Dakai Maritimes 打开加东 加东首创华人华语杂志
COVER STORY: N.S. NEEDS INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN WORKFORCE 封面故事:拿省需要留学生 进入就业市场 Developing a Multicultural Career Mindset 养成多元文化的职业心态
Nova Scotian Lobster, a Hot(pot) Success in China 拿省龙虾畅销中国市场
Cantonese Bakery Arrives in Halifax
广式面包坊落地哈法 –“奇香” Spring 2013・Quarterly 2013 春季刊・季刊 1
Publisher’s Message 开篇寄语 4 Introducing the Community’s First Magazine 作为首创华文杂志,唯一一家华文纸媒
Feature 专题 5 N.S. Needs International Students in Workforce Chinese student embraces language and culture in Canada 拿省需要留学生进入就业市场 ——中国留学生包容加国语言文化差异
Resume Dos and Don’ts
Chinese Students: Facts You Need to Know
akai Maritimes
Spring 2013 Vol.1 No. 1 | 春季刊 总第1期 第1期
编辑出版 Published by Meng Zhao
10 Developing a Multicultural Career Mindset
Contributing Editor
Laura MacKenzie
Design & Layout
Anfia Lin
Design & Web
Anthony Miao
Community 社区 16 Group Helps New Parents Learn and Connect
Jane Song
18 Ping-Pong Brings Communities Together
Contributing Writers
Cyndi Sweeney Melissa Shaw Alison Chiang Leena Ali
Jennifer Liu Qin Xu Ying Lin Zhengyue Jiang
Business 商界 12 Nova Scotian Lobster, a Hot(pot) Success in China 拿省龙虾畅销中国市场
14 Business Crossing Borders A look at trade between Halifax and China 展望哈法与中国边贸关系
家长活动会使新晋父母获益 促进交流, 联系社区 ——加东乒乓球协会
Community News 社区新闻 20 Community happenings in the past season 记录上一季度华人社区新闻
英文编辑/审定 平面/排版设计 平面/网页设计 摄影 记者
Community Resources 社区资源 22 Listings of Chinese associations, services and spring events in Nova Scotia 拿省华人社团,服务机构,以及春季活动一览
Home 房屋与投资理财 23 First-time Home Buyers: Who are the Key Players? 首次购房者:谁是关键的参与者?
24 Investing in Real Estate 浅谈房地产投资
26 Canadian Health Care: a Public-Private System
在加拿大看病 ——看得起医生吃得起药,公费医疗与私人保险双管齐下
Food 美食天地 28 Cantonese Bakery Arrives in Halifax
For editorial and advertising inquiries: 编辑与广告联系方式:
magazine@dakai.ca (902) 471-8829 www.dakai.ca Follow us on:
facebook.com/DakaiMaritimes @DakaiMaritimes 打开加东杂志
广式面包坊落地哈法 —“奇香”
30 Recipe: Sichuan Style Red Braised Beef 食谱:四川红烧牛肉
Publisher’s Message 开篇寄语
Introducing the Community’s First Magazine
When I mentioned to a friend that I was working on a magazine for the Chinese community, he immediately asked, “What is it that you can’t get from local news sources?” He has got me thinking. It is common for Chinese Canadians to feel that they live in two different worlds. The feelings of isolation and disconnection start from the moment you arrive and can last from one generation to another. You may be shy to speak up in class because you worry about your accent. When your Canadian colleagues talk about hockey, you feel unrelated because you grew up playing and watching ping-pong (see pg.18 for our report on a local pingpong association). You have finally adapted to your Canadian life and feel you’ve found your place, but your teenage daughter starts to complain that she has to speak Chinese at home. There are many answers to my friend’s question, but it comes down to being able to relate. In Nova Scotia, we have thousands of Chinese who have made the province home, and more than a dozen associations with hundreds of volunteers striving to serve our community. We have stories that are not regularly reflected in any local news sources. So the magazine is not an accident: we believe this community has a lot to say, and we want to create a home for those voices. We are also here to share resources. In our Spring issue, our feature section is dedicated to employment issues that many young graduates face. We attended meetings and events, talked to professionals and networked to help the ranks of Chinese jobseekers perfect their strategies and, hopefully, find employment. To borrow a popular line from The Huffington Post and twist it to our own use - if you have something to say, say it on Dakai Maritimes. We hope to become a reflection of you and the worlds you are trying to navigate!
当我告诉一位西人朋友我正在创作一本华语杂志的时候, 这位朋友毫不犹豫的发问:“有什么是你们无法在主流新闻媒 体中读到的呢?” 这个问题让我深思。 “身在曹营心在汉”的情况在我们旅加华人、华侨和留学 生中并不罕见。文化的隔阂和缺乏归属感从我们抵加的那一 刻起开始萌生,对很多人来说,这种感觉甚至会影响几代 人。你是否曾今有过这些类似的经历:在课堂上,因为怕自 己的口音和不够流利的表达闹笑话而不好意思发言;当同事 兴高采烈地讨论冰球的时候,你觉得插不上话,可是自己在 行的乒乓球运动却无人提及(对本地乒乓球协会的报道详见18 页);当你认为你完全适应这里的生活,找到归属感时,你 那正直叛逆期的女儿却告诉你她拒绝跟你用中文对话。 新斯科舍省如今已有几千余华人选择在这里安家置业,上 百名义务工作者不计报酬地为华人社区的发展服务和贡献。 而形形色色的主流报刊里,内容却鲜少有关于加东华人的文 章和报道。原来,我们无法在主流媒体中读到的,正是属于 我们自己真实生活的写照。因此,华文纸媒的出现绝非偶 然,而是源于越来越多的人都希望听见来自华人的声音。 这本杂志不仅承载声音,还会分享有效资讯和有力资 源。为了给春季的毕业生提供就业咨询,本期杂志以“就 业”为专题,通过参加相关讲座和会议,访问与咨询专业机 构和人员,我们刊登了一系列关于求职就业的文章,希望为 正在找工作和即将面临就业选择的读者们提供帮助。 在这里,我想改用一句美国著名博客新闻网站《赫芬顿 邮报》的口号 – 让《打开加东》杂志变成你的声音!我们将 致力于让每一位华人读者都能在本刊里找到你生活,工作和 学习的缩影。 感谢大家,在这个明媚的春季里,与我们相会!
Happy Spring!
Meng Zhao, Publisher
Meng Zhao
Anfia Lin
Anthony Miao
Jane Song
Laura MacKenzie
Alison Chiang
Cyndi Sweeney
Publisher 出版人
Graphic & Layout 平面/排版设计师
Graphic & Web 平面/网页设计师
Photographer 宋佳玺 摄影
Contributing Editor 英文编辑
Freelance Journalist 自由职业记者
Freelance Journalist 自由职业记者
Meng Zhao Publisher 出版人
Anfia Lin
Graphic & Layout 平面/排版设计师
Anthony Miao
Jane Song
Laura MacKenzie
Alison Chiang
Graphic & Web 平面/网页设计师
Photographer 宋佳玺 摄影
Contributing Editor 英文编辑
Freelance Journalist 自由职业记者
F 自
Leena Ali
Melissa Shaw
Jennifer Liu
Qin Xu
Ying Lin
Freelance Journalist 自由职业记者
Freelance Journalist 自由职业记者
Translator 刘佳宁 翻译
Translator 徐沁 中文翻译
Translator 林莹 中文翻译
Leena Ali
Melissa Shaw
Jennifer Liu
Qin Xu
Zhengyue Jiang Translator 蒋正悦 中文翻译
Ying Lin
Zhengyue Jiang
International student panelists Harry Tian (L) and Kyle Stubbs (R) with MSVU International Student Advisor Ashley-Jane Chow (M) at Diversity Workshop MSVU.留学生代表田汉(左)Kyle Stubbs (右) 以及留学生辅导员Ashley-Jane Chow(中)在圣文森山特大学“就业市场多元化”研讨会上
N.S. Needs International Students in Workforce Chinese student embraces language and culture in Canada Article & Photo by Cyndi Sweeney | Translation by: Jennifer Liu
ova Scotia faces a labour shortage that will only get more serious in coming years. Many point to international students as an important part of the solution, but a discussion on diversity in the workplace, held at Mount Saint Vincent University, highlighted barriers many international students face as they try to adapt and succeed in this province. Elizabeth Mills, executive director of the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, joined a group of international student panelists at the university’s Diversity Dialogue in November. Mills emphasized that Nova Scotia’s “long-term viability” depends on its ability to attract young skilled immigrants and their families. Han Tian is one of those young skilled individuals. He is an internationl student who aspires to make Nova Scotia his permanent home. Tian is fondly known to friends and colleagues as Harry. “It’s easy to remember,” he says. He is doing a co-op placement at an international financial services provider, and says he is learning a lot. Like many international students, Tian says his mother didn’t want him working while he was in school. The coop has been a perfect solution, because he is able to gain Canadian work experience as part of his degree. Tian arrived from Tianjin, China five years ago at the age of 19 to learn English and study. He majors in finance and accounting at MSVU and works a full day at Citco before going to night classes, and then home to do assignments and work on his English. It’s a long day, but he says it’s worth it. Labour gap, experience gap However, many international students are not getting Canadian work experience — a loss for them and Canada.
