Dakai Maritimes December 2015

Page 1



华裔舞蹈家王文蔚在哈法演出 带来好运的字音(二)

New immigration stream open for international graduates Page 4

Halifax Chinese Business Showcase Page 8

Chinese Canadian Dancer Performs at Pier 21 Page 10

Good Luck Phrases with Animals II Page 14

December 2015



See page 3 第三页 Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Christine Qin Yang Cover photo: Katie Ingram

Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Vice President, Business Development: Jeff Nearing Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca.


December 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Cover Story •



New shop offers fine, handcrafted 春天工作室的手工花卉艺术 f lowers and classes 下25盒材料,当下艺丹不知道该如何 翻译:杨沁

BY KATIE INGRAM For Yidan Li flowers aren’t just nice to look at; there’s also a sense of beauty and craftsmanship in being able to make flowers by simply using nylon, thread and wire. Li is the co-owner of Flowers of Spring with her husband Russ Gaudet, a boutique that specializes in nylon or ‘Tori’ flowers and Real-Touch flowers. Li, who first immigrated to Canada in 2005 and has lived in the country on a permanent basis since 2008, didn’t think of opening a business until a recent trip to China. where she had ordered supplies to make nylon flowers, but has 25 boxes of leftover material. “I looked at my husband and said ‘what are we going to do’ so we thought maybe we could do a little business,” says Li, who also found since making nylon flowers wasn’t common Nova Scotia, it was time to introduce them to the province. Gaudet finds that nylon flowers fit in with other Nova Scotia-based craft industries because of how much detail and attention is given to each flower. “Yidan sees the skill that is involved and the pride of workmanship in everything from crystal to pewter to quilts and homemade sailboats and canoes,” says Gaudet. “She gives each and every piece the same kind of meticulous detail and crafts her product with love and pride.” The couple opened Flowers of Spring on the Bedford Highway in early September. Along withselling RealTouch flowers and Li making different nylon floral arrangements, she is also offering classes. With these classes, students are able to create different kinds of nylon flowers — from roses to lilies, depending on their skill level. “There are many different kinds of styles” says Li. “The more you do it, the more these different ideas come out.” Since September, the classes have grown to include more days and times.

对栗艺丹女士而言,花的意义远远大 于用作观赏。她通过尼龙、线和丝的 简单搭配,便可让你耳目一新,展现花卉 百变的姿态。 艺丹与她的先生拉斯.高德特共同创立 了春天工作室(Flowers of Spring)花艺 店,专门出售尼龙花/东篱花以及仿真 花。艺丹于2005年第一次来加拿大。 2008年,她选择定居加国。她最初并 未想要创业,而最近的一趟中国行, 却给了她不少启发。一次,她订购了 一些材料来制作尼龙花,没想到还剩

Yidan Li displays some of her creations in her new shop Flowers of Spring. Along with nylon or ‘tori’ flowers, the shop also sells Real Touch flowers. Katie Ingram photo 艺丹在她的店里展出了她的部分花艺 作品。除了尼龙花/东篱花,店里也出售 仿真花。

Originally there were four classes, two days a week. Now Li teaches morning classes of six students from Monday to Saturday, along with evening classes on Tuesday and Thursday. Additional evening classes of up to four students can also be pre-booked. “They have a blast; it’s social time for them,” says Gaudet, noting that once a student takes a class they are eager to come back again. “Every time she [Li] makes something to put in the shop, they [the students] want to learn it.” Even though Li’s students are eager to try different arrangements, they are a bit apprehensive when they first start. “When they come here, they don’t know how to make it [the flowers] and say it’s so difficult, but when they do it they see it’s easy,” says Li who guides each student in a step-by-step process. Gaudet mentions one student who


处置它们。 “我看着我先生,问‘我们要怎么办 呢’?于是我们心想,何不尝试做个小 生意。”艺丹发现,手工尼龙花在新斯 科舍省并不常见,也许可以把它们引入 人们的视线。 高德特发现尼龙花特别适合新省的手 工艺行业,因为每一朵花的制作工艺 都离不开大量细节的投入。 “艺丹心灵手巧,她能研究透各种手


December 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Immigration

New immigration stream set to open for international graduates in 2016 CHRIS MUISE Nova Scotia is home to a great deal of international students, who come from far and wide to study at any one of our post-secondary institutions. But under the current Provincial Nominee Program, many graduates not able to find employment in their fields had to go elsewhere. Given the current job market here in the province, that meant that we were sending a lot of talented, entrepreneurial graduates away each year. “An international graduate had to be employed related to their field … before they could apply for permanent

residency,” says Sherry Redden, manager of Business and Workforce Integration at ISANS. “If they have to have a job before they can apply for permanent residency, they have to go where that job is. That often took them outside the province.” Beginning next year, international students who graduate from a Nova Scotia university or college will have a brand-new route to permanent residency — one that gives them a chance to create new work here at home. Two new immigration stream pilot programs will be launched on January 1, both designed to spur economic growth in the province — the Entrepreneur Stream, and the International

