Dakai Maritimes September 2015

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金秋“圣• 玛哥瑞特”海湾

Local brand promotes sea cucumber in China

BNUZ Professors came to Halifax Page 6

Networking into job hunting success Page 10

Golden Autumn in Saint Margaret's Bay

Page 4

Page 11

September 2015

A multitasking way to success BY KATIE INGRAM Ivy Liu has had many opportunities since immigrating to Canada, but says her success isn’t due to luck. Instead, it’s due to values instilled upon her at an early age. Liu who is originally from Guangdong Province says that her father, the provider for a family of six, often told his children about the benefits of hard

work. “He always taught me no matter what you do, work hard and be honest and you’ll never have to worry about anything,”says Liu, noting this philosophy helped her when she and her husband moved to Canada in 2008 to be closer to his family. Upon arriving, the couple settled in Fort Severn, Ontario where Liu, who


母婴店主Ivy Liu: 多面发展是我职业成功的秘诀 译/Christine Qin Yang 作为移民,Ivy Liu来到加拿大没多久就 迎来了各种发展机会。她说在自己在 职业上的小有成就,靠的不是运气, 而是自幼起接受的家庭教育和熏陶。 Ivy祖籍广东省。父亲是六口之家的一 家之主,总是教导孩子们要勤奋。

“他总会教导我说,不论做什么都应该 勤奋和有诚信,这两点是做人做事的 基本原则 。” Ivy说。2008年,Ivy和 丈夫移居加拿大,与丈夫的家人团 聚。重新开始了新的生活,父亲的处世 哲学让她受益匪浅。 刚到加拿大时,Ivy和先生选择在安大 略省塞文堡(Fort Severn)


Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Peter Clarke Translations: Christine Qin Yang

Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Vice President, Business Development: Jeff Nearing Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca.

Ivy Liu, who is originally from Guangdong Province is the owner of Fluffy Bottom Babies in Bedford and also works a part-time university professor. Photo by Adams Photography Ivy Liu来自广东,现为Fluffy Bottom Babies母婴用品店业主,并兼职担任大学教授。


September 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

September 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Cover Story •



Ivy Liu CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 had been a teacher in China, thought she would work odd jobs or be a teaching assistant. “I didn’t have any of the education or teaching experience needed here in Canada, but when we went there one of the teachers who was supposed to teach grade five and six didn’t show up,” she says. Despite not having the preferred credentials, Liu applied and was accepted into the position. However, she didn’t have many problems adapting to a different school system and was even voted the school’s best teacher at the end of the year. In 2009, Liu became pregnant with the couple’s first child and they de-

Ivy Liu 上接第1页 落脚。Ivy在中国的时候是名教师,她 觉得自己打些零工或者当个助教应该没 有任何问 题。 “我当时没有加拿大的教育背景,也没 有在加拿大教书的经验。可是当时有 所小学正好需要五、六年级的代课老 师。”Ivy说。虽然Ivy不是最有竞争力 的应聘者,她毅然申请了这份工作并且 被录用了。 之后,她很快地适应了新的教学环境和 教育体系,甚至还被评选为年度最佳 教师。 2009年,Ivy怀着孩子,与先生决定搬 来新斯科舍省。即使有了身孕,她并没 让自己松懈下来。来到新省以后,她开 始攻读第二外语英语教学文学硕士学 位,同时开始经营Fluffy Bottom Babies 母婴用品店。 “我那个时候在给我即将出世的宝宝寻 找一些既环保又天然的婴儿用品。这 个过程让我对自然育儿这个理念产生 强烈兴趣,这就是为什么我开始经营 Fluffy Bottom Babies。”创业初期, Ivy曾绞尽脑汁给店铺想了很多名字, 但都因为名称重复的问题无法进行商业 注册。这时她看到Fluffy Bottom Babies 在出售,便决定买下这家店。 过了两年,在照看生意和完成研究生 学业的同时,Ivy在研究生尾声的实习

cided to relocate to Nova Scotia, but she didn’t stay idle for long. She started her Masters in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) degree and eventually became the owner of Fluffy Bottom Babies, a store for babies, parents and younger children. “I acquired the business because I was looking for a natural alternative for my baby and was really interested in all the things related to natural parenting,”says Liu, adding that she had wanted to start her own business, but all of the names she thought of were taken. When she saw Fluffy Bottom Babies was for sale, she bought it. Fluffy Bottom Babies and her Masters degree aren’t the only tasks Liu has undertaken in the past few years. As she neared the end of her degree she had just given birth to her second child 阶段迎来了第二个宝宝。可是工作和 实习不能耽误。于是, Ivy作了一个决 定:带着宝宝上课。 “我教课时,我女儿就躺在我怀里的婴 儿背带里,这样我也可以照顾她。” Ivy的上级表示对这一举动非常理解。 “上级觉得一个年轻妈妈带着宝宝还坚 持上课,这给年轻的学生们做了个很好 的榜样。” 2013年,Ivy研究生毕业,开始同时任教 于几所大学,她所教授的一门课是当 代亚洲文化。此前,Ivy曾担任该课程 的助教。由于这门课的学生多数不是 亚洲人,所以比起其他教授,她更有 权威与学生们分享、讨论亚洲文化特 别是中国文化现象。 “我能够引导学生用不同的视角来看亚 洲,尤其是中国,并向他们呈现前所 未闻的文化视角。”她说。 在第二外语英语教学授课时,Ivy尤其 擅长培养学生的跨文化交流能力。 “在帮助学生克服一些文化冲突的同 时,我也在教语言学,尤其专注于社 会语言学。因此,我能更好地培养学生 们的洞察力。”她分享道。 Ivy不管在生活还是事业上都已经取得 不小的成绩,但她毫不懈怠。 Ivy刚刚完成扩建Fluffy Bottom Babies, 店面现已移至位于Bedford城区中心的 Sunnyside百货。今年秋季,她将在戴 尔豪斯大学教授中华文化课。此外, 她也正酝酿攻读博士学位的计划。