记者&摄影 : Cyndi Sweeney | 翻译: 刘佳宁
The situation is worrisome, according to panelists at the diversity workshop. Both students and employers emphasized the importance of helping young people from other countries bridge the growing labour gap in Nova Scotia. Mills warns that “the demand for workers will sharply outstrip the supply by 2015,” and that the province could be short 2,800 to 8,000 workers by then. Canada doesn’t have any difficulty attracting immigrants, and Mills says China has been the largest source country for many years. But newcomers to Canada gravitate toward larger population centres, and Nova Scotia is having difficulty holding onto those who do come here: of the 6,000 international students currently studying in universities in Nova Scotia, only about 1,900 have applied for work permits. Mills says we should encourage international students to apply for permits so they can gain important Canadian work experience while they study here. Nova Scotia needs students from abroad to launch their careers and put down roots in the province, and after they complete three months to a year in a full-time, permanent position, students can apply for Canadian permanent residency. Here to stay, he hopes Getting his co-op position gave Tian that kind of encouragement. Prior to his job at Citco, he devoted all of his time to his studies and had never had a job, or even a resume. He has completed his second four-month co-op term and has made a real impression at work. Ramona Lumpkin, president and vice-chancellor at MSVU met him by chance and introduced him to his future Citco employer at a job fair. To that point, Tian had
Spring 2013
Feature: Cover Story | 专题: 封面故事
experienced difficulty finding work in Halifax. She has since been in contact with Tian’s employer who wrote to her saying “what a wonderful employee Harry is.” Tian says he would like to stay in Canada if he can find a steady job that uses his double major. He is adapting to cultural challenges like language, and says that many differences in Canadian culture are to his taste: he enjoys being part of a team at work, and says since coming to Canada he has become “less shy.” “Back home you listen to the teacher’s instructions and you don’t say anything,” he says. “Here you get to participate in class, and everybody gets to ask questions. Employers can do more to help international workers The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration found the main reason international students left the province was because they could not find work in their field of expertise. Other reasons included feelings of isolation and the need for increased access to language and learning programs. Students at the workshop spoke of the need for employers to help international students adjust to the Canadian workplace. Paula Barry, manager of the educational management centre at MSVU, works closely with international students and says language is one the biggest challenges students face. Barry stresses the need for employers to remember that “having an accent doesn’t mean you’re not fluent.” She also says that Nova Scotia is slow to accept diverse cultures and employees with diverse backgrounds. Ashley-Jane Chow, a student advisor to MSVU international students, says students from other countries can feel very uneasy approaching supervisors and offering their input in the work environment. She also says many international students find it disrespectful to call their employer by their first name. Glen Dormody, Royal Bank’s regional vice president says their branches are making concerted efforts to hire international students. Dormody says the Larry Uteck branch is one of their fastest growing branches and has diverse employees and clientele. In a province that will increasingly depend on immigrants to bolster its population and economy, both sides of the equation must work to reach each other. International students must overcome barriers of language and culture, and employers must recognize the worth and promise of young people eager to begin their careers in a new country, and strive to earn their loyalty. It took Tian’s skill and determination, along with recognition from an involved faculty member, to help him branch out further into our society, and our workplace. One thing is true everywhere: if you want to be successful, “you need to work hard, like you breathe,” Tian says with a smile. “You would never forget how to breathe.” ❖
Diversity Workshop at MSVU
拿省需要留学生进入 就业市场 ——中国留学生包容加国语言文化差异 近年来,拿省面临日益严重的就业劳动力紧缺的问题, 吸引留学生留加发展成了主要解决的方案之一。圣文森山特 大学(MSVU)11月举办了一场关于“就业市场多元化”的研 讨会,会议吸引了新斯科舍省移民厅厅长Elizabeth Mills在内 的专家团的参与。“留学生在海外生活和发展的障碍”这一话 题得到了广泛关注。Mills女士强调,拿省的长期发展主要依 靠让更多有技术,有才华的年轻一代移民及其家人选择在拿 省就业安家。 田汉就是其中一个愿意留省发展的中国留学生。五年 前,19岁的田汉只身从天津来到MSVU主修金融和会计专 业。和很多中国留学生的父母一样,田汉的母亲认为好好 读书是首任,并不鼓励他勤工俭学。在这个时候,co-op实 习项目就是一个很好的解决方案 - 除了学位证书,它还给 了田汉一个获取在加国工作经验的机会。目前,他在一家 名为Citco的国际金融服务公司实习。朋友和同事们都叫他 Harry,因为英文名更容易被人记住。每天,他除了全职在 Citco上班之外,晚上要上课,做作业,学英语。尽管很忙, 他觉得很有意义。
然而,并不是每个留学生都在用这种方法积累加国的 工作经验,这对他们自身和加拿大都是一种损失。研讨会的 专家表示这种情况颇令人担忧。会上,学生和雇主都强调帮 助留学生留加发展对本地的就业市场极为重要。Mills女士表
Feature: Careers | 专题: 就业 示,截止到2015年,本地市场对劳动力的需求会急剧增长, 拿省将会有2,800至8,000的人才缺口。 加国吸引新移民并不困难。中国一直都是其最大的移民 人口输出国。然而,新移民更喜欢去人口比较多的大城市。 拿省吸引移民留居在本省便面临严峻的挑战。数据显示,目 前有6,000左右的留学生在这里学习,只有1,900名学生申 请工作许可。Mills女士认为我们应该鼓励留学生申请工作许 可,让他们在留学期间获得本地的相关工作经验。拿省需要 留学生在这里定居和发展。一般情况下,毕业后的留学生在 被永久性全职雇佣以后,工作满三个月到一年便可以递交加 拿大的永久居民身份的申请。
Resume Dos and Don’ts Article & Photo by Melissa Nodding | Translation by: Ying Lin 供稿 & 摄影: Melissa Nodding | 翻译: 林莹 Melissa Nodding is the Co-operative Education Project Assistant at Mount Saint Vincent University. Melissa是圣文森山特大学实习教育部门项目助理。
去Citco工作之前,像很多中国留学生一样,田汉一直埋 头学习,从来没有正式工作过,也没写过简历。现在,通过 出色的工作表现,他被同一个公司再次录用,刚刚完成他的 第二个实习期。 当初找这份实习工作的时候,田汉屡屡经历困难,前景 并不乐观。MSVU校长 Ramona Lumpkin 教授在一次招聘会上 偶然遇见他,就顺便把他介绍给一位招聘人员认识。这位招 聘人员就是田汉现在的雇主。这位雇主和Lumpkin教授在之 后的一次联系中提到Harry真是一位超级棒的员工! 田汉表示双学位毕业后,如果可以找到一份稳定的工 作,他会选择留在加拿大发展。他正在努力适应这里的文化 氛围和语言环境。相比中国,这里很不一样。他喜欢和团队 一起工作,相较于到加拿大之前,他也开朗了许多。他还说, 在中国,上课都是听老师讲,学生很少有机会发言。而在这 里,他有机会参与各种课堂活动,所有学生都会积极发问。
MSVU Co-operative Education Team working with a co-op student
拿省移民厅的调查结果显示,留学生离开这里的主要原 因是他们很难在本地找到与其专业相关的工作。另外就是他 们感觉到被孤立,需要获得更多提高英语能力的学习机会。 同时,研讨会上的学生们也表示,他们需要也期望当地企业 和雇主帮助留学生更好适应加国的职场文化。 经常和留学生打交道的MSVU国际教育管理中心经理 Paula认为,留学生的最大的挑战是要过语言关。她强调,企 业应牢记“有口音不代表不能说流利的英语”。MSVU国际 学生辅导员Ashley 也表示,很多留学生都反映他们在和上级 交流或在工作中发表见解时,会感到非常不适应。他们认为 直呼主管的名字是不礼貌的行为。皇家银行RBC区域副总裁 Glen 带来可喜的消息。他指出,本省的各大分行都在积极雇 用海外留学生。其中扩张最快,员工和客户群最多元化的数 Larry Uteck分行。 对于一个依靠移民来支撑人口增长和经济发展的省份来 说,特别是随着需求的增长,该省的繁荣发展离不开移民和 东道主双方共同的努力协作。对于留学生来讲,他们必须战 胜文化和语言上的障碍: 而对于当地的企业和雇主来说,他们 也要认清当地的发展离不开年轻一代移民选择在加国发展事 业这一事实, 以及首肯他们的价值。 和大多数人一样,田汉渴望在事业上有所作为,并有着 自己对成功秘诀的解读。他说:“我们不会忘记怎样呼吸, 那就像不要忘记呼吸一样,不要忘记努力地去工作。” ❖
esumes are often more difficult to write than you might think. It is even more challenging when you’ve never had to write one before, don’t have much experience or are confused about what you should include. Have no fear! We will take you through the dos and don’ts of resumes to help you understand what to include and what to avoid. At first glance your resume should have the following: a creative and attractive layout, no mistakes, consistent formatting and ample white space so it does not look busy. To create an attractive layout, include effective section headings, colour (but keep it professional) and descriptive bullets that describe your work and volunteer experiences. In order to avoid mistakes read your resume many times, and then have a friend or colleague look at it as well. Attention to detail will ensure a successful resume. ‘White space’ means having space between sections on a page. This allows for easier reading, and if it doesn’t look cluttered, it will draw the reader in. Your resume must also be consistent. Pay close attention to how you’ve written the dates, the size of font, and the size of the margins. It is important to provide details that describe your work
Feature: Careers | 专题: 就业
and volunteer experiences. It’s good to include 4-7 bullets to describe your role for each job or volunteer position. If you do not have work experience, consider volunteering for as many things as possible. When considering which type of volunteer work best suits you, look for volunteer opportunities that reflect the type of job you hope to have. Be sure to start each bullet with an action verb when highlighting your work experience and volunteer work. Don’t forget to also include your education, awards, achievements and any extracurricular activities you have been involved in. You want your resume to demonstrate how well-rounded you are. When applying for a job, you must also write a one page cover letter. This is a letter to your potential employer that outlines the skills you have and how you would use them if you were hired. It is very important to do your research and include interesting information about the organization and relate it back to your skills or experience. Employers will appreciate that you’ve taken the time to do your research and
will see that you are serious about getting the job. It is important for you not to use the same cover letter for every job application. Customizing your cover letter is one of the best ways to make a great first impression. It will show employers that you are ready and willing to put time and effort into your application package in hopes of receiving an interview. Remember, the cover letter and resume are what gets you the interview! Your cover letter should follow a format that includes: an opening paragraph where you explain who you are and why you’ve applied for the job; the main body of the letter which outlines your skills and how they relate to the job; and a conclusion, where you thank the employer for their time and ask for an interview. Just remember, resumes and cover letters are a direct reflection of you. Spend time developing them to their fullest potential. They are the first impression you make on an employer, so put your best work forward! ❖
如何写好《求职简历》和《求职信》 写
