1 minute read
On Acceptation
Listening is not easy, and neither is listening to yourself. We receive so many stimulus and demands during life, that dictate how to live and behave that it is sometimes difficult to recognize oneself in one’s own reflection.
As we advance along the path, it becomes a more peaceful walk, with an overwhelming silence that allows us to contemplate the essence of things and of ourselves. After passing through the ineffable, we experience a sense of harmony and reconciliation with our soul and our outer habits.
According to Bauçà: “Simple concinnity can hide, disguise or shave a state of systematic stupidity. You have to be suspicious when everything is too slippery.” (Miquel Bauçà, 2016. El Canvi).
The sediments are deposited, our experiences are also deposited in the mouths of the rivers through which we fluctuate, until forming the island or the archipelagos that form the being itself.