Entrepreneur Showcase Page 5
The Mattress King Page 7
Zhuhai trade mission Page 9
Chinese Speech Contest Page 14
June 2014
Celebrating 60 Years of Benevolence 贺新省中华会馆成立60周年 第3页 Page 3
June 2014
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June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Cover Story •
贺新省中华会馆成立60周年 译/Christine Qin Yang
六十年前, 新斯高沙省中华会馆于哈利 法克斯成立,其办会宗旨是“对内联 络感情,排难解纷,办理华侨公益事 业,加强华裔族人的团结;对外促进 邦交沟通及与其他族裔居民的交流, 争取正当权益和公平待遇”。今天, 在为当地上千华人作出杰出贡献以 后,新斯高沙省中华会馆迎来了它的 钻禧纪念之年。 据新斯高沙省中华会馆会长杨力维先 生介绍,中华会馆的历史远不止六十
See page 15 for more photos 新省中华会馆会长杨立维先生展示会馆60周年庆典海报。 CBANS Chairman Eric Yeung, showcasing the poster for the 60th Anniversary Banquet. Chris Muise photo
Celebrating 60 Years of Benevolence CHRIS MUISE Sixty years ago, an association was formed in Halifax with the meagre goal of helping members of the local Chinese community get by. Today, the Chinese Benevolent Association of Nova Scotia celebrates its diamond jubilee of making Nova Scotia a more welcoming home for thousands of Chinese Nova Scotians across the province. Well, it’s actually slightly older than 60 years, according to the current CBANS Chairman, Eric Yeung. “They started a long, long time ago. Even more than 60,” says Yeung, who’s been a member of CBANS since 1994. “The seniors, the old members, they told me that in the 1930s or
1940s, the Chinese already had a group running. Maybe not many people, maybe only a few people for that.” Instead, CBANS is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first written records of the association, which catalogued a list of members and their donations to keep the association afloat, that went back as far as 1953. Back then, when there were few Chinese immigrants in Halifax due to restrictive immigration laws, the Chinese Benevolent Association was a way for the Chinese community in the city to help each other out. “They hoped the group could join together,” says Yeung. “Everybody, when they got paid, they donated fifty
年。 杨会长于1994年加入中华会馆,他 说:“中华会馆的渊源远不止六十 年。老一辈华侨告诉我,早在十九世 纪三、四十年代,当地华人就组成了 社团,但可能人数不是很多。” 1953年,成员名单以及义务募捐等详 情情况开始被记载。因此,会馆决定 将这一年确立为成立日期,今年恰逢 其成立第六十周年。早期,由于加拿 大严苛的移民政策,哈利法克斯的华 人移民寥寥可数。那时候,是中华会
June 2014
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
CBANS celebration
中华会馆周年庆典 上接第3页
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 cents, one dollar, two dollars. Make it keep running. They only worked in laundry and restaurants, and they still can make a donation for the group.” “In the beginning, a lot of people here - the older generation - they did not have the education or background to deal with a whole bunch of problems, because of the lack of English,” says Fred Lee, former Director of Traffic Engineering for the province, and one of the founding members of CBANS. “So I used to help them. Then later, after more changes in the immigration laws, more people come over, so on and so forth. First, the scholars, then general immigration.” As the association expanded, it reached out to new Chinese immigrants, and helped them find housing, education, and careers. Since its genesis, members of the association have grown from being mostly in the laundry and restaurant business, to boasting doctors, scientists, engineers, and public servants. In Chinese culture, a 60th anniversary, or Jai-Zi, is a noteworthy milestone. To celebrate this milestone in the history of CBANS, Yeung proposed and organized a special anniversary banquet, to invite members young and old to reflect on the history of their community in Nova Scotia, and show appreciation to the pioneering members who started it all. “I tell everybody, this is only once in your whole life, because nobody can make it twice,” says Yeung. The anniversary banquet, held at Casino Nova Scotia, hosted nearly 300
attendees, including distinguished guests such as Deputy Mayor Darren Fisher, Minister of Justice and Immigration Lena Diab, M.P. Geoff Regan, and the Lieutenant Governors of Nova Scotia and Manitoba, J.J. Grant and Philip S. Lee. “I commend the dedicated members of the Chinese Benevolent Association, who give their time and energy to strengthen the business, the social, and the cultural connections between Nova Scotia and the People’s Republic of China,” says Grant. “Our communities are more prosperous, more caring, and more dynamic places to live because of your endeavours.” Attendees were treated to a photo gallery of important CBANS milestones throughout the years, a delicious three-course meal, and a special opera that tells the history of Chinese immigration to Canada through dramatizations, song, and traditional performance art. Outstanding Contribution Awards were also presented, to four individuals in the community that went above and beyond in the history of the association. “I feel great, you know,” says Lee, who received an Outstanding Contribution Award. “Really elated.” With the first 60 years celebrated, Yeung and other members of CBANS are already looking ahead to the next 60. “After these 60 years, I hope that I can get better, and promote my city, Halifax, and keep helping people,” says Yeung, who is working on creating a $5000 scholarship fund through CBANS. “Our next step is this one.”
• Cover Story
馆凝聚起华人的力量,让大家在这片 异国他乡的土地上互助互爱。 “他们希望所有的华人都能团结在一 起。” 杨会长谈道:“几乎所有华人 都非常支持会馆,他们每人捐献五十 分、一元、两元,一点一滴支持着会 馆。即使他们有些生活很拮据,有的 只是在洗衣店或者餐馆打工,他们仍 尽力为会馆献上自己的一份力量。” 前新省交通工程部门主管也是中华会 馆创始人之一的Fred Lee先生回忆 道:“会馆成立初期,大多数会员都 是来到这里的第一代移民。由于英文 水平有限,他们处理事情过程中时常 碰壁。所以,我会常常帮助他们。之 后,移民政策有所改变,这里慢慢出 现较多的华裔移民。他们之中首先出 现了学术类移民,后来各类移民逐渐 变多。” 随着中华会馆不断地成长壮大,会馆 成员有机会接触到很多新移民,并开 始帮助他们解决住房、教育、求职等 问题。华人移民从事的行业也从早期 的干洗店和餐饮业拓展到医学、科 研、工程及政府职务等众多领域。 在传统中华文化里,六十周岁也称作 甲子,是一个重要的里程碑。为了庆 祝这个属于中华会馆的特殊日子,杨 会长及其筹委会也特别组织筹办了一 场盛大的周年庆典。庆典邀请了共同 谱写中华会馆历史的新老会员们,想 借此机会来表达会馆对创始成员的敬 意。 杨会长激情澎湃地介绍道:“我一直 跟我身边人这么说:每个人的人生只 有一个六十年,这是我们此生仅有的 一次机会。”
本次中华会馆周年庆典于新斯科舍省 Casino举行。本次庆典迎来了三百多 名来宾,其中特邀嘉宾包括哈利法克 斯副市长Darren Fisher先生,司法及 移民厅长Lena Diab女士,区议员 Geoff Regan先生,新斯科舍省省督 J.J. Grant,以及曼尼托巴省省督Philip S. Lee。 新斯科舍省督Grant先生在开场致辞中 肯定了中华会馆对当地多元文化社区 做出的巨大贡献。他说:“我要赞美 中华会馆的成员们,他们贡献了时间 和精力,促进了新斯科舍省与中国在 商业、社会、文化等方面的交流与往 来。他们的不懈努力,使我们的社区 变得更繁荣、更温馨、更有活力。” 本次活动中,来宾们分别获赠一套具 有纪念意义的相册,这其中记载着中 华会馆六十年来的值得回忆的瞬间。 当晚,晚餐之后来宾们还观看了精彩 的文艺演出。演出用歌唱、曲艺和传 统文化艺术等丰富的表现形式重现了 华人赴加的移民故事。 庆典现场还为中华会馆的四位成员颁 发了“杰出成就奖”,以表彰他们对 协会做出的贡献。 作为“杰出成就奖”获奖者之一,Fred Lee 先生表示:“我感到很欣 慰,你知道,这真的让我非常开心。” 这是中华会馆的第一个六十周年纪念 典礼,杨会长和其他成员已经开始展 望下一个六十年。 杨会长分享道:“经历了这六十年, 我希望我们能更进步,能更好地推广 我们现在居住的这个城市,我也希望 我们能帮助到更多的人。”他正在准 备一个$5000奖学金计划,他说:“这 是中华会馆下一阶段的任务。”
Dakai Maritimes Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing
Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke
Translations: Christine Qin Yang Contributed photography: Ziqian Wang
Director, Community and Custom Publishing: Jeff Nearing Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca
June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Feature •
Entrepreneurial resilience makes Halifax a livable, workable and sustainable destination CYNDI SWEENEY Don’t get too comfortable in small circles. That was one message being delivered at the first annual Fusion Halifax Immigrant Entrepreneur Showcase on Apr. 10, 2014. “Get experience, use your skills and network,” said Franziska Broell, Cofounder of Maritime bioLoggers and Oceanography PhD candidate at Dalhousie University. “Know your resources and know where you can get money,” said Broell. The researcher reinforced a theme of resilience, which resonated throughout the event. Originally from Germany, Broell was one of five featured speakers who joined the sun-filled atrium of Innovacorp, along with more than 100 attendees and 16 exhibitors, to help engage and inspire newcomers and local entrepreneurs to stay in Halifax. “We believe if you want your city to be better, do it yourself,” said event organizer Jennifer Liu, director of immigration and diversity at Fusion Halifax, a network of 2,000 professionals focused on connecting, engaging and inspiring 20-to-40-year-old young professionals to make Halifax home. Citizenship Immigration Canada’s
(CIC) Startup Visa program has reached it’s first birthday and Liu said it seemed timely to give back to Halifax and showcase young entrepreneurs who have launched their businesses in Halifax and made positive changes within the local community. Born in Tianjin, China, Liu came to the maritimes with a plan to study international finance. “I realized all Canadians follow their passion, compared to Chinese students...we do whatever makes money after graduation.” Liu (25) graduated from Saint Mary’s University in 2012 after changing her degree to study human resources. Liu says she loves working with the positive energy at Fusion and hopes the showcase will become an annual event. “We’re able to shape our city through different programs,” she said. Opening speaker, Shelley Hessian, said Innovacorp provides a face for international students and new immigrant entrepreneurs. As incubation and entrepreneur program manager, Hessian said entrepreneurs in early stage startup, working in technology fields can benefit from the company’s access to capital, business community connections and mentorship programs.