好《求职简历》是门学问。当你从没写过简历,没有 足够的工作经验或是不知道要归纳什么内容时,更是 无从下手。今天,我们就来谈谈写简历时需要包括的内容和注 意事项 。 一份有效的简历大致有以下几个特点:有创意但又合 理、规整的布局,全文没有拼写或语法错误,格式一致,空 间利用合理。布局合理又包括:有效运用标题,颜色搭配职 业化,使用排列法重点描述工作经验。 为了避免失误,除了自己要多检查几遍你认为已经完成 的简历,还要请朋友或同学帮忙阅读。注意细节以确保万无 一失。页面不同章节之间空出的区域叫空白区,它方便读者 阅读。如果页面乍看干净整洁,读者往往才有兴趣看下去。 简历从头到尾注意格式保持一致,包括日期的写法,字体的 大小以及页面边距的大小等等,都要做到前后统一。 提供工作经验时,每个职位或经验建议陈列4到7条相关 描述。如果没有职业工作经验,就尽可能多地描述义务工作 经验。也就是说,下次在大家找义务工作机会的时候,务必 选择跟你今后所向往的职业工作类型相符合的机会。 英文简历中,在陈列和总结工作经验时,一句话的开头 要用动词概括。简历中还应该展现你多才多艺的一面,列入 你的教育背景,所取得的个人奖励、荣誉等,以及参加过的
课外活动和兴趣小组。 和简历同等重要的另一份文件是《求职信》(也称《个人 简介》)。求职信长短大约一页纸,用来概括以及强调你的相 关才能,向雇主阐述他们应该雇佣你的原因。在写这封信之 前,求职者对所申请的公司和职位应该做好充分的调查,总 结公司对其员工的上岗要求,这样你才能在你的申请信里结 合这些要求来阐述你的才能。雇主会辨认你是否花时间去做 这些调查,也会由此判断你求职的诚意。 每申请一份工作就要有一份有针对性的求职信,而不是 重复套用同一份信件。有针对性的求职信会给雇主留下很好 的第一印象。雇主会认为你很有诚意,觉得你已经做好了面 试的准备。 求职信应该遵循这样的格式:开篇简单介绍求职者的个 人情况以及申请这份工作的理由;正文概括个人能力以及相 关工作经验;总结则要礼貌地感谢雇主抽出时间阅读此信并 表示期待面试机会。 记住,《求职简历》和《求职信》是你打开面试大门的 钥匙!在雇主见到你本人之前,他们唯一能了解你的途径就 是通过你的简历和求职信。要多花时间和心思去完善所有要 素,让它们在你申请工作的过程中充分发挥作用。 ❖
Spring 2013
Chinese Students: Facts You Need to Know By Paula Barry | Translation by: Qin Xu
供稿: Paula Barry | 翻译: 徐沁
Paula Barry is the Manager of International Education Centre at Mount Saint Vincent University. Barry女士是圣文森山特大学国际教育中心经理。
Feature: Careers | 专题: 就业
aving worked in the International Education Centre for the past eight years, I’ve seen first-hand the trials, tribulations, and celebrations as our students enter the labour force in Nova Scotia. We encourage our students to begin thinking about this transition the moment they enter university. Getting a job upon graduation doesn’t have to be difficult; it simply requires a lot of preparation, networking and spirit. Did you know that many Canadian students begin working when they are 16? Currently at MSVU, 70% of our students work. In order to compete, it is very important that you get involved on campus, consider working part-time and consider a Co-op program. Work and volunteer experience are absolutely necessary in order for you to establish a resume and begin your job search. Visit your Career Planning Centre. They can help you research job opportunities within your field of study, perfect your resume, discover networking opportunities, and even have yourself videotaped during a mock interview to improve your interview skills. Interviews are awkward and one difficulty many students face is ‘selling themselves’. This is such an uncomfortable position to be in, yet it is vital for success in the Canadian labour market. Students need to think about what they can offer an employer, and as Chinese students you have much to
offer! Employers need Chinese employees to improve their local and international relations. Locally, if your industry has any customer service component, being bilingual and providing services to clients in their native language is a huge asset to companies. China is the largest growing economy in the world and Canadian companies want in! You can offer employers the cultural insight and language they need to be successful in the Chinese marketplace. Your knowledge, language skills, and local connections are incredibly valuable to local businesses. Four steps to success: 1. Get involved! Participating in clubs, societies, athletics, community organizations and events will help you improve your language skills, meet new people, and build your resume. 2. Visit your Career Planning Centre! Get feed back on your career goals, resumes, cover letters, and interview skills. 3. Attend job fairs! In Halifax we have a summer job fair, the Halifax Career Fair, and a fair for new immigrants and international students. Get dressed up and bring your resumes. 4. Contact other organizations that can help you i.e. Greater Halifax Partnership Connector program – get ‘connected’ to local business leaders. You have the skills employers want. You’ve already proven how hard-working and adaptable you are by making the courageous leap of coming to Canada to pursue your education - in a new country and a foreign language. Best of luck! ❖
Feature: Careers | 专题: 就业
给华人留学生的就职建议 在
国际教育中心工作的过去八年里,我亲眼目睹我们的 学生在新斯科舍省找工作时所付出的努力,经历的磨 难,和获得的喜悦。我们鼓励学生在进入大学时,就开始思 考这个将要发生的转变。毕业后找工作其实并不困难,它只 是需要大量的准备、建立社会关系、乐观与坚持。 你知道吗,很多加拿大学生在十六岁的时候就开始工 作。目前,圣文森山特大学的70%的学生都在工作。在这种 激烈的竞争下,作为一名国际学生,参加校园活动、考虑做 兼职或者实习都是非常必要的。工作经验和志愿者经历在写 简历和找工作中必不可少。访问你们学校的职业规划中心。 他们可以帮助你寻找在你学习领域内对口的工作机会,完善 你的简历,提供一些建立人脉关系的机会,还可以为你提供 模拟面试录像,从而提高你的面试技巧。 许多学生都不习惯在面试中推销自己。“推销自己”会 让求职者感到很不舒服,但它却是在加拿大找工作成功的关 键所在。学生需要去思考他们能给雇主带来什么样的价值。 作为中国留学生,你比自己想象中更有价值。雇主需要中国 员工来扩大他们在当地以及国际市场的运作范围。在当地市 场这块,如果你所在的行业需要客服,那么具有双语能力, 并能为客户提供本国语言服务的客服人才,会让公司获益匪 浅。中国是世界最大的经济增长体,许多加拿大公司都希望 与其合作。你可以为雇主提供他们在中国市场获得成功所需
要的文化参考和语言帮助。你的知识,语言能力,以及在当 地建立的人脉关系,对于当地企业都非常有价值。 对于有效求职,我给大家归纳了4点建议: 1. 参与。参与俱乐部,社团,体育运动,社区组织以及各类 活动,会帮助你提高语言能力,结交新朋友,同时为写简历 增加素材。 2. 访问你所在学校的职业规划中心。向他们咨询你的职业目 标,简历,求职信和面试技巧,针对你自己的情况得到反馈 意见。 3. 参加招聘会。在哈利法克斯,我们有暑期招聘会,市招聘 会,和专门针对新移民和国际留学生的招聘活动。记得着职 业装,带上简历,参与进来! 4. 向求职辅助机构求助。在当地,有一些特别为解决就业问 题设立的组织,比如像Greater Halifax Partnership的就业 连接项目,能帮你与当地的雇主尽快取得联系。 记住,你具备雇主所需要的技能。当你勇敢地来到加拿 大,选择在一个新的国度用一门外语求学时,你已经证明了 你勤劳的品质和良好的适应能力。祝大家好运! ❖
Developing a Multicultural Career Mindset By Qiuling Wu & Teresa Inacio | Translation by: Zhengyue Jiang Qiuling Wu and Teresa Inacio are International Student Advisors at Dalhousie University. 吴秋凌先生和Inacio女士是 来自戴尔豪西大学的留学生 顾问
hen it comes to helping Chinese students find employment, it is important to look at the role culture plays in the career development process. The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu once said, “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” Having a clear understanding of cultural differences, especially how they affect a person’s thinking and behaviour is critical to ensuring career success. Chinese culture can be characterized as a collectivist
供稿: 吴秋凌, Teresa Inacio | 翻译: 蒋正悦
culture. The interests of a group are valued and often put ahead of the rights of the individuals. In the Chinese culture, modesty is considered a virtue. Free expression of opinion may be perceived as rude and disrespectful. Talking about personal accomplishments can sometimes be misinterpreted as bragging and lack of modesty. Chinese culture is also referred to as a ‘high context’ culture, where most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person. Subtle and indirect communication styles are the social norms. Chinese students who grew up in this culture may have a hard time giving specific examples to behavioural questions that examine their leadership ability or conflict management style during interviews. They may find it challenging to articulate their varied accomplishments on their cover letters and resumes. This is only compounded by the fact that in many Chinese families, it is not the norm to work while you are going to school. Students therefore
Feature: Careers | 专题: 就业
may feel they have not gathered enough experience. It is not surprising to hear Chinese students say “I don’t have any work experience and have nothing to say on my resume.” This is not completely true. They are simply not used to reflecting on their personal identity and achievements in life. In this sense, understanding their own culture and its unique characteristics is the first step towards developing a multicultural career mindset. Canadian culture is, in many respects, very different from Chinese culture. It is often characterized as an individualistic culture. Personal identity and independence are valued and reflected in the workplace. It is also considered a “low context” culture, where communication is direct and explicit without many subtleties. Expressing opinion is a common behaviour and viewed as valued attribute. Individuals who grew up in the Canadian culture are often more accustomed to and comfortable with expressing personal achievements on a resume or during a job interview. Broadening your cultural perspective to include Canadian values and how they influence workplace thinking and behaviour is another key step in developing a multicultural career mindset. This allows students to have an outlook that considers other perspectives in a situation, not just their own. Developing an understanding of another cultural approach requires open-mindedness and curiosity. It allows you to respect the differences and appreciate what your future colleagues can bring to the table. Respecting and valuing difference is the hallmark of a true multicultural career mindset. Cultivating this approach is an important achievement in order to build an international career. Once this is achieved, Chinese students will gain practical knowledge and skills that will help them achieve career success in the Canadian workplace. They can learn to consider all the practical social experience they have gained back home and in volunteering for events while studying in Canada that would balance out any perceived experience deficit. Instead of feeling as if they have less to say on their cover letters and resumes, they will have plenty to articulate about their accomplishments. The role of culture in the career development process therefore cannot be understated. It influences every aspect, from writing cover letters to participating in a job interview. As a result, it is important for Chinese students to understand cultural differences and develop a multicultural career mindset that allows them to adopt multiple perspectives. This journey begins with understanding one’s own culture and learning about local Canadian culture. Developing a multicultural career mindset can be challenging, especially for those who have mostly been exposed to a single culture all their lives. However, it is a great asset to have in the exciting, multicultural world we live in. Taking the time to gain a broader perspective can be an incredibly rewarding experience. ❖
知人者智,自知者明。 ——老子