and had to do a teaching practicum. Instead of leaving her newborn with a babysitter, Liu brought her to class. “She was in my sling and I was nursing while I was teaching,”she says, adding that her supervisor was very understanding. “She thought it was nice to set an example for the students in that class as a young mother with a child.” Since receiving her Masters in 2013, Liu has taught a few different university courses, including a contemporary Asian culture course for a professor who she had been a teaching assistant for. Since most the students weren’t Asian, Liu finds she was able to provide them with first-hand insight, they may not get from another professor. “I was able to give them a different

perspective of Asia, particularity China, and give them a culture perspective they have never heard about, never experienced or never thought of,” she says. Helping students understand an unfamiliar culture is something Liu was also able to do with her ESL students. “I was able to help them get through the barrier and at the same time, I was teaching linguistics and focusing on social linguistics… so I was able to get give them insight in that,” she says. Even with all of these accomplishments, Liu has no plans of slowing down. Fluffy Bottom Babies will be moving to Bedford’s Sunnnyside Mall in October, she will be teaching a Chinese culture course at Dalhousie in the fall and has plans to get her PhD.

September 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Feature

China trying sea cucumber like it’s brand new with Seacoo Local brand finding new footholds in traditional Chinese sea cucumber market BY CHRIS MUISE Jim Zhang came from China seven years ago to study economics at Saint Mary’s University. His family are in the food business back home, so he kept a keen eye on our ocean’s bounty for prospective new markets here. “When I first came here, I was trying to look for the local seafood, maybe have an opportunity to bring some to China,” says Zhang. Zhang would find a seafood product that could give him a foothold in the market, both in China and Canada, but it wasn’t with any of the seafood that we’re famous for. Instead of fresh Atlantic lobster, or haddock, or herring, Zhang is putting Nova Scotia on the map with our local...sea cucumber? Yes, in case you didn’t know, Nova Scotia waters do play home to sea cucumber, the blobby little creatures known for weaponizing their intestines. Jules LeBlanc has been involved in the sea cucumber industry locally since 1999, but only met Zhang about four years ago. Zhang came to LeBlanc after discovering the product, with an idea for an untapped market to explore. Sea cucumber is a popular dish in China and other Asian countries, and

Jim Zhang brings Canadian sea cucumber to Chinese markets, promising a healthier product than the farmed Chinese variety. Jim Zhang将加拿大海参推向中国市场,并承诺为消费带来较养殖海参更健康、无污 染的纯天然大西洋海参。

is consumed more like a medicine than food. It’s touted as a traditional medicine for everything from arthritis to impotency to even cancer — some call it ‘the ginseng of the sea’ — but the health benefits of the Chinese variety of sea cucumber are currently up in the air. “They farm the sea cucumber in China; the food safety is a problem right now. People used medicine to farm the sea cucumber, then the sea cucumber have that special stuff inside, so it’s actually harmful,” says

Zhang. “Once the Chinese sea cucumber safety problem happened, people are looking for healthy seafood from outside.” Zhang, president of his own company Right Source Food International, saw the opportunity to promote Nova Scotia sea cucumber as a safe, healthy alternative to the farmed variety among the Chinese market, since ours is fished fresh and wild. Zhang and LeBlanc teamed up to create a new brand, Seacoo. Seacoo is sold internationally in

本土品牌开拓中国海参新市场 译/Christine Qin Yang 七年前,Jim Zhang离开中国,来到圣 玛丽大学主 修 经济学。Jim的家人在 中 国经营海产生意,受家人的影响,他 对新斯科舍省前景广阔、领域崭新的 海 产品市场充满了兴趣。 “最初,我将目标锁定于本土海鲜, 觉 得应该有机会把它们引进中国。” 张先生说。 之后,Jim找到了他期待已久并充满商 机的当地海产。这类海产并不是我们

所熟知的大西洋龙虾、鳕鱼或者鲱 鱼,而是新省的海参。也正是这类本 土海参,让新省远负盛名。 大家都知道,海参是一种遇到危险时会 吐出内脏吓阻敌人,以求自保的海生棘 皮类动物。可大家不知道的是,新省 海洋为这类动物提供了得天独厚的生 长条件。 Jules LeBlanc先生自1999 年开始从事海参生意,他与Jim在四年 前相识。在一系列产品调研后,Jim 向LeBlanc先生提出了开拓新市场的 想法。 海参在中国和亚洲其他国家倍受欢 迎。 它不仅是珍稀的食品,也是名贵