移民创业家:打造理想型城市 译/Christine Qin Yang 2014年4月10日,Fusion Halifax首届 年度移民创业展览会与大家传达了这 样一个理念:切勿沉浸于小圈子的安 乐之中。 Maritime bioLoggers联合创始人、戴尔 豪斯大学海洋学博士Franziska Broell 在展览会上与大家分享了她的观点: “增长你的经验,提升你的技能,使用 你的人际圈。了解自己所拥有的资 源,并思考怎样创造财富。”她激情的 演讲赢得了到场者的共鸣。 在Innovacorp明亮的讲厅中,德国人 Broell作为五位演讲嘉宾之一出席移民 创业展会。到场的还有100多位参与者 和16位参展商。Broell用精彩的演说
说服并激发新移民及创业者继续留在 哈法创业。 本次活动组织者刘佳宁女士表示:“我 们相信,这座城市因你变得更美好, 你的每一步无不影响着整座城市的发 展。” 刘女士担任Fusion Halifax 移民 与多元文化项目主管,她的工作包括 负责与2000多名专业人士建立联系, 帮助20至40岁间的专业人士更好地安 置在哈利法克斯。 刘女士告诉我们,加拿大移民局 (CIC)开启了一项签证项目,已推出 一年,它出现得恰逢时机,让哈法的 年轻创业者们携手当地社区根据政策 做出积极应对。
Stella Tziolas, Entrepreneurs’ Forum, speaker Akram Al-otumi, Jennifer Liu of Fusion Halifax, speaker Franziska Broell and Shelley Hessian, Innovacorp. (L-R). Cyndi Sweeney photo
June 2014
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移民创业家展会 上接第5页 刘女士来自中国天津,她当时的留学 计划是学习国际金融。“我认为,(在 专业选择问题上)加拿大学生更多地 考虑自身兴趣;相比之下,中国学生 考虑更多的是就业因素。”刘最终选择 了人力资源专业。2012年,她顺利毕 业于圣玛丽大学。她表示很享受在 Fusion Halifax这份充满正能量的义务 工作。同时,她也希望这次的展会能 成为年度性活动。她说:“我们将用丰 富的活动项目来塑造我们的城市。” Shelley Hessian女士在展会开始的演 讲中表示, Innovacorp为国际学生及 新移民创业者提供了一个全新界面。作 为Innovacorp孵化创业项目经理, Hessian 认为在创业初期,创业者可尝 试涉足科技领域。科技项目往往可获更 多资金、业界联系、方案指导等方面的 支 持。 Milan Vrekic先生于2004年移居哈 法,同时成立了Volta创业孵化器基 地。“踏过千山万水移民至此不是为了 开一家小吃摊。”这句话鼓励了这位来 自塞尔维亚创业世家的Vrekic。他希望
Immigrant Entrepreneur Showcase CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 Milan Vrekic immigrated to Halifax in 2004 and founded the startup incubator Volta Labs. “You didn’t cross the water to open a food stand,” encourages Vrekic, who comes from a family of entrepreneurs in Serbia. He says he wants newcomers to think bigger. Vrekic founded Volta Labs, aimed at bringing money into Nova Scotia through advising, financing and mentoring startup companies. Recently, one of his supported startups was acquired for $20 million. “We need to start thinking bigger...a food stand is not big enough.” Part of Vrekic’s networking strategy was to meet absolutely everybody. “Entrepreneur immigrants cluster in their own ethnic groups in society and it’s a very bad occurrence in the long run.” He says Volta was inspired after he purchased property in Halifax,
新移民能有更长远的想法。Vrekic成立 了Volta基地,希望通过为企业提供咨 询、融资、和创业指导等服务,从而 给新斯科舍省带来更多商机。近期, 他所支持的一个初创公司被以2000万 加币收购。“我们应该有更远大的抱 负,开个小吃摊的想法是远不够 的。” Vrekic的人际交往策略中,有一条是: 要接触各个层面、各个社区的人。“投 资移民群体常常局限在同一文化社区 的社交圈中,从长远发展来看,这是 不利的。”谈到自己,在哈法有固定资 产、结婚、组建家庭后,他才萌发了 Volta基地的概念。“我想要为公众提 供的平台是当年我自己创业时希望有的 一个平台。” Akram Al-otumi先生从事投资移民方向 工作。他是3D Next的联合创办人、 Azal Student Agency的首席执行官和 创办人。当年,他说着生涩的英文,作 为一名国际学生从也门赴加国求学, 此后展开了他的创业之路。他谈到, 国际学生群体日益壮大,他们对投资 移民咨询服务的市场需求远大于市场 供给,Azal Student Agency也因此孕 育 而生。
助新移民介绍房产、汽车等当地资 源。他喜欢哈法的创业环境,认为移 民创业者在坚持自我的同时也能体验 到宾至如归。 本次活动由创业者协会(Entrepreneurs’Forum,简称EF)和 Innovacorp支持 赞助。EF的投资移民项目经 理 Stella Tziolas 表示,EF作为非盈利 组织,已 帮助了110多位处于不同商业 发展阶段的居住在大西洋省份的投资移 民。EF向ICT和知识型企业提供战略咨 询,已有的合作领域包括:农业科技、 生 物制药、医药、教育和软件行业。 ECLife.ca (华缘网) 是一个中文在线论 坛,是为华人新移民及华人社区提供 生活信息的交流平台。华缘网志愿者 Alex Wen 表示:“很多留学生都为就 业 问题发愁。”Wen六年前从广州赴 哈法求学,现毕业于圣玛丽大学,他 说:“和很多新移民一样,华缘网是 我在这 里的生活指南。通过这个网站 我了解 到了很多加拿大政府针对中国 学生提 供的服务项目。”
• Feature
来自中国福建省的Sasha Zhang表示, 这次活动不仅增强了她的社交能力, 也拓展了她的交际圈。Zhang即将于圣 玛丽大学会计专业毕业,她对此表示 担心:“如果我能在这找到一份工作, 应该会留下来,但恐怕这很困难。” 在充满愉悦和朝气的氛围之中,Fusion Halifax首届移民创业展会正式确立成 为年度性活动。活动将继续支持这些 坚定和拼搏的新移民们,与大家秉持 同一个信念:让大家更好地在哈利法 克斯安家、成长和壮大。 来自3D Next 和Azal Student Agency 的 Akram Al-otum给新移民的四条建 议: 1.融入到哈法的创业社区。“哈法虽小 却有着包容性很强的创业环境。” 2. 多参与活动、扩大社交圈。Al-otumi 建议大家参加更多类似Fusion移民创 业展会的活动。 3.市场调研很重要。他说:“在你开展 商务前先要做好市场调研。要了解客 户需求,这样才能更好地拓展市场。”
作为一名社会企业顾问, Al-otumi帮
华缘网总经理 Jinbo Chen谈道:“我 们 掌握了很多信息。我正在开发一个 平台,它将提供多语言支持,并与移 动终端兼容。”
4.回馈社会。“如果选择在哈法安家, 记得回馈并善待你的家乡。”
married and started a family. “I wanted to build a place that I wish I had when I was starting our business.” Akram Al-otumi also supports new entrepreneurs. Co-founder of 3D Next and CEO and founder of Azal Student Agency, the entrepreneur from Yemen arrived in Canada as an international student with limited english. He said he founded Azal Student Agency when he saw the number of international students was growing faster than the services. As a social enterprise consultant, Alotumi helps newcomers find houses, cars, local resources and says he likes the entrepreneurial ecosystem he’s found in Haligonians. “You don’t have to change your identity to feel welcome.” Entrepreneurs’ Forum (EF), along with Innovacorp, sponsored the showcase. EF Immigrant entrepreneur program manager Stella Tziolas says the nonprofit organization has aided more than 110 immigrant entrepreneurs across all Atlantic provinces at various stages of their business development. EF provides strategic advice to ICT and knowledge-based businesses and
has worked with a variety of sectors including “agri-technology, pharmaceuticals, biomedics, education and software,” said Tziolas. ECLife.ca, a mandarin online community, exhibited at the event and is a resource for chinese newcomers and the local community. “Many students are struggling to find a job after they graduate,” said ECLife volunteer Alex Wen (26). A graduate of SMU, Wen moved from Guangzhou, China to Halifax six-years-ago and says ECLife.ca was a lifeline for him and other newcomers. “The website helped us to find libraries, museums and government services that Chinese students can use,” said Wen. “We have all kinds of information. I’m developing a platform to provide multi-language support and will also be compatible with mobile platforms,” said Jinbo Chen, General Manager, ECLife.ca. Sasha Zhang, from Fujian province, said she’s attending the event to help increase her communications skills and mingle outside her usual circles. “If I can find a job here I will stay...but
