Keynote sharing the planet

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Actions can support or deny access to rights and opportunities By Annika Mahtani

Sh a ri ng th e pl a net summ ati ve

Monday, 9 June, 14

how can actions change access to opportunities The way actions can change access to Opportunities is donating money to a charity or organization to help. When you donate the money to the charity or organization they can use the money to help people get Education, Shelter, Food,Health,and access to clean water. Another way actions can change access to opportunities is Raising awareness when you raise awareness people can be aware of the disaster in the world. The last way actions can change access to opportunities is making a public service announcement when you make a public service announcement people can watch the PSA and be aware of what is happening. Monday, 9 June, 14

Circumstances that determine an individuals access to oppurtunites

The circumstances that determine an individuals access to opportunities is no access to clean water so you will get sick quickly. Another circumstance that determine an individuals access to opportunities is No Education then you will not be able to learn and get a job. Another circumstance that determine an individuals is no shelter so you will have nowhere to sleep and not able to have a good standard of living. The last circumstance that determine an individuals is no food then you will not be able to keep healthy.

Monday, 9 June, 14

The way peoples rights are granted or denied

The way peoples rights are granted or denied is like when people dont have any food there rights are denied. When people have food there rights are granted.

Monday, 9 June, 14

The right to Education

This photo shows the right to Education. To show this right i took a photo of students learning in the classroom.

Monday, 9 June, 14

access to clean water


This shows access to clean water. The first photo shows the water fountain.

Monday, 9 June, 14

The right to use your own language This right is the right to use your own language. To show this i wrote my name in Hindi because I come from india.

Monday, 9 June, 14

No food This photo shows No Food. To show No Food I took a picture of the cafeteria and the cafeteria chairs.

Monday, 9 June, 14

Reflection of summative Self assessment: (M) I think that I could have added more detail on the way peoples basic rights are granted or denied. I think I did my blurbs for the photo in detail. I think i will give my self a meeting. Peer: (M) I really liked your photos! Your explained all the ILO’s in detail. But I think you could work on your format because its was really hard to read. Maybe you could stick to one font so its easy to read

Monday, 9 June, 14

Success criteria You will be successful if you/r: Task 1 • Answer the three lines of inquiry showing a clear explanation • Explain in detail your understanding of the LOI Task 2 -Photostory • Take a photo that is clear and can convey a right being granted or denied • Blurb adds meaning and describes the right being granted or denied Task 3- Presentation • Layout of slides use all space creatively and are easy to read

Monday, 9 June, 14

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