圣玛利大学: 国际化校园
SMU: An international campus Page 3
The king of seafood Page 6
Maritime Chinese Golf Association Page 8
The new Mazda3 Page 13
September 2013
Dalhousie delegation gets personal with China 戴尔豪西大学的中国行 CYNDI SWEENEY Dalhousie University couldn’t be farther away for students from China to come and complete a degree. But that hasn’t stopped Dalhousie’s academic reputation from growing in China and students are migrating to the Maritimes to immerse themselves in the Dalhousie way of life. The university has been forging connections with China for over 30 years. It takes passion, commitment and bravery, according to Professor Keith Taylor, associate vice-president of academic. Taylor travelled to China with a delegation of academics in March, 2013. He spent almost two weeks visiting nine of Dalhousie’s 16 partner institutions; forging friendships, building new relationships and solidifying old ones. He’s been involved in Dalhousie’s joint study programs since 2006. “I think if I’ve counted the stamps properly in my passport, I’ve made 20 visits to China, some for less than a day. You don’t get jet-lag, you just get total exhaustion,” recalls the mathematics professor. “With all the institutions, we are honestly trying to take advantage of the relationship to get value for both partners,” says Taylor, who visited Xiamen University, a long-time partner of Dalhousie with research connections in marine law and chemistry. “It’s a wonderful place to study,” says Taylor. Dalhousie secured its first joint curricular activity with China back in the early 1980’s. Since then, the number of students enrolling in the 2+2 program has exploded. The program enables stu-
dents to study for two years in a partner university in China and then come to Dalhousie for the remaining two years to complete their degree. With less students graduating from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick universities, Dalhousie recognises the benefit of students enrolling from more than 100 countries worldwide and partner universities like Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and Nanjing University. Asa Kachan, assistant vice-president for enrolment, says the total number of Chinese students enrolled at Dalhousie has more than doubled in less than two years, climbing from 437 in 2010/11 to 923 students in 2012/13. She says while students benefit from the offering of different perspectives from around the world,“strong enrolment allows the university to have a rich academic offering.” Kachan judges the success of the program on a personal level. “We want these students to go on and do great things with their lives,” and this is why
the program dedicates energy and resources to ensure students thrive both academically and socially, remarks Kachan. Kachan travelled to China with the del-
尽管两地相距遥远,却丝毫没有影响 戴尔豪西大学(Dalhousie University, 以 下简称Dal)在中国盛名远播。近年 来,越来越多的中国留学生选择来到 加拿大东部地区,选择在戴尔豪西大 学度过他们宝贵的大学生涯。
讨论现有的合作项目,同时寻找新的 合作机会。这位资深数学教授笑着回 忆道:“数数护照上的印章,我已经 去了20次中国。这里面有时停留还不 到一天。那种时候,除了精疲力竭你 什么都感觉不到!”
Dal与中国院校的合作早在30多年前 就开始了。回首这几十年,学校学术 协理副校长 Keith Taylor 先生告诉我 们,海外合作办学不但要投入极大的 热情和精力,还一定要有冒险精神。
Dal在海洋学和化学研究领域上与厦门 大学长期保持合作关系。Taylor这次也 回到了厦大。他说:“我们在合作中 竭力为合作方创造价值,做到双赢。 而且Dal确实是个学习的好地方。”
今年3月,Taylor与随行的学术代表团 来到中国,在近两周的时间里访问了 Dal在中方16所合作院校中的9所。 代表团想借此次机会与中方院校总结
八十年代初期,Dal与中方达成了第一 个学习交流项目协议,也就是“2+2项 目”。所谓2+2,就是让学生在国内大 学读前两年,然后在Dal读后两年至完
Taylor and Kachan exploring Nanputuo Temple in Xiamen, China. Contributed by Dalhousie Taylor和Kachan探索厦门著名古刹 - 南普陀寺。
egation and visited leading institutions such as Renmin University of China (RUC) and Shandong University of Fin-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 成学位。该项目一经推出便吸引了无 数学生报名。 由于新斯科舍 (Nova Scotia) 和新不伦 瑞克(New Brunswick) 两省的本地生源 较少,Dal很早就意识到招收海外留学 生与创建海外合作项目的重要性。 Dal招生办副主管Asa Kachan女士指 出,Dal中国留学生在两年时间里数量 翻了两番,由2010年的437人增至 2012年的923人。她认为,多元的学 习环境让学生受益,而稳定的生源则 能保证学校丰厚的师资力量和一流的 教学水平。谈到与中方院校的合作,
September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
Dalhousie CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ance and Economics (SUF) specializing in social sciences, business and economics. What strikes Kachan is the academic strength of the students enrolling in the Joint 2+2 Dalhousie economics program. “Those students have been some of the top graduates and almost all have gone onto Masters Programs. It’s a very exciting thing to be a part of,” says Kachan. Dalhousie’s agreement with SUF is a nationally recognized agreement and Taylor says it’s now the most popular program selected among all joint programs with foreign partners of anywhere else in the world. Shannon Peng is the administrative coordinator in the economics department
戴尔豪西大学的中国行 上接第1页 她表示:“我们希望学生毕业以后都 会拥有自己的精彩人生,所以我们投 入大量的工作、资源和精力,让学生
Dakai Maritimes 打开加东 Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and dsitributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao 赵梦 Director, Community and Custom Publishing: Jeff Nearing Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Jennifer Liu 刘佳宁 Sales: Meng Zhao, Curtis Messervey, Maite Alvarez, Jason Garnier. For rates and information call (902) 4718829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca
• Cover Story
and she says there are almost 100 students arriving this year to study for two years from SUF and RUC. She enjoys helping students settle in; finding grocery stores, setting-up bank accounts. She’ll even help students decipher strange spices and foreign vegetables, laughs Peng. As many as 200 students can enrol in the economics program and Taylor says it’s always filled to capacity. “Dalhousie’s 2012 medal winner in Economics is a graduate of this program,” says Taylor with pride. “We want to be good friends with the people at these institutions as they become stronger and stronger on the world stage,” says Taylor. “We’ve gained a lot of PhD students that have studied here and then returned to teach in China, further fostering the international connection,” he says. One of the main goals of these collabor-
ative relationships is joint research projects.“Scientists, you just have to get them together and they give talks on their research results,” Taylor says with enthusiasm. It’s a vital part of the scientific enterprise according to Taylor. “It’s where information is quickly shared.” But Taylor says the faculty needs courage if they are to get more value from these international relationships. “If they were brave enough,” and prepared to put in the effort to build on the opportunities that are there, Taylor says the university could benefit more from China’s research strength and modern infrastructure. “People don’t realize how scientifically strong the Chinese universities are becoming. There would be quite a bit to gain from being there, like wonderful lab facilities.” Zhejiang University, another leading university, is currently building its
ocean research capacity. The relationship is new for Dalhousie and Taylor says the significance and scale of their research capacity is enormous. “They are building a brand new campus for their Ocean College…and have already allocated budget funding equivalent to the total operating budget of all of Dalhousie,” says Taylor. “There are ten times more ocean-related researchers in China than in Canada.” It’s more than just numbers and Kachan has observed for Taylor, it’s not about the head count. “Keith, as an individual, really took to heart this effort on behalf of Dalhousie. You can have all these meetings but at the end of the day you have to have someone who takes it to heart to make it successful. It’s personal.” A daily account of the 13 day tour and complete list of universities visited can be found on the Eastern Horizons blog on www.dal.ca.