I’m so afraid I won’t be able to find a job,” says Zhang. She will graduate SMU with a degree in accounting this summer. With a hopeful and energized atmosphere, Fusion Halifax Immigrant Entrepreneur Showcase is set to become an annual event, supporting determined and resilient individuals with one common goal: to make Halifax their home and a place to grow and be successful. Akram Al-otumi, 3D Next and Azal Student Agency, offers advice for newcomers: • Get involved in the entrepreneurial community in Halifax. “It’s small but has a very supportive ecosystem.” • Get involved, “Participate in attend events like this one,” says Al-otumi. • Understand the importance of customer discovery process: He says before you start your business, connect with your target market, survey. “Get feedback, only then do you build your business plan.” • Give back to Halifax. “If you consider Halifax as your home, treat it that way.”
June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Feature •
Changing the rules of business CYNDI SWEENEY Halifax is home to many entrepreneurial international students who would like to plant roots and share their talents with Nova Scotia. But contrary to a warm welcome, some of these budding business graduates have found, starting an economically successful business doesn’t guarantee an option to stay. “It didn’t go the way I expected,” says Chen Qing, a finance graduate of Saint Mary’s University and owner of Hometown Furniture and Mattress Ltd. The international student completed his degree in January and already operates two successful local businesses. “I started from zero to a quarter of a million last year with no funding, no debt...I don’t need my parents money, I did it all on my own,” says Qing, who is known as the ‘Mattress King’ in student circles around campuses in Halifax. Hometown Furniture and Mattress earned the 23-year-old about $250,000 last year, and his media company, ChineseHalifax.com profited $125,000 in its first year. Yet, federal regulations are preventing Qing from getting his permanent residency. He’s been told he has to work for another employer for a year before he can apply. To do this, Qing says he’ll have to sell one of his companies. “He can apply through the Canadian Experience Class or he can apply through the Provincial Nominees Skilled Worker program as well, but both of those require a job,” says Nabiha Atallah from ISIS (Immigrant Settlement and Integration Services).
“We’re seeing about two to three international students a month,” says Gerry Mills, director of operations at ISIS. Mills says international students aren’t eligible for many of the services offered at ISIS because of a ‘catch 22’ situation. “If you want to open your own business, we have a team here to help...but you’re only eligible if you’ve applied and you can’t apply without one year work experience,” says Mills. Mills says they’d like to see the federal government address the one year work experience and look at entrepreneurship. “He’s the type of person we so desperately need her in Nova Scotia. He’s young, he’s connected to the community, he’s already successful and most importantly for us, he’s committed to Nova Scotia,” says Mills, who has worked with ISIS for 25 years. Qing came to Halifax in 2009 from the seaport city of Dalian, where his parents owned a seafood business. “The city reminded me of my hometown. The climate is similar, it has the ocean...people here are very friendly...I phoned my mom and said I’ve found a hometown here in Canada,” recalls Qing. He named his business accordingly. Qing has sought advice from other business owners and says he is focused on getting the job done, despite how ridiculous it may seem. “I need to find a full time job, as a manager or something related to my business. I’ll work for them for a year and then apply through the experience class process.” He shakes his head, still smiling, at the
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创业留学生的移民选择 译/Christine Qin Yang 许多国际学生希望能在哈利法克斯扎 根,在省内开启创业之路。虽然哈法 有着良好的创业环境,一些国际毕业 生渐渐发现,即使在哈法创业成功, 也不代表能留在当地。 中国留学生陈庆毕业于圣玛丽大学金 融专业,同时是嘉源家居有限公司 (Hometown Furniture and Mattress Ltd ) 的创办人。他于今年一月毕业,现在 哈法经营两家公司。他告诉记者: “现实与我想象的并不一样。” 陈庆在哈法学生圈子里被称为的“床 垫之王”。他白手起家,从一分钱不 赚到去年赚利益二十五万,这期间, 他没有任何资金来源,也没有借贷, 更没有向父母伸手要过一分钱。这一 切都是靠他自己拼搏而来。 去年,23岁这年,嘉源家居为陈庆带 来了 25万加币的营业额。同时,他的 传媒公司哈法华人网 (ChineseHalifax.com) 在创办的第一年就盈利12.5 万加币。然而,移民道路上,
联邦法规却使陈庆在申请加拿大 永久居留权上遇到了困难。法规规 定,国际留学生要为其他雇主工作满 一年后才有资格递交移民申请。这种 情况下,他在不久的将来可能不得不 卖掉正在经营的公司。 针对陈庆的特殊情况,哈法移民安定 及融合服务机构(Immigrant Settlement and Integration Services,简称ISIS)的 Nabiha Atallah女士表示:“陈庆可以 申请加拿大经验类移民,也可以申请 省提名技术移民程序,但两者都要求 他有一份工作。” ISIS运营部门主管Gerry Mills女士 说:“我们每个月都会遇到类似的两 到三个案例。” Mills女士谈到,按照 规定,国际留学生无法享受到一些 ISIS的服务,因为这些服务是针对移 民群体设置的。她继续介绍说:“如 果留学生想创业,我们会有专业团队 来指导,但是前提是他们已经提交了 移民申请。如果他们没有一年的工作 经验,是无法提交移民申请的。” Mills女士表示期待联邦政府改变政 策,将申请条件调整为一年工作经验
下转第8页 Chen Qing, a finance graduate of Saint Mary’s University and owner of Hometown Furniture and Mattress Ltd.. Cyndi Sweeney photo
陈庆是圣玛丽大学金融系 毕业生,也是嘉源家具有 限公司的所有人。
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June 2014
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
The Matress King
ory to include new product.
