Chapter 7 - Genres

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The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

GENRE is a French word for kind or type. In mass media it has to do with the same type/kind of programme/magazine/article/film etc.

Example: Complete the following test to see how many genres/types of TV programmes you know well.

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres TEST/Quizz 1. True or False? An amusing TV series about fictional characters is called a romcom. 2. Which is a soap opera?

5. Which is not a reality TV show? A. Big Brother B. Britain’s Got Talent 6. Which is a chat show?

A. The Young and the Restless

A. Oprah

B. Johnny Bravo

B. Robert Turcescu’s shows

3. A show that reports world events as they unfold is A. a documentary B. a news programme 4. A show that helps people change their lifestyle or look

is called A. a cookery show B. a makeover show

7. How do we call a TV show featuring competitive quizzes? 8. How do we call a telethon show that aims to raise funds?

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

Classification of the TV programmes (according to the BBC

site).Give examples for each type/genre. 1.

SPORTS - programmes featuring sporting events.


SITCOM - an amusing TV series about fictional characters. Also known as comedy of situation.


DOCUMENTARY - a TV programme that documents real

life events. 4.

SOAP OPERA - a fictional drama about people’s every day life.

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

5. TRAVEL OR HOLIDAY - a show that presents holiday

destinations. 6. CARTOON - a programme that features animated characters. 7. CHILDREN’S/KIDS’ - a programme produced for kids. 8. DRAMA - a fictional story with actors and on different themes. 9. MAKEOVER - a show changing people’s image or lifestyle. 10. COOKERY - a show hosted by famous chefs who teach people how to cook.

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

11. REALITY TV - a show featuring real people and real

situations. 12. MUSIC - a programme featuring live or recorded music. 13. GAME QUIZZ/SHOW - a TV programme featuring competitive games or quizzes. 14. TALK SHOW/CHAT SHOW - shows hosted by TV

personalities, in which people talk about important events or their personal lives. 15. MONEY - programmes dealing with financial issues.

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

16. SHOPPING - phone-in TV programmes where people can buy things. 17. LIFESTYLE - a programme featuring topics such as diet, hobbies, exercise, health etc. 18. DYI (do it yourself) - shows that teach people how to repair

or improve things etc. 19. CHARITY - a telethon aiming to raise funds for charity. 20.WILDLIFE/ANIMAL - programmes with or about pets or wild animals.

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

!!!! However, some other genres have appeared lately. 1.

THE HYBRID GENRES- programmes with characteristics belonging to different genres.

CASE STUDY 1: Twilight What genres does TWILIGHT belong to?

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres


The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

2. THE FORMATS- concepts or set-ups which can be sold

globally and then varied locally. Examples: Britain’s Got Talent, The X Factor, Big Brother etc. Case study 2 : Watch part of Britain’s Got Talent and write down the characteristics of such shows:

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres


Pretend you area a television production team: editor, newsreader, reporter, researcher, fixer, camera operator, etc. First, match each role with its definition. Then, choose a role for each member of the group.

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres 1.Fixer

a. a freelance journalist who gets interviews and gets permission to film on location


b. the person filming

3. Producer

c. the person who reads the news or present a programme

4.Camera operator

d. the person who is in charge with everything and draws final decisions.


e. the person who is in charge with everything and the even marketing strategy

6. Reporter

f. the person arranging the shots taken

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

7. make-up artist

g. e. the person going on the field to report news or to investigate things


h. the person composing the music


i. the person who does the make-up


The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres

ASSIGNEMENT 1: In the same groups role-play a meeting to help the executive set up a good market strategy for a TV/radio programme

scheduled for a TV day starting 8.00 a.m. going up to 12.00 p.m. Take into consideration the target audience, the money aspect etc. Example:

Suggest an event/a campaign Introduce local news/event Start the day with the news Don’t broadcast premiere films in the morning etc Follow the regulations and the laws etc

The Mass Media Lab - Elective course - Key concepts - Genres


In the same groups create a TV/radio programme scheduled for a TV day starting 8.00 a.m. going up to 12.00 p.m.

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