the university’s mission – to help create citizens of the world. “The vision for Saint Mary’s is for our students to be citizens of the world,” says Dr. Dodds. “For our Nova Scotia students, or students from other parts of Canada, if they don’t have the opportunity to study abroad…they at least get the chance to meet students from
我去了珠海。那时候,珠海还没有大 学。”在道兹教授担任校长的12年期 间,圣玛丽大学与北师大珠海分校紧密 合作,互相派遣教授授课,并开办 “2+2”合作教学项目,让珠海校区的 学生有机会前往圣玛丽完成大学后两 年的学习。“卜志雨从珠海邀请了大 批的商业伙伴,前来我们新斯科舍考 察。逐渐地,我们建立了紧密的合作关 系。” 这种合作仍在不断进展。明年,圣玛丽 将在珠海校区开办合作教学,派遣本校 教授到珠海全职授课。 道兹教授之所以会如此努力地促进圣玛 丽大学与中国的合作,是因为他坚信 圣玛丽大学的使命——培养世界公 民。 “圣玛丽大学的使命是培养我们的学生 成为世界的公民。” 道兹教授说:
other parts of the world, here on campus. I think that helps civil society. I think it helps build relationships with Canada and different countries - in this case, China.” Dr. Dodds also believes that, with Nova Scotia facing an aging demographic, retention of bright young minds is vital to the future of this province, and that includes the international students that come to study at Saint Mary’s, from China or from any one of the over 100 nations that SMU students represent. “What better than students that have studied here that have got Canadian credentials - e.g. a Saint Mary’s degree - and they want to stay, and they want to put their roots down,” says Dr. Dodds. “Quite a few of our Chinese students actually do stay.” While Dr. Dodds has experienced a lot of lasts coming up to the end of his presidency, he is making sure that Saint Mary’s connection and partnership with China is not going to be a last for the university anytime soon. “There’s no point leaving something, having nobody behind you,” says Dr. Dodds. “We have people who are committed to keeping that going. The new president has indicated that what attracted him to come in the first place was the internationalization.” It may not even be a last for Dr.
“如果我们新斯科舍省和加拿大其他 地区的学生没有出国留学的机会,那么 至少要在校园里有与来自世界其它国 家学生交流的机会。这种机会将促进 社会的发展,同时也将增进加拿大与 国际间的关系,比如中国。” 道兹教授还坚信,在新斯科舍省面临人 口老龄化的今天,为新省留住年轻 人至关重要。这些年轻的力量就包括 了圣玛丽大学来自中国以及其他100 多个国家的留学生。 “有谁能比这些在加拿大受过高等教育 的学生更合适留下来呢? 比如这些 从圣玛丽毕业的学生,他们想要留在本 省安家置业。” 道兹教授说:“现在 毕业后选择留在本省的留学生越来越 多。”
• Cover Story
与中方的合作做出了巨大贡献。临近 卸任,他也要确保该合作能够继续进 行。 “即使我不任校长一职,圣玛丽大学与 中国紧密的合作关系仍会一如既 往。”道兹教授说:“我们的新校长 曾表示,圣玛丽大学的国际化是吸引 他就职的一个重要原因。” 或许,这还不是道兹教授与圣玛丽大 学说再见的时候,因为他将继续在商 学院任教。事实上,如果他接下来接 手管理有关的新项目,他的中国故事 将再次揭开一页新篇章。 “如果我就任相应岗位,我应该会去 中国招生。”编者着笔同时,道兹教 授将再赴厦门考察。
Dodds, who will be returning to teach at the Sobey School of Business nest year. In fact, if discussions about managing the new program out there carry weight, a new chapter in his story with
China may be one of his new firsts. “If I do that, I’ll be going to China to recruit,” says Dr. Dodds, who will be returning to Xiamen at the time of this writing.