当中国留学生找工作的时候,他们需要了解文化在职业 规划中扮演的重要角色。中国古代哲学家老子说得好:“知 人者智,自知者明。” 了解文化差异,尤其是这种差异是如 何影响到一个人的思想和行为,会在你的职业生涯中起到举 足轻重的作用。 中国文化被认为是以集体主义为特点的文化。通常某个 群体的利益会凌驾于个人利益之上。在中国文化里, 谦逊被 认为是一种美德,自由表达可能会被视作是一种粗鲁或对他 人不尊重的行为。谈论个人成就,有时会被认为是自夸且不 谦虚的表现。中国文化还被称为“高语境”文化,即大多数 信息是通过肢体语言传达的。微妙和间接的表达方式是社会 的规范。在这种文化背景下成长的中国学生,面试中一旦遇 到检验其领导能力、管理技巧这类需要举例说明的问题时, 会觉得十分棘手。中国留学生不习惯在求职信和简历里描述 自己的成就,再加上一边工作、一边上学在中国不常见,这 使得大多数人认为自己没有积累足够的经验,觉得 “我没 有工作经验所以在简历上没什么可写的”。事实并不总是这 样,他们只是不习惯在生活中归纳、总结自己的长处罢了。 从这一点来说,了解自己独特的文化背景是养成多元文化职 业心态的第一步。 加拿大文化在很多方面有别于中国文化。它被认为是个 人主义文化,在工作环境中强调个人和独立。它还被认为 是“低语境”文化,因为它的表达直接、明确,暗语很少。 在加拿大,表达个人观点很常见,而且会受到鼓励。在这种 背景下成长起来的求职者会非常习惯在简历上和面试中陈述 个人能力与成就。 在你的意识中加入加拿大价值观,并且让它来影响你的 思考和行为,是养成多元文化心态的另外一个重要部分。这 会让中国学生在面对某些具体情况时从更广泛的角度来看待 问题,而不只是从自己的角度出发。了解另一种文化,需要 保持开明的思想和好奇心。养成这种思考的习惯,是在加国 成功求职的重要一步,会使大家收获有利的知识和技能,为 今后长远的职业道路打下良好的基础。久而久之,大家就学 会总结在中国和加国各类非正式的工作经验,以弥补职业经 验的不足,使简历丰富起来。 因此,文化因素在职业规划中的作用不可小觑。不管是 写求职信,还是面试,都深受文化认知的影响。对中国留学 生来说,了解文化差异,养成从多角度思考问题的多元文化 心态极为重要。“万里长征”的第一步总是很艰难,一直生 活在单一文化背景下的学生们对多元文化心态的养成更具挑 战。然而,生活在多元文化的环境中,这种心态无疑是我们 珍贵的资产。花一些时间和精力来拓宽我们的思想和视野会 让我们终身获益。 ❖
Spring 2013
Ian Smith, CEO of Clearwater Seafoods 加拿大海鲜渔业有限公司 (Clearwater) 首席执行官Ian Smith先生
Nova Scotian Lobster, A Hot(Pot) Success In China By Alison Chiang | Translation by: Zhengyue Jiang 记者: Alison Chiang | 翻译: 蒋正悦
“You pop it into your mouth, and it literally melts in your mouth.” Ian Smith is talking about lobster, and he doesn’t mean the boiled, buttery lobster Nova Scotians are used to. This is Chinese style, and it’s called hot pot. The popular dish involves sliced raw meat, vegetables and noodles put into a steaming pot, with sauce and spices added if desired. It’s a delicious delicacy often revered in the cold, winter months. Smith, CEO of Clearwater Seafoods, learned this method of cooking lobster while on a business trip to China. “Positioning the lobster against the hot pot is an innovation,” he says. “No one’s been doing it.” Clearwater is a seafood company founded by John Risley and Colin MacDonald back in 1976, and it works to harvest the best quality seafood. The company stocks up on lobster, scallop, clam, shrimp, crab and masago, which are distributed to over 40 countries daily. The company has over 1400 employees around the world, with 600 crew members working on 12
fishing vessels. Smith, who became CEO in May 2010, talks about the importance of long-lasting partnerships, like the one Clearwater has developed with China. “Partnership is our spirit of cooperation,” says Smith. China’s relationship with Clearwater started over 20 years ago, and there are now more than 22 partner cities in mainland China. The three most popular Clearwater products for the Chinese are arctic surf clam, northern coldwater shrimp and of course, lobster. Smith believes the Clearwater brand appeals to the Chinese because of its reputation for great taste, quality and safety. Smith further explains that “the sheer weight of consumption and demand from the Asian market, specifically China is only going to continue to grow, and we’re very happy to see that.” He projects sales to China will increase significantly over the next 3 years; the company is halfway to achieving its goal of $100 million in sales from the country. Smith says there are two approaches to doing business with China. One way is to approach Chinese companies here in Halifax and simply have those companies do the job for you. Smith cautions that this form is “somewhat more limited in terms of reward.” The other option is a little more grassroots. Clearwater has about 20 representatives in China who market Clearwater products directly, and refer potential customers to one of the company’s producers or wholesalers. Smith says you need preparation and knowledgeable staff in order to expand successfully in international markets and develop long-term relationships with customers. “For the people who want to be deep into the market and be there strategically for the long term, my advice is ‘do your homework,’” says Smith. “There is no way to get there fast.” Smith also says successful companies study the culture. In China’s case, it’s important to note that there are eight cuisines in the Chinese culture, with seafood being the dominant feature. Smith says Clearwater is proud to be a global seafood company. “We understand and appreciate the importance that the Asian market is going to play in the future growth of this company over the long term, and particularly the importance of the Chinese market.” ❖
FAST TAKE-OUT or DINE IN Clearwater employee holds up fresh catch Clearwater员工手持新获捕的鲜活龙虾 Photo 摄影 : Alison Chiang
“ 把它放进嘴里,它会入口即化。”
Ian Smith 先生说的是龙虾,而且他
所指的不是拿省人所熟悉的那种煮熟的、 涂满黄油的,而是涮在中式火锅里的龙 虾。众所周知,火锅现在风靡全中国,其 吃法是将切好的生肉片、蔬菜和面条等放 进热气腾腾的锅里煮好,然后根据个人口 味加上蘸料就食。 Smith先生是加拿大海鲜渔业有限公 司 (Clearwater) 的首席执行官,这种吃龙 虾的方法是他有一次出差去中国的时候看 到的。 Clearwater由John Risley 和 Colin MacDonald于1976年成立,主要经营捕 获海鲜。公司现有包括600名渔民在内的 1400多名员工,并向40多个国家出口龙 虾、扇贝、蛤蜊和鱼籽等海产。 Smith于2010年5月任职Clearwater 首席执行官。他向记者强调与合作伙伴保 持长期稳定的合作关系非常重要。中国就 是这种合作伙伴之一。 “合作是公司发展的核心政策。” Smith介绍道,Clearwater与中国的合作 关系早在20多年前就开始了,现在中国大 陆22个城市都有其分销点。他们在中国市 场中最受欢迎的产品有三种:北极贝,北 极甜虾和龙虾。 Smith认为,Clearwater吸引众多中 国消费者的原因是因为它味道好、品质 高以及食品安全有保障。他又进一步解 释: “我们很高兴看到亚洲市场对海产的
需求日益增加,而中国市场只会持续 增温。”他预计在未来三年内,中国 的销售量会有巨大的提高。公司在中 国的计划销售总额为一百万加币,现 在已经完成了原计划的一半。 Smith 介绍了两种与中国贸易往 来的方式。第一种是和哈利法克斯本 地的中国公司合作代理。他称这种形 式较为“低回报” 。另一种则是直接打 入对方基层市场。 Clearwater 在中国 有20多个分销商,他们负责出售并帮 助总公司联系客户。Smith表示,如果 想拓展国外市场,与国外消费群体建 立和保持长期稳定的供求关系,你需 要有准备、有经验的人帮助你打开市 场。 对那些想打入国际市场并计划长 期处于战略领先地位的公司,Smith建 议他们要做足功课。他说:“成功没有 捷径。”他认为,学习和研究国外市 场的本土文化是成功的关键。以Clearwater为例,当计划要进军中国餐饮业 时,他们的首任就是了解、学习中国 传统饮食文化中的八大菜系,以及各 地区对海鲜的烹制方法。 Smith表示,Clearwater一直为作 为一家全球性的海鲜渔业公司而感到 荣幸。 “我们深知,以中国市场为主导 的亚洲市场,将会给我们今后的长期 发展带来巨大的影响。”❖
Lower Sackville 57 Beaver Bank Rd.
865-2226 Bedford 1475 Bedford Hwy
832-2226 Dartmouth 136 Portland St.
469-2226 www.maygarden.ca 13
The Atlantic Superior at Pier 25 in Halifax “Atlantic Superior号” 停留在哈法港区内25号泊位
Business Crossing Borders A look at trade between Halifax and China
Article & Photo by Melissa Shaw | Translation by: Zhengyue Jiang ■ 记者&摄影: Melissa Shaw | 翻译: 蒋正悦
e live in a time of globalization that has connected us and developed our relationships with our neighbours. Trade with European countries has plateaued, says Michelle Peveril, Senior Manager of Strategic Relations for the Halifax Port Authority. She says the port started developing a strategy to approach China, India, Bangladesh and Vietnam about eight years ago, and they’ve had some good success. “If you look back to the year 2011, you would see that 45 per cent of our cargo that year was either originating from or destined to Southeast Asian countries. So it definitely has grown over time.” Peveril says Europe remains important and is responsible for 33 per cent of their business. Europe’s trade growth has slowed because production and manufacturing has migrated to Asian countries. “China in particular has now grown to be our number one country of origin or destination for containerized cargo,” says Peveril. 14
Hong Wang has experience ordering products from China. She runs her own business in Halifax, 2008 New Century Trading, which sells clothing and accessories. She has 15 years of business experience and has worked in Romania, Russia, and the Middle East. At first, she shipped smaller quantities of product by air because she didn’t know how much she would sell. She ordered two thousand fur coats, but says she failed to sell them all one season. “The first year is very tough,” she says. “The second year I learned more. I learned English. I learned about the culture. I learned about many things which helped my business grow.” She attended workshops and worked with a business counsellor to learn about the Canadian market. Now she orders a wider variety of products and says containerized shipping is cheaper than shipping by air when placing large orders. Her advice to others starting a business: do the research and learn about the local market.
Spring 2013
Business | 商界
When Barrie Brewer started Bamboo Flooring Imports in Saint John, New Brunswick, people had very little knowledge about bamboo. It took him almost five years to develop the local market, but people gradually became more aware that bamboo was an eco-friendly choice. Brewer orders the flooring from China in either a part shipment or a full container. It takes eight to ten weeks to arrive in Halifax. There’s also the option of a new direct shipping line from China to Saint John. He says Chinese suppliers are always looking for new contacts in Canada to promote their products. “Some manufacturers are interested in locating in New Brunswick and are looking to purchase an existing business, enter into a partnership with a New Brunswick entrepreneur, or start a new business. I receive five to ten inquiries every week with shippers wishing to do business with my company in the Canadian market because of the wide use of the internet and the information they find on my website.” There’s also a demand for Canadian wood to be exported to China. Mark Kennedy of CIBC World Markets wrote in a report that the long term demand for lumber will be huge. This is because approximately 10.75 million homes are projected to be built in China every year for the next 15 years. Wood pulp is also needed in China for tissue and cardboard packaging to support growing industries. Imports could grow 20 per cent between 2013 and 2015. The lumber industry in Canada provides 80 per cent of all lumber exported in North America. Yigit Ayedede, assistant economics professor at Saint Mary’s University, suggests that China will invest mostly in the energy, natural resources, and communication sectors. He’s optimistic about the future impact this will have on both countries. “It may open better ways for Canadian companies to take part in growing domestic markets in China. It seems that this is a win-win situation, on average.”❖
Hong Wang, owner of 2008 New Century Trading, stands beside Beate Gunderlach an Associate Business Consultant for Virtual Management Group 新世纪女装店店主王红和她的商业顾问Beate Gunderlach在王女士的店内
展望哈法与中国 边贸关系 经