的药材。传统中医描述海参能治百病, 从关节炎到阳痿甚至于癌症,因此也称 之为“海中人参”。然而中国现有的 各类海参产品是否具有这些保健功 效,就不得而知了。 “在中国,海参多为养殖海参。在食品 安全令人担忧的今天,有些养殖海参 使用饲料喂养,甚至在其中添加了激 素和抗生素,最终药物残留在海参体 内,对人有害无益。” Jim介绍道: “自从中国的海参产品问题被曝光, 消费者开始寻求海外的健康海产。”


China, as well as Chinese markets here at home. On the plus side, word is spreading fast by operating out of Halifax — word travels fast in China when Chinese citizens here buy some to bring back home as gifts. But that isn’t to say it’s been an easy sell for all. “The only problem was, for China, that most customers that buy sea cucumber are probably middle or old age, so they have known Chinese sea cucumber very well,” says Zhang, who says the Chinese sea cucumber species is visibly different from ours. “People [find it] hard to accept the Canadian sea cucumber the first time.” But Zhang’s marketing sensibilities is slowly starting to whittle away at that reluctance. Free samples and cooking demos have helped warm long-time sea cucumber users up to Seacoo’s product, and Seacoo is rolling out a new version of the product — whole



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September 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Feature •



Seacoo CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 sea cucumbers instead of slices — to look more familiar to their more traditional clientele. “Every year there’s little more expansion, in terms of the market and the

海品源海参 上接第4页 Jim发现,相较于中国养殖海参,新省安 全、健康的海参蕴藏无限商机,因为 这里的野生海参原生态且无污染。于 是,他与LeBlanc合作开创了全新品 牌:海品源(Seacoo)。 海品源远销至中国,同时也走俏新省。 海品源很快在当地打响了品牌知 名度,新省居住和旅游的中国人都会找 Jim买上一些大西洋海参,作为回国馈 赠家人朋友的礼品。然而,产品的推广 并没有这么简单。 “现在我们面临的主要问题是,对中国

demand,” says LeBlanc. “The brand’s picking up speed.” Once Zhang and LeBlanc conquer the Chinese market, they’re hoping they can take Seacoo even further around the world. “We would like to bring the Canadian sea cucumber — the Seacoo brand —

to Australia, and Europe, and the U.S., and China this year,” says Zhang. As for branching out to local, nonChinese customers, Zhang admits that it’ll be an acquired taste, but has hope that he can turn them around. “A lot of people don’t have experience on this. It’s still really hard, actually, for local people [to cook],” says Zhang,

who is looking into a ready-made variety of the product for the uninitiated. “Maybe someday, we can make something to let you guys have it.” If you know how to cook it, or don’t but want to give it a try anyway, Seacoo sea cucumbers can be purchased locally at the Fisherman’s Market on the Bedford Highway.

市场而言,大部分海参消费者为中 年或老年人,而这个群体比较熟知中 国海参。”Jim谈到,中国海参和大 西洋海参品种不同。“很多消费者起 初并不太接受大西洋海参。”

户提供优质的大西洋海参之外,同时 也将各类优质 海洋食品销往世界各 地。

“很多人从未尝试过海参,譬如加拿大 本地人。对他们来说,怎样烹调海参是 一大难事。”针对这些群体,Jim还 提出了即食海参食品的一些想法。 “也许有一天,我们可以本地客户准 备出特别的产品。”

逐渐的,Jim通过努力,让消费者开始 接受这个新产品。从免费样品派发到 烹饪视频介绍,类似的推广活动让消 费 者有机会了解到海品源的大西洋海 参。同时,海品源也相继推出了整只海 参来取代切片海参。

“我们今年的目标是把海品源这个品 牌推向澳洲、欧洲以及美国还有中 国。”Jim告诉记者。 他坦言,对于中国地区以外的消费者而 言,海参的口味比较陌生,但他希望 能够带动起这类消费者。

想尝尝鲜?海品源的海参产品现在位 于Bedford Highway的海鲜市场 Fisherman’s Market有售。

“从市场分布到消费需求,我们每一 年 都在发展壮大。”LeBlanc先生表 示:“这个品牌的发展速度相当迅 猛。” Jim和LeBlanc 先生希望除了为中国客


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September 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Education

SMU and BNUZ strengthen ties with summer delegation Zhuhai professors came to Halifax to discuss our culture of education, and got an education on our culture SMU President Robert SummerbyMurray (left) bids a fond farewell to Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Vice President Bofei Yan at the closing ceremonies of the summer institute that brought a delegation of BNUZ teachers to learn about Canadian teaching practices and culture. Photo by Chris Muise

BY CHRIS MUISE Saint Mary’s University has shared an academic partnership with Beijing Normal University Zhuhai for many years with their shared two-and-two program, where BNUZ students will work on two years of their degrees at home, and the other two here at SMU’s Halifax campus. However, this past summer, it was the BNUZ teachers’ and administrators’ turn to make the trip across the globe and learn at SMU. Saint Mary’s hosted a summer institute for a delegation of BNUZ staff and faculty this July, where for nine days, select members of the BNUZ faculty were treated to a series of interactive sessions by SMU staff, discussing the methodology Saint Mary’s adopts when it comes to university education. This summer institute was designed to help bridge the culture gap between the two schools for the students that will

