Keshen Goodman: community centre Page 3
TIANS Tourism Summit Page 6
How we eat defines us Page 10
Volkswagen Golf GTI ‘Euro-Spec’ Page 12
December 2013
Less homework: hook for luring young sailor to Maritimes 少年帆船手眼中的加国生活 BY CYNDI SWEENEY 译/刘佳宁 Icy winds whip through Point Pleasant Park and across the bay of the Northwest Arm. Too cold for hoisting sails; Optimists and Lasers are tucked-in for a long winter’s rest at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron (RNSYS). Julian Qu (13) is an avid novice sailor who proudly displays his medals and trophies from Chinese, Canadian, and U.S. regattas. “Being on the water here is similar to China, but the water here is colder,” says Julian. He’s been sailing since the age of seven and races Optimist sailboats at the RNSYS, singlehanded dinghy’s geared for children 15
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 冰冷的风吹过快乐角公园和整个西北 海湾。天气也已冷得不再适合扬帆出 行,拿省皇家游艇中队(RNSYS)OP 级和激光级的选手们都在准备过冬。 13岁的Julian是一名狂热的帆船运动 迷。小小年纪,他已经在中国、加拿 大、美国参加帆船比赛并取得多个奖 牌和奖杯。他说:“这里的水况感觉 和中国很相似,只是这里的水更冰冷 些。”他从7岁开始参与帆船运动,现 在在拿省皇家游艇中队竞赛OP级帆 船。OP级是面向15岁以下青少年的单
Julian sailing an Optimist.
Rick Qu
December 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
December 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Feature •
Keshen Goodman: community centre for newcomers 公共图书馆: 新移民的社区中心 BY CYNDI SWEENEY 译/刘佳宁 Heather MacKenzie beams, reading a letter highlighting the great work being served by the Immigrant Services Project at Halifax Public Libraries. The letter is an emotional thank you to MacKenzie, Manager for Diversity and Accessibility at Halifax Public Libraries and is personally signed by 12 Arabic women who enrolled in the library’s first computer course conducted entirely in Arabic. The women were grateful, not only for the introduction to much needed computer skills, but grateful for what the course symbolized: Independence, improved English, connection to local community and families abroad, birth of new friendships and financial savings on keeping in touch with overseas relatives. “Reaching out and listening has enabled us to do some pretty amazing things,” says MacKenzie, a 30 year veteran with the libraries. She’s began working closely with immigrant communities in 2012, in her role as branch manager at the Keshen Goodman 当Heather MacKenzie 女士读起一封信 时,她的脸上洋溢起灿烂的笑容。 MacKenzie女士是Halifax市公共图书 馆多元文化部经理,主要负责移民服 务项目。她读的是一封由12位阿拉伯 女学员联合签名的感谢信,感谢她本 人和移民服务项目改变了她们的生 活。 MacKenzie女士负责的移民服务项目中 提供了一门由阿拉伯语教学的计算机 课程。这12位阿拉伯女学员是这门课 程开展时期的第一批学员。她们在信 中说,计算机课程和其它服务项目不 仅让自己获取知识,也让其他新移民 有机会“独立,提高英语,建立新友 谊,与当地社区和海外亲人保持紧密 联系,同时节省经济支出”。 “伸出援手和倾听大家的需要让我们 收获了很多。”MacKenzie女士在图
Library. However, the libraries first began reaching out to newcomers in 1998 when the English Language and Learning (ELL) program first launched. Since then, it’s evolved from basic language classes to an array of programs designed to help immigrants integrate and flourish. “Immigrant Services is the newest and fastest growing program at the library,” MacKenzie explains. Census 2006 found there were 6,500 immigrants living in the library’s catchment area and MacKenzie is confident the number has grown steadily. MacKenzie says, through Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) funding, she was able to hire three full time staff representing thearea’s largest populations of non-English speaking newcomers: Arabic, Chinese and Persian (Farsi). She says the bilingual staff “brought respect and trust into the library, which helped welcome immigrants to work with us.” Immigrant Services Library Assistant, Youmei Chen says there are more and more newcomers registering everyday. “The library is not just a place to study
CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 书馆工作30年了。她于2012年开始在 Keshen Goodman分馆做馆长,并开始 注重服务移民社区这一领域。在此之 前,早在1998年英语学习项目启动的 时候,市图书馆就已经开始关注移民 社区服务项目了。到今天,服务项目 种类已由单纯的语言培训发展到更深 入、更细微的层次。 “移民服务是图书馆最新且发展最快 的项目,”MacKenzie解释道。2006 年人口普查显示,6500移民居住在图 书馆附近。她相信这个数字一直在稳 步增长。 MacKenzie还介绍,通过移民局的拨 款,她为分馆聘请了三名移民职工, 她们分别说阿拉伯语,中文普通话和 波斯语,是当地移民人口主要运用的
Heather MacKenzie highlights some of the current Chinese magazines available in the foreign language section at Alderney Gate Public Library in Dartmouth. Cyndi Sweeney MacKenzie女士在Alderney Gate 分馆展示馆中收藏的中文读物。
December 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
熬到10点甚至12点完成作业。”他们 不到5点不能放学,而这儿的老师不会 给学生这么大压力。
然而,减少课业负担也绝不足以让任 何家庭草率地做出移民的决定。移民 之路困难重重,遥远的距离,全新的 语言环境,陌生的生活方式…… 这些 都仅仅只是移民生活的开始。
手小艇。他也划激光级帆船。他对帆 船运动的热爱,既充实了他的生活, 也帮助他更好地融入哈利法克斯的新 环境。 “我想来加拿大。”这个小冒险家 说。Julian的帆船之旅始于中国,那时 候他代表福建省队参加全国联赛。 2010年对于Julian来说是丰收的一 年。那年,他赢得了OP级的省冠军; 也是在那年,他们一家移民到了加拿 大。 移民之前,Julian的妈妈Maria在厦门 大学工作。厦大一直与圣玛丽大学有 合作办学项目。一次工作机会,把他 们一家从厦门带到了哈利法克斯。 “我觉得能有机会来这里工作和生活 是件很幸运事情。”Maria告诉我们。 她认为哈利法克斯是一个非常适合孩 子成长的城市。中国过于重视对成功 的追求,孩子们需要背负的压力太大 了。激烈的竞争让孩子失去了童年的 宝贵时光。 Maria回忆说,Julian觉得课业太重, 希望赶紧来到加拿大。她说:“中国 学生们经常熬夜到凌晨才能完成作 业。而这里孩子没有那种压力。” Julian现在上八年级,觉得课业很轻 松。“我在国内的同学告诉我晚上要
Dakai Maritimes Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM.
Maria说:“我们之前很担心Julian搬 到新的环境不能适应。”为了帮助 Julian理智的看待这次长途迁移,她建 议他列出想来哈利法克斯的原因以及 他可能面对的所有挑战。Maria给了 Julian一次认真思考以后的机会。 “一开始,英语是我最大的挑战。” Julian现在已经可以用流利的英语交 流。他说:“刚来的半个学期我什么 都听不懂,也不能和其他同学交流。 但我现在完全可以了!” Julian说还是很想念国内的朋友。但幸 运的是,他每年都有两次回国的机会 见朋友和玩帆船。 Maria很高兴地说,Julian现在有两个 家:厦门和哈利法克斯。三年半的时 间,他终于克服了对他来说最大的两 个挑战:说英语和交朋友。 “我认为改变环境,让孩子多看看世 界是有好处的。”Maria最后说。 现在,这位小运动健将学会了用修剪 自家的草坪来换取零用钱。他开玩笑 地抱怨家里草坪太大。他也有更多的 时间投入到自己喜欢的运动项目上。 冬天的寒意虽然阻止了他在水面上航 行,却是学习滑雪的最好时机。 “我现在很开心,也交了不少好朋 友。”他满意地说。
Young sailor CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 years and under. He also sails Lasers. His love for sailing has kept him busy while he settled into his new home in Halifax. “I wanted to come to Canada,” says the adventurous teen. Julian began sailing in China and raced on the Fujian Provincial team, qualifying for Nationals. 2010 was a big year for Julian. That was the year he won an Optimist Championship for Fujian Province and the year he immigrated to Canada. His mother, Maria Pan, was working at Xiamen University in South East China when an opportunity arose to collaborate in partnership with Saint Mary’s University. “I consider myself fortunate to have the opportunity to come and work here,” says Pan. She credits Halifax with being a very good city to raise children. Both parents agree, the pressure for children to succeed in China is fierce, saying the competition can be too much, leaving less time for kids to be kids. Pan recalls homework was at the top of
Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Jennifer Liu Director, Community and Custom Publishing: Jeff Nearing Sales: Meng Zhao, Curtis Messervey, Maite Alvarez, Jason Garnier. For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca
Julian holding his favourite trophy for winning 2012 Nova Scotia Optimist Provincial Sailing Championship. Cyndi Sweeney Julian手持2012年新斯科舍省级OP帆船冠军赛奖杯。
• Cover Story
the list of reasons for Julian wanting to immigrate to Nova Scotia. “In China, the students have to stay up to eleven or twelve o’clock to finish their homework. Nobody here his age has to do that,” says Julian’s father, Rick Qu. Now in Grade eight, Julian says he finds life here easy compared to China. “I hear my friends are up to ten or twelve at night doing homework,” they don’t finish school until five o’clock and the teachers here are easier on the students, he says. But less homework wasn’t enough reason to move country. Moving house is notably one of the top stresses a family can experience. Add 12,000 kilometres, a new language and a whole new way of life and it only begins to highlight the significance of immigrating. “We were worried about him moving here,” says Pan. To help put the move into perspective she had Julian write a list of all the reasons he wanted to move to Halifax and a list of all the challenges he would face. Pan says this gave Julian the opportunity to think seriously about the hurdles ahead. “The hardest part was the language, speaking English,” smiles the now fluent teenager. “I didn’t understand anything the first half of the year and I couldn’t really talk to other students. But now I can,” says Julian. While he admits to missing his friends in China, he says he has been fortunate to travel back twice to visit friends and sail. Pan says Julian now has two homes: Xiamen and Halifax. Three and half years later, both parents are confident their son is happy and has overcome his biggest challenges: language and friends. “It’s good for children to have a change of life, a chance to move to another place in the world and experience something different,” says Pan. For now, the active teen mows the lawn to earn pocket money, but wishes it wasn’t so large. And he has plenty of time to be active. When winter’s chill prevents him from being on the water sailing, he keeps busy learning how to snowboard. “I’m pretty happy here,” he says quietly, “I’ve met friends, some good ones.”
December 2013
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Keshen Goodman Library
your own language and then translate it,” says Chen. “We want to help increase their employability and their business skills,” says Chen. Women’s Conversation Group “Women are often isolated…because they’re at home or they haven’t had the same educational opportunities…as other people in their families, so they often have lower language skills,” says MacKenzie. The Women in Conversation group connects Canadian women with immigrant women, inspiring conversations around topics of interest. Chen says there are more than 30 newcomers enrolled, representing a wide variety of ages and ethnicity.
Fireside Knitters An international mix of Canadian and immigrant women, this crafty group has provided baby hats and blankets for the IWK, dish cloths to newcomers and “generated conversation and friendships around the common interest of knitting,” says MacKenzie. Chinese Income Tax Clinic Another popular program the library plans to continue in 2014 is the multilingual income tax clinics for the Chinese community and other immigrant families. This clinic aims to simplify the process, helping newcomers file their taxes with ease. Mackenzie says she hopes to expand these programs to other branches and
has already formed partnerships with local university students to provide language tutorials to refugees who aren’t eligible for government funded programs. She’s energized by how far they’ve come in a year, but says they always need to be looking forward. “Our challenges are really the problems of success…because we’ve been so well received; it’s being able to manage future demands and being able to serve.” “It’s very rewarding…connecting with all the diverse communities we’re serving through the library,” says MacKenzie. See www.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca for more newcomer information.
共同的兴趣爱好,她们可以开始交 流、 建立友谊。
报税培训课程 2014年将继续开展收入所得税培训课 程。这个多语言的培训课主要针对来 自中国等不同国家的家庭,帮助新移 民掌握报税流程,轻松报税。
在其他分馆推广执行。他们也已经和 当地的几所大学建立了合作关系,向 没有资格在政府部门申请资助的难民 学生提供语言辅导课程。
挑战。这些项目已经深受大家好评, 而我们需要更好地管理、开拓,避免 今后停止进步或者供不应求。”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 and a place for books. It’s a place to meet Canadians, a place to integrate into the community,” says Chen. “The library is like a community centre.” Immigrant Services Project launched in November 2012 and addresses the top priorities of the community: Free Multilingual Computer Classes The library offers computer classes in Arabic, Persian, Nepali and ChineseMandarin. Classes include computer basics to internet job searching and resume writing. “It’s easier to learn the computer in
三种语言。MacKenzie认为,聘请双语 员工为图书馆在移民社区心中树立尊 重和信任,有助于与他们合作。 图书馆移民服务助理陈女士介绍说, 来图书馆注册的新移民数量每天都在 增加。她说:“图书馆不仅仅是一个 读书和学习的地方,更是融入社区生 活的地方,像一个社区中心。”
看到移民服务项目在短短一年内已经 取得飞跃的进展,MacKenzie对项目发 展的未来充满信心。她说:“之前取 得的成绩对我们今后的工作将是一个
她最后说:“通过我们的工作帮助多 元文化社区是一项很有意义的工 作。” 获取更多图书馆新移民服务信息,请 访问www.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca。
移民服务项目由2012年11月在Keshen Goodman分馆推出,着重介绍实施以 下几个项目:
女性交流小组 MacKenzie 说:“女性时常被孤立...... 她们往往因为没有工作而没有社交 圈,或者没有机会与男性一样获得教 育......种种原因导致她们成为家里语言 能力最弱的成员。” 女性交流小组作为当地女性和移民女 性的桥梁,鼓励大家针对感兴趣的话 题进行交流。陈女士表示,目前交流 小组已有30多个来自不同国家的新移 民报名参加。 手工编织小组 由本地和移民女性组成的手工编织小 组,主要为IWK儿童医院编织婴儿帽 和毯子,为新移民制作洗碗布。通过
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免费多语种计算机课程 由阿拉伯语、波斯语、尼泊尔语和中 文普通话四语授课;内容包括计算机 基础知识,网络求职和简历撰写。陈 女士介绍:“母语学习计算机知识更 容易。我们希望可以帮助新移民提高 就业能力和业务技能。”
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December 2013
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NS tourism industry eager to accommodate Chinese visitors BY CHRIS MUISE 译/刘佳宁 Tourism from China is a booming trade these days — there were 83 million outbound Chinese tourists last year, and that number is expected to rise. Canada has welcomed hundreds of thousands of these Chinese tourists onto her shores in the last few years, but few of these tourists seem to make their way to Nova Scotia. Members of Nova Scotia's tourism industry recently met at the annual TIANS (Travel Industry Association of Nova Scotia) Tourism Summit, where this year's tourism season was deconstructed, and projections and plans for the next season were already underway. For some at the summit, correcting for this discrepancy in Chinese tourism to the Maritimes was of paramount importance. “Right now, the Chinese market is very big,” says Charlie Zhang, Marketing Manager for Piyao International Travel. “Last year, there was a total of 277,000 Chinese tourists who came to Canada. It's a 26 per cent increase compared to 2011.” Zhang credits the boom in Chinese tourists visiting our country to Canada being granted approved destination status in 2010. Unfortunately, in part due to geography, Nova Scotia and the other Atlantic provinces only see a small chunk of these Chinese visitors. Those traveling from China to Canada will land on either the west coast, or Ontario. “Halifax is the farthest city from China, and there's no direct flight that can reach Halifax from China,” says Zhang. “That means the maritime provinces are not as popular as Ontario and British Columbia. That's the disadvantage of Nova Scotia tourism.” That's not to say Nova Scotia doesn't see visitors from China, but a majority of these visitors are here for business purposes, and rarely travel here for
pleasure alone. There exist Canadian tour packages for Chinese tourists, according to Zhang, that do include Halifax, but the itinerary only calls for a single day. Zhang wants that to change, and he's not alone. “With China increasing at millions of outbound visitors a year, we need to get ready,” says Patrick Sullivan, CEO of the Nova Scotia Travel Agency. “We are anxious, and we know that the Chinese market is growing dramatically, so we want to be ready.”
• Feature
拿省旅游业: 为中国游客采取新举措 据统计,中国仅去年就有8300万出境 游客,而这一数字预计还将持续上 升。近几年,越来越多的中国游客来 往加拿大,却很少人选择来到新斯科 舍省(以下简称拿省)。 11月中旬,拿省的业界人士齐聚省旅 游协会(TIANS)年度峰会,解析旅游 市场,对来年市场的趋势和发展做出 预测和规划。与会者提出,吸引更多 中国游客来东部沿海省份十分重要。 貔貅国旅市场经理张先生表示,中国
省,就是东部的安大略省。 “哈利法克斯离中国太远,而且没有直 达航班。”张先生说:“这是拿省旅游 业在地理上的劣势,意味着东部沿海省 份不如安省和卑诗省受欢迎。” 这并不代表拿省没有中国游客,可大 部分都是商务旅行,很少是专门来度 假的。张先生介绍说,旅行社有专门 为中国游客设计的哈利法克斯旅游套 餐,但这个套餐里在哈法停留的时间 只有一天。他和其他业界人士都很想 改变这一现状。 拿省旅游局局长Patrick Sullivan先生 说:“中国出境游人数每年呈百万增 长。市场增长速度之快,让我们有些 迫不及待。我们现在必须为这个市场 做好准备。” 中国游客来拿省面临地理和成本的双 重障碍。业内人士希望采用双重战 略,在中国进行目标市场营销的同 时,帮助本地产业链中的大小企业做 好准备,以满足华人游客的需求。 “我们需要因地制宜,需要突破,要研 发真正能够吸引中国游客的旅游项 目。”省旅游协会董事会主席Scott MacAulay先生说。“我正在与多 方面合作,力求解决这些问题。”
Charlie Zhang, Marketing Manager of Piyao International Travel, says Nova Scotia needs to put some effort into targeted marketing if we want to see more Chinese tourists. Chris Muise 貔貅国旅市场经理张先生认为,吸引中国游客来拿省需要在市场开发方面投入大 量工作。
With geography and cost posing a roadblock to visiting Nova Scotia, those in the industry hope to employ a dual strategy of target marketing in China, and getting businesses and destinations over here prepared to offer what Chinese tourists want.
市场是相当大的。他介绍,去年共有 27.7万中国游客来到加拿大,相较于 2011年增长了26%。他将这一大量增 长的数字归功于中国政府在2010年把 加拿大列为旅游目的地国家。遗憾的 是,因为地理位置相隔遥远,其中来 到拿省和其他东部沿海省份的华人游 客只占一小部分。旅客们在加拿大直 达的不是西海岸的不列颠哥伦比亚
而张先生认为,尽管在交通上有些不 便,拿省还是有很多优势的。“这里气 候宜人,文化独特。我们可以设计一 些针对上流社会人士的产品,包括来 这里打高尔夫球。” 大家一致认为,拿省未来的旅游市场 无论采用什么策略,其突破都不是一 朝一夕就有所成。这项庞大的工程需 要多方合作,为东部沿海省份做好充 足准备,迎接大量的潜在新游客的到 来。 “我们还有很多工作要做。” Sullivan 说:“可能需要一年甚至三年的时 间。” MacAulay说 :“我想, 拿省,甚至整 个加拿大,才刚刚开始了解中国市场 的潜在商机。今后的路还很长。”
December 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Feature •
Road to Acadia alight with rural surprises BY CYNDI SWEENEY 译/刘佳宁 University life in rural Nova Scotia has a dark side. Four students from Acadia University discovered, this is especially true when arriving on the red-eye flight from Hong Kong. Jack Wang (22) studied business for two and half years at Acadia University and is now working on his finance degree. Wang is from Xuzhou on China’s east coast. He chose to study in the Maritimes, instead of Ireland, because he heard Canadian education was more accepting of foreign students and geographically, Canada’s east coast seemed familiar. The entrepreneur vividly recalls his first few hours in Nova Scotia.
“After leaving the airport all I saw was trees. I said to the driver, ‘Where are you taking me?’” laughs Wang, recalling the 95 kilometre stretch of blackness between Halifax Stanfield International Airport and Wolfville. Since his arrival, Wang has seen the brighter side of life in a small town. “I think this community is very open, very accepting and very friendly compared to city life,” says Wang. When he’s not studying, he operates his small business importing silk products from China and selling to wholesalers throughout the province. Xindi Di, an accounting major at Acadia, was also surprised by Wolfville’s remoteness, when she arrived in 2009.
收获惊喜: 中国留学生在加东小镇 从繁华的大都市到偏远的乡村郊区, 这样大的环境差异对于大多数中国留 学生而言都很难适应。 Jack Wang 来自江苏徐州,今年22 岁,已经在阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia University)修完两年半的商科课程, 现在正在攻读金融学位。他了解到加
拿大的教育系统对留学生更具包容 性,而且加东沿海地区与家乡在地理 上的相似让他倍感亲切。于是,他放 弃了去爱尔兰的机会,选择来到加 东。
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Xindi Di in front of the Wong International Centre at Acadia University. Cyndi Sweeney 狄新迪在阿卡迪亚大学国际留学生中心。
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December 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
收获惊喜 上接第7页 哈利法克斯斯坦菲尔德国际机场与小 镇沃尔夫维尔(Wolfville)之间是段长 达95公里的黑暗路程。直至今天, Jack仍对第一次来到小镇的情景记忆 犹新。他笑着回忆道:“离开机场 后,我看到一望无尽的黑压压的树。 当时是凌晨两点,周围一个人都没 有,静悄悄的。我紧张地问司机要带 我到什么地方。” 在接下来的时间里,Jack接触到了这 淳朴小镇美好的一面。他说:“相比 大城市,这里接纳性更强,更友 善。”闲暇时间,他经营着自己的小 买卖。他从中国进口丝绸,卖给省内各 地的批发商。他计划毕业之后在当地 开一家中餐馆,招牌菜将会有他最想 念的家乡小吃叉烧包。 会计专业的狄新迪(音译)于2009年 来到Wolfville小镇。她回忆道:“我 们凌晨两点多抵达哈利法克斯,当时 还能隐约看到城市的灯光。可是沿途 的路越来越黑,我开始有些担心了, 幸亏当时车里还有另外两个学生。” 狄新迪的家乡辽宁锦州是中国最北端 的海港,拥有310多万人口。她选择来 加拿大留学的原因是这里气候宜人,也 比较安全。她说:“我很喜欢阿卡 迪亚的小班教学,这样会有很多和教 授一对一交流的机会。”毕业以后, 她希望可以留在拿省,但如果找不到 稳定的工作,她会考虑去阿尔伯塔。
Tourism Summit CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 “We need to open our arms, and open our hearts, to these people, and develop a product that they're going to want,” says Scott MacAulay, the Chair of the TIANS Board of Directors. “I'm working with a few groups now, and that's just what they're doing. They're developing packages, they're developing different reasons why Chinese people would come to Nova Scotia.” “Although the transportation is not that convenient,” says Zhang, “Nova Scotia has a lot of advantages. We have
• Feature
2011年人口普查显示,Wolfville住有 4269居民,而阿卡迪亚大学的学生数 量则超过了这个小镇的总居住人口。 大学国际教育中心辅导员Julie Snair女 士表示,大学现有4300名学生,其 中,166名来自中国。国际留学生总数 占学生总数的11%。学校最受欢迎的 科系是工商管理专业。 2005年,Claude从温哥华转学到阿卡 迪亚大学攻读计算机科学。Claude表 示,刚刚来小镇时因为看不到城市建 筑,确实有点失望。 2008年完成学业后,他离开小镇,去 多伦多和渥太华工作了一段时间,但 是后来还是回到了这里。他说:“我 喜欢这里。这里的人很友善,所以我 回来继续深造硕士学位。” Claude在校园里还遇见了自己后来的 人生伴侣Chee。Chee 来自深圳,毕业 于心理学专业。他们在2010年举行婚 礼,现育有3岁的儿子Amor。 尽管留学生们在加东小镇生活伊始都 受到强烈的文化冲击,但后来都逐步 融入了社区生活。在这里,他们喜欢 上了参加课余活动,去农贸市场,夏 天摘蓝莓,秋天摘苹果。 Chee说:“如果大家出国留学是想静 下心来学习,这里是个很好的选 择。” 中加两国不同的商场文化也在潜移默 化中影响Jack。“每次回国,我都要 重新调整心态,用一种不同的方式生 活。这个时候,我会想念在Wolfville 简单而美好的生活。”
the perfect weather. We have a unique culture. We can provide some products that focus on just the high-end level — those people who come here who can pay, just for golf.” Whatever the strategies employed may be in the coming tourist seasons, all sides agree that this is not an overnight fix; it's going to take a lot of work and cooperation to get the Maritimes ready for this potential influx of new visitors. “There's still some work to do,” says Sullivan. “I think we can do some of that over the next year, or two, or three.” “I think we're just at the start for Nova Scotia, or even Canada, to understand the opportunity that exists in China,” says MacAulay. “It's a long ways away.”
Chee and Claude at Acadia University. Chee和Claude在阿卡迪亚大学校园。
Road to Acadia CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 “When I landed it was 2 a.m. and I saw the lights of Halifax, but as we drove it became darker and darker. It was very scary,” laughs Xindi. Di is from Jinzhou city of Liaoning Province, China’s northernmost seaport with a population of more than 3.1 million. Of all the English speaking countries Di could study in, she chose Canada for its pleasant climate and safety. “I really love my class size. It’s a small university and you can talk to professors if you have questions,” says Di. Acadia’s enrollment surpassed the number of people living in Wolfville; with the 2011 Census recording a population 4,269 residents. Julie Snair, Coordinator of International Education at the university says there are 4,300 students, including 166 Chinese students, studying at Acadia this year. International students comprise 11 per cent of the total student population with Business Administration being the most popular program. Di says she plans to stay in Nova Scotia after graduation, but if work isn’t available, she’ll move west to Alberta.
Cyndi Sweeney
Claude Pan (30) was studying computer science when he met his wife Chee Wan (27), a psychology major. Pan transferred from Vancouver to Acadia University in 2005. “Honestly, when I was just landing here in Nova Scotia, I thought, there are a lot of trees. I didn’t see any buildings. I was a little disappointed,” says Pan. After completing a Bachelor degree in 2008, Pan left to work in Toronto and Ottawa before returning to Wolfville. “I like it here. The people are nice… that’s why I returned to complete my Master’s degree,” says Pan. Pan and Wan married in 2010 and are busy raising their threeyear-old son, Amor. Despite their initial culture shock, all four urban students have found a sense of community in Wolfville. They enjoy university activities like badminton and kick-boxing and shop at local farmers markets. They blueberry pick in summer and go apple picking in September. “If you really want to study, it’s a great place,” says Wan. For finance major Wang, experiencing the different nuances of conducting business in both China and Canada has given him a deeper cultural understanding. “When I go home I have to step back from myself and get used to myself for a while, because I miss Wolfville so much. Here, is a really fabulous place to be.”
December 2013
Dakai Maritimes • ć‰“ĺź€ĺŠ ä¸œ
Culture •
24 Solar Terms: Traditional Activities BY QIANYI GAO, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY Activities associated with each solar term are the most fascinating from ancient China. Featuring seasonal, physical and spiritual characteristics, these activities were considered a vital part of the society among both the imperial courts and the commoners. While the imperial courts dominated formal ceremonies, the common citizens developed their own versions of celebration. This article highlights some of the most interesting activities among the common citizens at the beginning of each season. During the Start of Spring, people
whipped clay cows to pray for a good year of farming. In some places, people wouldn’t stop whipping until the clay shattered as they believed taking home a piece of clay cows would bring the family health and wealth for the entire year. During the Start of Summer, people measured their body weight to reduce the risk of getting sick. During this period of time, another special activity was “egg push� where children were to pick boiled eggs with the thickest shells and push them against other eggs. When the egg shell cracked, the winner egg continued to fight until there were no eggs left to fight. Women and children wore a special
äşŒĺ? 四节气䚋 民俗洝动 ĺœŁçŽ›ä¸˝ĺ¤§ĺŚĺ”ĺ?ĺŚé™˘ éŤ˜ĺ€Šč‰ş čŠ‚ć°”ć–‡ĺŒ–ä¸ćœ€ćœ‰é…ĺŠ›çš„čŚ ĺąžćœ&#x;é—´ä¸žčĄŒ çš„ć°‘äż—ć´ťĺŠ¨äş†ă€‚čż™äş›ć°‘äż—ć´ťĺŠ¨ĺœ¨ĺ†œä¸š 礞䟚旜辡ç?€ĺ‡?č šĺ?ŠĺŽ‰ĺŽšäşşĺżƒçš„ä˝œç”¨ďźŒ ĺ…ˇćœ‰ç˛žçĽžç‰Šč´¨ĺ?Œé‡?ć€§ďźŒä¸?但为ćœ?坡所 é‡?č§†ďźŒäš&#x;ĺ?—ĺˆ°ć°‘é—´çš„é‡?č§†ă€‚ćŻ”ĺŚ‚ďźŒć˜Ľ ĺŁçš„ĺžˆĺ¤šć´ťĺŠ¨ĺ…ˇćœ‰čżŽćŽĽć˜Ľĺ¤Šçš„ć€§č´¨ďźŒ č€Œç§‹ĺŁçš„ĺžˆĺ¤šć´ťĺŠ¨ĺˆ™ĺ…ˇćœ‰ć„&#x;谢攜莡的 性质。皇ć?ƒä¸ťĺŻźĺ?„饚ćŁĺź?的䝪ĺź?ďźŒč€Œ ć°‘é—´ĺˆ™ĺ?‘ĺą•äş†č‡Şĺˇąçš„ć ˇĺź?ďźŒćœ‰çš„ćŒ çť ĺˆ°äťŠć—Ľă€‚čż™ĺ›žćœŹć–‡ç?€é‡?äť‹çť?çŤ‹ć˜ĽďźŒçŤ‹ ĺ¤?ďźŒçŤ‹ç§‹ďźŒçŤ‹ĺ†Źčż™â€œĺ››çŤ‹â€?ć—śčŠ‚çš„ćœ‰ 蜣洝动。 çŤ‹ć˜Ľć—śčŠ‚ďźŒäşşäťŹćłĽĺĄ‘ä¸€ĺ¤´ç‰›éžć‰“ĺŽƒďźŒ 䝼ćœ&#x;ć’ç§?éĄşĺˆŠďźŒĺ?Ťéžć˜Ľç‰›ă€‚ćœ‰çš„ĺœ°ć–š 人䝏寚泼牛用力éžć‰“ďźŒç›´č‡łćŠŠĺŽƒć‰“ ç˘Žă€‚čż™ć—śĺ›´č§‚çš„çž¤äź—äźšä¸€ć‹Ľč€Œä¸ŠďźŒćŠ˘ 垗泼牛的一ĺ?—ĺœ&#x;ĺ?—ďźŒĺ¸Śĺ›žĺŽťćŠŠĺŽƒĺ&#x;‹ĺˆ° č‡ŞĺŽśçš„ĺœ°é‡Œă€‚äşşäťŹç›¸äżĄčż™ć˜Ľç‰›çš„ĺœ&#x;ĺ?— čƒ˝ĺ¤&#x;äż?ä˝‘ç‰˛ç•œĺ ĽĺşˇäťĽĺ?Šĺ†œäş‹éĄşĺˆŠă€‚ 獋ĺ¤?ć—śčŠ‚ďźŒäşşäťŹčŚ ç§°ä˝“é‡?。ć?ŽčŻ´ç§°čż‡
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December 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
How we eat defines who we are BY YONGMEI WANG 作者:王咏梅 What we eat and how we eat says a lot about our culture. The world’s countries celebrate different occasions — from birthdays to national holidays — and eating is always an important part of celebrations. However, when it comes to sharing food, the Chinese stand out as a people who gain satisfaction from treating others to a delicious meal. Two significant differences between Chinese and Western dining habits are sharing and paying for a meal. When Chinese people dine together, the food is ordered to share amongst all diners. Dishes are served in the centre of the table for the purpose of sharing. In the West, food is served individually, and people eat from their own plates. When it’s time to pay for the meal, Chinese take a long time to settle the dispute of who has the honour to pay for the group. The culture of “treating the group” is common in China whereas in the Western countries, it is rare and would depend on the occasion. Dining together means having company to share the joy of food. In early civilizations, sharing food was limited to family and trusted tribal members related by kinship. Thousands of years have passed, but those traditions remain. Seeking friendship or business partners outside of kinship is not easy. However, sharing food simulates a kinship, and has become a testimony of
24 Solar terms CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 leaf in their hair to welcome the Start of Autumn. Those who had measured their weight during the Start of Summer would measure their weight again to observe whether they had suffered weight loss caused by the summer heat. Nowadays, people eat special foods and take herbed baths. The Start of Winter was when people held sacrificial rites to honour the
trust. It has become a universal model for people to socialize and gain trust through dining together. In this way, paying for the whole group has become a special custom for the Chinese. China entered into the agricultural era about four thousand years ago. Farming was the primary industry until only about two hundred years ago. The long-term, stationary farming system created a stable society. The nature of agriculture restricted labour mobility, so people had to remain in one place and later form a stable community. Crops take time to grow and mature before a harvest. This process came to be a model of Chinese social life. Sustainability and reciprocity are the fundamental principles for social interactions in China. The rationalization behind paying for other people’s meals is that sometime in the future I shall be rewarded. However, Chinese don’t necessarily expect rewards in forms of future meals: the reward might come as a piece of useful information, assistance in solving a problem, or a networking opportunity with an important contact. Eating with potential business partners before or after professional meetings is not only important but strategic. It provides an opportunity to analyze the personalities of business contacts. Who finally gets to pay the bill? The answer could run pages after pages. Long story short, giving is receiving. For people who treat others, not only do they win respect by being generous,
deceased. During the rites, people ingeniously prepare everyday necessities made with paper and burn them in fire for the deceased. In south-eastern China, villagers held ceremonies to thank the gods by making rice wine. Many people would take a special bath, wishing for good health during the harsh winter season. Centuries ago when people had no Internet, TV or adequate scientific knowledge, commoners particularly enjoyed celebrating festivals. They participated in celebration with great enthusiasm and earnestness. They
they stand in a position to ask future favours. Conversely, receiving is usually giving. Those who enjoy free meals will eventually repay the favour in one way or another. Having said that, there are some guidelines to follow. If you were a guest, your host would be expected to take care of the bill, but guests should offer to pay nonetheless. When a group of people eat out together, the person who suggests eating out should nor-
• Culture
mally pay. On an occasion where people celebrate, the person being honoured by the celebration usually pays. Getting to know some of the unwritten rules of the eating culture in China is important for those who seek to form personal and professional relationships with their Chinese counterparts. It is safe to say that, in China, people who never share a meal together are not likely to form a significant relationship.
就餐方式彰显文化差别 吃什么和如何吃都是文化。每个民族 的庆典小到生日,大到全民的节日都 和吃分不开。但是这个世界上没有哪 个民族像中国人那样热衷于请客吃 饭。 对比中西式就餐方式,明显的差别有 两个:合餐/分餐,付账/拆账。 中国人 聚餐时一人点菜大家吃,菜肴都放在 餐桌中间,供就餐者共享。西餐桌 上,就餐者为自己点餐。虽也有分 享,基本上每人主要吃自己盘中食 物。用餐完毕,中国人一桌一份账 单,众人争相做东;西方人通常各自 付账。 文明初期,共食往往限于家庭或部族 成员之间,因为血缘象征信任。千年 过去,传统依旧。不论是商业伙伴还 是私人交情,在无血缘的人群中找到 信任困难重重。然而,共食却可以摸 拟血亲关系人们之间的联系,使原来 陌生的人成为朋友和商业伙伴。通过 共食获得了解信任,几乎是东西方文 化都认同的社交模式。但是,中国人
believed that the festivals were gifts of gods, or more accurately, the gods of nature. They believed that harvest was a result of the gods being happy and disaster was brought by displeased gods. Today, although many customs have been replaced by science and technology, the Chinese people continue to pay respects to nature and the twenty-four solar terms traditions inherited from their ancestors. In the next issue, we will introduce food and diet associated with the twenty-four terms.
争先恐后为所有人付账却颇为独特。 中国的农耕文明历经千年。土地的不 可流动使劳动力相对固定,社会人员 也因此相对固定不变。同时,农业耕 作是长期产业,播下种子需待谷物成 熟才能收获。这样的生产模式影响了 中国人社交的模式。长期性和互惠互 利是中国人的社交理念。相较而言, 游牧民族情况不尽相同,人们逐水草 而居,社会成员不断变动,长期互助 关系难以建立。人们固然聚餐,但是 一般不期待此餐之后的回报。 中国人争相买单,谁最终获得买单的 权力,规则复杂。给予乃获得。买单 的人获得被回报的机会,即便有求于 就餐者,也显得顺理成章。有时候, 买单者不期回报,就图个好名声。反 之亦然,获得也是给予。接受招待, 给足主人面子,并心存回报之念。 了解就餐的规则有助于建立个人交 情,发展良好商业合作关系。直到今 天,在中国,吃不到一起的人,很难 成为朋友或合作伙伴。
二十四节气之民俗活动 上接第9页 数千年的农业社会,没有网络,没有 电视,农业技术落后,节气的仪式和 活动是与自然、与神交信的大事;丰 收还是歉收都由大自然,或他们心中 的水神、土地神以及掌管牲畜的神们 决定,因而人们非常热情、虔诚地进 行这些活动。当今科技发展了,虽然 不再像过去那样依赖各路神灵,崇 尚、尊重自然的中国人依然重视二十 四节气。特别是关系到衣食等于健康 和生命相关的事项时,很多人还是要 讲究一番的。鉴于此,下一期将介绍 二十四节气食俗。
December 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Events •
北师大艺术团赴加交流演出 - 国风舞韵
纠缠粒子 - 当代中国艺术展 第五届加东乒乓球联赛
11月1日晚7点,在哈法圣玛丽大学孔子学院的组织筹备下,北京师范大学艺术团 在哈法Citael高中Spatze剧场成功完成在加东的第四站巡演《国风舞韵》,与中 外观众共度了一个精彩难忘的良宵。 加拿大新斯科舍省省督John James Grant 及其夫人、中国驻加拿大大使馆张兰春公参、新斯科舍省政府关系促进部副部 长Catherin Belwett,以及圣玛丽大学校长Colin Dodds博士莅临观演。 (摄影:裘梦婕/薄渊 供稿:哈法华人网)
圣玛丽大学艺术画廊首次邀请四位当 代中国艺术家 - 林菁菁、 王思顺、 吴俊勇、萧昱,于8月27日到10月6日 举办题为《纠缠粒子》艺术创作展。 艺术家们以行 为、动画、影像、 摄影 等创作形式,对当代中国所面临的社 会和政治挑战,提出了各自不同的回 应。 其中,林菁菁女士盛情邀请圣玛 丽大学师生以及当地社区群众,共同 完成《完美的诺言》(My Promise for Your Happiness)的艺术创作,让参 与者充分发挥想象力,并有机会 直接与艺术家对话,使在不同文 化背景下的加拿大公众,对来自中国 独特的当代艺术,有了更深入的了解和 认识。(供稿、摄影:吾心若羽)
11月24日9点,由加东乒乓球协会组织 的第五届“President`s Choice Financial” 杯加拿大东部地区最大乒乓球锦 标赛在圣玛丽大学Homburg Centre 举 行。中国驻加大使馆的代表和加拿大国 会议员莅临开幕式。本届选手除了加东 的24个代表队,更特别新增6个家庭 组,旨在增强竞赛的多元化和社区化。 据悉,800余位观众到场观看开幕式, 50余位圣玛丽、戴尔豪斯等大学的学 生志愿者为锦标赛献力献策。 (摄影: 裘梦婕 供稿:哈法华人网)
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December 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
• Automotive
First Drive: 2014 Volkswagen Golf GTI ‘Euro-Spec’ BY TODD GILLIS HERALD WHEELS EDITOR 译/刘佳宁 The waiting list for the Scirocco R was the only one longer than the EuroSpec'd Volkswagen Golf GTI when I went to add my name on a hot afternoon in Napa Valley, California in late August during Volkswagen's 2014 FullLine drive event. The most talked about vehicle that day is one of the most anticipated rides in the North American hot-hatch world — the Gen-7 Golf GTI. I had my first sit-down in MKVII during its world premiere at the Geneva Motor Show in March and was thrilled to see it again that day, still in the same Tornado Red paint. For compact sport fans the world over, especially the Vee-Dub club, the GTI has been nothing short of an icon since its primeval version launched in 1976. My tester that day was powered by a torque-laden direct-injected 2.0-litre inline turbocharged four-cylinder that offered 220 horsepower and 258 pound-feet of torque (the Canadian version will probably be rated at 210 hp and 258 lb-ft). Upon throttle mash, the GTI pulled and pulled and pulled some more till it met the redline. The engine was managed exceptionally well by its six-speed DSG dual-clutch automatic transmission. It also had three drive modes — Sport, Comfort and Eco. A progressive steering system made its debut in the GTI; it enabled the driver to turn through a desired radius with fewer turns of the steering wheel (just 2.1 turns lock-to-lock). On the twistys, the GTI handled with all the agility and quickness of a rabbit being chased down by a fox and it was an absolute pleasure to drive at high or low speeds through the curvy asphalt around Napa Valley's back roads.
The 2014 VW Golf GTI 'Euro-Spec', a popular seller in Europe will hit Canadian showrooms in fall of 2015.
VW photo
第7代高尔夫GTI试驾感受 八月下旬,大众汽车在加州纳帕谷举 办了2014全系试驾活动。酷热的下 午,我把自己的名字加在了全新欧版 高尔夫GTI的试驾名单中。这个候驾 名单的长度仅此于尚酷R。 7代高尔夫GTI,北美汽车产业高性能 “小钢炮”圈子里最令人期待的车型
之一,也是活动中最受关注的车辆。 对于像Vee-Dub俱乐部等具有运动精 神的爱好者们,自1976年推出其原始 版本起,GTI就成为一款独一无二的经 典。我在3月份的日内瓦车展期间首次 体验了MKVII;如今见面,它依旧披 着红色龙卷风。
当天,我试驾的车辆使用了常见的2.0 升16气门直列四缸涡轮发动机,能够 产生220马力和258磅 - 英尺的扭矩 (加拿大版本可能会被额定为210马力 和258磅 - 英尺)。大脚油门猛烈加速
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
December 2013
December 2013
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
高尔夫GTI 上接第12页 再不会感觉到变速器换挡时动力的瞬 间停滞,而这要归功于DSG双离合变 速器。6速双离合换挡变速箱,也就是 DSG,具备运动,舒适和环保三个驱 动模式。GTI渐进式转向系统首次亮 相;这一系统让驾驶者更轻松的控制 方向盘,完成理想的转弯(仅需转动 到底2.1圈)。即使是在崎岖不平的赛 道上,GTI也表现迅捷。不论高速还是 低速,围绕纳帕谷的崎岖山脉还是平
Golf ‘Euro-Spec CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Outside, the GTI differentiated itself from other Golf models with GTI exclusive features that included red painted brake callipers, a GTI-typical honeycomb structure of the air-inlet screens, smoked rear lights along with its chrome 80-mm diameter tailpipes on the left and right. The new GTI also had a longer, lower, wider profile than the Gen VI and was also 100 kg lighter (thanks to ultrahigh-strength, hot-formed steel used in 28 per cent of its uni-body construction). The Gen VII included a new placement for its unique red stripe which now marked the lower edge of the radiator grille and extended further to the left and up to the housings of its bi-xenon headlights. In the far lower section of the bumper, beneath the crossbar painted in body colour, the black air inlet with its honeycomb pattern screen wasn't framed any more by a black area, but by surfaces painted in body colour, which made the air inlet more noticeable. The three lateral black aerodynamic fins beneath the headlights played a more prominent role in the new GTI's front-end styling, too. The side sill and rear diffuser were also styled in black. The GTI's new roof spoiler design was significantly larger than other Golf models and it was integrated to be flush to the boot lid and body. Inside, the GTI VII had a redesigned tartan pattern that was now named 'Clark,' which replaced the GTI VI
车行天下 坦的柏油路,驾驶GTI都绝对是一种 享受。
有黑色框架,而是将表面漆成车身颜 色,使进气口表面更加明显。大灯下 方的侧面,三个黑色的空气动力学鳍 片更为新款GTI的前卫造型增色。侧 梁和后扩散器也选用黑色。车顶扰流 板设计略大,为车辆带来更高的高速 稳定性。
新款GTI的外部设计不同于其他高尔 夫车型,它特别配有红色绘制动卡 钳、经典的蜂巢式前格栅,熏黑处理 的后灯,还有80毫米直径的排气管相 称左右。新款GTI有长,低,宽三大 特点,并且比6代车型轻100kg(28% 车身由更牢固,更薄,更轻的热成型 钢构成)。其独特的红色条纹标记在 散热器格栅的下边缘,并延伸至左 边,直至其双氙气大灯外壳。在保险 杠的最下段部分和漆成车身颜色横梁 下方,黑色蜂巢图案前格栅的不再配
在内饰方面,GTI 7代替换了6代的 “Jacky”设计,采用格子图案 “Clark”。运动型座椅利用良好的人 体工程学设计,更好的支撑了人体, 并在座椅下增加了滑动抽屉。红色的 装饰缝线为座椅和换档饰板增添了一 抹运动感。其它内部特点让人再次想
'Jacky' design. The sport seats had good ergonomics, were well bolstered and included sliding drawers under the seats. Red decorative seams in the area of the seats and the gear shift trim provided a sporty contrast. Other interior features included its customized sport steering wheel and a special gear shift grip once again re-
miniscent of a golf ball (a tribute to the first GTI, along with its new steeringwheel design). That flat-bottomed wheel, with its three metal spokes and trim in highgloss black, had a light-weight look and was easy to grip; different from all other Golfs, it had a round impact absorber similar to that found in the GTI I.
The GTI’s unique interior will certainly be a selling point for some. GTI独特的内饰成为吸引车迷们的一大亮点。
• Automotive
起了高尔夫球,包括定制的运动方向 盘和特殊的换档握柄(向1代GTI和 新方向盘设计致敬)。三条高光黑色 金属装饰的平底方向盘轻巧,容易抓 握。和其他款高尔夫不同,新车型有 一个圆形减震器,很像1代。此外GTI 内部配有红色照明,别致的装饰和仪 表板,拉丝不锈钢踏板和脚部休息 区,以及不锈钢门槛。 这款车目前已经成为欧洲最畅销的车 型。要想在加拿大展厅见到2014新版 GTI,恐怕要等到2015年秋天。可是, 它绝对值得等待。
Also GTI specific inside was the red ambiance lighting, special trim strips and panels, brushed stainless steel pedals and foot rest, and stainless steel door sill entry plates up front. Currently the most popular-selling vehicle in all of Europe, the 2014 GTI won't grace Canadian showrooms till next fall as a 2015. It will be worth the wait.
VW photo
December 2013
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Beauty •
冬季肌肤保养术 2014冬季吸睛配饰 文/ Denise Surette 译/刘佳宁 干性,油性或混合型?不管你是什么 类型的肌肤,冬季季候干燥,肌肤也 会随之冬眠,容易脱水和敏感。冷空 气,大风和干热的室内采暖都会让皮 肤失去水分的润泽,随之产生嘴唇干 裂、皮肤红肿破裂等一系列问题。让 肌肤时刻保持充足的水分是保护肌肤 免受冬季气候影响的关键。选用合适 的护肤产品补水可以让肌肤避免受到 进一步的伤害。 治疗嘴唇龟裂,最好选用纯天然配方 的润唇膏。避免使用含有香味或染色 剂的润唇膏以防止刺激双唇,加重龟 裂。Burt's Bees小蜜蜂的经典蜂蜡润 唇膏一直深受各类人群喜爱。柔和的 天然配方不仅快速治愈龟裂,长期使 用更会保持唇部水润。
寒冬将至,又到了为这个季节挑选特 别配饰的时候。本季选择配饰讲究温 暖、舒适、色彩别致。 动物印花依然是2013秋冬、2014春夏 时尚秀场上的重要元素。经典豹纹和 斑马纹和任何外套颜色、纹理都相互 呼应。H&M有一款动物印花围巾 ($24.95)底色柔和,和休闲的棉帽 衫 或时髦的羊毛大衣搭配都很融洽。
担心握方向盘时手套滑来滑去?可以 试试H&M皮手套($34.95),防滑, 外观时尚,且有多种颜色选择。
Banana Republic羊绒贝雷帽
Town Shoes冬靴
不要忘记身体的其他部分也同样需要 保护和滋养。四肢往往是身体最干燥 的部位,有时甚至会有瘙痒或湿疹的 症状。The Body Shop美体小铺的身体 滋养霜是一款经典产品,有很多味道 可以选择。这款滋养霜比一般的润肤 露厚重,可以帮助肌肤保持一整天的 水润。
Burt's Bees小蜜蜂蜂蜡润唇膏
想找一双既能行走在泥泞雪地又有型 的冬靴?Town Shoes有款冬靴平底且 防水,让双脚时刻保持温暖舒适。侧 边的纽扣设计也让人眼前一亮。
Roots的Cabin Infinity系列有一款时尚 的棕色围脖($48.00)。这款围脖实 用又抢眼,随意绕上两圈,就能轻轻松 松打造完美的围巾造型。
相较于身体其他部位,脸部在外暴露 时间更长,更频繁接触到寒风。为了 避免脸部红肿过敏,选择使用合适的 润肤霜尤为关键。如果皮肤一年四季 都很干燥,冬季最好选用稍厚重的面 霜。Philosophy自然哲学酸乳酪活肤面 霜是Sephora丝芙兰最畅销的保湿霜之 一,它为肌肤深度补水的同时,也不 会带来任何油腻感。 油性或混合性肌肤要避免使用厚重的 护肤霜,以防长痘。建议在润肤之前 使用保湿精华素。Dermalogica德美乐 嘉的强效保湿精华使肌肤迅速获得水 分滋养,同时有效避免长痘。
Banana Republic 羊绒贝雷帽 ($62.00)外观淑女、优雅,很适合 冬季的聚会场合。这款经典的贝雷帽材 质柔软, 且有多种颜色选择。
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December 2013
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