济全球化让世界各国互相依存、互相联系。来自哈利 法克斯港务局战略关系高级主管 Michelle Peveril 女士 告诉记者,港口与欧洲贸易往来渐趋平缓。八年前,由于他 们开始与中国、印度、孟加拉国和越南发展边贸关系,近年 来合作已经取得了一定成果。 “2011年,我们有45%的货物产自或出口到东南亚国 家,这绝对是一个持续上升的比率。” Peveril女士介绍说33%的总运输量仍表明欧洲国家在与 哈法港口贸易占有重要地位,但是由于近年来生产和制造业 逐渐转移到亚洲国家,欧洲贸易减缓增长。Peveril说:“中 国已经迅速成为我们进出口贸易往来的头号大国。” 王红女士在哈利法克斯营运一家贸易公司,主要经销从 中国进口来的女性服饰。来加拿大之前,王女士已有15年的 从商经验,她的商贸经历可以追溯到罗马尼亚、俄罗斯和一 些中东国家等地区。服饰店刚起步时,由于不能把握销量, 她选择用空运引进少批量货物。她进口了两千件皮草但销量 不佳。她说:“第一年对我来说特别艰难。第二年我就开始 学习英语、当地文化、以及可以帮助我更好经营生意的任何 知识。”她还经常参加专题讲座,并向当地商业顾问咨询加 拿大市场的运作情况。不久,她就将销售范围拓宽,并用海 运定购大批量货物。对其他想进入进出口贸易行业的新移 民,她的建议是:做好调研当地市场工作。 在新不伦瑞克省的圣约翰,当Barrie Brewer开始从中国进 口竹地板的时候,当地人对竹制家具几乎一无所知。他用了 接近5年的时间来打开市场,后来,人们终于慢慢意识到竹 地板的环保性能。Brewer先生介绍,根据货物数量情况,他 的定单有散货合运,也有集装箱整运。运输从中国到哈法港 口的时间大概在八到十周左右。中国也有直达圣约翰港口的 货运线。他还表示,中国的供应商非常希望把他们的产品推 广到加拿大,他们也将会一直寻找类似的合作机会。他告诉 记者:“一些制造商对新不伦瑞克省很感兴趣,他们想通过 收购或者合作代理的方式把生意扩展到新不伦瑞克省内。由 于互联网的广泛使用,中国的制造商们通过我的网站,很容 易就能和我取得联系。我现在每周都会收到五到十条信息, 询问有关合作机会。” 同样,中国方面十分需要从加拿大进口木材。来自加 拿大帝国商业银行世界市场的Mark Kennedy在一份报告中指 出,中国未来对木材的需求长期且巨大,估计在未来15年中 每年将建成1075万个房屋。除了木材,随着中国的纸巾制品 和纸板包装等增长,中国对纸浆需求也在增加。2013到2015 年进口总额预计增长20%。而在全北美木材出口中,加拿大 木材占80%。 来自圣玛丽大学的经济学助理教授 Yigit Ayedede 指出, 中国主要会向能源、自然资源和信息通讯领域投资。他相信 双边贸易会给中加双方经济都带来积极的影响。“以贸易合 作的形式让更多的加拿大公司参与到发展迅速的中国国内市 场,将会开创双赢的局面。” ❖
Community | 社区
Group Helps New Parents Learn and Connect By Melissa Shaw | Translation by: Zhengyue Jiang 记者: Melissa Shaw | 翻译: 蒋正悦
Parents at a workshop organized by the Chinese Parents’Group 中国家长活动会讲座上的家长们
ew parents living in a different culture don’t always get the information and help they need. Since 2007, immigrant parents have had a resource in the Chinese Parents’ Group (CPG) where they can learn about financial planning and healthcare for their children, along with simple advice such as how to get their children ready for their first day of school in Canada. Charles Wang says he learned more about how to start an RESP for his child, along with other parenting tips. “A recent time they invited a dentist to talk about oral hygiene and these kinds of topics are very important and useful to us. That’s why I’m quite open to come to the meeting,” he says. Youmei Chen is the coordinator of the group. She invites experts to share their knowledge at the workshops and answer questions from parents. The group meets every second Friday evening at the IWK Health Centre. 16
CPG is affiliated with the Extra Support for Parents program at the IWK. The E.S.P program is a volunteer based program that provides in home care for newborns. E.S.P Coordinator Maura Donovan found that there was particular need for a group to support Chinese parents, many of whom were having their first baby but had no experience with children. There was also a lot of discussion in the media at the time about parents sending their children to China, where grandparents would care for the children for a few years. Donovan says parents often feel that they have no choice. “When you live in a country like Canada that doesn’t have affordable childcare it can be very appealing to send the child back to China as a way of surviving financially,” says Donovan. The kids return to Canada usually when they reach school age. Chen says the children get very confused. “In their mind their grandparents are their real parents, and
Community | 社区
the culture and the language are so confusing for those little ones and cause another big problem for the young families.” Chen says parents that choose to raise their children here need support to adapt to an unfamiliar culture. She says that in China there is no such thing as a family doctor and people go to the hospital. The Canadian health care system is different and parents need to book an appointment with a doctor or a specialist. Wang says he notices the cultural differences too. “Canadian parents let the children to play, but Chinese parents often ask children to learn piano or English or whatever. Lots of learning.” During the workshop, parents listen to the speaker while their children play together in a neighbouring room. Ashley Wu was excited to hear about the group from her friends. “It gives the opportunity to your kids to have play dates and to
build up relationships with other kids, and it’s good for the parents to share the experience,” says Wu. Chen says 400 people attend the workshops and sometimes they plan weekend events. Past events included blueberry picking, trips to the beach, and Chinese New Year socials. “If we can help people find each other and give people access to information and support it will really help people build a life in Nova Scotia,” says Donovan. Wu says she doesn’t have her family here in Canada. She found a connection with people that share her language and culture through CPG. “This group really helps the Chinese parents a lot in terms of providing information and a venue for families to know each other, and to become friends. Youmei did a lot of work for this group, so I just want to express how thankful we are.” ❖
家长活动会使新晋父母获益 希望能够通过这样的交流平台让中国家 长们更好地融入到拿省的生活。 身在异国他乡的新晋父母往往不能及时获得他们所需的 信息和资源。创建于2007年,中国家长活动会致力于帮助中 国家长了解和获得相关信息、资讯 - 大到财政规划和医疗保 险,小到如何帮助孩子做好第一天上课的准备工作。 王先生告诉记者,他通过参加活动会,获得了一系列新 晋父母需要知道的知识,包括如何为子女准备教育基金。他 说:“上次活动会有一位牙医前来介绍口腔卫生等知识。我 觉得这类信息对我们家长来说很重要,所以我经常参加。” 项目负责人Youmei经常邀请一些专业人士,通过专题讲 座的方式,与家长讨论他们关注的问题和分享专业知识。活 动会每隔两周举行一次,时间一般安排在周五,地点在IWK 健康中心。 中国家长活动会是附属于IWK创建的Extra Support for Parents(ESP) 项目。这个项目主要是由志愿者为新生儿家庭提 供护理服务。ESP负责人Maura Donovan女士表示,以新生儿 父母为主的中国家长是一个迫切需要特殊帮助的群体。很多 年前,中国家长把新生儿送回国让祖父母辈抚养,在当地一 度引起热议。他们的这种选择不仅来自于自己育儿经验的不 足,还因为缺乏社会帮助。Donovan说:“加拿大儿童保育 费用往往让普通家庭无法支付。这时候,把孩子送回中国养 育就成了很多父母的选择。” 然而,当孩子到了适学年龄又回到加拿大时,他们往往 觉得很困惑。Youmei 提到:“孩子们已经习惯了和祖父母生
活,两国语言和文化的冲击对他们来说也很混乱。这些问题 的出现给很多年轻家庭带来困扰。” Youmei表示,对于选择在本地抚养孩子的家长们,我们 应该提供相应的帮助。中加文化差异很大,比如说医疗系统 的不同。中国没有家庭医生这样的观念,看病都是直接去医 院找医生。而在加拿大,则先要和医生或专家预约。王先生 也表示他注意到了一些文化上的差异。他说:“加拿大家长 让孩子们随便玩,而中国家长通常会要求孩子们从很小就学 钢琴、英语等等。很多要学的。” 活动会期间,家长们听讲座时,孩子们则可以在活动室 活动。吴女士了解到活动会以后很高兴,她说:“活动会不 仅能给孩子们提供机会接触,也让家长们有机会聚在一起, 分享育儿经验。” Youmei介绍,活动会一共有400人注册参加。除了专题讲 座之外,他们还在周末组织其它活动,比如摘蓝莓、郊游、 庆新年等等。Donovan告诉记者,她希望能够通过这样的交 流平台让中国家长们更好地融入到拿省的生活。 吴女士说,她在加拿大没什么亲人但通过活动会结识 了很多朋友。她说:“我们在活动会上获取相关信息,与其 他家庭取得联系,受益匪浅。在此,我们也想感谢负责人 Youmei,感谢她的工作。” ❖
Spring 2013
Community | 社区
Ping-Pong Brings CommunitiesTogether By Leena Ali | Translation by: Jennifer Liu
记者: Leena Ali 翻译: 刘佳宁
Young players from the ACPPA training centre participating the 4th annual Scotiabank StartRight Cup Atlantic Canada Ping Pong Tournament 在第四届“Scotiabank StartRight杯”加东乒乓球锦标赛上,来自加东乒乓球协会培训中心的小学员们
very Wednesday night at the Rockingham United Church hall, you’ll see table tennis players warming up and pingpong balls bouncing back and forth on dark green tables. This is where the Atlantic Canada Ping-Pong Association (ACPPA) has been holding its training centre every week since February 2011. The non-profit organization promotes the sport across Atlantic Canada. Yao Chen has been involved with organizing ACPPA’s annual ping-pong tournament since 2010. “Table tennis to Chinese is like hockey to Canadians,” he says. The Saint Mary’s University graduate moved to Halifax from China about four years ago. “My grandpa was really good at playing table tennis and he played a lot with me when I was young. Since I came here I didn’t find much to do during the winter so I joined the club and it’s pretty fun.” Chen says being part of the association has helped him gain volunteer experience and connect with the community. The training centre is open to everyone, and includes programs for children, students and adults. For many Chinese immigrants, the center has been an opportunity to get familiar with Halifax, and participate in a game that is part of their national culture. Kitty Zhang brings her 8-year-old son Nelson to practice every week. When Zhang and her family first moved to Canada about a year ago she felt disconnected from the local community. ACPPA is one of the few associations 18
that has provided an environment for her and her son to feel comfortable during their cultural transition. “It has definitely helped us to adjust our new life here in Canada,” says Zhang. She also appreciates that her son gets to know many other children of the same age and cultural background. Frank Wang is another young player at the ACPPA training centre. “Now I can play much better,” he says. “We always learn more techniques.” Wang has been playing ping pong for about a year. “I started in Calgary where I used to play with my dad a lot,” he says. Sports are a channel for communication and can aid in overcoming language and culture barriers, explains Miki Qian, assistant to ACPPA president Michael Ruan. “It’s a healthy and positive sport and [players] can increase their friendships,” she says. Qian says the positive, hardworking and committed teams at ACPPA have helped to make the programs and tournaments successful. “Halifax is a multicultural community and lots of immigrants want to stay involved, and this is a platform.” In this past November, ACPPA held its fourth annual ping-pong tournament at Saint Mary’s University. The allday competition brought together 30 teams and over 150 players with diverse backgrounds. To learn more about ACPPA visit www.nsacppa.com. ❖
Community | 社区
促进交流, 联系社区 ——加东乒乓球协会
The tournament held at the Saint Mary’s Homburg Centre for Health and Wellness 锦标赛在圣玛丽大学健身中心的会场
周三晚上在Rockingham联合教会都会看到乒乓球爱好 者们挥动球拍的身影。从2011年2月份起,这里就成了 加东乒乓球协会(ACPPA)培训中心的训练场地。该协会为 非营利组织,以在加东地区推广乒乓球运动为宗旨。 陈尧毕业于圣玛丽大学,从2010年开始参与组织协会举 办的年度加东乒乓球锦标赛。他说:“中国的乒乓球就好像 是加拿大的冰球。我祖父乒乓球打得很好。在我小的时候, 祖父经常陪我一起练球。来这里之后,我发现冬天没有什么 好的活动,便加入了乒乓球协会。” 陈尧表示,他在协会积 累了难得的志愿者工作经验,并有机会结识很多其他乒乓球爱 好者。 培训中心对所有公众开放,并根据年龄段,开设了儿 童,学生和成人三个训练项目。对于很多新老华人移民来 说,这个训练场所的开放不仅丰富了他们在哈利法克斯的生 活,也让他们有机会重拾自己熟悉的运动项目。 张女士每周都会带她8岁的儿子Nelson一起来培训中心 训练。她们一家是新移民, 一年前刚刚来到加拿大。有很长 一段时间,张女士都觉得融入当地社会对她和儿子来说很困 难。带着儿子加入加东乒乓球协会让张女士一家倍感亲切。 她表示,加入协会能够帮助他们更快地适应加拿大的新生 活。还令她感到欣慰的是,在这里,Nelson结识了许多有着 相同文化背景的同龄小朋友。 Frank 参加儿童训练班将近一年了,他告诉记者:“在 卡尔加里的时候经常和爸爸打乒乓球,现在通过学习新的技 巧让我有了很大的提高。”
协会主席阮先生通过执行助理钱女士表示,运动是一种 可以跨越语言和文化障碍的交流方法。乒乓球是一项利于健 康,积极向上,增进友谊的运动。钱女士告诉记者,正因为 协会团队的积极苦干,才使得培训中心和锦标赛获得今天的 成绩。她说,哈利法克斯是一个多元文化社区,很多移民都 想融入社区,而协会就是一个很好的平台。 去年11月,协会在圣玛丽大学体育馆举办了第四届加东 乒乓球锦标赛。比赛历时一天,吸引了30支队伍,150名来 自省内外的华人及非华人选手参赛。 了解更多关于加东乒乓球协会的信息,请浏览网站 www.nsacppa.com. ❖
Ping-pong players paddling at the ACPPA training centre at Rockingham United Church 乒乓球训练员们在协会培训中心训练
Community News 社区新闻 Feb.10th, 2013 – The Chinese New Year of 2013 is when the dragon gives › way to the snake which officially starts on February 10th. In celebrating the new year, Chinese students associations at Dal and SMU co-hosted a Chinese Spring Festival Gala at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium where audiences enjoyed a night of cultural and celebratory performances. The gala is part of “ChinaFest”, a three-day celebration that also includes a Chinese cultural show and Chinese calligraphy competition. 2013年2月10日迎来了中国传统农历新年蛇年。为庆祝新年, 来自戴尔豪西和圣玛丽大学的中国学生联会共同举办了一台迎春 晚会。今年晚会在戴尔豪西大学艺术中心举办,节目多样,给观 众留下了深刻印象。此次春晚的顺利举办也为 “ChinaFest” 庆 新年活动拉开帷幕。ChinaFest为期3天,以春节晚会,文化展览 以及书法比赛等活动来庆贺中国传统新春佳节。