Graduate Entrepreneur Stream — the latter of which is poised to take advantage of the thousands of international students Nova Scotia attracts every year. “We have 10 universities, and we have about 7,000 international students each year that come to the province,” says Rachel Henderson, the director of Strategic Policy & External Relations at the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration. “As a province, we’re very successful in attracting these graduates, and what we hear from both the graduates and from the universities is that a number of these students want to stay.” Some of these students manage to find work in their fields here at home, but

many aren’t so lucky. Those students might have to take the knowledge and skills they learned here elsewhere in order to become a permanent resident of Canada. “If they have to have a job before they can apply for permanent residency, they have to go where that job is,” says Redden. “That often took them outside the province.” A number of international students each year express interest in starting their own businesses locally, instead of looking to be hired by others, and a few of them even start those businesses during their studies. Those are


新省移民新政策将于2016年初对国际毕业生开放 翻译:杨沁 新斯科舍省作为加拿大的教育大省, 吸引不少国际学生前往就读,同时也 成为他们毕业后定居的理想省份。鉴 于现有省提移民政策,找不到与专业 对口工作的国际毕业生不得不离开新 省。新省的就业市场现状,造成大批 拥有高等教育、具有创业潜力的国际 人才的流失。 “在本省申请成为永久居民,国际毕 业生需要从事与专业相关的领域。” 新斯科舍省移民服务协会(ISANS)商业 及劳动力资源整合部门经理雪莉.雷登 女士谈到。“在申请永久居民身份 前,这些毕业生必须找到工作。而无 法找到工作是他们离开新省的主要原 因之一。” 2016年初,在新省毕业的国际学生将 享受新的移民政策。这项新举措不仅 给留学生创造了新的移民通道,也让留 学生们有机会为新省创造就业机会。

2016年1月1日,创业移民及国际毕业 生创业移民两类新增实验政策即将实 施。政策均为推动本省经济发展而制 定。尤其后一项政策是特别为新省大 量的留学生而制定的。 “我省拥有10所大学,同时每年有 7,000名国际生在读。”新省移民部战 略政策及对外关系办公室主任雷切尔. 亨德森女士说。“新斯科舍省十分成 功地吸引了这些毕业生。从学生以及学 校的反馈来看,这些国际毕业生中 的一大部分都希望留下来。” 许多学生想在本地求职,但人才市场 需求还很小。这些学生可以另辟蹊径, 施展他们的才华与能力,从而拿到永 久居民身份。 “如果他们只能通过在新省就业来实 现移民,这将造成大量的国际人才外 流。” 对于一些国际生来说,比起在新省等 待就业机会,他们更倾向于在新省自 主创业,做自己的老板。国际毕业生

创业移民政策正是为这类毕业生开启 的移民绿色通道。 “在持有毕业生工作签证的情况下, 并在新省拥有一年运营自己公司的经 验,他们便可通过毕业生创业类别申 请省提移民。”亨德森说,这项移民 政策为加拿大首创。“这项政策是国 际毕业生们申请省提名的新途径。”

“我们确实吸引了不少人才,并且尽 可能地要把他们留下来。”亨德森强 调。“我们认为这是一个针对本省现 状的有效解决方案。” 雷登鼓励更多的国际毕业生开展他们


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December 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Immigration •



国际毕业生创业移民政策 上接第4页 的创业之路。她表示,许多实力雄厚 的移民企业并不需要太多来自ISANS 等机构的帮助,他们甚至还能为其他 国际毕业生创造就业机会。

Beginning next year, international students who graduate from a Nova Scotia university or college will have a brand-new route to permanent residency — one that gives them a chance to create new work here at home. Herald Archive photo 2016年初,在新斯科舍省毕业的国际留学生将享受新的移民政策,此政策将更有利于 他们留在新省安家置业。

“对于移民而言,他们会面临着一些困 难:社交圈不够广,对当地商业文化的理 解有限,语言能力有待提升等等。”而 雷登认为,凭借着留学经验,国际毕 业生对加拿大商业有着理论和实践层 面的理解,语言也没有任何问题。 “他们对商业领域的认知和了解,往 往超过了大多数移民。”

此外,雷登也透露,ISANS以及合作 伙伴正在探索新方式,希望能为国际 毕业生兼创业者提供支持与帮助。 “我们相信我们的机构可以做出一些 灵活的调整。”雷登说,她相信国际 毕业生创业过程将有机会使用ISANS 的相应服务,例如企业目录及商业买 卖项目。 对国际毕业生创业移民项目有兴趣的 毕业生,可于2016年1月1日在线提 交相关申请。申请过程将采取积分制 度,每年将有50个提名名额。欲知详 情,请访问novascotiaimmigration.com。