在学术和社会实践上双向成长。”这 次的中国行,Kachan也参与访问了国 内多所知名大学,其中包括以社会 学、商学和经济学闻名的中国人民大 学和山东财经大学。
几乎每年都满员招生,这里面不乏有 出类拔萃的佼佼者。Taylor说:“我们 希望与这些学生保持良好的关系,因 为他们将会在世界的舞台上大放异 彩。另外,很多学生来Dal攻读博士, 然后回到中国教学、工作,更进一步 地促进了国际间的交流。”
浙江大学作为中国名校之一正致力于 大力发展其海洋学研究科学。尽管两 校刚刚建立合作关系,Taylor表示,浙 大今后强大的研究实力将不可小觑。 “他们正在建造海洋学院新校区。校 区的预算相当于Dal整个学校的预算。 大家可能不知道,中国的海洋学研究 人员是加拿大的10倍之多!”
而最让Kachan感到欣慰的是2+2交流 生优异的成绩。她介绍说,很多学生 都以优秀的成绩毕业,有些学生顺利 考入研究生学院,继续深造。
在研究项目上的交流合作是Dal与中方 院校合作的另一重要目的。Taylor认 为:“学者之间必须互相交流他们的 研究成果。信息及时得到交流共享是 学术事业极为重要的一环。”他还表 示,如果教职人员想要从这些国际合 作项目中获益,需要有足够的勇气, 做好充分的准备,努力抓住眼前的机 遇。他说:“不论是研究实力还是现 代化的基础设施,我们都可以从中方 院校学到很多。很多人没有意识到中 国大学的科技水平正在日益壮大,他 们有先进的实验设备和装置。”
With a rich, vibrant Chinese community in and a growing number of Chinese business and leisure visitors to the Maritimes, Dakai Maritimes aims to be a forum for the Maritime Chinese community to connect through informing our community on
the issues and stories that matter most. Having released two issues in the past eight months, Dakai Maritimes is now partnering with the Chronicle Herald to bring a new look, increase circulation, and more importantly, make larger impact on the communities it continues to connects with. We wouldn’t be where we are today without your support, so I encourage you to reach out to us with feedback on our positive new developments,
Taylor告诉记者,Dal与山东财经大学 的交流项目经过加拿大国家认可,在 大学所有的合作项目里最受欢迎。彭 女士是本项目经济系行政协调员。她 说,Dal今年招收了近100名人大和山 东财大大三的交流生。彭女士平时乐 于帮助留学生适应生活,会带他们去 超市,去银行开帐户,给大家悉心讲 解国外的生活知识。
Kachan最后强调:“我们在中国的招 生绝不仅仅只是凑人数。不管是作为 个人,还是代表Dal,过去的时间里, Taylor先生为了与中方院校的合作项目 付出了极大的努力。我想在敬业的同 时,这里面还有他对中国深厚浓郁的 个人情感,以及他对与中方院校合作 办学持有坚定不移的态度。” 登陆www.dal.ca Eastern Horizons博 客,浏览代表团为期13天中国行的详 细日程。 and let us know how we can further share the best our community has to offer. Enjoy the new Dakai Maritimes; where Maritime Chinese truly connect.
Meng Zhao 赵梦 Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief Dakai Maritimes 打开加东
September 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Feature •
Saint Mary’s looks to have international campus
圣玛利大学 打造国际化校园 More and more Chinese students are opting to enrol in Saint Mary's University every year. As such, SMU is challenged with becoming a more international campus to accommodate their growing international population – luckily, they're up to the challenge. “Last year, of [all] Chinese students, 400,000 students in the first year came out [to study abroad],” says George Ye, associate professor in the Master of Finance program at SMU. “The number of Chinese students going abroad increases 20 per cent every year. ” SMU draws a lot of Chinese exchange students each year, many of whom enrol in the Bachelor of Commerce program at the Sobey School of Business. The Sobey School has even had an articulation agreement with the Beijing Normal University Zhuhai campus since 2005. Students of BNUZ will spend two years at home in China, then spend another two years abroad, studying exclusively at SMU. “It's called a Two Plus Two agreement,” says Lois Larson, Undergraduate Program Manager at the Sobey School of Business. “The appeal of the Two Plus Two is they come for two years, do an undergrad in business, and then sometimes can do an accelerated MBA in one year, so in three years they end up with a graduate degree.” SMU's growing relationship with Chinese international students began to boom once China entered the free market. Chinese universities were interested in offering finance courses, but
few had the faculty to support the curriculum. “This program,” says Ye, referring to a Masters of Finance program offered at
The Saint Mary's Courtyard, becoming more multicultural every day. Chris Muise
近年来,选择到圣玛利大学(SMU) 就读的中国留学生数量呈逐年增长的 趋势。国际学生人数的增长给SMU校 方软硬件配套设施方面都带来了不小 的压力和挑战。幸运的是,学校已经 做好充分的准备来应对挑战。
商学院本科部项目经理Lois Larson女 士介绍道:“2+2项目让学生在这里学 习两年便可获得商学学士学位。如果 他们选择进入一年制的MBA加速课 程,只需要在加拿大学习3年的时间便 可完成硕士学位。”
叶教授是SMU商学院(Sobey School of Business)金融学研究生学院(Master of Finance) 的副教授。他说:“去 年,中国为国外输送了40万留学生。 这个数字每年以20%的比率在增加。”
中国进入自由市场之后,SMU校方与 其合作关系不断加深。很多中国的大 学都希望提供与金融相关的课程,可 只有极少数有师资去实现教学。叶教 授介绍道:“SMU的金融学硕士学位 最初是专门为中国交换生设置的。那 时由于中国刚刚加入世贸,金融市场 重组,该项目得到了许多金融学学生 的青睐。现在学生依然选择留学,是 因为中国的教育体系还不够完善,而 北美的大学则在金融学和其他商科教
每年,大量的中国交换生来到SMU, 这里面绝大部分的学生在商学院读本 科。2005年, 商学院与北京师范大学珠 海分校签署了课程衔接合作协议,也 就是2+2项目。
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学上的师资力量更为丰厚。如果持有 加拿大大学的毕业证书,学生在就业 市场上也会更有竞争力。”
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September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
圣玛利大学 上接第3页 从招生入学到确保学术成功,SMU不 惜投入大量资源,为交换生们打造良 好的教学和生活环境。Larson介绍 说:“我们为留学生和2+2交换生分 别设计了符合他们需求的入学指导活 动。目前,学校还在设计一个网上学 前导航程序。这个程序面向包括留学 生和本地学生在内的全体新生,帮助 他们在入学前做好充分的准备。”
Saint Mary’s CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 SMU, initially exclusive to Chinese exchange students, “at that time, was in high demand for finance students in China. China just joined the WTO [World Trade Organization], and also China started to reform the financial market.” “They're not happy with Chinese education system now. Education in finance and business, this is much behind competitor education here in North America,” adds Ye. Additionally, holding an international degree makes these students more desirable to employers both in China and abroad, according to Ye. “If you have a degree from a Canadian university, it will make you more competitive.” SMU isn't just sitting back and enrolling these exchange students and leaving them to their own devices, though. The school is putting considerable effort and resources into creating a conducive environment for all their exchange students. “We do orientations specifically designed for international students, and designed for the students who come in on a Two Plus Two,” says Larson. “We're currently exploring an online, pre-arrival orientation package, that we will send out to all students - not just international students, but domestic as well.” “We have so many events. So many,” says Shanshan Luo, a former exchange student studying at the Sobey School of
