CXP Challenge

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Customer Experience Challenge for MoC

CXP Challenge AIESEC in MoC 1617

By delivering SnS we facilitate Inner and Outter Journey which develops the Leadership Qualities in our Customers. iGV & oGV working together to achieve leadership centric products, value delivery and Customer Experience!

Brief of Role MC Dragon Team 16.17

Customer Experience Challenge for MoC

Customer Experience Challenge

The new customer flow is still for some us something hard to digest and completely understand, as an organization that is constantly changing and moving forward we should focus on how to always be one step forward and show up MoC’s excellence standard to the world. The Customer Experience Challenge is for LCs who strive for excellence and enjoy participation and above of all willing to take fearless actions, what it means is to be aware of his challenges lived today evaluating the risks, foreseeing the obstacles and having a proactive solution towards them but most importantly take brave actions to always move one step forward. We are emerging ICX and OGX into the same challenge since we want to consolidate Value Delivery and LEAD as something achievable and that can be developed by all exchange functions and in our very near future to become a 100% Leadership Centric organization.

What is the challenge about?

It is an initiative to pilot and develop oGV strategies in our local committees, specially to move forward on the customer flow implementation stage, enhance Value Delivery, initiate and co-­‐implement LEAD. By the end of this project the participant LCs should be able to: On oGV side: • Develop and deliver LEAD Content: LDA, Preapration and LEAD Activities. • Have a certified SnS implementation process. • Involve SDGs in their operations. • Complete and develop the elements of Value Delivery • Run Ongoing Recruitment with all the MKT strategies needed. • Receive a certification from AI as Customer Experience LC ( a distintion in EXPA may be included). On iGV Side: • Develop and deliver LEAD Content: LDA, Preapration and LEAD Activities. • Have a certified SnS implementation process. • More SDG alignment in their operations. • Complete and develop the elements of Value Delivery • Receive a certification from AI as Customer Experience LC ( a distintion in EXPA may be included). MC Dragon Team 16.17

Customer Experience Challenge for MoC The participant LCs will also be certified by the CXP global challenge and will have to follow up global team tasks and deliverables.

What is the goal?

The goal for this term is to : From oGV: • Impact 300 EPs with a Value Delivery stage well tracked and developed using all the LEAD activities and elements. • Initiate and Develop specific LEAD content. • Certify all MoC participant LCs as Global CXP LCs as SE. • Develop and test strategies of Ongoing Recruitment to become GCPs and Guidance for the national plenary. From iGV: • Impact 150 EPs with a Value Delivery stage well tracked and developed using all the LEAD activities and elements. • Initiate and Develop specific LEAD content. • Certify all MoC participant LCs as Global CXP LCs as HE. • Develop and test strategies of CX to become GCPs and Guidance for the national plenary.

Why do we do it?

We have main three objectives for the challenge: 1) Encourage all LCs to move forward on Customer Flow Implementation and show that an advanced stage is possible, including Value Delivery, LEAD, SnS implementation and Ongoing Recruitment. 2) Improve our standards in Value Delivery to a concrete, clear and easy way to implement it. 3) Document and save information for further generations to focus on Value Delivery. 4) Get international certification on Customer Experience. But most importantly: Deliver and Implement the Leadership Development Model in the AIESEC Experience. MC Dragon Team 16.17

Customer Experience Challenge for MoC

Who can apply?

There are certaing criteria requested: 1-­‐. Enough Local HR in oGV (at least two members) to be focused on Customer Experience or Value Delivery. 2-­‐. All Tier LCs can apply. 3-­‐. Have a CXP strategy in both functions (iGV and oGV) 4-­‐. Have developed any LEAD activity for the customers. 5-­‐. Clear understanding of Value Delivery

Expectation Settings!

Support System provided by MC; 1) MC will provide and track tasks on short period of time 2) Personal and team Coaching talks to evaluate progress and assist on tasks 3) Resources and guidance for tasks. 4) Evaluation and Tracking System. 5) MC will provide customized Coaches per LC on this. Expectations towards LCs Participants Behaviors: 1) Complete in time all the global CXP Challenge Tasks meeting the international standard. 2) Generate initiation activities on LEAD activities. 3) Do LEAD implementation with evidences with customers ( Trainees and EPs) 4) Be proactive to propose, develop and evaluate strategies MC Dragon Team 16.17

Customer Experience Challenge for MoC Communication. 1) Constant communication between MC and LC Participants in the Challenge 2) High Involvement in WeChat groups, online review meetings and constant evaluation and tracking of the tasks. 3) Frequent update progress and tasks achievements by Challenge Participant LCs. 4) Check up AI’s Facebook fanpage, AI’s Resource Center and newsletter. 5) Achieve Timeline and tasks properly. 6) The Challenge will be tracked and managed separately (iGV and oGV) but the timelines and tasks delivery are expected to be on the same page. Activity Date CXP Challenge Registration 16.10.12 CXP Challenge Registration Closing 16.10.16 CXP Challenge Results 16.10.17 CXP Challenge First Meetings 16.10.19 Project Official Starts 16.10.20 Description Link Global CXP Challenge from AI­‐ you-­‐ready-­‐for-­‐making-­‐clarity-­‐of-­‐what-­‐ tangible Value Delivery Bucket List­‐ all-­‐in-­‐value-­‐delivery?rq=value%20delivery Customer Flow on Value Delivery­‐ resources/2016/7/26/100-­‐customer-­‐flow-­‐ implementation?rq=value%20delivery



MC Dragon Team 16.17

Customer Experience Challenge for MoC If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know; Kayan Guo MC iGV Director Daniel Palacios MC VP o GV Fill out Application Questionnaire before October 16th: Join the WeChat CXP Challenge Group for any questions

MC Dragon Team 16.17

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