Q: How did you get your suppliers? A: I contacted Simmons, you know, the BeautyRest people? It’s not as easy as you’d think it would be. They had no idea if I was going to be successful. I’m not a Canadian citizen, I don’t have a showroom, I’m a student. I didn’t have money at that time. My life was based on two credit cards and they’re trying to credit check me. I said I don’t have money but I want to show you something. I turned on my computer and showed them my spreadsheets and my volume. I showed them how many second-hand mattresses I sold in a year and they were impressed. Then I changed the rules. I told them, I will pay you first. If the money isn’t in your account, don’t ship it to me. They said they never did business like that before, but they agreed. Another concern was I had no store. They
process before him. “Halifax is the perfect market for me...I like the way I do business here. I want to stay.” Path of the entrepreneur: From finance student to ‘mattress king’ Q: How were you able to work while on a student visa? A: I was here on a study visa and also had an off-campus work permit allowing me to work up to 20 hours a week. Q: How did you start your business without much financial backing? A: I bought a mattress on kijiji for $20 bucks and I resold it for $140.00. It was the biggest profit I could make. So I started selling everything. Eventually Qing specialized in mattresses, but he want to evolve his invent-
床垫之王 上接第7页 并考虑创业因素。凭借着自己 在ISIS 25年的工作经验,Mils女士表示: “陈庆正是新斯科舍省需要的人才。 他年轻、积极融入当地社会,并且已 经获得了许多成就。最重要的是,他 想留在新省,继续他的作为。” 陈庆来自中国海港城市大连,父母经 营海产生意。2009年,他来哈法留 学。陈庆回忆道:“这座城市让我想 起自己的家乡。它们气候相似,都是 沿海城市,人们也都非常热情。当时 我跟妈妈打电话时说‘我在加拿大找 到了另一个家乡’。” 他公司名字中 Hometown正是由此而来。 尽管有几分无奈,陈庆正在向其他公 司雇主咨询,准备解决工作这件事。 他表示:“我需要一份全职的工作, 比如一些经理的职位或其它与我自己 的生意有关的岗位。工作满一年后, 我会开始申请经验类移民。” 面对这样的情形,他虽然显得无奈, 但觉得依旧微笑前行。“哈利法克斯 对我而言有一个完美的创业市场,我 想把生意安置在这里,也想要留在这 座城市。”
创业之路:从金融大学生到 “床垫之王” 问:如何在持有学生签证的情况下工
作? 答:我之前拿的是学生签证,但我同 时有校外工作签证,允许我每周工作 20小时。 问:你是如何白手起家,开始创业 的? 答:当年,我在Kiijiji买了一个$20的 床垫,之后以$140的价格转手。这是 我当时能赚到的最多的钱了。往后, 我开始做起买卖。 陈庆专注于他的床垫事业,但同他也 不忘扩大销售范围,增添其他产品。 问:你是怎么联系上供应商的? 答:我当时联系了Simmons,你知道 吗?他是BeautyRest公司的人。刚开 始真不容易。因为他们不是很看好 我。首先,我不是加拿大人,同时我 没有一个店面。其次,我还是一个学 生。当时我身无分文,生活基本上是 靠着两张信用卡在撑。BeautyRest方 面 想查看我的信用额度。我说我没有 钱,但我想给你们看一些东西。我就 打开电脑,让他们看我的记录和成交 量。我让他们看到这一年我转手了多 少床垫。他们感到非常惊讶。不过, 我改变了想法。我告诉对方, 我会先 支付你们。你们收到钱,再给我交 货。他们表示是第一次看到有人这样 做生意,但他们乐意这么做。对方还 是因为我没有店面而感到担忧。他们 问我,你怎么能够在没有店面的情况 下把东西卖出去?我说通过社交网络
asked, how will you sell without a storefront? There were many questions. I told them I have connections and ways of selling, through an agency, through social media...It took about three to four weeks and then they agreed. Q: Were you concerned about students not being able to afford the higher cost of new mattresses? A: I found three suppliers at the same time that covers high, middle and low priced products. We’re very competitive. Q: What made you decide to operate your showroom in a penthouse apartment? A: In downtown Halifax to rent a 3,000 square foot store or showroom you’re looking at around $20,000 a month. How many mattresses do you have to sell a month to cover that? Here, my rent is basically $3,000. 平台。三、四周后,他们终于同意 了。 问:你是否有考虑过,比起二手床 垫,学生比较难支付的起高价的新床 垫? 答:我一次性找到了三家供货商,他 们有高、中、低三档的产品。我们这 行竞争是很激烈的。
• Feature
Q: What is your advice to young entrepreneurs? A: Everyone has their own way to do business. My way is simple. I get this mattress for five dollars and I sell it for $10. Then I use the $10 to buy two more mattresses and go from there...If my showroom isn’t big enough, I rent a warehouse for storage. If I need more space, I rent two. I’m not a risk taker. If I have this ability to do business on this level, I will do it. I won’t jump to another level because the further I jump the more risk I will have. Q: Have you considered taking your business to another province? A: Halifax is the perfect market for me. I like the way I do business here. I want to stay in Halifax. I hired three people this year, including a Vice President of Canadian Sales and an Arabic Sales representative. 我希望待在哈法。今年我也聘用了三 位新成员,分别是两位加拿大销售副 总和一位阿拉伯销售代表。
问:是什么让你决定要在penthouse apartment开设店面? 答:如果在哈法市中心租一个3000平 方英尺的店面或展厅,一个月大概要 付$20,000租金。那我得买多少的床垫 来付这笔费用啊。在这里,我的租金 大概是$3,000一个月。 问:对于年轻创业者,你有什么建 议? 答:每个人都有自己做生意的那一 套。我的方式很简单,我用$5进一个 床垫,然后我卖$10来赚取利润。然后 我用这$10再买更多的床垫来卖。今 后,如果我的店面不够大,我会租一 个仓库。如果我需要更多空间,应该 会租两个。我不是一个冒险者。我只 做有把握的生意,而不轻易转移方 向。因为我知道那意味着更多风险。
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June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Business •
Coordinated, cross-industry efforts needed to improve bilateral trade between Halifax and Zhuhai CHRIS MUISE Halifax shares a long-standing bond with the city of Zhuhai, China, through connections between our higher education systems. That connection has been prosperous for both cities, but for further growth to occur, Nova Scotia needs to coordinate its efforts to market itself, and all it has to offer, to China. Bill Bu, the President of the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association Atlantic Section, recently returned from an exploratory trade mission to the cities of Zhuhai and Shenzhen, in the Pearl River Delta area. Joined by members of the Halifax Port Authority, Saint Mary's University administrators, and the Consul General of Canada, Bu travelled to investigate possible trade relations in the area. “We have some existing linkages, mostly in higher education. I've been facilitating that kind of linkage in high education for over ten years,” says Bu, who thinks the time is right to investigate other possibilities. “There are a lot of potentials for us to explore, and not just in high education.” Zhuhai, a city of 2 million, shares a lot
of similarities to Halifax – both are coastal port cities, but aren't too big, enjoy a lot of higher education facilities, and supports a robust tourism industry – which makes them ideal trade partners. Currently, Halifax's own Saint Mary's University shares a Two-and-Two program with Zhuhai's Beijing Normal University campus, which brings a lot of Chinese students to our city every year, sometimes to stay. But this is just one aspect of our region we have to offer China, according to Bu, and during his visit to Zhuhai, he noticed areas in which Canada and Nova Scotia are underrepresented where we don't have to be. “When I was in China, I got the opportunity to visit, my local friends told me, the largest seafood wholesale market in China,” says Bu. “It's unbelievable. There's thousands of stores under one roof. Thousands. Any seafood, almost, you can think of. There's very few from Canada.” Bu believes that Nova Scotia has a lot to offer China, which includes seafood, agricultural and mineral products, and human resources. We're also upping our efforts in both the
展望哈利法克斯 - 珠海双边贸易 译/Christine Qin Yang 哈利法克斯市与中国珠海市在高等教 育方面有着长期且紧密的合作关系。 这一关系促进了两座城市的繁荣,但 为了更长远的发展,新省应调整自身 的发展方向,进一步迈向中国市场。 港加商会大西洋地区分会主席卜志雨 先生刚刚结束了他在珠江三角洲地区 包括珠海、深圳市的贸易考察。本次 考察团由哈利法克斯市港务局成员、 圣玛丽大学管理人员,以及加拿大总 领事组成。卜先生本次的任务是前往 中国进行商贸可行性调研。 “哈利法克斯和珠海已有不少合作, 大部分是在高等教育方面。十多年 来,我一直致力于促进两地高等教育 的合作。”卜先生认为,试探两地其 他领域合作的时机已经成熟。“除了 高等教育外,还有许多潜在的合作机
近日,来自加拿大的商务代表团参观访问了珠海港口,探索增加哈利法克斯与珠江 三角洲货运运输联系。 A Canadian business delegation recently paid a visit to Zhuhai Port to explore opportunities to increase cargo transportation between Halifax and the Pearl River Delta of China.
energy sector and the shipping industry. The problem, up until now, is that efforts to market the Nova Scotian package have been done without much coordination.