Designed to promote economic and cultural growth in the region CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 the students that the new International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream is hoping to give a new pathway to residency. “After they’ve run a business here in the province while they’re on [a postgraduate work permit] for a year, then they can apply to us through the International Graduate Stream for nomination for permanent residence,” says Henderson, who says that this stream is the first of its kind in Canada. “This gives them a new pathway to be nominated for permanent residency that didn’t exist before.” “We do attract wonderful talent, and we want to retain as much of that talent as possible,” adds Henderson. “We think it’s just ideal for our situation and our province.” Redden says that encouraging international graduates to become entrepreneurs also gives those students a leg up over a lot of other entrepreneurial immigrants, who may not need as much outside support from organizations such as ISANS. “The challenges that our immigrants face … is that they don’t have networks, they don’t understand the busi-

ness culture — what’s expected of them — and they may not have the language,” says Redden, who figures that international grads are more likely to have an academic understanding of Canadian business practices and the language skills in place, thanks to studying abroad here. “They have an academic knowledge of that, which oftentimes, our immigrant clients do not.” That said, Redden says ISANS and its partners look forward to identifying the supports that these new graduate entrepreneurs will need, and are eager to provide them. “We’d like to think that we, as an organization, can adapt,” says Redden, who believes graduate entrepreneurs will still be able to make use of ISANS programs like their business directory, and the Business Buy & Sell program. International graduates interested in the program can go online on January 1, 2016, and leave their expression of interest in the stream. Applications will be evaluated based on a points system, and the top 50 applicants will be nominated each year. For more, visit novascotiaimmigration.com.




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December 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



Flowers of Spring CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 didn’t think she could make flowers because of a pre-existing medical condition. However, due to amount of attention that is sometimes needed to complete a flower, the student was forced to focus on their task instead of their ailment. “[One student]has had pain for quite a while, but the exercise she does with her hands making these flowers helps with mobility and also gives her something to concentrate on instead of pain,” he says. Overall, Li has found Flowers of Spring to be a worthwhile venture, with the way the craft brings together students and helps them being just two of the many rewards. “I like that it gives people some place to go… when they are here, they are like family,” she says. For more information on Flowers of Spring visit www.flowersofspring.ca or call 902-835-8006.

• Cover Story

春天工作室 上接第3页 工艺的制作,从水晶、锡器制作到缝 纫,从帆船到小独木舟。 ”高德特说: “她用心制作、一丝不苟,她的作品 充满着爱与自信。” 2015年9月初,夫妻俩在Bedford Highway上的店面开张了。店内除了出 售仿真花和艺丹亲手制作的各式尼龙 花,艺丹还开设了花艺课程,教授学生 做不同种类的尼龙花。从玫瑰到百 合,课程的难度大小取决于学生的掌 握快慢程度。 “尼龙花的样式非常丰富,”艺丹介绍 说。“一旦做得多了,创意也就会越来 越多。” 9月以来,艺丹的花艺班规模越来越大, 最初还只是一周两天四堂课。近期, 每周一至周六上午,以及周二和周四


晚上,艺丹都收有6名学生上课。花艺 班现在也只有4个晚班的报名名额。 “这个课程特别受欢迎。学生都觉得 上课是一种放松,并有机会与他人交 流。”高德特说,学生刚上完课,就 对下一堂课充满期待。“每次艺丹出 了新作品,把它放店里,学生们都特 别想学。” 但在一开始,虽说学生们都特别渴望学 习花艺,他们还是有些犹豫的。 “刚开始上课的时候,她们还不了解 花艺手工该怎么做,都觉得花艺肯定 特别难学。慢慢地,她们熟悉起来 后,就发现它原来如此简单。”艺丹 说。她还说,她会手把手教每一个学生 具体的步骤。 高德特告诉我们,有一名学生由于生病

的原因,不相信自己能够做出花来。但 在花艺课上,这位学生不得不把注意 力由疾病转移到手工上,最后顺利完 成一朵花的制作。 “这位学生曾经因疾病缠身痛苦了很 久,但由于花艺对手部的锻炼,促进 了手部的血液循环,同时转移了她对 痛苦的注意力。”高德特说。 无论如何,艺丹觉得春天工作室是个特 别有意义的创业经历。花艺把学生们 汇集在一起,同时也某种程度上帮助了 这些学生,可谓一举两得。 “我特别享受能让大家聚在一起的这 个过程……她们在这里学习,就像一家 人一样。” 想了解更多关于春天工作室的信息, 请登陆www.flowersofspring.ca或拨打 902-835-8006。


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Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