专题 罗珊珊女士曾是一名商学院的交换 生,现在,她是SMU国际中心留学生 指导员。她的工作是为留学生提供学 习、生活等各方面的咨询和指导,让 学生们更好地熟悉和融入校园环境。 她说:“学校会组织很多活动。除了 学习指导,我们也尽可能地帮助大家 融入Halifax本土生活,让他们有归属 感。我们就是他们在这里的家人!” Kathi Thompson女士是SMU新聘请的 国际学生发展专员。她介绍道:“这 个全新的职位是学校一年前专门为留 学生服务设置的。学校现在有来自90 Business. She now works as the International Student Advisor at the International Centre at SMU, which offers a wide array of counselling, activities and advisors for international students from all walks of life. “Besides their studies, we try to help them feel more comfortable, and more will settle in Halifax,” says Luo. “We just want our students to know we are here. We are their home away from home.” SMU has even gone so far as to create a new position at the university; Coordinator of International Student Success, a position currently occupied by Kathi Thompson. “It's a new position that was created just over a year ago,” says Thompson. “We have 90 countries represented on Saint Mary's campus. We want to be able to provide appropriate support for them when they come to do academic study here.” “There are many wonderful programs here that are supporting international students,” says Thompson. Some of the initiatives spearheaded by Thompson or the heads of the various faculties at SMU include increased student advising, academic coaching, one-on-one and group supports, and peer helping programs. Thompson also recently completed a report outlining the successful ways SMU is reaching out to its international population, as well as areas that could use improvement, based on extensive research of both the leading literature on the subject, and interviews conducted around campus. But, for all the leaps and bounds SMU is
多个不同国家的留学生,我们希望为 这些远道而来的学生提供最大的帮 助。”Thompson还补充道,学校有很 多不错的留学生服务项目,例如学生 咨询部,学术指导部,一帮一互助小 组等。
• Feature
了飞跃式的进步,但离目标还有一定 距离。Thompson说:“我坚信圣玛利 最终会成为一个一流的国际化大学。 在我们的校园,我们希望看到,不论 是留学生还是本地生,不同文化的学 生群体能够互相尊重、互相支持、共 同发展。实现这个目标是一个漫长的 过程,我们可能还有几十年的路要 走。但我深信圣玛利大学会成功地完 成这个转变,因为这里的全体老师, 员工和学生都在积极主动地配合。我 也相信这样的转变对我们每一个人来 说都将起到积极深远的作用。”
making in the realm of international accommodations, there's still room to grow. “What I think Saint Mary's would ultimately like to achieve is an international campus,” says Thompson. “That is, creating a place where all culture groups are both respected and supported in the ways that they need to be supported, but also integrated, whether it's international culture groups, or whether it's with
domestic students.” “The whole process of internationalization on the home campus, it's a journey. It's a long journey. We're talking about thirty or forty years of transition,” adds Thompson. “The journey at Saint Mary's, I think, will be so successful because we have faculty, staff and students who are so interested and really willing to join the journey. I think that journey will take us a long way forward.”
经过阅读和收集大量的一手资料, Thompson在最近的工作报告中探讨了 SMU的留学生服务这一课题,罗列出 其成功的范例,也指出了需要加强完 善的方面。
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September 2013
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Culture •
The 24 solar terms 中国传统二十四节气 SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 圣玛利大学孔子学院 供稿 In China, businesses and individuals give away calendars to customers and friends as gifts when a year comes to an end. In Nova Scotia, people can get a Chinese calendar from their local Chinese communities. A Chinese calendar carries both Gregorian dates and the Chinese traditional dates (农历日期) driven by the 24 solar terms system. Dividing a year into 24 equal parts, the 24 solar terms system has been influencing and shaping people’s daily life in China since ancient time. The system has formed a calendar that guides people’s daily activities in Preindustrial societies. It was used to guide agriculture production, special climate signs such as floods and
drought, cultural ceremonies, family gatherings and even healthy living tips. Forming an important if not indispensable part of the Chinese traditional calendar, the 24 solar terms include Start of Spring, Rain Water, Awakening of Insects, Vernal Equinox, Clear and Bright, Grain Rain, Start of Summer, Grain Full, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Minor Heat, Major Heat,Start of Autumn, Limit of Heat, White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew, Frost Descent, Start of Winter, Minor Snow, Major Snow, Winter Solstice, Minor Cold, and Major cold. The system was created and implemented in ancient China, and then spread to neighbouring countries including Korea and Japan. Originated from the Yellow River area, the system is one of the greatest tools
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每年年底,人们除了忙碌外,有个温 馨的期待就是拿到新年日历。在中 国,公司或个人为了向顾客和朋友表 达谢意和祝福,会互相赠送台历或挂 历。中国传统日历不但印有公历,还 印有农历。二十四节气是中国农历的 重要组成部分,在农业社会起到了非 常关键的作用,至今还影响着人们的 生活。 二十四节气,可以理解为是一种 “历”,在农业社会时代曾经发挥过 巨大作用。朝廷官员、宗教领袖等必 须查看节气以择日举行重大仪式;农 民必须根据节气的规律春种秋收;艺 术家们根据节气来记录和创造诗歌等 作品。节气对古代的政治、经济及文 化生活都产生了深远的影响。它们 是:立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清 明、谷雨、立夏、小满、芒种、夏 至、小暑、大暑、立秋、处暑、白 露、秋分、寒露、霜降、立冬、小 寒、大寒、冬至、小雪、大雪。二十
四节气在中国产生之后,逐渐传播到 朝鲜半岛及日本等邻国。 二十四节气发源于黄河流域,是中国 古代的人们在观察了天文、气象与农 业生产之间的关系之后逐渐创造出来 的一种历法。事实上,二十四节气准 确地反映了太阳相对于地球的运动状 态。按照现代天文学的理解,把太阳 黄经的360度划分成24等分,每份15 度,就成为一个节气(参见图表)。 不过,由于中国地域辽阔,即使在同 一个节气内,南北东西的气候与农业 活动的类型差别都很大。 二十四节气是中国文化的重要组成部 分。它们出现在中国的经、史、子、 集中。譬如儒家经典《左传》记载了 以鸟名官的情况。在记述几种鸟的习 性时,文章使用了某几个二十四节气
September 2013
ć&#x2030;&#x201C;ĺź&#x20AC;ĺ&#x160; ä¸&#x153; â&#x20AC;˘ Dakai Maritimes
The king of seafood
â&#x20AC;˘ Business
Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s increasing love of ĺ&#x160; ć&#x2039;żĺ¤§éž&#x2122;č&#x2122;žćˇąĺ?&#x2014;ä¸ĺ&#x203A;˝ĺ¸&#x201A;ĺ&#x153;şćŹ˘čż&#x17D; Canadian Lobster SUBMISSION BY LOBSTER COUNCIL OF CANADA ĺ&#x160; ć&#x2039;żĺ¤§éž&#x2122;č&#x2122;žç?&#x2020;äş&#x2039;äź&#x161; äž&#x203A;稿 In the era of a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;flattened worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, a term coined by Thomas Friedman in his book â&#x20AC;&#x153;The World is Flatâ&#x20AC;?, there is less need to be homesick for those special meals you once would only enjoy in China. A visit to your grocery store to pick up live lobster, followed by an online search for the perfect way to prepare Cantonese-style lobster can result in a Skype session with your family and friends to enjoy the same meal. With the recent growth in lobster exports to China, chances are that they could be eating Canadian lobster caught at the same time and location as yours. Canadian lobster, also known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Homarus Americanusâ&#x20AC;?, is shipped to more than 50 countries around the world. More than 30,000 kilograms of live lobster is shipped out of Nova Scotia weekly during peak seasons. In recent years, China has become Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number two customer in the export of live lobster. More than $18 million worth of Canadian lobster shipped to China in the first five months of 2013 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a substantial increase from the $2.2 million of seafood sold in 2010. Few people traveling to China for a visit would say it is an easy trip when factoring in time zones, long airport waits and even longer flights. Improvements to shipping processes have meant live lobster can arrive in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai less than two days after departing from Nova Scotiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cold waters. Lobsters are carefully packaged in styrofoam containers with wet, chilled pads to keep them comfortable and refrigerated during their trip. They are then held in quarantine to ensure their good health before clearing customs. Thomas Friedman contends that local
cultures and ideas are becoming globalized. This has worked to Chinese consumersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; advantage. Chinese cooking focuses on using fresh food products. Meal preparation involves shopping in open markets containing live animals and seafood as well as fresh produce. As one of the more popular Chinese menu items, it makes sense that live lobster is required for all special occasions. There is still much to do when it comes to building awareness of Canadian lobster, which is why the Lobster Council of Canada is working to improve the value of this delicious seafood through the launch of a Canadian Lobster Brand. Chinese seafood lovers must adjust to our lobstersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; claws versus the clawless Australian spiny lobsters. In addition, many Chinese consumers would not know where their lobster is from. A Canadian fishermen attending a seafood event in 2012 was told lobster being sold in Bejingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest open market was from Boston, Canada. While a younger generation expects next-day delivery, shipping Canadian lobsters by air has only been in place for the past 60 years. The first commercial air shipment of fresh seafood took place in 1948, which helped evolve Canadian lobster from being a poor manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meal to an elegant dining menu item. Today, lobster is one of the main staples of any country's gourmet scene, especially China. Our clean, natural environment and strict food inspection programs have ensured Canadian lobster is recognized as nutritious and delicious seafood. The only thing better than eating Canadian lobster in China is enjoying it during a visit to one of our beautiful coastal communities. Visit tastelobster.ca, a multilingual website that includes recipes and interesting facts about Canadian lobster and learn more about the Lobster Council of Canada at lobstercouncilcanada.ca.
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Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
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September 2013
September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Life
高尔夫球 赛出PEI岛上华人移民的友谊 尽管张钢先生的整个七月都在加拿大 西部排名前100的高尔夫球场上度过, 但他坚持认为, 爱德华王子岛(PEI)的高 球球场才是全加拿大最棒的。 八年前,张先生从中国珠海移居到爱 德华王子岛的夏洛特敦 (Charlottetown) 。从商数十年,他10年前捡起打高尔 夫球这项运动作为爱好。他笑着 说:“2005年在接到移民局的面试通 知时,我立即拿起高尔夫球包,直奔 PEI来面试。”
President of the Maritime Chinese Golf Association, Gang Zhang. Contributed by Maritime Chinese Golf Assocatiation 加东华人高尔夫球协会会长张钢先生。
PEI golf links Chinese newcomers with Islanders CYNDI SWEENEY Gang Zhang spent July playing some of Western Canada's top 100 golf courses and he remains convinced his province is home to Canada's finest greens. Zhang immigrated from Zhu Hai, China to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island eight years ago. "I received an interview notice from immigration in 2005. I picked up my golf bag and went straight to PEI for the interview," says the businessman, who has been passionately playing golf for more than 10 years. Chairman and founder of the Maritime Chinese Golf Association, Atlantic
Canada's first Chinese golf association, Zhang has played all 33 courses on the island and has built many friendships and business relationships through the sport. His goal is to encourage more Chinese people to golf here and help link local players with newcomers. When the golf enthusiast first arrived in P.E.I in 2007, he spent his first week seeking out golf courses around the island. "I didn't have a car and travelled by taxi to these courses," says Zhang. He recalls his taxi driver asking him several times if he was Japanese. "When I asked
张先生现在是大西洋地区首创高球协 会 - 加东华人高球协会的创始人兼主 席。在PEI,他打遍了全岛33块球 场,结识了很多朋友,也促成了很多 生意方面的合作。他最大的希望就是 看见越来越多的中国人来PEI打高尔夫 球,为连接岛上本土球手和华人球手 做贡献。 2007年,张先生抵达PEI。这位高球爱 好者一登陆便四处搜寻岛上的高球场 地。张先生回忆道:“那时候来来回 回都是搭出租车的,好几次出租车司 机都问我是不是日本人。我很好奇, 就反问为什么他会认为我是日本人。 司机就说,岛上经常会有日本和韩国 的高球球手,可从没见过中国球 手。”从那以后,张先生就下决心要 改变岛上居民这一固有的印象,立志 将更多的中国高球球手带到PEI来打 球。 张先生不止一次地感慨:“PEI有全加 最好的高球场,能定居在这里,我感 到非常幸运。”提到办高球协会的宗 旨,他说,球会的目的一是扩大高尔 夫球在加东华人社区中的知名度和影 响力;二是更好地连接加东本土球手 和华人球手;三是将加东高尔夫球场 推广至国内的商业和旅游领域。 正是因为岛上一流的球场设施,张先 生同太太王女士决定长期定居PEI。同 时,他们也积极鼓励更多的人来PEI旅 游观光甚至定居。王女士笑着说: “我们总是骄傲地告诉国内的亲朋好 友,我们在加拿大居住的地方有水准 一流的高尔夫球场!”
