Meeting in Spain

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Trip to Spain

Wyjazd do Hiszpanii był niesamowity. Poznałam inną kulturę oraz spróbowałam wiele nowych smaków. Miejsca, które zwiedziliśmy były wspaniałe i warte obejrzenia. Zaprzyjaźniłam się z nowymi osobami, które tam poznałam. Cieszę się, że mogłam spędzić z nimi trochę czasu i wylecieć w tą podróż. Podszkoliłam także mój język angielski. Uważam, że warto podróżować, aby móc się rozwijać w różnych dziedzinach i nauczyć się nowych rzeczy o innych krajach. Dziękuję za tą przygodę. The trip to Spain was amazing. I got to know a different culture and tried many new flavors. The places we visited were great and worth seeing. I made friends with new people I met there. I am glad that I could spend some time with them and take off on this journey. I also trained my English. I believe that it is worth traveling to be able to develop in various fields and learn new things about other countries. Thank you for this adventure. Daria Gruca

Wyjazd do Hiszpanii (Katalonii) był niesamowity. Spotkałam wiele wspaniałych osób z różnych krajów. Mogłam poznać kulturę i zwyczaje panujące tam oraz w Turcji i Danii. Posmakowałam wielu nowych smaków. Wzięłam udział w wielu fantastycznych oraz ciekawych aktywnościach. Nauczyłam się wielu nowych rzeczy. Oczywiście podszkoliłam swój angielski. Dziękuję za to wspaniałe spotkanie oraz niesamowitą przygodę.

The trip to Spain (Catalonia) was amazing. I met many wonderful people from different countries. I was able to get to know the culture and customs prevailing there, as well as in Turkey and Denmark. I have tasted many new flavors. I took part in many fantastic and interesting activities. I learned a lot of new things. Of course, I improved my English. Thank you for this great meeting and amazing adventure.

Monika Sołtys

Wycieczka do Hiszpanii była niesamowitym przeżyciem. Cieszę się że mogłam w niej uczestniczyć. W Hiszpanii dużo zwiedzaliśmy przez co zobaczyłam rzeczy o których nie miałam pojęcia. Spotkałam wiele wspaniałych osób z różnych krajów. Dziękuję za tą niesamowitą wycieczkę .

The trip to Spain was an amazing experience. I am glad that I could participate in it. In Spain, we visited a lot, so I saw things that I had no idea about. I met many wonderful people from different countries. Thank you for this amazing trip.

The trip to Spain was an amazing experience. I met a lot of people with whom I made friends. I tamed the local tastes and got to know the culture that made a good impression on me. I also picked up my English language, which will certainly be useful to me in the future. Thank you for an amazing journey and memories that will remain for the rest of my life Dominika Wysowska

Będąc w Hiszpanii poznałam wiele nowych osób i zwyczajów. Dowiedziałam się także trochę o historii Katalonii i Tortosy. Zwiedziłam dużo różnych miejsc takich jak Casa Batllo Gaudi lub Castell de La Suda. Bardzo cieszę się z tej podróży i bardzo dziękuję za to że mogłam w niej uczestniczyć.

While in Spain, I met many new people and customs. I also learned a bit about the history of Catalonia and Tortosa. I have visited many different places such as Casa Batllo Gaudi or Castell de La Suda. I am very happy about this trip and I would like to thank for the fact that I was able to participate in it.

Wycieczka do Hiszpanii była dla mnie niezapomnianym przeżyciem. Poznałem wiele wspaniałych ludzi, spróbowałem tradycyjnych hiszpańskich potraw oraz zobaczyłem wiele przepięknych zabytków. Dzięki wyjazdowi do Hiszpanii mogłem również poćwiczyć moje umiejętności znajomości języka angielskiego. Jestem wdzięczny że mogłem wziąć udział w tym projekcie The trip to Spain was an unforgettable experience for me. I met a lot of nice people, I tried traditional spanish food and i saw beautiful architectures. Thanks to my trip to Spain, I could also practice my English. Im glad that I could take part in this project Piotr Sekuła

Uważam, że Hiszpania jest przepięknym krajem, który warto zobaczyć. Podczas podróży dowiedziałam się wiele o katalońskich tradycjach i poznałam wspaniałe osoby. Mogłam także podszkolić swój język angielski. Wszystkie wyjazdy z Erasmusem pomogły mi się rozwinąć i nauczyć się wielu nowych rzeczy. Jestem za to bardzo wdzięczna, ponieważ nigdy tego nie zapomnę 󰵘 I believe that Spain is a beautiful country that is worth seeing. During the trip, I learned a lot about Catalan traditions and met wonderful people. I could also improve my English. All my Erasmus trips helped me develop and learn a lot of new things. I am very grateful for that because I will never forget it 󰵘 Oliwia Górka

Turkish Team

Cinta Vidiella It’s been a very good week for all of us, it started a little bad and boring but it ended super well. We were able to establish more friendship with our fellow European partners. The activities were quite fun, my favorite was the trip to Barcelona. I hope to be able to repeat the experience someday in my life. Thank you for making this possible!