Photo: Kevin Wang, DCSSA | 供图:王子谦,戴尔学联
Feb.2nd, 2013 – In partnership with the Confucius Institute at Saint Mary’s University, Discover Culture at Pier 21 held a free Chinese Knot-making workshop to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Over 20 people attended the tutorial where they learned to make the unique Chinese decorative handicraft from scratch. 为迎接中国传统新年,加拿大移民博物馆Pier21与圣玛丽大学孔子学院 合作举办了一次小型中国结制作讲习班。中国结是中华名族特有传统 装饰工艺品, 此次讲习吸引了20多位文化爱好者参与学习编制中国结。
Jan.20th, 2013 – George Kwan, a Naval Architect and a champion of Chinese › language and culture, was presented an honorary degree during Winter Convocation at Saint Mary’s. Mr. Kwan served both as President of the Chinese Society of NS and Chairman of the Chinese Benevolent Association of NS. His contributions include the establishment of the only Chinese cemetery in Atlantic Canada, relief efforts after the Sichuan earthquake, and serving as a judge for Saint Mary’s Annual Chinese Language Competition. He is also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and the 2011 Halifax Regional Municipality Volunteer Award. 1月20日在圣玛丽大学冬季毕业典礼上,关汉华先生被圣玛丽大 学授予并颁发荣誉学位。关先生是位杰出的造船工程师,同时也 为弘扬中华语言文化做出了巨大贡献。他曾在本省两大华人组织 (华人协会和中华会馆)担任会长,成立了大西洋地区唯一的华 人墓园,积极参与计划和组织汶川地震救援和恢复工作,并常年 担任圣玛丽大学举办的年度中文大赛评委。他也是英女王伊丽莎 白二世钻石纪念奖章以及哈利法克斯杰出义工奖的获奖者。
› Dec.6th, 2012 - Dal President Tom Traves signed a new agreement with Sun
Jiaxue, head of the University Council for Northeastern University of China (NEU). The agreement is to bring Computer Science students to Dal as part of a Joint International Degree Program. This will be a 3+2 program, meaning that students will spend their first three years studying at NEU, and fourth and fifth years at Dal. (By Ryan McNutt. Photo by Danny Abriel. From Dal News.) 戴尔豪西大学校长TomTraves与中国东北大学党委书记孙家学成功签 订一份新的项目协议。东北大学电脑科学专业的学生来戴尔豪西的 学习交流是此次合作办学项目的主要内容。这个项目实行3+2制度 学生前三年在东北大学学习,后两年在戴尔豪西大学完成学业。 (Ryan McNutt 供稿,Danny Abriel 摄影, 稿件来自戴尔豪西大学新 闻部)
Spring 2013
Community News 社区新闻 Dec.2nd, 2012 – About 150 new and existing members from the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia (CSNS) celebrated the holiday season with a potluck dinner, performances, family games and receiving gifts from Santa himself. Formed in 1963, CSNS is a member-based non-profit organization. It’s a founding member of the Multicultural Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival in Nova Scotia. 圣诞节前夕,约150名会员参加了由新斯科舍省华人协会组织的圣 诞晚会活动。晚会包括聚餐,文娱表演,游戏以及圣诞老人派发 礼品等活动。华协成立于1963年,是非盈利会员制组织。协会是 新斯科舍省多元文化节以及龙舟节的创建成员之一。
Nov.25th, 2012 – The 4th annual Scotiabank StartRight Cup Atlantic Canada Ping Pong Tournament (ACPPA) reached a milestone in its history. “We have the most diverse group ever,” says Yulei Sun, Director of Communications at ACPPA. Over 30 teams of 150 players competed in the tournament, and the majority of them were from outside of the Chinese community. The event also attracted players from Sydney (NS), P.E.I. and Ontario. 第四届年度 Scotiabank StartRight 杯加拿大大西洋乒乓球锦标赛又创 新高。锦标赛组委宣传主管孙玉磊介绍,这是四年来最多元化的赛 场。今年大赛有150余人,30支队伍参赛,而且参赛者已不仅仅限于 华人。本次比赛还吸引了来自拿省悉尼市, 爱德华王子岛和安大略省 的选手参赛。
Nov.15th, 2012 – As part of International Education Week, the Dalhousie › International Centre organized a panel discussion exploring how international students can make the transition from school to the workplace. The panel included employed Dal graduates and local career counselors, who encouraged international students to identify their skill sets, present professionally, find support, and be persistent. (By Ding Fan) 为了给希望毕业后留在加拿大就业的同学提供相关信息,戴尔豪西 大学国际学习中心在国际教育周期间举办了“就业之路”讲座。讲 座邀请了在职毕业生和当地就业指导专员给予就业建议和规划。多 数嘉宾都认为留学生在找工作时,应该明确自己的专长,让自己职 业化起来,建立良好人际联系,更要持之以恒。(范丁 稿)
Photo by International Centre, Dalhousie University 戴尔豪西大学国际学习中心供图
› Nov.11th, 2012 - The Dalhousie Chinese Students and Scholars Association
(DCSSA) organized a day-long basketball tournament. This was the third annual tournament organized by DCSSA, also the biggest one with 13 teams and 70 players participated from SMU, MSVU and Dal. The tournament had an estimated audience of 200 people. Win Exams was the winning team. Jun Zhu from DCSSA Team 1 won the title of MVP. (By Ding Fan) 戴尔豪西大学中国学联在11月11日举办了一年一度的篮球比赛。 这是学联第三次举办篮球比赛。这次比赛也是规模最大的一次, 有来自戴尔豪西,圣玛丽和圣文森山特三所大学13支队伍和70多 个参赛者参赛。赛场观众约200名。历时近10小时,比赛以考试 全队夺冠告终。来自戴尔豪西大学中国学联一队的朱俊获MVP殊 荣。(范丁 稿)
Community Resources | 社区资源
CHINESE ASSOCIATIONS 华人组织及俱乐部 Atlantic Canada Ping Pong Association 加东地区乒乓球协会 Miki Qian 902-481-0022 ext 2258 | www.nsacppa.com Chinese Society of Nova Scotia 拿省华人协会 Youyu Lu, President chinese@cs-ns.com | www.cs-ns.com Chinese Benevolent Association of Nova Scotia 新斯高沙省中华会馆 Eric Yeung, Chair 902-499-4062 | www.cba-ns.ca Dalhousie Chinese Students and Scholars Association 戴尔豪西中国学生学者联谊会 Jing Zhang, President | 902-402-2582 Ding Fan, Executive VP | 902-452-9230 cssa@dal.ca Hong Kong Canada Business Association 港加商会 Bill Bu, President hkcba.atlantic@gmail.com MSVU Chinese Students and Scholars Association 圣文森山特大学中国学生学者联谊会 Cuicui Wang, President & Lianghao Zhu, VP MSVUCSSA@hotmail.com
SPRING EVENTS 春季活动 Mother’s Day Lunch 母亲节午餐 CSNS member event to celebrate Mother’s Day with moms and their family. 拿省华人协会为会 员举办的一年一度的母亲节聚餐,和所有母亲 以及家人共同庆祝母亲节。 Chinese@cs-ns.com | www.cs-ns.com Friday Gym Night 周五体育馆活动 CSNS member event for all ages. 拿省华人协会 会员活动, 适合各年龄层会员参加。 Fridays/8-10 p.m./Fairview Junior High School, 155 Rosedale Avenue | www.cs-ns.com
ACPPA Training Center 加东乒乓球协会培训中心 The centre offers children, student and adult program and team competition league program. 本中心提供儿 童,学生和成人训练项目,以及联赛训练项目。 Wednesdays/7-9 p.m./2 Flamingo Drive 902-817-0824 Chinese Parents Group 中国家长活动会 Workshops and seminars designed for parents-to-be, or with children under six years old. 为即将成为父 母或有六岁以下孩子的中国家长提供专题讲座, 讨论会等的互动机会。 Every second Fridays/6:30 - 8:30 p.m./IWK Health Center | chineseparents@iwk.nshealth.ca
Pain Relief, Healing, Wellness 康复理疗 中医保健 治疗各种痛症及疑难杂症
Quality Life Healing Centre Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can help Arthritis/ Stiffness Muscle & Nerve Pain
Saint Mary’s University Chinese Students Association 圣玛丽大学中国留学生协会 Bing Zhao, President smucsa@gmail.com
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Chinese Parents’ Group 中国家长活动会 Youmei Chen, Program Coordinator 902-470-6985 | chineseparents@iwk.nshealth.ca
Sports Injuries/ Tendonitis Cough/Bronchitis/ Asthma Digestive Problems Headaches/ Migraine
Confucius Institute 孔子学院 Maria Pan, Chinese Director 902-496-8140 | www.smu.ca/institutes/confucius
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Halifax Chinese Alliance Church 夏城华人宣道会 Pastor Chow 902-488-3838 | www.hcac.ca Halifax Chinese Christian Church 夏城华人基督教会 Pastor A. Mao 902- 423-4878 | www.halifaxchinesechurch.org Halifax Chinese Language School 夏城华语学校 Jinyu Sheng, President 902-494-2718 | jinyu.sheng@dal.ca Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services (ISIS) 移民安置与融合服务机构 902-423-3607 | www.isisns.ca
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First-time Home Buyers: Who are the Key Players? By Carrie Huang | Translation by: Qin Xu
供稿: Carrie Huang | 翻译:徐沁
Carrie Huang is a Mortgage Specialist at Royal Bank of Canada. Carrie是来自加拿大皇家银行的 房贷专家。
1.How can a mortgage specialist help me? Working with a mortgage specialist has a number of advantages, especially if you are a first-time home buyer. Mortgage specialists have access to an entire network of resources to draw upon on your behalf. They’ll not only help with your pre-approval but also look at your whole financial picture and provide personalized advice based on your needs. That includes reviewing your mortgage options with you and making sure you get the mortgage that’s right for you. This allows you to go shopping with confidence. Once your mortgage specialist says you are pre-approved, you are — no last-minute surprises to worry about! 2.Why should I use a real estate agent? A real estate agent will help you find the right home and will offer you advice on what price to offer and any conditions you might want to consider, including in your Offer to Purchase. Get referrals from friends, family and coworkers. It’s important to choose an agent who is familiar with the area where you are searching for a home. You may be spending a lot of time with your agent checking out homes, so be sure to choose someone you feel comfortable working with. In some provinces, real estate agents may require that you sign a Buyer Representation Agreement. This is a binding agreement for a given period of time that ensures that the agent you are working with can represent you in your purchase and be compensated for doing so. Before you sign a Buyer Representation Agreement, review the terms of the agreement to confirm you are comfortable with it. 3.What do home inspectors do? One of the best ways to see if a home is in good condition, livable and safe is to hire
a professional home inspector. A properly trained home inspector will review your house as a system, looking at how one component of the house might affect how another component works or how long it will last. Home inspectors will go through the house and perform a complete visual inspection to assess its condition and all of its systems. They will determine the components that are not performing properly as well as items that are beyond their useful life or are unsafe. They will also identify areas where repairs may be needed or where there may have been problems in the past. Inspections are intended to help homebuyers better understand the condition of the house, as observed at the time of the inspection. 4. What is lawyer’s role in this process? Buying a home is one of the most important investments you will make. Protecting that investment is important to you. You need to know that all of the legal issues involved in buying your home are properly handled. You want to feel secure about the fact that you own your home. You may also need advice about who should officially own the property, what kind of mortgage you should get, and many other decisions that have to be made when buying a home. Your lawyer is there to help guide you through this process, and to protect your interests at every step of the way. ❖
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首次购房者: 谁是关键的参与者? 1.房贷顾问能如何帮我? 对于首次购房者来说,聘请一个房贷顾问有许多的好 处。房贷顾问能从整个资源网中挑选出适合你的产品。他们不 仅可以帮助你做贷款预批,而且会根据你的整体财务状况和个 人需求提供建议。他们会帮你查看并确保适合你的按揭贷款选 项。这让你能够在选购房屋时了解自己的财务状况。一旦房贷 顾问通知你获得贷款预批,你便不用在购房时担心房贷问题。 2.我为什么需要一名房产经纪? 房产经纪会帮助你选房,并提供购房费用和其它房贷事 项方面的意见,这其中就包括你的《购买要约》。让你的朋 友,家人和同事给你一些推荐。房产经纪要熟悉你的理想购 房区域。你可能要花大量的时间和你的房产经纪一起看房、 选房,所以务必选择一位让你信任的经纪人。 在一些省份, 房产经纪会要求你签署一份《购房代理协议》。这份协议在 特定时期内具有约束力,它确保你委托的经纪人能够代表你 购买房屋以及得到相应的报酬。在你签署协议之前,请仔细 阅读协议的条款,确保无歧义。
3.验房师起什么作用? 检验房屋是否有良好的状况、适合生活和安全性能,聘 请一位专业的验房师是最佳的途径之一。经过职业培训的验 房师会将你的房屋作为一个系统,检查其中一个组件对于另 一个组件可能造成的影响以及影响时间的长短。验房师会巡 视整个房屋,做一个彻底的外观检查, 以便评估房屋及所有 系统的运行状况。他们会判断哪些组件已无法正确运行,哪 些组件超过使用寿命或不安全。他们还会指出一些需要修理 或者已经出现问题的地方。验房的目的是根据验房时所检查 到的情况,帮助购房者更好地了解房屋状况。 4. 律师扮演什么角色? 购房是你最重要的投资之一。保护这项投资对你非常重 要。你需要确保在购房时所牵涉的所有法律问题都被妥善处 理。你需要对你购买的新房感到踏实有保障。你可能还需要 咨询一些问题,比如房产的正式拥有者,你应该获得怎样的 贷款等购房决定。你的律师将指导你完成整个过程,并在每 一步都保护你的利益不受损害。 ❖
Investing in Real Estate By Vanessa Roman | Translation by: Jennifer Liu
供稿: Vanessa Roman | 翻译:刘佳宁
Vanessa Roman is a real estate agent & host of HGTV’s Reno vs Relocate. (Home and Garden Television, HGTV) Vanessa,地产经纪,并担任加拿大家园电视台节目主 持。
nvesting in real estate can be rewarding financially and satisfying on a personal level to turn a property around as a potential home or business space for someone else. But before you start looking, you need to figure out which type of properties best suits your needs and financial portfolio. Property can be a fantastic investment – only if you choose the right property. Ask yourself what kind of property do you want to invest in? Do you want to be a landlord? Do you want to buy commercial properties? Do you want to restore and resell residential homes? Do you want to develop land? Consider each option carefully before reaching your final decision. The next step is finding the property. Different parts of Canada are experiencing different levels of growth, for different reasons, and that has a major effect on property values. Similarly, each community is reacting to development and investment in different ways, some with antisprawl laws, others with growth boundaries, and others with high development fees. These are overall factors which will influence any potential project. Keep them 24
in mind, pay attention to news stories about such topics and see what experts are saying. This is all part of the education process. Even with the professional help you should get – real estate agents, lawyers, mortgage brokers - the more you understand, the better prepared - and successful - you’ll be. When considering rental properties, don’t buy anything that will not be cash positive. The rent you charge must cover all your costs in having, running, and maintaining the property, with a little left over for future repairs and upgrades. Plan for the unexpected and factor that in. When things go wrong, as often do in any home, you’ll have to meet those costs and that eats into profitability. If you’re restoring and reselling, buy low and sell high. Be detached, methodical and efficient. Make sure you have your team of people ready before you buy an R&R (renovating & re-selling) property - lawyer, contractor, plumber, electrician, designer, and of course, real estate agent. The key is to get in, and out, quickly. Use the highest quality materials and craftsmanship to appeal to a wide spectrum of buyers. Investment means just that you have to put in money to make money. The right people and materials will make sure you get a good return. Commercial properties are all about the numbers there is no room for emotion in this version of the property game. The income statement and expense reports are your key considerations for this type of investment - what is the property bringing in and what are the costs of running
it? Work the numbers and see what properties would allow that high return for your investment. Land development can be one of the most time consuming and expensive real estate investing options. Do a thorough assessment of the site, then start talking to your municipal planning office. The planning office will let you know which permit and applications need to be filed before your development can be approved. The most important and obvious factor in all property development is location, location, location. Just because you think you’ve found the right spot doesn’t mean someone else will. Do your homework! Find out about the
neighbourhood you are purchasing in. What type of amenities are available: recreation facilities, school options? Does the neighbourhood have any stigmas or a reputation which may hurt your investment potential? Are there any other developments planned for the area? Every detail can potentially mean the difference between a property that makes money and one that drains it. Knowledge is power - it’s a cliche but it’s true. Investing in property, in any form, is worth the effort if done correctly. The better prepared you are and the more knowledge you have, the better the results. ❖
浅谈房地产投资 资房地产不仅可以得到经济上的回 报,同时又给投资者带来巨大的成 就感。然而,在开始行动之前,你需要结 合自己的情况了解哪一种类型的房产最适 合自己。如果选对物业, 房地产是一种很不 错的投资选择。 首先要弄明白几个问题。你想把物 业用作什么?你是想做房东,买商业房, 修复和转售住宅,还是开发土地?在做最 终决定前,一定要仔细考虑清楚。然后, 下一步就是寻找想要的物业。 加拿大不同的地区处于不同的发展 阶段,基于各种原因,所处地区的房产也 会在价位上有很大的差别。同样,每个社 区有不同的发展形态和投资方式,有些受 反扩张法约束, 有些发展收到边界限制, 还有些要支付昂贵的开发费用。所有的这 些因素都会制约你的投资项目。所以要特 别留意相关话题的新闻和专家访谈。这些 都是增长房产知识的一部分。即使有房产 经纪、律师、房贷专家这些专业人士的帮 助,你懂的越多,就准备的越充分,也更 容易选对投资方向。 当打算投资出租物业的时候,要避 免资不抵债的现象发生。你的房租必须能 够保证所有购买,运营和维护物业等的支 出。还要留出费用来修复和升级硬件设 施。要未雨绸缪。房子终究有一天会出现 问题,所以你要把整修、设备翻新的费用 也算进开支。 如果你想重建和转售住宅房, 建议低
价买入,高价售出。整个过程要保持有计 划, 有效率,不要牵涉太多的个人情感和 喜好。确保你在购买这类房屋时有包括律 师、承包商、水工、电师、设计师、房产 经纪等在内的专业团队。这里面快速的买 进和卖出是关键。建议使用高质量的材料 和工艺来吸引不同的买家。投资意味着你 要以财生财。优秀的团队和原材料会让你 获得相应的回报。 买卖商业房全凭数字说话。房产的收 入和支出报表是你做这类投资应考虑的关 键因素。你可以从里面发现这个房产可以 有什么回收,需要多少成本来运营。对比 数据看看哪处房产可以带来高额的投资回 报。 投资土地开发可以说是这里面耗时最 久,最昂贵的投资选择。做一个深入的评 估,并且要跟城市规划相关部门交涉,询 问你需要什么执照和递交哪类申请。 在房地产投资中选址很重要。也许 你认为你选了合适的地段,可其他人并不 这么认为。你要了解房子附近的环境,交 通、生活等便利设施,以及周围有没有学 校等等。这一区的口碑怎么样?有没有其 他开发计划?这些都决定了这个区域的房 产是否值得投资。 “知识就是力量”已经是老生常谈, 但它确实是真理。如果操作正确,任何形 式的房地产投资都会得到一定的回报。你 准备得越充分,了解得越多,投资回报就 越大。 ❖
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Canadian Health Care: a Public-Private System By Michael Ruan Financial Solutions Inc.
have lived in Canada for over a decade and have developed a deep understanding of its social system through my everyday life. I am certainly impressed by its wellestablished social welfare and medical care systems. In the Canadian national health insurance program, or Medicare, the “insured persons” (Canadian citizens and permanent residents) are entitled to receive medically necessary services with no copayment. The system varies from province to province. Some provinces like British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario charge a standard application fee, whereas others such as Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island do not. Under the Canadian publicly funded health care system, “insured persons” are entitled to receive medically necessary service including drugs, diagnostic and laboratory tests, examination, consultation, treatment, hospitalization and meal plan. Due to the fact that certain items such as dental, prescription drugs, home care and ambulance are not included in this publicly funded plan, 60% of Canadian residents
decide to purchase or enroll in private health plans. Group insurance is an insurance that covers a group of employees by a common employer. Personal health insurance is a medical plan purchased by individuals. To encourage self-employed professionals or small- and medium-sized business owners to purchase private health plans, the Canada Revenue Agency offers tax deductions to deduct personal health insurance premiums as business expenses. In Canada, family doctors are the first point of contact for basic health services and referrals to further medical consultation and hospital services. There are approximately 30,000 family doctors, 28,000 medical specialists and 1,300 hospitals in Canada, which allows 7 beds for every 2,000 patients and an average of 1,000 patients for each family doctor. Now we can understand why an appointment is usually required prior to visiting a family doctor. In Canada, Medicare is being supplemented by personal and group insurance plans. Although for a long time such health care
Spring 2013
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system has made their American neighbours envious, it has become challenging to maintain a certain level of service as a result of reduced funding due to factors such as economic recession, increased unemployment rate and increases in life expectancy. At times, the waiting time for a patient who suffers from a chronic disorder can go up to 12-16 months due to the shortage of doctors and beds. In order to avoid such incidents, residents could either complete regular medical examinations or choose to purchase a critical illness insurance plan, which allows them to receive examinations and treatment at private clinics and overseas. Travel health insurance programs are available to visitors to Canada. For instance, all universities require their international students to participant in mandatory insurance programs. In addition, starting in December 2011, Canada has introduced the Super Visa for parents and grandparents visiting Canada. Valid up to 10 years, the Super Visa enables applicants to travel back and forth between Canada and the original country, and to stay in Canada for up to 24 months. To be eligible for applying for the Super Visa, an applicant must pass a medical examination, and be armed with medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company that allows at least one year coverage of $100,000. This emergency medical insurance is designed to cover health care, hospitalization and repatriation for patents and grandparents during their visit in Canada. No matter whether you are a citizen, resident, international student or visitor, it is better to be aware and prepared. Private, group and critical illness insurance plans are there to fill the gaps in the public health care plans. I encourage applicants to do due diligence on your private health care insurance carrier and any specific product before getting involved. It is also recommended to work with a knowledgeable and experienced financial advisor for customized suggestions and services. ❖
在加拿大看病 ——看得起医生吃得起药,公费医疗与私 人保险双管齐下
者十多年前,远渡重洋,来到了枫叶之国——加拿大,并 在此安了家。十多年的加国生活,种种经历让笔者对 这里 的不少制度体系结构甚是了解。对加拿大的第一印象莫过于它那 完善的社会福利制度和医疗保险计划。加国居民普遍享有公费医 疗福利,这是一项由政府管理的医疗保险计划。各省情况大同小 异,有的省(例如:卑诗省,亚省和安省)要求申请人支付一笔
为数不多的保险费后才能享受这种待遇;有些省(例如:新斯科 舍省和爱德华王子岛)则不需要 。 加拿大的公费医疗,只覆盖基本的医疗服务,其中包括看家 庭医生、专科医生和住院治疗。凡持有医疗卡的加拿大居民,患 。 病住院期间无需付费。保障计划包括病人的药费,诊断费,化验
费,检查费以及手术费甚至伙食费。但是,也有一些医疗项目是 不包含在公费医疗中的。例如:牙医、处方药费、家庭护理、救 护车费用等等。因此,加拿大6成左右的当地人除拥有公费医疗 外,还会拥有私人保险计划或者团组福利医疗计划。团组计划针 对有全职工作人士的,是老板为了留住人才而设立的一种员工福 利。私人计划是由居民自行到保险公司购买的医疗计划。加拿大 政府为鼓励中小型企业主或自雇人士拥有额外医疗计划,税务局 会给予这种保险成本抵税的优惠。凡是购买这种私人方案的保费 的支出,都可算作企业的成本,抵扣税额。 加拿大实行的是家庭医生制度,生了病就先去看这个医生。 如果病重,或需要检查,家庭医生就开转诊单,让病人去看专科 医生或者去医院就诊。加拿大目前有近30,000个家庭医生和28,000 个专科医生。全国有近1300家医院,约每2000人拥有7张病床; 每位家庭医生平均要照顾1000个病人。因此,看家庭医生一般 都需提前预约。加拿大的医疗体系依靠公费医疗为主,私人保险 和团组保险福利计划为辅,基本上保证了每个人都可以看得起医 生,吃得起药,这令邻邦美国人羡慕不已。但是,要维持这个系 统的运转并不是一件很容易的事情。随着世界经济回落,失业率 的持续增长,人的寿命也越来越长等因素的影响,给这个医疗体 系带来了难以挣脱的矛盾。如果患上严重的慢性疾病,由于医生 和病房的短缺,患者平均等候医疗就诊的时间约为12-16个月!面 对这种情况,一般加拿大人有两种做法:一是经常(每年)去家 庭医生处检查;二是买一种专门防治重大疾病的保险计划,因为 拥有这种保单的人可不受加国公费医疗体制的限制,随时到其他 国家或私人诊所接受检查或治疗。 对各种来加的外来人士,也有专门为其设计的应急医疗保险 项目。如留学生,每一所大学都会强制要求其加入相应的保险计 划。对于那些申请来加国团聚移民或探亲的父母,加拿大政府于 2011年12月份宣布正式推出一种叫做“超级签证”的父母探亲签 证。这种签证一次可签十年,多次往返并每次逗留最长24个月。 但是,这种签证要求申请人必须通过体检和持有一种保额10万加 元以上,期限一年以上的“超级签证应急医疗保险”。这种保险 是一种应急医疗保障计划。其中包含了卫生,保健,住院治疗和 送返原籍国等内容。 笔者在此想提醒各位,无论是已经成为加拿大公民,还是持 有加拿大永久居住权的移民,或亦是留学生及来加探亲的父母, 都应怀有一种“居安思危”的保险意识。除持有基本公费医疗保 障之外,为自己和家人持有私人或团组保险计划,或重大疾病保 险计划,可弥补公费医疗计划的不足。另,市场上有不少公司提 供各类保险产品,请务必要清楚了解产品的内容。最关键的是, 要找对资质深、经验足的专业保险理财顾问,为您提供有针对性 的建议和服务。 ❖
Kee Heong owner Yulei Yu carefully decorating camomile buns 奇香面包坊余玉磊师傅精心装点菊花酥
Cantonese Bakery Arrives in Halifax Article & Photo by Cyndi Sweeney Translation by: Zhengyue Jiang 记者 & 摄影: Cyndi Sweeney | 翻译: 蒋正悦
ee Heong is a gem of a bakery that opened on December first, and is the only one of its kind offering patrons authentic Cantonese baked goods all hand-made on the premises by chef and proprietor Yulei Yu. Kee Heong bakery is discreetly located on Granville Street at the corner of Salter and is tucked down beside Sushi Shige. Its unassuming presence could easily be missed, but that would be a mistake. Upon venturing inside you will find an array of colourful and tantalizing savoury and sweet Hong Kong-style baked goods. Kee Heong is synonymous for “aroma” in Cantonese. The bakery comes by its name honestly. Upon entering the 28
café style shop, the smell of freshly risen dough rises up to greet customers. Yu has been busy since 5 a.m. baking milk tarts, egg rolls, pork floss bread and camomile buns to name only a few. They can all be enjoyed with a hot pot of green tea at one of his tables, or customers can have them gently packaged to take home. The bakery is Yu’s first business in Halifax, but his passion for baking began over 20 years ago when he first learned the art of baking in Guangdong, China, after finishing high school. He apprenticed with four different baking masters. After he came to Canada in 2007, Yu worked at local Chinese restaurants including Fan’s Chinese Restaurant, where he specialized in preparing Dim Sum. In the New Year, Yu is excited to offer customers his very own Dim Sum, which will be prepared daily and can be enjoyed between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. He says it will be the only place in Halifax offering Dim Sum specialities every day. A variety of ingredients go into Yu’s baking. While some would be found in any baker’s cupboards, there are a few special ingredients that make each pastry an original. Along with the usual flour, sugar and eggs, he adds a dash of soy bean paste or red beans or coconut mash. You can buy Pork Floss bread, made with specially prepared shredded dry pork. Yu also makes curry beef bread for customers looking for savoury options. Yu says “afternoons have been very busy since opened,” and things are picking up as happy customers bring repeat business. Sweet egg crispy cake and Ball Lo Bread are two of Yu’s favourites. Ball Lo Bread is sweet and pineapple flavoured and is a favourite of Chinese people. Lao Po Bing, or ‘wife cake’ in Chinese, is a flat, dense cake filled with smashed coconut and made with sticky rice and sesame. All of his treats are made in a small and impeccably clean kitchen. Within fifteen minutes Yu can create five different pastries, including beautifully adorned camomile buns, sweet egg bread and seafood bread. The oven has to be hot and fast to make the bread crispy on the outside and light and soft inside. The bakery will offer a variety of products that will change with Nova Scotia’s seasons. In summer visitors will see delicious fruit puddings. In autumn, Yu plans to bake special moon cakes to coincide with China’s special mid-autumn festival. “We’ve seen many students come in to buy baked goods and then they come back again,” Yu says. He is confident customers are happy with his unique Cantonesestyle baking and looks forward to expanding his selections in upcoming months. Kee Heong is currently open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. ❖
“奇香” 奇
香面包坊于2012年12月1日正式营业。余玉磊师傅身兼 店主及糕点师二职,为哈法市打造出唯一一家提供手工 烘焙的广式精品面包坊。 奇香座落于市中心的Granville街和Salter街交叉的拐角 处,位于Shige寿司旁边。虽然店面的位置不起眼,但这一排 排色香味俱全的点心却不容忽视。 “奇香”二字形容烘焙糕点奇香无比的味道。店如其 名,顾客一进门,新鲜出炉的糕点的香味就会扑面而来。余 师傅从早上五点就开始烘焙蛋挞、蛋卷、肉松面包和菊花酥 等美味糕点。这些糕点可以外卖,也可以堂食。堂食的话建 议在店内沏上一壶热茶一并享用。 这家面包坊是余师傅在哈法的第一家烘焙店,而他对烘 焙的热情要追溯到20多年前。余师傅高中毕业后就开始学习 烘焙,曾给四位烘焙大师当过学徒。2007年来到哈法之后, 他一直在餐馆工作。他曾在宴楼担任点心师傅,负责准备周 末的早茶。 现在,余师傅计划3月份开始在自己的店内供应早茶。 供应时间初步定为从早上11点到下午4点。这将是哈法市内 唯一一家每天都供应早茶的店铺。 余师傅的烘焙中会用到不同的食材。有一些食材在西式 糕点中也很常见,但是有一些是制作广式糕点所需的特殊材 料,比如红豆沙和椰蓉。店内有售用切碎的干猪肉经过特殊 处理制成的肉松面包,还有咖喱牛肉面包。加映角和菠萝包 是余师傅自己最喜欢的两种糕点。甜甜的菠萝包有着浓郁的 菠萝口味,是很多中国人的首选。老婆饼表面平滑,里面塞 满椰丝,是用糯米和芝麻制作而成。 余师傅的厨房很小却干净得无可挑剔。他用短短15分钟 的时间烘焙出五种糕点 – 经过精心装饰的菊花酥、加映角和 芝士海鲜面包等等。为了确保这些点心外酥里嫩,余师傅介 绍,烤箱必须保证在最短的时间内达到一定的热度。 奇香会根据拿省季节的变换提供不同的产品。游客们可 以在夏季品尝到美味的水果布丁,在秋季品尝到为中国传统 佳节特制的中秋月饼。 余师傅表示,店里有很多学生光顾而且他们都是回头 客。他相信顾客们会对他的手艺很满意,并且期待在接下来 的时间推出更多更好的产品。 奇香面包坊春季营业时间:周一至周五早10点到晚7 点,周六、周日上午11点至晚7点。❖
Kee Heong Bakery 1532 Granville Street 902-492-8888
Types of Cantonese buns and pastries freshly made and sold at Kee Heong 奇香面包坊里的广式面包与糕点
› 29
Food | 美食天地
Sichuan Style Red Braised Beef Article & Photo: Hanying Wu
Originally from Chongqing, China, and now working and living in Halifax, Hanying shares a big passion for food and a profound love of cooking. She enjoys spending time in her kitchen, testing recipes and making meals and desserts from scratch.
作者来自中国重庆,现工作和生活在哈利法克斯。她热爱美食和烹饪,平日 喜欢下厨,研究各类菜谱和配方,自制健康的菜肴和甜品。
When it is cold, our stomachs crave warm, tasty dishes that are also high in protein. Sichuan Style Red Braised Beef is perfect for the long cold winter. I’ve been using this easy-to-make recipe for years, and the beef always turns out tender and juicy. All dry spices can be found at local Chinese grocery stores. Oh, and don’t forget a bowl of rice on the side. Ingredients: • 3lb beef (brisket, or lean cuts) • 1.5lb radish (or daikon) • 5 cloves garlic • 4 slices ginger • 2 tbsp Sichuan chili bean paste • 2 tbsp soy sauce • 2 pc crystal sugar (or 2 tbsp sugar) • 4 tbsp cooking wine • 4 cups water or beef stock • cilantro, chopped Dry Spices: • 4 star anise • 6 pc dried chili • 1 tsp Sichuan peppercorn • 1 pc cinnamon stick • 1 tsp fennel seeds • 2 pc clove • 3 pc bay leaves
Spring 2013
Preparation Method: 1.Cut the beef into 1-inch thick cubes against the grain. Peel the radish and cut into cubes. 2.Blanche the beef in boiling water for 10 min. Then rinse the beef with cold water and let it drain. 3.In a large non-stick pot, combine 2 tsp of cooking oil with spicy bean paste, garlic, ginger, and crystal sugar and cook it with medium low heat for 3 min. 4.Add the beef and mix it with condiments. Add soy sauce and cooking wine and all the dry ingredients, and stir for 5 min. 5.Add water or stock and bring the liquid to boil, then turn the heat down to gently simmer for 2 hours until the beef is tender. 6.When the beef is almost done cooking, add radish/daikon, and continue to cook for another 20 minutes until both beef and radish are tender. 7.Garnish with chopped scallion and cilantro to serve.
Food | 美食天地
四川红烧牛肉 入冬时节大家就会很想吃热气腾腾,味道鲜美的 肉菜。四川红烧牛肉最适合冬季的餐桌。这个烹 饪方法既简单又能做出肉质松软,汤汁浓郁的口 感。以下香料在当地华人超市有售。米饭搭配此 菜最佳。 材料: • 3磅牛腩或瘦牛肉 • 1.5磅萝卜 • 5颗大蒜 • 2大勺郫县豆瓣 • 2大勺生抽/老抽 • 2颗冰糖 • 4大勺料酒 • 2杯水或者高汤 • 香菜少许
PAIRINGS 建议酒款搭配 Recommended by Kathryn Harding at Bishop’s Cellars 以下酒款为Kathryn Harding女士推荐 标价均为Bishop’s Cellars售价 Bishop's Cellar 1477 Lower Water Street 902-490- 2675 bishopscellar.com
Italy, $19.00
The effervescence of the sparkling wine will help to cut through the oils and combat the spice. I would recommend a fruity Prosecco like Terregaie. 沸腾的气泡酒可以撇开酱汁中的油花,直接刺激到牛肉里的 鲜辣。我推荐这瓶来自意大利有着水果清香的Terregaie.
Leitz Eins-Zwei
香料部分: • 4颗八角 • 6片干辣椒 • 少许花椒 • 少许桂皮 • 少许茴香 • 少许香叶
Germany, $22.50
It is best to have a little sweetness to compliment the sugar and spice of the dish. I would go with the off-dry style Riesling. 丝丝甜味是辣味最好的衬托,所以我们需要这样一款来自德 国有适量甜味的雷司令。
做法: 1. 把牛腩切成3厘米左右厚方块,同时萝卜剥皮 切成块。 2. 将牛腩放入浮水煮10分钟,然后捞出沥干待 用,此步骤为了去除牛腩重的血污和腥味。 3. 热锅中火倒入3勺色拉油,放入姜片,大蒜, 郫县豆瓣,花椒,和冰糖翻炒3-5分钟。目的是 为了炒出红油。
William Cole Pinot Noir
Chile, $20.00
The key to having a red wine with a spicy dish is that it needs to have lots of fruit and only a little bit of tannin. William Cole Pinot Noir would be your best choice. 和鲜辣食物最有默契的应该是果香味浓郁,丹宁略少的 红酒。这瓶来自智利的黑皮诺将是最好的选择。
4. 放入牛腩翻炒5分钟,同时加入酱油和料酒和 所有香料。 5. 加入足够多的开水或者高汤(要没过牛腩)等 烧开后转小火炖上2个小时,致牛肉酥烂。
Tsing Tao
6. 待牛肉炖烂,加入切好的萝卜,再小火炖20 分钟,使萝卜变软。
China, $17.25/6pk (6瓶装)
It is always a safe bet when it comes to spicy dishes and why not try Tsing Tao?
7.起锅装盘,再放上少许香菜。 www.dakai.ca
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