圣玛丽大学校长罗伯特.夏莫比-默里博士(图左)与北师大珠海分校副校长严驳非在 研修班项目闭幕仪式上道别。本次交流项目为珠海分校代表提供了学习加拿大教学 实践以及领略其文化底蕴的机会。

be studying at both, according to Esther Enns, Senior Advisor for Teaching and Learning at SMU. “I travelled to Zhuhai in May to discuss with the Vice President of Academics there what goals they had,” says Enns, who was the chief organizer of the summer institute. “The goal was to establish the kind of relationships

Thank You For welcoming our students into your community—those from China as well as those from the rest of the world.

where each side understands the other university well enough so that the students can get more seamless support when they are studying at the two universities. They wanted to better understand Western-style education, and new and emerging trends in how we do our university teaching and administration.”

The education experience for students can be pretty different in a number of ways between the two countries. One of the goals of this exchange was to help the BNUZ teachers better understand the Canadian way of teaching, so they could better prepare their students for the experience. “We are here to bring back with us your experience, regarding both your administration and also your teaching,” says BNUZ vice president Bofei Yan, in a speech thanking the university for their hospitality. “We have been repeatedly impressed with your spirit of putting students at the centre of your service.” “We learn from them, and exchange ideas about the teaching philosophy,” says Linfang Liao, an English teacher at BNUZ. “And our culture differences, too. For my side, the Chinese teachers’ side, I’m given a precious opportunity to have a really personal experience to


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September 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Culture •



Good luck phrases with sheep, elephant and monkey BY QIANYI GAO, DONGHUA UNIVERSITY AND CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT ST. MARY'S UNIVERSITY Many English words that are written with different spellings can be misunderstood if they were not provided with certain context. For example, ‘nose’ and ‘knows’, ‘new’ and ‘knew’, ‘no’ and ‘know’, ‘die’and ‘dye’, and ‘not’ and ‘knot’. This also happens in Chinese. Homonyms give us chances for wordplay. In this article, three animal-related phrases which express good luck are going to be introduced. Chinese people like words that have the same pronunciation with the auspicious words. As we all know, 2015 is the year of the sheep. When the sheep year approached, people sent greetings with the sound ‘yang’ (meaning ‘sheep’). Sheep is regarded as an auspicious animal that delivers a year of good luck, good health and prosperity. But ‘yang’ also has other meanings; for example, it also means ‘to rise’. Therefore, sayings and wishes such as ‘yangfan’ (go toward a new life) and ‘yangmei-tu-qi’ (be proud of yourself ) are usually expressed among the new year greetings. Chinese people also prefer to use illustrations to show the lucky phrases. One of the most popular paintings which paints three sheep is called ‘san-yang-kai-tai’ or ‘an auspicious beginning.’ ‘San’ here is three. ‘Yang’ is the yang part in ‘yin-yang’. ‘Tai’ means good luck. This saying is used to greet people during the Spring Festival, especially during the sheep years.

It’s a smart and relevant expression which sends a blessing of ‘a surge of good luck’. It’s usually hard to associate an animal with auspiciousness. The pronunciation might be the only thing connection. ‘Xiang’ (elephant) also means ‘sign or phenomenon.’ A picture of an elephant might mean ‘a phenomenon.’ ‘Hou’ (monkey) also means a highrank officer. A picture with a monkey would then also mean ‘becoming a high-rank officer.’ An auspicious phrase need more than one syllable. That also means an auspicious pattern need more than one object. In the famous painting ‘taiping-you-xiang,’ the elephant carries a vase on its back. Vase (ping) means ‘peace’. So the picture indicates ‘a peaceful omen’, an all-time wish for all common citizens. The painting ‘mashang-feng-hou’ draws a monkey riding a horse. ‘Being on a horse’ means ‘immediately.’ Thus, this painting is used to wish someone to ‘get a big promotion in the near future.’ I predict that this painting and the phrase will be very popular next year as 2016 will be the year of the monkey. Noticed the bees also on the picture? No worries for the monkey to be stung by the bees! ‘Feng’ (bee) means ‘canonization’. A promotion needs to be given the title of and that’s why the bees are there. Similar expressions in Chinese are countless. Hopefully, a few examples would give you an idea of one aspect of the Chinese language and its unique culture. In the following issues, we will continue on exploring in the world of the Chinese language.

