Dakai Maritimes December 2014 Issue

Page 1





Local father and Chinese daughter Page 3

Celebrating the Sheep Year Page 6

Nocturne brings art in the open Page 10

Get a name in Chinese Characters Page 12

December 2014

George Gao and his beautiful instrument 世界顶级二胡 大师高韶青 Page 3 第3页

Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Sales: Director, Community and Editor and Project Manager: Published By: For rates and information call Custom Publishing: Peter Clarke The Chronicle Herald - Community (902) 471-8829 or Jeff Nearing and Custom Publishing Translations: Christine Qin Yang Magazine@Dakai.ca. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Cover photo: Chris Muise Meng Zhao


December 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Cover Story •



世界顶级二胡大师高韶青 译/Christine Qin Yang 单凭他那静谧的曲风,你难以想象这 位世界闻名的音乐大师曾经也只是个 顽皮的小孩。

George Gao uses an upgraded erhu of his own invention, called a Shao Qin. His upgrades give the instrument a greater deal of range. Photo by Confucius Institute 世界著名二胡大师高韶青和他独创的韶琴二胡。他设计改良后的韶琴二胡音域极广。

A Conversation with George Gao BY CHRIS MUISE You would never in a million years guess it from listening to his serene composures, but the career of worldclass musician George Gao all began after getting into schoolyard fights as a child. “I was a very naughty boy. I fought with other kids, and a lot of times, I just got all dirty,” says Gao, who spoke with Dakai Maritimes earlier this fall when he was in town to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the first Confucius Institute. “There was one day, I was all bruised, I was hit by some other kids. My mom said, ‘you know what, you should do something to be tamed.’” His mother and father — an elementary school music teacher and an engineer with a love of music, respectively

— convinced Gao to take up a musical instrument, which Gao believes they may have suggested as a way to avoid a future of heavy labour in the days of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. “I think my parents had the idea, to teach me a little bit of music, to avoid digging ground,” says Gao. “That’s how I started to play erhu.” For readers who may not be familiar with the instrument, an erhu is a type of traditional Chinese fiddle, that is played while held vertically like a cello. Gao began playing the erhu at the age of six, and went on to study at the Shanghai Conservatory Middle School and join the Ensemble of Traditional Music in Beijing. Today, he is arguably one of the most accomplished contemporary erhuists performing today.


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今年秋季正直全球孔子学院建院十周 年之际,高韶青先生被特邀前来哈利 法克斯圣玛丽大学孔子学院参与庆典 活动。在这里,这位世界公认的当今 最优秀、最创新的二胡大师之一、现 代二胡音乐的代表人物与《打开加 东》分享了他的成长故事。 “我小时候太淘气了,老是和别的孩 子打架,还总把自己弄得脏兮兮的。 我记得有一天,我和别的孩子打完 架,把自己弄的全身是伤。于是,我

妈妈决定采取一些措施让我静下心 来。” 高韶青回忆道。 高韶青的母亲是位小学音乐教师,父 亲是工程师,但对音乐极其热爱。于 是,建议儿子学习一样乐器作为爱好 便是理所当然的选择。高韶青后来觉 得,这也可能是父母的良苦用心,让 他在当时的大环境下逃脱靠出卖苦力 吃饭的命运。 “我觉得当年父母有他们的想法,他 们想教我一些音乐,让我不用下地干 活。”高韶青回忆道:“就这样,我 开始拉起了二胡。” 西方的读者可能对二胡不是很熟悉。


December 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes


EVA and ME: In conversation with father and author John MacIntyre BY CYNDI SWEENEY Poignant imagery and honest observations reveal the story of a young orphan from China, a father from rural Nova Scotia and their journey building a life together in Lunenburg, impacting both their destinies. From the opening quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “Where there is love there is life,” Eva Purcell-MacIntyre and John MacIntyre’s book, EVA and ME weaves a powerful combination of recollections and images to tell the story of Eva Marie. MacIntyre’s prose compliment Eva’s transition from a once stoic and cautious 14-month-old baby, to a vibrant and glowing 12year-old.

George Gao CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Gao moved to Canada in 1991, to perform at the Toronto Royal Conservatory of Music, where he would perform and eventually teach. He studied piano and other instruments while at the Toronto Conservatory, but it was the erhu that he would go on to master. “For an instrumentalist, everybody knows that you spend a lot of time practicing. To master an instrument, it takes a long time, and it’s hard to change. So, like it or not, I’m stuck with it.” says Gao with a laugh. “The thing is, I think I’m lucky to be stuck with something I like.” Gao has gone so far as to invent his own version of the erhu, an instrument he calls the Shao Qin, or “beautiful instrument.” He drew the name in part from his own Chinese name, Shaoqing. “After many years, I have upgraded it,” says Gao, who uses synthetic snake skin on his instrument, the sound of which is not affected by weather, unlike real snake skin. “The regular erhu, the sound is wonderful, so that’s why my erhu keeps the original sound. But

专题报道 MacIntyre says the book was inspired by Douglas Coupland’s ability to tell anew a popular story about Terry Fox in his pictorial biography, Terry. “With that book in mind, I wanted to explore a father-daughter relationship in a meaningful way that might be photographically driven and have the text to support,” recalls MacIntyre. When the idea first hatched, his daughter wasn’t so keen. “I kept pestering her and she wasn't having any part of it ... we all have good stories and I think hers is pretty good,” MacIntyre laughs. “Sharing my story with my community, I felt very proud,” says Eva MacIntyre. “We had a launch for the book and a lot of people showed up. They asked me to sign their book, and it felt like, wow, this is cool.” Eva’s journey from a Guangzhoubased orphanage in 2004, to her home in Lunenburg was geographically vast. However the family has woven a cultural link, celebrating both their Chinese heritage alongside their maritime roots. “The most important thing for all of us... is to accept who the original erhu, the range is limited, and the volume is limited.” Gao says one of the reasons he designed the Shao Qin to be more versatile is to dispel the stereotype, especially in China, that the erhu can only create sad sounds. “Even before upgrading my erhu, my music was already totally out of this little stereotype,” says Gao. “I don’t want people to think erhu is only capable of crying, or whining. I want to do something more interesting...the erhu really can sing.” While Gao considers Canada his home, he has been living in China the last three years, helping the Shanghai Visual Arts University develop their music program. Gao is excited to be teaching in China, and is interested to see where the path he’s paved with playing the erhu will take him next. “I think everybody has their own destiny. If you go against the flow, it’s hard, even though you might succeed,” says Gao. “What I’m focusing on is making the best of every day, because I think life is very short. You don’t want to always be hoping to have something tomorrow — you want to do something today.”

• Feature

对话《伊娃与我》 译/Christine Qin Yang

Eva Purcell-MacIntyre and John MacIntyre celebrating the launch of their book, EVA & ME in 2014. (L-R) Photo credit: Vernon Oickle Eva(左)和John(右)庆祝新书 《伊娃与我》的发布。

you are. We're all amalgams of different experiences and cultures and it will inform who they are.” When Eva was three-years-old the family adopted her sister Sonya. Together the sister’s enjoy all life has to offer in a south shore fishing village. “You’re never short of anything to do here. You can pick blueberries, straw-


二胡大师高韶青 上接第3页 二胡是中国传统弓弦乐器,演奏方式 与大提琴相似。高韶青从六岁开始学 习二胡,之后他就读于上海师院附属 中学,并加入北京民族乐团。如今, 他已发展成为世界公认的当今最优秀 的二胡演奏家之一。 高韶青于1991年移居加拿大,并开始 在多伦多皇家音乐学院演奏及授课。 在学院的这段时间里,他研习了钢琴 等其它乐器,但二胡始终是他最拿 手、最热爱的乐器。 “大家都知道,想要成为一名出色的 演奏家,你必须花费大量的时间练 习。掌握一项乐器,需要时间,这是 改变不了的事实。所以,无论怎样, 我都得坚持下去。”高韶青笑着补充 道:“幸运的是,我坚持做的事情也 是我非常热爱做的事情。” 这位在二胡演奏上造诣甚高的演奏家 还有自己独创的二胡,并加入了自己 名字的元素,将其命名为“韶琴二 胡”。 “多年来,我一直在对韶琴二胡做改 进。”高韶青告诉我们,普通的二胡 是用蛇皮制成,但动物皮的缺点是不

《Eva and Me》(本文译为《伊娃与 我》)以深刻的意象和纪实的手法,讲 述一个中国孤儿与一位来自新斯科舍 省的父亲在卢嫩堡小镇共同生活,以及 这段生活旅程如何影响着他们彼此命 运的感人故事。 本书开篇引用了圣雄甘地的名言: “有爱的地方,就有生命。”书中, 这位来自卢嫩堡的父亲John MacIntyre 用丰富的图文记录了他的中国养女Eva 的故事。MacIntyre的散文记录着Eva 从一个沉默胆怯的十四个月大的婴儿 到充满活力的十二岁阳光少女这光阴 间的转变。 MacIntyre告诉我们,他的创作灵感来 自于道格拉斯科普兰为特里福克斯 所著的写真传记《特里》,该传记将 特里人所皆知的故事以全新的方式呈 现给了大众。MacIntyre回忆道:“自

下转第5页 稳定,音色随着天气变化而变化,给 演奏家带来很多困难。韶琴二胡的制 作使用人造蛇皮,彻底解决了这个问 题。他说:“正常二胡的音质已经很 优美,这也是我保持二胡本来音色的 缘由。但普通的二胡的音域以及音量 还是有限的。” 他接着说,发明韶琴的另一个原因是 为了消除人们对二胡的刻板印象,特 别是在中国,人们总觉得二胡声听起 来很凄惨。 “在我改进二胡以前,我的音乐总被 局限在一个狭小范畴。”他回忆道: “我不希望大家认定二胡只能发出哭 泣呜咽声。我希望让大家重新认识二 胡,认同它的声音也可以是悦耳欢快 的。” 虽然高韶青长期居住在加拿大,但过 去这三年他一直在中国帮助上海视觉 艺术学院发展他们的音乐项目。他觉 得诸如此类的机会很有意义,也很期 待二胡带给自己的下一段奇妙旅程。 “我认为每个人都有自己的使命,如 果你不认清自己的使命,即使你最后 会成功,这个过程也会很艰难。”高 韶青最后说:“最重要的是认真过好 当下。人生实在太短暂了,你不能永 远期待着明天,最重要的是当下。”

December 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •



《伊娃与我》 上接第4页 从有了写书的想法,我便开始想用一 种有意义的方式来探索我们父女之间 的关系,于是就有了大量的照片和文 字记录。” 创作伊始,女儿Eva对此并没有太感 兴趣。MacIntyre笑着说:“我一直希 望她能加入,但她开始并未参与。我 们之间有许多有趣的故事,而且她的 故事都非常精彩。” Eva 告诉我:“能和我身边的人分享我 的故事,我感到很骄傲。许多读者参 与了我们的新书发布会,他们还让我

Eva and Me CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 berries, there's Ross Farm. It’s a never ending list of things to do,” says MacIntyre. “I think you can make your life like that anywhere.” Like most 12-year-old Canadian girls, MacIntyre says she’s looking forward to Christmas dinner, decorations and the holiday parade. Her nine-year-old sister is excited for snow, Santa and decorating the tree. Their father says both girls love the local Christmas parade every year and look forward to Chinese New Year. “We used to go to the big festivals in Halifax, but there's a group of people who get together in Bridgewater and always have a Chinese New Year festival,” says MacIntyre. Of the 15-to-20 Chinese families living in Lunenburg county, the celebration involves tradi-

在书上签名,这让我受宠若惊。” 2004年,Eva被从广州的一家收养所带 回了卢嫩堡的家。即使相隔万里,家 人不曾让Eva忘记自己的文化根源。 这个远在大西洋彼岸的家庭特意为Eva 保留了她的中国传统文化。因为父亲 MacIntyre 认为,接受自己的文化根源 对于任何人来说都是很重要的。每个 人都代表着不同的背景和文化。 在Eva三岁的时候,MacIntyre一家人 又收养了Eva同在中国收养所的妹妹 Sonya。从此,她便和妹妹一起享受着 南部渔村的美好时光。“这里永远不 会让你感到无聊。你可以在罗斯农场 里摘蓝莓、草莓。总之这里有做不完 的有趣的事情。” MacIntyre接着说: tional foods and everyone dresses in traditional costume. “One couple even went so far as to get a great big dragon made and it's always the hit of the day.” “When the dragon would come out everyone always wanted to touch the dragon,” recalls the sisters. “I think my favourite is the Chinese food,” says Eva. “I really enjoy the egg rolls.” Their father says the girls feel very proud of their heritage, both Chinese and Canadian and he’d like them to be curious about China, because it’s part of who they are. “Eva says to me, ‘I love tourists. I wish I was a tourist and just visiting Lunenburg and then I could see it all over again in a different way.’,” says MacIntyre. “They love their life and who they are. There are very few unhappy moments.” EVA and ME is available on Amazon.ca and www.macintyrepurcell.com.

Wishing You A Happy Chinese New Year Of The Sheep! 恭喜发财,羊年大吉!

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“我觉得无论身在何处,人人都能拥 有这样的生活。” 和大多数12岁加拿大女生一样,Eva 现在很期待圣诞大餐、游行和节日装 饰。而九岁的妹妹则更期待下雪、圣 诞老人和妆点圣诞树。 父亲说,两个女儿都特别喜欢过圣诞 节和中国农历新年。“我们每年都会 去哈利法克斯参加一些庆典活动。我 们也和住在Bridgewater小镇的朋友们 一起庆祝中国传统新年。”MacIntyre 随即介绍,卢嫩堡大概有十五到二十 户中国家庭。每逢春节,他们都做传 统中国菜,有些还穿上传统服饰。 “一对夫妻每年都找来中国龙做装 饰,热闹非凡。”对此,妹妹Sonya 说:“大家都想要摸一摸龙头。” 中 国菜也是姐姐Eva最喜欢的菜式,特

别是春卷。 MacIntyre还分享道,两个孩子都很认 同自己的文化根源,中国文化和加拿 大文化都让她们感到骄傲。作为父 亲,他也希望孩子们能对中国和中国 文化感兴趣,因为这是她们的根。 “Eva有次跟我说,‘我喜欢当游 客’。我希望我自己是一个来卢嫩堡 旅游的观光客,这样我可以用不同的 视角来体验这里。” MacIntyre说: “她们享受生活,并喜欢做自己。她 们很快乐。” 读者可在亚马逊网站和 www.macintyrepurcell.com找到《Eva and Me》一书。

December 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



Celebrating the Sheep Year

作者:赵梦 中国农历新年即将来临之际,想必加 拿大的朋友们都会学几句贺新年的中 文吧!

BY MENG ZHAO Xin-nian-kuai-le – it might be a good idea to start brush up your Mandarin as the Chinese New Year is soon ringing in. We will be welcoming the year of the sheep on February 19, 2015. People born in the sheep year are believed to be just, kind, sentimental and graceful. Perhaps, these traits have something to do with the sheep being ranked eighth in the series of Chinese zodiac animals, where the number "eight" in China is auspicious. I remember how I celebrated Chinese New Years with my family back in China. It all started with Mom’s mouthwatering homemade pork sausage. Adding a special kind of cooking wine was her secret. Dad spent hours at the market looking to buy the best calligraphy scrolls. I made the paste for gluing the scrolls on doors and walls. Before our New Year’s dinner, we would light a thick roll of firecrackers in front of our house. And, as messy and loud as it was, we believed it would dismiss all the misfortunes. When I was much younger, I would receive a red envelope from my parents with money inside. We called it hong-bao (red envelope). The elderly hand it to the youngsters to recognize and encourage good behaviour. The night was just started after the dinner. We would stay up until midnight watching a New Year’s television special in anticipation of the countdown from the Tiananmen Square in Beijing. That was when mom started to make the delicious pork-stuffed dumplings. As we Chinese say, “a year without dumplings does not count as a real year.” Shaped like ancient Chinese yuan-bao (ingots), and symbolizing fortune and wealth, dumplings are the must-have New Year’s food. Although traditional dumplings are made only with dough and meat or vegetable fillings inside, mom would make a

过羊年 我们将在2015年2月19日迎来羊年。 属羊的人文静高雅,聪明活泼,极富 才华。羊被看作是个极其特别的属 相,也许是因为它在十二生肖中排第 八,而在中国文化中,‘8’又是个极 为吉利的数字。

It’s traditional to paste paper-cuts on entrance gates in China during the Chinese New Year. This character says “Spring”. 中国传统的剪纸工艺为新年增添喜庆气 氛。

special one with candies. Whoever got the special dumpling, which works just like a fortune cookie, would have the best luck in the New Year. Guess who got the special one every year? Although I haven’t celebrated the Chinese New Year in these most traditional ways since I moved to Halifax eight years ago, I’ve been very fortunate to celebrate this special festival with a much larger crowd — people from the local Chinese community. Every year, volunteers from various local Chinese associations would organize celebration events such as the annual Chinese New Year Banquet and Chinese New Year’s Party. A relatively small community comparing to other parts of Canada, we’re all very proud of our culture and take pride in celebrating. Celebrations for me sometimes could also be feasting with my friends all night or as simple as treating myself with a fortune cookie. Although it’s hard to live and practice all the traditions I grew up with while living away from home, I believe it’s most important to have the spirit to celebrate despite where you are and who you are with. I wish you the best luck in the year of the sheep. Yang-nian-da-ji.

如果回忆在家乡过年必做的几件事, 我第一个想起的便是置办各种各样的 年货。妈妈亲手准备的新年食物中最 让我怀念的是她拿手的灌香肠。美味 的香肠做好以后挂起晾晒,年味十 足。挂年画、贴对联、大扫除和放鞭 炮在除夕也是必不可少的程序。当 然,小朋友们最期待的肯定是领长辈 们给的红包。 除夕夜吃年夜饭必不可少。一家人一

• Feature

边看春晚、守岁,一边包饺子。我还 记得妈妈每年都会在饺子馅里放糖 果,寓意是谁吃了带有糖果的饺子谁 这一年就大吉大利、甜甜蜜蜜。奇怪 的是,这带糖果的饺子总落在我的碗 里。 自从来到加拿大以后便再没有回家过 过年。因为在这里中国新年不是传统 节假日,大家可能会因此觉得没有节 日气氛。但是如果你稍作打听,就会 了解到,当地的华人和非华人社区每 年都会用丰富多彩的活动来庆祝中国 新年。譬如,这里的华人社团每年都 会组织“新年晚宴”、“新年聚会” 等庆新年活动;大学里的国际留学生 中心也会组织热闹的迎新活动;当地 的公司虽然不会给员工们放假,但有 些也会在中国新年这天组织员工外出 午餐、晚餐或聚会等等。 对我而言,在异乡庆祝新年的形式可 以是和朋友们欢畅的聚会,也可以是 简单地送自己一块好运饼干。无论身 在何方或是怎样庆祝,我坚信,过新 年最重要的还是要有一副辞旧迎新的 好心情。 最后,祝大家在新的一年里“羊”眉 吐气、“羊羊”得意、羊年大吉!

The traditional lion dance is often performed during festivals such as the Chinese New Year. 在各式各样海外华人社团庆新年活动中,传统舞狮队伍必不可少。

December 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Food •



Chinese Cuisine AUTHOR MRS. HELEN KWAN TRANSLATED BY MR. FRED FONG The technique of Chinese Cuisine has a long history, which flourishes into splendid experiences and features. The Chinese has always been well known for their important perception in cooking. Their pursuit in presentation, flavor and taste of food to the perfection has made Chinese food one of the most popular cuisines in the world. They also emphasize on the aspect of remedy through food with herbs. From the primitive days of roasting food to the comprehensive use of different kinds of cooking device has turned cooking into a great art. Although the existence of high pressure cooker has given cooking much con-

venience, but the traditional earthenware still being used for simmer to maintain the taste. The common ways of cooking Chinese food are: broil, smoke, simmer, marinate, stew, steam, cold mix, deep fry and stir fry. For example “cold mix” is usually the method of preparing cold plates, such as cold cuts and pickled vegetables. The method is simple and it is healthy. It is a great way for serving food as appetizer. “Stew” can be used for cooking poultry or pork by adding with some herbal plants may benefit people’s health, slow down the aging process. It is great for use in autumn and winter. “Stir Fry” is the most common way of cooking, especially in Cantonese cuisine. No matter whether it is for cooking vegetables, meat, noodles or rice, it is simple, tasty and refreshing.

中式烹饪 作者:关柳红 中式菜肴历史悠久,种类繁多。人们 都知道中国人对烹调技术一向非常重 视。对于色、香、味至上的追求使中 国菜在世界上都非常受欢迎。中国菜 不仅在味道上要讲究,而且也重视所 用材料的补身效果。 从原始的烧烤发展到使用多种多样的 器皿使烹饪发展成为一种艺术。高压 锅的出现虽然使烹饪方便很多,但使 用传统的陶器来炖东西可以保持食材 的原味。 中式烹饪的方法通常有:烤、熏、 炖、腌、焖、蒸、凉拌、煎、炸和 炒。凉拌可用菜和酱肉来做前菜等, 方法简单且有益于健康。焖可以用来 做鸡、鸭或肉类,加上些有益健康的 植物,可缓解人体老化的过程,适用 于秋冬。炒是最常用的方法。不论是 炒蔬菜、肉、面或饭,烹饪过程简单 又有滋味。

December 2014

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Recipe for Braised Pork with Chestnut AUTHOR MRS. HELEN KWAN Ingredients: 2 lbs Medium lean pork loin 20 pcs Blanched cooked chestnuts 1 pc Green onion (cut to 2” length) 1 slice Ginger root 1 pc Garlic Sauce: 4 tbls Cooking oil 2 tbls Cooking wine 4 tblsLight soya sauce 2 tbls Dark soya sauce 2 tbls Crystal sugar 1 cup Water Method: 1. Cut pork loin into 1” square.

Shanghai Rice Cake RECIPE BY HONG’S KITCHEN Servings: 2 Ingredients: 400g/one bag - Dry rice cake slices 50g – Napa cabbage 2 pcs - Chinese black mushroom

2. Heat up 4 table spoon of cooking oil in a wok and then put the ginger root and garlic in the heated wok until turns golden brown. 3. Put the pork into the wok, stir fry until meat turns white. 4. Add the 2 kinds of soya sauce and cooking wine and stir fry until the meat becomes colored. Add green onion and water. 5. Turn the heat lower and cook for 40 minutes. 6. Add crystal sugar and chestnuts and cook for another 20 minutes until the meat turns mellow. Add more water if necessary. 4 oz – Shredded pork tenderloin 1 oz – Light soya sauce Dark soya sauce (little), shredded ginger root(little), sesame oil (little), a pinch of salt and sugar Pre-cooking: 1. Soak the dry rice cake slices in water overnight. Drain them when ready to cook.

栗子焖猪肉 作者: 关柳红 材料: 略带些肥的瘦猪肉 2磅 去皮煮过的栗子 20个





炒锅烧热倒油,放入姜末和肉片炒熟。 下入白菜、香菇和泡软的年糕翻炒。 加生抽、老抽、盐、糖调味,翻炒至 熟。起锅装盘,淋上几滴芝麻油。

切片年糕(需用水提前泡软) 50克大白菜(切段)

1. 将猪肉切成1寸方块。

蒜 1瓣

4. 将两种酱油和料酒加入炒至肉上色 后放绿葱和水。

调料: 食油 4汤匙 料酒 2汤匙

5. 将火温降低煮约40分钟。 6. 加入冰糖和栗子再煮20分钟直至肉 烂。这时要看情况加水。

生抽酱油 4汤匙 2. Chop Napa cabbage in about 2" long. Instructions: Heat the pan in high heat with cooking oil, and then pour in shredded ginger root and pork until cooked. Put in napa cabbage, rice cake slices and Chinese

ৼҜ‫ݺ‬ো஠ͧࠋ૛㕭޼धոࠂ͜ ‫ۊ‬њѪߠ‫ܨ‬㕭ࣩࡤચߗӔН㕭ࢤӱ ஠Ԥ澞 ࠋ૛੧ୋ‫ۊ‬њࣩঢ়Яոܱࢤ஋஄͜




3. 放进肉块炒至肉变白色。

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水 1量杯

姜 1片

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冰糖 2汤匙

2. 将4汤匙的食用油放入锅里加热后放 入 姜和蒜炒至发黄色。

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老抽酱油 2汤匙




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black mushroom. Stir evenly. Add in light and dark soya sauce, salt and sugar. Stir until the rice cake is soft and the napa cabbage is cooked. Serve on a plate and sprinkle with a little bit of sesame oil on top of the rice cake.

December 2014

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Events •



November 7 - China Jingdezhen Porcelain Exhibition arrived in downtown Halifax this Fall to showcase the unique charm of historic Chinese culture and Chinese porcelain art. The exhibition ceremony briefly introduced the history of the Chinese Jingdezhen porcelain, the culture related to the elegant Chinese ceramic arts and various classic products. The month-long exhibition ended its tour in Halifax in early December.

November 21 - Mount Saint Vincent University’s International Student Society hosted its 13th annual Multicultural Night, a gala consisting of a sit-down dinner featuring international cuisine, cultural performances showcasing both local and international talents and an after party. Every year, this event draws over 300 students, faculty and community members from Halifax Regional Municipality and is regarded as one of the biggest events during the Fall semester at the Mount.

11月7日下午,“中国景德镇瓷器收藏展”落户哈法并在位于市中心的展厅举行 了开幕仪式。仪式吸引了本地华人社区侨领、侨胞以及学生团体代表的参与。 主办方表示,本次收藏展的目的是向加拿大主流社会展示历史悠久的中国瓷器 文化及其中国瓷艺的独特魅力。为期一个月的展销已于12月初结束。

圣文森山大学国际留学生协会于11月21日晚举办了第13届“多元文化之夜”。本 次活动继续以促进了解不同国家文化为目的,包括各国美食菜式晚宴、文化表演 和午夜派对三个环节。“多元文化之夜”是圣文森山大学秋季学期校内最大的活 动之一,每年都吸引300余名学生和教职工参加。

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• Arts

Jeremy Tsang stands near his exhibit for Nocturne: Art At Night on Dresden Row in Halifax. It’s the first time the artist has participated in the festival but he said he hopes to come back again. (Colin Chisholm) 曾伟豪与他在艺术之夜的作品“双喜楼”。这是他第一次将作品带入艺术之夜, 同时他很期待再次加入本项活动。

December 2014

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Arts •



Nocturne brings multicultural art out in the open BY COLIN CHISHOLM Halifax’s Nocturne: Art At Night has quickly become one of the city’s mustattend events. People of all ages, backgrounds come out to take in a night of culture. For artist Jeremy Tsang, his work ‘DOUBLE HAPPINESS DIM SUM’ is a reflection of his experience as Chinese immigrant to Canada. “It kind of stems from my interests and my background as a Chinese Canadian and how when you move away from your homeland it’s sort of a new identity that you create,” he said. “You try to go through all of these different elements of re-associating yourself in a new environment.” As Tsang describes his work, songs like Amy Winehouse’s ‘Rehab’ and Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ can be heard emanating from what appears to be a karaoke joint, flanked by Chinese symbols and barbed wire.

“I was always very intrigued by nooks and crannies as my art practise while I was studying and living here, numerous cities have that characteristic,” he said. “I met this guy who parks his motorcycle here every day and he just told me about how in the 90s this space was more open because people weren’t targeting illegal drinking as much, and punk rock bands would play here.” Nocturne takes place all over Halifax’s downtown, north end, and downtown Dartmouth. Dozens of artists participate and thousands of people come each year to witness the city’s creativity. This is Tsang’s first time participating in the festival, but he hopes to come back. “It’s an opportunity to interact with such a huge audience, that you don’t normally get a chance to in a gallery setting,” he said. “So many people came and said ‘I thought there was dim sum, that’s such a bad trick,’ and

these emotions are important.” “A bunch of kids actually bashed through the door, thinking there actually was a party on the other side,” he said. “There were people trying to get there by exploring all the different parts of the building, which is part of it too.” Tsang’s piece wasn’t the only exhibit on display by a Chinese-Canadian artist, Jack Wong’s ‘Clearing a Full Plate,’ at Gallery Page and Strange required attendees to stay until every seat was full, and promise to stay until midnight, if they wanted food. Lorraine Plourde, chairperson of Nocturne’s board said each of the exhibits for 2014 were part of a unifying theme — peripheral visions. “The theme really lent itself nicely to welcoming projects from various communities,” Plourde said. “When you are in a minority setting, sometimes you feel like you don’t belong to the majority group, and we saw that reflected in the projects.”

The event’s board receives proposals, which are then reviewed, and the applications that best suit the festival’s theme are approved. “We want to highlight the qualities of the artistic community here in the city, and this is made up of a wide range of practises and people,” she said. “We want to have an event that reflects what the community is.” Jeremy Tsang said participating in public art shows like Nocturne is a way for Canadians of diverse backgrounds to get to know each other better. “Every artist is showing their cultural heritage, because your art stems from your own experience,” Tsang said. “No matter what culture you come from, it plays an important role in your upbringing. Art and life are so intertwined that your culture flows through the art subconsciously.” Nocturne takes place each October, a date and theme will be picked for 2015’s festival in the coming months.

Dim Sum’ ,有些观众来了以后说 以为这里 会有点心吃,结果被误导 了。 这类的 情感分享是很重要的。”


哈法艺术之夜让艺术走近大众 译/Christine Qin Yang 在哈法丰富的节庆活动中,艺术之夜 (Nocturne: Art At Night) 不容错过。 哈法艺术之夜每年都吸引不同年龄 层、不同文化背景的观众。 本届哈法艺术之夜出现了一位年轻的 加拿大华人艺术家,他叫曾伟豪 (Jeremy Tsang),出生于安大略省, 曾 在哈利法克斯读学习和生活。他本 次的参展作品“双喜楼”源于他作为 华人移民的一个缩影。 “我本身对艺术的兴趣连同我加拿大 华人的身份启发了我的创作。”他感 触道:“移民们背井离乡,一切都要 重新开始。他们不断尝试改变自己, 用各种方式去适应新环境。” 当我采访曾伟豪时,隐约听到旁边传 来艾美, 怀恩豪斯和旅程乐队的歌曲。 这些旋律透过带有中国元素装饰的铁

门传进展厅里。 曾伟豪告诉我:“我在这里学习和生 活时,总是对城市中那些不起眼的角 落充满好奇,它们给予了我艺术创作 的灵感。我曾认识一位男子,他的摩 托车总停在附近。他告诉我,90年代 时,这个地带很热闹。当时法律对未 成年人饮酒的规定还不是很明朗,朋 克摇滚乐团也常常在这演奏。” 每年,艺术之夜活动都会在哈利法克 斯市中心、城北以及达特茅斯市中心 开展。全城有数以万计的观众们驻足 参观艺术节展出的艺术作品,而艺术 家们也都使出浑身解数为参观者呈现 这座城市的创造之美。

曾伟豪接着说:“有群孩子以为我的 展厅隔壁有派对,还试图撞开门进 去。还有人为了去隔壁的‘派对’把 这整栋楼都转了个便。这正符合这个 作品的创作意图。” 除了曾伟豪之外,今年艺术之夜还有 另一位加拿大华人艺术家,他叫Jack Wong。他的作品“吃光盘中餐”创意 是为参与者提供食物,但前提是展厅 内的所有座位要坐满,同时大家要保 证待到午夜12点。

曾伟豪今年第一次加入艺术之夜,他 希望来年能再次参与这个活动。

哈法艺术之夜活动委员会主席Lorraine Plourde介绍,“边缘视觉” 是今年艺术之夜作品的主题。

他说:“与这么多观众面对面的交流互 动是一个很难得的机会,平时在展馆 里很少有这样的契机。”“因为我的 展览英文名叫‘Double Happiness

Plourde说:“这个主题吸引了很多来 自不同社区艺术家们的作品。当你身 处非主流社区,就常常会觉得自己与 大环境格格不入,这种感受影响着今

每年,活动委员会都会收到大量作品 提案。经过主委会的认真审查后,最 符合活动主题的申请者才能在将自己 的作品在活动期间展出。 “我们有各行各业的艺术家们来共同 营造我们城市的艺术氛围,这就是我 们想要推广的这座城市独有的艺术特 质。”Plourde接着说:“这也是我们 办活动的目的。” 曾伟豪认为,艺术之夜这样面向大众 的艺术展能够增进多元文化背景下加 拿大人对不同社区的了解。 他说:“每个作品都是艺术家们的文 化缩影,因为艺术源于生活。不论你 来自哪里,文化对一个人的影响都极 其重要。艺术和生活是如此紧密的联系 着,因此文化决定着艺术观。” 艺术之夜每年十月份在哈法举行。 2015年艺术之夜的具体时间将于数月 后公布。

December 2014

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• Culture

Jia-na-da, or `Canada’, in Chinese writing. 加拿大的中文写法。

Get a name written in Chinese characters BY QIANYI GAO, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY & DONGHUA UNIVERSITY When you learn a foreign language, have you ever thought of your own name in that language? Will your name sound beautiful and mean well in that language? Since Chinese believe the names have their own tradition and characteristics, they carefully choose characters from dictionaries for names. Some of the important characteristics of good names include

being pleasant, beautiful, and auspicious. In this article, let’s talk about Chinese names and how to choose a nice Chinese name for yourself.

only about 3,500 surnames are commonly used in modern days. The top three popular Chinese surnames are Wang, Li and Zhang.

Unlike English names, the family name in China is put first, followed by the given name. The surnames of Chinese people came from several sources in ancient time. They are originated from creatures worshipped, ancient feudal kingdoms, ancient official titles and ancient professions. Most of the surnames are mono character. There is no exact statistics on numbers of Chinese surnames. Some of them have no longer been used and

The given names usually contain one or two characters. They are meant to convey special meaning, with the given names often expressing the best of wishes on the new-born. Some imply the birthplace, birth time or natural phenomenon; some embody the hope of virtue, while others express the wishes of life.

sounds or the meaning? The most wildly used method for westerner to create a Chinese name is to convert the sounds of their English names using characters. For example, jia-nada, or ‘Canada’ in Mandarin, is made of 3 characters. The choice of this name completes with two parts translation of the sounds and choice of characters. The pronunciation is very close to ‘Canada’, and the chosen characters are “jia” which means ‘to add’, “na” as in ‘to handle’ and “da” as in ‘large’.

Which aspect is more important when you choose a Chinese name, the


取个汉字名儿 加拿大圣玛丽大学孔子学院、中国东 华大学高倩艺

当你学一门外语时,有没有想过给自 己取个外语名儿呢?你的外语名是不 是即好听、意思又好呢? 几乎所有的文 化都重视名字,汉字圈也不例外。中 国人对名字的重视表现在对汉字的选 择上。特别是人名儿,用的字一定要 又好听,又漂亮,又吉利。这一回我

们聊一聊中国人的名字,以及如何找 到合适的汉字给自己起个中文大名。 中国人的名字有自己的传统和特色。 不同于西方人,中国人把姓氏放在前 面,其次是给定的名字。中国人的姓 氏有几个来源。它们起源于动物崇 拜,古代封建王国,古代官名和古代 职业。大多数的姓氏是单字的,但也 有复姓。历史上的很多姓已经不用 了,现在最常用的只有3500左右。 王,李,张是人数最多的三个姓。姓 氏后面的汉字就是名字。每个名字都

表达了特殊的意义。有些暗示发源 地,诞生的时间或自然现象,有的表 达美好的愿望;给男孩取的名往往用象 征权力和活力的字眼,而给女孩取名 选用温柔、美丽的词;名字通常包含一 个或两个汉字。 你愿意取个好听的名字,还是更喜欢 意味深长、或者字形好看的名字?由 于每个汉字都具有自己的音、形、 意,因而起名的时候得兼顾。当你考 虑起个中文名时,你将体验多数中国 父母都曾有过的、为新生儿取名而绞

尽脑汁的有趣经历。他们会列出在发 音方面,在字形方面以及在意义方面 的所有的可能性,再选自己认为最好 的那个。 不过对西方人来说,最常用的方法是 选择好看同时意思也好的汉字来表达 原词的声音。例如,Jianada,你猜是 什么?是的,加拿大。这三个字是根 据 ‘Canada’ 的发音来的, 汉字选了 “加” -‘add’ ,“拿”


December 2014

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Culture •



Chinese characters CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 With many given characters that share the same sound, these three characters appear the best together. Other examples include 凯西, or kai-xi, for Cathy, 乔琪亚, or qiao-qi-ya, for Georgia, and 克里斯, or ke-li-si, for Chris. If you don’t want a Chinese name that’s converted from the sounds of your English name, you can start by looking for a surname. If your surname begins with ‘A’, 安(an) would be a good choice. If it begins with ‘B’, 白(bai) or 薄(bo) could work. For the given name, think about the meaning of the characters. Here are other examples. 雪碧(xue-bi) is ‘Sprite’. 雪 (xue) means snow and 碧(bi) means green. The two characters together seem to people desire the product when the weather is hot, don’t they? Coca-Cola is another good example for how you can be smart with your choice of names. The translation in

Chinese is ke-kou-ke-le. Ke-kou means `taste good’, and ke-le means ‘be happy’. Now who doesn’t want a drink that both tastes good and can make them feel happy? I will wrap this article up with Chinese name suggestions that would be perfect for some English names. 马易安(Ma Yi’an) for Ian Macdonald where ‘Ma’ is the surname. 丁杰 (Ding Jie) for Jack Deans.肖可之(Xiao Kezhi) for Chris Shaw. 江伟(Jiang Wei) for William Johnson. And finally, 费嘉玲(Fei Jialing) for Katherine Fraser. How about yours? Would you like to get a name written in Chinese characters that speaks for your characters?

汉字名儿 上接第13页 -‘handle’ 和“大”-‘big’,意思 很好。另外,这三个汉字写在一起, 形状也很好看。这是翻译西方专有名 词最常用的方法:凯瑟琳(kaiselin)是 Katherine的译名,乔琪亚(qiaoqiya)为 Georgia的译名,克里斯(kelisi)为Chris 的译名。 对于那些想要一个中国式名字的读 者,我们建议这样:1. 从中国姓氏目 录中为自己查找一个姓。如果你姓氏 的第一个字母为A, 你可以选择“安 (an)”为姓;如果你姓氏的第一个字母 为B,你可以选择“白(Bai)”或“薄 (Bo)”为姓;如果第一个字母是D,可 以选“狄(Di)”,“党(Dang)”,“丁 (Ding)”,“董(Dong)”等等,依此类 推。2. 斟酌一下你选的字。这里举两 个值得学习的例子。“雪碧(xuebi)” 译 自 ‘sprite’,“雪”指 “雪花”,“碧”是“绿色”的意思。

当你感到热时,这两个字是不是很吸 引你去喝? “可口可乐”是‘Coke’的中文译 名,“可口”的意思是,“味道不 错”;“可乐”意思是“值得高 兴”。这两个饮料名都具有完美的声 音和意义,字形写下来也很好看,堪 称杰作。 最后,我写几个接近中国人人名的例 子来结束本稿,供读者深入探讨。Ian Macdonald,中文名:马易安。马是 姓,但三个字合起来意思是“你的马 听话”; Jack Dean,中文名:丁杰。 丁是姓,杰意思是优秀; Chris Shaw,中文名:肖可之。肖是姓, 三个字合起来的意思是“看上去像, 很好”。 William Johnston,中文名: 江伟。江是姓,两个字合起来的意思是 “长江是伟大的”。Katherine Fraser,中文名:费嘉玲。费是姓,嘉 玲的意思是 “美玉”。 怎么样?你也来试试取个汉字名?没准 儿那几个汉字能给你加点儿好运气。

December 2014


打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes


• Events

November 2 - The Atlantic Canada Ping Pong Association organized its 6th annual Atlantic Ping Pong Tournament at Homburg Centre, Saint Mary's University. Aiming to promote table tennis or Ping Pong to become one the most popular indoor activities in Maritime Canada, this year’s tournament hosted 32 teams from communities with diverse backgrounds and across Atlantic Canada. 11月2日上午,第六届加东乒乓球锦标赛在圣玛丽大学Homburg Centre 举行。据主办方加东乒乓球协会介绍,本次活动的宗旨是将乒乓球文化传入加东各省并使其 成为该地区最受欢迎的室内运动之一。本次比赛继续突出多元文化元素,共有32支来自不同省份、不同文化背景的选手队伍参赛。

October 26 - Held at the Dalhousie Arts Centre by Joering Art & Culture, Chinese Art & Culture Exhibition was a showcase and sale of the high quality reproductions of original animal & plant paintings dated back to Tang Dynasty (AD618-AD907), the Five Dynasties (AD907-AD960), Song Dynasty (AD960-AD1279), Yuan Dynasty (AD1271-AD1368), Ming Dynasty (AD1368-AD1644) and Qing Dynasty (AD1636-AD1912). The original paintings are stored in top Chinese and overseas museums. 10月26日下午,几十幅中国古画复制品在戴尔豪西大学艺术中心展出。本次展览展出了唐宋元明清时代具有代表性的植物、花鸟等高仿真古画复制品。其中,展览 的视频介绍部分也让观众们更加熟知这次展览的文化背景。据本次展览主办人杨先生介绍,下次文化艺术展估计于2015年1月份推出。

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Events •


December 2014


September 13 - Mayor Mike Savage hosted a reception at Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 to welcome first-year international students to Halifax and to thank them for choosing Halifax to pursue their studies. Students were also provided with networking opportunities, refreshments, as well as information on various services and programs offered by the municipality and organizations throughout Halifax.

October 13 - Thanksgiving is a fun Canadian holiday usually celebrated with a big family dinner. To celebrate, Dalhousie International Centre hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner for all international and exchange students. Over 60 students, staff, faculty and community members participated with homemade holiday dishes to share at the potluck party.

哈法市长麦克萨维奇于9月13日下午在移民历史博物馆Pier 21馆内特设留学新生 欢迎会。活动期间,萨维奇市长与来自本市5所大学的国际新生和校领导亲密互 动、合影。本次活动还为新生们提供了了解本地服务与资源信息,并与本地企业 和组织建立往来和互动的机会。

10月13日正直加拿大感恩节,戴尔豪西大学国际交流中心为留学生和交换生们组 织了一场感恩节聚餐活动。同学们十分热心,带来了自己烹制的火鸡、火腿、土 豆泥、沙拉等各式菜肴、甜点及蔬果。大约有60多名留学生和教职工一起分享了 这次的感恩节大餐。


December 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

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