“You have to have a very strategic plan, rather than just one company doing one thing, another company doing
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会值得我们去探索开发。” 珠海拥有200万人口,它与哈法有许多 的共同之处。它们都是海港城市,但 面积都不是很大;都有许多高等教育 机构,而且两座城市兼具强大的旅游 产业。这些共同点促成了两座城市的 贸易合作。 当前,圣玛丽大学与北京师范大学珠 海校区有着2+2合作办学项目。该项 目每年都为哈利法克斯带来大量中国 学生。卜先生表示,教育仅仅是新斯 科舍省与中国合作的一个领域。此次 珠三角之行也让他发现,不管是加拿 大还是新斯科舍省,在中国市场都不 被熟知,缺乏代表性。 卜先生说:“这次中国行,我有机会 去参观一个被朋友称作是中国最大的 海鲜批发市场。那个画面让人难以置 信:一个批发市场里有上千家店面,
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June 2014
ć‰“ĺź€ĺŠ ä¸œ • Dakai Maritimes
Halifax and Zhuhai CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 another,� says Bu. Furthermore, most of the trade has been one-sided, with a lot of Chinese visitors making their way here, but not the other way around. “You have to do bilateral traffic; you come to me, I go to you,� says Bu. “We have received so many groups over the past 20 years from Zhuhai - not just students. Government officials. The local industrial business leaders. They already came to Halifax. It's our turn.� This recent trade mission was among the first steps to change all that. Saint Mary's came along in the interest in strengthening their educational ties in the area, and the Halifax Port Authority was interested in promoting the port and finding new trade partners. During the mission, a new agreement was signed between SMU and the Zhuhai Beijing Normal campus to promote their computer sciences program, and the port authorities of Halifax, Zhuhai and Shenzhen had pro-
ductive meetings. For Halifax to grow and thrive, especially in the wake of the Ivany Report, Bu says more coordinated efforts like these need to happen, and they need to happen soon. “I think what is really promising here, is that now there is growing interest from both sides, which is a very good sign,� says Bu. “Just don't wait. If you wait, your competitors don't wait.� Bu already has plans to return to Zhuhai in the coming weeks with local university students and faculty, in the hopes of fostering our existing linkages, as well as convincing more Canadian students to travel to Zhuhai to further their education. He's optimistic that, with enough cooperation and patience, Halifax and Zhuhai can forge strong governmental, educational and industrial bonds that will be prosperous for both cities. “I strongly believe that there are potentials in both regions, and there are good resources in both regions,� says Bu. “It's just a matter of finding a good channel.�
ç? ćľˇč´¸ć˜“ĺ…łçłť 上掼珏9饾 ä˝ ĺ?ŻäťĽçœ‹č§ ä˝ čƒ˝ćƒłčąĄĺˆ°çš„äťťä˝•ćľˇé˛œă€‚ ä˝†ć˜ŻďźŒčż™äş›ćľˇé˛œĺžˆĺ°‘ć˜Żäş§č‡ŞĺŠ ć‹żĺ¤§ 的。â€? ĺ?œĺ…ˆç”&#x;相俥新斯科čˆ?çœ ĺ?ŻäťĽĺ?‘ä¸ĺ›˝ĺ¸‚ ĺœşčž“é€ ć›´ĺ¤ščľ„ćş?ďźŒäž‹ĺŚ‚ćľˇć´‹ă€ ĺ†œä¸šäş§ ĺ“ ă€ ç&#x;żäş§ă€ 䝼ĺ?ŠäşşĺŠ›čľ„ćş?。新斯科čˆ? çœ äš&#x;ćŁĺœ¨ä¸şčƒ˝ćş?䝼ĺ?ŠčˆŞčż?ć–šé?˘ĺ šĺ‡şĺŠŞ ĺŠ›ă€‚é—Žé˘˜ć˜ŻďźŒčż™ä¸Şč°ƒć•´ĺŠ›ĺşŚĺ°šä¸”ä¸? ĺ¤&#x;。ĺ?œĺ…ˆç”&#x;čŽ¤ä¸şďźšâ€œĺş”čŻĽćœ‰ä¸€ä¸Şĺ…¨ĺą€ ć€§çš„ćˆ˜ç•ĽčŽĄĺˆ’ďźŒč€Œä¸?ć˜Żä¸?ĺ?Œçš„ĺ…Źĺ?¸ćœ‰ ç?€ĺ?„č‡Şçš„čŽĄĺˆ’ă€‚â€? ć¤ĺ¤–ďźŒĺ¤§éƒ¨ĺˆ†č´¸ć˜“éƒ˝ć˜Żĺ?•ä¸€ć–šĺ?‘çš„ďźŒ ĺžˆĺ¤šä¸ĺ›˝äşşĺ‰?垀新斯科čˆ?çœ ďźŒč€ŒćœŹĺœ° äşşĺžˆĺ°‘ĺ‡şčŽżä¸ĺ›˝ă€‚â€œĺ šĺ?Œčžšč´¸ć˜“ďźŒĺż… éĄťć˜Żä˝ ć?Ľćˆ‘垀。â€?ĺ?œĺ…ˆç”&#x;čŻ´ďźšâ€œĺœ¨čż‡ 厝20ĺš´ďźŒé™¤äş†ĺŚç”&#x;çž¤ä˝“ďźŒĺžˆĺ¤šç? 澡政 ĺşœĺŽ˜ĺ‘˜äťĽĺ?Šäş§ä¸šé˘†ĺŻźçš„éƒ˝çşˇçşˇć?Ľćˆ‘䝏 çœ ă€ ćˆ‘äťŹĺ¸‚ĺ?‚观莿闎。䝖䝏塲çť?ć?Ľčż‡ äş†ďźŒçŽ°ĺœ¨ć˜Żćˆ‘äťŹčŻĽĺŽťä¸ĺ›˝čŽżé—Žäť–䝏的 旜候了。â€? č€Œčż™ćŹĄçš„ĺ•†č´¸č€ƒĺŻ&#x;ćŁĺź?新斯科čˆ?çœ ĺ š 出攚ĺ?˜çš„珏一ćĽďźšĺœŁçŽ›ä¸˝ĺ¤§ĺŚé™Şĺ?Œĺ‰?
• Business
ĺž€ďźŒĺ¸Œćœ›čż›ä¸€ćĽĺ˘žčż›ä¸Žç? ćľˇĺœ°ĺŒşçš„ć•™ 育ĺ?ˆä˝œĺ…łçłťďź›ć¸ŻĺŠĄĺą€äš&#x;ĺ?‚ä¸ŽćœŹćŹĄčŽżé—Ž ĺ›˘ďźŒĺ¸Œćœ›ćŽ¨ĺšżĺ“ˆĺˆŠćł•ĺ…‹ć–Żć¸Żĺ?ŁďźŒĺŻťć‰ž č´¸ć˜“ĺ?ˆä˝œćœşäźšă€‚ ĺœ¨č€ƒĺŻ&#x;过程ä¸ďźŒĺœŁçŽ›ä¸˝ĺ¤§ĺŚä¸ŽĺŒ—ĺ¸ˆĺ¤§ ç? ćľˇć ĄĺŒşçžç˝˛äş†čŽĄçŽ—ćœşç§‘ĺŚä¸“业的新 çš„ĺ?ˆä˝œéĄšç›Žă€‚ĺ?Œć—śďźŒç? ćľˇă€ ćˇąĺœłäš&#x;与 ĺ“ˆĺˆŠćł•ĺ…‹ć–Żć¸ŻĺŠĄĺą€äš&#x;ĺ?Źĺź€äş†ĺ…ˇćœ‰é‡?大 ćŒ‡ĺŻźć€§ć„?䚉的䟚莎。 â€œćˆ‘ĺ? ĺˆ†çœ‹ĺĽ˝çŽ°ĺœ¨çš„ĺ˝˘ĺź?。ĺ?Œć–šéƒ˝ćœ‰ 莸多兹ĺ?Œçš„ĺ…´čśŁďźŒčż™ć˜Żä¸€ä¸ŞĺžˆĺĽ˝çš„ć ‡ 志。â€?ĺ?œĺ…ˆç”&#x;掼ç?€čŻ´ďźšâ€œĺ?ƒä¸‡ä¸?čƒ˝ç‰ ĺž…ă€‚ĺœ¨čż™ć ˇçš„ĺ¸‚ĺœşçŤžäş‰çŽŻĺ˘ƒä¸‹ďźŒä¸?čż› ĺˆ™é€€ă€‚â€? ĺ‡ ĺ‘¨ĺ?ŽďźŒĺ?œĺ…ˆç”&#x;ĺ°†ä¸ŽĺœŁçŽ›ä¸˝ĺ¤§ĺŚĺ¸ˆç”&#x; ĺ†?čľ´ç? ćľˇă€‚äť–ĺ¸Œćœ›ĺ€&#x;ć¤ćœşäźšĺ†?ćŹĄäżƒčż› ĺ?Œć–šçŽ°ćœ‰č ”çłťďźŒĺ?Œć—śĺ?‘ĺą•ä¸€ć‰šĺŠ ć‹żĺ¤§ ĺŚç”&#x;ĺ‰?垀ç? 澡ĺŚäš 。䝖äš?č§‚ĺœ°čŽ¤ä¸şďźŒ ĺ?ŞčŚ ćœ‰é…?ĺ?ˆă€ ćœ‰č€?ĺżƒďźŒĺ“ˆĺˆŠćł•ĺ…‹ć–Żä¸Ž ç? ćľˇäžżčƒ˝ĺ¤&#x;ĺťşçŤ‹ç´§ĺŻ†çš„ć”żĺşœă€ ć•™č‚˛ĺ?Š 塼业ç‰é˘†ĺ&#x;&#x;çš„ĺ?ˆä˝œďźŒä¸şäżƒčż›ä¸¤ĺş§ĺ&#x;Žĺ¸‚ é•żćœ&#x;çš„çš č?Łĺ?‘ĺą•ĺ šč´ĄçŒŽă€‚ ĺ?œĺ…ˆç”&#x;čŻ´ďźšâ€œćˆ‘ĺ?šäżĄä¸¤ĺœ°é—´ćœ‰čŽ¸ĺ¤šçš„ ć˝œĺœ¨ćœşäźšäťĽĺ?Šĺ?ˆä˝œçš„čľ„ćş?ďźŒč€Œĺ?Œć–šéœ€ čŚ çš„ć˜Żć‰žĺˆ°ĺ?ˆé€‚çš„ć¸ é “ă€‚â€?