羊、猴和大象—— 那些带来好运的字音 文章作者:高倩艺,中国东华大学、 加拿大圣玛丽大学孔子学院 水墨画作者:夏禹

英语中有同音异义的词,如‘Nose’和‘knows’,‘new’和‘knew’, ‘no’ 和‘know’, ‘die’ 和‘dye’, ‘not’和‘knot’ 等。汉 语中也有。同音异义给我们提供了文字 游戏的空间。今天来聊聊那些跟动物有 关的吉祥字音。 中国老百姓十分欢迎吉祥的字音。 2015年是羊年,当羊年走进的时候, 人们很乐意用含有yang的问候语。这 个发音可以联想到被视为希望和繁荣 的“羊”,而yang也可以是“扬”。 所以在迎接羊年的时候,大家会用到 “扬帆”或“扬眉吐气”这两个词来祝 福对 方。 中国人还喜欢用具体的形象表现出那些 吉祥字音。在羊年还有一个吉祥语 特别受欢迎 ,这就是“三阳开泰”。 “阳”是阴阳的阳,“泰”指天地祥 和。旧历正月按照《易经》的说法, 为“三阳”。因而“三阳开泰”常常用 于春节来临之际。而“阳”和“羊”又 是同音字,于是人们用三只羊来表现 “三阳开 泰”。 一般来说动物词和吉祥词风马牛不相

及。羊和春天有什么关系呢?但是如 上所述,发音起到了媒介的作用。这 里再举两个例子。Xiang意思是现 象、征兆,也可以是大象。所以一幅 大象的民俗图案可能也意味着“现 象”。Hou可以是侯爵的侯,也可以是 猴子的猴,所以画了猴子的民俗图案 很可能是想表现‘侯’。 大多数吉祥语需要一个以上的音节。这 也意味着吉祥图案需要多个物体。 “太平有象”这个词,用图来表现, 就是大象的背上驮着一只瓶子。瓶的发 音是Ping,也可以是和平的“平”。 “马上封侯”这个词,就画成猴子骑在 马上。“马上”又意为“立刻“,所以 这个 图案意思是很快得到高升。 “马上封侯”这句吉祥语估计明年将随 处可见。因为2016年将是猴年,吉祥 图案会把这句话翻译成一只猴子骑着一 匹马;画面上某个地方还应出现蜜 蜂。猴子身边有蜜蜂,猴子会不会被 蛰到呀? 笔者也担心!但吉祥图案的 逻辑不是这样的。“Feng”的意思是 “册封”,和蜜蜂的“蜂”是同一个发 音。为了把“封“这个声音用图画表现 出来, 人们想到的就是画上蜜蜂。 以上简单介绍了三个吉祥语的语音和相 关的吉祥图案。我们可以从运用谐 音的方式了解人们的喜好。今后还会 陆续介绍跟中国人听觉相关的各种有 趣文化现象。

September 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Education

加强合作关系,研讨加国教育——北师大珠海分校来访圣玛丽大学 译/Christine Qin Yang 圣玛丽大学与北京师范大学珠海分校已 有多年的“2+2”合作办学经验, 该项目学生在北师大珠海分校完成前 两年的本科学习,接下来在哈利法克 斯的圣玛丽大学完成后两年的课程。 今年7月,北师大珠海分校教职员代表 团不远万里来到圣玛丽大学进行学术 交流。本次交流为中方代表团设定了 为期9天的高级研修班。期间,代表团 成员与圣玛丽大学教师展开了一系列 的互动,对课程教学、文化差异等课 题展开深入探讨。 圣玛丽大学的高级教学顾问Esther Enns先生表示,这个研修班开设的初衷 是为了更好地帮助“2+2”项目的学 生跨越文化障碍、适应加国学习生 活。 “我在今年五月的北师大珠海分校之旅 中,与他们的教学副校长探讨了中方 教学的目标。”作为本次研修班的主 办方, Enns先生告诉我们:“他们的

Zhuhai CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 experience Canadian culture. I’ve learned it, and I’ll definitely bring it back to my students.” That’s the other aspect of the summer institute. The delegates weren’t trapped in classrooms all day – half of the nine-day program included taking in the highlights of our local culture as well, so a broader cultural understanding could be shared as well. This included visits to the Seaport Market, Peggy’s Cove, the new Halifax Central Library, and even sharing

目标是两校之间能更深入地了解彼 此,从最大程度上为学生们提供支 持。他们想要更进一步地理解西方教 学,同时掌握圣玛丽大学的教育和管 理动态。”

代表们的学习并不局限于课堂是本次研 修班的特别之处。为期9天的研修 班有一半的时间是安排代表们体验当 地文化,让他们从切身体会中产生文 化见解。

中加两国的文化底蕴和教学体系截然不 同。本次学术交流的目标之一,就 是让分区的教职员们进一步理解加国 教育体系,从而帮助即将留加的学生 做更充足的准备。

代表们前往了海港集市、佩姬湾、中央 图书馆等标志性城市景观,还与当 地家庭一起分享了传统的新斯科舍家 常菜。

“这次学术交流是为了向你们取经,吸 取你们课程以及教学管理上的经 验。”北师大珠海分校副校长严驳非 在感谢圣玛丽大学的接待致辞里提 到:“贵校以学生为本的理念,深深 地鼓舞了我们。” “我们向他们学习的同时,也和他们交 换了各自的教学理念。”北师大珠海分 校的英语教师廖林芳告诉记者: “我们对彼此的文化也产生了新的认 识。从个人的角度而言,作为一名中 国教师,通过这次宝贵的机会,我真 正体验了加国文化。我也一定会将本 次访问的感悟,带回课堂。” traditional Nova Scotia meals with local residents in their own homes. “It’s very important to have the culture element. Culture connects everything,” says Bill Bu, Senior Advisor for China Affairs at SMU. “You want them to go out of the campus and to see the community, to see the beautiful Canadian scenery, to experience the beautiful food...they would actually become ambassadors in the future. That’s the whole idea.” Of course, the benefits go both ways. The faculty at Saint Mary’s have a better understanding of the incoming Chinese students and their culture

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“此次访问交流很重要的一点就是包含 了文化的元素。文化是连接一切的 纽带。”圣玛丽大学中国事务高级顾 问卜志雨先生表示:“圣玛丽校方想 让代表团走出校园,走进当地社区, 去领略美丽的加拿大风光,体验当地 美食……不久的将来,他们将成为中加 文化的传播者。” 这次学术访问给双方院校带来的双赢是 毋庸置疑的。对于圣玛丽大学的教 职工而言,这也是一个绝佳的机会,让 他们更好的了解即将到来的中国学生, 熟悉他们的文化背景。与中方教师 的交流也有利于让他们重新审视自己 thanks to this delegation, and they have a chance to re-evaluate their own teaching practices. “What we will take away, from my perspective, is an enhancement on our pedagogy - the way in which experiential learning is important for all of us,” says Robert Summerby-Murray, the new president of SMU. “That’s been incredibly important, to allow people to reflect, from the Saint Mary’s side of things, on our existing practices.” “I think there’s a lot for us to learn,” says Enns. “You only get a true understanding when you get to know people one-on-one, really talk to them and see

的教学实践。 “我认为,这次体验告诉我们,我们需 要提升我们的教学水平——体验式的 教学对于大家而言都意义非凡。”圣 玛丽大学新任校长罗伯特.夏莫比-默 里博士谈到。“圣玛丽大学能够从另 一个角度来反观我们现有的教学成果, 这一点特别重要。” “双方的合作交流还有很多东西值得 我们去学习,”Enns认为。“只有通 过面对面的交谈,你才有机会深入了 解人们的想法。这样的交流让我们收 获了许多。” 两校教职工不久还将可能有一次面对 面的交流机会。据廖老师透露,珠海 校区有意向邀请圣玛丽大学教职工代 表团来中方校区交流研讨。同时,据卜 先生介绍,新省省长Stephen McNeil 即将展开的中国行,也将由夏莫比-默 里校长陪同前往北师大珠海校区访 问。 “我们还有很多值得交流的地方。”廖 老师说道。 how they think. I think we got a lot of insight that way.” The faculties of both universities may have another chance to have some more one-on-one time in the near future. According to Liao, the staff and faculty are already discussing ways to offer a similar delegation to the teachers at SMU – many of whom will be teaching in Zhuhai themselves – and Bu says Premier Stephen McNeil’s upcoming trip to China may just include a visit to BNUZ, where he’ll be joined by Summerby-Murray. “We’ll have a lot more to share,” says Liao.

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Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

September 2015


September 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes



• Career

Networking is the key to job hunting success BY CHRISTINE QIN YANG If you’re searching for a job in Halifax, step away from your computer and get out into the community. As a new graduate or internationallytrained professional, your ideal job may never appear on job search websites. Why? Because employers often find the right people for their company through referrals or their own professional networks. How can you get involved in this referral system? By networking. Networking is defined as interacting with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one’s career. Introducing yourself to strangers in professional settings can be daunting, but it pays off in the long run. Building a professional network of contacts will: --Improve your knowledge of your in-

dustry and field --Help you make personal and business contacts --Help you develop professional skills If you’re shy or new to networking, don’t worry. We’ve all been there at some point. Even the top business leaders once started where you are. Here are some tips for getting started: 1. Get informed about local industry and community events happening near you. Get out to local business and community events. Take a scan of local event sites and local industry associations like the Halifax Chamber of Commerce and others to see what industry events are happening near you. Also check out and follow on social media local networking groups like Fusion Halifax, Sip.Chat.Connect or Third Wednesdays to see what events are coming up that you can attend. 2. Get involved with the Halifax Partnership’s Connector Program.

The Halifax Partnership offers a highly successful networking referral program to international and local graduates and internationally trained professionals to help them connect with industry professionals in their field and build their professional network. See how you can get involved today by visiting www.halifaxpartnership.com/connectorprogram 3. Go with a friend. Going to networking events for the first time can be intimidating. Asking a friend to join you is a great way to ease into networking events and have fun. 4. Set a goal for yourself. At first, it might feel strange to approach strangers to introduce yourself. Try setting a goal (like meeting three people at each event) to keep yourself motivated to meet new people. 5. Relax and enjoy the event. The trick is to ease your nervousness about networking by focusing on enjoying the event. Eventually, networking will become second nature. 6. Ask people about their interests and

如何建立专业人脉网络 译/Christine Qin Yang 如果你正在哈法找工作,请将视线从 电脑屏幕上移开,把目光投向现实生 活中来。 不论你是刚从校园毕业的学生,或是 有着国际背景的专业人才,你很少会 在招聘网站上找到自己的理想工作。 为什么?因为雇主们往往通过内部引 荐,或人脉网络,来招聘最合适的人 才。 那么,你应该怎么做才能成为内部引荐 系统中的一员呢?答案是:积攒人 脉。 人脉也称人际网络,其定义为:经由 人际关系而形成的人际脉络,经常用 于职业发展。