Ha estat una molt bona setmana per a tots nosaltres, va començar una mica malament i avorrida pero va acabar súper bé. Vam poder fer més amistats en los companys dels altres països. Les activitats van ser bastant divertides, la meva preferida va ser el viatge a Barcelona. Espero poder repetir l’experiencia algun dia de la meva vida. Gràcies per poder fer aixo possible!

Roger Muntané During this trip, I had a great time and I strengthened my friendships in Denmark. We also taught them typical dances and food. In addition, we have also made many excursions that have helped us become more aware of climate change, one of which has been to go to the rice fields of the Delta, where we have been told the importance of sediments and that the “Delta de l’Ebre” is receding, because the dams prevent the sediments from passing. I believe that this Erasmus has been very enriching and useful for our future related to sustainability.

Mariona Botella I learnt a lot of things this week. I made a lot of new Turkish and Polish friends, and I got closer with the friends from Denmark. I loved all the activities we’ve done, even the rice field, an activity I thought I wouldn’t like. In this project, I’ve learnt a lot of things about plastics while doing amazing things, like snorkelling. And also I practised a lot my English. I think this is an incredible experience that I recommend a lot, and I hope I am able to repeat it in the future. Aquesta setmana he après moltes coses. He fet nous amics Turquesos i Poloneses, i m'he convertit encara més amiga amb la gent Danesa. M'han agradat totes les activitats que hem fet, fins i tot el conreu d'arròs, que era una activitat que em pensava que no m'agradaria. En aquest projecte, he après moltes coses sobre plàstics mentre fèiem activitats molt boniques, com l'esnorkel. També he practicat un munt el meu Anglès. Crec que és una experiència increïble que recomano un munt, i espero que en un futur ho pugui repetir.

Emma Franch Pla This week was so good, because I was able to see again a lot of people from other countries. Also, we have gone to a lot of places and the week was busy. The first day was good because we show them the city, and that’s when we all meet, and it was especial. The other days were a little boring but the activity I liked most was going to Barcelona and visit ‘la casa Batlló’.

Penso que aquesta setmana ha estat molt bé, perquè vaig poder trobar-me un altra vegada en la gent de diferents països. També vam anar a molts de llocs i la setmana estava ocupada. El primer dia va estar bé perquè els i vam ensenyar la ciutat i també ens vam tornar a veure i va ser especial. Els altres dies van ser una mica avorrits, però l'activitat que més m'ha agradat ha sigut anar a Barcelona i visitar la casa Batlló.

Ona Merino I think it has been a very good experience for everyone. I was able to practice speaking in English and I had a great time. The first day was the worst of all, but still, it was good. The other days, I really liked them! especially, the day in Barcelona. I was able to meet new people and I hope to be able to repeat this experience again. About microplastics, what surprised us the most was the fact that most plastics come from us. We also liked finding the "plastic balls" because they were very small. Crec que per a tots ha sigut una molt bona experiència. He pogut practicar el meu anglès i m'ho he passat molt bé. El primer dia va ser el pitjor de tots, però, tot i això, va estar bé. Els altres dies em van agradar moltíssim, tot i que el que més va ser Barcelona. Vaig poder conèixer gent nova i espero poder tornar a repetir aquesta experiència. Sobre els microplastics, el que més em va sorprendre és el fet que la majoria de plàstics provenen de nosaltres. També em va agradar trobar les "boletes de plàstic" perquè eren molt petites.

Mara Puig This week was very good because we did a lot of very interesting and fun activities with nice people. I think it’s a very good experience because you can practice your English with people from other countries and do a lot of activities to learn about the actual problem in our planet. I recommend this to everybody because I think all the activities in this project were fun, interesting and educative.

Aquesta setmana ha estat genial perquè hem fet un munt d'activitats interessants i divertides amb persones molt amables. Penso que és una experiència molt bona perquè pots practicar el teu anglès amb gent d'altres països i fer moltes activitats per a aprendre sobre el problema actual del nostre planeta. Recomano això a tothom perquè penso que totes en aquest projecte ha sigut divert, interessant i educatiu.