Please call Ann Smith Boswick for your private viewing.
45 Bayview Road West Coast Open Concept
16 Ravine Park Crescent “Cresthaven� – Executive Subdivision
Californian styled rancher! Spacious family home set on a double lot with wonderful views of the Bedford Basin. A magnificent Nova Scotian stone, floor to ceiling fireplace overlooks the dining room with a balcony stretching the back of the house. This open concept shows off a large gracious living room with hand hewn beams & beautiful oak floors, an oak panelled office, eat in kitchen, and a sound proofed family with wet bar! The lower level has indoor cement swimming pool with sauna, changing rooms, great family area with fireplace and walk out to large private back patio areas! Lower double car inside garage. Waiting to be wonderful... $599,000.
Wonderful spacious family home in the best neighbourhood backing on protected Hemlock Ravine Park (197 acres) with deer! This bright & sunny home shows off a wonderful master bedroom suite with walk in closet, bath, plus study area with hard wood floors. The white kitchen with island, dining nook opens to the two tiered deck and overlooks family room with fireplace. The main house has separate dining & living rooms and an office. There is a sunny self-contained 2 bedroom, office, inlaw/nanny suite with own laundry & outside entrance, ideal for visiting family. This large home has attached double car garage and is located in French Immersion school area. $529,000.
á”°áŽá”żâ¤œá¸ťá‡Śá“?Őżá†ľË—ŕ§źá‰˛á§‚á‰ťËˆâ€Ťâˇ Ř&#x;‏%HGIRUG⎧á˛&#x;Ë—áĄŻáşąŕŞźŕľ áśŻĐžÓžŕľ äś’ŕĄ á‰ťäşŚâ˛´ŕťąâššăś˝ŃŞĐ°ÖƒË—áĄťá?•ŕ ŻáĄ€ă“’áľ˜â˛´â šáşąŕ˝™ăŁĄ áśŻË—äł„ä¸Łá ĄŇ€á‡”Ë—ŕľ Đťá‡”ä‡Žá´šá‡”Ţľâ‘¨âŒŁâŠ?Çƒáş á¤ŻáĄŻÇƒá´¤ăş“á‡”ŕŞźŕťą âššă…šËˆá’Śŕ¨&#x;â´¤ä™ŠäąŁŕ¨ Ë—ŕ§źä––á“ƒÇ„ŕžÔ§ Ç„
á‡áŽŽŕśťá‡Śá“?áĄŻá‰ťË—ŃŤŕŚ—ŕž‡áĄŻŃŞâ€ŤŢ˜â€Źáľ˜ŕľ áśŻá’Śä‡Žá´šâ†•â€ŤŢ•â€Źá”żăş“â‚ĄÇƒâŽ¤á‡” ৺Җ᥯˗â˛ă˘˘ŕ§˜áĄŻä?˝ŕźˇáŻ‰â¨śŕ¨ ǃâ˜ä˝€á‡”Çƒŕťąâššă…šË—ä˝€ŕŚľĐžá‡’ŕŚľŕ ś á”°ËˆŃŤá‰˛ä˜ˆä‡Žá´šŕŁŽâ€ŤŢœâ€ŹáĄŻä°¤Ë—ážŹá‰˛ä‡Žá´š Ńšá‡’áĄŻÇƒŕŁŽâ€ŤŢœâ€ŹáĄŻÔ•ŕ§şâ€ŤŘ?‏࿜ áĄŻË—ŕ§źä––á“ƒË—âŒ…äˆ?ᆖᚑᚑ༪޾DŽŕžÔ§ Ç„
Ann Smith Boswick 902-830-4880
June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Culture •
24 Solar Terms: Folk Tales BY QIANYI GAO, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY By now we talked about the interesting activities and eating customs practiced at the Twenty Four Solar Terms. Some of the activities and customs are reinforced by their fascinating stories. This article introduces four tales from each season. Some readers may still remember the clay cow whipping ceremony during the Start of Spring. The story is about the god of spring, Goumang. A long time ago, one of the tribes in China decided to start agriculture instead of moving to search pasture. Goumang was in charge of this work. When the weather was getting warmer, Goumang ordered people to prepare to saw. His people followed him but the cows, who should be working in the fields, were still sleeping. Some people suggested whipping the cows, but
Goumang disagreed. Instead, he asked people to make a clay cow for him to whip. The lazy cows were astonished to hear the terrifying sound of whipping so they all started working. That year the tribe received harvest. People then realized that agriculture was better than nomadism. Later, Goumang was regarded and worshipped as the god of spring. During the Grain in Ear period and Duanwu Festaval, Chinese families who honour traditions would hang AyTsao branches, a kind of Chinese herb, in front of their doors. This is the story about hanging AyTsao during this season. At the end of Tang Dynasty, there was a war between the Tang government and the peasant rebels. A woman fled with her son and nephew. One of the officers of the rebels saw her carry the older boy on her back but let the younger boy walk, and asked why. The women told him that the boy on her back was the nephew and the
十二四节气之传说 圣玛丽大学孔子学院 高倩艺 通过前几期我们了解了二十四节气民 俗活动和食俗等,它们本身就很有 趣,而它们背后的传说故事又给这些 民俗增添了意义和魅力。这一期将介 绍四则节气节日民间传说。 大家应该记得立春鞭泥牛的活动吧。 有关这个活动的传说是这样的。很久 很久以前,一个游牧部落决定停止游 牧,从事农耕。这个产业转型大任就 落到句(读gōu)芒的肩上了。这一 年冬天过后,句芒组织人们春耕。大家 都听从句芒下地了,可是耕牛们却懒 懒的不愿动弹。有人建议用皮鞭抽打 它们,但句芒没有同意。句芒说,耕 牛是人类的朋友,不能虐待,吓唬吓 唬就可以了。他让大家泥塑了一头 牛,然后用皮鞭狠狠地抽打这头泥 牛。耕牛们看到有一头牛在被鞭打, 都站起来乖乖地干活去了。这一年秋 天果然收成很好,整个部落从此安心 从事农耕。句芒的功劳留在人们的心 中,以神话的形式流传下来:据传,
他成了主管树木发芽生长的木神(春 神)。 芒种前后的端午节,是中国人最重要 的节日之一,连加拿大的哈利法克 斯,每年都要龙舟竞渡一番,纪念爱 国诗人屈原。其实端午期间除了吃粽 子,划龙舟以外,还有其他习俗,比 如,在家门上插菖蒲、艾草。菖蒲和 艾草是中草药,这个习俗也有故事。 唐末,黄巢领兵起义,民众惊恐,逃 离家园。一妇女带着一大一小两个孩 子逃难,把大孩子背在身上,让小孩 子跟着走。路遇一黄衣人。黄衣人得 知大孩子是妇人的侄子,小孩子才为 她所亲生,非常感动,告诉妇人说, 回家,在家门口插艾草,士兵就不会 侵扰她家了。妇人回家后,按黄衣人 所说,同时告诉了沿途逃难的人,在 家门插了艾草。果然,义军过境,见 插艾草的家,无人打扰。此事传开, 平民之家,不再出逃,纷纷插艾草过 端午。原来,黄衣人是起义军中谋
June 2014
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
The Story of a successful Chinese Engineer in Nova Scotia FRED LEE I, together with my mother, landed at Halifax, Nova Scotia in January of 1950. I was 18 years old at the time. I remember my father telling me that the immigration laws of Canada had changed a lot in recent years, and for the better as far as the Chinese were concerned. My mother and I belong to the first wave of immigrants from China under the new immigration act. Between 1885 and 1923, Chinese immigrants entering Canada had to pay a head tax. Between 1923 and 1947, no ethnic Chinese, except diplomats, scholars and big merchants were allowed to enter Canada. All these Canadian laws were blatantly discriminatory against the Chinese and Chinese only. No similar laws existed against any other racial group at the time. My father also told me that some Canadians discriminate against the Chinese locally as well. However, the vast majority of Canadians are friendly, good people with little prejudice. He recalled some incidences of name calling, assault, refusal of services and employment based on race, He advised me to be careful, courteous and never to over react when provoked. I