心,我们为你准备了锦囊妙计。当今 成功的商业人士,也曾像现在的你一 样,这么一步步积攒来今天的人脉关 系。 想要开始建立专业人脉网络,你可以这 么做: 1. 掌握身边的社交活动。出席参加当 地的商业和社区活动。浏览活动网站 以及商业协会官网,例如通过查询哈 利法克斯商会(The Halifax Chamber of Commerce),获悉城市中即将开 展的各类活动信息。同时,通过社交网 络关 注当地最新活动资讯,例如Fusion,Sip.Chat.Connect或Third Wednesday。了解此类社交活动并参与其 中。

通过建立专业人脉网络,你能够加深 对有关领域的了解,扩大个人及商业上 的交友圈,以及提升相关的专业技能。

2. 加入Halifax Partnership的人才链接 项目(Connector Program)。 哈利法克 斯地区合作局(Halifax Partnership)为国际、 本地毕业生以及新 移民 提供了效果显著的人才链接项 目。项目将人才与当地社区、企业精英 联系在一起,帮助人才打造专业的人际 网络,增加他们的就业机会。想要加入 人才 链接项目?请访问 www.halifaxpartnership.com/connectorprogram

或许你性格内向,又或许对你而言, 建立人脉听起来特别陌生。不用担

3. 结伴同行。初次参加社交活动的你 也许会有些胆怯。不妨结伴同行,这

你可曾试想在一个正式场合,向陌生 人介绍自己?尽管这听起来令人生 畏,但一旦付出必有回报。

么一来,你的紧张情绪得以缓解,能 更好的体验社交活动所带来的乐趣。 4. 制定目标。一开始你一定会觉得向 陌生人介绍自己是一件令人尴尬的事 情。但请尝试着为自己设立一个目标, 比如,每个活动上你至少要认识3个 人。目标将成为你积攒人脉的动力。 5. 学会放松,乐在其中。如何缓解你在 社交场合的焦虑心理?请将注意力集 中在活动本身,并乐在其中。久而久 之,社交将成为你的一种生活习惯。 6. 从兴趣谈起。请记住,社交中最重 要的是真诚。就像交朋友一样,切记 不可一开口就是:“我要找工作。” 可以先向大家介绍你自己,分享你的 兴趣。更重要的是,了解对方的兴 趣、喜好、个人经历等。别总专注着 找工作,真诚才能让你打动对方,建 立起真正的人脉网络。 7. 志愿服务。志愿服务也是积累人脉 的绝佳途径。通过志愿服务,你有机 会参与和贡献社会,从而结识更多新 面孔。V-Care International Student Success Society帮助国际和本地学生 找到志愿者服务机会。联系V-care www.facebook.com/VCareSociety,开始 你的志愿者服务。

talk about yours. Remember that networking is about making genuine connections with people. Think of it as building professional friendships. Try not to jump directly into your job hunt discussion and instead tell the person about yourself, what you’re interested in and most importantly ask them about their interests, passions, experiences, etc. It’s easier to make connections when you are genuinely trying to get to know someone rather than focusing entirely on your goal of finding a job. 7. Volunteer. Volunteering is another great way to build your professional network. It’s a chance to get involved and give back to your community, but you also get to meet lots of new people. V-Care International Student Success Society is helping international and local students find volunteer opportunities. Contact them today at www.facebook.com/ VCareSociety see how you can start volunteering today.

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September 2015

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

Column •



Golden Autumn in Saint Margaret’s Bay BY ZHOU HUI, ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE CHINA SURVEYING AND MAPPING MAGAZINE There must be many beautiful bays on earth, but the most charming one in my world is St. Margaret’s Bay, located on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. Unlike most widely opened bays or coves along the coasts of Nova Scotia, it narrows down at its mouth into the Atlantic Ocean. Around it, Peggy’s Cove Road and The Lighthouse Route just like two arms gently hug and carefully hold the water. For it, the about 70-meter tall rocky Shut-in Island near the entrance acts like a devoted guard shouldering the dynamical waves and forceful wind from the Atlantic Ocean. No wonder its side facing the ocean is always bald. Containing deep enough water and close by sea route to the busy Port of Halifax Harbor, this well-protected bay

can anchor even the biggest ships for it if necessary. It is impossible today to find any icebergs floating tall in St. Margaret’s Bay as they did in Ice Age, but the footprints left from past Indian generations can still be seen. Like Indian Point, Indian Harbor and Big Indian Island, they were their summer homes for fishing and sealing until the Europeans landed. Big Indian Island is a beautiful tidal island in the bay accessible by a sandbar at low tide. Today in summer it’s a pleasant spot for swimming, playing or just indulgingalong with the magic provided from high tide to low tide or from water to a sandbar. On a morning visit a few years ago just as the sandbar first appeared above the receding water, a friend and I left our wet footprints behind and walked through the undergrowth on the island to look out upon St. Margaret’s Bay. It was autumn, but on that day the bay was golden color, evaporating and glinting in the sun. When the gentle wind from the bay touched my face, I

did smell the ripples and feel the mildness. Meandering along the beach in and out among naturally dotted rocks, I occasionally picked up some shells or sat on a big rock and enjoyed everything in sight: seagulls skimming over the water, full sails rising in the wind one after the other and small islands overlapping in a far distance... I could do nothing except letting the golden water shine in my eyes and inviting the breeze go through my lungs. I believed I was very fortunate and luxurious because I lived here and therefore I owned the sunshine, the peace and especially the golden autumn at St. Margaret’s Bay. It was the very time for Canada Thanksgiving (the second Monday in October). No one could be more eager than it to contribute various colors to St. Margaret’s Bay. Look, red apples, white potatoes, yellow corns... of course orange pumpkins unavoidably at local markets, in yards, along roads

金秋“圣• 玛哥瑞特”海湾 作者:周辉 原文发表在“中国地图测绘”杂志, 108卷:74-77页(2007年6月刊) 地球上一定有许许多多美丽的海湾。 但对于我最富有魅力还属加拿大新斯 科舍省(Nova Scotia)的圣• 玛哥瑞特海 湾(St. Margaret's Bay)。派吉斯• 寇夫路 (Peggy’s Cove Road) 和灯塔路 (Lighthouse Route) 恰似左膀 右臂小心翼翼地相拥着、呵护着海湾。 一个高约 70米的大石岛,莎汀岛 (Shut-in Island) 矗立在大西洋和圣• 玛哥瑞特海湾之间,责无旁贷地用它 高大厚实的脊梁为海湾扛着大西洋肆 虐的季风和咆哮的海浪。难怪它面向海 洋的一侧总是 光秃秃的。 圣• 玛哥瑞特海湾也是距离世界闻名的 哈利法克斯海港(Halifax Harbour)最近 的海湾。尽管不是海港,但可停泊吃 水位很深的大船。因此如遇特殊情况 船不能停靠在哈利法克斯港口, 便可转 停在圣• 玛哥瑞特海特海湾。 冰河时代(11,000年前),这里矗立着巨 大的冰川。近代,印第安人曾在海湾

以打鱼、捕海豹为生。这也是海湾里 大印第安岛(Big Indian Island)、印第安 港(Indian Harbour)和印第安• 普因特 (Indian Point)等地名的由来。后来的欧 洲移民迫使他们迁徙。

海的气味……。我想我很幸运也很奢 侈,因为我住在这里。我享有这阳 光、这温暖、这海湾、这宁静……和 这并非人人都能拥有的圣• 玛哥瑞特海 湾的金秋。

大印第安岛是海湾靓丽风景之一。低 潮时从印第安• 普印特(Indian Point)通 往海湾大印第安岛的一段沙堤会露出 水面。一旦潮水退去,人们便在那里 沐浴、戏水、流连忘返。但记住一定 要赶在涨潮之前回来,除非你愿意过 一下从大印第安岛游回来的瘾,或耐 心等到下一个低潮(一般是12小时以 后)。

而加拿大的感恩节(每年10月的第二个 星期一)好像是专程赶来为海湾的金秋 添彩的。看啊,正直收获季节。人们 忙着摘苹果、刨土豆、掰玉米、收南 瓜和多种蔬菜。集市上、庭院、大街 小巷,甚至房顶上磕头碰脑的是大大 小小、形形色色的南瓜。大的可掏空 当船坐,小的可在掌中把玩。而晚熟 的作物在地里依然郁郁葱葱……。荫 干着的辛香植物,如薄荷(mint)、洋茴 香(dill)、鼠尾草(sage)等倒挂在房檐 下。这让我想起国内北方的农村,家 家屋檐下挂着的那串串辣椒,玉米和 一辫辫的大蒜。

2006年秋天的一个早晨恰是海水最低 潮,我和朋友在那段沙滩上留下湿漉 漉的脚印、穿过一片树林去看圣• 玛哥 瑞特海湾。尽管已是秋,那天的海湾 风和日丽,天空极其蓝。清澈的海水 在闪烁、蒸腾。微风拂面,卷着海味 儿和海温。走在海滩上,不时弯腰捡 拾贝壳和石子,或坐在岩石上,细细 欣赏对岸的山坡和两岸之间的小岛, 捕捉欧鸟从海面掠过的身影。迎送涨 满白帆的小船由远而近又由近而远。 任凭海水泛着耀眼金光,贪婪地呼吸

闻名遐迩的加拿大枫此时红得更是没 法形容。鲜红?猩红?橙红?淡 红……把海湾的秋涂抹得最像加拿大 的秋。我想这是再好不过的时机来感 恩大自然的馈赠,感恩辛勤的劳作和 沉醉在圣• 玛哥瑞斯海湾独特的金秋。

and even up on roofs. A single pumpkin could be big enough to make a pumpkin boat for adults, or as small as an artwork on a child’s palm. Meanwhile, some crops in fields were still as green as they could be-amazing, eh! There, something almost made me homesick. Under the eaves of some houses the freshly harvested herbs like sage, mint and dill were hanging upside down, carrying me back to where I came from. In north China, especially in the countries, same ideas and same season, but the strings of hot pepper, purple garlic and golden corn ears hung under the eaves... It seemed just overnight the maples turned into all colors, scarlet, orange, copper, rosy or yellow and painted St. Margaret’s Bay the best autumn in Canada. Were there any better time than this to appreciate nature offers, the fruits from hard work and to immerse in the golden autumn at St. Margaret’s Bay?


September 2015

打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

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