PPP Design Boards

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The Brief Personal branding Undertake an independent and sustained investigation into opportunities for progression within your own intended area of creative, professional practice and/or academic focus. Identify and evaluate professional practices, concerns and opportunities that you intend to pursue on completion of the degree programme. Document and reflect on your industrial experience to date, including a brief summary of what you have learnt and how this has affected the way you will approach your professional development and further opportunities for progression. Record and evaluate any examples of self-directed projects, business ideas, collaborations and opportunities for enterprise that you intend to pursue. (summarise the concept, content or underlying rationale for these) -----What do I expect from Personal Professional Practice? I expect to be personal, professional and promote my own practice. My goal at the start of first year was to create an identity and to start my own clothing label. Throughout my design boards I would like to address my research and development to show my continuation to be involved with PPP. I have now created my own style and branding. I have also now started my own clothing label which will be launching early next year. I believe I am set to continue this journey on my own through the knowledge of Blood Brother and everything that I have learnt in the past 3 years. Here is my journey within PPP.

Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Research Fashion Fashion has been my goal every since first year. I have been involved with fashion ever since my first interview in OUG502 to where I was given an intership with Blood Brother. I have learnt a lot throughout the three year as well as new fabrics, techniques and in general more knowledge about fashion design. Having understanding of social media is important in fashion as that is now the main source of target awareness. Since working under Blood Brother internship I have learn the importance of keeping up to date with fashion and style as well as social media.

Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Research Brand name research Although fashion is the primary focus I will still continue to use Graphic Design as a backup. After working for Blood Brother, I have gained an interest into lookbooks and business cards which are still used with fashion. Looking at several magazines and lookbooks I have gained an understanding of simplicity within design. Business cards are another factor that I have seen myself get into more frequently this year. A lot of clients have asked for various business cards as well as designs and it is something that I have found enjoyable. Within this research there are business cards, lookbooks and fashion statements that show unique designs with various different designs and styles that compliment each other. This is a similar style to lookbooks and business cards that I have designed.

Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Research Helping hand Looking at life after university, I have prepared a 3 month internship with Blood Brother as well as helping out locals nearby. My mother has a local coffee shop that I have helped throughout and have created designs in extended practice to help further. I would like to pursue this after univeristy as I believe I can help design live briefs that would benefit my family and friends. I have accepted a 3 month internship with Blood Brother that will help pave the light towards my journey in fashion. I will be doing this on a ÂŁ0 pay fee as I believe I will learn more and will be more gracious. I have been helping Nicholas Biela in Blood Brother throughout the 3 years and I am happy to be working under him. My final aim and ambition is to help out locals. Recently in extended practice I have created a homeless campaign to reach out to people to educate them. After visiting a homless shelter it has convinced me to help out locals more whether this be talking to them or helping them through design.

Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Business Cards Business cards Something that I have found very interesting is creating business cards. I have found a passion in creating a logo with a personalised business card. This is something that I have opened as a back up as I am creating professional and unique business cards that my clients are very satisfied with. The first image consists of business cards that have been created for various clients. The last 2 images are of the business cards that I had created are for Blood Brother as this was my first task when I was introduced. These business cards have already been printed and made and I have had a very positive response.

Business cards - Development Business cards - Final Outcome

Initial sketches Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Personal Business card Personalised Logo Business cards are something that you can give to anyone and any time. Personally I use business cards more as a mean of contact than I do social media. Business cards can be given to clients to hand out to further clients interested. I also believe I have a very diverse selection of business cards that have been designed professionally and look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Throughout my business cards I have created two logos; one for Fashion Design and one for Graphic Design.

Business cards - Final Outcome Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Look books Lookbook - Final Outcome

Blood Brother lookbook Blood Brother gave me a job of creating their lookbook for SS17 (Sprint Summer 2017). Here are the final page spreads that I created ready to be printed. Each page is different in layout but similar in style and that was my greatest challenge. The other challenge was to keep the colours consistant together so that one colour doesn’t overule the other page. Although there were a lot of changes throughout, I am happy with the final outcome. What was the most sucessful about the lookbook was the front page, as Blood Brother had comments from stockists saying that the image and layout had them order more red jackets as seen below.

SS17 Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Blood Brother internship Fashion influences Throughout my two week internship at Blood Brother, I had learnt a lot of new techniques and materials that I can apply to my own designs as well as my own understanding. Blood Brother are very experimentative in their work and this is exactly where I vision myself in the future. I also learnt alot about design for fashion which is the expertise that I would like to go into. Blood Brother taught me how to design on illustrator and more importantly photoshop which they said is more used within fashion. Blood Brother create designs through Nicholas Beila and are produced and financed by James Waller. This is how I vision myself with colleague Sam Rogan from third year Fashion Design. I vision myself to be the technical/creative director whilst Sam being the financial/pattern designer. To conclude I have learnt more in the 2 weeks spent with Blood Brother than I previously knew about Fashion. I have learnt more abouts fabrics and different techniques/styles.

Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Interest in Fashion Design

Interest in designing clothing

Interest in fabrics

Vlogs Creating Video Blogs Researching into Casey Neistat who is a personal video editing inspiration, I have wanted to start to create my own social media through video blogs. Throughout my internship at Blood Brother I have been doing video blogs as a mean of communication about my time at the internship. I have found this pleasant, enjoyable and relaxing. As I am dyslexic and dyspraxic I find it difficult to stick to writting and my ingeneral English structure is below average. Therefore I find this as a reasonable solution to blogging as we are used to in university. After gaining an understanding of it throughout youtube tutorials and university lessons/colleagues I have now tested it for a client who wanted to create a video edit for his ‘Secret sessions’ event/night.

Research and inspiration to video editing

Daniel Carter - OUGD602 - Personal and Professional Practice

Personal video edits for Blood Brother

‘Secret Session’ promotional video

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