December 2015


December 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Business

The 1st Annual Halifax Chinese Business Showcase KATIE INGRAM Showing newcomers the variety of business opportunities in Nova Scotia was the goal behind a recent Chinese business and networking event in Halifax. The Halifax Chinese Business Showcase was held at the Marriott Harbourfront Hotel on September 13. The event brought together 16 different Chinese businesses and featured a number of guest speakers and workshops designed to showcase how the Chinese business community in Nova Scotia has grown. Event presenter Ken Chen of Quest Realty sayswhen he came to Nova Scotia in 2001 for school, he found many of his colleagues ended up leaving the province for work. “I remember a lot of immigrants coming here and in the first couple months they liked living here, but sooner or later they couldn’t find any business opportunities,” said Chen. “So they went to places like Van-

couver or Toronto.” However, through the work of Chen and other entrepreneurs who stayed in the province, the Chinese business community is now more varied. “Before you’d see a Chinese restaurant, another Chinese restaurant and another Chinese restaurant,” said Chen.“Here [at the showcase] we have a car dealership, a film company, a real estate company and an immigration consultant.” Many of the event presenters said they liked the showcase because they could connect with other entrepreneurs, while also offering advice to students and those new to Nova Scotia. “I’m very happy to be here,” said Jim Zhang of Right Source Food International, an exporter and importer of seafood, during the event. “There are so many young entrepreneurs setting up their own companies, so we can help those people who want to stay here and give them resources.” Be able to connect with others is something that Christine Yang, pro-

首届哈法华人商业展 翻译:杨沁

机。”陈纲说。“所以他们搬去了温 哥华或者多伦多等城市。”

近期,哈法华人企业举办了一场商业 展,活动旨在为新斯科舍省的新移民 和国际留学生提供多样的商业机会。

尽管如此,陈纲与其他的华人企业家依 然决心留在新省,让哈法的工商业 圈子也终于有了华人的声音。

2015年9月13日,第一届哈法华人商业 展暨华人秋季招聘 会在哈法海港万豪 酒店隆重举行。活动展示了16家华人企 业,并邀请了相关演讲嘉宾,展示了哈 法蓬勃的华人商业圈的面貌。

“从前,你大概会看到一家中餐馆,然 后是一家又一家的中餐馆。”陈纲 说。“在这里(商业展),我们有汽 车经销商,电影公司,房地产公司和 移民顾问。”

来自Quest Realty的地产销售代表陈纲 分享,2001年,他前往新省求学,发 现大多的同学最终都选择离开,前往 其他省份工作。 “我印象中有很多新移民最初都选择了 新省,前几个月他们热爱这里的生 活,但最后他们在这里找不到任何商

参展代表们都给予本次商业展高度肯定 ,活动不仅联系了各行业的企业家,还 为国际生提供了不少资源。 “我很高兴能参与其中,”来自Right Source Food International进出口海产 品公司的张文政在活动上谈道:“有 许多年轻人想要留下创业,而我们正 好能为他们提供资源与支持。”

gram coordinator of the Connector Program at the Greater Halifax Partnership, found useful when choosing to stay in Halifax. “I think Halifax is somewhere that feels like home,” said Yang.“You can go to Toronto where there are many opportunities, but in Halifax you are not just a number. There are people willing to help you and also you can be part of a community.” Even though Halifax is small, Yang admitted it’s often hard to network with others when you aren’t familiar with a place. This is why events like the showcase are important. “We can connect new immigrants to the local and international community of business leaders and professionals so they can find the right connections and stay in Halifax,” she said. Others, like Kevin Song of Quest Realty, mentioned they can help their fellow immigrants in other ways. “I became a Realtor because I want to use my knowledge and experience to help newcomers to find their

forever homes in Nova Scotia, while also trying to help them to find their own business [opportunities],” he said. While the international and immigrant business community has grown there are still a few road blocks. One area that Chen highlighted was that Halifax and Nova Scotia needs to become more internationally known. “Nova Scotia is a very special place,” said Chen. “Here, people are nicer and it’s a better place for family businesses, but it’s not promoted properly. In China, a lot of people don’t know about this place; they know about Toronto or Vancouver because they’re bigger places.” However, no matter what needs to be improved upon, the Halifax Chinese Business Showcase was a success. Not only was it well-attended, but along with the 16 businesses featured,five others werewaitlisted in case another presenter had to cancel. There are plans to expand the showcase in 2016 to include more businesses and guest speakers.

来自Halifax Partnership Connector Program的项目统筹杨沁认为,搭建 更广阔的社交网络能够帮助新移民、 国际生获取更丰富的人脉资源,从而 把握更多的创业、就业机会。

想用自己的知识与经验来帮助新移民选 择他们在新省的家,同时也帮助他们找 到商机。”他说。

“哈利法克斯给我家一般的感觉,”杨 沁说。“在多伦多这样的城市,你找到 的是各种就业机会;但在哈利法克斯, 你将获得的是家一般的归属感。哈法人 充满人情味儿。同时,你也能成为社区 的一份子。” 虽然哈法并不大,杨沁还是坦言,对于 国际生和新移民来说,要在新环境里建 立的社交网络,确实不易。所以像华人 商业展这样的活动,极有意 义。 “我们能够将新移民、国际生与商业领 袖、精英联系在一起。让他们建立人际 网,找到机遇并留在哈法。”她 说。 除此之外,来自Quest Realty地产销售 团队的宋涛提到,他们也 在用自己的 方式在帮助华人同胞。 “我之所以选择做地产经纪,是因为我

国际企业以及移民企业的发展仍面临各 种挑战。陈纲认为,帮助哈利法克斯和 新斯科舍省打响国际知名度, 是一大重 要解决方案。 “新斯科舍是一个非常特别的地方。” 陈纲说。“这里的人们特别友好,尤其 适合家族企业的发展,但这个省的宣传 仍不到位。在中国,大部分人都没听说 过哈法。他们比较熟悉多伦多、温哥华 这样的大城市。” 尽管还有许多方面需要加以改进,但首 届哈法华人商业展举办的非常顺利。活 动迎来商家的踊跃参与,不仅有十六家 企业参展,还有五家候补展商。主办方 计划在2016年的商业展开放更多参展机 会,并邀请更多资质丰厚的演讲嘉宾。

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December 2015


December 2015

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• Feature

Wang performed his unique fusion style of dance at Pier 21’s Annual Public Meeting, a style which incorporated different styles of dance and martial arts. Wang feels moving to Canada allowed him to better develop his personal style. Chris Muise photo 王文蔚在加拿大移民博物馆的年度公共会议上,演绎其独创的融合风格。他的舞蹈融合了多种舞蹈及武术艺术元素。王文蔚体会到,移民加拿大带给他更好的创作灵感与机 会。

Chinese dancer helps usher in new immigration exhibit at Pier 21

CHRIS MUISE The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 recently held their Annual Public Meeting, and invited Chinese dancer Wen Wei Wang to demonstrate his art as the keynote performance of the night. He was there to help usher in a brand-new exhibit to the museum — one that not only expands the museum’s mandate by hundreds of years of history, but also made Wang himself feel like, for the first time, a true Canadian. “Actually, today, I really felt, ‘oh, I am Canadian.’ I’m not just ‘from China,’” says Wang, owner of Wen Wei Dance in Vancouver. Wang was inspired to a life of dance when he saw his first ballet — a performance of The White-Haired Girl

—when he was just six years old. “When we come back home, I took my mom’s white silk scarf and put it over my head, and I just danced a solo,” Wang told members of the museum and the public while on-stage. “From that moment I knew, I want to become a dancer.” But Wang grew up during the Cultural Revolution in China, when all forms of cultural expression were strictly controlled. Wang knew that, to explore his own artistic voice, he would have to leave the country, and he chose to come to Canada in the 1980s. “Particularly for artists, you can be who you are,” Wang said of Canada. “You can speak your own language, you can express on your own. That’s a big difference.” Wang performed in his own unique

style — a fusion, he says, of martial arts like Tai Chi and Kung Fu, Chinese classic dance, contemporary dance, and ballet. It’s a style he says he would not have had the freedom to develop at the time, had he remained in China. This year’s APM was big not just for Wang’s stunning performance, but also for the amount of change the museum has undergone in the last year. Pier 21 closed its doors for six months starting last fall, in order to completely renovate and re-imagine it’s long-standing Pier 21 exhibit, and to construct an entirely new exhibit called the Canadian Immigration Hall that expands the scope of the museum’s history of immigration by more than 400 years. “Before, we were just talking about this very small piece of history — significant, but small historically,” says

Kristine Kovacevic, the Manager of Visitor Experience & Interpretation at Pier 21, about the exhibit that covers Pier 21’s history as an immigration intake centre for 50 years. “Now, we’ve expanded our mandate to cover all of immigration history to Canada.” Kovacevic says that the exhibit looks at four immigration themes throughout history — journey, arrival, belonging, and impact — and features hands-on exhibits, as well as a copious amount of oral history recordings. She says that this exhibit will have a connection with all Canadians, and not just those connected with Pier 21’s history. “I think all Canadians will find something here that speaks to them, and their experience,” says Kovacevic,


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December 2015


December 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Feature

华裔舞蹈家王文蔚:加拿大移民博物馆新展 馆让我找到前所未有的归属感 翻译:杨沁 近期,加拿大移民博物馆举办了周年 公共会议。活动特别邀请华裔舞蹈家 王文蔚,为大众献上精彩演出。为了 配合展馆的宣传,王文蔚答应了此次登 台演出的机会。然而,新展馆的设立,不 仅为博物馆增添光彩,同时还让王文 蔚找到了前所未有的作为加拿大人的 归属感。 这位来自温哥华文舞舞团的团长说: “实际上,直到今天,我才真切地感 受到,‘噢!我是一个加拿大人。’ 我不再只来自中国。” 六岁时,王文蔚观看了人生中的第一 场芭蕾舞表演——《白毛女》。那场 演出让他第一次感受到了舞蹈的魅 力。 “看完演出回到家,我就拿起妈妈的 白丝巾,披在我的头上。接着,我就 自己跳起了舞来。”王文蔚在新展馆 的舞台上与观众们这样分享起他的故 事。“从那一刻起,我就决心要当一 名舞者。” 但在王文蔚的成长过程中,文化大革 命爆发了。在那个意识形态被严格管 控的情况下,王文蔚了解,想要探索 内心的艺术向往,他不得不离开祖 国。80年代,他离开家乡,远赴加拿 大。 谈到在加拿大, 王文蔚说:“在这里,特 别是艺术家,可以尽情的做自己,你可 以为自己发声,可以尽情表达自我。 这是很大的不同。” 融汇贯通是王文蔚舞蹈的独特风格。 他说,他的舞蹈荟萃了太极、功夫、 中国古典舞、西方现代舞以及芭蕾等 不同的元素。他表示,当年他若留在

Dancer and Chinese immigration success story Wen Wei Wang dedicated a performance of his unique dance style to the opening of Pier 21's new Canadian Immigration Hall, an exhibit that covers over 400 years of immigration history. Chris Muise photo 杰出华裔移民舞蹈家王文蔚,为加拿大移民博物馆全新的展馆倾情助力,献上他别具一格的舞蹈表演。该展馆涵盖了400多年加 拿大移民史。

国内,恐怕难有如此自由的机会,探 索出如此别具一格的舞蹈风格。 毋庸置疑, 王文蔚的精彩表演是本次会 议的一大亮点。而另一亮点则是博物 馆在过去一年里所发生的翻天覆地的 变化。加拿大移民博物馆自2014年秋 季开始闭馆六个月,全面翻修并重新 呈现了原有展品,同时还打造了新展 馆——加拿大移民厅,为博物馆新添 了四百多年的加拿大移民史。 加拿大移民博物馆访客体验及导览讲 解团队经理克里斯汀.科瓦切维奇谈 到:“之前,博物馆展示的仅为一小 部分历史。这些历史都是最具标志性 的,但并不全面。”原先的展馆主要

展示了21号码头作为加拿大移民纳入 中心的50年历史。“如今,我们赋予 这个博物馆新使命,新展馆涵盖了整 个加拿大的移民史。” 科瓦切维奇说,新展馆用四个主题呈 现移民史——旅途、抵达、融入及影 响。新展馆的两大特色为: 丰富的互 动展品以及大量历史录音史料。她 说,这个展馆连接的不仅仅是21号码 头的历史,更是整个加拿大的移民 史。 “我认为所有加拿大人都能在这里找 到属于他们的部分,以及与他们有关 的经历。”科瓦切维奇说,即使是世 居在加拿大境内的加拿大人也有属于

他们自己的移民史。 这个内容丰富的新展馆,也让王文蔚 的名字登上了博物馆的“索比荣誉 墙”。王文蔚感到,作为移民的他, 享受着 和其他加拿大人同等的机会。 “你来自英国、法国或者意大利,这 并不重要——我们都来自世界的某一 处,目标与梦想把我们带来到这片土 地 ,”王文蔚说。“我是一个加拿大 人,我属于这里。” 加拿大移民展示厅现已对公众开放, 如果你想要了解更多与你有关的移民 史,那就去21号码头参观加拿大移民博 物馆吧!

Wen Wei Wang says new exhibit made him feel like a Canadian for the first time CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 who says even long-time Canadians have roots in immigration. “Even if your family has been here for generations, or even if you’re aboriginal.”

The larger scope of this new exhibit helped Wang, whose name was awarded a place on the museum’s Sobey Wall of Honour after his performance, realize that just because he’s an immigrant, he’s no less Canadian than

anyone else. “Doesn’t matter if you are from England, or France, or Italy, we all come from somewhere, to try to fulfil ourselves, and reach our dreams,” says Wang. “I am Canadian; I’m not a

stranger.” The Canadian Hall of Immigration is open to guests, so if you want to learn more about where you fit into the larger story of immigration, make sure you drop into the museum at Pier 21.

December 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东



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December 2015

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• Culture & Language

Good Luck Phrases with Animals II By Qianyi Gao, Donghua University and the Confucius Institute at St. Mary's University How do you feel about bats or spiders? Do they remind you of grotesque things? These two are exploited to create scary atmospheres in movies. On the other hand, we have heroes like Batman and Spiderman. The same thing happens in China. Bats or spiders are far more often considered good than evil. In this article, five more animal-related phrases which express good luck will be introduced. These animals are fish, roosters, magpies, spiders and bats. From some of the previous articles, we understand that Chinese people like phrases that have the pronunciation of auspicious words, and the pronunciation might be the only connection between an animal with its luck symbol. We also know that Chinese people like to use illustrations to show lucky phrases. These two principles are applied to the expression of these animals. Fish are homonyms with abundance and affluence, roosters with good omens, magpies and spiders with happiness, and bats with good luck. Let’s first look at fish. Fish (yu) is one of the most common objects used to express auspiciousness. We talked about the traditional art painting ‘nian-nian-you-yu’ (prosperous for years) previously, where a huge fish is being hugged by a boy. ‘Yu’ is an expression of ‘prosperous’ because it is homophonic with ‘abundance’. It is also homophonic with ‘jade’, which only the nobles were allowed to wear in ancient times. Today, Chinese people keep golden fish (‘jin-yu’ or ‘gold and jade’) to decorate their living room (tang) with the hope of becoming rich and noble. This is called ‘jin-yu-man-tang ’, a home filled with gold and jade. Roosters are also used to express auspiciousness. Although they cannot be kept and decorated as the golden fish, people use their illustrations. Roosters or chickens are an important, nutritious and delicious food item. But

this is not the reason for them being an auspicious figure. Chinese people regard rooster as a solar symbol, and a sign of illumination. That is probably why many businesses choose roosters as their logos. It is also an essential topic of the Chinese painting because of the noble appearance and brave character. Furthermore, Chinese language for the rooster or Chicken (ji) is homophonic with the word auspiciousness (ji) itself. Two other heroes in this article are magpies and spiders. Both magpies (xi-que) and spider (xi-zhu) are homophonic with ‘xi’ or ‘joy’. If you see two magpies in an image, that means ‘double the happiness’ (shuang-xi). For example, if a family has a newborn, and meanwhile, the husband gets a new job - when the two good things happen together, it is called ‘shuang-xi’. As for spiders, if you see a spider hanging down from the roof of your residence, Chinese people would congratulate you with the term ‘xi-cong-tian-jiang’, meaning good luck comes to you from the heaven. It surely is a lucky omen. Similarly, the same thing happens with bats. Despite their creepiness, the Chinese like to decorate frames of doors and windows with bats, or paint them on nian-hua. A famous pattern is five bats making a circle. It is called ‘wu-fu’ or ‘five blessings’. The five blessings are good luck, good job, long life, joy and wealth. So yes, bats are popular figures in China. But the key understanding for those decorations is that bats are homophonic with ‘fu’ or ‘being blessed’. Bats are called ‘bian-fu蝙蝠’, pronouncing the same with ‘bian-fu遍福’, which means ‘good luck to everybody’. As we reflect the auspicious sounds in the Chinese language, a number of animals have come into our sight. Traditionally, Chinese do not consider animals as equals as us human-beings, yet they pay respect to them, from little insects to huge mammals, and from lovely creatures to creepy ones. We are yet to explore more auspicious sounds in the next issue let’s see what will come to us next!

鱼、鸡、喜鹊、蜘蛛和蝙蝠——带来好运的字音II 中国东华大学、加拿大圣玛丽大学孔 子学院 高倩艺 蜘蛛和蝙蝠让你想起什么?异界?电影 里一出现它们,我们心跳就会加 速,又好奇又害怕。然而另一方面, 我们却有蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠。这些侠客 会给人们带来好事情!蝙蝠和蜘蛛长 得很怪,但在中国它们也是好的!本 文将继续介绍几个在吉祥语中出现的 动物,他们是鱼、鸡、喜鹊、蜘蛛和 蝙蝠。 从前面几篇文章,我们了解到中国人喜 欢跟吉祥语发音相同的词,发音是 联系动物和吉祥语的桥梁。我们还知 道,中国人喜欢用图案来表述吉祥 语。这两个原则也适用于这五种动 物。鱼-裕, 鸡-吉, 蜘蛛、喜鹊- 喜, 蝙蝠-遍福。 首先,年年有“鱼”,金“鱼”满堂。 之前我们曾说过“年年有鱼'的年 画,是一个胖娃娃抱着一条巨大的鲤 鱼,意思是”每年都富裕“。这画能 够用来表达“繁荣”, 是因为鱼是 “裕“或”余“的同音字。“鱼“也 可以是“玉”的同音字,所以人们喜 欢在客厅(堂)养几条金鱼(Jin Yu,金,玉)。金代表钱财,玉代表 地位,希望有钱有地位。这就是所谓 的“金玉满堂” - 家里充满了黄金和 玉石。 民间还用公鸡来表达吉祥之意。鸡不能 像金鱼一样养在家里,人们就用它 的图案来代替。 鸡是我们人类的重要 食物,营养丰富,味道鲜美。然而这 不是鸡成为吉祥语和吉祥图案的主要 原因。主要原因是,1.鸡是光明的使 者,“一唱雄鸡天下白”;2.汉语

“鸡”和“吉”是同音字。所以许多 企业选择雄鸡作为自己的商标,希望 前途是光明的。由于公鸡雄赳赳、气 昂昂,表现出高贵的外观和勇敢的性 格,从而也成为中国画的好题材。 本文的另外两个主角是喜鹊和蜘蛛。喜 鹊的发音是'Xique“,蜘蛛又叫” Xizhu“,两者都有Xi(喜,欢乐) 字。中国画或年画里如果有两只喜 鹊,就是“双喜”,意味着双喜临 门。如果一个家庭,老婆生了宝宝, 老公得到了新的工作,两件好事儿一 起来了,这就是“双喜”。关于蜘 蛛,如果有一天这种生物从你的住处 楼顶垂下来,中国人就会说”Xi cong tian jiang=喜从天降”,意思是好运从 天上掉到你身上了,好兆头! 类似的,从年画、中国画及中国传统门 窗上,可以发现蝙蝠的身影。五只 蝙蝠围成一圈是比较常见的模式。这 就是所谓的“五蝠=五福”。门窗上 有五只蝙蝠,意思是“五福临门”。 这五福为福、禄、寿、喜、财。蝙蝠 是“遍福”的同音词,意思是“好运 降临到每一个人“。谁不喜欢这样? 蝙蝠这种异类,只因为名字叫得好, 就成了”幸运“的代言人了! 当我们开始关注汉语中的吉祥语,一些 动物就走进了我们的视野。一般而 言,中国人认为人类高于动物。尽管 如此,崇尚天人合一的中国人却愿意 与动物们和谐相处,大至大象,小到 蜘蛛,同它们玩乐;不论它们长得可 爱与否,都可能被调侃或受尊敬。吉 祥语的世界十分有趣!我们将在下一 期探索更多吉祥语。

December 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Column •



Grandpa Santa ZHOU HUI If one kid in the world calls Santa Clause “Grandpa Santa”, it must be our daughter, Niuniu (pronounced ‘new-new’ in Chinese, a common nickname for a cute little girl). Her stories with "Grandpa Santa" started during her childhood in Beijing, China. Six-year old Niuniu had one foot left kindergarten and the other stepped into primary school. Wow, the world outside kindergarten was so different and amazing! Her curiosity for the new world was rapidly accumulated and eventually overflowed: only 15 days after her enrollment, she skipped school at lunch time with one of her classmates right under their teacher’s nose and played the whole afternoon in a public garden nearby. “What was wrong with Niuniu?” we

asked ourselves. It seemed nothing. She was just like a little tree eager to reach the sky. How could we "trim" it without hurting the tender growing tips? “Yes, why don’t we bring Christmas to her life and let her know Santa watches her year-round”! In China, Christmas was not and still is not an official holiday, but we decided to celebrate it for Niuniu. Thus for the first time, at 6, Niuniu heard about Christmas and Santa. Little Niuniu at once loved the incredible fairytale, liked the white-bearded old man, ‘Ho-Ho-Ho’ and insisted on calling him “Grandpa Santa”. She had not skipped school once again and everything was maintained quite well since she knew Santa was there. One day, however, Niuniu shared me her worry: “Mom, does Grandpa Santa mind a mistake in my homework?” “What’s up?” I asked. “Mom, is 5-3=2

right?” “Yes.” “Why did Teacher Hu still mark an ‘X’ beside my “2” that I have erased and re-written twice?” When I glanced at her 5-3=2, I almost burst out laughing. Her “2” was backwards! No matter how many times she corrected, the “2” was consistently written backwards. No wonder Teacher Hu kept giving her “X”. “Oh, my dear, Grandpa Santa couldn't love it more, I am sure!” I cheered her up and saw the little one badly tortured by the "2" breathed easily. On Christmas Eve, after solemnly hanging a bag on the balcony of our apartment, Niuniu unwillingly went to bed. The next morning, she got up much earlier than usual. Still half asleep, she smiled discreetly and walked cautiously towards the balcony with both hope and uncertainty. When she touched something in the bag, she fully woke up: “Mom, Dad, gifts from Grandpa Santa!” Her little voice rose: “Look! A pencil box with pencils, a ruler, eraser and a pencil sharpener... two bars of chocolate, too!” That spe-

cial morning, Niuniu, carrying a school bag full surprise and excitement, hopped joyfully to school, the only child there connected to Grandpa Santa! The next year, I suggested a bigger bag for Grandpa Santa. In the morning, she absolutely found her Christmas gifts which fitted the bag perfectly. She was excited while questioned: “How did you know, mom, that I needed a bigger bag this time?” Even though the question about the “bigger bag” has not been a question for a very long time, we still keep the myth as a joyful secret between Niuniu and us. So no matter how old Niuniu is and where she lives, she can always ask: “Mom and Dad, do you know about any gifts from Grandpa Santa this year?” The same answer: “Depends on if you have been good or naughty.” Thus, with our love, the stories of Niuniu and her “Grandpa Santa” are kept written…


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