entered the new society called Canada with trepidation. As it turned out, my experience in Canada in the last 61 years has been pleasant and enjoyable and I was never discriminated against. I was treated more than fairly. In fact, I have the feeling that I have been treated like a very special person. I went through the public school system in Halifax before going to university. My fellow students helped me with my English, taught me how to play baseball, and even elected me President of the Chess Club. At Dalhousie University and Nova Scotia Technical College where I received my Engineering degree, my class mates and I studied together, played ball together, and partied together. The question of race never came up. I was hired by the Department of Highways of Nova Scotia in 1959 as a Traffic Studies Engineer., a junior position. In 1962, I was nominated and sponsored by “Highways” to do postgraduate studies in Traffic Engineering at Yale University in the U.S. Upon completion of the post graduate studies, I returned to Nova Scotia and assumed the positions of Director of
• Community
VJ Day in Halifax
Chinese in Halifax celebrating VJ Day on Grafton St. in downtown Halifax. 哈利法克斯华裔居民在市中心老唐人街庆祝中国人民抗日战争胜利。Contributed
Traffic Engineering and Provincial Traffic Authority. These positions are very important as their work impacted on almost every individual in the Province. These positions required me to deal with government officials, colleagues of the Department and the general public, and I found no discrimination against me as an individual or as a Chinese. Canada has come a long
way since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923. I am grateful that I now live in the best country in the world.
进入大学之前,我在本地的高中生活 学习了一段时间,我的同学们非常热 情的帮助我学习英文, 教我如何玩棒 球,当然更少不了各式各样的社交聚 会。在这里,我被推举为象棋俱乐部 的主席。在高中毕业后,我进入了高 校继续学习,我从Dalhousie University 和 Nova Scotia Technology College拿到我的工程本科文凭。 在我求学的这几年间,种族歧视从未发 生过。
府Yale University 进一步深造交通工 程。 结业完成后, 回到了Department of Highway of Nova Scotia, 被任命为 Director of Traffic Engineering 和 Provincial Traffic Authority。职位越 高,身上背负的责任和使命也就越 重。我在任职期间,除了要和政府的 不同部门紧密合作,更需要和社会各 阶层人士进行广泛沟通。在各式各样 的交流中,我并没有感觉到丝毫的种 族歧视。不得不说,无论是加拿大的 移民政策或是本地人对我们华人的看 法都有翻天覆地的改变。
Fred Lee is a pioneer of Chinese immigrant in Nova Scotia, earliest member of the Chinese Benevolent Association of Nova Scotia and a leader of the local Chinese community.
一个成功的华裔工程师的故事 作者/ Fred Lee 作者简介:新斯高沙省侨领之一,中 华公所首批会员,曾多次担任当地华 侨团体主要职务。 我和我的母亲于1950年1月首次踏上 哈利法斯这块土地,时年我18岁。在 我们登陆之前,我的父亲嘱咐了我不 少关于近年来加拿大移民政策的改 变。从1885年到1923年间,每个登陆 加拿大的中国人都需要向政府交纳一 笔费用,也就是俗称的“人头税”。 但是在这后面的24年里,情况却急转 直下。当时的移民法只允许中国外交 官员,学者,以及华商进入加拿大, 其余华人一概不通融,这一近乎残酷
的措施也只是仅仅针对中国的移民而 已,并不涉及其他人和种族。 我父亲 说本地人对我们华人有时也有一些歧 视举动,如叫我们绰号,无故袭击, 拒绝服务和雇佣等等。他说,你做事 要小心,要有礼貌,不要对其无礼激 怒从而导致强烈反应。我就是这样带 着一颗忐忑不安的心来到了加拿大。 我以为我的经历会和父亲讲述故事里 面的主人翁一样,恰恰与之相反的是 我在加拿大生活的61年里感到的是前 所未有的开心和愉悦。这里的人们非 常公平公正的对待我,不因为我是一 外来人还是一外来华人就有任何的区 分对待。
1959年,我有幸进入Department of Highway of Nova Scotia, 就职于Junior Traffic Studies Engineer。 在这里我的 天分和能力得以充分的施展,不久后我 得到了政府的推荐,进入全球著名学
我非常荣幸也非常欣慰,我能在这片 异国他乡的土地上找到心灵上的慰 藉,生活上的愉悦。
June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Culture •
Folk tales CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 little boy was her son. The man was touched by the women’s sacrificing behavior and told her to hang AyTsao in front of her door, and she would be safe during the war. The woman did what she was told and also told her neighbours to do so. The whole neighbourhood had a safe Duanwu Festival as the rebels did not bother families with AyTsao branches. From then, some Chinese hang AyTsao branches in front of the door to pray for a safe summer. This above story is also about worshipping the power of the Chinese medical herb. So is this next one. Once upon a time in Eastern Han Dynasty, along the Ru river, a kind of pest killed many people, including Huanjing’s parents. When Huanjing knew that the pest was caused by the devil living in the Ru river, he swore to kill it. He went to find Fei Changfang, an immortal, to learn Kungfu. Fei was moved by
Huan’s sincerity so he taught him. One day, Fei told Huan that the devil would come out on the ninth day of the ninth month, and it should be killed. He gave Huan a package of cornus officinalis leaves and a bottle of chrysanthemum liquor, and told him to gather the villager in a high place. Huan went back his hometown and asked each villager to drink the liquor, take a cornus leaf with them, and climb to a hill. As the village was full of the smell of the chrysanthemum and of the cornus, the devil couldn’t go near to harm people, and was finally killed by Huan’s sword. On the day of Winter Solstice, some people eat sticky rice with red beans. It was believed that although one of the bad spirits passed away on Winter Solstice, he kept harming people after he died. But he had one weakness - he was afraid of red beans. That’s why people eat red beans on Winter Solstice day to drive the bad spirit away. As a unique part of the Chinese culture, the 24 solar terms system has been passed on from generation to generation.