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Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
June 2015
June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Feature
Local support for Chinese mothers BY HEATHER LAURA CLARKE Caibin Liao was pregnant with her first child, and she wanted to find a way to discuss pregnancy and infant care with other Chinese mothers in Halifax. So she used a free messaging app called WeChat to create a conversation with eight of her pregnant friends. “Many of us were first-time moms, so we had very limited knowledge about raising kids,” says Liao. “We wanted a space to discuss issues about pregnancy as well as raising newborns.” Although the group was initially created for those who would became mothers in 2014, the year of the Horse, word spread quickly. Mothers of different years joined to
More than 20 families attended a get-together in April. 今年4月的一次妈妈群聚会中,有20多个华人家庭参与聚会。
哈法妈妈群,分享育儿经 译/Christine Qin Yang 2014年,即将为人母的廖彩彬女士想找 个机会和其他哈法华人妈妈们分享育 儿经。于是,她在微信平台上创建了一 个妈妈群,把另外8位她当时所熟知 的妈妈们也加进了讨论群。 “当时我们基本都是新手妈妈,育儿 知识都很有限。”廖女士说:“我们 觉得有必要分享彼此的孕期和育儿心 得。” 于是,一个由新手妈妈和准妈妈们组成 的讨论群在线上成立。因为群里妈妈 们大多都是在马年生宝宝,所以起名 “马年妈妈群”。之后,妈妈群立即受 到众多妈妈们的关注。很快的,随着越 来越多妈妈们的加入,妈妈群有了个更 响亮的、涵盖面更广的新名字“哈法美 妈群”。如今,近70位有着不同背景、 却又有着相同育儿经历的妈妈们,在群 里分享着各自的育儿经验和信息,并一 起解决育儿难题。群里也提供给了妈妈 们很多其它的便利,譬如她们可以互相
交换或者转让一些母婴用品等等。 “来加拿大后, 因为身边没有亲人的帮 助,很多华人妈妈都要自己带孩子,再加 上自己没有经验,她们非常需要育儿方 面的一些指导。”廖女士说:“在群 里,我们用中文交流,没有任何语言障 碍。” 建群不久,妈妈们的交流就由线上延伸 到线下,在现实生活中开始组织聚会活 动。 “有个妈妈告诉我,自从入了群,她 觉得自己不再孤单了,因为她在异国他 乡找到了同伴。”廖女士说:“当新 手妈妈碰到棘手难题,其他妈妈就会 踊跃分享她们的“实战”经验。如果问 题得不到解决,我们一群妈妈就会一起 帮忙出主意。” 今年4月的一次妈妈群聚会中,有20多 个华人家庭参与聚会,他们中的大多数 家庭都有1岁以内或左右的1到2个宝 贝。经过将近一年的经验分享,妈妈们
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June 2015
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Feature •
Halifax Chinese Beautiful Mothers CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 take advantage of the social support, and Liao changed the group’s name to Halifax Chinese Beautiful Mothers group. Members share their parenting experiences and discuss how to handle different situations. They also buy and sell children’s items, flea-market style. “Many Chinese mothers are in Canada without their parents, so they need support on how to raise their kids,” explains Liao. “We talk in Chinese, so they don’t need to worry about a lan-
哈法妈妈群 上接第8页 也都互相熟知。平时,她们会带着宝贝 们出来,约在图书馆或游乐场等场合一 起玩耍。 三年前,罗杏芳女士移民来到加国。 她带着9岁的女儿以及11个月的儿子
guage barrier.” Soon, the digital connections expanded into real-world friendships, as the moms began meeting up for in-person events and playdates. “One mom told me this group has helped her to no longer feel lonely, because she’s with mothers from the same country,” says Liao. “New moms always have questions, and older moms will share their experiences — and if there’s a question no one can answer, we will look for solutions together.” More than 20 families attended a gettogether in April, and small meetings take place each week at libraries and playgrounds so the children can play
while the moms get to know each other. Xingfang Luo moved to Canada three years ago from southern China, and is now raising her nine-year-old daughter and 11-month-old son in Halifax. Her parents helped her raise her daughter back in China, so Luo says she felt “helpless and stressed” managing without their help after the birth of her son. She says it can be “extremely challenging” to raise a family far from your native country, so she joined the Halifax Chinese Beautiful Mothers group for the ability to ask questions and learn from other Chinese mothers in
the area. “It seems like the club is full of magic. It’s like a big family,” says Luo. While Luo loves Nova Scotia’s fresh air and beautiful scenery, she says it’s the friendly people she enjoys the most. She compares the group to a famous Chinese saying, “A near neighbour is better than a distant cousin.” “The other mothers in this group are just like my neighbours. We can support each other, and not need to feel lonely anymore,” says Luo. “It’s important to integrate into local culture and community, but we also need a group like this — without a language barrier — so we can feel comfortable.”
定居在哈法。在国内,罗女士的父母曾 帮她照顾大女儿。如今少了父母的帮 助,小儿子出生后,她一度感到很无 助。
“群里的其他妈妈就像是我的邻居。 有些时候,我对她们的依赖要胜过我远 在国内的亲人们。我们相互帮助,不再 感到孤单。”罗女士还说:“融入当 地文化固然重要,但我们也很需要类 似这样的交流平台。拥有相同的背景 和文化,少了语言的障碍,让我们感到特 别放松自在。”
在陌生的环境养育两个孩子绝非易 事。为了能向其他妈妈汲取经验,罗女 士欣然加入了“哈法美妈群”。 “群里的功能非常强大,它就像是一个
在新斯科舍省,罗女士深爱着这里的新 鲜空气和美丽景色,更被当地人的友好 与热情打动。说起妈妈群对她的意义, 她引用了中国的一句熟语:“远亲不 如近邻”,来形容妈妈群对自己在异乡 育儿道路上提供的巨大的帮助和便 利。
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June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
Special Chinese characters BY QIANYI GAO, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY & DONGHUA UNIVERSITY Think the character ` ' as a face. What does this face look like? It has a mouth open widely, with two eyes which appear to be either smiling or crying, depending on your understanding. Is it not an embarrassing face expression? A few years ago, when texting became popular, creative young people started using this ancient character to express embarrassment. Now let’s look at some of these specially used characters. Let`s talk about these characters: 一, 人,十,之,回,丁,金,国,正 and . They are frequently used, and like other Chinese characters, each of them has its own pronunciation and meaning. Yet, people created additional meaning for them mostly because of their looks. 一、人、十、之、回、丁 are chosen because of the lines in the characters.金 and国are used because of their shapes. These characters have lost their original meanings when used to describe shapes. For example, people use the shape of the character ‘一' to describe a line or a row.Although it means `one`, or `the first`, the sequence or the amount doesn’t matter. The character ‘人' is used to describe the shape of a flock of birds in the sky, although it means `people`.‘十',like the letter `X,' is used to describe a crossed shape. `十字架' for the `crucifix'‘十字路口' for' crossroad' , ‘红十字' is the ‘red cross'. In these words, `十' loses its original meaning, which is `ten'. Furthermore, people often neglect details when using characters to describe shapes. The character `丁'is
similar to the letter `T' in English, so T-junction is 丁字路口. You will notice that the character `丁' has a small hook at the end of the strokes, but that doesn`t stop it being a T shape. `之' is similarto the letter `Z', people ignore the dot on the top, and use it to describe mountain roads. The character ``回` appears as one small box inside a bigger box. If there are more than two circles of desks in a classroom, the shape of the desks can still be called 回字形,which is the shape of this character. Sometimes, people don't care about the inside strokes at all. `金' is used to describe a triangle. `Pyramid' is translated to `金字塔' or `金' shaped tower. It seems that only the outer stokes contribute to form the shape. ``国' is used to describe a face with big jaws, where only the outer stokes are really counted. However, `正' (meaning `correct')is featured not because of its shape. Actually, people use it to count. It seems that five is a perfect unit for efficient counting.We use four vertical lines and one horizontal line, and `正' has five strokes. Although there are many five-stroke characters, `正' is being widely used for counting. Now let's go back to the characte ` '. The sound of this character is the same as another word which means ``embarrassment'. It also has two elements - the sound and the shape - to become a popular character to express this feeling. After studying Chinese characters, we now understand that reappearance of characters from thousands of years ago was not an accident. With unique shapes, sounds and meanings, the multi-media world and the endless imagination of human brain continue to add new meanings and usage to characters that have been sleeping in ancient dictionaries.
• Culture
June 2015
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Culture •
部分汉字的特殊用法 加拿大圣玛丽大学孔子学院、中国东 华大学高倩艺 如果字符“ ”是一张脸,那 么这张 脸是什么表情?嘴大张着,两只 眼睛 又像笑又像哭。对!一个尴尬的表 情!几年前,短信开始流行不久,就 有年轻人突发奇想,用这个古老的文 字来表达“尴尬”。本文聊聊此类汉 字的特殊用法。 和其他汉字一样,一,人,十,之, 回,丁,金,国,正, , 这十个常 用字,都有本身的字音和字意。然 而,由于形状比较特殊,它们被赋予 了更多功能。人们用一,人,十, 之,回,丁这几个字来表述类似的线 条,用金,国的外围笔画来状形。 这些字用于描述的形状时,就自动失去 了意义。例如,“一”字用来描述 一条线形时,它代表的“一”或“第 一个”这个字义就不重要了;“人”字
用来描述鸟类在天空的队列时,这个 字就不代表我们这种生物了;“十”, 就象字母X,用于描述十字形的东 西。十字架,十字路口,红十字…… 这些词汇中的“十”失去了它作为数 量的意义。 人们使用汉字描述形状时忽略细节。 “丁”字类似于英文字母T,所以有 “丁字路口”的说法。“丁”的第二 笔有一个小钩,但这并不妨碍它成为一 个T形;“之”,类似于字母Z,顶 部的点被忽略,用来形容山路。 “回”字是一个小方框外套一个大方 框,共两层;但是,如果教室里的课 桌围成回形超过两圈,还是称为“回 字形”。人们甚至忽略内部的笔画。 “金”用于描述三角形。埃及的著名 古建筑群被翻译成金字塔,其实前两 笔和最后一笔就够用了。“国”用来 描述一个方脸,似乎最外的一圈笔画 就够用。
关于“正”字。它的特殊用法不是因为 形状。汉字圈的人们,中国人,日 本人,韩国人都用它计数。就像我们 采用四个立式支线和一条水平线—— 共五条线来计数一样,“正”字正好 有五笔。虽然汉字中有很多五笔的 字,但这个字被选中,可能是因为它 同时具有“正确”这个含义吧。 最后,再回顾一下开头说的 “ ”字。这个字的发音和 “窘”是一样 的。因此,它至少有两个元素——声 音和形状——使它成为表达人们复杂 心情的汉字新星。 经过以上的探讨,我们现在明白,寿数 数千的“ ”字重出江湖并非 偶然。沉睡在字典里的其他字符,和上 述其他汉字一样,由于它们都有自己 的音、形、意,在多媒体世界和人类 想象力的双重作用下,它们都有可能 被赋予新的含义或功能,成为下一批 汉字家族的新星。
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June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Tourism
Multicultural Maritimes: Gearing up for summer celebrations BY HEATHER LAURA CLARKE Every year, audiences at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo exclaim that it couldn’t possibly be topped. But Tattoo producer Jim Forde says this summer’s show is going to be “particularly extraordinary,” and is fast-paced from start to finish. “We keep saying it gets better and better every year, and people will say ‘But how could you out-do last year?’” says Forde. “I’ve been involved in almost all of them, and I know this year’s show is fantastic.” “Some of the events happening here in the Maritimes are world-class, and the Tattoo is one of them.” With four nighttime performances and four matinees, the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo runs from June 30 through July 7 at the Scotiabank Centre. There will be close to 2,000 performers in total, including pipers, drummers, highland dancers, gymnasts, tumblers. Nova Scotia’s first Tattoo was held in
1979 on the occasion of the first Gathering of the Clans outside of Scotland, with the Queen Mother officiating as the guest of honour. It’s been going strong ever since, and this summer will mark the 36th Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo. The standard theme is the bond of friendship between civilian and military communities of Canada — as well as Canada’s friendship with countries all over the world — but Forde says this year’s sub-theme is the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. This year’s Tattoo will also celebrate the 30,000th playing of the Last Post at the Menin Gate in Ypres. The road is closed to traffic nightly at 8 p.m. for the ceremony, as the buglers play tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives during WWII. “We’ve trained 15 cadet buglers this year, and they’ll play the Last Post in Grand Parade an hour before each show,” says Forde. “We hope to also participate in a simulcast on July 9 with locations around the world, celebrating the 30,000th play.” Forde says people travel from all over
the world to attend the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo because they believe it’s “the best tattoo in the world, bar none.” “There’s very little dialogue, so you don’t need to understand English to enjoy it,” says Forde. “Music truly is an international language.” Prince Edward Island is feeling the international love just a couple of days before the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo begins. The 9th annual DiverseCity Multicultural Festival will be celebrated on June 28 in Charlottetown, Montague, and Summerside. Hannah Jones, event co-manager of the 2015 DiverseCity Multicultural Festival on Prince Edward Island, says more than 10,000 people attended in 2014 — and she expects upwards of 12,000 this year. “There’s everything from demonstrations, games, and activities to international food vendors, craft vendors, and performances. It’s a really great day,” says Jones. Admission is free to the one-day festival, and countries from all around the world will be represented.
“PEI’s Chinese community is the largest immigrant community on the island, and it’s continuing to grow. We also have the highest retention rates of anywhere in Atlantic Canada,” says Jones. “We’ll be seeing a big representation from the Chinese Community on the main stage, from pianists and singers to performers playing the guzheng.” PEI’s large Buddhist community will be participating in the festival for the second time this year, bringing in instruments for people to try and displaying traditional tea ceremonies. Back in Halifax, the 31st annual Nova Scotia Multicultural Festival runs June 26-28 at Halifax’s Seaport Market near Pier 21. The Multifest Parade will wind its way through downtown on Saturday morning, featuring musicians, dancers, performers, and cultural groups in festive costume. The Halifax International Buskers Festival runs July 29 through August 3 on the Halifax waterfront, and will feature performers from Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
June 2015
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Tourism •
多元加东:夏日节庆蓄势待发 译/Christine Qin Yang 作为每年夏天的必看节目,新斯科舍省 皇家国际军乐节深受观众喜爱,并 被称为“无法超越的经典”。军乐节 制作人弗勒先生表示,今年夏天的表 演精彩连连、紧凑无比,更将超越经 典,给观众带来非凡体验。 “我们总在说演出一年比一年精彩,而 大众总会问:‘你们怎么可能做得 比去年更好?’”弗勒谈到今年的军 乐节:“几乎每届军乐节我都参与 过,而我对今年的演出相当有信心, 这会是一场无与伦比的视听盛宴。” “新斯科舍省汇集了不少世界级的顶尖 文化表演,国际军乐节就是其中之 一。” 今年的新斯科舍省皇家国际军乐节将从 6月30日到7月7日于丰业银行中 心(Scotiabank Centre)公演,分别包括 四个午场以及四个晚场。 届时将有2,000位人员参与表演。演出 节目包括管乐、鼓乐、杂技、舞蹈、 合唱、独唱、军演竞技和历史重演 等。 新斯科舍省的首届军乐节始于1979 年,汇集了大批的苏格兰裔观众,伊 丽莎白女王还出席了当年的盛会。自 此,新省皇家国际军乐节日益壮大, 今夏即将为观众献上的是第36届节庆 表演。 从广义上来讲,军乐节追求表达的主题 是加国军民鱼水情,以及加国与世界 各国的友好情谊。弗勒表示,今年的 表演主题将围绕着第二次世界大战结 束70周年展开。
今年的军乐节也将于伊普尔的梅宁门 府庆祝《最后岗位》的第30,000次演 奏。仪式当晚八点,相关道路将暂时关 闭,军号将吹响,以纪念那些在第二次世 界大战中失去生命的战士。 “今年我们培训了15名军号手,他们 将在每场演出前的大游行吹响《最后 岗位》,”弗勒说:“我们希望在7月 9日这一天,世界各地都能转播这场表 演,与我们共庆 《最后岗位》的第 30,000次演出。” 弗勒还分享道,各国游客之所以愿意远 道而来观看军乐节,是因为在他们心中, 新省皇家国际军乐节堪称世界顶尖级 的表演。 “军乐节汇演少有对话,观众无需听 懂英文就能享受这场视听盛宴。”弗 勒表示:“音乐是无国界的语言。” 在新省皇家国际军乐节开幕前,爱德 华王子岛将会提前感受到来自世界各 地游客们的热情。第九届爱德华王子 岛多元文化节将于6月28日在夏洛特 顿、蒙塔古和萨默塞地三地举行。 作为本年度多元文化节的联合策划主 管,琼斯女士告诉我们,多元文化节每年 都吸引近万名游客。她期待今年的观 光客能够增长至12,000名。 谈起多元文化节, 琼斯说:“活动现场 将会有文化展台、游戏、活动、世界 美食总汇、手工艺展以及文艺表演等 的精彩呈现。这将会是无比美妙的一 天。” 节日当天,所有游客免费入场,享受世界 各国文化荟萃。 “华人社区是爱德华王子岛最大的新 移民群体,其规模与日俱增。爱岛也
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是加拿大大西洋省份移民留有率最高 的地区。”琼斯表示:“文化节当 天,中国文化将会作为一个重点被呈 现。观众们将欣赏到华人社区的朋友 们带来的钢琴、歌唱和古筝等表演节 目。” 今年是爱德华王子岛的佛教团体第二 次参加文化节。他们将为观众带来传 统的茶道表演,并提供专业茶具让游 客体验茶文化。 不止是军乐节,哈法的其它夏日庆典也 都蓄势待发。6月26至 28日,新斯科
舍省也将在哈利法克斯市中心临近21 号码头的港口集市举办新省多元文化 节。新省多元文化节的庆祝游行将于 27日早上举行。届时,民乐家、舞蹈 家、民俗表演者以及本市的各个多元 文化社区和团体都会着盛装参加本次 游行。 7月29日到8月3日,哈利法克斯海滨 公园也将迎来一年一度的哈法国际街 头艺人节。今年, 观众们将会欣赏到来 自加拿大、美国、英国、日本、澳大 利亚和新西兰的街头表演达人们带来 的无与伦比的精彩表演。
June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Column
The six-legged creatures BY HUI ZHOU Summer is the time to see numerous insects. As the most diverse form of life on earth, insects live in almost every type of habitat. They are classified to phylum arthropod in the animal Kingdom. All adult insects have two things in common: three major body sections (head, thorax and abdomen) and six joined legs attached on the thorax. These distinguish insects from other arthropods, such as spiders, ticks and mites. In early times, we, humans already learned how to get silk and honey, to extract chitin and protein from insects and use them for scientific research. The benefits from insects are countless. Meanwhile, we have also tried hard to get rid of those viewed as pests. I still remember a book, “Silent Spring”, I read over 30 years ago when I studied entomology at Peking University. In
the 1962’s book, Rachel Carson described the controversy of over using synthetic insecticides (especially DDT) killing not only target insects, but more lives from other insects, fish, birds and small mammals to human children. Thus, the melody of spring sounds in many American small towns was “silenced” by insecticides. After the huge lesson and cost, integrated pest management (IPM) became a suitable alternative. Simply, it is a pesticide/insecticide-reduced, economical and environmentally friendly means of managing pest damage at an acceptable level. It includes environmental, biological, cultural (crop rotation), physical and/or chemical control. Can we do it in our backyard? Certainly we can. Here are three methods I prefer to use. One is my friend Bob's spray bottle with 5-10 per cent dish soap in water. In Nova Scotia, one of the most sneaky plant pests is earwigs. They are active at night and can feed on newly geminated beets, carrots and beans, as well
as plant leaves, flowers and corn silks, etc. Directly spray the soap water on them and they die shortly. In a small garden it is manageable if you are as determined as Bob. In a single night Bob could totally eliminate hundreds or even more earwigs in a couple of times. Aphids and scales are indoor and outdoor pests. The soap water works well, too followed by rinsing the plants with clean water several hours after the treatment. It is necessary to repeat a couple of times weekly if the populations are high. To prevent insect damage, I admire backyard birds, like chickens, guinea hens and quails. Earwigs, including their babies in soil and other insects such as root weevil larvae, cutworms, June beetle (well-known as June bug) larvae, overwinter caterpillars and pupae are their natural food. In spring, simply loosen or till gardens and let the birds scratch. That's my favourite “biological control”. In growing season, plants like cabbage,
cauliflower and broccoli extremely attract cabbage butterflies. When you see them flying around those vegetables, troubles are coming to you. That’s the time they are looking for a place to lay eggs on the underside of the leaves. Soon their baby caterpillars are born and greedily eat at once. But don’t worry. Check closely and frequently. It’s not difficult to find them. To manage, nothing is better than your fingers if you do as daily routine. It is “physical control”. So this is a good start on IPM, especially if you practice hard. You can also find more information Online. By the way, don’t forget this, other animals, such as one-legged slugs, as well as four-legged rabbits, deer and groundhogs also taste gardens especially at night. So if in a morning you see everything in the gardens has been trimmed, please don't always blame the six-legged creatures.
June 2015
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
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昆虫:六条腿的小生灵 作者:周辉 在动物界昆虫属于节肢动物门、昆虫 纲。所有昆虫成虫的身体构造有两个 显著特征,即头、胸、腹和分节的六 条腿。如果牢记这两个特征,就绝不 会将昆虫和其它节肢动物如蜘蛛、蜱 和螨等相混淆。 昆虫种类繁多,并且是最富有生物多样 性动物群体。在生态系统中举足轻 重。人类在早期就学会了利用昆虫, 如养蚕抽丝、养蜂取蜜。用昆虫作为 蛋白质来源、作为科学研究的材料等 等。昆虫对人类功不可没。 但是有些昆虫侵害庄稼或蛀蚀储物而被 定义为害虫。对此,人类曾非斩尽 杀绝而不快。至今还记得30多年前 我在北京大学就读昆虫学时教授推荐 的一本书《寂静的春天》。1962年作 者蕾切尔卡森 (Rachel Carson)描述 了过度使用化学农药,尤其是滴滴涕 (DDT)的后果:在杀死靶标昆虫的 同时大量杀死天敌昆虫和其它昆虫。 由于其化学结构极其稳定性和生物蓄
积作用,这些农药进入食物链而殃及 鱼类、鸟类、爬行类和哺乳类,包括 人类。使得当时在美国许许多多的乡 村本该是鸟语花香的春天变得死一般 寂静。 庆幸人类终于反思,因此害虫综合治理 (Integrated Pest Management, IPM)的概念和方法被逐渐推广。即, 在尽可能减少使用化学杀虫剂的前提 下,利用所有可能的措施,如环境治 理、庄稼轮作、物理防治和生物防治 等把害虫的密度控制在不足以为害的 水平。 那么在家也能“害虫综合治理么”?当 然能。以下是我常用的三种方法。 一个是朋友鲍伯的洗涤灵(dish soap)水溶液喷雾(5-10%的洗涤 灵)对付蠼螋、蚜虫和介壳虫等。蠼 螋,杂食。危害胡萝卜、豆子、甜菜 等幼苗,并喜食植物的叶子、花朵和 玉米的雌穗等。另外,蠼螋夜袭,所 以防治应在晚上或者夜里。直接对准 蠼螋喷雾,即刻见效。只要你能像鲍 伯那样:与蠼螋斗,其乐无穷,一个
晚上擒拿成百上千只不在话下。 春天深翻土地让那些在土壤里过冬的蛾 子幼虫、蛹,以及象鼻虫幼虫和金 龟子幼虫(蛴螬)、蠼螋等暴露出 来。它们是鸟类的天然食物。如果你 住的地区可以养家禽,如鸡、珍珠鸡 和鹌鹑等,何不把它们撒到地里帮你 控制害虫?这是我最崇尚的“生物防 治”。 十字花科的蔬菜(白菜、菜花、花椰菜 等)最受菜粉蝶的青睐。当它们围 着你的菜翩翩起舞时你的麻烦就不远 了。它们把卵产在叶子的背面,不久 能吃能拉的宝贝菜青虫问世了,那叫 一个糟蹋。但别着急,只要勤观察, 卵和幼虫都不难发现。 你的手指 (或者小镊子)是最好的武器。可称 为物理防治。 如上所述“害虫综合治理”和“勤”分 不开。有关知识还可在网上查找。 另外别忘了,一条腿的蛞蝓,四条腿 的野兔、鹿和土拨鼠等也常在夜间出 没。所以如果一天早晨你睁眼发现园 子里的植物被剃了光头,别上来就劈 头盖脸地责怪那六条腿的小生灵呦。
June 2015
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes