Dakai Maritimes March 2014

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2014奥迪A7 TDI

Chinese New Year Banquet Page 4

Local, traditional Chinese medicine Page 7

Chinese tourism in 2014 Page 8

2014 Audi A7 TDI Page 16

March 2014

Star-studded “文化中国•四海同春” Spring Festival 第3页 Gala Page 3


March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Cover Story •



A star-studded gala makes this year's Spring Festival truly unique BY CHRIS MUISE The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivities during the celebration of the Lunar New Year, and for the first time ever, Halifax got to celebrate it with the star-studded Chinese New Year Festival Gala. The Gala, hosted at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, featured the Culture of China — Festival of Spring performance tour, which brings 36 of China's

biggest stars in pop music, folk song and dance, and the Peking Opera to cities throughout North America every year. The troupe’s 2014 North America “Culture of China, Festival of Spring” performing tour featured just one Canadian tour featured just one Canadian city — Halifax, their first time performing city – Halifax, where they performed for the first time. Photo: Ziqian Wang here. “文化中国• 四海同春”慰侨演出于2月19日晚首次走进海港城市哈利法克斯。 “We're fortunate to have them tocatering during the reception, to upTo organize this event was no small night,” says Professor Jinyu Sheng, dating the theatre's lighting was taken feat, according to Sheng. Hundreds of Chair of the Chinese New Year Festivcare of in order to bring the comman hours were volunteered, many of al Gala's Organizing Committee. “I those by students, and with the help of believe this will be unique, and it will sponsors, everything from high-end be fantastic.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

“文化中国• 四海同春” 首次走进哈利法克斯 译/Christine Qin Yang

春节是最为重要的中国传统节日。新 春佳节之际,哈利法克斯迎来了“文 化中国• 四海同春”艺术团,给在哈法 的侨胞和留学生们带来了一台阵容强 大、明星荟萃、艺术水准一流的精彩 演出。 "文化中国• 四海同春"是由国务院侨办 组织,于每年春节期间在全球五大洲 华侨聚居的国家和地区开展的慰问华 侨访问演出活动。艺术团由中国著名 的歌唱家、京剧名家、民乐演奏家以 及歌舞团等36名成员组成。2月19

日,艺术团首次走进海港城市哈利法 克斯,在戴尔豪西大学艺术中心为观 众们献上精彩演出。值得一提的是, 哈法也是“四海同春”2014北美行中 唯一的加拿大城市。 本次演出筹备委员会主席申锦瑜教授 说:“我们十分幸运,能请来‘四海 同春’艺术团。我相信这将会是一场 独一无二、精彩绝伦的演出。” 申教授表示,本次慰侨访演能够成功 举办, 离不开社会各界的鼎力相助。演 出筹备委会成员由来自本地华人社区 和中国留学生团体的志愿者组成,义 务负责晚会的宣传、售票、赞助,和


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March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Feature

Chinese Society rings in Year of the Horse BY CHRIS MUISE This year's annual Chinese New Year Banquet celebrated not just the arrival of the Year of the Horse, but the 40th anniversary of the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia as well. Back in November of 1973, the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia was founded in order to promote Chinese culture and foster a greater multicultural presence in the province. Over the years, the local Chinese community has flourished as Nova Scotians became more and more welcoming to their Chinese neighbours. “The community here is getting larger and larger each year,” says Dr. Yonggan Zhao, President of the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia. “I can feel it. People, especially the local people, the very original local people from Eng-

Dakai Maritimes Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Christine Qin Yang, Jennifer Liu Contributed photography: Ziqian Wang Director, Community and Custom Publishing: Jeff Nearing Sales: Meng Zhao, Curtis Messervey, Jason Garnier. For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca

This year’s Chinese New Year Banquet celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia. Photo: Ted Tam 今年拿省华人协会新春晚宴迎来了协会建会40周年。

land and Scotland, they are starting to appreciate the other cultures.” One way the CSNS shows gratitude towards those who have helped the Chinese community garner greater local recognition is by hosting their annual Chinese New Year Banquet, a

high-end black tie affair to share traditional Chinese culture with the community-at-large. “It provides a platform for us to showcase Chinese culture,” says Zhao. “To make a link, bridging Chinese culture with the local community here, and

other cultures.” The banquet is jointly hosted in conjunction with the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association Atlantic Section. Zhao, who also acts as banquet coorganizer, wanted this event to be their biggest yet, in honour of the momentous anniversary. “This one is bigger,” says Zhao. “I've got more people interested. Tickets are all sold out. The scale, it's a big scale.” The annual banquet is open to CSNS members and non-members alike. For the price of $75 a ticket, attendees were treated to fine wine and dining, followed by traditional Chinese performances including Lion and Dragon Dances, Chinese folk music, a fashion show, and more. They ended the evening with ballroom dancing into the early hours of the morning. The banquet also played host to distinguished guests, including Deputy Mayor Darren Fisher, MLA and former broadcaster Allan Rowe, and the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, J.J. Grant. Each of the special guests spoke and expressed their appreciation to the CSNS for its efforts to make Nova Scotia a bastion of diversity. “Chinese New Year festivities are joyous events of hope and good will,” says Grant, in an address to more than


新春晚宴:贺新春,迎马年 译/Christine Qin Yang 今年的拿省华人协会新春晚宴与往年 有些不同。2014年新春晚宴不仅让大 家共聚一堂喜迎马年来临,同时也迎 来了拿省华人协会建会四十周年。 1973年11月,本着弘扬中华文化和促 进拿省多元文化发展为目的,拿省华 人协会正式成立。经过协会多年的努 力,华人社群逐渐被当地主流社会接 受和欢迎。

华协现任会长赵永淦教授介绍道: “当地华人社区日益壮大。”他深切 地感受到,世代生在在拿省、大多数 都有着英格兰和苏格兰的血统的当地 老百姓,对外来文化的态度越来越与 时俱进。 华人社区能在拿省被认可,少不了大 家的支持。由华人协会主办的一年一 度的新春晚宴,正是协会回馈社会各 界人士、与其共享传统中华文化的平 台。赵教授说:“新春晚宴为我们展 现中华文化提供平台。它积极促进中 华文化与其他民族文化的交流。”

这次的晚宴是华协和港加商会大西洋 分会共同举办。作为本次活动的合办 方,赵教授表示,他想把今年的晚宴 办得尤为隆重来庆祝协会40岁的生 日。“本次活动规模比往年更大。” 赵会长表示,本届晚宴赢得更多关 注,主要反映在入场卷迅速售罄,规 模空前。 新春晚宴是华协向会员和非会员开放 的年度最为重要、最具特色的活动。


March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •







300 attendees that packed the ballroom of the Marriott Halifax. “I'm delighted that Halifax is one of the cities of the world celebrating this most important and auspicious Chinese holiday.” “The horse represents intelligence and strength, and it is associated with leadership and success,” says Fisher. “Two attributes the Chinese community in HRM exemplifies.” “On this special night, we gather together to celebrate our accomplishments in the past year, and look forward to the challenges and opportunities in the new year,” says Zhao. “I wish that, in not that long, less than ten years, I wish the Chinese would have a place. Our own location, where you can really show the Chinese culture.” “That's what I want - a home,” says Zhao.

来宾花费$75可享受丰盛的自助餐、文 艺表演以及由现场乐队伴奏的交谊舞 舞场。本次晚宴还有幸邀请到了副市 长 Darren Fisher先生, 省议员及曾担任 电视新闻评论员的Allan Rowe先生, 以

及拿省省督J.J. Grant先生。他们各自 为活动开场致辞,首肯华协为拿省多 元文化所做出的贡献。 省督Grant先生在他的致辞中提到,中 国春节是一个充满喜悦和希望的节 日。哈法的华人社区能与世界上的其 他华人社区共同庆祝这个隆重和祥和 的中华传统佳节,对此我感到很欣 慰。副市长Fisher先生说:“马象征着 智慧和力量,俗话说‘马到功成’。

马的精神特质很好地体现在了我们哈 法的华人身上。” “在这个特别的夜晚,我们欢聚一 堂,庆祝过去一年的收获和喜悦,并 共同迎接新一年的机遇与挑战。”赵 会长在他的致辞中说:“我希望,不 久的将来,争取在十年内,我们华人 能够在此有一席之地。在这里大家可 以真正地展现和弘扬中华文化。这就 是我想要的,一个‘家’。”

Photos: Ted Tam

March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes


Spring Festival CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 munity this powerhouse exhibition of Chinese culture. “The committee members are all volunteers coming from the various organizations and the Chinese Student Associations,” says Sheng, who is appreciative the volunteers and committee members for their tireless efforts. “Many members spent many hours — some of them spent more than even 500 hours — to make this event happen.” Special guests of the Gala included representatives from local government, such as Mayor Mike Savage and MLA Lena Diab, the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia J.J. Grant, and Minister Counsellor He Yiqun of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Canada. Each guest spoke to

“四海同春” 上接第3页 接待等工作。“他们付出了大量的时 间和精力,有很多志愿者甚至为本次 活动义务工作超过500个小时。”申教 授还介绍,本次活动也离不开赞助商 们的大力支持。赞助商们为活动精心 地准备了餐饮,为演出会场灯光设备 做出调整和更新等等。这样,招待会 才能顺利进行,也才有了后来美轮美 奂、精彩绝伦的演出。这点点滴滴都 饱含着大家对中国文化的热忱。 表演当天,加拿大新斯科舍省省督约 翰• 詹姆斯• 格兰特、中国驻加拿大 使馆贺毅群公参、新斯科舍省省长代 表尼娜• 迪艾甫女士、哈利法克斯市 市长迈克• 萨维奇等到场观看了演 出,并致辞肯定了本次演出的重要性 和意义。 中国驻加拿大使馆贺毅群公参表示: “这次活动标志着中华文化已成为加 国多元文化中不可分割的一部分,同 时也体现了中加两国人民真挚的情 谊。” 省长代表迪艾甫女士说,哈利法克斯 是座独一无二的城市,这座城市有着 与众不同的魅力,想必这也是主办方 选择哈法作为表演城市的原因。本次 活动将促进中加两国的交流与合作, 她为“四海同春”艺术团的到来感到

封面故事 the significance of Halifax's inclusion on the tour, and what it means for multiculturalism in our region. “It is a sign that Chinese culture has already become an integral part of Canada's multicultural society, and a symbol of the true friendship between our two peoples,” says Minister Counsellor Yigun. “Halifax is the only destination in Canada. That's amazing, that they picked Halifax from amongst all the beautiful cities in the rest of Canada,” says Diab, who spoke on behalf of the office of the Premier. “It's an excellent tribute to both of our countries. We're fortunate that they're here.” Even the performers in the troupe, who interacted with the crowd and encouraged the audience to sing along, spoke to how much Halifax impressed them on what was their very first visit. “I want to say that Halifax is a beautiful city, and [has] wonderful people,” says Cai Guoqing, a famous pop vocal-

ist in China. “This city is full of love.” The Gala, which was organized with help from the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the Chinese Embassy in Canada, and local Chinese organizations, was a resounding success according to Sheng, and a night no one in attendance will forget. However, those fond memories might have to sustain those who want to see the tour return for a while. “I think that because it's so expensive for the troupe to come to Halifax from China, without financial support, it's too expensive,” says Sheng, who is none the

less hopeful that they'll return someday. Regardless, Sheng is very proud to have helped bring such a vibrant cultural demonstration to Halifax, for all its citizens to enjoy. “We really tried to bring Chinese performance to Nova Scotians,” says Sheng. “I think it is a wonderful, great event for the community. Not just for the Chinese community, but the community in general.”

See page 18 for more photos





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当晚,演员们与现场观众倾情互动。 他们有的走下舞台与观众亲切握手, 有的和观众们合唱着耳熟能详的曲 目。他们还向观众表达了首次来到哈 法的感悟和体验,也向热情的观众表 示了感谢。

ѸиվࡄЗ‫͵ࠝ֩ڵ‬ • North End, South End ո (KJLUXJ ԙ‫־‬ • ▁⧀澝Г⧀‫ۋ‬Ѕ⧀

中国著名青年歌手蔡国庆用流利的英 文与台下的中外观众亲切交流。他感 叹道:“哈利法克斯实在太美了! 这里 的人们也是如此的热情友好。这真是 一座充满爱的城市!” 这次由中国国务院侨务办公室、中国 驻加拿大大使馆以及哈法华人社团领 头人所共同打造的演出获得了巨大的 成功,给观众们留下了一次难忘的回 忆。不过,申教授认为,观众们想要 再次欣赏“四海同春”的演出,恐怕 就得等上一阵子了。

• Cover Story

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“如果没有经济上的支持,艺术团要 从中国千里迢迢来哈法演出的花费实 在太高了。”对艺术团在近期内重返 哈法表演,申教授不抱太大希望。但 是无论如何,能为把这场视觉文化盛 宴带到哈法尽一份微薄之力,申教授 感到非常自豪。 他说:“我们筹委会成员为把这场表 演带到新省实在付出了太多。无论在华 人社区还是在主流加拿大人社区,这 场演出都会是水准一流的表演,而且 有深远的意义。”


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March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •



Local acupuncturist gives Nova Scotia an international voice in traditional Chinese medicine

新省中医针灸践行者 李彤医师


译/Christine Qin Yang

Debilitating pain at the age of thirteen inspired Dr. Diana Tong Li along a life changing path of Chinese traditional medicine, healing and a thirst for education. Li was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at a young age, experiencing pain in her small joints. After reacting poorly to medicine, her mother took her to an acupuncturist. “I had pain in my knees, hands, wrists and elbows so my mom took me to have acupuncture and it really helped me,” says Li. Not only did it help manage the pain, but Li says it healed her and inspired her future. “In China, it’s a very popular form of medicine,” explains Li, co-owner of Life-Care Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinics. She grew up in Guangdong province, where she studied to become a doctor, specializing in acupuncture. Along with her Bachelor and Master’s degree, Li and her husband and partner, Dr. Franklyn Chen are two highly specialized Canadian doctors holding PhD degrees from China in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Li’s tremendous work and research earned her international status in November 2013 when she was recognized by the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies (WFAS). WFAS is the only federation of its kind recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). They honoured Li for her ongoing contribution as a leading educator, practitioner and lobbyist for access to alternative medicine. “It’s quite a big honour…when you’re working hard, it makes you feel so good to be recognized internationally,” and most importantly she says it gives “a small town doctor an international voice; for myself, for Nova Scotia and for Canada.” Li and Chen moved to Canada 24 years ago and operate clinics in Halifax and

十三岁那年,李彤医师患上了慢性疼 痛症,从此开始了她对中医学的求学 和践行生涯。少年的李彤被诊断患有 类风湿性关节炎,关节疼痛不断困扰 着她。在尝试药物治疗无果后,李妈 妈决定带小李彤去看中医。李彤回忆 道: “在接受针灸治疗后,我的膝盖、 手、手腕、手肘的疼痛竟明显地缓解 了。” 针灸不仅缓解了李彤的病痛,更改变 了她的人生轨迹。如今,她是位于加 拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市李陈济 针灸中医诊所(Life-Care Acupuncture and Natural Medicine)的共同所有人。 李医师生于北京,在深圳医院工作研 习针灸,在广州获取硕士学位。她与 丈夫陈实成医师分别在黑龙江中医药 大学获取博士学位,共同创办了后来 的李陈济针灸中医诊所。

Dr. Diana Tong Li with Julia, placing acupuncture needle in ‘the third eye.’ Photo: Cyndi Sweeney 李彤医师为患者进行针灸治疗。

Bedford. Together they opened Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine three years ago to help regulate and train more acupuncturists. “We left China and came to Canada because we saw a lot of need for acupuncture and alternative medicine in Canada,” says Li. “We have 30 years of clinical practice experience.” Their practice specializes in pain treatment, prevention and management along with fertility. “We’ve had excellent results...in Nova Scotia alone, we have triplets, four sets of twins and a total of 268 babies as a

result of the treatment,” she says with pride. Angela Mackay (37) began attending the clinic six years ago to help her with stress management. After having difficulty conceiving, Li put her on a program to receive acupuncture twice a week. “We tried to conceive for a year and realized we were having trouble and needed some help…I have a nine month old now,” says the mom of Kieran Finn. She credits her treatment to the pregnancy. “It helped me to


2013年11月,在积极实践、研究中医 学并取得显著成就后,李医师获取世 界针灸学会联合会(World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies)的资格认证。世界针灸学会 联合会是经世界卫生组织认证的唯一 此领域的国际联合组织。此次认证肯 定了李医师在替代医学领域所作出的 贡献,对她作为一名出色的学者、从 业者和践行者给予肯定。 “对我而言,这是莫大的荣耀。在你 倾尽心血投入一件事的以后,能在国 际领域受到肯定,是非常鼓舞人心 的。”与此同时,来自新省小城哈法 的呼声能被国际舞台所聆听,使她感 到无比欣慰和振奋。 李陈夫妇移居加拿大已有24年,他们 现在拥有两间诊所。三年前,他们在 哈法成立了加拿大中医针灸学院,以 培训更多专业的针灸医师。“当初我们 来到加拿大正是因为看见了加国医疗 市场对针灸以及替代医学的广阔需 求。”


March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Feature

Projections for Chinese tourism to Nova Scotia in 2014 looks promising BY CHRIS MUISE

In our last issue of Dakai Maritimes, we covered the TIANS Tourism Summit and the question of how to make Nova Scotia an attractive vacation destination for the ever-growing Chinese tourism market. Even though 2014 is still in its infancy, projections are already looking good for Nova Scotia attracting more Chinese tourists to our shores, both locally and abroad. “This year, there will be more Chinese tourists from overseas that will come to Nova Scotia,” says Charlie Zhang, Marketing Manager for PiYao International Travel. PiYao typically deals

with regional tourism agents in mainland China, who represent clients interested in venturing to our part of the world. Zhang says he’s already receiving calls to book trips to Atlantic Canada. “This year, it started in January,” says Zhang. “That’s different, because normally these requests only happen in April or even May.” According to Zhang, the best way for Nova Scotia to entice visitors from afar is simply to let them know we’re here. “A lot of the travel agencies outside of Nova Scotia, they didn’t know what Atlantic Canada looked like,” says Zhang. “That’s the reason they don’t


A Destination Halifax feature is shown in a Chinese newspaper. Contributed by Destination Halifax Destination Halifax在多伦多中文报纸展开宣传东岸的主题活动。

March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •



2014年新省华人旅游业前景乐观 译/Christine Qin Yang

上期,我们报道了新省旅游协会年度 峰会,同时也探讨了新省吸引中国游 客的新举措。尽管2014年才刚刚来 临,我们已经可以预测将有更多中国 游客选择前往新省观光旅行,其中也 包括在加华人。 貔貅国旅市场经理张先生表示:“今 年,新省将迎来更多中国游客入境前 往观光。”貔貅国旅与中国内陆地区多 家旅行社合作,负责游客在加拿大大 西洋地区的旅游行程。张先生介绍, 以往,问询及旅行旺季多在四月、五 月,但今年一月就有游客开始咨询。 张先生认为,加强宣传力度对开拓新 省旅游市场很有必要。

“很多外地的旅行社并不了解新省,也 不知道加东旅游业的卖点在哪里。” 张先生还说:“这是外地旅行社难以 推广新省旅游路线的原因所在。”

Ledwidge接着介绍:“这个主题的灵 感源于‘东方’一词,因为中国一直被 称为“东方”;以多伦多定位,哈利法 克 斯也 在东边。”

可喜的是,相关旅游机构已经开始积 极将本市推向新市场,并且已经有所 收获。其中, Destination Halifax瞄准 大多伦多地区第二和第三代华人移 民,推出试验项目。 Destination Halifax的市场负责人 Lynn Ledwidge 女士介绍道:“活动的主题叫做 ‘东岸,这个地方不是那么遥远’。” 去年十月,Ledwidge策划并实施 “赢加东双人游”有奖问卷调查活 动,收获颇丰。本次活动主要面向多伦 多及周边地区的华人社区,通过当地中 文纸媒、邮寄以及网络营销等渠道,向 读者们宣传并展现加拿大东岸哈利法克 斯的旅游价值。

Ledwidge表示,通过这个实验项目, 她希望人们开始注意到新斯科舍省。 据统计,活动一经推出,超过16万来 自大多伦多地区的网民访问了活动网 址。其中,1952人参与了“赢加东双 人 游”有奖问答。 Ledwidge表示,本次问卷调查结果很 乐观。在随机抽取的300份问卷中, 80%表示希望到哈法旅游,75%表示希 望到大西洋地区旅游。”Ledwidge 说:“我们正在调整问卷的侧重点,准 备在四月底展开新一轮的调查活动。”

下,为开拓迎接新市场做好充分的准 备。 针对这一点,貔貅国旅张经理表示: “中国市场是一个巨大的潜在市场,但 我们需要做足准备。”他手头正在起草 若干计划,以应对这个蓄势待发的产 业。“大家应该在三、四月份就会看到 一些成绩。” 本次“加东双人游”的大奖已经结束。 想要了解更多更全面的新省旅游路线, 请访问: destinationhalifax.com/visitors/ core-experiences.

尽管前途乐观,新省的旅游业仍需要 时间,在不改变本省旅游特色的前提




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March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

10 上接第7页 李医师说:“我们拥有30余年的 临床实践经验。” 李陈医师一直专注于疼痛防治、对抗 压力和生育治疗。李医师自豪地说: “我们在对抗压力和生育治疗方面已有 显著的成效。单就新省来说,我们的 治疗目前已为病人们带来了多例三胞 胎、四对双胞胎以及268名婴儿。” 六年前,37岁的麦凯因受精神压力困 扰,前往李医师的诊所就诊。麦凯的 压力来源于不孕,李医师决定让她每 周接受两次针灸治疗。麦凯说:“我和 丈夫曾尝试怀孕一年一直无效,所以 我们开始寻求帮助。现在我有个九个 月大的宝宝。”

度上帮助了她的受孕。“针灸帮助我睡 眠,放松了我的身心,让我不再因为不 孕而被困扰。”她谈到,相较于西方常 见的试管婴儿,针灸是更为经济的医疗 选择,并且,治疗费用也被包含在医保 项目中,使她不必有经济上的负担。她 说:“我个人而言更愿意接受一套自然 的整体治疗方案。” 李医师介绍,人身体自带相当大的治 愈能力。当你的身体系统在健康的状 态下,它能够完成自我治愈。接着, 她描述了自己是怎样治疗一个八岁男 孩的注意力缺陷障碍,帮助他学会专 注,并使他的家庭恢复平静的生活。 李医师回忆说这个孩子总是坐立不 安,学校要求孩子接受药物治疗,教 堂也把一家人拒之门外。在接受李医 师的几个疗程后,小男孩上课能够集 中注意力学习,现在成绩优异,一家 人也能够重返教堂。

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 sleep, to calm down and not be so attached to having to get pregnant,” says MacKay. She says it was less expensive than going the Western route of IVF and it helped financially that her insurance provided partial coverage. “For me, it made more sense to invest my money in a natural holistic treatment, in line with my body,” says MacKay. “The human body has a lot of healing power. On the right program, the body can heal itself,” says Li. She describes how treating an eight-year-boy with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) not only helped the child focus and concentrate, but also brought peace to his family. “The family’s church found him so disruptive they were asked not to attend,” says Li. She says the boy’s school wanted him to take medication. Li says within a few treatments the boy was able to concentrate and focus, he was able to sit still in school and church. “He’s now a top student.” Li and Chen treat many disorders including sports injuries, colitis, Crohn's disease and whiplash. Having been in three car accidents herself, she’s devoted years to clinically researching how best to reduce patient recovery time and promote thorough healing.

的训练,28年前她移居加拿大并居住 在戴尔豪西大学校园宿舍。这位家庭 医生对东方医学本着开明的态度,向 梅塞和其他病人推荐中医针灸。“我向 病人们推荐李、陈医师,因为他们曾 帮我治疗,且疗效显著。”

李陈夫妇治疗过许多疾病,这其中包 括运动伤害、结肠炎、克隆氏症(炎 症性肠胃病)和颈椎病等。李医师曾 遭遇过三次车祸,对痛症感同身受, 因此在临床研究上倾注了大量的时 间,为解决患者病痛寻求最快速、有 效的治疗方法。 梅赛是一名心脏科护士和两个孩子的 母亲,一场车祸使她不得不停止工作 接受治疗。“我想要继续工作,但连我 的理疗师都承认理疗并不能治愈我的 疼痛。”于是,理疗师为梅塞推荐李彤 医师。梅塞回忆道:“一开始我非常迟 疑和害怕,不敢直视那些针头。” 梅塞遭受的是三等伤害,因为神经系统 受损,致使她的右手以及两根手指失去 了知觉。第一次看诊后,梅塞回到家 中告诉丈夫:“你肯定觉得不可思议, 但我已经感觉好多了!”

习舞的经历曾使吉尔达博士疼痛缠身, 她在李陈济接受三周的治疗后,感到一 些奇特的变化。“他们只在身体的一个 区域进行针灸,但你的全身都会感受到 治疗后的效果。脾、肝、肺的状况都有 所改善,甚至面部也更加红润了。” 吉尔 达说道。 “我们治疗的不仅仅是患者疼痛的部 位,我们也依照人体的经脉线络治疗 患者的全身。”李彤医师从未想要停止 或放慢自己对中医针灸学追逐的脚步。 她说:“我热爱我的事业,它给我 带来了莫大的快乐。”




• Feature

Beverly Mercer is a cardiac nurse and busy mother of two. A car accident resulted in her being off work for five months. “I wanted to get back to work and my physiotherapist even admitted we weren’t getting anywhere with physio,” recalls Mercer. Her doctor referred her to Dr. Li. “I was very skeptical and scared. I couldn’t even bare to look at the needles,” says Mercer. Mercer’s car accident resulted in third grade whiplash, which has neurological involvement where she lost feeling in her right hand and two fingers. Mercer says she noticed a difference after one visit. “I said to my husband I know you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I’m feeling better.” Dr. Gilda Bowdridge trained in medi-

cine in Romania and moved to Canada 28 years ago and repeated her residency at Dalhousie University. The family doctor is open to Eastern medicine and referred Mercer, along with other patients for acupuncture. “I refer patients to Dr. Li and Dr. Chen because I have had excellent results from them myself,” says the competitive dancer. Pain she experienced from dancing, she says was gone after three weeks of treatment. “What I like is, when they treat one area, in the same treatment they can treat the whole body,” like the spleen, liver and even facial lines by increasing vascular flow to the facial tissue, says Bowdridge. “We’re not just working on the pain area, we’re following the me-

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ridian line in the body and treating the whole body,” smiles Li. She doesn’t intend to slow down anytime soon. “I love my job. It makes me so happy.”

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March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Bejing native brings unique perspective to Steele Volkswagen ԗцֈીஐୋ٪চ9ZKKRK <=ࢮࢤੑ੔

Stephem Qiang and manager Andrew MacPhee at Steele Volkswagen in Dartmouth. (Joseph Robichaud photography) 9ZK\KT‫ڠ‬չ৆ࣲ'TJXK] 3GI6NKK֨ѹйଇࣔ咁‫ގ‬ङ9ZKKRK <URQY]GMKT૱੧澞 By Tom Mason ‫ͫٶ‬9ZK\KTђԘчߛӱտӯࡣұ‫ގ‬澞଻‫ޞ‬ङѕ‫ۂ‬ТЭЉѫ‫۝‬ӱͫਘٜљ եѫ଒ҵࡖ૱୦։੧Џ澞9ZK\KTђ֧ࣧ◒‫ם‬؆֌؆ஓࡂЏեͫՇ࣫ਘٜٝ৆ ٝ৆‫֪ױڮ‬ଠ‫ځ‬дտӯࡣұ‫ގ‬ङࣿࡴ澞ѕપ͹ȔԆܳ‫▲ީם‬Зள‫ٯ‬ਞଠ澝Մ ‫ױ‬ङ֢‫چ‬澞଑ୌ߄‫ױڮ‬ङ֌Џ࣪‫׋‬澞ȕ 9ZK\KTङ࣋࠾Эசե१‫ل‬Ԇܳ‫ͫם‬଑એѕӐؔ֨տࡣ‫؟؍‬澞 ‫ͫٶ‬ѹйଇ ࣔ咁‫*ͧގ‬GXZSU[ZNͨङ૱੧9ZKKRK <URQY]GMKT刑બѕОࡖ૱୦։ு୼ͫ ѕ‫ݎ‬Չд଑ѡٗҁ澞 ଑ѡٗҁ‫ث‬9ZK\KT৲ઈީ▲ࠩҶ‫ޏ‬ङ؆Юѽ௠澞Ȕ۩▲फީЗ૱ଛͫ۩ள‫ٯ‬ ֔ࠪ૱澞Ѹ֨‫ݎ‬۴଑ѡٗҁ‫߄࡚۩ͫޞ‬ѠѾङ୦։৆௠澞۩‫ؼ‬ଆҟଆ؆澞ȕ 9ZK\KTӣцдѕٗҁ‫ސ‬வङ▲п৆௠澞ѕપѕਘ૯߂‫ם‬ѩԎ‫ީؼ‬ՕљչИ֢ ‫ۯؚ‬ћऀ࠾ધсࡶ澞‫ث‬й▲‫ڇ‬Ԣы৩ѽЉ‫ލ‬Շ‫ם⻑ي‬ङֽ١৲ઈͫ଑ީब‫ڢ‬ ߄ӯङॼжѩԎ澞գ‫ͫޞ‬बգङધઈչ‫ކ‬ԗਅްͫЭએѕਈ‫ױ޾ל‬ङдઆИ ֢‫ۯؚ‬ङ஬ࡌչ֔‫ױ‬澞҆‫םͫײ‬Ѩͧ<URQY]GMKTͨ֨И֢ީள‫ٯ‬Չࠪଌङ ࡖ૱ս࣎ͫग਩૱૯ࢋ਩ӄ௔૱ֺ߂ՉИ֢‫ۯؚ‬ற䧏ͫ9ZK\KT‫ؼ‬ѫेґ૱੧ ୌ଑ঝ࠮‫ڔ‬ङ૱▲फୃ߄‫؂ڀ‬澞 9ZKKRK <URQY]GMKT‫ث‬؆ࣿऀ‫ۯ‬৩ѽͫଐ߄▲ЗॼжѩԎ澞Њҿѕ૱੧Љ գͫ<URQY]GMKT Ԇܳ‫ם‬Ҹ՛է֢எऊ؆ࣿ‫ॣ҈ݕ‬૱߆ԇ澞9ZK\KTપ͹Ȕऊ ؆ࣿਈ‫ॣל‬ҙ‫ޏ‬૱֨ऊ؆ङ଑֚‫ͫऀ҅ٶ‬଑ީब‫ږ⩽߄ڢ‬ԃङ澞ȕ 9ZK\KTङ։૱߆ԇЉююҠऊ֨։ӹͫԯ҅૱怾։ӟљեͫ‫ۯؚךڮ‬ёએ 9ZK\KTિુѕћࡖ૱ङ৓ғґ⡭ঈ߆ԇ澞9ZK\KTળӱ͹Ȕ۩֔ࠪչы۸с ଳͫЭ֔ࠪс߅Մͫ৲଑Зٗҁ‫ױۏ‬োд۩ߑѫԾҟਘٜ֔ࠪҟङз澞ȕ

When Stephem Qiang moved to Halifax from his native Beijing in 2006, selling cars was the furthest thing from his mind. The young Beijing native was in town to earn a business degree at Saint Mary’s University. He quickly fell in love with the place. “Canada is such a relaxed country. It’s friendly here. A great place to do business. When his parents moved to Canada a few years later Qiang decided to make Halifax his permanent home. In 2012, he accepted a job as a sales consultant at Steele Volkswagen in Dartmouth. The new job was a learning experience from the start. “I’m a car guy,” he says. “I love cars, but I didn’t have any experience selling when I took this job. I’ve been learning everything on the job.” Qiang brought a couple of skills with him however. Most importantly is his ability to communicate with Chinese customers in their own language, a rare competitive advantage in a city with a growing Chinese diaspora. His Chinese roots also give him the advantage of knowing his clients tastes and preferences better than most. Volkwagens are popular in China. So are white cars with dark interiors, and Qiang makes sure the dealership keeps plenty of cars with those features in stock. Steele Volkwagen has another competitive advantage when it comes to attracting Chinese students. Unlike most car companies, Volkswagen Canada offers leasing for international students. “It’s very attractive for them to be able to lease a new car for the four years that they are here studying in Canada,” says Qiang. Once a relationship has been established, many of Qiang’s customers continue to deal with him when they bring their vehicles in for servicing. “I love communicating with people,” he says. “I love making new friends, and this job gives me the opportunity to do that.”

696 Windmill Road, Dartmouth, NS 1.888.785.2989 • 468.6411


March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Feature

Chinese Tourism CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 know how to sell the Nova Scotia product to their client - they don’t know what Nova Scotia has.” Regional tourism agencies are already hard at work promoting the Nova Scotia product to new markets. Destination Halifax recently launched a trial program, marketing directly to second and third generation Chinese-Canadians living in the Greater Toronto Area, with highly promising results. “It’s ‘The East is Not So Far,’” says Lynn Ledwidge, Director of Marketing at Destination Halifax. Ledwidge launched a contest last October marketed directly to Chinese communities in Toronto and outlying areas. The marketing campaign featured frontpage coverage in Chinese-language newspapers, direct mailing, and an online component — all with the aim of inviting second and third generation Chinese-Canadians to consider Halifax as an authentically Canadian experience on the East Coast. “Our hope was to draw attention on the fact Eastern Canada is not so far east by playing on the Asian Far East wording — Come East from Toronto for a truly great vacation experience,” says Ledwidge. Ledwidge expected modest results from the pilot project, which aimed primarily to simply start the conversation on visiting Nova Scotia, and expose a new market to what the province had to offer. As it turns out, the numbers tell a story of an untapped market aching to pay us a visit — more than 165,000 GTA residents visited the site, and 1,952 entered the contest. “The survey results were very, very good,” says Ledwidge, who polled more than 300 people who entered the contest. “Eighty per cent of the survey participants said they’d like to visit Halifax — 75 per cent would be inter-


ested in seeing other areas of Atlantic Canada.” “With work underway to develop a Spring program that goes back into market to convert interest to the possibility of purchasing online package, we’ll be presenting to this audience again by late April,” says Ledwidge. As promising as these signs may be, Nova Scotia’s tourism industry still needs some time to adapt and prepare for these new markets, without changing what Nova Scotia is all about. “The Chinese market is a big potential market, but we need some time,” says Zhang, who even now is working on having some proposals ready for the tourism industry soon. “Right now we haven’t made a significant change, but you will see something in March, or maybe April.” A winner for The East is Not So Far contest has been selected, but if you want to learn more about what Nova Scotia has to offer tourists from China, Toronto and beyond, check out destinationhalifax.com/visitors/core-experiences.


Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

March 2014


March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Culture

24 Solar Terms: Food BY QIANYI GAO, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY While many traditions associated with the 24 terms didn’t get passed down through generations, most of the eating customs did. The eating customs reflect cultural ceremonies of the time and the language. For instance, people eat greencolour food during the Clear and Bright term (Qingming) in spring, as the sound of both the term and ‘spring’ is the same with the word ‘green’. For

the same reason, in the White Dew term, people intend to eat white-colour food. In the Awakening of Insects term, people eat pears (li) to drive away the harmful insects. Furthermore, people engrave fresh radishes into shapes of flowers for decoration in welcoming the Start of Spring. People eat more protein in the Start of Summer to prepare for the soon-arriving farming season, and also eat shrimps (xia) for its same sound with ‘summer’. Moreover, people eat dumplings during Winter Solstice to prevent having ears frozen in winter, as the shape of the dumpling is similar to human’s ear.

In certain regions in Southern China, people eat green-colour food during the Clear and Bright term. Contributed 江浙一带有清明节吃青团的习俗。

The 24 terms also reflects some of the traditions of the Chinese diet, one of which is eating seasonal food. Each term represents each growing step of the crops, the trees and the live stocks. Eating freshly produced food within the terms means to participate in the processes of the nature. People eat leaves in the terms in spring, fruits in summer, squash and apples in fall, and frozen fruits and poultry in winter. In modern days, many foods are supplied at all seasons resulting significant changes in these dieting customs. However, many Chinese remain to eat seasonally produced foods.

Furthermore, it is also believed that we should eat what the body needs. According to the Five Elements Theory, the liver needs green food in spring, the heart needs red food in summer, the lungs needs white food for fall, and the kidney needs black food in winter. Keep in mind, eating habits associated with the twenty-four terms vary by region. Although the health benefits of practicing these traditions are not all clinically and scientifically proven, the process of exploring surely makes life more interesting, especially in the old days.

People eat dumplings with the shape of ears in Winter Solstice. “冬至吃饺子,不冻耳朵皮”。


二十四节气之食俗 随着现代化的进程,二十四节气的很 多传统都式微了,唯独食俗得以传承 及发展。节气食俗具有仪式感,同时 反映中国人摄食养生的观念。

人们希望惊蛰期间开始涌出的害虫远 离自己。还有,立春时节人们会把红 萝卜刻成花状装饰餐桌,以迎接百花 齐放的春天;立夏时节吃蛋、肉,以 期夏忙时更有体力。另外,还吃 “虾”,因为和“夏”谐音。冬至时 节人们吃饺子时会说,“冬至吃饺 子,不冻耳朵皮”。

节气食俗的一个显著特征是具有仪式 感。比如在春季的“清明”时节,人 们吃“青色”的东西,如青团。由于 清、青谐音,同时也因为春季主绿。 同理,在秋季的“白露”时节,人们 会有意多吃白色的东西。惊蛰期间, 人们食梨,因“梨”与“离”谐音,

在节气食俗中,我们可以看到中国人 的饮食养生观念。其一,摄食当季食 物。二十四节气是动植物生长周期的 时间表,是细分了的季节。人们根据 节气进食,参与大自然的运化。在春 天的节气里,人们食用新生的花叶; 在夏天的几个节气里,人们食用新

圣玛丽大学孔子学院 高倩艺

米,夏季的蔬果;而在秋天的几个节 气里,人们不再食用春夏的蔬果,如 茄子,西瓜等,而吃秋天新结实的, 如南瓜,苹果等。在冬季,过去人们 吃不到新鲜的食物,所以只能消费秋 天时储藏的大白菜、冻梨和冻肉等。 人们按照大自然的运程进食。如今物 类流通,四季食品应有尽有,改变了 很多人的饮食习惯。但不少人还是以 “当季”为安,遵循与自然环境同步 的原则。 另一饮食养生观念叫做“缺啥补 啥”。如何知道身体缺什么呢?中国 人用五行学说与节气结合起来进行推 算。春季是肝脏活动旺盛的时节,人

们相信多吃青绿色食物,如青菜,青 豆等对肝脏有好处。夏季对应的脏腑 是心脏,需养心,人们会多吃西红柿 和红苹果等红色的食物;秋季对应的 脏腑是肺,人们吃白果,百合等白 色、养肺的食物;冬季对应的脏腑是 肾,人们吃黑芝麻,黑米等黑色的食 物。 关于各节气吃什么,因地域及发展历 史不同,适用原则不止以上这几条。 有的所谓“原则”没有什么科学性, 但节气食俗对养生的贡献是大的,而 且的确给平淡的生活增添了乐趣。

March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东


为迎农历新年,新省华人艺术俱乐 部于 1月25日下午在 Keshen Goodman公共图书馆为观众带来了舞 蹈、乐器及合唱等表演。近50名观 众聚集表演现场,聚精会神地观看 了近半小时的表演,并在活动结束 后饶有兴趣地与表演者交流、 讨论。

圣玛丽大学 2014 马年同欢乐 1月26日晚,由圣玛丽中国留学生联 谊会举办的“2014马年同欢乐”在 圣玛 丽大学 McNally Main Theatre 举办。晚会在来自中国大陆、香 港、台湾和加拿大主持人的祝词中 拉开帷幕。今年晚会有五百余中外 观众到场观看。圣玛丽大学校长夫 人Carol Dodds以及副校长 Dr. David Gauthier 代表校长出席本 届晚会并致辞。本台晚会给不能回 家的学生们带来了传统佳节的氛围 和喜悦,并且让当地居民更好地了 解到中国文 化。

孔子学院 2014春节联欢会

圣文森山大学 师生共庆马年大吉

1月31日晚,圣文森山大学国际教育 中心于校内 Vinni’s Pub 为师生举 办了马年新春庆祝会。大学校长 Dr.Ramona、留学生及师生约70人 出席了本次庆祝会,共庆马年春 节。活动现场的春联、年画、民乐 和生肖介绍,无不洋溢着浓厚的中 国年味。校长Dr. Ramona 在活动中 致辞,给大家送去新春祝福,并谈 及马年精神。庆祝会上,大家共享 中国菜,观赏精彩的文艺表演,并 交流和讨论中国文化。本次活动让 远在异乡的中国留学生们感受到了 年味,也让不同文化背景的师生对 中国新年有了更深入的了解和 体验。

2月15日,孔子学院新老学生、往届 夏令营营员及家长、圣玛丽大学校 长Colin Dodds 博士、副校长 David Gauthier博士以及新省华人协会资 深顾问关汉华博士,应邀与孔子学 院工作人员共计80余人欢聚一堂, 庆祝2014年新春。学院的工作人员 及志愿者用传统的中国元素红包、 窗花、灯笼、红布和剪纸等将活动 现场营造出浓厚的节日气氛。新省 华艺俱乐部及圣玛丽大学汉语专业 的学员也应邀为联欢会助兴。精彩 的民乐演奏、民族舞蹈及加拿大人 合唱中文歌等节目将活动气氛推向 高潮。最后,联欢会在一片欢歌笑 语中落下帷幕。


March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Automotive

Audi’s 2014 A7 TDI Technik S-Line offers divine driving experience BY TODD GILLIS Brad Pitt is one of my favourite actors. There. I said it. I’ll also confess that I was freaked out after I saw the movie Seven in 1995. You know, the one where Pitt plays homicide detective David Mills who, along with veteran detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), tracks a sadistic serial killer who's murders correspond with Christianity’s seven deadly sins. I thought of that movie while driving the leading character in this column — the 2014 Audi A7 TDI Technik S-Line. My hedonistically luxurious tester could've had Seven's killer, John Doe

(Kevin Spacey), justifiably doing this driver in for ‘lust,’ or even ‘pride.’ As the most curvy of all Audis, the A7 sedan's coupe-like exterior look can get a heart (like mine) racing in anticipation of the drive to come. Its lustful exterior attire also adds to ticker flutter with its monstrous glossblack single-frame grille; its Lamborghini Estoque-esque raked windshield and diving front fenders; the deep side bumper vents; and its 20inch, dual-tone, seven double-spoke wheels wrapped in performance winter rubber. Under the hood was something not before seen in the A7 — a common-


The 2014 Audi A7 TDI Technik S-Line. 2014款奥迪A7 TDI Technik S系。

Todd Gillis photo

March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Automotive •



美妙神圣的驾驶体验:2014款奥迪 A7 TDI Technik S系 译/刘佳宁 我承认 Brad Pitt 是我最爱的演员之 一。我也承认,他1995年的电影《七 宗罪》让我毛骨悚然。Pitt在电影里饰 演的凶杀案侦探 David Mills 和老侦探 William Somerset(Morgan Freeman 饰)一起调查由宗教仪式“七大罪”设 局犯下的七宗连环谋杀案。试驾2014 奥迪A7 TDI Technik S系时,我满脑子 都是这部电影。 我奢侈享受的试驾可能已经拥有了做 七宗罪杀手John Doe (Kevin Spacey 饰)的感受。这次试驾无可非议地满 足了我的“欲望”和“骄傲”。作为所 有奥迪轿车中最有曲线的一款,此款 A7轿车的跑车外观无疑得到了(像我 一 样)喜爱赛车的车主的倾心。

Audi A7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 rail, turbocharged, direct-injection, diesel-fueled V6 engine. With a surprising and addictive 428 pound-feet of low-rpm torque, the A7 TDI can commit many asphalt sins. That torque is ready in an instant to snap the mid-sized luxury diesel off the line, and its driver back into his leather, heated-and-cooled, 12-waypowered seat (it gets from zero to 100 kilometres per hour in 5.7 seconds). Push its throttle harder and longer and you can feel and listen to its magnificent eight-speed automatic Tiptronic transmission sing through the gears like a symphony of angels, with backup, gear-holding vocals provided by its wheel-mounted paddle shifters. While the power is indeed there in spades to sanction a trip to the confessional, its ability for frugality should atone for any bad behaviour. On the highway, Transport Canada rates it at 5.3 litres/100 kilometres, while city fuel consumption is at 8.5. Audi says one full 73-litre tank of diesel could get the A7 TDI more than 1,000 kilometres. Inside, the A7 TDI offers the look, feel, comfort and technology one would

其出众的外观还增添了尊贵的黑色单 框格栅,兰博基尼Estoque式的倾斜挡 风玻璃和前端挡板,深侧保险杠通风 口和表现出众的双音七辐20英尺冬 胎。 打开引擎盖可以看到在之前的A7系列 中所没见过的: 一副配备涡轮增压共轨 六缸柴油引擎。 在低转速就能爆发出惊人又让人上瘾 的最大428牛米扭矩,A7 TDI 确实引 人犯罪。如此强大的扭矩,能让驾驶 者安坐于舒适的驾驶室内,以近乎瞬 间的速度抛离同级的柴油车。此外, 室 内的双区恒温空调真皮座椅配有12向 电动调节功能。 随着深踩油门时间越来越长,配合奥 迪自家八速Tiptronic变速器拨片换 expect from Audi and perhaps its $98,500 price tag (it includes $20,400 in options). Its black Beaufort wood dash inserts with their white pin stripes look astounding. I could imagine that design on suits worn by Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen, the Danish men who provided my entertainment for a week through 15 speakers inside A7 TDI for an entrance fee of $6,500. Of course, there’s more; far too many more standard and optional features to fit in this space. But some other key attributes worth a mention include: cylinder-on-demand; LED headlights; headlight washers; an advanced Audi parking system with corner-view camera; night-vision camera; start/stop function; movementactivated tailgate open; hybrid aluminum construction; adaptive cruise control with stop-and-go function; lane assist; head-up display; four-zone air conditioning; and an electronic retractable rear wing. Yes, the A7 TDI, like a deep-fried cheesecake (or an insane serial killer), was absolutely sinful with its hot looks, its powerful, fuel-efficient engine, its superior handling and its bountiful gadgets and technology. I’m now off to confession.

挡,你会感受到声浪悦耳如天使交响 乐般从排气管源源不断地往外输送。 根据加拿大交通部的数据,A7在高速 公路上的耗油率为5.3升/100公里,城 市耗油量为8.5升。奥迪官方表示,加 满73升的柴油油箱可以供给 A7 TDI 达1000公里以上的续航里程。 内饰方面,奥迪A7无论是外观、质 感、舒适度还是科技方面,都无愧于 Audi的品牌价值以及其$98,500的价格 (此价格包括$20,400选项费用)。 车内黑色Beaufort木制面板与白色细纹 的交织,配合车内15支高音质扬声 器,给我带来的震撼犹如Peter Bang和 Svend Olusen 两位身着西装的丹麦 男士为我表演一周,而这享受的代价是 $6,500的入场费。

当然,更精彩的是,A7内部有太多太 多标准配备和附加功能可供选择。此 车型其他值得一提的关键配置包括: 汽缸按需运行系统,LED大灯,大灯 清洗装置,配备角视摄像头的奥迪先 进停车系统,夜视摄像头,停止/启动 系统,运动激活式后备箱开启功能, 铝合金构造,巡航定速自动启停系 统,车道辅助,抬头显示,四区空调 以及电子伸缩尾翼。 A7 TDI 像一块罪恶的油炸芝士蛋糕 (或者一个疯狂的连环杀手)一样拥 有撩人的外观,功能强大又节能的发 动机,卓越的操控感受以及丰富的功 能和科技。 我现在要去忏悔了!

The A7 TDI lives up to it’s luxury roots inside. A7 TDI继续给用户带来奢华内饰体验。

Todd Gillis photo

This turbocharged, direct-injection, diesel-fueled V6 engine is new to the A7. A7 新配备V6涡轮增压柴油直喷发动机。 Todd Gillis photo

March 2014


Spring Festival photos“四海同春”部分演出图片

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes


• Photos

Contributed by Ziqian Wang

March 2014

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Events •




2月2日,本省华人社团中华会馆举办了一年一度的庆新春聚会活动。 热闹喜庆的舞狮表演,红红火火的民族舞蹈,悠扬的传统民族乐器, 连财神爷也忍不住到场给大家贺岁、祝福。


2月2日,戴尔豪斯大学中国学生学 者联谊会在本校Art Center举办了马 年春节联欢晚会。晚会有幸邀请到 了中国驻加拿大大使馆的老师和大 学新上任的校长参与,观众人数达 900余人。晚会现场提供了丰盛的 美食以及精彩的节目表演,包括民 族舞、乐器合奏、说唱、街舞、 魔术、时装秀等。最后的抽奖环节 让幸运的观众赢得大礼,满载而 归。

孔子学院“中国文化日” 主题活动

1月31日,孔子学院在圣玛丽小学举 办了“中国文化日”主题活动,与 在校师生们共同迎接中国新年。活 动期间,学院为学生们展示了剪 纸、书法、传统中国乐器 (古筝和二胡)以及传统中国服 饰,还给学生们准备了踢毽子等 小游戏。本次活动集合了一年级 到六年级的150名小学生参与互动。


March 2014

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

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