Chapter 11 - New media

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What is New Media? Web 2.0 – interactive internet Social networks Blogs Smart phones applications Websites Digital devices Online encyclopedias etc

When was the last time you went online?  What websites do you visit most often?  Do you buy things online?  Do you use a smart phone? 

Label the home page of The Scottish Bookshop, using the following words: drop-down menu, search function, shopping cart/basket, hyperlink, sidebar, domain name:


FLICKR (yahoo) and PICASA (google)

Register on either Flickr or Picasa. EXPLORE Flickr or Picasa to get pictures for a future presentation.

MAKE A PRESENTATION called The Mass Media Lab and ME Present things you have learned  Present things you liked/didn’t like.  Develop something that particularly aroused your interest. 

WIKIS Wiki-wiki means in Hawaiian QUICK  Ward Cunningham created the first wiki in 1995  It is a website where people can easily/quickly publish anything, administrate their account, let the others read their materials or not.  Collaborative tool  Compare it to Facebook 

CREATING a Mass Media Wiki (final product of the course)

Name: Mass Media Administrator: the class and the teacher Role: to post the students’ final presentations and their assignments during the course User: … Password: …


Become member of the wiki and learn how it works.


Post your THE MASS MEDIA LAB AND ME presentations.

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