长房,向他学习武艺。费长房为桓景 的真诚和决心所打动,收下了这个徒 弟。桓景千锤百炼,终于修得一身武 功。一天,费长房告诉桓景瘟魔将要 在九月九日出现,给了他一包茱萸叶 和一瓶菊花酒,叮嘱他要让乡亲们在 高处避祸。桓景照师傅说的,给乡亲 们分了茱萸叶子,让他们都喝了口菊 花酒上山。而他自己在城中寻找瘟 魔。瘟魔看到山上有很多人,却没法 靠近,因为茱萸叶和菊花酒的浓烈气 味熏得他受不了。但是他遇到了桓 景。可是他同样不能靠近他。瘟魔正 气急败坏,没设防就被桓景的一剑命 中了。从此以后汝河不再有瘟疫流 行。
Cows started working after hearing the sound of whipping. 上接第11页 士,通过“艾草”之计,稳定了民 心,使起义军获得了民众的支持。而 端午节插艾草,祈望安然度过盛夏的 风俗,也就传承下来了。
除了草药,食用瘟神害怕的东西也是 人们用来祛除瘟疫的方式。在冬至, 南方人吃红豆糯米饭。据说共工的坏 小子死于冬至日,死后也继续作恶。 但他害怕红豆,所以人们通过食用红 豆来驱逐他。
实际上这是一个有关草药信仰的传 说。因为如果只作为标记,家门上可 以插任何东西。下一个故事也跟草药 有关,是霜降节期间的故事。东汉某 时期,汝河流域流行瘟疫,死了很多 人,包括桓景的父母。当桓景得知就 在汝河住着瘟魔,他决心除掉这个祸 害。他历尽千辛万苦,找到了仙人费
节气节日民俗文化,像春天漫山遍野 盛开的花,展现着多彩的生命力。本 报的连载只能采摘三五朵献给读者。 希望通过这几期的引导,读者有兴致 去深入探索。
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June 2014
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
‘Superior Mandarin’ voiced at first Chinese Speech Contest to be hosted in Maritimes CYNDI SWEENEY The international Chinese Speech Contest has made the Maritimes a new destination for its Canadian regional competition. The contest offers university students a chance to compete for a position in the ‘Chinese Bridge’ Chinese Proficiency Competition for world college students, and takes place this summer in China. The regional competitions are held every March and April, sponsored by Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarter in Beijing. Hanban, a non-profit organization for the Chinese Language Council International, strives to make Chinese language and cultural teachings accessible to people worldwide. “We enjoyed it very much and will be more than pleased to participate again next year,” said Maria Pan, Chinese director of Confucius Institute at Saint Mary's University and one of the five judges. The competition was held at SMU on Mar. 22. Pan says she was impressed with the calibre of Mandarin spoken during the one day competition, representing university students from Dalhousie, SMU, University of Ottawa, University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan. “Not only does she speak Chinese very well, she also knows so much about China including the economy, culture and geography,” said Yin Zhisong, a judge from the education office at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Ottawa. Dalhousie student Cameron Mitchell placed second in the final competition and has been invited to travel to China to observe the Chinese Bridge. Mitchell studied Chinese for two years and Pan said he’s enthusiastic about learning the language. “He has taken a HSK test at the Confucius Institute at Saint Mary's University and passed Level 3 with a high score...I am sure it is his passion and persistence in learning Mandarin that has made him stand out,” said Pan. The competition gave students the opportunity to practice their Mandarin with a prepared speech before four of
the 27 competitors were selected to the final three stages of the competition. Impromptu speeches were made and finalists had to answer questions focused on Chinese history, culture and geography. Finally, an artistic performance, involving anything from calligraphy, martial arts, presenting a painting, poem or singing, completed the day. “Ms. An (one of the finalists) sang the Chinese national anthem for her artistic performance and Cameron also sang a household Chinese song, Jasmine Flower,” said Pan. “I was very touched by the students’ levels...they were very serious about the competition.” For Kelsey Waldo, from the University of Regina, the competition represented her first time travelling on an airplane. “She called herself ‘Little Swallow’,” said Zhisong. He said he fondly remembers Waldo saying she wishes to fly in the future, in light of participating in the contest, and use her Chinese language. “I wish her to fly far and high,” said Zhisong. The competition offers participants the chance to share and display their Chinese language and Zhisong says can be a springboard for their future. “China is the second biggest economy in the world after the United States...there are a lot of opportunities in China,” he said. Zhisong is from Shanghai in the south of China where there are many different dialects. “At this event I found some students could speak superior Chinese (to many people from south of China),” despite it being one of the most difficult languages in the world, to learn to speak and write. Zhisong says he plans to grow the competition next year through increased financial support, working closer with universities, encouraging greater student participation and also through welcoming local communities and organizations to participate. “Participating in the competition opens the door for students to be able to apply for scholarships and study tours at Chinese universities,” said Pan. Watch for the Chinese Bridge finals taking place in China throughout the month of July.
• Community
加东首届大学生中文演讲比赛 译/Christine Qin Yang 第一届加拿大哈利法克斯地区大学生 中文演讲比赛让加东地区再次成为赛 点。此次比赛同为十三届“汉语桥” 世界大学生中文比赛的加东预选赛, 胜出者将入选参加今年夏天在中国举 办的总决赛。 每年三、四月,中国国家汉办/孔子学 院总部会在各地举办“汉语桥”世界 大学生中文比赛预选赛。汉办是一个 非盈利组织,致力于为世界各国提供 汉语言文化的教学资源和服务,最大 限度地满足海外汉语学习者的需求。 身为圣玛丽大学孔子学院的中方院长 及本次比赛五位评委之一的潘玮说: “我们非常欣赏这样的比赛,也很期 待明年的再次参与。”本次中文演讲 比赛于3月22日在圣玛丽大学举行。 潘院长表示:“加东地区有许多所高 校,本次比赛也满足了当地学生们参 赛的需求。”先前加东地区并没有这 样的赛区,参赛者不得不飞往蒙特利 尔参加“汉语桥”。 “本次有27名大学生参赛,他们大多 来自加东地区,”潘院长说道。同时 她也被竞赛当天选手们的表现所打 动。这些选手分别来自戴尔豪西大 学、圣玛丽大学、渥太华大学、里贾 纳大学以及萨斯喀彻温大学。 来自里贾纳大学的韩国学生Jeong Hyun赢得了本次比赛,她将会代表加 拿大参与久负盛名的“汉语桥”中国 总决赛。潘院长说。“Jeong能脱颖而 出是因为她对汉语学习的热忱以及她 小时候与家人在中国生活经历。” 中国驻加拿大大使馆教育处殷之嵩作 为本次比赛评委,他谈起Jeong时说 道:“她不但中文说的好,她对中国 的经济、文化、地理等方面也颇有研 究。” 戴尔豪西大学的选手Cameron Mitchell 赢得了本次比赛的亚军,同时他被邀 请前往中国观摩“汉语桥”演讲赛。 潘院长说,这将是一个非常隆重的赛 事。Mitchell学习中文已有两年,潘非 常看好他对中文学习热情。“他报考
圣玛丽大学孔子学院的汉语水平考 试,并取得了第三级好成绩。我相信 是他对中文学习的热情和执着,让他 在赛中崭露头角。” 大赛第一阶段为自选主题演讲,27名 选手中4名选手胜出。最后比赛分为三 个阶段,即兴演讲,现场问答:入围 者应回答关于中国历史,文化和地理 的相关问题;最后为才艺展示:参赛 者表演包括书法,武术,绘画,诗朗 诵,声乐等。这一系列激烈角逐后, 大赛圆满拉上帷幕。 “Ms. An (大赛最后四位选手之一) 在比赛现场唱起中国国歌作为她的才 艺表演,Cameron也唱起中国家喻户 晓的民歌《茉莉花》,”潘院长说, “这些学生们的专业深深感动了我, 他们真的非常用心地在参与这次比 赛。” 来自里贾纳大学的Kelsey Waldo分享 到,这是她第一次坐飞机旅行,并参 加这样一个活动。“她叫自己‘小燕 子’,”殷先生说他记得Waldo在大 赛中用中文表达:希望自己能在未来 自由地飞翔。殷先生也希望她能够飞 得更高更远。 这次比赛为参赛者提供了一个展示他 们中文能力的平台,殷先生说这将是 参赛者梦想的始发地。他还表示: “中国现在是继美国之后的第二大经 济体,中国拥有非常多的机会。” 来自上海的殷先生谈到,在中国南 方,人们讲各种方言。这次活动中, 他发现很多加拿大学生们的普通话说 的竟然比南方人还要好。尽管中文是 世界上最难学、难写、难说的语言。 殷先生透露,明年他将进一步地推广 这一比赛,为赛事投入更多资金支 持,并且与各所大学更为紧密地合 作,鼓励更多学生的参与,也欢迎更 多当地社区与组织的加入。 潘院长提到:“大赛参与者将有申请 奖学金和到中国留学的机会。” “汉语桥”世界大学生中文演讲比赛 总决赛将于七月在中国举行,敬请关 注。
June 2014
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Cover Story •
封面故事 Members young and old were invited to sign this poster, to show how strong the community has grown in 60 years. Chris Muise photo 中华会馆新老成员在活动海报上签名以 纪念会馆60年风雨历程。
CBANS Chairman Eric Yeung (far left) and honoured guests present a cheque from the World Chinese Business Association of Canada, promising $3000 towards CBANS new scholarship fund. It was originally $2500, but Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Philip S. Lee, pledged an extra $500 that very night. Chris Muise photo 中华会馆会长杨力维(左一)与嘉宾展示来自加拿大世界华商全国总商会捐赠的 $3000奖学金。基金初始设为$2500,但当晚曼尼托巴省省督Philip S. Lee 以个人名义捐献$500来支持这项计划。
Members, attendees, and the honoured guests were treated to a cultural extravaganza. Ziqian Wang photo 庆典当晚,中华会馆会员、到场来宾以及特邀嘉宾欣赏了一台精彩的节目表演。
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June 2014
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes