Dakai sept2014 final

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Immigration initiatives Page 3

Local tea with global appeal Page 6

Dongdu International update Page 9

Feng Shui at Casino Nova Scotia Page 12

September 2014

Top tips for Nova Scotia’s new international students

Page 4




September 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

September 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •



Immigration initiatives working to bridge Nova Scotia labour gap BY CYNDI SWEENEY Nova Scotia Scholars is a program launching at Mount Saint Vincent University this year and is one of several initiatives geared towards encouraging immigration to the province. “I’ve thought a lot about what we can do at the Mount to encourage students to stay,” says Paula Barry Mercer, director of the International Education Centre at MSVU. Barry Mercer has worked with international students for almost 10 years and says she’s recruiting international students who are graduating in the next year who want to stay in the province. “We’re going to provide them with everything they need, including a language testing preparation course, individualized career counselling, career preparation, immigration coun-

selling, provide them with a mentor through our alumni, and hopefully set them up to become permanent residents of Nova Scotia,” says Barry Mercer. MSVU has 644 international students enrolled and has seen a growing annual trend of about five-to-10 per cent every year for the past five years. However, she says according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) statistics, only about three per cent of international student graduates stay in Nova Scotia. Working with the MSVU career planning office and the co-op office, Barry Mercer says the Nova Scotia Scholars program will help find the right opportunities to help about 15 students. “Individualized career counselling is important because they need to think


“特快通道”移民计划填补新省劳动力空缺 译/Christine Qin Yang 新斯科舍省为鼓励移民推行多项新 政,作为政策之一的新省奖学金计划 于今年在圣文森山大学启动。 圣文森山大学国际教育中心主任Paula Barry Mercer女士谈到:“我常在思 考,怎么做才能够鼓励国际学生留在 新省。” Barry Mercer从事国际学生事 务工作已有十年。她表示在明年的招

聘中,有意向雇用打算留在新省的应 届国际毕业生。 “我们尽最大的努力为国际生提供各 种帮助,包括语言测试预备课程、个 性化职业规划、就业指导、移民咨 询,以及校友互助等。希望为国际生 申请新省永久居民身份助一臂之 力。” 圣文森山大学现有644名国际生。从过


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September 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Cover Story

Tips for new international students Learning the rules BY QIULING WU, INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ADVISOR, DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY International students often face difficult challenges of learning new and hidden rules. To succeed in university, students must learn to navigate a world of new social norms. According to Charlie Tyson in “The Hidden Curriculum”, one common university norm is that students have to become comfortable with asking questions when they do not understand and seeking help when they need academic support. Students often suffer in silence because they do not want to give the impression that they

are deficient. Also students should take the initiative to build relationships with their professors because strong faculty and student relationships are highly valued and rewarded in higher education. If students become close with their professors, they are more likely to have access to privileges such as research opportunities and internships. Other important topics covered in Tyson’s article includefollowing deadlines and showing up for scheduled appointments. These may seem unimportant to some but are highly valued traits in Canadian higher education. Source: “The Hidden Curriculum”, Inside Higher Education, August 4, 2014

10 things you need to know BY KAY BALITE, INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ADVISOR, MOUNT SAINT VINCENT UNIVERSITY 1. Know your visa and study permit expiry date and create electronic copies of all your immigration documents. 2. Attend class regularly and introduce yourself to your professors. 3. Do not be afraid to ask questions and to ask for help. 4. Form student study groups – hire a tutor if needed. 5. Attend academic success workshops (i.e. study skills, time management). Create a healthy school/work/life balance.

Dakai Maritimes Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM.

6. Learn and familiarize yourself with the library,know your librarian andmaster your research skills. 7. Meet with your academic advisor before you begin your studies. From then on, schedule to meet at least once a year until you complete your degree. 8. Become familiar with Canadian classroom etiquette and assignment/ study expectations. 9. Build your network as soon as you arrive. Volunteer –on and/or off-campus. Participate and become involved in different events. Explore the city and try new things. 10. Live on residence, especially in your first year. Living on residence strengthens your integration exponentially. Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke

Establishing a business vs. job searching BY VICTOR ZHU, IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR, HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY If you’re determined and passionate about starting a business, and don’t care about income for the first couple years, there are many opportunities in Halifax where you can be a young entrepreneur. You may harvest unexpected opportunities from enhancing your networking skills and building a wide business network. Also leverage many of the government programs, grants, initiatives to help building your business successfully. Being a nine-to-five professional is not a bad choice where you would have better work and life balance. Networking is the key to landing a job. Take advantage of programs such as Connector Program at Greater Halifax Partnership. Don’t forget to build and maintain a good reputation! Words travel and Halifax is a small town. Good reputation will go a long way.

In and outside of the classroom BY STEFAN FERRON, EXECUTIVE MARKETING & SALES DIRECTOR, CLLC HALIFAX 1. While studying English, remember your purpose. English is your gateway to higher education. Don’t sabotage your efforts by speaking Chinese outside of school hours. 2. Work with your teachers. They’re there to help you. Develop a strong constructive relationship where you feel comfortable accepting constructive criticism. Your teachers are only there to help. 3. Realize and respect academic rules. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence in Canada for which you can be expelled from university. Never use anybody’s work without giving credit. 4. Join all extra-curricular activities. By doing this you can practice your English in a stress-free environment in a natural setting, rather than a classroom.

Focus on your goals BY JENNIFER LIU, PROJECT COORDINATOR, INNOVACORP; DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION & DIVERSITY FUSION HALIFAX Nothing is more important than setting clear goals. I know there are so many things you attempt to worry about, but try to only worry about achieving your goals. In my case, my goals were to pay tuition, gain Canadian work experience and graduate on time, which I Translations: Christine Qin Yang Cover photo: Mount Saint Vincent University Director, Community and Custom Publishing: Jeff Nearing

focused throughout my university years. Although I worked long hours to achieve those goals, I had fun. I loved every job I had, made amazing friends and learned the local culture. For me, the most rewarding experience came from my co-op terms, which offered me the opportunity to figure out my real interest - entrepreneurship and project management. So focus on your goals. Explore your options, do research and invest in your future. As an international student, you’ll have so much to offer.

Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca.

September 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Cover Story •



给国际留学新生的建议 给大家的10 学习新的规则 点建议 译/Christine Qin Yang

国际留学新生常常面临适应新规则的 困难。想度过愉快的大学生活,国际 生必须学习遵循新的社交常识和规 范。 查理.泰森在《隐藏课程》中指出,当 学生有疑问并需要学术上的帮助时, 他们可以毫无顾忌地提出问题,而沉 默的学生通常给别人留下消极的印 象,这是大学里的学习规则。学生应 当主动与教授建立良好的关系,因为 高等教育十分鼓励、推崇积极的师生 关系构建。如果教授对学生很熟悉, 学生会获取更多学习、研究和实习等 机会。 泰森的文章中还谈及了其它几个重 点,例如遵守期限、准时赴约。这些 看似无关紧要的小细节,却在加拿大 高等教育体系中受到高度重视。

1. 确认签证、学习许可的截止日期, 并把护照信息电子备份。 2. 按时出勤,主动与教授介绍自己。 3. 大胆提问,主动寻求帮助。 4. 建立学习小组,可寻求课外辅导。 5. 参加学术技能讲座,均衡分配学 习、工作和生活的时间。 6. 熟悉图书馆和图书管理员,掌握文 献检索技能。 7. 在新学期前安排与导师见面。确保 每学年与导师至少有一次会面。 8. 了解加拿大课堂礼仪以及作业和学 习要求。 9. 建立社交圈。可参加校内外的志愿 者活动,或组织各项活动,探索城 市,尝试新鲜事。 10. 选择住校,尤其是大一。住校将有 助于提高你的综合能力。

专注于自己的目标 对于新生,让人烦恼的事情确实很 多。但是,没有什么比树立明确目标 更重要、更值得你去烦恼的了。我在 大学里的目标有三个:攒学费,获取 加拿大工作经验和按时毕业。实现这 些目标的过程很辛苦却也很享受。我 热爱我的每一个工作,这些工作机会 让我不仅结交很多朋友,更帮助我很

好地融入了当地文化。 我觉得获得实习经验意义重大。通过 不同的实习工作,我发掘了自己真正 的职业兴趣——创业和项目管理。 所以,作为留学生,如果你专注目 标、了解自己、勤奋学习研究,你将 能很好地把握未来。

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课堂内外 1. 切记英文是帮助你通向高等教育的 阶梯。课外时间尽量少说中文,否 则你的努力将付诸东流。 2. 与老师一起解决学习问题。建立良 好的师生关系将更容易听取老师的 反馈意见。 3. 了解并尊重学术规则。抄袭在加拿 大的学术领域是绝不容许的,一旦 发生,将可能被学校开除。切记使 用他人研究成果时要注明出处。 4. 参加各项课外活动。无压力的环境 能更好地锻炼英文。

创业与就业 如果你对创业很执着,也不计较创业 初期的低收入,哈法是年轻人创业的 好地方。广泛建立人脉关系会带给你 意想不到的收获。此外,要善于利用 政府的各项针对创业的补助计划。 如果你想更好地均衡工作和生活,朝 九晚五的工作也是一个不错的选择。 人脉关系是成功就业的敲门砖。鼓励 参加例如像大哈法合作局联接项目等 的就业扶植项目。最后,哈法是座小 城,建立和保持良好的口碑会让你走 得更远!

September 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



Loose leaf tea entrepreneur launches locally with global appeal BY CYNDI SWEENEY Local entrepreneur Stella Xue brings a taste of China and her knowledge of high quality teas to the Maritimes. She recently launched Mateasse, a loose leaf online tea company, specializing in high quality, fresh products. “There are many health benefits to drinking tea, even though it’s not designed to be that way,” says Xue, like the quality antioxidant properties found in green tea, and teas hydrating benefits to the body. Mateasse sells more than 20 varieties of teas on her website. Xue and her daughter immigrated to Halifax eight years ago from Hangzhou, a southeastern city in Zhejiang province of China. “Where we are from, we were surrounded by mountains and lakes and far from the sea,” says Xue. Her daughter graduated high school and university and has since settled in Ottawa. Xue says she’s made Halifax her home

Local entrepreneur and CEED graduate, Stella Xue recently launched Mateasse, an online loose leaf tea company with a focus on high quality, freshness. 本地创业者、CEED项目毕业生Stella Xue近期成立网络散装茶叶公司Mateasse,为客户提供高品质、新鲜的茶产 品。

and loves being near the sea. She says demand for her teas stretch beyond Canada to the United States






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中国茶飘香加东 译/Christine Qin Yang

• Feature

质优良、新鲜,而且性价比高。” Mateasse所销售的印度香料茶的供应 商来自印度。

当地企业家Stella Xue对中国茶文化极 有研究。她的努力也将中国茶和茶文 化带到加拿大大西洋地区。近日, Stella的网络散装茶销售公司Mateasse 成立了。她的公司专注为客户提供高 品质、新鲜的散装茶。

Stella不仅热爱茶文化,而且对绘画也 很感兴趣。她给公司命名Mateasse, 源于画家Henri Matisse的名字。 他们产品包装的设计灵感同时也来自于 Matisse的著名壁画《舞蹈》,包装中 清晰可见的茶叶像舞者般在水蓝色的 背景中卷曲着身躯。

Stella介绍道:“饮茶对健康益处多 多,即使这个因素并非人们饮茶的初 衷。” 绿茶有着很好的抗氧化功效, 同时还有补水的效果。Mateasse网站上有20余种茶叶供消费者选 择。

然而,Stella更注重的是茶叶本身的品 质。她在对哈利法克斯市面销售的茶 叶做调研的时候发现很难找到正宗 的、高品质的散装茶,多数茶叶都已 经不再新鲜。作为茶道行家, Stella表 示,她绝不会销售不新鲜的茶叶。

Stella和她的女儿从浙江杭州移民哈利 法克斯已有八年。她说:“我们的家 乡被山湖环绕,但离海遥远。”Stella 的女儿大学毕业后决定定居在渥太 华,而Stella却决定留在哈利法克斯, 因为她非常热爱这个沿海城市。 Stella介绍,Mateasse的客户遍布加拿 大、美国以及欧洲各国。同时,她的 供货商也遍布全球。她说:“我们尤 其支持小种植者,因为他们的制作品

她的公司现销售红茶、白茶、乌龙 茶、绿茶以及其他种类的茶叶,同时 也销售茶具。Stella介绍,陶壶是最优 的选择,因为它的密度高,能让茶的 香味表现的更为清扬。“一只茶壶, 如果保养得当,它会越存越好。陶壶 的最佳搭配是绿茶。” 接着,Stella介绍说:“在中国,多数


September 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •



and Europe. And her locally operated business supports global suppliers. “We especially want to support small growers,” says Xue, like her Chai tea supplier from India. “It’s premium quality, fresh and a good price.” Combining her passion for tea and her joy for painting, Xue says the company name, Mateasse, is a play on the artist Henri Matisse. Their packaging is inspired from a Matisse painting, The Dance (La Danse), with lucid tea leaves swirling like dancers against a watery blue background.

But she says it’s what inside that counts and while she had tested leaf teas around Halifax, she found it difficult to find a simple, high quality whole leaf tea that was fresh. “Many Chinese teas I tried in stores tasted old,” says the connoisseur. If the product is not fresh, she says she won’t import it. Her company sells black, white, oolong and green teas, to name only a few. She also sells tea pots and says clay pots are the best, being more porous and distributing better flavour. “A teapot, if cared for will only get better with age and clay pots are the best for green teas.” “In China, most people don’t strain their tea leaves and we often will use the same leaves for up to three infu-

sions,” says Xue. Xue draws on past experience from importing and exporting electronics in China. She says on a recent sourcing trip to China in April, she toured many tea producers in eastern China, including her hometown, a famous producer of Dragonwell tea. A recent graduate of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Education and Development (CEED), Xue says she’s focusing her business online but may one day look at a storefront option. “Stella is using her strengths to position exotic teas in a new market. The most essential ingredient to her success is finding ways to expose buyers to her tea,” says CEED advisor Cindy James.

To explore some of these options, Local Source owner Sean Gallagher arranged a tea tasting for Xue and James at his newest business, a cafe and wine bar. James says Gallagher has devoted many hours to sourcing his own teas. “On a visit to Lion & Bright, Sean provided Stella feedback on her product and even suggested her teas would be an interesting cocktail infusion,” says James. For now, Xue says she’s happy to start small and see the online awareness grow as customers enjoy the beauty of tasting, smelling and sampling different varieties. For more information see: www.mateasse.com.


其中包括以龙井茶而闻名的她的家 乡。

能很好地找到自己的客户所在,并将 自己的产品很好地呈现给顾客。”

Stella近期从CEED(创业者教育与发 展中心)项目顺利毕业。她现在主要 经营网络销售,但以后也会考虑开实 体店。

为了探索新想法的可行性,当地咖啡 酒馆Lion & Bright Cafe Wine Bar的店 主Sean Gallagher与Stella合作举办了 一次品茶会。James女士告诉我们,店 主Gallagher花了很多时间采购他店内 的茶叶。

Bright的时候,Sean针对Stella的产品 给了一些建议,例如她的茶可以作为 与鸡尾酒混合的风味元素。”


上接第6页 人不着急把茶叶从茶汤中拿出。通常 而言,一副茶可以用来冲泡三次。” 生意场上,Stella有在中国进出口电器 的前车之鉴。她告诉我们,她最近一 次是四月份回国进货,途中,她到访 了中国东部的许多知名茶叶生产地,

CEED的顾问Cindy James女士评价 道:“Stella凭借个人的优势将异域茶 引进新市场。她目前为止最成功的是

James女士回忆道:“在参观Lion &

作为电商,Stella希望自己能立足于网 络。她觉得网络购物越来越受欢迎, 与此同时,消费者也能通过色香味来 享受茶的美。 更多关于Stella网络茶铺的详情,请访 问www.mateasse.com。

September 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



移民计划 上接第3页 去五年的数据显示,校国际生人数呈 5%到10%的年均递增形势。 尽管如此,Barry Mercer表示,根据加 拿大移民局的官方数据,仅有3%的国 际学生毕业后选择留在新省。 Barry Mercer透露,在与圣文森山大学 就业指导办公室和实习办公室的共同 努力下,大学的新省奖学金计划将适

时地帮助15名左右的学生。“人性化 就业指导的意义重大,因为学生需要 深度地探索自己未来的发展方向…… 就业指导将帮助他们塑造自我竞争 力。” Barry Mercer 同时也是Inspired Immigration移民公司的合伙创办人。今年四 月,她与曾就职于ISIS的Caroline Lodge女士共同创办移民公司Inspired Immigration。

“特快通道”移民计划 加拿大公民及移民部(CIC)的“特快 通道”移民计划将于2015年1月起推

Immigration initiatives CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 deeply about what they’re moving on to... to help them identify their best skills.” Barry Mercer is also co-owner of Inspired Immigration, a consultancy business opened in April with Caroline Lodge, formerly with ISIS. Express Entry system Express Entry is a federal electronic system being launched by CIC in January 2015, which will help reduce wait times for applicants for permanent residence in certain economic programs, from several years, to as little as eight months. “Express entry will only focus on economic immigration. In January, the Federal Skilled Worker, Federal Skilled Trades, Canadian Experience Class and parts of the provincial nominee program will be able to submit applications through express entry... the criteria is the same, but it’s a different intake process,” says Suzanne Ley, Director of Strategic Policy and External Relations with Nova Scotia Office of Immigration. Ley says through the nominee program, they’ll have the opportunity to nominate people through express entry. The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration began outreach sessions with CIC in May and says Nova Scotia showed three times the turnout of other provinces. “More than 70 businesses, employers and organizations came to learn about express entry and how they could use that to fill their labour

market needs,” says Ley. She said participants from the IT sector, manufacturers and companies like Irving were all interested in learning about the system. “We want to be the hardest working small jurisdiction in order to make express entry work for our part of the country.” “If applying as a skilled worker from abroad, the wait time at many embassies is three-to-four years,” says Barry Mercer. She says express entry uses an online portal through the jobbank website, where skilled applicants can enter their information into the system. “People with a job offer or nominees by the province will go to the top of the list.” Upon selection, selected applicants will have 60 days to submit an application for permanent residency and CIC has committed to processing accurately completed applications within six months for 80 per cent of applicants. For international students applying under the work experience class the provincial nominee program has been relatively fast at about eight months and she hopes recent changes will help bridge the labour shortage. But it’s a matter of catching graduates before they find work elsewhere. In Alberta, provincial nominee program allows for immediate application without 12 months work experience. Businesses wanting more information on the program should call Nova Scotia Office of Immigration at 902-4245230.

出。该计划缩短了特定经济计划中永 久居民申请者的等待时间,申请审批 时间从几年缩短至8个月。 新省移民处战略方针与对外关系中心 主任Suzanne Ley女士告诉我们: “‘特快通道’移民计划主要针对经 济移民。在明年1月,联邦技术移 民、技工移民、加拿大经验类移民以 及部分省提名移民可通过‘特快通 道’移民申请。其审核标准不变,但 整体进程有所不同。”她还表示,通 过省提名移民项目,他们有机会通过 “特快通道”提名申请者。 今年五月,在新省移民处办公室与CIC 开展的扩大会议中,较于其他省份, 对于此项计划,新省多出了三倍的投 票。Ley 介绍道:“70多家企业、雇 主及组织前往参加会议,了解更多关 于‘特快通道’政策的内容,同时探 讨了如何利用该政策来解决他们的劳 动力空缺问题。”这次会议的参与者 来自IT行业、制造业,还有像Irving 这类的企业,它们都想要更多地了解 “特快通道”计划。“我们将尽全力 地在新省推广‘特快通道’计划,成 为这个政策在加拿大执行力度最大的 一个省份。”

• Feature

“若申请者于境外提交技术移民申 请,需要3到4年时间等待申请结 果。”Barry Mercer介绍道,“特快通 道”移民计划通过人力银行网站的一 个在线门户,技术类申请者可通过该 系统填写个人资料。其中,被聘用或 省提名移民申请者将在名单中占有优 先的位置。” 一旦被选中,被选中的申请者将有60 天的期限来提交永久居民的申请,同 时,CIC承诺在6个月内完成80%申请 者的材料审批。 对于工作经验不足的国际生,Barry Mercer认为,省提名是最快的选择, 申请时间大致需要8个月。她也希望新 移民政策可以帮助弥补当地劳动力的短 缺。 很多毕业生选择在外地寻找工作机 会。对新省而言,留住这批人才意义 重大。阿尔伯塔省的提名移民项目允 许申请者在工作经验不足12个月的条 件下提交申请。 更多关于“特快通道”计划的信息, 请拨打902-424-5230,咨询新省入境 处 办公室。

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September 2014

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东渡国际新省 发展战略: 满足多阶段需求, 建立长远性合作 译/Christine Qin Yang 对于东渡国际集团而言,在新省的投 资如同一场长跑赛,稳健是它赢得比 赛的关键。 今年五月份,总部位于上海的投资集 团东渡国际(DDI),与新斯科舍省商 务公司(NSBI)以及哈利法克斯地区 合作局(GHP)签署了合作备忘录, 正式确认在新斯科舍省地区进行长期 性、多阶段的开发计划,并将为新省 带来更多的中国游客。 自此,东渡国际在中国开展市场测 试,完成设计理念部分,并在新省盖 斯伯勒县(Guysborough)展开详细的市 场调研。据悉,东渡将在盖斯伯勒县 打造两座奢华度假村,分别坐落在社 布鲁克(Sherbrook)和圣约瑟夫(Saint


Dongdu International’s development strategy in Nova Scotia: Multi-phased to meet demand, build longterm partnerships BY CHRIS MUISE For Dongdu International, investing in Nova Scotia is a slow-yet-steady race they plan to win in the long run. This past May, the Shanghai investment company Dongdu International, or DDI, signed a memorandum of understanding with Nova Scotia Business Inc. and the Greater Halifax Partnership, marking the official beginning of a long-term, multi-phase development plan to bring more Chinese tourism to the shores of Nova Scotia. Since then, DDI has been hard at work undergoing market testing in China, completing design concepts, and conducting detailed survey work in Guys-


Greater Halifax Partnership CEO Paul Kent and DDI chairman Martin Li at the MOU signing. 哈利法克斯地区合作局与东渡国际集团签署合作备忘录的现场。 GHP contributed photo

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September 2014

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Dongdu update

东渡集团 上接第9页

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 borough county, where the company will be constructing two luxury resorts — one in Sherbrook, another in Saint Joseph — aimed primarily at jet-setting Chinese business professionals. “The first project that will get underway, and we’re working on right now, is the project at the site that we call Henry Huxsford. That’s the one at Saint Joseph,” says Stephen Dempsey, DDI’s spokesperson and advisor in Nova Scotia. “You can appreciate that, for a project that may contain up to 300 to 500 villas, it’s quite enough just to get the physical engineering components of the project underway. We’re working on those right now.” With 1,200 hectares of forested Guysborough County land that DDI has to work with, Dempsey says the plan is not to develop all of that property at once. Instead, they plan to build the villas, designed with the Chinese market in mind, in stages that meet demand. They hope to have 50 to 100 villas ready by the next summer season. “We’re fully expecting to see great success, and many hundreds of dwellings on our sites, but as the old Chinese saying goes, ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step,’” says Dempsey, who says their flexible model will ensure the project’s financial success. “And our development begins with the first villa sold on site. From the market analysis that we’ve done, we don’t think there’s any problem in starting out at that level.” DDI’s investment in the province goes beyond just building vacation resorts. Both DDI and its partners in Nova Scotia see this project as a catalyst that could affect a big change in the economic landscape of Nova Scotia, and engender a strong bond between our two cultures in profound and farreaching ways down the road. By appealing to business professionals from China looking to own foreign property in a pristine natural landscape like ours in Nova Scotia, Dempsey says DDI plans to attract technology companies to the region in the long run. “This is really sort of a beachhead frontier kind of opportunity for tech-

nology. While that’s at the earlier stages, it’s also part of our plan,” says Dempsey, who would like to see Chinese tech companies mingle with our own technology base. “We understand that, as those companies are attracted and come here, they need offices; we know how to build offices. They need residences, places to live; we know how to build those. They need support to export markets; we know how to access those.” “We’re certainly tuned into the Halifax agenda, which includes refurbishing and redeveloping a building on Barrington Street for a business club,” says Paul Kent, president and CEO of Greater Halifax Partnership, who says this development project has the potential to affect all of Nova Scotia for the better. “It has an impact in the urban core of Halifax. It has an impact in the rural heartland of Guysborough County. It’s going to create an eastern shore that’s way more alive than it has ever been, and it raises the possibility of enlivening other parts of the province at the same time,” says Kent. Some of the challenges ahead, according to Dempsey and Kent, include the question of Nova Scotia’s labour in the wake of skilled workers traveling west, and preparing for possible language and cultural barriers that might arise. “There’s a lot of labour, as we know, that has gone to Alberta and other places out west to meet demand there. That, to a certain degree, has challenged certain skills and trades,” says Dempsey. “We’ll be working with the appropriate associations to make sure that we don’t have any shortfalls there.” “The reality of a significant Chinese investment in Nova Scotia involving a lot of people is that we are going to be encountering people that speak Mandarin quite frequently. Our response to that is critical,” says Kent, whose team will be taking advantage of Mandarin training this fall. While DDI’s development project is still taking baby steps, Dempsey and Kent are optimistic that this project will prove to be very transformative for Nova Scotia in a lot of new and exciting ways, and just the first in a long line of Chinese investments to come.

Joseph) ——主体服务对象为喜爱环球 旅行的中国商务人士 。 “首个项目即将启动,我们正处于筹 备阶段,这次项目的名称为亨利赫克 斯福德(Henry Huxsford),位于圣约瑟 夫。” 东渡国际发言人暨新省顾问斯 蒂芬邓普西先生接着谈到:“设想 一下,本次项目的规模为300至500幢 别墅,所以现在工程处于建设准备阶 段,之后就可以动工。我们正着手于 这方面的准备。” 东渡国际与盖斯伯勒县的合作项目森 林面积达1,200公顷。邓普西先生表 示,东渡还有许多类似的大规模项 目。取代这片森林的,将是一片度假 别墅。这项设计聚焦中国市场,并将 逐步地满足市场需求。明年夏季,计 划将有50至100幢别墅完工。 邓普西先生说:“我们对本次项目的 成功以及成果表示期待,但中国也有 句古话‘千里之行始于足下’。”他 随即谈到了集团的灵活模式确保了本 次项目良好的财务状况。“我们在动 工前将预售这些别墅。根据我们多年 的经验分析,我们对这次项目充满了 信心。” 东渡在新斯科舍省投资计划不局限于 旅游基地的打造。东渡国际集团与新 斯科舍省都非常看重本次合作计划, 其将推动新省的经济格局的转变。如 此长远性的合作也将成为连接中加两 国文化的重要纽带。 邓普西先生认为,原生态的自然环境 是新省吸引中国商业人士投资的理由 之一。东渡计划向新省引进一系列的 科技公司。 “这里将为科技发展的前沿阵地。虽

• Business

然现在仍在筹划阶段,但是我们已经 有了这样的战略目标。”邓普西希望 看到中国的科技企业与新省的科技产 业互利合作。“我们深深了解,一旦 这些企业被引入,他们需要办公场 所,这正是我们能够为其提供的; 他们 需要宿舍,需要有住的地方,而我们 也能够为他们建造;他们需要出口市 场的支持,而我们拥有这一系列的相 关资源。” GHP的总裁兼首席执行官保罗肯特先 生表示,本次开发项目将推进新省的 前进。“我们把哈利法克斯市也提上 了发展的议程,其中包括翻新和重建 巴林顿大街(Barrington)的一座商务会 所。” 肯特先生给予这样的评价:“这次合 作项目会为哈法市中心带来改变,也 会为盖斯伯勒县城中心带来影响。它 将打造一个更有活力的东岸,同时也 将推动新省其他地区的发展步伐。” 这项开发计划也面临着一系列挑战。 邓普西和肯特双双透露,挑战包括新 省劳动力的西迁,以及语言和文化冲 突的应对。 邓普西指出:“如我们所知,这里的 许多劳动力都已经或正在计划前往阿 尔伯塔和其他的西部省份,去满足他 们当地的劳动需求。这对本省的一些 特定专业和行业无疑是种挑战。但 是,我们将与相关部门共同努力,解 决劳动力短缺的问题。” “随着中国投资商陆续到来,普通话 的使用者将越来越频繁地出现。双方 的交流,特别是我方的回应,显得格 外重要。”肯特表示,他的团队将于 今秋进行中文培训。 东渡的开发计划才刚起草时,邓普西 与肯特就已对此项目持有乐观态度, 他们认为该项目将为新省带来崭新的 面貌,越来越多的投资者也将会前往 新省。

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September 2014

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History of Chinese characters BY QIANYI GAO, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY & DONGHUA UNIVERSITY Have you ever been to China? What impressed you the most in China or Chinatown in western countries? “Lots of people”, “Lots of red”, or “Unique Chinese characters”… Among many responses, you must be very impressed with Chinese characters. Yes, you will see Chinese characters everywhere if you travel around China (or Japan): on shop signs, in public places, at various ceremonies…and we are going to talk about this amazing cultural legacy. This article explores the nature of the Chinese character (or “kanji”) and its develop-

ment to Chinese calligraphy. Most westerners are usually most impressed by the appearance of Chinese characters. They are more familiar with the phonetic Latin alphabet. However, Chinese characters seem much more complicated. And that is true! Unlike the Latin alphabet, Chinese characters are like logograms. That was the time when the characters were borrowed from Japan. In a period of time, Chinese characters represented the pronunciation of Japanese words. In modern Chinese, characters can be used just for pronunciation when there is a need to imitate foreign names or sounds. For example, the combination of the two characters, like麦克(maike), means Mike,


说说汉字 加拿大圣玛丽大学孔子学院、中国东 华大学 高倩艺 你去过中国吗?你觉得在中国或西方 的唐人街,什么令你印象最深刻? “人很多”,“人们喜欢红色”“很 多汉字”......在众多回答中,“汉 字”,一定名列前茅。 是的,你在中国(或日本)或唐人街 随处可见到汉字:商店招牌上,公共 场所内,各种仪式上......,我们将分四 期探讨汉字(或曰kanji)这个神秘的 文化传承。本期介绍汉字的概况,重 点说说汉字的独特属性及其发展成书 法文化的缘由。 先说说汉字的独特属性。西方人最先 被吸引的可能是汉字的外形。大多数 西方人都熟悉表音的拉丁字母,而每 个中国字似乎又不像只是一个字母, 它们看上去要比一个一个字母复杂。

没错,是这样! 如果说只是为了表音,那么汉字被当 作表音符号也是可能的。历史上,汉 字传入日本后有一段时间,曾经做为 记录日语语音的工具。另外,汉字的 字音也会被借来表达外国人名、地 名,或者日常生活的声音。例如,麦 克(maike), 是音译的Mike; 巴黎 (bali), 指Paris; 汪汪(wangwang), 模仿狗叫的 声音。 所以,汉字是一个个表音符号,却不 仅仅只是表音符号。当中国人或熟悉 汉字的人看到一个汉字,那个字的意 义信息会同时传递过来。与听觉获得 信息的拉丁文不同,除了听觉,中国 字的意义信息还通过字形识别,也就 是视觉,来获得。前面提到的麦(mai), 意思是“麦子”,但另一个(mai)可能



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September 2014

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Casino looks for Feng Shui feel

• Feature

新省赌场请 来风水大师 “指点迷津” 译/Christine Qin Yang 8月28日,来自多伦多的风水家 Safrina Kadri女士前来新斯科舍省赌场 (Casino Nova Scotia)勘察,为皇冠大 厅内的风水装潢提出方案。

BY PETER CLARKE Casino Nova Scotia is hoping you’ll pull up a seat and stay a while in the near future in a renovated Crown Room with a Feng Shui atmosphere. Toronto-based Feng Shui consultant Safrina Kadri was at the casino on August 28 to read the room and the entire casino, and assist in a short-and long-term renovation plan. Malaysian-born Kadri has been practicing classical Feng Shui for almost seven years and traces her Feng Shui lineage back through many great Feng Shui masters. “Feng Shui is all about energy,” says Kadri. “A lot of people think it’s just placement of things, but you don’t just look at the environment inside the building, you also take a look at the outside environment.” For the Casino, Kadri examined the nearby water, the surrounding streets and the entrances to the building. These things influence energy “In terms of the flow of energy, I need to see what currently exists and whether or not it supports the Casino and its clientele and the Feng Shui will readjust as needed.” Her immediate efforts are focused on Casino Nova Scotia’s Crown Room, where the EZ Baccarat tables are found. “The Crown Room is a space that is often enjoyed by guests from various cultural backgrounds,” says Ken Murray, assistant general manager at the Casino.“Safrina is here to assist us in creating a long-and short-term design plan. We want to balance the energy in

Kadri女士来自于马来西亚的风水世 家,奉行古典风水学已有七年。 “风水是关于元气变化的研究。” Kadri介绍说:“许多人认为风水只讲 究物件的摆放,其实它不仅讲究建筑 内在环境,同时还要考虑外部环 境。” 针对 Casino的外部环境,Kadri考察了 其周边的水,四周的街道,还有建筑 的入口等影响元气的因素。 “在元气变化方面,我需要看到当前 的情况,考虑它对Casino和顾客的影 响,并根据情况进行具体调整。” 她近期帮助改造的空间是Casino的皇 冠大厅,也就是EZ百家乐牌桌所在的 位置。 “皇冠大厅是为不同文化背景的顾客 提供娱乐的一个场所,”Casino总经 理助理Ken Murray先生介绍道。 “Safrina在这里为我们提供长期和短 期的设计方案。我们希望通过改变空 间的布局来改善室内的气场,从而为 客户提供更好的体验。” 对于如何改造,Kadri女士介绍,要根 据厅内不同空间功能性的不同。 她的目标是为Casino创造一个舒适的 环境,从而使消费者驻足。

Safrina Kadri, Feng Shui consultant in the Crown Room at Casino Nova Scotia. 风水师Safrina Kadri在新省赌场皇冠大厅。

the room through its layout and design so that it will be enjoyable to all of our guests.”


她说:“顾客也许说不出是什么原 因,但是在这里,他们会感到舒适和 放松。” 即使Casino监管严格,有着各项规章 制度需要遵守,但这些都不影响Kadri 的改造计划。 “尽管有一些制约,但是他们对大厅 空间设计的改造还是持有较高的开放 的态度,这一点是我感到高兴的。”

September 2014

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Feng Shui CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 The type of energy Kadri looks to create depends on the use of the room. Her goal for the Casino is to create an environment where people feel comfortable and want to stay in. “Clients may not know why they feel so comfortable or they just want to chill there all night, but they do,” she says. Even in a tightly controlled-space like a casino, where rules and regulations must be followed, Kadri does not feel hampered. “I am very grateful that they’re very open. Even though it’s not a blank slate, there are quite a few creative inputs that they’re open to doing here.”

Left: Every Feng Shui consultant needs a compass. It allows the consultant to know directions of walls, entrances, which impact the flow of energy. 左图:罗盘是风水师从事风水活动不可 缺少的重要工具。风水师用它来分析楼 盘和气 理。


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September 2014

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Chinese characters

• Culture

汉字 上接第11页

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 巴黎(bali)refers to Paris and 汪汪 (wangwang) mimics the sound of dog barking. Yet each Chinese character contains both a sound and a specific meaning. Take 麦(mai) for example, which in this character it means “wheat”, but another “mai” which is written differently but pronounces the same could mean “sell”(卖). In Chinese, even two characters have the same sound, the usually have very different meanings. Therefore, a Chinese character inherits both sound and meaning, an essential difference from the Latin alphabet. Let`s now look at Chinese calligraphy. Like Latin and other scripts, the Chinese characters earned an eternal life after they had formed its own writing system, and later became an indispensable tool in people's lives. When people use this tool, the behaviour of writing has gradually developed into a culture. This is the birth of Chinese calligraphy. One of the factors on which the development of Chinese calligraphy is based are writing tools. Brush, ink and rice paper are the traditional writing tools. Brush is made from animal hair which can absorb and release ink. Ink is water-based and can be easily absorbed. When a brush full of ink meets the rice paper, the ink is released to the rice paper. With enough exercise, the writer can control the amount of releasing moment by moment. The express from the brush to the paper can amazingly record the inner motion of the composer. And thus, when the work is completed, it tells the story, the personality and the emotion of the writer. The other element that transforms Chinese writing an art is the structure of a character. The structure can be analyzed by the amount and the direction of the fractions. Most Chinese characters are made of more than three dots and lines, known as "stroke.”Many characters have more than ten strokes. The strokes can be horizontal, vertical or slanted. For example, the dots are usually not round in shape. You can recognize its direction. All the strokes have

是“出售”(卖)。二者虽然有相同的声 音,但字符不同。不同的字符,通常 表达的是完全不同的含义。因此,一 个字符同时携带它的声音和它的意 义。这是汉字与拉丁文字最显著的区 别。 下面说说书法。与拉丁文和世界上其 他文字一样,汉字形成体系后它得到 了永生,成为人们生活中不可或缺的 工具。在使用这个工具时,人们逐渐 让写字的行为发展成了一种文化:这 就是中国书法。 汉字发展成书法基于两个要素。其一 是书写工具。传统的书写工具有毛 笔,墨和宣纸。毛笔用来书写的部分 由动物毛制成,它能吸放墨汁,富有 弹性。墨汁中水的成分很高,也能一 瞬间被毛笔吸走,但遇到宣纸时又能 瞬间被释放出来。书写者通过练习可 以自由控制水墨的释放过程,这个过 程制造了千变万化具有个性的书法作 品。也就是说,一幅书法作品除了文 字本身的意义外,还透露出书写者的 个性,书写时的情绪等。 使写字成为书法创作的另一个要素是 字符的结构。字符的结构可以通过构 件的数量和方向来分析。大多数汉字 由三个以上的点和线构成,这些点和 线被称作“笔画”。很多字的笔画数 都超过十画。笔画可以是水平的,或 垂直的,或斜的。比如说,点有横 点,斜点等。所有的笔画都有头有 尾,可以看出运笔的方向。比如说, 点通常不是圆形的,你看得出它的首 尾。笔画较多以及笔画具有方向性, 为书写发展成书法提供了基础。 以上简单介绍了汉字的独特属性及其 发展成书法文化的缘由。汉字对学习 者来说是一种挑战,但它对中国文化 来说,是一份赐予。今后我们将继续 汉字的话题,探索汉字文化的无穷魅 力。

Writing brush 毛笔

heads and tails to show how and where the composer stresses and how the dir-

ection goes. Even the dots have heads and tails. The complication of the struc-

ture of a character makes it a basis in becoming an art. Chinese characters set a challenge for learners; yet they are a bless for the diversity of Chinese culture. In the next few issues, we will continue the topic of Chinese characters and to explore the endless charm of kanji culture.

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Recipe •


葱香龙虾 编辑/洪晟

材料: 龙虾2只,葱,姜,盐,料酒,黑胡椒,生抽,耗油,地瓜粉。

步骤: 1.龙虾洗净,切去头部,身体切块,从正面的底部放尿,保证龙虾肉新鲜无 异味。 2.龙虾切块后放容器内,加入地瓜粉裹匀;葱需要至少3根,葱白切段, 姜切片。 3.锅加热,放油烧热,加入龙虾翻炸至7分熟。因为龙虾带壳,直接爆炒不 会熟,所以这步骤必不可少。 4.大锅放油,加葱段姜片爆香,放入龙虾翻炒,加入耗油,料酒,生抽,盐, 黑胡椒,少许糖。 5. 翻炒至全熟,放入葱段,关火,装盘。

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September 2014



September 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

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