张先生、王女士同家人在岛上居住的 时间几乎是伴着打高尔夫球度过的。 “有时候我们一天要打两场球。”王 女士笑着回忆道:“有一次他一天打 了54洞,比泰格伍兹练得还要苦 呢!”她还提到:“我们两岁的儿子 Noah已经有自己的一套球杆了。我们 一家去过很多地方,但还是觉得PEI最 有家的感觉。”王女士说,PEI最美的 是风土人情,岛上的人都特别友好亲 切。 2012年9月,第一届加东华人高球协 会锦标赛在岛上最受欢迎的Brudenell River Golf Course举行。今年6月底, 第二届锦标赛在岛上的Green Gables Golf Club举行。 崔典居住在多伦多,为了今年6月的赛 事,专程赶到PEI参加比赛。他认为能 通过这次比赛结识岛内外的商界精 英,是个不可多得的好机会。他介绍 说,中国人的生意大都是在饭桌上或 是会议室里谈成的;然而,高尔夫球 场则给商人们提供了更好的沟通平 台。他说:“高尔夫球一打至少是四 个小时,这样,球手们就有足够的时 间交流和探讨生意经。”崔典现就职 于安大略省的跨国公司 - 春兴精工。该 公司是今年锦标赛的赞助方,公司的 总裁也从中国专程来到PEI参加此次比 赛。 另一位活动赞助方是来自Quest Realty 的陈纲先生。作为新球手,陈先生也 参加了今年的比赛。他认为,球赛是 扩大人脉关系的好机会。他希望看到 更多的华人在哈利法克斯做商业投 资,并表示明年的比赛会考虑移到新 斯科舍省的的布雷顿角 (Cape Breton) 举行。 虽然协会目前还处于初创阶段,但是 张先生已经看到岛上越来越多的华人 居民开始参与打高尔夫球,并为推广 这项运动出力。他说:“办比赛的目 的不仅仅是为了让华人球手之间交 流,更是为了让他们和本地球手结 识、学习、建立友谊。” 据悉,第三届加东华人高球锦标赛将 于2014年9月初举行。
September 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Participants at the 2012 Maritime Chinese Golf Tournament in P.E.I. Contributed by Maritime Chinese Golf Assocatiation 2012年加东华人高尔夫球锦标赛部分参与者在爱德华王子岛球场合影。
PEI Golf CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 why he thought I was Japanese, my driver told me he'd met Japanese and Korean golfers but had never met any Chinese golfers on the island," says Zhang. Determined to break that stereotype, Zhang set out to bring more Chinese golfers to P.E.I. "I'm very lucky to have chosen a place to live that has the best golf courses." Zhang founded the Maritime Chinese Golf Association for several reasons: to help raise golf awareness in the Chinese community, to connect Chinese golfers with local Canadian golfers, and to promote Maritime Canada and its golf courses to business investors and tourists in China. Zhang and his partner Pei Wang decided to make P.E.I. home because of the quality of golf on the island and they say they'd like to encourage others to come here. "We have some friends and relatives that have visited us from China and we're always telling them we have the best courses," laughs Wang. Zhang and Wang live on the island with their family and spend almost everyday golfing. "Sometimes we golf two rounds in a day," she laughs recalling once Zhang played 54 holes in one day. There's laughter around the table as Zhang declares he practices more than Tiger Woods. "Our two-year-old son Noah already has his first real set of clubs," says Wang. "We've travelled to a lot of places, but we call P.E.I. home." She says the best
part of the island is the people, who are so friendly. The Maritime Chinese Golf Association hosted its first tournament in 2012 at the popular Brudenell River Golf Course. The 2013 tournament took place at Green Gables Golf Club in June. Dian Cui travelled from Toronto for the tournament and says it provides a great opportunity to network with local businessmen. Unlike in China, where many business deals are conducted over a meal or in a boardroom, Cui says golfing provides a better platform for developing relationships. "When you play golf you have at least four hours to speak with someone and discuss your business ideas.” Cui works with Chunxing Precision Mechanical in Ontario. The company sponsored a hole at the 2013 tournament and the president of the company travelled from China to join the game in June. Ken Chen of Quest Realty is also a sponsor and participant in the tournament. New to golf, Chen has known Zhang for four years and says the tournament has been great for networking. He would like to see more Chinese people invest in Halifax and says next year the tournament may move to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The association is only in its infancy, but Zhang is already seeing more of the island's Chinese population investing in golf and helping grow the industry. "The purpose of the tournament is not just for Chinese to play golf with Chinese players but to play with other local players and learn from each other and build new relationships," says Zhang. Maritime Chinese Golf Association's 2014 tournament will take place in early September.
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September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Events
拿省多元文化节 Nova Scotia Multicultural Festival 今年的拿省多元文化节于6月21至23日在Halifax Seaport举行。作为多元文化 节发起成员组织之一,拿省华人协会一如既往地支持活动,搭建文化展台。圣玛 利大学孔子学院和拿省中华民族文化艺术俱乐部也搭台参展,宣传中华语言、文 化和艺术。志愿者王梅老师带领她的小演员们为观众表演了喜庆欢乐的民族舞 蹈。华协的狮子舞队也在开幕仪式上展示了中国独特的文化符号。(摄影:童心韵)
龙舟节Manulife Dragon Boat Festival 7月6日,第16届Manulife龙舟节在位于达特茅斯的Lake Banook举行。拿省华人 协会既是龙舟节发起成员组织之一,又是代表本省华人社区的唯一参赛队伍。 本次比赛中,由Michael Sun带领的“东方特快”参赛,打进了F组决赛并取得 了F组第二名的好成绩。“东方特快”由21名队员组成,队员大多为华协会员及 其亲朋好友。志愿者王梅老师组织表演队,在现场进行了长达半小时的中国民 族舞和武术等表演。作为传统之一,华协会长鹿有余博士在开幕式上为龙头点 睛,为2013年龙舟节拉开序幕。(摄影:赵梦、Michael Sun)
加拿大国庆日Canada Day
哈法国际街头艺人节Halifax International Busker Festival
7月1日的加拿大国庆日庆典是年度受瞩目的活动之一。今年庆典有拿省皇家国际 军乐汇演(Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo)游行,加拿大空军第12联队飞行 表演,21响礼炮等庆贺活动。在达特茅斯海边Alderney Landing举办的免费夜晚 音乐会则给音乐爱好者带来一次难忘的经历。因为当天下雨而不得不推迟的烟 花表演在7月5日晚上补放。10分钟左右的烟礼花表演不时引来Halifax Waterfront 岸边行人的驻足和欢呼。伴随着海风和音乐,有市民不禁起舞助兴。
哈法国际街头艺人节是本市夏季规模最大的节日,也是世界上规模最大的街头艺 人节之一。今年,为期6天的街头艺人节于7月31日在Halifax Waterfront开幕。 主办方称,今年80-85%的表演者和节目都是第一次在哈法跟观众见面,其阵容 之强大、节目之精彩,在现场观众的笑声和掌声中可以得到证明。在过去的27年 里,街头艺人节每年都为哈法带来世界水准的街头表演艺术。今年演出包括舞 蹈,杂技,柔术和音乐等。
爵士音乐节Jazz Festival
7月30日晚,近70位观众参加了由本省 德国人协会和华协联合举办的电影之 夜,观看纪录片《上海幻梦》(Shanghai Fiction)。纪录片聚焦今日上海, 讲述了四个来自不同地方,有着不同 年龄、社会背景,却都奔波、生活在 上海这座国际大都市的真实人物故事。 德国人协会主席Hannes Weiland先生 在影片放映结束后表示,这部电影让 大家更好地理解了中国是如何在经济 发展浪潮中不断地演变。协会双方都 表示有兴趣与本省其它社团协作,继 续举办类似的系列文化活动。
7月5日,第27届爵士音乐节在全城14 个唱区火热开唱。延续往届习俗,本届 音乐会历时九天。此次音乐节音乐风格 多元、广泛,除了爵士乐还包括有蓝 调,乡村,流行,Hip-hop,轻音乐, 朋克,灵魂,瑞格舞等多种曲风。在这 场音乐的盛会中,来自世界各地的音乐 爱好者、观光者与本地市民聚集在一 起,不论年龄、不分国籍,共同聆听和 交流音乐。
中德协会电影之夜 Movie Night
September 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Solar terms CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 invented during history. When observing and recording the movement of the sun and the stars, ancient Chinese found that it was closely related to the way the crops grew, and the movements had a yearly rotation. They soon outlined this distinctive weather and climatic system and finally came up with the system of the 24 solar terms, which reflects the exact movements of the sun. Each term refers to the angle of the sun shifting 15 degrees along the ecliptic (see the fig.). Although at the same time in the same term, the north and the south normally experience different weathers due to geographic differences. An important part of Chinese culture, the systemforms an important subject in the Confucian classics, Chinese history books, and works of Chinese philosophers and literature. Take one of the
二十四节气 上接第5页 的用语。历史杰作《史记》及诸子的 典籍《管子》中也有酷似二十四节气 的表述。再来看《淮南子》,这本著 作中已有完整的二十四节气的记载, 与今天使用的一模一样。
Confucian classics for example, ZUOZHUAN(左传) recorded that, at one point of time, rankings of officials were named after birds’ names. When describing the birds’ hobbies, the book referred to the 24 solar terms. The historical masterpiece, SHIJI(史记),and the philosophical classic, GUANZI (管子), also included phrases from the 24 solar terms. Another philosophical classic, HUAINANZI(淮南子), used the exactly same 24 terms as the Chinese are using today. Chinese people believe in the saying: “Live at the mercy of the elements” (靠天吃饭). The 24 solar terms system is the system that they have discovered and categorized as “elements”. It continues to guide modern Chinese in their daily life. It shapes their seasonal diet and behaviours. A unique part of Chinese culture, the 24 solar terms system has been carried forward from generation to generation to lead people to a healthy and fulfilled life. In our next column, we’ll review some of the main activities associated with the 24 solar terms.
说到中国的文化,不可能忽略中国的 节气文化。二十四节气是中国人常说 的“靠天吃饭”中“天”的部分。人 们通过二十四节气认“天”,看 “天”穿衣吃饭,看“天”决定每天 的行动。工业化了的中国,人们从电 影、电视剧等影像作品中又找到了他 们熟悉的节气的踪影。 本栏目将继续介绍二十四节气。下回 的话题是,节气中的习俗活动。
September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
Ma La Spicy Pot HANYING WU 伍寒影 供稿
Ingredients (all can be found at your local Chinese grocery stores) Sauce • Sichuan hotpot paste • Sichuan pepper com • 8 cloves of garlic, peeled • 1 tbsp of ginger • Green onions, cut into small pieces
1. In a large pot, boil all your vegetables and proteins in water for five mins; 2. In a large wok, combine 2 tbsp vegetable oil with Sichuan hotpot paste, garlic and ginger, cook in low heat for five minutes (add dried chili and Sichuan peppercorn as optional); 3. Add in the wok your boiled vegetables and proteins for another 10 mins in medium heat, stir frequently to allow all ingredients to absorb the paste; 4. Sprinkle chopped green onions or cilantro to serve.
麻辣香锅 食材: 酱料: 四川火锅底料 花椒 8瓣大蒜 老姜 葱花
素菜类: 莲藕 花菜/菜花 金针菇 蘑菇 冻豆腐 大白菜
Suggested vegetable selections • Lotus root • Cauliflower • Shiitake mushroom • White mushroom • Chinese cabbage • Tofu — firmed Suggested protein selections • Fish balls • Lamb slice — thin cut • Shrimp • Chicken wings
• Recipes
肉类: 各种鱼丸、肉丸 羊肉片 鸡翅 大虾 午餐肉
做法: 1.在大锅中将水烧开,分别放入各种蔬菜 和肉类,放些许盐和胡椒,煮5分钟, 捞出控干水分; 2.炒锅里放油,将四川火锅底料、老 姜、大蒜下锅炒出红油,喜欢吃辣可以再 加一些干辣椒和花椒; 3.看见红油佐料啪啪冒泡时,放入煮 好的蔬菜和肉类,翻炒10分钟让所有的 食材都吸入汤汁佐料; 4. 起锅,放香菜或青葱。
Chinese Egg Tart HANYING WU 伍寒影 供稿 Ingredients • 12 frozen tart shells • 6 extra large egg yolks • 1/4 cup sugar • 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract • 1/2 cup of heavy cream • 1/2 cup of whole fresh milk • 2 tbsp sweet condensed milk Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F or 200 degrees C;
2. Separate egg yolks from whites and place the yolks in a large bowl; 3. Add 1/4 cup caster sugar and whisk well to combine; 4. Add 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract; 5. Add 1/2 tbsp sweet condensed milk; 6. Add 1/2 cup heavy cream and 1/2 cup fresh milk, whisk well to combine; 7. Sift egg mixture to get rid of any foam; 8. Carefully pour egg mixture into each tart shell; 9. Place the tarts in the oven for 20-25 mins or until the fillings are puffed up and the tart edges are golden brown.
食材: 12 个冷冻塔皮 (超市有卖) 6个蛋黄 1/4 杯糖 1/2 汤匙香草精 1/2 杯鲜奶油 1/2 杯鲜牛奶 2 汤匙炼乳
做法: 1. 将烤箱预热到400度; 2.将6个蛋黄和1/4杯糖混合,搅拌均 匀; 3.加入1/2汤匙香草精和炼乳,搅拌 均匀; 4.加入鲜奶油和鲜牛奶,搅拌均 匀; 5.浮去表面的泡沫,小心倒入塔皮 中; 6.放入烤箱,烤20-25分钟,直到 中间的鸡蛋馅膨胀起来和旁边的塔 皮变成金黄色。
唐宏 地产经纪 帮您购买到满意的住宅和商铺 Cell: 902-489-6598 QQ: 122663915 Email: hongtanghalifax@gmail.com Blog: halifaxteahouse.blogspot.ca
September 2013
Dakai Maritimes â&#x20AC;˘ ć&#x2030;&#x201C;ĺź&#x20AC;ĺ&#x160; ä¸&#x153;
Automotive â&#x20AC;˘
Mazda3 matures with KODO design, new technology for 2014
ć&#x2013;°ä¸&#x20AC;䝣銏č&#x2021;Şčžž3ďź&#x161;ĺ&#x2026;¨é?˘é?Šć&#x2013;°ďź&#x152;ĺ˝°ć&#x2DC;žâ&#x20AC;&#x153;é&#x201A;ĺ&#x160;¨â&#x20AC;?é&#x2026;ĺ&#x160;&#x203A; TODD GILLIS When Ford ended its long-time partnership with Mazda, there were many sceptics who predicted the demise of the Hiroshima-based Japanese automaker. But since its separation, Mazda has proven in extraordinary fashion that it can do just fine on its own. With its heralded 'SkyActiv Technology,' plus its equally-celebrated new 'KODO Design' theme, the company has made an incredible transformation in an astonishingly brief period of time. Its success of late is evident at its Hofu, Japan plant where itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s currently rolling off vehicles at a staggering rate
of one every 54 seconds (the 10 millionth vehicle drove off its assembly line September 3). Off those 10 million vehicles, more than 3.5 million of the automaker's most important model, the Mazda3, have been sold since its debut in 2003. A perennial favourite among Canadians, the Mazda3 represents 30 per cent of the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total global sales (it is sold in more than 120 countries). The third-generation 2014 Mazda3 will also embody that KODO design and, of course, the full suite of fuel-saving SkyActiv technologies, not to mention a host of new available technology features.
č&#x2021;ŞéŠŹč&#x2021;ŞčžžçŚťĺź&#x20AC;çŚ?ç&#x2030;šç&#x161;&#x201E;ć&#x20AC;&#x20AC;ć&#x160;ąäš&#x2039;ĺ?&#x17D;ďź&#x152;人䝏 ć&#x203A;žä¸&#x20AC;庌ć&#x2039;&#x2026;ĺż&#x192;čż&#x2122;个ć?Ľč&#x2021;Şć&#x2014;Ľć&#x153;Źĺšżĺ˛&#x203A;ç&#x161;&#x201E;湽轌 ĺ&#x2C6;śé&#x20AC; ĺ&#x2022;&#x2020;ć&#x2DC;Żĺ?Śĺ°ąć¤ćś&#x2C6;夹ă&#x20AC;&#x201A;ä˝&#x2020;äş&#x2039;ĺŽ&#x17E;čŻ ć&#x2DC;&#x17D;ďź&#x152; 銏č&#x2021;ŞčžžäťĽĺ&#x2026;śé?&#x17E;ĺ&#x2021;Ąç&#x161;&#x201E;ć&#x2014;śĺ°&#x161;č´¨ć&#x201E;&#x;ďź&#x152;ĺ?&#x2022;éŁ&#x17E;ĺ?&#x17D; ć&#x203A;´ĺ&#x2026;ˇĺ¸&#x201A;ĺ&#x153;şçŤ&#x17E;äş&#x2030;ĺ&#x160;&#x203A;ă&#x20AC;&#x201A;ć&#x2039;Ľć&#x153;&#x2030;â&#x20AC;&#x153;SkyActivĺ&#x2C6;&#x203A; 銰č&#x201C;?夊ć&#x160;&#x20AC;ć&#x153;Żâ&#x20AC;?ĺ&#x2019;&#x152;â&#x20AC;&#x153;KODOé&#x201A;ĺ&#x160;¨â&#x20AC;?莞莥 ç?&#x2020;ĺżľďź&#x152;銏č&#x2021;Şčžžĺ&#x153;¨ć&#x153;&#x20AC;ç&#x;ç&#x161;&#x201E;ć&#x2014;śé&#x2014;´ĺ&#x2020;&#x2026;ĺ&#x2021;&#x2020;ĺ¤&#x2021;弽 äş&#x2020;čż&#x17D;ć&#x17D;Ľć&#x2013;°ç&#x161;&#x201E;ć&#x2014;śäťŁă&#x20AC;&#x201A;
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â&#x20AC;˘ ć&#x2013;°ćŹžč˝Śĺ&#x17E;&#x2039;ĺ&#x152;&#x2026;ć&#x2039;Ź2.0Lĺ&#x2019;&#x152;2.5L两个ć&#x17D;&#x2019; é&#x2021;?ďź&#x152;ĺ&#x2C6;&#x2020;ĺ&#x2C6;Ťć?č˝˝â&#x20AC;&#x153;SKYACTIV-Gâ&#x20AC;?2.0Lĺ&#x2019;&#x152; 2.5Lĺ&#x2C6;&#x203A;銰č&#x201C;?夊éŤ&#x2DC;ĺ&#x17D;&#x2039;矊ćŻ&#x201D;湽沚ç&#x203A;´ĺ&#x2013;ˇĺ?&#x2018;ĺ&#x160;¨ ć&#x153;şďź&#x152;ĺ&#x152;šé&#x2026;?â&#x20AC;&#x153;SKYACTIV-DRIVEâ&#x20AC;? çłťĺ&#x2C6;&#x2014;ĺ&#x2C6;&#x203A;銰č&#x201C;?夊6é&#x20AC;&#x;ć&#x2030;&#x2039;č&#x2021;Şä¸&#x20AC;ä˝&#x201C;ĺ?&#x2DC;é&#x20AC;&#x;ĺ&#x2122;¨ĺ?&#x160;6 é&#x20AC;&#x;ć&#x2030;&#x2039;ĺ&#x160;¨ĺ?&#x2DC;é&#x20AC;&#x;ĺ&#x2122;¨ďź&#x203A;
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September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
New Mazda3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 Here are some highlights of the completely redesigned 2014 Mazda3 which we'll see in Canadian showrooms in the coming weeks: • Under the hood, Canadians will choose from Mazda's 2.0-litre and 2.5litre SkyActiv-G gasoline engines with either the SkyActiv six-speed automatic or six-speed manual for this 2014 edition. • The 2.0-litre engine will make 155 horsepower and 150 lb.-ft. of torque, while the 2.5 litre is rated for 184 horsepower and 185 lb.-ft. of torque (values are for both sedan and hatchback models). • Inside, the new three sports an Active Driving Display which shows vehicle speed, information from the navigation system, and other important driving data on a clear panel vertically mounted behind the instrument cluster hood. • The new instrument cluster design features a centrally-positioned analogue gauge surrounded by a pair of wing-shaped digital displays. The dial face for the center gauge features threedimensional metallic numerals. • A red ring around the center gauge pulsates when the driver opens the door and the Active Driving Display rises into position when the ignition is turned on. -Increased front and rear shoulder room in the new Mazda3 contributes to greater comfort for occupants. Rear legroom is ample at 909 mm and the rear seatbacks are 50 mm taller. In addition, the front seat backs are sculpted to provide rear seat occupants more knee room. • The interior will be available in offwhite or black leather and in two types of fabric in black or sand. • The base of the A-pillars in the new Mazda3 were repositioned 100 mm rearward to help improve forward visibility.
汽车 • The side-view mirrors were also moved to the doors instead of the base of the A-pillar which will help expand the range of visibility when looking over the mirrors from the driver’s seat. • Mazda also made the seat cushions larger and modified the seat backs to improve seating position while providing more lateral support. • On the safety front, the new three's advanced safety technologies have been labeled 'i-ACTIVSENSE.' • The new three will use sensing devices such as milliwave radars and cameras to support the driver in recognizing hazards, avoiding collisions and minimizing damage when accidents occur. • It was also feature a High Beam Control System that will automatically switch the headlamps between high and low beams. • Other prominent new safety features available include a Blind Spot Monitoring System, Lane Departure Warning System, Forward Obstruction Warning and Smart City Brake Support. • Also, a new generation Human-machine Interface (HMI) in the 2014 Mazda3 (on the top-level GT trim), based on the Active Driving Display concept, will help drivers maintain proper posture and better concentration on the road. • Its information is displayed on a new iPad-like seven-inch flat screen that's stuck to the top of the dashboard. • The new three also has an upgraded infotainment system with Bluetooth smartphone connectivity; using text-tovoice technology, the system can read emails, tweets, texts and even Facebook updates. • Outside, the 2014 Mazda3 incorporates the same KODO design language used on the 2014 Mazda6 and CX-5. • Mazda3 wheelbase was made longer to increase interior space and to permit a more stable ride. • The new three will be available with a choice of 18- or 16-inch aluminum wheels, or 16-inch steel wheels with full wheel caps. • It will also have seven available body colours. • It will also be the first Mazda product to get shutters in its front grille that close in certain conditions to reduce aerodynamic drag.