Maria Delgado This week I enjoyed it so much! I made new friends and became closer with people I already knew. We learned a lot of new things and I learned a lot. We have done a lot of activities about pollution. It has been a super good experience, both personally and for practicing English. Having people at home and communicating with them in English has been a wonderful experience! Aquesta setmana he gaudit moltíssim! He fet nous amics i m'he fet més amiga de gent que ja coneixia. Hem après moltes coses noves i he xalat molt. Hem fet moltes activitats sobre la contaminació. Ha sigut una experiència súper bona, tant a nivell personal, com per a practicar l'anglès. Tenir persones a casa i comunicar-se en elles només en anglès ha sigut una experiència molt bonica i interessant!

Andreu Granollers I have no words to describe how fun and spectacular this week was. The arrival of the exchange students was not only one of the reasons for celebration, but all the activities we did together couldn’t be cooler. We spent a lot of time together with our friends and we were also able to speak a lot of English. We also learnt how to be more sustainable with the environment and that we have to take care of it. We went to different typical places in the area like Tortosa, our city, Barcelona and Riu Mar. In all these places we lived and experienced great adventures that we will remember forever. It's hard to believe such a distant friendship is possible but this Erasmus project has been the proof that we can make friends from other countries. I am very grateful and I will always remember this!

No tinc paraules per descriure com de divertida i gratificant ha estat aquesta setmana. L'arribada dels alumnes d'intercanvi no només va ser un dels motius de celebració, sinó que totes les activitats que vam fer junts van ser el més divertides possible. Vam passar molt de temps junts amb els nostres amics i també vam poder parlar molt en anglès. També vam apendre a ser més sostenibles amb el medi ambient i a que l'hem de cuidar. Vam anar a diferents llocs típics de la zona com Tortosa, la nostra ciutat, Barcelona i Riu Mar. En tots aquests llocs vam viure grans aventures que recordarem per sempre. És difícil de creure que una amistat tan llunyana sigui possible, però aquest projecte Erasmus ha estat la prova que podem fer amics d'altres països. Estic molt agraït i ho recordaré sempre!

Alba Fumadó I really enjoyed these days because we had a very good time with our partners from other countries. This way we could learn more things about the pollution, about other cultures and furthermore we improved our English, and we made new friends. My favorite day was when we went to a rice field and a man explained to us how to live without petrol because I think it was a good idea to conscience us about our future and how the pollution can affect to it. M'han agradat molt aquests dies perquè ens ho hem passat molt bé amb els nostres companys d'altres països. D'aquesta manera vam poder aprendre més coses sobre la contaminació, sobre altres cultures i, a més, vam millorar el nostre anglès i vam fer nous amics. El meu dia preferit va ser quan vam anar a un camp d'arròs i un home ens va explicar com viure sense gasolina perquè crec que era una bona idea prendre consciència sobre el nostre futur i com ens pot afectar la contaminació.

Pau Barquero During these Erasmus days in Catalonia, we generally had a great time, as we made new friends, learned and improved our English, discovered different traditions from other countries… Honestly, Erasmus is a great opportunity to learn and discover many things. Thanks for everything!

Durant aquests dies de Erasmus a Catalunya, en general ens ho hem passat molt bé, ja que hem fet noves amistats, hem après i millorat el nostre anglès, hem descobert diferentes tradicions dels altres països. Sincerament, Erasmus es una gran oportunitat per aprendre i descobrir moltes coses. Gràcies per tot!

Lluna Subirats This week of Erasmus has been a lot of fun. We have made new friends from different countries Turkey, Poland and Denmark, I have liked them very much they are nice and nice. The week of Erasmus passed very quickly as I did some very fun activities that I liked the most was when we went to snorkeling I had a lot of fun. I also really liked the others, the girl I welcomed in my house seemed very nice and nice and last but not least I thank them very much for coming here because I had a great time and practiced my English.

Aquesta setmana d'Erasmus ha estat molt divertida.Hem fet nous amics de diferents països Turquia, Polònia i Dinamarca, m'han agradat molt, són simpàtics.La setmana d'Erasmus va passar molt ràpid ja que vaig fer unes activitats molt divertides que més em van agradar va ser quan vam anar a fer snorkel em vaig divertir molt. També em van agradar molt els altres, la noia que vaig acollir a casa em va semblar molt simpàtica i per últim, però no menys important, els agraeixo molt haver vingut aquí perquè m'ho vaig passar molt bé i vaig practicar el meu anglès.


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