The Brief Homeless awareness campaign To create acampaign that will gain awareness towards homeless people in Leeds and London. Personally, I have been seeing so many homeless people and even speaking to someone homeless can help them. This project will aim to look at existing homeless projects as well as finding advertisement that can help gain awareness. Background After walking around the streets of London and Leeds, I have decided to speak more to homeless people and hear them out. A lot of homeless people will want someone to speak to them or someone to help them get some food. Deliverables - designs for the homeless - mock ups
CONCEPT FOR THE BRIEF After researching St.Johns Church, I have gained a bigger understanding of homeless people and have wanted to make a different with my design. Here is an opportunity to help someone local for no reward back. I haven’t really been given anything back to the world and now that I am an accomplished designer I believe I can use my design to help influence change and awareness.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Research Competitors? Future buyers? Walking around Leeds and London you notice how many homeless people there are. After speaking to homeless people, it became obvious that there is a massive stereotype of people begging for money. Homeless people don’t always beg for money, sometimes they just want some food, warmth or even someone to talk to. Understanding that these homeless people are people and do have feelings and emotions is important. Many homeless people that I have spoken to want to have a conversation and want to learn more about other people. Homeless people sleep in uncomfortable places throughout Leeds and London. I will be targetting raising awareness about homeless people and how they too just want somewhere nice to stay in.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Research ST.Johns Church - Homeless shelter Going to a homeless shelter in Ealing, St.Johns Church, was important to understand homeless peoples stories and understand their backgrounds as I am not in a familiar scenario. Seeing volunteers come and support local charities is beautiful to see and inspiring. To become a volunteer there are currently 80 people infront of the queue.Women and men aged from 20 - 80 come in to help out and make homeless people feel welcome and cared for.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Initial Ideas Initial sketches Initial sketches are up of ideas for banners and advertisement that could be used to help benefit the homeless. Looking back at the research, it was the image of the gentleman lying on the floor surrounded by a chalk house that influenced me the most. You’re looking at a homeless person with a visual chalk drawing of a house. It definetely worked as it was eye catching and realistic. After speaking to several homeless people I have taken note of why they are homeless and any messages they would want people to know about being homeless. Although it was scary talking to homeless people and some told me to ‘do one’, it was still an experience I won’t forget.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Devolopment Making an iconic design Trying to make a campaign that is going to be simple and effective. Looking back at the research, the chalk drawings of the house were very simple and original. I have taken that inspiration and created my own version of a bedroom using illustrator. Throughout my designs there is the phrase ‘Take a seat in my ...’. These designs would be placed on advertisement such as a bus shelters, billboards and posters. Banners will be placed above where homeless people live to show that they are constantly sitting on the floor and that they too want a shelter to live under.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice
Final Outcome Mock ups Creating illustrators that can be created for vinyls so that these vinyls can be used as stickers to be placed where homeless people live to gain a bigger awareness to shelters. Here is a collection of design mock-ups with the slogan ‘Take a seat in my ...’ This is to gain awareness to shelters and people ignoring homeless people because of traditional stereotypes.
Daniel Carter - OUGD603 - Extended Practice