• Automotive
The 2014 Mazda3 is loaded with new features. 2014款马自达3增设全新功能,让人眼前一亮。
新一代马自达3 上接第13页 升发动机则可产生184马力的功率和 185磅-英尺扭矩(数值应用于三厢和 两厢车型); • 车厢内置Active Driving Display抬头 显示系统很有科技感。除了可以显示 车速信息之外,也整合了卫星导航系 统和其他一些重要行车信息显示; • 另一个创新和亮点设计是全新飞翼 式仪表板设计。中央的大号圆盘为转 速表,并特地采用金属与红色饰条搭 配,跑车味十足。同时圆环右下方还 拥有一个数字液晶屏用来提供车速信 息; • 车主打开车门时,仪表盘上的红色 饰条将会跳动;点火启动时,抬头显 示系统会自动升起就位; • 为了带来更好的乘坐感受,新马3增 加了肩部空间,后排有909毫米充足的 腿部空间,座椅也增高了50毫米。此 外,前座靠背支撑为后座的乘客提供 了更大的膝部空间; • 车内座椅可选择:灰白或黑色真 皮;黑色或沙色缎面; • 新代车型的A柱较上一代车型后移 了100毫米,让驾驶员可以获得前方更 好的视野; • 两边的侧视镜也从A柱移到了车门 上,驾驶员可获得更宽广的视野; • 增大坐椅面积,提高椅背位置的同 时增强了侧向支撑;
Mazda photo
• 采用先进的i-ACTIVSENSE整合式 安全系统,该系统透过许多装置于车 身上的毫波雷达及镜头设备侦测车身 周遭的障碍物及车辆,让驾驶者及早 留意到即将发生的危险,避免紧急状 况,降低事故风险; • 配备远光灯控制系统,自动切换调 节远光灯和近光灯; • 配备高端电子辅助安全设备:盲点 监测系统,车道偏离警告系统,碰撞 预警系统和智能城市制动支持技术; • 此外,基于Active Driving Display的 抬头显示系统,新款车型(GT顶级内饰 水平)拥有新一代的人机界面(HMI),帮 助车主在驾驶中保持正确坐姿,集中 注意力; • 车内中控台上置有酷似iPad的7英 寸液晶平板屏幕显示信息; • 车内装有升级版的多媒体整合娱乐 系统,可与蓝牙智能手机连接。用户 可以使用声控信息,读取电子邮件, 收发短信,连接Twitter或是登陆 Facebook; • 外观设计上,车身沿用了马自达6和 CX-5的魂动设计理念; • 增长的轴距使车厢空间更为宽敞舒 适,使驾驶更平稳; • 具有18英寸、16英寸铝合金轮毂以 及16英寸的钢制轮圈供选择; • 7种车身颜色; • 作为马自达第一部引入主动式进气 隔栅设计的轿车,车辆可以在接近一 定条件下自动降低风阻系数。
September 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Students •
你结交朋友、了解风土民情,以及校园 文化和设施,从而尽快更好地适应到新 的环境中。
3.实际大于理论,专业要顺应兴趣。选 择专业的时候,一定要充分了解自己 的兴趣和特长所在,不要太过依赖顺 从家人安排,也不要浑浑噩噩地“随 大流”。“冷门”和“热门”之说, 往往因人而异。
吴秋凌,戴尔豪 西大学国际学生 中心指导员,在 留学生咨询和教 育工作领域有 近12年的丰富经 验。
1.重视并充分做好开学前的准备。提前 计划好到校一周内的生活,避免由于 缺乏重视或一无所知而遭遇尴尬狼狈 和种种波折。 2.积极参与迎新周(Orientation Week). 从字面上讲,Orientation 就是“方向” 的意思,也就是让学生们能够找得到 “北”,即“熟悉情况”。对于初来乍 到的你,积极参加各种迎新活动有助于
4.充分利用校园资源。国外的校园资源 非常丰富且可靠。这些免费却十分宝 贵的资源基本包括:教授、学生会、 办公室、协会、社团、图书馆、健身 馆,乃至学校官网。 5.独立,活泼,勤奋,好问。国外学习 生活最显著特点就是独立自主,没有 人有义务和责任被你依赖,你的独立 能力将会得到最大的考验和锻炼。课 堂上,不论本地学生还是国际学生, 都要勤奋努力才能获得好的绩点(GPA) 才能在未来就业中有所优势;考前 “临时抱佛脚”是很难成功的。不要 等着教授来给你“特殊关心”;虽然 你是国际生,但是在加拿大教授眼 里,国际生和本地学生都是他的学 生,没有任何分别。
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Dr. Michael Zhang, 圣玛利 大学金融系,信 息系统与管理科 学副教授兼系 主任,在加拿大 从事大学教育工 作十余年。
1.误区:身边朋友或前辈的建议和选择 最靠谱 即使是同一专业,也会由于各 人兴趣目标不同而有各种不同的选课 和排课方式。因此,也许别人的成功 经验在你身上并不适用。针对新生选 课问题,建议到所在院校的学术咨询 处 (Academic Advising Office) 求助。有着本地丰富教育经验的老师将 会耐心负责地为你提供学习计划和选课 意见。 2.误区:高GPA = 高就业 建议新生不要为了GPA而选择简单花 哨的课程专业等。不论对于学校还是公 司雇主,你的综合素质和能力才是他们
最大的考量。务必脚踏实地地根据自 己的兴趣和未来职业规划来认真选择 专业和课程。 3.误区:被动学习,走一步看一步 国外求学,最大的特点除了独立自 主,就是未雨绸缪。意即学生要长远 规划(Long-term Goal),考虑周全。建 议新生入学初就要仔细考虑自己大三 的专业选择和未来就业意向,从而有 针对性地择课排课以及参加各类校园 活动,这样才能有效地逐步强化自己 的实力来满足未来工作要求。 4.误区:出国就是为了镀金 中国学生留学海外部分原因是回国后更 有竞争优势或更受雇主青睐。虽然近 几年这种“海归热”在不断减退,但 是依然有学生计划着在国外轻松取得 文凭就回国就业;有的则受到种种挫折 后就等着毕业回国。建议新生不要把回 国当成是“疗伤药”或者“挡箭牌”而 对未来四年学习万般忍耐,敷衍了事。 既来之,则安之。只有真正踏实地学 习,不断历练自己,才能在竞争中自信 从容,才能在未来各种变化中占据优 势。
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September 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
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